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The Black Pill Has Beat MGTOW?
The Black Pill Has Beat MGTOW? Sandman 399 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2
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[HIGH IQ] Demographic Black Pill by Mercer

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to discuss why the black pill is spreading so much where guys are giving up hope with relationships as teenagers and accepting their fate in inceldom and why it's happening. Over the last three or four months Stardusk The Thinking Ape, probably the second MGTOW content creator after Barbarossaaaa has been creating content that caters to black pilled incels instead of red pilled MGTOWs. A while back he put out a video called the Black Pill Rage saying that it doesn't really exist and is more likely to be more of a malaise that guys never get out of. That red pilled MGTOW guys figured out women ten years ago and then we went on with life and did something different to help us build up our self esteem. He says there doesn't appear to be an exit for most black pillers. That they should go from a period where they criticise women and and society and into a period of discernment. That they have the correct assessment but now need to figure out what comes next. Stardusk says that a 19 year old doomer sounds like a 70 year old doomer and that both groups have given up hope on life. Why is that? I don't know but I'd care to wager that it probably has something to do with lower testosterone levels in men in general these days. Because they have the equivalent level of testosterone of a 65 or 70 year old did forty years ago. Low testosterone is linked to less risk taking behavior in your life. Young guys are supposed to take risks yet young men getting their drivers licenses is at an all time low. What ever happened to young men taking crazy risks on the road? I would love to take a look at those statistics if someone knows where to find them. Stardusk can rationalize all he wants and criticize black pillers for their behavior but it's very likely that the reason they have given up on life is because of testosterone and possibly because of the old term good times make weak men. You have to suffer physically or financially through the possibility of rejection by a girl and for many young guys it's much easier just to fap off to adult content right there on your phone. Stardusk was known as the most grumpy and negative in red pill MGTOW circles. But now he sounds like the most optimistic in the black pill circles. Maybe he should tell his new black pill audience to check for low testosterone and boost their levels back to where they were supposed to be 3 or 4 decades ago. Obviously talk to a doctor about that? We are giving trans people hormones so why can't we do the same for young people that have had their hormones depleted through chemical pollutants. Maybe today's simps need TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) instead of sipping on soy lattes? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: Anyways, now back to the incel clown world show. If the transition from blue pilled Mras to red pilled MGTOWs to black pilled incels really has to do with dropping testosterone levels over the last century then that would explain why feminism has been rising because men's virility has been falling. I found an article that said this about what happens when men with low testosterone are brought back up to a normal level and I quote: "Wives that are reporting the more severe mood swings describe their husbands behavior as being similar to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Their husbands lose their tempers easily, are moody, mean, and often depressed. They are likely to become more impatient and critical of others. They can become very demanding and inconsiderate about sex. It is typical for the female spouse to react to the husbands mood swings by modifying her own behavior." unquote. This explains so much. If the man is easy to get angry then women are more likely to fear his rage and anger.

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Why Women Are Boring? - MGTOW
Why Women Are Boring? - MGTOW Sandman 337 Views • 3 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fritz and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman! This is what I have to say, the only way to become a full MGTOW god is through genetic manipulation and trans humanism. In the future we will no longer be a slave to our biology. We will have the ability to turn off and on our desire for sex and companionship. You will see an attractive woman and she will be like a rock in the road. You will not be attracted to her, you will have more free time to make your own goals come true. You will no longer be burdened by your own biology. You have 100% control of it. You won’t get heart broken due to rejection or a break up. You won’t get divorce rape." unquote Well Fritz thanks for the donation and topic. You don't need genetic engineering and trans humanism to be free of your biology. You just need will power and a few custom hacks. Back when I was 20 years old I was able to shut down my sex drive back when I had the more raging hormones at that age than any other age and it was thank to my religious dedication and sheer will power. I turned it back on after a month because I was afraid I would never get blood flowing into my junk ever again and it took me over half an hour to will a boner out of myself. After that I decided I'd never do that again because I didn't want to take the risk of permanently limp wood syndrome. Because at that time I thought I would need that part of myself if I wanted kids. Today I watch content on the internet that can't exist in real life and when I see attractive women in public they are like rocks on the road to me. I have all the free time in the world to make my goals come true. I'm 100% in control of it by making this content and so are many of the guys listening to it daily. MGTOW philosophy works for many guys and we should be grateful that we have it. Some of us have the ability to control our biology through mental discipline. Would we really want technology out there for all men so that it would level the playing field with regards to male freedom? I'm against putting technology in my body if I can find an
alternative solution. I'm against pharmaceutical medication unless you have no other choice. I learned about trans-humanism back in 1998 when I was in college and took a course on it. The idea was to take technology to augment yourself into a living work of art. Eventually we'll see it but I don't think we will in our lifetimes. But do we really need technology to suppress the pain we go through with regards to the opposite sex in life? I believe you need to feel intense love and have your heart broken because then you know what it means to be human. Remember that line, hard times create strong men. If you've been rejected by women and forced to learn how to control your impulses it makes you a stronger person. If your heart doesn't get broken then you start to treat women disposably the way they treat us. Is that really what you want to do? The one thing I would like to see avoided is divorce rape because it destroys a man's life. But the normal relationship pains we go through in life bring meaning and build character. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor HEX:

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[Response] This Video Exposes the TRUTH About Modern Women
[Response] This Video Exposes the TRUTH About Modern Women mrghoster 83 Views • 3 years ago

Women REALLY have lost the plot haven't they? This is what entitlement and delusion does to the brain? They don't derserve MEN of any kind, the only thing they do derserve from MEN is our Contempt and our avoidance from them. women to day are like a Road Trip that when you get to the first fork in the road you cant make up their mind which one to take? Result Nothing changes "No Road Trip". that sum's up the spoiled modern women with all the many choices, but they don't know how to make those choices?

Throw Away Women
Throw Away Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 461 Views • 3 years ago


MGTOW Tik Tok Compilation 9
MGTOW Tik Tok Compilation 9 TheRareBreedTheory 110 Views • 3 years ago

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Welcome To Incel Nation - MGTOW
Welcome To Incel Nation - MGTOW Sandman 289 Views • 3 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Yoshi and here's what he has to say: "Hi Mr. Sandman, Thank you for your daily dose of red pill. I am 38, and technically never had a real girlfriend. Some people, my family and friends, from time to time asked me if I am not straight. It is just that I am extremely careful about getting involved with women. The first "girlfriend" I had was a classmate in high school. She moved to another state right after high school graduation so we never got to hold hands. A few years later she got pregnant with a man and had to marry him. Then divorced him shortly there after. There was another girl after that whom I was really interested in. She, however, emphatically stated that she was not interested in relationships. Then out of nowhere she sent me a text saying she's gonna get married in three months. I was shocked. Where did this guy come from? Yet again after that another girl I was hanging out with suddenly announced she's getting married because...she got pregnant. The idea of girls sleeping before marriage was foreign to me until these incidents. That's the reason why I am single. I also feel that girls have such high demands that either I metaphorically grovel at their feet or forget about it. Last year a friend of mine, a really good, caring, honest, and family-oriented guy, someone I wouldn't mind introducing my sister to if I had one, told me his girlfriend cheated on him. He got home from work one day and found his girlfriend in bed with a younger guy. My friend had to break up with her. A few months after that he found another girl. This new girl had a son, no father, but the creepy thing he eventually found out was there were male cloths in her room. There was a guy in her life that she never told him about. So my friend broke up with her too. At this point in my life I don't know if I will ever get married, which is a bit concerning to be honest because growing up I have always imagined that it's the natural order of things for male and female to come together and raise families. Warm regards, Mr. Yoshi" Well Yoshi thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but first a word from today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the I've never kissed a girl and I feel fine virgin incel show. I'm not saying that mockingly Yoshi. That woman that told you she wasn't interested in relationships just meant she wasn't interested in relationships with you. She was basically saying it's not you it's me. I'm an independent whamen so please get away from me. The guy she got engaged to only three months later odds are she was already seeing him at that time you asked her out and she was worried that if she told you know that you might get pissed off or become violent. You're right that these days more and more women have very high demands and demand that you kiss their ass. But even that's not a guarantee that you'll get sex, love and reproduction from them. I feel bad for you because you were never given the choice to go your own way from women.

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[Response] Why Can-t I Be Respected Ladies Are Shocked When They Chase Chad, Good Men Walk Away
[Response] Why Can-t I Be Respected Ladies Are Shocked When They Chase Chad, Good Men Walk Away mrghoster 104 Views • 3 years ago

Another one saved from Spew Tube, credits to Taylor. Women shag around and then wonder why REAL MEN don't want them after Chad has spread his seed and DNA! lol! These CUNT's want it all ways don't they?

Female Nature 101 - MGTOW
Female Nature 101 - MGTOW Sandman 312 Views • 3 years ago

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Female Nature 101: A Primer For Men

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Russell Nash the author of Female Nature 101: A Primer For Men and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman. Would you consider reading and reviewing my ebook? It is only 79 pages long and won't consume much of your time. It is a collection of true stories of female nature that I collected over my lifetime. I really want to get it out there to men everywhere. Thank you, sir!" Well Russell thanks for the donation and topic I put a link to your book in the description. It's only four bucks on Amazon Kindle which is a great deal. You say we live in a gynocentric society and that women are like royalty from the moment they are born and men are peasants. You say that in the beginning men and women were complimentary. Men did the difficult tasks outside the house while women did the simpler tasks within it. But that something happened and women became parasitic. You mention shows like Everybody Loves Raymond and King of Queens where the main male characters are insulted by their wives and humiliated even though the titles of those shows imply that the men are in charge and adored by everyone. I only now made the connection that the titles of those shows are the opposite of what's actually depicted in them. Thanks for triggering that thought in my mind. You mention that there are women like Karen Straughan that aren't like all the other women but you follow that up by saying that just because not all Terminator robots kill humans like Arnold in the films after the first one that the argument of not all women are like that is like saying not all Terminators are like that. Anyways, I'll get to more about your book in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the you just haven't found the right female terminator yet clown world show. Russell you bring up terms like psychic rape where women accuse men of rape because they think a man might want to sleep with them. That women's victim complex keeps getting pushed to greater extremes. You mention how western governments implement Marxist laws like giving out tax credits to single mothers while simultaneously increasing taxes on working me to pay for them. Your book does a great job of boiling down the last seven years of many talking points and arguments from the manosphere. Russell I'm going to list the things you discuss in your book including women wanting bad boys, hypergamy, the war bride dynamic and why French women fell in love with Nazis during the second world war and then American troops later on. Plus other things about women giving us a general playbook on women's behavior in our society. Twenty percent into the book you start sharing what I love talking about on my channel and that's personal stories. It looks like they are your own. The first is about a 50 year old woman named Wanda from England. She was in the US and her most recent lover was a 16 year old boy. This was before the term cougar was around. You met her when you were twenty and her favorite topic was herself and her being a nymphomaniac while she teased you. You learned that she was a slut with a terrible hygiene problem and the sex was so bad you didn't want to meet her again but she convinced you to see her again at Dairy Queen. Let me now read what the Dairy Queen with poor hygiene told you in your book and I quote: "Russell you are a nice young man, and you deserve to hear the truth. You don’t have confidence around women. You don’t need confidence and the right approach and to change yourself to impress women. They don’t give a shit about you. Not a single itty bitty shit. Don't be nervous around them. They don’t care for you, my guy. They never will.

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Do You Have Hobbies? Women Will Hate That...
Do You Have Hobbies? Women Will Hate That... theredpath 43 Views • 3 years ago

⁣My point of view on why a woman hates when her man has hobbies... That is NOT her...

Why Are Women So Terrible? - MGTOW
Why Are Women So Terrible? - MGTOW Sandman 326 Views • 3 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from a donation from Flying Fish and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Approximately 7 years ago I was fortunate enough to come across your work at a very critical time of transition in my life. In my hamlet on the south coast of commiefornia in Santa Barbara, there has been a lack of balanced men to communicate with concerning the importance of our red pill path. The population consists of newlyweds and nearly deads surrounded by 3 colleges and massive amounts of wealth. After finding terra firma from divorce, I was finally able to formulate a viable question that began a search that nearly instantly filled with your wealth of input. The question I scraped together? Why are women so terrible? I mumbled it out loud to myself. I had no idea that was such a deep cesspool. Every day I am reassured when your new podcast pops up. I have never been so at peace in my entire life. I can't recall if you have directly done a bit on 'whamen are a liability', possibly the worst. It could drive the Sandman spike in between our men 'risking it for the biscuit' and something solid which they actually can relate to, 'their wallet and life's energy accrual'. It could be tied into gambling etc. I wish I had someone beat this into me when I was younger. Currently whamens are revolting dead weight brewing up infections for us healthy men. I hope you are doing great? Well Flying Fish thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to the why are women so terrible clown world show. Flying Fish I've already don't tons of videos as to why women are liablility in a man's life as his wife and risking it for the biscuit as you call it. But you inadvertently came up with the perfect topic when you asked why are women so terrible? Funny enough I went out shopping for groceries, medication and gas today and it was almost a week since I left the house because of the coof. With women I'm always cautious around them and friends used to think I'm paranoid but now they see what I see. So today I go out to get gas and the woman behind the plexiglass and mask faced counter tells me that I have to refill my gas savings card online and that she can't do it. So I just grab another card and tell her I'll take it. She didn't want me to redeem my points for some reason. I guess because I would use a discount on gas and then her boss wouldn't be happy I guess. I don't know but it certainly makes me lose trust in her and her gas station. Then I go in to get to pickup my prescription at Costco and give the woman behind the counter fifty bucks. It came out to 42.50. Then I remembered I had an extra two dollars and fifty cents. I hand her 52.50 for medication that's 42.50 and am expecting to get ten dollars back. She pretends to look for her calculator and then says she can't find it and asks me if she owes me five dollars. Obviously the calculator could be seen as distraction so that I might forget she owes me ten instead of five. All the while this is going on in my brain and it's no longer entertaining because I've seen female tellers try to pull stuff like this. I tell her it's ten and I'm not amused. Then I go into the third store and I'm in line next to get to the cashier and two girls cut in front of me because we are supposed to leave a three or four foot gap between customers. They start going up to the cashier and they are going up first. I just run around them and get to the cashier first and they look surprised.

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Never Be Friends With Women
Never Be Friends With Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 437 Views • 3 years ago


It's Over For Women - MGTOW
It's Over For Women - MGTOW Sandman 408 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "I remembered you wanted to get a kid through ivf surrogacy. I'm guessing that didn't happen, but why?" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation. As for your question about having a kid through ivf surrogacy that is a bit complicated. I've wanted to do that in my mid to late forties after I finished doing all the things I wanted in life. Unfortunately for the last five years I've had really bad health problems that can kill me. I'll share more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways now back to the end of the world for women clown world show. So Anon from 2015 until the end of 2017 I've had chronic throat infections caused by allergies to all grains, night shades, sugar, vegetables and other foods. I finally did an elimination diet in 2017 and cut out the foods that were literally killing me as my throat was constantly bleeding and slowly killing me. Then at the end of 2017 I got a Tinea infection that went wild and created so much pain that I was suicidal for about a year. Just as my throat was fine my skin went nuts in 2018. In 2019 I got long-term antibiotics that kept the pain under control. I got off the antibiotics in the middle of 2020 for a couple of months and the pain became so severe that I had chronic unstoppable Diarrhea from the pain that last those two months from the pain and lost ten pounds in about a month. I went bad on the medication and my pain went away and immediately the diarrhea too. Without the meds I'm a dead man unless I amputate the top third of all my fingers and toes. I have a little bit of wiggle room with my condition now as I've been de-stressing and hopefully if crypto gets to where it needs to go by the end of the year I can stop doing my daily coaching chats and hire someone to edit my videos and get to the ten year mark of daily production on my channel in about two and a half years. Besides my health issues I don't have the time it takes to raise a kid at this point. If I ever become wealthy through crypto I still might have kids when I get much older but not raise them myself. I would use surrogacy and then give the kid or kids up for adoption. I would in essence cuck some blue pill simp out there to raise my kid. There are plenty of infertile cat ladies that would gladly raise and pass on some man's genes. It's a great idea when it comes to gene propagation because I could put kids up for adoption on multiple continents including Australia, North America and Europe. That way if there's a war the chances of survival for those kids are the highest. When I mentioned this to Anon he pointed out that even if the surrogacy agency let me do this, it would look very bad for intended parents. He linked me to a story [ about an Australian couple who hired a Thai surrogate, and one of the kids had down syndrome. The surrogate mother fell in love with the kids and kept the one with down syndrome, lying to the media that the Australian couple abandoned him. Even though it was a complete lie and the Australian couple actually wanted the child, it resulted in many popular countries banning or placing heavy restrictions on surrogacy.

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I Can No Longer Stand The Sound Of Women's Voices - MGTOW
I Can No Longer Stand The Sound Of Women's Voices - MGTOW Sandman 328 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Juan. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is cover a reddit post called: "Today I Realized I Can No Longer Stand The Sound Of Women's Voices" by someone named Kid Hussle and here's what he has to say: "It just happened as I'm sitting here in traffic listening to an audio book by Neil deGrasse Tyson where he answers questions from interested fans on his podcast. Thinking it's going to be Neil talking, I instead hear some lady astronomer going on about something and I immediately became uninterested and annoyed. Even after Neil started talking it was already enough for me. Then I thought about it and realized that happens a lot lately, anything I watch or listen to that has a woman speaking just gets me so bothered and makes me lose interest. Even in public, hearing a woman speak at the store just makes me want to leave immediately, I've resorted to using earbuds in stores or public places. I don't know if it's a bad thing, if it's unhealthy for the mind, I'm not sure, all I know is my days seem to be more peaceful with the least amount of noise as possible." unquote. I completely agree with with Kid Hussle. It's gotten to the point where I'm not even listening to a woman's words anymore unless she says something out of the ordinary. All I'm doing is listening to the tone of her voice when she is speaking to get a reading on her emotional state. Afterall women don't generally want a man's help. They just want someone to sit there and listen their problems. Or when they are happy and tell you something that she perceives as wonderful happening to her you're supposed to put on a fake smile and dance around the room like a money with cybals all happy for her. When she's angry at you you're supposed to fight back and provide drama and not be a pushover. It's gotten to the point where within a few seconds I recognize what her mood is and what she wants with her words and I start feeling nausea. It's like the annoyance factor I feel from a song I've heard a million times. The first one that came to my mind was the Macarena or just about any song by the backstreet boys. If that dates me too much then think about Major Lazer and their hit song Lean On. I'll get to why I can no longer stand the voices of women because they are like songs I've heard one too many time in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor me the Sandman: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. There are a handful of women that I listen to online that take some time to tell a somewhat interesting story without a man scripting their words for them first. One woman that I covered recently like that was Teal Swan. Her second husband made her content interesting to listen to and her voice was soothing and feminine. The rest of the women I hear these days just ramble on without thinking about what they are going to say ahead of time. But for me over the last year of covid I'm getting annoyed by the sound of women's and children's voices for that matter entirely. Also much of the electronic music I used to listen to. I don't know if it has to do
with age or something else. For example the styles of hard electronic music I love to listen to stress me out and give me anxiety so instead I prefer classical music instead. It's more subtle and subdued and doesn't drive my emotions as wild as the loud obnoxious stuff. Now I understand why guys like Moses Znaimer, the guy that created Much Music, Canada's version of MTV as well as CityTV which was the closest thing to YouTube with it's speakers corner booth that you could get in the 1980s and 1990s decided to run a classic music radio station. I guess he also had enough of the noise.

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This Couhtry Is Ripe For The Taking By Real Men
This Couhtry Is Ripe For The Taking By Real Men Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 508 Views • 3 years ago

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Why Have My Friends Settled For Ugly Girlfriends? - MGTOW
Why Have My Friends Settled For Ugly Girlfriends? - MGTOW Sandman 296 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover something a guy named Dez and Jager posted on Reddit and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Is it for the sex? What I'm really asking myself is this, and I know they are my friends and I should know, but it somehow baffles me and this is something you cannot ask people about: Why would these highly educated men, with very good and stable jobs, good health, in a west-European country, settle for these completely mediocre women (both in their late 20s) who could objectively be classified as ugly, intellectually non-stimulating, less educated, and above all not even a nice person? It baffles me what some guys are willing to do just to get laid sometimes!!" unquote. Yes guys have settled for women way below their league forever. I did it because it meant the odds were good I wasn't going to be dumped while I pumped. Pumped them that is. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the women as ugly as a dog wearing a thong clown world show. As I was saying this phenomena has been going on forever but since 2012 and Tinder showing up on the scene women are only one swipe away from being skewered by Chads and Tyrones so their standards have gone up with regards to who they are willing to bone. One guy on reddit below the post that Dez put up has to say this and I quote: "The average guy doesn't have "game". They certainly don't have game when they're 15 yrs old and pulling out of puberty. They're generally awkward at best. Plus the girls are (hypergamy) interested in guys that are "older" (better). So, the young guy finally loses his virginity to that fat beast. The "better looking" girls keep giving him difficulty, so he keeps going back to the fat-girlS and develops a "Fat-girl" fetish...why? Well, that's where he gets his play. As he gets older and his SMV improves...he doesn't realize it...and is still the awkward guy he's always been (Hello, HR?), so he's happy with the fat-girl/wife and sadly doesn't know any better. I've explained this to younger guys many times, PLUS you have the guy that picked the literally fat-and-ugly girl to build a family with so he doesn't have to worry about anybody trying to steal her from him. Good luck to those clowns." unquote. So that explains what I did by settling for relationships with a large marge because of not having to worry about her leaving because odds are she could find anyone better. Hypergamy is defeated by the gravity of saggy boobs and bottoms. If you can convince yourself that you have a fetish for larger women which is also something I did and which is something I no longer have a preference for. It's amazing what a man will convince himself of when he's getting sex on a regular basis. Also the idea that a guy doesn't really understand his own sexual marketplace value relative to a woman's is very important. Women are always looking around for a man that has no clue about his own value and they look for guys like that to trap into relationships. If a guy is happy and fat with a woman that resembles a hot air balloon really why is that a bad thing?

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The Rooster is Too Big | Grunt Speak Highlights
The Rooster is Too Big | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 348 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Keep it in your pants… BUTT only if you can.
Featuring Thumprr the Redneck Comic.
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The Sick & Twisted Reason Women Want Soy Boys
The Sick & Twisted Reason Women Want Soy Boys Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 393 Views • 3 years ago

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I'm From the Government and I'm Here to Help | Grunt Speak Live
I'm From the Government and I'm Here to Help | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 128 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The government would never allow experiments that hurt you on purpose, right?
#gruntspeaklive #notyourlabrats #epicfail

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Wives Are Withholding Intimacy To Control Their Husbands
Wives Are Withholding Intimacy To Control Their Husbands Donovan Sharpe 21 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Wives Are Withholding Intimacy To Control Their Husbands

Women Fear Loneliness - MGTOW
Women Fear Loneliness - MGTOW Sandman 334 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I wanted to talk about our future as free men and the men with shackles as well. For so thousands of years our desire and motivation has been thru woman rather we like it or not, but then came MGTOW through the ability of free will. In which it broke our motivation to life from wahman. MGTOW men are like self creation, always expanding and evolving of a new version of themselves just like space and the universe. You could say that we have created new countries and new laws in us. Every man is his own country individual in this planet. As for men with shackles who are waking up just know you can still help out, you are most likely stuck in a cheaper to keep her relationship. What you can do is back yourself up with some saved up dough or breaking your own heart to get out of there. I would not ask another man for something I would not do myself, I say let’s take it to the next level, a SUPERNOVA kinda level. For everyone of us has a piece of the future why not put it together. I know we’re individuals but we could collide created these SUPERNOVA. Remember why we choice this road full of bumps, potholes and crabs and wallflowers who wanna keep us down. So F the meat grind and resist the temptation especially when women are hitting you up in booty hours after night. Just like I was in the Fandom Menace fighting for them to change Sonic our boy it wasn’t the best movie but it was our movie. And The Game Stop hitting the moon that was fun. What I'm saying is pick your fight and stick to it no matter the outcome if we lose then let’s lose like champions. BITCOIN is also helping men break up all institutions. As men no one is coming to helps us. Not a nation, government, special interest of groups, programs or even our bloodline we’re on our own." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to my thoughts about your words in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Your comments were are a lot of rambling and venting your frustrations. Sounds to me like you're talking about men self actualizing thanks to MGTOW instead of falling into the relationship and family trap. That it's better for men to be sovereign individuals instead of married simps. Also that married guys need to make their escape if possible. One of the major lies that men have to get over to go their own way is to accept the idea that Women fear loneliness while men savor it. Once you understand reality through that lens you will see that it's like there are two worlds. The world of men and the world of women. At a young age men are afraid to be single and lonely. The idea of becoming a sovereign individual scares us. We would rather be dependent on a woman and family for purpose and meaning. But with time that dissipates and we just want to be left alone. But I find that as women age they fear being alone and almost seem to seek out men to harass and control. While young men seek out women to sleep with and when old women seek out men to harass. I know a couple of spinsters sisters that stick together because of the fear of being alone. They fight and hate each other but can't live without one another because male attention is scarce in their fifties. The last thing as women they can ever imagine is being sovereign and living for themselves. It would be a fate
worse than death. Women are as lonely as a smart phone without an internet connection.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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