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Women Are Done - MGTOW
Women Are Done - MGTOW Sandman 696 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

I can feel it in the air. Women are done.

Men not marrying? How deep does "the problem" go?

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Daniel. He didn't send me a specific topic. So what I'd like to do is go through a reddit post called "I can feel it in the air. Women are done." which I put a link to in the description. It was created by someone named Teddy and he follows the same mistake in his reason and rationality that myself and so many other before and after me made. We naively thought that if we went our own way and so did many men out there that other men would see this trend and also walk away from women and it would lead to their suffering. But someone named American Jedi below that post says this and I quote: "Nope. Sorry but that just isn't the case. Plenty of men still want to date, want to marry and have families. I just look around in public and see even the fattest nastiest women with a man in tow. And women who aren't fat have their choice of many men. Nothing is going to change anytime soon." unquote. That is definitely the case if you look through something like Tinder and lets say the top forty or fifty percent of the best looking women never get back to you. If they are done and their world is folding like a cheap suitcase then they would take whatever attention they could get. Even if women were done with us they would still be using our tax dollars to support them. Which is what many of the ugly ones in unionized government jobs are doing. I'll get to my thoughts about women being far from done as well as share some personal stories about this in a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. About a year and a half after first going my own way I thought the way Teddy did. That women were done. But I changed my mind after I was filming an event for a female client. I was taking pictures and video for her. I think that night I took about five hundred photos and shot at least an hour or two worth of video footage. Everything went smoothly on my end even though she yelled at the caterers and her husband. Her husband was a very
successful guy with a massive tool and die business and yet there he was moping around with a woman that treated him like dog poop. He could have done much much better but was stuck under her spell. This wasn't his first wife either. I went home and thought my job was done without insidence. The next day I sent her the photos and video. She was happy about the video but she was pissed off about the photos. Because out of the five hundred photos 15 of them I took of the help. The idea is to show everyone that I'm thurough and that I take pictures of everything and everyone I can. But she was pissed and started treating me like her husband. It's after that encounter that I realised that if women like her can find a man in their lives then so can most women. Were talking about a woman in her sixties with a man in his seventies. The older guys I find are far more tolerant of the emotional punishment that women dish out. Maybe they don't let it get to them as much? Maybe they just hide their broken souls better.

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