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seems to be a lot of interesting response Video's as FEFAILs seem to be suddenly asking the questions of why cant I be a wife, or a lover, or Why cant I find a good MAN? Well their shitty Attitude for one! lol! women are no good in business either because of their inability to sell themselves because - Of that shitty attitude. On some of these video's the first sentence and attitude is enough to turn MEN off instantly? I'm a fully fledged MGTOW Monk now so fuck the fefails got no need for one anymore1 lol! feminism has destroyed the fefail this is why they vbehave like they do and they only have themselves to blame? fefails are in Shell Shock from feminism, they don't know where to turn, they doin't want to accept any resposibility of blame for their actions and attitude, and of course it's all MEN's fault? Cant quite see how myself as we have no say in the whole thing and wouldn't be listened to anyways? I'm ccertainly not ever going to take on a Mentally Ill fefai because she wants a MAN, not MY Responsibility, after all whats in it for ME?
With walls made from old tires packed with earth, as well as upcycled glass bottles and cans, Earthships have always been built with mainly found materials. The home provides its own energy (with photovoltaics and passive solar and geothermal tubes), water (rainwater and even dew-water capture) and grows food in the essential greenhouse (necessary for temperature regulation and for filtering the water to be reused).
Costs range from $100,000 for a Simple Survival model to $1.5 million for the top-of-the-line Global design. Earthship Biotecture h as justcompleted their first Encounter: an affordable model that provides all the power, water and good of a more costly home.
Deborah Binder has been building Earthships for the past 8 years, both her own home, and community projects in places like Malawi and Puerto Rico. She gave us a tour of the first Encounter build, as well as the Global model she is test-living.
We stopped in at the Encounter build #3 where foreman Phil Basehart pounded tires and explained how the Encounter compares to other models.
The Encounter Earthship https://www.earthshipglobal.com/the-encounter
On *faircompanies https://faircompanies.com/vide....os/new-earthships-ca
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Why We are in a Dating Desert
The Dating Drought why Dating Is Tanking
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[LINK] HOW TO SURVIVE A CRAZY BITCH ! : https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/how....-to-survive-a-crazy-
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