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Life Ends At 40 For Single Whamen - MGTOW
Life Ends At 40 For Single Whamen - MGTOW Sandman 377 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce &amp; The Police Are Not Your Friends <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from the Verminator and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hi Sandman, I’ve been a long time viewer of your channel on the sidelines and I’m deeply appreciative of your work regarding saving mens lives. I was recently spending an extended period of time with close friends in California. I wanted to see as a single guy with no kids in my 40’s, also as a person of color if I would qualify for California state assistance as I was briefly laid off. To my surprise, my Cal Fresh (California EBT) card was approved in less than 10 days. Normal processing times are over 30 days. When I went to pick up my card at the local DSS office—the caseworkers (someone with colored hair and septum rings) were nice to me and treated me with dignity. Additionally I was given a high priority on their housing wait list due to my veteran status. I honestly thought I would be treated like horse poop. I have since resumed work. I am in my mid 40’s and with no children. I’m not really interested in the “hustle grind” culture but having secure housing, good credit,some savings and a secure retirement. After all,other than a charitable organization who would I leave my “wealth” to? I wonder what I should be “striving for” at this stage in life. Respectfully the Verminator.&quot; Well dude thanks fo the donation and topic. You are living proof that immigrants and those with color are also not reproducing when they live in the west. Getting social assistance in Commiefornia from a purple haired wonder working a six figure salary for the gov't is yet another reason that place is is going broke. But it's still not as bad as Ontario Canada where I'm at that just passed the strong mayors act. This will allow them to get into even more debt. Most major cities around here are run by communist council members so you can only imagine the disaster that's going to cause. Anyway, so you're running down the clock without using your cock and probably find it a bit boring without all the drama a woman might bring. Most guys find purpose getting exponentially more nagged by a woman after forty. Her dissatisfaction rises with the length of her life and all of that gets dumped on you. The purpose of a married man's life is to dodge the insults of his porpoise sized wife. But not you Verminator. You're free from that so your life is another purpose. I was in the same place you were at in my mid twenties. I didn't want to hustle and grind and just wanted to enjoy my life. I found meaning and purpose in hedonistic pursuits like sex, travel, eating at restaurants and listening to music and watching film and TV. I worked as little as possible. I was depressed and felt hopeless as a result because the things I was doing weren't bringing me deeper meaning and purpose. So I took psychic development courses and started getting into weird types of dreaming and had experiences that were similar to what happened on episodes of the X-Files. Even that didn't get me out of my depression. It wasn't until I finally found meaning and purpose in expressing my creativity. But if you're not into that then you might have to look elsewhere. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

She Tries To Prove 'Vegans Can Do Anything' Dies Climbing Mount Everest - MGTOW
She Tries To Prove 'Vegans Can Do Anything' Dies Climbing Mount Everest - MGTOW Sandman 342 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Woman Tries To Prove 'Vegans Can Do Anything' Dies On Mount Everest - MGTOW <br> <br> <br>Woman trying to prove ‘vegans can do anything’ among four dead on Mount Everest <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get any again. I need your support. If not I'll have to stop producing daily content for this channel in next year or so. In the meantime I'll use days when I don't get a topicto script a short section of my book as a video. If you want to sponsor a video the paypal and subscribestar links are in the description. Anyways, I was looking for more stories about women losing their lives to prove the point that they can do anything as well as a man can and I ran into a story from a handful of years called: &quot;Woman trying to prove ‘vegans can do anything’ among four dead on Mount Everest&quot;. It's dumb climbing mountains where the weather can turn deadly on short notice. It's even dumber doing it while stacking the odds against your favor. Recently an Indian woman named Prakritti Varshney became India's first Vegan woman in May of 2022 to conquer everest. She appears to have lucked out with good weather. But Maria Strydom the Vegan extrordinare that tried to get to the top was a big flop. Her and her husband Robert Gropel, were climbing other mountains along with Everest while adhering to a strict vegan diet that was their “own personal Everest.” The article I put in the description briefly says this: “It seems that people have this warped idea of vegans being malnourished and weak,” Strydom said in an interview on Monash’s blog. “By climbing the seven summits we want to prove that vegans can do anything and more.” unquote. Her uncle told her not to go because he had a bad feeling. But I think his concerns were not warrented. Climbing that mountain and most mountains comes down to training but it also comes down to luck. Why malnourish and handicap yourself to prove a point. You need every ounce of strength to get to the top and in this case Maria didn't even get to the top. She died in the highest base camp below. Vegans will say they get just as many nutrients as meat eaters. But as a species it has been impossible to be a vegan until recently because of a deficiency in b vitamins like b12. If you didn't get it you would get all kinds of neurological conditions before we sold it in pill form. I knew a malnurished woman that was a strict vegan for ten years. She had all kinds of digestive issues because she didn't want to harm animals. To be fair I hated eating meat as a child. I was disgusted by it. As a result I was a tiny kid until high school. I have yellow skin in my grade 8 graduation photos with an iron deficiency and I was pretty much anorexic because I hated all food. But especially meat. I was just disgusted at the thought that I was eating something that was moving around and alive with feelings. But I was alright eating eggs because even as a child I understood the symbiotic relationship where humans would provide a safe home for chickens in a coup from predators in exchange for their eggs. Eating dairy on the other hand is terrible for you even though I had no issues eating cheese. I have zero sympathy for Maria and their husband. They knew the risks and chose to handicap themselves and pushed their bodies beyond the limit. Many of the same women that refuse to eat eggs on their vegan diets are getting abortions to boot. It's the highest concentration of b12 by weight. Moreso than meat or dairy. Another article said this about how being a vegan might have contributed to her death: &quot;Altitude sickness can affect anyone, It’s an equal opportunity offender. Vegan diets are commonly lacking in vitamin B12. This is the nutrient that allows red blood cells to carry oxygen to vital organs like our hearts and brains. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;; <br> <br>Sponsor Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3. <br> <br>4.

Stop Talking To Old Entitled Women - MGTOW
Stop Talking To Old Entitled Women - MGTOW Sandman 408 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Surviving 4th Wave Feminism <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Nate and here's what he has to say: &quot;Here you go Sandman. Yesterday I went to sushi with an lady I used to work with. She's only a couple years older than me but she looks terrible. Wrinkly, fat and entitled. I told her I was going to see Joe Rogan and that I already my bought tickets. She looked at me like I was the KKK. Later we go for a drink, and she tells me how awful men are, and that men are all like the Tinder Spindler. And how she knows women that swindle money from men but they are so empowered. They deserve a medal because they learned how to get money out of men. I quickly asked her - &quot;you know what happens when women get swindled? They get a paid netflix show and a go fund me account and simps pay for it&quot; Then I asked &quot;you know what they call it when women do that to men? Every Tuesday.&quot; She went directly into &quot;who hurt you&quot; and &quot;you must hate women&quot; to which I replied &quot;I love women I just understand female nature'. THEN she says &quot;sounds like everything you're telling me is about hating women&quot; my response was &quot;Just because I understand how all this works, and your female manipulation doesn't work you follow the same boxed responses because you don't want to face the facts about the negative side of female nature. And for some reason you feel the need to tell me about how awful men are without looking in the mirror and seeing how bad feminisn is to me, other men, and yourself&quot; she quickly turned the conversation to travel, and I saw the anger in her eyes. Apparently I am a woman hating bigot for holding people accountable for their views. But it's totally ok for them to call me a bigot white man racist because I don't follow the LGBTQAI+ narrative. By the way my new job told me the + means having sex with kids. But I'm the bigot. Who knew?&quot; Well Nate thanks for the more than generous donation and topic. I hope that the only reason you were talking to that woman was because it was a work function and not something you wanted to do like a date? I've heard these same types of responses from women enough times that I'm starting to ghost them. Whenever I tell women I'm not dating anymore and am happy being single for the rest of my life they use that same you hate women excuse. I just wish they would try using something creative for a change so that I wasn't bored by their responses anymore. Archaeologists in Egypt open up ancient tombs and send in a camera probe first to make sure they see if there's something unique inside before wasting their time going in. It preserves the tombs for future generations of archaeologists. If it's not special they leave it sealed. I do the same with women these days by categorizing their responses. If their behavior is just the plain old shaming language of who hurt you then I move on and ghost them. But if they ask a question like why aren't you dating and what would change your mind then they have separated themselves from 95% of women out there that feel before opening their mouth instead of thinking. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;; <br> <br>Sponsor Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3. <br> <br>4.

My Mother Cucked My Father & My Real Dad Is Chad - MGTOW
My Mother Cucked My Father & My Real Dad Is Chad - MGTOW Sandman 435 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

My dying mom made me [15F] promise never to tell my dad he's not my biological father.

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dr. X and he wants me to cover a Reddit post archive which I've linked to in the description called: " My dying mom made me promise never to tell my dad he's not my biological father." and the person is a fifteen year old girl. And here's what that teenage tart has to say and I quote: "My mom died of cancer just under a month ago. A few days before she died my grandma and me were with her and she told us that I am not my dad's biological kid, she had an affair and my biological father is the guy she cheated on my dad with. She asked me if I forgave her and cos she was, you know, dying, I said I forgave her. Then she said it was her dying wish that I never ever tell my dad about it. I didn't really want to promise her that but she and my grandma kept telling me I needed to promise and there wasn't any point in telling my dad and it would only hurt him, so I promised. After my mom died I told my grandma that I felt really guilty keeping it a secret from my dad because I feel like he deserves to know. She told me that I would only be ruining his memory of his dead wife and breaking his heart for no reason, and if I told him she would never speak to me again because I would be ruining my mom's reputation. She also said if he knew he might not even want me anymore. I don't have any other family except my grandma and my dad and his parents who live in another country so I don't want to lose my grandma and possibly lose my dad or damage my relationship with him. I'm in therapy but my therapist can't like tell me whether to tell him or not, and I want advice on if I should tell him or not, and if I should tell him how I should go about telling him. So reddit, what do I do here?" Unquote. Well Dr. X thanks for the donation and topic. I'll cover what this fifteen year old girl should do in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyway, now back to the cucked clown world show. If I were this girl before I told the cuck I call dad first I'd go out and try to find my real dad Chad. I also found it ridiculous that the grandmother, her actual flesh and blood grandma would stop talking to her and never forgive her. Of course she's going to forgive her she's flesh and blood. That grandma sounds like an awful person exploiting her fifteen year old granddaughters fears against her. Women fear of being alone with no family. Of course Grandma probably wouldn't do that because she's probably old and lonely too but she knows that women hate being all alone. But maybe grandma is rely on the cuck to chauffer her around and help her bring the heavy groceries into her abode? Of course the fifteen year old girl, let's call her cuckerella can keep the secret. If women can keep their sexual notch count secret from their husbands and boyfriends then she can keep this one too. The question she has is should she tell him or keep it a secret? The longer she waits if she does say something the more complicated the situation becomes. If for example she tells him in a year or two he's going to be pissed off that his not so own daughter and not so own mother betrayed him after his wife died and she also betrayed him by cucking him with cuckerella. That man's red pill is so big it's more like a fist sized sepository. I'm torn, just like that guys ass will be torn with a sepository that size on wether this guy should know or not. His only child isn't his it's Chads. His wife cheated. This could drive a man to suicide. I would be really torn telling this man even if I knew and it wasn't going to cause me any problems. Also this girl asked a therapist for help. That's something a lot of people make mistakes with. Therapists aren't supposed to tell you what to do or they can lose their licenses. I remember when I was in a long term relationship by ex got pissed because therapists didn't tell me what to do so she got me a life coach and he wasn't licensed so he actually did tell me what to do and I got into a fight with him and wouldn't speak to him again and that just pissed her off more. No one should rob someone else of their personal choice.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

She Banged Another Man To Make Me Jealous - MGTOW
She Banged Another Man To Make Me Jealous - MGTOW Sandman 417 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur. He didn't give me a specific topic so I thought I'd share a story one of my viewers named Hexadecimal shared. His story is called Romance Horror and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have a friend with benefits who I was planning on making my girlfriend, maybe more. I threw her a surprise birthday party, the first she had in a long time according to both her and her family. We invited everyone, even apparently her ex boyfriend (her parents did that not me). We had a trip planned to a theme park the next day, just her, her brother, and myself. As the party is ending, she tells me I need to go home, normally I spent the night, I wonder what'sup, but she tells me she'll pick me up tomorrow with her brother. She arrives outside my house in a newish vehicle I recognize as her father's friend, her ex boyfriend is driving. As the day proceeds and we arrive at the park it becomes clear that he spent the night at her house. I don't mention it all all. Her brother and I split off and I ask him how it was with his friend sleeping in his room and if he snores. He laughs and says, he didn't sleep in his room, he slept with his sister. I don't mention it for weeks and then she tries to throw something in my face about how I flirt with girls in front of her and I say, Oh yeah? I haven't banged any of them on my birthday though. She obviously knows what I'm talking about. She keeps trying to act serious or jealous with me sometimes and I'm like oh? Yeah? You want to be jealous? How about you throw me a surprise party and we'll invite my ex girlfriend and I'll send you home so I can bang her. The nerve of those ovaries of women sometimes, it's amazing. I'll never trust her as a monogamous partner after that. It's clear she's not trustworthy in that regard, which is fine, we're friends with benefits. Honestly, if she'll do that to me, if she does get married I'll probably be the guy she cheats on her husband with, or maybe it'll be her ex boyfriend again." Well Artur thanks for the donation and thank you Hexadecimal for sharing your story with me. I'm surprised you normally spend the night at her parents house banging in her bedroom? Now they are ok with another man sleeping with their daughter in the same bed. Talk about messed up parents. Obviously they like him more then they like you. You're still both very young if that's the case and I guess her parents are ok with her making decisions in her life. You're friends with benefits. More like you're in a polyamerous relationship and who knows how many other guys are coming over at her house on her, no pun intended. I applaud you on your very sneaky way to get her brother to spill the beans to you that the ex boyfriend was there. He probably thought you already knew for sure and that both you and the ex your sperm were racing each other up her womb to see who could get her preggers first. You might as well name you sperm sea biscuit. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:



How a Long-Forgotten Treatment Is Curing People of Superbug Infections
How a Long-Forgotten Treatment Is Curing People of Superbug Infections TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! 44 Views • 3 years ago


Feminism Frees Men - MGTOW
Feminism Frees Men - MGTOW Sandman 381 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Moldy Dirty Pineapple:

Carl Jung - Shadow Projection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Travis and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, My buddy is MGTOW and I wonder if you’d follow their accounts and if you’d consider using their art in your video response to my question? Thanks! The apostle Paul, who wrote much of the Bible, writes that it is better to be single. I get you on that. How much of MGTOW’s description of “female nature” is Jungian shadow projection? And what should men recognize about their own nature in order to live meaningful lives?" Well Travis thanks for the donation and topic. I put the two links to you buddy Moldy Dirty Pineapple and his art in the description so people can go there and check him out. I also added him on Twitter but I don't have Instagram so I can't do that. As for your question I think it's a little bit laughable but also quite thot provoking. I put a link in the description to a video on Shadow Projection with Carl Jung where the narrator says that shadow projection is when we do things behind our own backs and unwittingly help our enemy. But how does sharing information about female nature help women? We are reducing their chances of finding a good quality man to marry and capture resources from him. We are making men aware of the tricks that women employ on men to convince men that the juice is not worth the squeeze. If anything it's the PUAs, MRAs and Incels that are shadow projecting. PUAs help women by giving them attention. MRAs give women a platform to speak at men's rights events and make money from the causes of men and Incels also give females too much validation by going under the knife to get chin and peck implants so they can get their peckers wet. How exactly do MGTOWs help women? I see no way. A better example of shadow projection would be leftist Wokesters fighting the alt right. They say they are against greedy capitalists and corporations yet they support the censorship of big tech platforms and the insane amounts of money they makes using our data illegally for their own benefit. They don't see that they are helping those that they claim they are fighting against. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Insert AD Anyways, now back to the video. The video about Jung says that the shadow only becomes hostile towards others when he is ignored or misunderstood. But how are men that choose to go their own way ignored or misunderstood by women? We are the ones ignoring women. We are not misunderstood. They immediately see us as a threat when they hear us speak and start shaming us calling us gay and selfish. They understand our behavior and they become hostile not our own unconscious shadow. Because let's get real that's what Jung is saying. The unconscious is the shadow. The shadow can take many forms according to Jung and it can take opposite sides of the ego and embody the qualities that one dislikes about other people. I don't see myself as doing that or many MGTOW content creators. In fact my channel allows me to embody the qualities I like in other people and my honest true self that I may not be confident enough to say or do in real life. I used to think that Sandman in some way was my Tyler Durden alter ego. The bad boy that could say or do all the things the real me wouldn't or couldn't. Not someone embodying the negative qualities of others so I can defend myself from the criticism of others. But instead a way to be honest and true. I feel that if anything I have to play the role of the shadow in real life and online in the MGTOW community I can be myself. Partially because I don't have FU money to say what I really mean. But as the price of Bitcoin keeps rising and the FU money keeps showing up I find that it's not changing my resolve and making me an asshole and to be honest it's a bit of a relief. Jung also says that sometimes the self and the shadow are pointing in the same direction.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Johnny Rebel - Alabama Nigger.mp4
Johnny Rebel - Alabama Nigger.mp4 noroi 38,320 Views • 5 years ago

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I dont drink
I dont cuss
I wanna ride on the front of the bus

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I wanna eat where the white folks eat
Cause I'm white on the bottom of my feet.

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

We dont screw like the white folks do
We just screw til we get through

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I wanna be white more and more
So i can bitch at the nigger next door

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I'm glad this tune came along
We done wore out one nigger song.

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I wanna be white dont you understand
So I can play in a trashy white band

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

Woodkid - Iron (Official Music Video)
Woodkid - Iron (Official Music Video) Malkav Saiya Yautja 25 Views • 3 years ago

⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

⁣[Verse 1: Woodkid]
Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away
Where innocence is burned, in flames
A million miles from home, I'm walking ahead
I'm frozen to the bones, I am

A soldier on my own, I don't know the way
I'm riding up the heights, of shame
I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest
I'm ready for the fight, and fate

[Verse 2]
The sound of iron shots is stuck in my head
The thunder of the drums, dictates
The rhythm of the falls, the number of deaths
The rising of the horns, ahead

From the dawn of time to the end of days
I will have to run, away
I want to feel the pain and the bitter taste
Of the blood on my lips, again

[Verse 3]
This deadly burst of snow is burning my hands
I'm frozen to the bones, I am
A million miles from home, I'm walking away
I can't remind your eyes, your face

Rammstein Ft Nemesea - Allein
Rammstein Ft Nemesea - Allein Malkav Saiya Yautja 35 Views • 4 years ago

⁣{Like, Comment and Subscribe. Feel free to make any requests and I'll post it.}

Es ist vorbei
Ich werde immer bei dir sein
Bin ich mit dir
Bis zum Morgen sitz ich an

Du bist
So ganz allein
Das Schicksal hat mich angelacht
Hör wie es schreit
Wenn Sie singen Ihre letzte Melodie

You will deny, won’t agree but you’re uninvited (Du bist allein)
And let me assure you I am not alone (Nur allein)
I will deny, won’t allow
We’ll remain divided

Die Einsamkeit
Es ist so weit, aus, vorbei
Hab keine Angst
Wenn Sie singen Ihre letzte Melodie

You will deny, won’t agree but you’re uninvited (Du bist allein)
And let me assure you I am not alone (Nur allein)
I will deny, won’t allow
We’ll remain divided

Du gehörst zu mir
Ich entscheide wann und wie du gehst
Du hast keine andere Wahl
Sie sind einsam und allein…allein

Women Make 'Nice Guys' Beg for Scraps
Women Make 'Nice Guys' Beg for Scraps Texting Prince 179 Views • 4 years ago

We have another breakdown of a man and a woman and these two happen to be ENGAGED... which you would have never guessed by watching how she treats him.

How do you think this one will end between them??



Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games



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1-on-1 Phone/Video Coaching:



These days if you don't understand the 'game' of dating women, you will probably waste tons of your time and money and end up getting played. If you want to play the 'dating' game, you have to know how to do it the absolute best way.

My private VIP membership will give you access to 100+ strategy videos teaching you how to MEET beautiful women and keep them HIGHLY attracted to you.

You will get direct access to me and:
1) Over 100 in-depth private videos to help men master self-confidence, body language, texting, online dating, conversation skills, and all areas of dating women in 2021
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All of the above perks can be had on my website:



Texting School is the 12-level program to transform from S*MP to PIMP with your cell phone. This is information all men NEED to have in today’s digital dating world, you will learn how to consistently CREATE attraction with just your fingertips. Enroll now.


Hypergamy and Monkey Branching Explained
Hypergamy and Monkey Branching Explained Texting Prince 165 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Men today need to be exposed to these redpill truths about dating and relationships...

This video is focusing on breaking down what hypergamy is, how that affects dating and relationships, and how hypergamy affects what we call 'monkey branching'.

Monkey branching is basically the idea that if a woman meets a man that she deems higher status or could bring more value to her life than her current guy, then she will consciously or subconsciously try to get this guy in her 'orbit'.

As soon as she thinks that she can get this new guy to commit to her, that is when she may 'swing up' to grab this 'higher branch' or 'higher status guy' in her mind - leaving the old guy behind.

It is just one of the cold truths about dating and relationships.

You are now warned.



Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games



You can make a donation to PayPal here



1-on-1 Phone/Video Coaching:



These days if you don't understand the 'game' of dating women, you will probably waste tons of your time and money and end up getting played. If you want to play the 'dating' game, you have to know how to do it the absolute best way.

My private VIP membership will give you access to 100+ strategy videos teaching you how to MEET beautiful women and keep them HIGHLY attracted to you.

You will get direct access to me and:
1) Over 100 in-depth private videos to help men master self-confidence, body language, texting, online dating, conversation skills, and all areas of dating women in 2020
2) Access my secret Round Table community forum with like-minded men
3) 25% discount on my 1-on-1 coaching rate.

All of the above perks can be had on my website:



5 Principles of Texting Women eBook Learn my TOP advice for texting women in my 5 Principles of Texting Women eBook. This is information all men NEED to have in today’s dating world, so just simply pay what you can afford and the eBook is yours. Start reading ASAP.



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langur monkeys grieve over robot monkey
langur monkeys grieve over robot monkey KEEPER 153 Views • 4 years ago


You Love Her You Lose - MGTOW
You Love Her You Lose - MGTOW Sandman 373 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: WVP Fund Management

Catherine the Great Used This Mechanical Table to Avoid Scandal Smithsonian

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bart and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm writing to share a story, that most in the world will never hear as it happened in Poland in the year 1766. Most of the facts are
written in Polish. That's why I'm happy that through you I can share it to other MGTOW's around the world. The story is about Nikolai Repnin, a man who enslaved my country and had more power and prestige than our king at the time and lost it all because of love. You see at the time in Russia the Empress Catherine the Great was in power and it was a very special time in our history when a lot of men got into high positions of power by sleeping with her. Instead of the usual opposite women gaining money by sleeping with men. One of these men was August Poniatowski that got to become the crown of Poland through her bed. He was basically her bitch and she sent her most trusted diplomat Nikolai Repnin to make sure he stays that way. Repnin was officially only an ambassador but he made sure that everyone knew that he was the one who held power. He humiliated August on every occasion he got. One of the favourite things that he did (besides
constant insults) was being late on purpose for example to a theatre show by an hour knowing fully the whole group of elites present including the king would have to sit quietly and wait because they couldn't start the show without him. Repnin was a man that didin't take bs from anyone and always made known that he's superior. A man that I should technically hate but can only admire him for the character to act this way. Everything changed when he was given an order by the Empress to seduce a certain woman Izabel Czartoryska who held a lot of political power which was needed for a certain law to be passed, he succeeded in that but failed at the same time by falling in love with her (despite having a wife) When the situation got out of control and later Empress wanted Izabel to be removed out of the picture he refused to execute the order, and in doing so lost everything. His position, his power, his dignity a man that was above a king fell down to the bottom and in return only thing he got from Izabel was a simple thank you right before she went off with another man. So the moral of the story is simple, no matter how strong a man is, no matter how much power he
has as soon as feelings are involved even a man like Repnin will be totally powerless." Well Bart thanks for sharing this story. It would make a great period piece film and warning about how dangerous women are for that rational part of a man's mind. I'll discuss my thoughts about this story in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor After the Rage: Anyways, now back with the show. Before I look into more historical details about Nikolai Repnin I think that while his stunts showing up late were funny and conveyed that he had passive aggressive power by showing up fashionably late I think his choice to do that was irresponsible. It's dangerous to show the people that the king is a puppet because then they might become angry and spiteful and turn against the government that Catherine the Great had installed. They would also grow to resent her for it. I'm sure that Catherine heard about this and if were in her position I would have put an end to it. But then again maybe because she was the masculine one in their affair she enjoyed a man that acted the way a woman would by being late to everything.

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Tom Leykis contradicts himself on so many levels that taking him as seriously as i used to is just not possible now. Not to say he has no credibility at all but seriously...

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ariana and here's what she has to say: "Hi Sandman, I hate to admit it but a lot of what made me realize I was being unfair to my partner was watching your videos. I'm a 28yo trans girl. I met my bf when I was 24, and just started passing as a woman after undergoing FFS (facial feminization surgery). Until then life was pretty much a living hell. I hated being perceived as a man, not just because I didn't identify as one, but also with my newly gained perspective, I now understand we don't treat men very charitably in our society. As I started to pass and be perceived as a woman, I saw all of the previous expectations associated with being a man replaced with expectation to be pretty and “ladylike”, which I know aren't exactly healthy expectations either, but I was/am happy to fulfill them. As expectations of being "a man" faded away, I found that I started to impose those same, very familiar toxic expectations onto other men as I progressed my life as a woman. Especially when it came to the relationship with my boyfriend (now fiancé). He's 32, a professional, a very low-maintenance, cis str8 guy. He never dated a trans girl before me and he never had any qualms about dating me nor being seen with me. He's beyond loyal and would do anything to keep me happy. As our relationship progressed I caught myself doing something that I’m now very ashamed of. I saw myself policing his gender expression and behavior more and more. The thing that I was a victim of just months before meeting him. Now, he’s a very masculine man, even bro-ey among our social group, but when we were alone and in private, where he felt safe and relaxed I saw him do things that I then perceived as "unmanly". I'd see him cross his legs when he sat down and then interrogate him why he did it. If he cried while he was having a hard time, I'd be
disappointed that he cried and I didn’t. He enjoys cooking and I always insisted that cooking is my job as a woman. I’d tell him to “man up” if he complained about something. I made a scene because he once decided to pee sitting down after he had too much to drink. I wouldn't even be okay with myself being on to during during sex, because being “proactive" participant in sex is a man's job. Or so I thought. He is very chivalrous and sometimes I'd get mad at him if he forgot to open the car door for me. I’d actually cry and tell him that his "unconventional" behavior invalidates me as a woman. That I need him to be a real man for me so that I can feel like a real lady. This is very hard for me to put down in words because now I have an idea of how toxic my behavior was. He never really complained about it, even encouraging my request to modify his behavior as "reasonable". He never really called me out on it and he’s the first to tell our fam & friends that he's happy with me and our relationship. Last September he proposed to me, and I gladly accepted his proposal…but I feel for quite some time now, that I changed him into someone that he isn't.

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