
Kodoan is a small Buddhist temple I founded over twenty years ago. My name is Manny but I'm "known in the Dharma" as Kodo Genki. I am a Buddhist priest, USAF veteran, martial arts instructor, wood and metal fabricator, survival instructor and a proud dad of two great boys.

I believe that the meaning of life is to learn and to share. I've been a voracious learner my whole life. Now, in my fifties, it's time to share!

You'll find posts and videos here aimed at making good men better with a variety of topics including: solo meditation, martial arts, woodworking, metal working, camping, survival, fitness, philosophy, history and more. I am a man and so, I can only share from a man's perspective. If women find these posts useful, I think that's great but these posts are created to help men.

You'll find helpful posts and videos aimed primarily for men.
Gender : Male
Country :United States