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It's No Longer IF But WHEN She Cheats! RPM
It's No Longer IF But WHEN She Cheats! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 172 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Their words not mine. "Women are actually more likely to cheat than their male counterparts and less likely to feel badly about it."

Pooping While Running | Grunt Speak Highlights
Pooping While Running | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 223 Views • 3 years ago

“You know what you never see? You never see someone taking a shit while running at full speed!” - George Carlin
#GruntSpeakLive #PoopingWhileRunning #Military
Watch the full stream here:

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You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

New countdown song: "The Grunt" by Jeffrey Paul

Dating While Feminist | Grunt Speak Live
Dating While Feminist | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 363 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The Crazy Drunk Uncles team up with the master of surgical breakdowns on this special collaborative dumpster dive into the mindset of modern wahmen.
#GruntSpeakLive #Bolde #DatingWhileFeminist

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29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
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If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
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You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

New countdown song: "The Grunt" by Jeffrey Paul

Chinese Women Are Destroying China - MGTOW
Chinese Women Are Destroying China - MGTOW Sandman 441 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

Demography — China's Reckoning (Part 1)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Landon and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman, I wanted to explore the subject of Australia's unintended consequences of ending immigration due to the coof. It seems they now have a gross domestic product of 200%. Also tied into the subject is that China has been heavily cracking down on feminism. Both are signs of two world powers realizing the way forward to ruling the planet. This seems to be a showdown of communism vs. Capitalism. Maybe I'm wrong? It seems consequences were unintended in the benefit of Australia when they shut down immigration to Australia and saw their GDP rise. Whereas china seems to have taken a proactive approach to solving their problem by yanking the root out of the ground. I was reminded of what Turd Flinging Monkey said that taking women's rights away and raising birth rates might be an essential ingredient to the formula of being the world's leading superpower. What do you think of China vs Australia in regards to the topic? It would seem to me that if China decided to stop immigration or Australia took women's rights away then it would be a complete shift of our worldly dynamic. As I said, this is a huge concept that I have taken much time to consider. I eagerly await your video as I know you have an analytic mind such as myself." Well Landon thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back with the communists thinking they can stop female nature clown world show. The Chinese Communist Party probably thinks that America is it's greatest enemy. What they don't realize is that gynocentrism, feminism and their own women are undermining their growth economy. You can't grow your economy without more human beings. It looks like the population of China has already peaked because there was some sketchiness for the numbers of their latest census. The government of China is using shaming language on women to get them to procreate. What they don't realize is that with dating apps and the one child policy they have created a situation where there are surplus of men means that many Chinese women have so much choice that they will have analysis paralysis. They won't be able to pick a man to settle down with. Plus many are focusing on their careers and refusing to settle down or get married. China's population decline could be faster than what we've been seeing in Japan. China is crazy if it thinks it can empower women to work, consume and have rights like women in the west while fighting feminism. They are empowering women yet think that somehow women will do what they want. China is a xenophobic sealed off place that limits immigration yet they don't see that greatest threat to them which is their own women. Landon I put the first link to a great series on China in the description called: "Demography — China's Reckoning (Part 1)" and the other two parts are about water and housing in China. What happens when that aging Chinese population all tries to cash out their property so they have money to live in their golden years because there is no welfare state in China? It will be the largest crash in the world. What happens to Australia when they can't grow their population by importing people to prop up the housing market? We see what Australia and Canada are doing. In Australia money printing continues to enrich asset holders at the cost of the middle and lower class.

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Close Calls with Death | Live From The Lair
Close Calls with Death | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 337 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Popp nearly died twice, but he had close brushes with death on numerous other occasions. Here are a few.
#ArmyStrong #BrushWithDeath #LiveFromTheLair

Listen to Shameless Dab’s new “Rashida Jones Remix” featuring Jarren Benton!

Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

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29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
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Watch us live on these channels every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm Eastern!

I'm Dating A 45 Year Old Single Mom With AIDS - MGTOW
I'm Dating A 45 Year Old Single Mom With AIDS - MGTOW Sandman 307 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

JENNIFER’S HIV/AIDS Story (in Pictures)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do its cover a story by someone named Jennifer Vaughan that posted a video called: "JENNIFER’S HIV/AIDS Story (in Pictures)" This story reminded me of Forest Gump. In that film the main female character's name was Jenny and she went around America for most of the film humping all the dirty hippies she could while Forest Gump worked hard to build up resources until she was finally ready to settle down now that she had an incurable disease. Plus she had a kid with him and Forest had the privilege of taking care of the Aids baby. Although in the film it's not clear if either forest or the baby had HIV. During the whole film he was being told to run forest run and yet no one told him to run away from the aids cock carousel. As for the story of this other Jenny she connected with her boyfriend on Tinder and they decided to have a long distance relationship. He's from Montreal and she's from Commiefornia. So they had a Skype relationship and she was with her kids and he was in Canada. The video now has almost three and a half million views. I can't believe no one sent me the link to it before. In 2016 Jennifer she got the flu and felt not like herself. She kept going to the doctor for blood tests and finally found out that she had Aids. Luckily Eric didn't get HIV from her so instead I nominate him for the Forest Gump award. An award that's given out to the man that sleeps with a woman with Aids and miraculously doesn't get it. Conveniently this new Jenny she didn't know where she got aids. It seems that her first instinct was to wondering if Eric her Canadian boyfriend gave her Aids? That question crossed her mind as well as many others. I'll share what happened in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to Commiefornia with Aids clown world show. So Jenn didn't think to have herself tested after being in a relationship with a man that was raw dogging her? I don't feel any sympathy for her because I've been in relationships where women asked me to get tested before we had sex and I did and I was negative even though I always wrapped up my junk. I was with a woman that was overly cautious and yet here we have a woman that didn't think to do a blood test after sleeping around. So she found out one of her ex boyfriends was positive and that he gave her name and number to the health clinic that confirmed his results two years before she found out. Then Jennifer show pictures of herself nude in the bathtub covering her boobs, which is something that would have my channel instantly banned but she can get away with because she has female with aids privilege and I'm sure this gets her a lot of sympathy and attention as well. Then she goes into the hospital because of her low T Cell count. Yet she doesn't seem to take responsibility saying that her ex boyfriend never contacted her and neither did the health clinic he supposedly told to get in touch with her. Now she's sitting there with full blown aids. I suspect the guy never told the clinic and never told her either because he was probably pissed off at her for something. Maybe she ghosted him or did something really unsavory to. To not tell your ex girlfriend that you gave her aids intentionally odds are she must be a real character. So then we see tons of pictures of Jenn in the hospital. Why the hell would anyone be taking selfies on their death bed and ill like that? She says she was worried that she could die in her sleep but she still has the strength to take selfies. She complained about losing weight and becoming frail. This is something that a lot of people should have no excuse for. You're dying of Aids and losing weight because it's shutting down your appetite. Well I have zero appetite and I don't have aids or Cancer.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

VALID Reasons To Give Up On Pursuing Modern Women RPM
VALID Reasons To Give Up On Pursuing Modern Women RPM REDPILLMARRIED 344 Views • 3 years ago

⁣What else needs to be said?
Article: https://www.coaching-online.or....g/giving-up-on-findi

Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW
Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW Sandman 288 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Pentagon Briefing On Removing The God Gene

Serenity, Origin of the Reavers

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adonis. He has a lot to say. Especially a lot about the new Godzilla Versus King Kong movie so there are spoiler ahead. I wish he had told me that before I read his comments and had a chance to watch the film firt. So be warned. Before I get to his topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Adonis has to say and I quote: "Dear Sandman, Do you believe that MGTOW transcends humanity into other species? I just went to the blockbuster monster movie Godzilla versus Kong this past weekend and I could not help but think how these monsters are the ultimate MGTOW's in the fantasy animal kingdom's that they have dominion over. The type-cast fluff protagonists in the movie, meaning the humanoids in the movie, have the usual role-playing parts, but two key female characters are a mother and a mute daughter. The young mute daughter seems to have perfected the art of becoming a Titan-Whisperer to Kong using sign language. This script fits perfectly in our 21st-century Gyno centric culture and feminist ideologies being spewed out by mainstream media Hollywood and all of the movie houses and made for Netflix and Amazon series. Being a Greek I cannot help but think of the juxtaposition of the Alpha Titans since ancient Greek culture was replete with great stories of humanity, gods, monsters, Titans, Super-Gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Athena), Demi-gods and super heroes. Just like you Serbians, we here in the rest of the Balkan countries have watched the westernization of eastern Europe. There is an ironic twist in this movie that reminded me of the old adage beware of Greeks bearing gifts (ie the Trojan Horse ). In this case the Trojan horse seems to be Kong who finds a magical gift/weapon and I don't want to give away the plot line but it is fairly similar to human history throughout all cultures. Even the monster Kong falls to the spell of hypergamy and solipsism of these women particularly the mute little girl with whom he communicates using sign language. The women, even the little girl, use the all too familiar pre-programmed self-preservation by using and even abusing strong alphas to the point of destruction. This is evident and paramount when these women and humans are threatened, especially the mother and young daughter/Titan whisperer. The premise is age old. Two alpha monsters cannot occupy the same space or planet as one wants to have dominion over the other. The irony is that there is a MAN-made machine alpha which becomes the greatest threat to humanity. The movie starts out with great fight scenes individually and then collectively between Godzilla and Kong replete with 3-D effects as a video gamers dream. Lots of Mayhem Destruction and Smash. Unfortunately I don't see Godzilla or Kong getting any smash of their own if you know what I mean. Just all of the Hypergamous manipulation without any of the happy endings. The culmination of the movie ends up being an unexpected alliance between Godzilla and Kong who have to join forces to defeat this Man-made monster/Titan of gigantic proportions and technically-advanced weaponry. Man-Made being the operative term, with the Achilles' heel being the women using the two Alphas to do the necessary deeds for their own self-preservation and perpetuation of the species.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Starbucks Might Quit the Internet and It's All Your Fault | Ride and Roast
Starbucks Might Quit the Internet and It's All Your Fault | Ride and Roast Terrence Popp 409 Views • 3 years ago

⁣There’s just too much abuse and harassment on the internet for these soy pushers. Also known as truth, facts, logic, and reason. Waah!
#starbucks #censorship #twodicksinacar

Brought to you by “The Book of Numbers” by Aaron Clarey

Popp will be at the Conference of Masculine Excellence in June!
To attend go here:
And use the promo code SPACEGHOST for 20% off your ticket!

Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

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29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
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If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
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Check us out on all these platforms and social media!

Watch us live on these channels every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm Eastern!

Sources (in order of appearance):
Starbucks’ Temper Tantrum
Falcon and the Winter Soldier Ratings
The Real Villains Behind Anti-Asian Hate Crimes
Stunning and Brave African American Gentlemen
Even Don Lemon Knows the Deal
85% of People in Prison Came From Fatherless Homes
The Liberal Flip Flop on the Poke and Smoke
Egg Roll Spies Are Us
Starbucks Demands More Censorship
Biden to Outsource Spying on Americans
Ohio Governor is an Idiot
Karl Marx Was a Homicidal Ass
Democrats Calling to Burn Books
YouTube Escalates Censorship

Chinese Vs American Women - MGTOW
Chinese Vs American Women - MGTOW Sandman 295 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Chinese Birth Rate Dropped Below ‘Warning Level’ in 2020

Why China's Crazy Housing Bubble REFUSES TO BURST!

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Joseph and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I believe I owe you this at the very least. Maybe just share some of your thoughts as to our fate as our Western Matriarchy goes up against the Chinese CCP." Well Joseph thanks for the donation and topic. You forgot to mention that the Chinese CCP is an eastern patriarchy. I went online and found pictures like this one of the CCP meetings and you'll notice that only three or four percent of the Chinese Communist Party leadership are female. So on the surface it looks like the Chinese Patriarchy CCP is going to mop the floor with Western Matriarchies in the future as in twenty years the majority of politicians in western countries are female. Both systems in a sense are communist socialist but they are very different. But don't be fooled by a room full of men that run China. Chinese politicians still have wives and they probably simp for them behind closed doors. In China the women behind the CCP rule covertly while in the western matriarchy women are increasingly ruling over us overtly. In China the CCP members are the elites and many of them own the major
factories and commercial real estate. They figured out after the Soviet Union collapsed what they needed to do in order to maintain their power. They realized they needed a consumer economy so they built it. In the west the elites are not really into politics. Instead they have figured out that the best way to rule is to put women and minorities in power to control the males of European descent from rising up and putting them in their place. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. So the Chinese came up with the theory that after the collapse of the soviet union that you can't transition from a feudal monarchy to full blown communism and expect that communism to survive unless you first enter capitalism. The idea is that capitalism will fail and that once it does the people will realise that the only solution is to give power to their benevolent governments because the governments know best. So the Chinese got busy becoming the world's factory and general supply store. They built up their middle class that has a much higher standard of life so the people won't revolt because the economy there is better than it's ever been and people can consume as much as they want so long as they give up those other freedoms like freedom of speech, to bare arms and behave in any way the government deems inappropriate. It reminds me of that episode from Star Trek the next generation where captain Picard is being interrogated by a Cardassian and the Cardassian shares a story with him about how the poverty was bad until the authoritarian government provided food and shelter for everyone. Picard tells him that his daughters belly may be full but that her spirit will be empty. That's what both the covert Matriarchy of the CCP and covert Patriarchy in the west are all about. I say covert patriarchy because it's mostly men that own shares of major corporations. Just because the founders of Alphabet decide to step aside and make Sundar Pichai an Indian the CEO of Google and they make Susan the CEO of YouTube doesn't mean they have lost their power. They still own more shares and they rule from the shadows instead of from the front seat and they get to virtue signal that their companies are great because they employ women and minorities in positions of power. Who in their right mind would revolt against a company that works so hard to uplift women and minorities so much.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

redonkulaspopp is now Live!
redonkulaspopp is now Live! Terrence Popp 39 Views • 4 years ago

This is a LIVE stream

Prostitute Can't Find A Partner On Tinder LOL - MGTOW
Prostitute Can't Find A Partner On Tinder LOL - MGTOW Sandman 487 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Escort can't find a partner on tinder

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Timothy. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I wanted to cover a Reddit post that has a very similar title to this video. Here's what some random escort has to say and I quote: Hey guys I need to rant a bit. I'm a sex worker and genuinely love what I do. I've added that fact on tinder and bumble just a warning you know? Like in case it's a deal breaker. Which is fine I respect that some men are just not okay with their partner being a sex worker. That's why I add that on my bio. But when I match with people everything turns sexual so quick and I'm so over that. I had to block the last three guys for overstepping boundaries with me because they think I'm easy since I do sex work. Does anyone have any advice?" Well mystery meat lady of course guys are going to think you're easy and push for sex right off the bat. Afterall guys pay to overstep into your ovarian boundaries all the time when you're working. Maybe some of the men you're talking to believe that you're actually just using Bumble or Tinder to find work. They probably think you're just there looking for men to service so they think that's what you're all about because afterall when someone pays for a working girl the rule is they don't talk about paying for her services. They just pay for her time. Plus what guy is going to wait a month to sleep with a woman that's handing out bjs like bon bons to everyone? She probably expects way more money, time and attention from a man she calls her boyfriend instead of all the other guys she calls John. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Sex work is still work believe it or not. So that means that if you're working with a sex worker when you're sleeping with her she associates acts in the bedroom with work. I was with a couple of women that did customer service jobs. They were completely different when they put on their public face versus their regular face with me. They smiled to please customers but never smiled at me unless they were up to something sneaky. A woman that has sex all day with many men that are better looking than you and more well endowed how can you live up to that? If this world was fair she would probably end up finding a boyfriend that was a gigalo. But this world isn't fair. The really hopeful thing about this story is that the guys she's attracting on those dating apps are most likely just going to hit it and quit it. It's probably happened to her many times before so now she's shaming men in general because she's unable to lock one down because she's not dating material. Who's going to want to bring a whore over to meet their mom for thanksgiving day dinner. Just imagine if she gave a somewhat honest answer to his mother and told her that she was a cock gobbler. It's the same as what man would want to be seen with a trap. I remember about twenty years ago I was at a local Tim Horton's with a friend and in comes a creepy looking balding beta with a mustache on his lip and a trans-gendered Asian woman on his arm. He had this grin on his face like he was the happiest man in the world. I just started laughing hysterically because they just looked like a weird couple. The smirk on his face disappeared fast and my friend started laughing and neither of us could stop and we had to leave the restaurant. I bring this story up because the type of guy that would go for a sex worker is probably like that mustached bald man. He has to feel happy enough to just be in her company because everyone else turns him down that he's willing to be with a woman like that.

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RPMGTOW STFU Halle Berry REDPILLMARRIED 248 Views • 4 years ago

Adele, Mary J Blige, Brittany Spears, and now Halle Berry are crying about what COUNTLESS men are told by the Divorce and Family Courts. CUT THAT CHECK!!!

Article: ⁣

We Love Strong Women | Grunt Speak Live
We Love Strong Women | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 185 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Featuring special guest Thumprr the Redneck
Follow him on Reddit at

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29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

Your Number Does Matter | Popp Culture
Your Number Does Matter | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 821 Views • 4 years ago

⁣It’s time to debunk one of girl power’s biggest lies. Promiscuity is a dead end street.

Common sense is a super power when "Sanity is the Future of Wealth"!

Hang up that suit and tie forever! Read "CorporateLand" today!

Book Two of "The Jericho Files" is here! Download for Kindle or get a Paperback copy today!

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29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

Check us out on all platforms and social media!

Sources (in order of appearance):

Video Throwbacks
Rules of Thumb
21 Things That Will Blow Up in Your Face

French Women Have Gone Too Far - MGTOW
French Women Have Gone Too Far - MGTOW Sandman 421 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Paris authorities are fined for putting too many WOMEN in senior positions: Socialist woman mayor says she's 'happy' about the 'absurd' penalty

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover an article called: "Paris authorities are fined for putting too many WOMEN in senior positions: Socialist woman mayor says she's 'happy' about the 'absurd' penalty" unquote. When I first read this story about the first ever female mayor of Paris being filled with joy because she had to pay a fine for having 11 top management positions occupied by women when compared to only five men. I guess that women don't like it when that equality swings the other way. She was fined eighty thousand pounds but the rule is now gone so soon 100% of the management positions in the Paris City Hall can be female. The future really is female. I learned about this story on Twitter from men's rights activists showing how women are going too far insinuating that they aren't interested in true equality but are instead using equality as an excuse to stuff more females into fat cushy jobs. I've said before that by 2040 globally fifty percent of all politicians will be women. Do you really think it's going to stop there? I think it's going to be eighty to ninety percent females in power and ten or twenty percent males that do the really hard work. Afterall if there are zero men in an office environment women will start arguing with each other and can't exactly use each other as emotional tampons. There was a company a few years back that was all female and the founder thought it was going to be heaven on earth. A year or two later it was out of business. The fine that was levied in Paris for too many ovaries on the ice in 2018 was paid but since then the rule was dropped. Hey I'm a Canadian from the land of hockey. What can I say Eh? Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back the clown world or should I say French Mime world show. Back when the mayor paid the eighty thousand dollar fine in 2018 it's kind of like the whole JP Morgan thing when they paid a billion dollar fine for rigging the gold market and making way more money on the trade then it cost them in penalties. The regulators looked tough with a billion dollar fine but what they don't tell you is how much money was made by breaking the law. So of course the Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo is happy. Who knows if she or her friends in office received money and favors that made up for the eighty thousand pound fine. I'm predicting that bad management based on hiring your female friends based on own preference is going to lead to the destruction of that city and then men will somehow still be blamed for it. Predictably. Probably Muslim men that are currently allies to the left. Muslims call it the red green alliance. And no I'm not talking about that terrible nineties Canadian TV show called The Red Green Show. Remember socialist and aspiring Marxist ladies the enemy of my enemy is my friend until you win and then your frenemy tells you to put on a Burka and strips you of all your power. If you want to see what Paris will look like in the future then all you need to do is take a look the city of Alexandria. I visited there and it was built by the French and the layout of the city looks like a mini version of Paris and it was completely Muslim when I was there.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Why Is OnlyFans So Popular? - MGTOW
Why Is OnlyFans So Popular? - MGTOW Sandman 423 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dan and here's what he has to say: "Hey SandMan! We have got to talk about the epidemic of overrated spicy adult material. Second to most recently it was PornHub, now it is OnlyFans leaving us baffled as to why anybody pays through the nose for feet pics? When will people realize there is so much better erotic entertainment out there. OnlyFans's competition ManyVids Clips4Sale Modelhub iWantClips AP Clips Extra Lunch Money are all far superior. They have a much better system for custom videos rather than playing keep away. Adult Time advertises their videos right here on YouTube. is free. BDSMLR is taking over Tumblr's adults only function. Chaturbate is free to watch. Maria Beatty, and the HeartCore have made some truly amazing movies. X3Guide has a list of uncensored Japanese sites. The problem is that we do not talk enough about our sexually explicit hobby. No other fandom is really like that. Game Of Thrones fans are open to discussing the show's thrilling quality as well as it's disastrous ending. By not talking about spicy content enough it is difficult to form ideals and allow underrated sites to get noticed. Is there any thing we can do to get the best erotic sites noticed?" Well Dan thanks for the donation and topic. For the most part as guys we don't talk about it until it goes mainstream. That's the only reason that Onlyfans is so popular and has entered social acceptability because average women talk about it. Women don't talk about adult content in general and I guess men follow their lead and do the same so they don't come off as creepy. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to clown world. So Dan hopefully by mentioning all those sites some of them will gain more attention. But there's a reason why the major sites don't get noticed or talked about. Because for most guys choking the chicken is a private thing, obviously. Guys talking about what they look at with other gays gives off homo vibes so we don't talk about it. I don't expect that to change anytime soon. As for why OnlyFans is becoming so popular and accepted by women is because their content is behind a pay wall so that their friends and family can't casually see it unless they pay for it. It's user generated and posted content instead of most adult content which is just the website making various content and then putting it on their website. I gives women control over their image and their fans. Patreon also shot itself in the foot by removing a lot of adult content producers so in a way they created OnlyFans by forcing women that wanted to sell their bodies to use onlyfans instead. So women have more control then working for some sleezy adult content producer. They get a bigger cut from the action. So big infact that they can buy houses and pay off all of their loans in the middle of the coof by doing it for six months to a year. If you were a guy and you could do that you'd be shoving bowling balls up your butt for financial freedom. The majority of the free spicy content pages have the same boring content. They can't pay the models while still getting paid so with regards to sexual content variety became scarce. Also on Onlyfans you don't have to pay for all of the content on the site like many others. You pay one monthly price and you can access everything from back to the beginning.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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How To Save The West? - MGTOW
How To Save The West? - MGTOW Sandman 417 Views • 4 years ago

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X-Wolf Booster

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I just submitted what I thought would be an interesting topic if you decide to cover it. You mentioned Gattaca in the Japanese Women video. I've been thinking about Gattaca. With the populations declining in most of the world's countries what do you think about the idea of some country eventually developing artificial wombs as a solution? Then you could see some kind of tech war break out with countries competing to see who can produce the best artificial wombs. In the West it's spun as some way to help women. They even start paying women for their unused eggs and screen them Gattaca style for offspring with the best traits. A catchy title for this might be Sandman Is My Baby Daddy. If I was a military planner I would already be considering options for dealing with declining populations. Maybe some rudimentary artificial womb technology already secretly exists? I also had an old precognitive type dream showing artificial wombs being developed before AI but those dreams always manifest in unexpected ways. Most of mine involve design/engineering aspects of the "afterlife" in some way. Don't know what the 3200 Kelvin significance of yours is. Looking to retire early myself in another year. Maybe I'll do a "science of the afterlife" type blog. What did you think was after this life? Everybody thinks they will be flying around playing harps? How dull. Cheers." Well Robert thanks for the donation and topics. I say topics because there are two here, human reproduction as well as seeing the future and the possibility of the afterlife. This is sure to be one of those videos where I jump into the deep end. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor X-Wolf Booster: Anyways, now back to the video. So Robert first I'll discuss what I think about the situation with human reproduction and then I'll discuss precognition and a couple of scenarios for the future. Right now if we don't have some sort of technological intervention human societies will continue to shrink like the mouse populations did in the mouse utopia experiment. Even if somehow we could introduce young mice or young humans in our case into the dysfunctional system we still don't know how things would turn out. It would be fascinating to see what would happen if we could create another mouse utopia experiment and introduce healthy mice into the sick system to see if that would prevent the system from collapsing? I think in a way we are doing that in the west where we aren't reproducing by bringing immigrants in. But unlike the mouse utopia experiment in that case the mice in the experiment wouldn't be influencing all of the mice outside of it. Us humans in western countries through the internet are influencing the rest of the world and polluting their minds with our ideas.

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1. Shocked african-american woman in disbelief looking whats between mans legs

MGTOW The Dynamic Duo Of HYPOCRISY! REDPILLMARRIED 126 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Give them enough rope.
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The Rise Of Incel & Decline Of MGTOW
The Rise Of Incel & Decline Of MGTOW Sandman 731 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

Black Pill Documentary – Online Dating 2020 and Beyond: An Exercise in Futility

Men Going Their Own Way: A Documentary by Spetsnaz

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

A couple of months ago I was on the another chat with Ayam Sirias and I spoke to Incelmatics as well as FaceandLMS. Face came on later in our talk. It was an interesting conversation and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. But first let me tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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