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BLM Has No Interest in Helping Black People
BLM Has No Interest in Helping Black People PlazmoidialSoup 51 Views • 4 years ago

caught this add on a space video. well enough lay out of issues blacks face. like i said I'm not racist i used to live with black people for a few years. as an disinfranchised(hell coldly disconected) observant autist i found them to be much more racist than white people and yes I've spent time with racist white people too. I dont know which is scarier lol. I can definatly laugh at a racist joke. I usualy liked hanging out with the older more patient people any way.
all i know is people love thier kids and avoid pain people react with fight or flight, now that's the simplest way of reducing the situation. how they fight or flight pain can be dumb or smart and usually culture will help people make more informed decisions. but the pain relation usualy out weighs the love relator function. do kids these days love their parents? - rarely - now that is a completly under developed bridge but its growing as the libtards push on the family it gets stronger. these btches get the rugpulled out from underem it wont last. they will go under with out support. we must just look at them with disdain, bankrupt and in the bread line. what slave work will there be for cat ladies. hummm if we make a system for them to eat them selves we could call it soylent green...
carens executing one another with drama and eating what comes out the meat grinder and garden all terminator waifu assisted of course.
what do i care any more I live in a hole and work to much, cause i like it and my doll.

Self-improvement IncelTV 156 Views • 4 years ago

Is self improvement a cope ? To what extend can it be useful ? Raw potential vs self improvement.

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