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Teenage mutant ninjas in training
Teenage mutant ninjas in training Manny Gomes 28 Views • 3 years ago

⁣This is what my sons do for fun - better than video games. They are only allowed to handle throwing knives under my supervision. I used to own a martial arts school and taught defensive tactics to law enforcement and military so... I am very careful but try to make learning fun at the same time.

KODOAN ESKRIMA FUNDAMENTALS PT1 Manny Gomes 32 Views • 3 years ago

⁣This is an old video showing the fundamentals of Eskrima. Eskrima should have a "flow" to it. There are parts of this video where the technique has been slowed down to illustrate a concept or aspect of the technique.

The video quality is bad and was starting to degrade on my computer's hard drive but I thought the information might be useful.

Rise of the Fomosexuals | Ride and Roast
Rise of the Fomosexuals | Ride and Roast Terrence Popp 681 Views • 3 years ago

⁣What happens when you decide you want to become a DNA receptacle after you’re married and you still want your husband to finance it? Well, when you’re a woman, you can get the internet to write propaganda!

Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

Book Two of "The Jericho Files" is here! Download for Kindle or get a Paperback copy today!

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MGTOW FUN:Red loatard swimsuit
MGTOW FUN:Red loatard swimsuit Lucifer 245 Views • 3 years ago

asian red leotard/swimsuits

IMPEACHMENT – AN IDIOT’S GUIDE Manny Gomes 23 Views • 4 years ago


This is Kodo with Kodoan. You can find out more about me at


you keep hearing about Impeachment
and were kinda hoping for an “idiots guide” version of
what it is
– heads
up! this might
be just
what you’re looking for!

most people today here the word impeachment, they usually think of
President Donald John Trump or maybe even former President William
Jefferson Clinton – both of whom were impeached; the former, an
unprecedented two times. However, the roots of impeachment go way
back – like, 3000 years way back. Like, a thousand years older
than the Dead Sea Scrolls Papyrus way back.

referring, of course, to an Ostracon – from which we get the word
“ostracize”. Now, Ostraca, the plural form of Ostracon are
basically old timey post-it notes dating to at least the time of the
New Kingdom of Egypt – also known as the Egyptian Empire. That
would be somewhere around 1550 B.C. to 1069 B.C.

Ostracon was something used to scratch notes, receipts, instructions
or similar information on. It needed to be cheap, readily available
and fairly durable. Common material for Ostraca were things like a
bit of repurposed broken pottery (there was a lot of that back then),
a bit of flat limestone (there was a lot of that too) and, most
notably, flat shells such as oyster shells -from which the word
Ostracon is derived.

around the same time the world was going “all Lady Gaga” over
Howard Carter’s discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922, the
ancient Egyptian workman’s villa known as Deir el-Medina was being
excavated. Deir el-Medina was an ancient Egyptian workman’s
village during the Egyptian Empire which was home to the artisans who
worked on the tombs in the Valley of the Kings; the location for the
Tomb of Tutankhamun.

ancient name for the settlement of Deir el-Medina was Set Maat –
“the place of Truth” and the workmen who lived and worked there
were called “Servants in the Place of Truth”. I’m sure that
modern day congressmen would absolutely LOVE it if people started
referring to them that way… In any case, as much as five thousand
Ostraca were uncovered at Deir el-Medina and detailed mostly mundane
everyday events such as work orders, receipts, jobsite instructions,

far less hardy but much more elegant Papyrus, it would seem, was
reserved for far more important writings.

you say, “I got it...Ancient Egypt, Oyster shells, Ostracon are
ancient post-it notes – what the hell does that have to do with

down Princess, I’m getting to the good part, then you’ll see how
it all ties together.

the end of the Egyptian Empire or just after it - in the old timey
days of King David – you know, “David and Goliath”, “King of
the Jews” and “father to Wise King Solomon” – That King
David, an Ostracon was found that is believed to be the earliest
known “vote” on a judgment. It contains the words, King, slave
and judge. There is still debate on the artifact but, if the
hypothesis holds true, it would be the oldest known use of an
Ostracon as a means of passing judgment.

the seige at Masada in the year 73 A.D, when the Jewish defenders
opted for mass suicide instead of capture by the invading Roman
pagans, they voted (or “drew lots”) to determine who would kill
their compatriots before falling on their own swords. Excavations at
Masada revealed Ostraca with names on them leading scholars to
believe that Ostraca were used during this “vote”.

importance of Ostraca was also visible during the time of Ancient
Athens, most notably the 4th, 5th, and 6th
centuries B.C., where they were used in voting for the banishment of
unpopular citizens and officials. Banishment was usually for a
period of ten years.

Athens had its own version of a congress (called a Boule’) and a
senate (called the Areopagus – which means the “hill of Aries”
and referred to the low hill Northwest of the Acropolis).

Ancient Athens
was plagued with corruption and there
was usually a giant, corrupt, cluster screw in the middle of
everything. Things
didn’t always go according to plan nor was justice fairly meted
out. I
guess times change but people don’t. The
monkey-bonk continues...

any case, they believed that they were truly enlightened as the only
other viable alternative they had to banishment (“Ostracism”) was
execution; usually in the form of an assassination.

England, Impeachment was first used in 1376 against William 4th
Baron Latimer and the last time they used it was in 1806 against
Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville. Apparently, the UK
has quite moved on from “banishing” unpopular officials in favour
of other means of coercion.

mechanism for impeachment in the UK is that the “house of commons”
draws up articles of impeachment (which is a fancy way of accusing
someone of something that they don’t like) and the house of lords
“hears” the case (and decides the fate of the accused). If
impeached (meaning accused of “something” – not necessarily a
crime) and then convicted, the punishment can be quite severe –
including steep fines, imprisonment or even a death sentence. Which
is exactly what befell the Earl of Stratford, Lord deputy of Ireland,
around 1639. His award for winning England’s unpopularity contest
was the end of a gallows’ rope.

England, impeachment was broad in scope – applicable to anyone –
not just those that held office but was primarily designed to
circumvent individuals who abused power derived from holding close
ties or favour with royalty.

as a part of the United States Constitution was first suggested by
Benjamin Franklin during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. He
noted that the traditional way of removing heads of state was by
removing the head of the head of the state. In other words,
execution or assassination. Franklin suggested the impeachment
process as a preferable method to the barbarism of political

to the original intent of British impeachment, the First Congress saw
impeachment as a way to remove a bad officer that was sheltered by
the power of the Presidency but their focus was primarily on a
president who might get out of control. Never-the-less, the
impeachment clause specifies any civil officer of the Executive
branch as well as judges but it excludes military officers.

Impeachment clause can be found in the United States Constitution,
Article 2, Section 4 where it states that the President, Vice
President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be
removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason,
Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

First Congress used the word “other” to connect Treason and
Bribery to other miscellaneous misdeeds. The intent was, “it
better be something serious”….not just “whatever you don’t
like about the President is reason enough for impeachment”.
However, like Ancient Athens, it is devolving into an unpopularity
contest resulting in banishment. The monkey bonk continues...

is not the removal of an elected official from office. It is the
first step in a two-step process that can end up in the removal of an
official from office.

mechanism for impeachment in the United States is quite similar to
that of the United Kingdom in that it must be initiated in the house
of representatives (our version of the “house of commons”) with
the passage of a resolution listing the charges or “articles of
impeachment” against the official being impeached.

passed by the house of representatives, the article or articles of
impeachment are then considered by the Senate (our version of the
“house of lords”) in a trial.

the impeachment is of the President or Vice-President, then the Chief
Justice of the supreme court must preside over the trial with 100
senators serving as the jury.

“supermajority” two thirds vote of the senate is required for a
conviction necessary to remove the person from office. Punishment is
limited to removal from office and possibly also disqualification
from holding public office in the future.

United States legislative branch is very far removed, indeed, from
the ancient settlement of Set Maat (the “place of truth”) and
most people would laugh if you called congress “servants in the
place of Truth”. However, there is a continuation from the first
known use of an Ostracon as a method of voting on banishment to
impeachment; our modern interpretation of banishment.

impeachment in the United States was supposed to be a way to reign in
unruly government officials without resorting to violence, it would
appear that it is going back to the days of Ancient Athens, and the
banishment of the unpopular – albeit with more modern versions of

any case, I hope this “Idiot’s Guide to Impeachment” Helps you
in some way.

advice to you will always be three fold:

Gather information
Think Critically
Make connections

has been said that the meaning of life is to learn and then to share.

classical martial arts, the old Masters would say, “no matter where
you start, strive to always get better”.

matter where you are in life – “Always...get better!”

Before you go!

you liked this video, please hit the like, subscribe and “Bell”
icon buttons – it helps with those algorithms… whatever that
is….seriously...does anyone really know what the deal is with the

you do, please let me know in the comment section. Even if you don’t
know but just have something to say – let us all know in the
comment section!

again for watching – until next time...

MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE – AN IDIOT’S GUIDE Manny Gomes 45 Views • 4 years ago


This is Kodo with Kodoan. You can find out more about me at


you keep hearing about Marjorie Taylor Greene and were kinda hoping
for an “idiots guide” version of who she is – heads up! this
might be just what you’re looking for!

Taylor Greene, the newly elected United States representative for
Georgia’s 14th congressional district, was born on May
27, 1974 in Milledgeville, Georgia. She graduated from South Forsyth
(pronounced “fer sythe”) High School (Go “War Eagles”) in
1992 and from the University of Georgia (Go “Bulldogs”) in 1996
with a Bachelor’s degree in Business administration.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is considered a “far right
extremist” by her political enemies such as “AOC plus three” –
you know….”the squad!”. Also included on that enemies list is
Nancy Pelosi, and the entire cast of the failing situation comedy
known as “CNN”. They describe her as “basically President
Donald Trump in heels”.

Talk about a mental picture! Plus, I can’t imagine anything
scarier to lefties than a version of President Donald Trump with more
“intersectionality”. If she came out tomorrow as a
trans-gendered, black, muslim, non-binary unicorn that believes in
free speech, the right to bear arms and smaller government – I’m
fairly certain that Brian Stelter’s head would explode – I mean
for real….not just get fatter...

any case, there is, however, substantial evidence for Congresswoman
Greene’s extremist views. Marjorie is a well known Christian, a
wife (married to her husband Perry since they were college
sweethearts), a mother of three children (Lauren, Taylor and Derek)
and a small business owner - she and her husband own Taylor
Commercial. Taylor Commercial is a commercial construction and
renovation company that was first launched in 1969 by Marjorie Taylor
Greene’s father, Robert Taylor. Taylor Commercial is located in
Alpharetta which is inside Georgia’s 6th congressional

self-described “proud American”, Marjorie Taylor Greene is avidly
Pro-life, pro-gun, pro-Trump, and pro-MAGA. Adding to these
extremist views, U.S. Congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene actually
had the Cajones to have her campaign motto be “Save America, stop

worse, Congresswoman Greene has shown tacit and peripheral support of
wacko conspiracy theories such as Pizzagate and Qanon.

you ask…..what the hell is Pizzagate and Qanon?

Ohh we go!

there is a belief that, there is a group among social elites, the
extremely wealthy and the world’s political leaders, that actively
traffics in under-age children.

of the Pizzagate theory point to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedo Island, his
buddy Prince Andrew, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager (and
all around effing weirdo) John Podesta and his equally effing weirdo
brother Tony.

March of 2016, John Podesta’s personal email account was hacked and
the contents given to WikiLeaks – who then published said contents.

of the emails stood out in the way they were describing ordering
“pizza” for an evening of entertainment. The emails only made
sense if you substituted the word “pizza” for something like
“prostitute” or “sex-slave”. Thus, the birth of “pizzagate”.

in the field of Federal Law Enforcement will point to patterns of
worldwide, organized crime who’s foundation has historically been
weapons, drugs and human-trafficking.

on the other side will say that nothing bad ever happened on Pedo
Island and Jeffrey Epstein, like, totally committed suicide.

there is a belief that, there is a group among social elites, the
extremely wealthy and the world’s political leaders, that actively
conspire to create a “world government that has dominion and power
over every single human being on the planet.”

will point to attempts of bringing this about through the creation of
entities like the United Nations and ultra-elite organizations of
world power players like the “council on foreign relations” and
the “trilateral commission”.

this belief are moments like, in 1999, when upon receiving a world
government award, Walter Cronkite (“America’s News anchorman”
in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s and known as “the most trusted
man in America”) said, “We must strengthen the United Nations as
a first step toward a world government with a legislature, executive
and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep
the peace. ...We Americans are going to have to yield up some of
our sovereignty. That’s going to be, to many, a bitter pill.
...Today, we must develop federal structures on a global level. We
need a system of enforceable world law – a democratic federal world

Clinton congratulated Walter Cronkite by saying, “Good evening and
congratulations, Walter, on receiving the World Federalist
Association’s Global Governance Award. For more than a generation
in America, it wasn’t the news until Walter Cronkite told us it was
the news. Every night at 6 o’ clock, we listened as you explained
the complex events of the day. You became a trusted member of my
family and the families across America. For decades, you told us
“the way it is,” but tonight, we honor you for fighting for the
way it could be.”

on the other side will say, “Yeah, but have you heard ‘Imagine’
by John Lennon? Also, REAL Communism, like, totally hasn’t been
tried yet – it’s gonna work man!”

a minute you say…. I get it…. social elites, the extremely
wealthy and the world’s political leaders are a bunch of pricks.
What does that have to do with Marjorie Taylor Greene?

it would appear that, very similar to President Donald Trump, albeit
in heels this time, Freshman Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is
no fan of social elites, the extremely wealthy and the world’s
political leaders. In addition, she has a background, not in
politics but in business and, to top things off, comes across as “one
of us” to a lot of American citizens.

qualifications like that, and being a Republican to boot, it remains
to be seen if Marjorie Taylor Greene will be treated by her opponents
like President Donald Trump or worse….Like President Abraham

January 13th, 2021, Congresswoman Green promised to file
articles of impeachment against creepy uncle joe for “abuse of
power”. Less than thirty hours after inauguration, she kept that

of February 4th, 2021, U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor
Greene has already been removed from her committee assignments –
any guesses, my lads, if she will make it to the end of her first

any case, I hope this “Idiot’s Guide to Marjorie Taylor Greene”
Helps you in some way.

advice to you will always be three fold:

Gather information
Think Critically
Make connections

has been said that the meaning of life is to learn and then to share.

classical martial arts, the Masters say, “no matter where you
start, strive to always get better”.

matter where you are in life – “Always...get better!”

TIME Magazine Claims An Elite Cabal Conspired To Stop Trump From Winning, Manipulating Laws And News
TIME Magazine Claims An Elite Cabal Conspired To Stop Trump From Winning, Manipulating Laws And News KEEPER 63 Views • 4 years ago

TIME Magazine Claims An Elite Cabal Conspired To Stop Trump From Winning, Manipulating Laws And News. They celebrate the news as though defenders of Democracy saved the day. They call it the Shadow Campaign that "saved" the 2020 election.

Democrat elites, Political insiders, Corporate Media, and Big Tech moguls are said to have been involved in a "cabal" in order to protect the "proper outcome" of the election.

While they claim they did not explicitly want to stop Trump from winning, because of course they can't say that, they claim they were fighting against Trump's disinformation

What is revealing is how Democrat lawyer Marc Elias is now claiming votes were not read by voting machines properly in a much similar way that Trump and his allies claimed, though not completely the same.

The game is rigged by a cabal of powerful elites to ensure the winner of our election was their preferred winner. And that is not my opinion, its the claim by TIME Magazine


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WHO IS BEHIND GAMESTOP? – an idiot’s guide.
WHO IS BEHIND GAMESTOP? – an idiot’s guide. Manny Gomes 128 Views • 4 years ago

Hi! This is Kodo with
Kodoan. You can find out more about me at


you keep hearing about GameStop and were kinda hoping for an “idiots
guide” version of who is behind it – heads up! this might be
just what you’re looking for!

Man's Best Friend Is His Hand - MGTOW
Man's Best Friend Is His Hand - MGTOW Sandman 410 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. A while back in a video I mentioned that a man's best friend is his hand. I nicknamed it his frand. So I was in a crazy joking kind of mood so I thought maybe I could write something funny about this topic and rant about it. So I dedicate this video to a man's five digits. Perfect for grasping the ass of attractive female midget. They say that man's best friend is a dog. I say bitch please hold my beer. Dogs are over-rated and opposable thumbs are all the rage. Just ask a gorilla about what he's missing out on. A hand is perfect because it can be used to chop wood or rub off your wood. I'll discuss other great jobs for a man's hands in a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. A man's hands liberated him from having to rely on thrusting himself into a thot with his cromagnan cock. You can make it as tight as you like instead of settling for a lady that's been ridden more than a hundred year old bike. Your hand is also a cheap date. You don't have to buy it dinner and it will still make you feel great. It doesn't require a shower after sex the way you were forced to get up out of bed and take one when you finished by your ex. When you pay for a working girl you pay her to leave. With your hand it's like you've got a portable girlfriend that goes wherever you need. Your hand is always in the mood to get lewd. It's also a guaranteed happy ending unlike with relationships where it's almost always guaranteed there will be a heart there for mending. Because of all the work required to keep a girlfriend these days a dick in the hand is worth two in the bush. You'll never get a pregnancy scare with your hand and those warts on your hand rarely become warts on your magic wand. Your hands will never demand alimony payments and will make you money instead of having to make divorce court arrangements. They are an asset instead of a liability unlike your girlfriend that yells at you so much you now have an emotional disability. A woman yelling and shaming you out in the open will make you weep but your hand under the cover of darkness and under the sheets will make help get you to sleep. Talking about hands doing the hanky spank me this much could get banned from YouTube it might be too much and as a result the feminists will be so happy that I got myself thrown off of here that they will thank me. I hope you guys enjoyed that little bit of poetry and rhyming. It takes a lot of me just like my hand takes a lot of out me when I use it. But let's get serious for a bit. Think of how crazy this world would be for a man if he couldn't relieve himself by himself? Normally I also don't tell people what the mystery link is but this time I have to. It's a video called Black Pill Documentary - Online Dating 2020 from a YouTuber known as Incelmatics and his channel is still pretty tiny but the dating documentary he's made has been one of the most groundbreaking things I've seen in the manosphere for quite some time. He shows proof that it's no longer the 80/20 rule that applies to things like online dating. But that it's more like the 95 to 5 rule and that it's become an exercise in futility for men. Remember that the last time I went online dating was at the end of 2015. Almost five years ago. But Tinder hadn't come out until 2012. So when I was online dating I could still find relationships through Tinder.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

HAND FILE HACKS Manny Gomes 17 Views • 4 years ago


This is Kodo with Kodoan. You can find out more about me at


don’t get a lot of coverage in woodworking but they are quite
useful – especially for dialing in joints and inlays. I use hand
files on a daily basis for making specialty woodworking products such
as these Japanese Shakuhachi flutes.

accurate hand files are a necessity for getting the blowing edge
(called utaguchi) perfectly flat and for creating the dove tail like
inlay you see here. This particular style is called Kinko ryu.

are my three most used files that are many years old (I’d say about
ten years old or maybe older) and yet, they don’t show signs of
needing being replaced anytime soon.
biggest reason is the sheaths that protect the “teeth” of the
files. Even though these files are used on seasoned bamboo, hardwood
and other things like buffalo horn, ivory and silver, they still have
years of life left as long as they go back into their sheaths after

cringe every time I see a woodworker (or metal worker for that
matter) reach into a bucket, a toolbox or a drawer and rummage around
before pulling out a battered file with dull, rolled teeth covered in
dings. I mean, I GUESS they MIGHT work but it’s doubtful you’re
gonna get much accuracy with them. I’d rather use a file that’s
sharp with accurate edges. A sheath ensures your hand file will do
what you ask, when you ask it – efficiently and accurately.

as important as a sheath is a good handle. A good handle is
enjoyable to look at AND to pick up. It creates a seamless interface
between the user and the tool. It allows you to put your
concentration where it should be – on what you are doing –
instead of focusing on maintaining a hold on your tool. A
good handle is one that fits YOUR hand – not anyone else’s.
For this reason, good quality hand files are usually purchased
without a handle. The assumption is that this is for someone that
knows what they’re doing and only they can make the best handle for

bad handle, or worse, no handle at all, forces
you to maintain a white knuckle “death grip” on the end of your
hand file which quickly leads to fatigue, cramping and loss of
concentration and accuracy in your work. THIS is the environment in
which mistakes are easily made. At the least, it will lead to the
marring or
damage of
your work. At it’s worst, it will lead to the
marring or
damage of

custom made handles, you
can go old school and just use a green branch from a tree in your
back yard like this one with a piece of copper plumbing pipe as a
ferrule. This one took me all of about 5 minutes to make and is
actually my favorite both in looks and function. I simply drilled a
hole in the end
and carefully tamped in the tang. No glue or epoxy was needed
because, as the green branch dries, it shrinks down onto the tang and
locks it in place. This technique is hundreds of years old and still
a great option
Even after years of use, this handle shows no sign of coming loose
anytime soon.

sheath for it is just some doug fir from the scrap bin. I
hastily carved out a
channel in one
piece, gave the
two pieces a
quick glue up and then
the outside.
It’s all
I’ll ever need
to keep this
hand file in good working condition for years and years.

handle was a small piece of maple from the scrap bin turned on my
lathe. My inspiration for it was that I had seen someone drill into
an old golf ball and glue in the tang of a rat tail file. I turned
this to be a little more ergonomic and, when it’s in my hand, it
feels almost surgically attached. I can completely forget about
holding it while I focus on what I’m using it for – which is
usually clearing out the inner bamboo nodes (called “fushi” in
Japanese) when I’m making Shakuhachi. The sheath is a piece of
scrap bamboo that fits this round file so well that, when it’s put
on, it won’t fall off at all.

smaller file is a triangular file that I use
for creating the dove tail like inlay the mouth piece of the
Shakuhachi that I make. It was about twice this length – which was
too long. It was difficult to be accurate with my inlays with such a
long file so I snapped it in half and cold ground the end smooth.
Now, it does exactly what I ask it to do.

handle was another piece of that branch that had dried out. I rough
turned it on my lathe and drilled a hole in the end like the other
one. I didn’t even bother with a ferrule on this one. Years later
and….so far so good!

sheath is another piece of bamboo. This one is quite thick –
unusually thick for bamboo. It fits nicely and keeps it
well protected.

to sum it up, if you want to get the most out of your files, I
suggest making a custom handle that fits YOUR hand. It can be as
easy as a branch off of a tree or a lathe turned piece of hardwood.

addition to a handle, make a sheath to keep your file sharp for
accuracy and longevity.

has been said that the meaning of life is to learn and then share.

classical martial arts, the Masters say, “no matter where you
start, strive to always get better”.
hope this video helps you on your path.

Get Ready for Civil War | Live From The Lair
Get Ready for Civil War | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 805 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Would you rather plan for the worst and not need it? Or would you rather be caught with your pants down because you were stupid enough to think it couldn't happen?

Book Two of "The Jericho Files" is here! Download for Kindle or get a Paperback copy today!

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Unemployed Single Mother Wants 6 Foot Tall Male Provider LOL - MGTOW
Unemployed Single Mother Wants 6 Foot Tall Male Provider LOL - MGTOW Sandman 472 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

You must be 6ft tall, tattooed, and have a job to provide for her kids because she's not getting a job anytime soon.

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a specific topic so I've decided to discuss a post I found in reddit that I've also added in the description called: "You must be 6ft tall, tattooed, and have a job to provide for her kids because she's not getting a job anytime soon." and here's what the message from a woman on the Where Are All The Good Men subreddit has to say and I quote: "Hi I'm a Yummy mummy to two gorgeous girls and a jack russel, we come as a package deal. You must love dogs and children! Wine, Disney, yoga and veganism is my passion. I'm 5'8" so you have to be at least 6 feet tall to qualify. I lik em' tall for a reason. Big hands and feet if you catch my drift? I'm Bisexual but sway towards men. I don't have a job and I don't plan on getting one any time soon so you must be able to provide. You must be inked! Don't be afraid to say hi!" unquote. But I say be afraid be very afraid. Unless you're a stupid simp thinking that she's going to be into threesomes with you and her bestie. Reading this ad at first from a 36 year old woman at first I thought that all she's going to get are pedos and simps responding to her ad. Perhaps even men into bestiality if they like to rustle up jack russles. I don't promote that sort of activity unless you're someplace in Europe where it's still legal for you. I'll discuss my take on this story in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to single mother clown world show. Any man that takes this woman on as a girlfriend or wife is a complete idiot. Between working sixty hours a week to support her boxed wine habit, entertaining her two daughters as well as walking the dog and picking up it's doo doo every day he won't have any more energy to do any after dark bedroom activities with her. Even though she's a temptress with the whole bisexual line in her dating ad. She of course will also probably tell him she's tired and not in the mood all the time on account of her spending her days not working. You know because being really lazy and really good looking tires you out. Does your typical alpha male that's over six feet tall, with a six inch package and six figure salary want to support someone like this? I'm thinking that for her the ideal man would be a man that looks like an alpha male but acts like a beta male. For all I know she might be a great woman that keeps her mouth shut so you can hear yourself think and her children are perfectly well behaved wearing bows and rainbows. Probably not but that's what she wants you to think. The better question to ask is why are women like her putting out dating ads like this looking for men that are clearly outside their league unless this strategy is working for some women? I was talking to a guy recently on one of my one on one coaching calls and he was telling me that a gaggle of single mothers was hitting on him and it almost made him gag. He told them he didn't date single mothers and he's loaded and they got upset as if he crapped on top of their Cajun chicken. The idea of course is to shame him for not dating single mothers as a multi millionaire.

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IDIOTS GUIDE TO GAMESTONKS Manny Gomes 19 Views • 4 years ago


This is Kodo with Kodoan. You can find out more about me at


you keep hearing about the “GAME STONKS” and were kinda hoping
for an “idiots guide” version – heads up! this might be just
what you’re looking for!

word Gamestonks is a clever combining of two words (GameStop and
Stonks) by an even clever-er-er guy named Elon Musk.

short tweet: “Gamestonks!!” shortly after the closing bell on
Tuesday, January 26, 2021, added to the price of GameStop’s already
soaring share prices which rose nearly 93 percent to a close of
$147.98 - more than seven times its value just a month prior. By
Thursday, January 28, 2021, GameStop’s share prices reached nearly
$500 per share at $483 before closing at $193.60.

you ask...what the hell is GameStop?

is an American video game, consumer electronics and gaming
merchandise retailer headquartered in Grapevine, Texas. GameStop
operated over five thousand retail stores throughout the United
States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.

a brick-and-mortar chain, GameStop’s heydays were arguably behind
it due to the rise of online video game services like Xbox Live,
Playstation Network and others. Now, you could simply download a
digital version of games instead of having to leave your basement and
walk outside among the “normies”…..ewww!

2016, things started to look bad. Shares of GameStop’s stock fell
16 percent throughout the year. The holiday season alone showed a
16.4 percent drop in sales. On February 28, 2017, shares dropped an
additional 8 percent following Microsoft’s announcement of its Xbox
Game Pass service.

GameStop announced it would close over 150 stores by the end of the
year. By late June of 2018, GameStop confirmed rumours of a possible
sale. However, on January 29, 2019, GameStop said it had stopped
looking for a buyer and was now looking at other ways to regain a
financially solid foothold.

must not have found it because, immediately following this
announcement, shares dropped 27 percent to a 14 year low. Help!
I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

to out do itself, GameStop reported a record-breaking net loss of
$673 million dollars for the 52 week period ending on February 2,

along came the “coof”...the “bug potion number 19”….the
“great bug of 2020”. The government required GameStop to close
its doors on all its stores from around March to May 2020. “It’s
just two weeks to slow the spread! Come on people! It’s just to
flatten the curve! A year from now we TOTALLY won’t be on
lockdown, forced to wear a Niqab like veil on our face that doesn’t
protect against airborne disease and have twenty thousand military
troops in our nation’s capital!” way THAT would

Blockbuster movies, 1 hour drive up photo booths and VHS porn,
Gamestop was on a downhill spiral of the cultural toilet bowl.

is….until the internet got involved. Reddit’s “wallstreetbets”
forum to be exact.

also known as WSB is a “subreddit” which basically means if
reddit was a tree, then a subreddit like Wallstreetbets would be one
small branch. Well, not that small. As of January, 2021,
Wallstreetbets had 5 million users.

the Friday of January 22, 2021, users of wallstreetbets initiated a
short squeeze on GameStop that, along with Elon Musk, ended up
causing its stock price to soar as previously mentioned.

you ask….what the hell is a short squeeze?

more like something you’d look forward to on your prom night, a
short squeeze is an abnormally rapid increase in the price of a
particular stock that has nothing to do with the rest of the market.
….which still kinda sounds like a prom night euphemism if you ask

simple terms, there are two basic types of stock market investors:
those who buy stocks for the long term and those who buy stocks for
the short term.

who buy stocks for the short term tend to be hedge funds and day

traders try to make a profit from intraday market price action –
gambling whether a stock price will rise or fall from the opening to
the closing bell.

hedge fund is a group of investors that use their power as a group to
make money from fairly complex trades in the stock market that others
normally wouldn’t be able to do alone. One of these types of
complex trades is short selling. Short selling is something akin to
betting that your horse will lose instead of win.

any case, If you were a stock market trader that was betting on the
price of the stock to fall, the rapid increase in price would force
you to “pay for the bet” quickly in order to stave off even
greater losses. This mad dash to avoid losing more money tends to
add upward pressure on the stock price. This, my lad’s, is known
as the “short squeeze”.

such a “short squeeze” happened with GameStop’s stock market
shares and it nearly bankrupted the hedge fund known as Melvin
Capital. Melvin closed its short position on Tuesday to the tune of
about $3 billion dollars. Total stock market short squeeze loss are
estimated to be more than $5 billion so far. Chalk one up for the
little guy...

so fast!” said the big guy… Buying GameStop’s stock was
halted several times for “intraday volatility” by the NYSE. In
addition, several brokerage companies put limits on the ability of
their customers to buy shares of GameStop (but not to sell)….I’m
looking at you app-based Robinhood, Charles Schwab and TD Ameritrade.

only that Discord, the well known platform for online video gamers,
removed Reddit’s WallStreetBets server, citing “violations of
policies on hate speech” and “spreading misinformation”.

it’s now “racist” for outsiders to make money on the stock
market. Oh, and by the way, you’re an insurrectionist!

interesting times we’re living in now…

remains to be seen what the end game will entail but, reportedly,
after all of the hedgefunds have dumped their GameStop stocks, they
don’t care what you do with it.

a minute you say…. I get it…. Wall street is a bunch of pricks….
But you never said what a “Stonk” is?

“Stonks” is a playful and deliberate misspelling of stocks.

to be confused with a Stonk; which is an old world label for a “heavy
concentration of artillery fire”, Stonks is internet slang and a
meme that emerged on the facebook group “Special meme fresh” in
2017. It features the word “stonks” in white below an orange,
upward-pointing arrow indicating that stock prices are on the rise.

to that is a man in a business suit with a computer-generated generic
head. The Stonk meme is considered a so-called surreal meme – some
times called a dank meme. It’s characterized by being strange and
absurd. That certainly fits what happened with GameStop and Elon
Musk was all the more clever for using it.

has been said that the meaning of life is to learn and then share.

classical martial arts, the Masters say, “no matter where you
start, strive to always get better”.

no matter where you are in life – “always get better!”

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