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Women From Finland LOL - MGTOW
Women From Finland LOL - MGTOW Sandman 208 Views • 5 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Feminism comes of age in Finland as female coalition takes the reins

Why Has Finland’s Fertility Rate Collapsed - And Are There Lessons For Us?

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by by a donation from Pieter, I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly? He didn't send me a topic so I wanted to share a story by someone that wants to remain unnamed so here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, So here in Finland speaking online about anything related to MGTOW is heavily censored. Either feminists attack you with incel-content or the message is deleted in seconds. And when I try to ask females, why they do not want men to speak about MGTOW as mentioned, they won't respond, as you and I know the real reasons. As we have now extreme far-leftist and feminist goverment with all only female members. And they have already began to plan laws for getting penalties from wrongthink and hate speech. At the same time in medias they are worried about drastically dropping birth-rates, but at the same time they are praising single life of women, women who travel to Gambia as sex tourists and every day force teens between the lines to become LBGT, since it is now the only way to be cool and accepted as a group member. For example one hour ago at one forum there was a message where mom of her 16-year old boy told that the boy had said he never wants a relationship because of the current condition of all females. First all messages supporting the opinion of that boy were removed, and soon the whole topic. I have been writing new topics to miscellaneous Finnish forums with title "The five frightening letters" and in content wrote "you can't reduce it, you can't stop it, you can't censor it.", and in the most of the cases I have gotten banned anywhere from one to ten days. Ten years go I never couldn't imagine that everyday life in Finland would be like this. At this is just the beginning. My message sure is messy, but I can write more if needed? Well Pieter thanks for the donation and thank you Mr. Anonymous Finnish man for sending me observations about gender politics in your country. Spelled with a U no doubt. But before I share my views on what's happening let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor the MGTOW Book Collection:

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Retire Fast Without Females - MGTOW
Retire Fast Without Females - MGTOW Sandman 236 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Luca Vendetti the Author of a the MGTOWs guide to retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia. He wants me to spend this video discussing different retirement strategies that include his with regards to becoming an ex pat and moving to Southeast Asia and relying on the cheaper cost of living and higher interest rates from the governments in Asia to make your capital generate a higher rate of return. Before I discuss the Ex Pat strategy of moving somewhere cheaper to live as other strategies like the early retirement strategies I'm following including a dividend growth strategy as well as how to speculate more successfully let me first tell everyone about Luca's book I just mentioned The MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back with the show. The first retirement strategy I want to discuss is the Dividend Growth one. This involves dollar cost averaging into blue chip dividend stocks in places like Canada and the US. Stocks like AT&T, Johnson & Johnson or Pepsi. Companies that pay somewhere between three to six percent a year yield and increase their dividends on a consistant basis. If for example I took a million bucks and invested it in Dividend paying stocks that yield on average of five percent that would give me fifty thousand dollars a year and it would be the equivalent of around sixty-five to seventy thousand dollars a year in before tax income because the dividends are taxed at your marginal tax rate. If you don't have any other forms of income then you virtually pay no tax and have a middle class lifestyle. Of course the issue is about getting to one million dollars or in the case of Luca's strategy getting to two hundred thousand dollars. If you're not in a relationship or have a family you can start saving in your late teens and early twenties in a hurry. If you live with room mates and take public transit or live within walking's distance to your job the savings start to pile up. If you start this strategy in your early twenties then you will have a million bucks in dividend paying stocks by the the time you reach your mid to late forties. But of course the problem is inflation. While you can certainly live off of fifty thousand a year today as a single man. It's going to be difficult if not impossible to do so in another twenty to twenty-five years. The problem is that many financial advisers show you such a huge sum of savings but they don't really discuss inflation because they are after all trying to sell you financial investments and it's in their interest that you don't know the full facts. Besides by the time you learn it's not enough to retire 25 years will have past and you won't be able to find that adviser because he'll be dead or retired himself. So while a dividend strategy is great it has to be incorporated with other strategies. Plus the only thing that can de-rail a portfolio like that is something like the Novel Corona Virus. In the last couple of years I've done well with this strategy and on February 5th I sold more about sixty percent of my dividend paying stocks for a fat profit. I did that not because they were a bad investment but because based on the trajectory I see on this analytics dashboard that I captured this image.

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The Isolated Male
The Isolated Male MgtowMonkMode 68 Views • 5 years ago


Don't Marry Her - MGTOW
Don't Marry Her - MGTOW Sandman 160 Views • 5 years ago

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Body Transformation Made Simple

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Mgtow: A Minimalist Guide to Becoming a Healthy Happy Mgtow

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW American and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Attached to my message is a pdf of my book. It's called A Minimalist Guide to Becoming A Healthy, Happy, MGTOW. The main quote of the book is on the back cover and in the book and it says "Women are the gatekeepers of sex and Men are the gatekeepers of commitment and the gates of commitment are closing fast". It's a guide that tells what MGTOW is and what it is not. It gives advise to those 12 years old and up. Thanks for doing this review my friend." Well MGTOW American thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to reviewing your book in just a sec but let me first tell you about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple: Anyways, now back to MGTOW American and his book The Minimalist Guide to Becoming a Healthy, Happy, MGTOW. The minimalist lifestyle is one where you aim to live your life with fewer possessions and achieve self-sufficiency sooner in life and MGTOW American says that not persuing women reduces life's difficulty by over 75 percent. I guess you might say that if life were a video game and you were going your own way then life would be on easy mode. You put a very interesting quote on the eighth page by Sheila Cronin saying this and I quote: "Since marriage consitutes slavery for women, it's clear the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage." unquote. This gentlemen is a woman saying something before a man has a chance. What she's really saying is that marriage is slavery for men but if she says that it's slavery for women first then she assumes that men can't use that arguement. It also makes women look like the victims. But regardless if feminists want to end marriage who are we to stand in their way? I agree with you that a minimalist lifestyle is great for the environment because it reduces consumption by reducing population. But let's get real the powers that be don't want a reduced population. They are bringing in migrants to out breed the locals in the west. They don't want to save the environment because if they do by lowering consumption then they kill the economy. They just want to use it as an excuse to raise taxes on us mostly men. Of course your guide MGTOW American will piss of feminists. They don't want their slaves walking off the plantation.

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1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Feminists are Thieves
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Feminists are Thieves MGTOW_Is_Freedom 71 Views • 5 years ago

(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

Land Whales & Beta Males - MGTOW
Land Whales & Beta Males - MGTOW Sandman 295 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Colttaine's Channel:

MGTOW Mystery Link: After Being MeTooed:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rational Animal and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Another month, another request. Can you please feature Colttaine's channel? I know he is not exactly "unknown" but you have many more subscribers and I think the newcomers to MGTOW will benefit from watching his videos. I've attached both his Bitchute and YouTube channel links." Well Rational Animal thanks for the donation and topic. As for Colttaine's channel I put the links you sent me to his channel in the description so that people can chectk those out. As for what I think about his content and most specfically one of his most recent videos called Of Monkeys And Men and I'll get to that in just a second but let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to Rational Animal's request that I review Colttaine's content. So the Of Monkeys And Men video is almost an hour long and it's a great one. First of all he tries to clear the air between himself and TFM with regards to some differences they have between how power and patriarchy works in our society. But that's not the part of the video I want to talk about. Colttaine discusses how social hierarchy has changed for humans with time. Before civilization he describes our world as one where there were four distinct parts of humanity that all had their own separate existance in the tribe. There were the alpaha males that fed on grapes and got to bang all the babes. There were the women, the children and the beta males. The betas provided protection and provision because in exchange they got survival thanks to the tribal unit. Then he describes a scenario where in one group of monkies the alpha males ate poisoned food and all of them died. At that point all that remained was the women the children and the beta males. Scientists were expecting that the beta males would fill in the void where the alphas were but that didn't happen. Instead the whole group became like the bonobos where the stronger females took over and they became like the bonobos. Coltaine admits that although he appears like an alpha on the outside because he has a great job, he's over six feet tall, has an IQ of around a buck twenty five, rides a motorcycle and works out and is in great shape. It takes a lot of courage for a man like that to come out and say that he's not an alpha especially after building up a strong exterior. Being alpha is a mindset it seems and if you don't have it from a young age you never will. But Colttaine points out that in the past before social media there were more so called alpha males in the eyes of women. But now social media has made being an alpha almost impossibly difficult because women now only see the best of the best. In my opinion this is creating a vacuum of alpha males and it's starting to destabilize society. Women are no longer respecting wealthy and powerful men like they used to. Don't believe me then just look at what's going on with MeToo.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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Relationships Are Full-Time Jobs - MGTOW
Relationships Are Full-Time Jobs - MGTOW Sandman 164 Views • 5 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jeff and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman. This is the first time I have sent a topic and I'm not sure if you have already covered this or not? Back in 2005 when I was still a blue pill knob, I started searching on one of those internet dating sites for the first time. I compiled a list of girls that I liked the look of and then took a closer look at each of their profiles. Each woman had around 2 to 3 paragraphs of all the things her man was to be, but didn't say anywhere what she was going to bring to the relationship. I thought to myself 'no wonder these girls are single, being in a relationship with them sounds like a full time job in itself'. How did women get to be so above themselves? One reason I thought of was the influence of pop stars on young girls. I remember that Madonna song from years ago called 'Express Yourself' where she encourages women 'not to settle for anything but the best' and 'make him make you feel like a queen on the throne'. Was it possible that a psychopath like Madonna was able to influence possibly multi generations of young girls in this way? I'd like to know what you think Sandman. Again apologies if you have already covered this topic and if you have then talk about something else. Love your videos." Well Jeff thanks for the donation and topic. I was old enough as a kid to remember the Narcissism of the 1980s quite well and the rise of Madonna. Afterall she's know as the material girl. Or at least she was. But before I discuss this further let me tell you about today's sponsor the Brave Browser: Anyways, now back with the show. Jeff just so you know being in a relationship with not just narcissistic nancies but with the majority of women is a full-time job. You lose your weekends because you have to go to family Birthday parties, out drinking with people you can't stand while fantasizing about putting a glock to your temple to take you away from your misery. But the benefit of a full-time relationship for most men is that they offer a hot Vag to cool off your cold junk as well as the occassional female validation which amounts to nothing more then a dog treat for a grown man. It's easy for women to demand the materialistic life of a Queen because yes they have been socialised by Madonna and consumer culture. But also because our species in general never received enough of what we needed or wanted in the wild before civilization so there doesn't seem to be a part of our mind that tells us when to stop. For example have you ever just tried to eat one or two potato chips and before you know it the whole bag is gone and you feel like you're going to vomit. The same I believe is true for women and trying to get the best genetic material inside of them to have a baby with. The women that you see around us today are the ones that are most likely descendants of the most greedy women that used their social abilities to get their genes to make it this far. The men you see today, their descendant probably used their physical strength and reasoning ability to provide and protect the most for their families. We are species that comes from scarcity and our motto should be you can never get enough of a good thing. The soy boys would have perished before there was civilization.

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How To Stop Being Attracted To Women? - MGTOW
How To Stop Being Attracted To Women? - MGTOW Sandman 468 Views • 5 years ago

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Kool Buildings

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because YouTube is once again throttling my channel down. Before the voxadpocalypse in June of 2019 I had two million views a month. Now that number is moving between under one million views a month and just above it. Just as a my travel channel gets two to three thousand views I've put 80 videos on versus the over 2200 I put on my Sandman channel. Also make sure you're still subscribed and if you listen to my content everyday make sure you're clicking on the bell a second time and saying you want all notifications. Because I'm hearing from many of you that you're not getting any notifications. YouTube is stepping up their censorship for the 2020 election and while I don't think they will ban everyone because the Democrats don't seem to have a candidate that can beat the Orange Man it doesn't mean they won't find ways to lash out at those they perceive to be their political and ideological opponents. Some of you will say my content is stale and that's why my traffic is going down. But it's still going up on and Bitchute. Also not getting donations to cover every video hasn't happened since the end of 2014 and early 2015. But enough of my whining. Time to move on to the topic at hand. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor bitpix: Anyways, now back with the show. In a recent video I told everyone that I had found a way to become attracted to something online that I wasn't exposed to in real life. I eluded to furries and many of you said that Sandman is a furry confirmed. But that is true partially. It's one of my fetishes so you better hide your pets and cover their ears. But one of my listeners named Romeo Whiskey thought what I said was interesting and left me a lengthy response that I'd like to share with everyone. So here's what Romeo Whiskey has to say and I quote: "Sandman , you have discovered one of my mental manipulation techniques.... and it really works. I had a problem being sexually attracted to women, it’s caused me quite a bit of trouble at work and in my private life. Not just the physical stimulation, but I would react emotionally as well. When I decided to go MGTOW, this was one of the major problems I had. How to counteract this constant attraction "?" How to beat this weakness "?" I had been reading about a mental technique called negative reenforcement, ( basically flooding the mind with negative thoughts whenever you were tempted by sexual desire ) ... but it wasn’t working as well as I had hoped. Until I realized the other half of the equation. You can’t make yourself not want sexual release at all ... but you CAN change what you want. By finding a particularly stimulating type or situation of sexual desire and amplifying that, you can reduce your susceptibility to most others. Basically giving yourself a fetish. By then ensuring that you will never encounter the type of woman and situation you fantasize about, you have beaten the game. It’s like a cheat code for life.

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MGTOW IS FREEDOM  - Unicorns! They are both Rare _ DANGEROUS animal
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Unicorns! They are both Rare _ DANGEROUS animal MGTOW_Is_Freedom 79 Views • 5 years ago

(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Pharma-Chemical Castration - MGTOW beware, its a man-kid
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Pharma-Chemical Castration - MGTOW beware, its a man-kid MGTOW_Is_Freedom 86 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

Why Egyptian Women Cheat & She Must Have Attention
Why Egyptian Women Cheat & She Must Have Attention Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 785 Views • 5 years ago

Why women cheat on good men

MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Prostitutes in History, Men lost control long ago
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Prostitutes in History, Men lost control long ago MGTOW_Is_Freedom 130 Views • 5 years ago

(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

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