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Dave Portnoy ATTACKED By Unhinged Liberal Pizza Shop Owner & It Backfires Spectacularly!
Dave Portnoy ATTACKED By Unhinged Liberal Pizza Shop Owner & It Backfires Spectacularly! TheQuartering 29 Views • 1 year ago

My Lauren Chen Interview Is Live Now!

Fresh & Fit Get ALL The Women Thanks To Feminism
Fresh & Fit Get ALL The Women Thanks To Feminism timpool 28 Views • 1 year ago

From Ep 27 of The Culture War with Fresh &amp; Fit and Jason Howerton <br> <br> <br>BUY CAST BREW COFFEE TO SUPPORT THE SHOW - <br>Become A Member And Protect Our Work at <br> <br>My Second Channel - <br>Podcast Channel - <br> <br>Merch - <br> <br>Make sure to subscribe for more travel, news, opinion, and documentary with Tim Pool everyday.

How Women Can Have It All
How Women Can Have It All AaronClarey 30 Views • 2 years ago

Bachelor Pad Economics:

The Great "Plan B" Pill Rationing BEGINS!!
The Great "Plan B" Pill Rationing BEGINS!! REDPILLMARRIED 185 Views • 2 years ago

WOW! Stockpiling Plan B to use after getting Dirty D! SMDH. <br>Search &quot;⁣Drugstores ration Plan B contraceptives as Roe ruling sparks panic.&quot;

The Forest Gump Friend Zone - MGTOW
The Forest Gump Friend Zone - MGTOW Sandman 497 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>How &amp; Where to Buy HEX <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Joaquin and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hi Sandman, When I went to High School I fell in love with a girl named Valerie in my freshman year. She was the most popular girl in school. She ran track, was very hot, had an athletic body and exotic features. I was shy, but not unattractive. I kept to myself and would try to talk to her. I worked out and kept pretty clean. I only had eyes for her. I started talking to her. Showed a bit more confidence. We became friends, but every time I tried to ask her out she would be with someone. We talked on the phone, I sang to her over the phone, baked her a birthday cake that was taken to school, and I learned how to draw because of her. Many thought of me being sweet, but nowadays it's known as simping for her. Every year she was with a different person. This went on all throughout high school. She knew I liked her and by then the whole school knew. My senior year I was tired of this and getting close to graduation I went back to being shy and slowly stopped talking to her. Then one evening my mother calls me saying there's a girl at the door. It's Valerie in her track shorts and shirt. She says she wants to talk. I let her in and my father, who was watching sports on the couch nearly falls off seeing her. I take her back to my room where my little brother and sister were either watching tv or reading. I offered her a chair and I went back to a project I was finishing up. I wanted to scream at her about why she never gave me a chance or realized my feelings for her, but I stayed quiet. After 20 or so minutes I simply told her I needed to shower and go to bed. So I walked her the front door and that was it. I'm sure many being the only fish left in an empty barrel would've jumped at the chance to be finally picked, but I simply stayed there. All those four years of loneliness hit hard. I never went to prom and I never celebrated my graduation. Then one day during summer my friends end up telling me that she use to dance at the local strip club during our junior and senior years, but never bothered to tell me. They also made mention that after prom at the beach party Valerie went from one guy to another and in the morning was kicked out by one of the guys that use to go out with her. Not knowing if this was true and thinking they were just trying to cheer me up, I ended up making a few calls and later asking her cousin, the stories were confirmed. It seems they were relieved in telling me because I was in love with her and they didn't want to hurt me with the truth. Still in the end she hurt me the most by finally seeing what was left in the fish bucket. Any incite to this and similar high school stories. Thank you and keep MGTOW strong.&quot; Well Joaquin thanks for the donation and topic. It's tragic that your high school years were ruined because of a bad case of oneitis. You say you were attractive but clearly you weren't attractive enough. Otherwise she wouldn't have put you in the Forest Gump friend zone. It was all over the moment you said you became friends in the second or third sentence of your story. From then on I didn't have to hear more. I'll discuss your story in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Next Robocop Will Be An Overweight Black Woman - MGTOW
Next Robocop Will Be An Overweight Black Woman - MGTOW Sandman 484 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Luke 1234 and here's what he briefly has to say: &quot;Hello Sandman, I would like to do something a little different for today’s video. Could you please do a review of the masterpiece film 1987’s RoboCop. Weather it’s a review or a comparison to the pathetic 2014 remake is your choice. Cheers&quot; Well Luke1234 thanks for the donation and topic. I've covered film reviews for years. Just the other day I reviewed the documentary film Tinder Swindler. I just haven't done it in a while. I'm guessing a lot of your are terrified that Queen Latifah will be playing officer Murphy in the next Robocop remake. The way that Wokeywood has been going in Commiefornia recently it probably wouldn't surprise any of us. The Robocop franchise never should have been rebooted but they had to go for those nostalgia dollars because they are creatively bankrupt. The first Robocop when I saw that as a kid it was an instant classic and masterpiece. Even the story in the second one where Robocop or Alex Murphy still has feelings for his wife but she rejects him and calls the cops to stop him from stalking her was well done. But in the remake he gets to go home to his wife and kid and still has his old life. The first one was tragic because he loses his family and it has a much deeper emotional impact because he can't remember who he is. Only bits and pieces. It plays on the the idea of what makes up the human soul. Is it memories or is it something else. Paul Verhoven the director brings up the same themes in Total Recall as well. Unlike the mess of a film they made for that reboot. Ironically that reboot was also shot in Toronto. They film the new woke star trek discovery here too. It's cheaper than making it in America and if they go cheap on the budget you can sure bet they probably go cheap on the scriptwriters as well. In the 1987 Robocop his strong empowered female partner works perfectly in the film. There were strong females in Total Recall as well. But in the 2014 Robocop remake Murphy's partner is male. Plus Detroit is only three to four hours away from Toronto. What I would have done is filmed outdoor chase scenes in Detroit and then used CGI to insert new buildings and fill in all the land with missing houses. Make Detroit look prosperous again. But Toronto is generic enough to fill in for most US cities. Anyway's I'll get on with my review in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

Hot Young Ukrainian Women Are Moving West & Western Women Are In Panic Mode! - MGTOW
Hot Young Ukrainian Women Are Moving West & Western Women Are In Panic Mode! - MGTOW Sandman 684 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: Stoic Indifference: Manual of Basic Mental Discipline

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dennis and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman! I`m currently in Warsaw, Poland, helping Ukrainian refugees because I`m part Ukrainian. I stay at the apartment with students who study in Poland. Today, in the common kitchen I had interesting conversation happened, full of red flags. The conversation was with my female roommate from Greece, who was describing the situation with Ukrainian women entering Greece. And how Greek men all over social media platforms are willing and ready to accept HOT, YOUNG, WET, blue eyed and blond haired Ukrainian women to their homes. The Great Sex Migration, so to speak. My roommate was not very happy by telling me this story, and I think I know why. Greek women are scared of heavy competition in sexual-market, on tinder, casual encounters, etc. Obviously, they don`t want their men to upgrade to a better model and rather keep them instead. They are in panic mode! Ukrainian women, on the other hand are ready to compete with all EU women, and most likely to stay quiet until they get their papers." Well Dennis thanks for the donation and topic. Notice how women didn't complain when aggressive and masculine middle eastern male refugees flooded in by the millions into Western Europe five years ago but now it's a different story when more feminine and seemingly submissive women flood in from the east. Suddenly they start spinning the tale about how there's a war in Ukraine but it's women that are the most effected and not the Ukrainian men. Russia is invading Ukraine but Ukrainian men can't leave. Yet Ukrainian thots are leaving for other parts of Europe creating competition in the sexual marketplace in Grece. It would be like a massive influx of Giga Chads moving into America all of a sudden. The incels would lose their minds even more because there would be even harder them to get attention from women. It wouldn't be Chad and Stacey that would be their mortal enemies but Chad, Vlad and Stacey. For women in Greece the only invasion that matters is the Ukrainian women coming into their country. If that woman is venting her frustration to you then you know it's a serious issue. They are probably most worried that they will have to up their standards of beauty to compete with such women. Maybe that was the plan all along. To get a new influx of females into the west by creating a refugee crisis? The Bosnian war led to a lot of attractive Slavic women moving to Sweden and Canada. But the Bosnian population was only a couple of million souls. There are forty million people in Ukraine. So in theory there might be five to ten million refugees flooding into western countries. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Stoic Indifference:

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Why War Is Good For Men & Bad For Women - MGTOW
Why War Is Good For Men & Bad For Women - MGTOW Sandman 355 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Red Pill Developer

The future of "toxic" masculinity is today's Russia!

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Anakin Simpwalker. He didn't give me a topic so what I'll be covering is a post from going your own way dot com called: "The future of "toxic" masculinity is today's Russia!" and here's what someone named GTRFreak has to say and I quote: "I heard about a social phenomenon happening in Russia and other former Soviet States (Lithuania, Belarus, Estonia, et al). In short, college campuses have too few men and they are realizing how valuable they are. Now it's men on college campuses that have the dating advantage over the girls because they are scarce. What kind of society will our daughters live in if boys are systematically kept out of higher education and even top-tier jobs? Just visit Russia and you'll get an idea. After the WWII there were too little men, since so many died in the front. And after that, Stalin killed even more people among his fellow citizens during his purges. That left a shortage of men that forced women into hard physical jobs, and the newborn males were not enough to balance the population even after many decades. As a result, Russian men have had LOTS of women to choose from, and they have acted cocky since then. Ask any Russian woman about this (as I have) and she will tell you about how bad their men are: badly spoken, bad mannered, alcoholics, even violent... They can get away with bad behavior because women have to compete HARD to get a man, ANY man. Even a fat, ugly Russian dude can get a very good-looking girl without much hassle. That's why Russian women are so open to meet foreign men: scarcity of men on their own land. Russian women are über feminine because their beauty is their best passport out of a life of loneliness and hard work. The less-beautiful ones have to show other qualities that are desirable for men: willingness to be a caring mother, good housekeeping skills, and good cooking abilities. So, the real toxic men don't live in America or Europe. They live all over the world, and when there are not enough men around, as it happens in Russia, women will have to take whatever thay can get, toxic or not." unquote. So with that being said thank you Simpwalker for the donation and GTRFreak is right that when there aren't enough men to go around for women women are the ones that have to compete for us. Right now there are more than enough males and the scarcity in males after the second world war in China, Russia, Japan, Eastern Europe and Germany worked itself out of the system in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s. Notice that this was the most peaceful and prosperous time in human history because there was more than enough gash to go around. It's almost as if nature is creating a surplus men to be killed off in wars anyways. 3-4% more males are born naturally as if we are being told we are genetically disposable. I'll discuss more in a moment but let met first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Developer:

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MGTOW Is Spreading Everywhere
MGTOW Is Spreading Everywhere Sandman 453 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Revealed: Why Kenyan men are boycotting marriage

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss how MGTOW is spreading all over the world and even in the most unlikely of places. I want to draw your attention to an article I put in the description called: "Why Kenyan men are boycotting marriage" from about ten months ago. So MGTOW has come to Africa as well. The article says this and I quote: "You probably know a bachelor who has it all; a good job, nice car, lives in a great apartment in a middle-class estate and is well into his 30s - half-way through his life-expectancy - or even in his 40s. It is also very true that we have women of such qualities who are not married. However, it’s men who marry women in our society. Thus, it is very likely that it’s men who are boycotting marriage. Much as more and more women would want to beat the biological clock ticking towards an age where their ‘market value’ diminishes by getting married, men - who pretty much initiate marriage - seem not to be interested any more. Even a cursory glance at the Nairobi roads will reveal that we had fewer weddings compared to a few years ago when on Saturdays, every second car on the street was part of a wedding motorcade. The late Professor William Ochieng’, believes that marriage has outlived its usefulness and we may gradually move away from it. More and more, men continue to opt-out of the marriage bandwagon." So what are the reasons? The article says that modern Kenyan women lack homemaking skills, they drink themselves silly, ready made food has made African women cracking open Ostrich Eggs to make giant omelettes are thing of the past. As well as an increase in female promiscuity as well as commercial sex workers which are easy to find in that country. Guys are also avoiding single mothers according to the article. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Living on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the MGTOW spreads to Africa clown world show. The idea was that during the 21st century that the only place that was going to see population growth in the world was going to be Africa while the rest of the world is already in decline. But just as feminism is spreading all over the world thanks to smart phones men are also spreading red pill ideas too. Kenya saw a fertility rate of 5.2 children per woman in the year 2000. Today it's 3.3. By 2050 to 2060 according to predictions it along with much of Africa will see fertility rates below replacement. The statisticians were wrong and predicted higher growth in the past so that country and much of Africa will see below replacement fertility rates by 2045 or 2050. So why aren't the men in that country willing to marry anymore? The article gets it right by saying that men are the gatekeepers of marriage and women are the gatekeepers of sex. Africans still don't seem to be worrying about being politically correct like the rest of the world. Men in Kenya are on a marriage strike right now but still sleeping with women. It's like Kenya is entering the 1990s with regards to the demographics pyramid. In thirty years or probably sooner they will be in the same place we are where there's a surplus of men and not enough women to fool around with. When that happens expect the country to rapidly move towards feminism. Expect that because the countries and cities that have traditionally had the most churches tend to by the most feminist places once religion begins to fade from the forefront of their soycieties.

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The Perfect Female World - MGTOW
The Perfect Female World - MGTOW Sandman 256 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Jordan Peterson on TINDER and ONE NIGHT STANDS

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is discuss something that came up in a recent chat I had with a guy named Storm in South Africa. We were discussing artificial intelligence and female validation and how both of us agreed that validation from a real woman will always trump what you can get from computer software. You know it's just computer software and it's not a living breathing woman giving you her attention while trying to steal your pension. The topic of AI led to Storm saying he believes that it has more to do with philosophy instead of technology. I agreed with him and it came down to the difference between intelligence and consciousness. Human beings are intelligent. Even an anti is intelligent because it has ways to sense it's environment and respond accordingly. If many of the lefty NPC types out there have consciousness however is a different question. A lot of the time we do things unconsciously like drive a car or type on our keyboards. We don't think about he keys or braking on the road. It happens automatically and our mind is usually elsewhere thinking about where were going or what were trying to say on that keyboard. It's like there are two different thing happening at the same time. The unconscious operating machine and the conscious dealing with higher functions. The unconscious is a responding to a serious of inputs. We had to consciously learn to drive or type using error correction and once became good at it we no longer had to think about how to do it. We just do it. So that brings us to the difference between artificial intelligence vs artificial consciousness. We can program computers to do things like text to speech or figure out what types of YouTube content we like and give us more of that. That's artificial intelligence but not artificial consciousness. We don't really know what brings about consciousness but we can replicate basic intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is slowly but surely reshaping our world and will replace most jobs one day. How will all that free time break society and re-order our social relationships. Storm brought up the idea that our society would look like an insect colony with the queen at the top and Chads being the high end males in the colony she breeds with while the simps at the bottom were the worker bees. I pointed out that worker bees were typically also female and that was a better example of what we might expect into the future. A future with polygyny where there was a queen or alpha female and women below her that were down to threes and fours looks wise that all shared the Chad at the top and they worked and kept busy. I pointed out to him that those women wouldn't work once artificial intelligence and robots provided all of womens basic material needs. Women never seem to tire of hedonism so imagine thirty or forty women not having to work all fighting to get as much attention as they can from their Chad while raising his babies. But what happens to all the unemployed men that aren't good looking enough to have to their own harem of thirty or forty women? I'll discuss that and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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Liberalism Really is a Mental Disorder | Grunt Speak Highlights
Liberalism Really is a Mental Disorder | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 356 Views • 3 years ago

⁣It turns out that over half of liberal wahmen are literally insane. And there is hard data to back it up.
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Meth, Murder and Incest: A True Story | Ride and Roast
Meth, Murder and Incest: A True Story | Ride and Roast Terrence Popp 373 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Some stories are too twisted and unbelievable to be made up. This is one of those stories.
#incest #rideandroast #twodicksinacar

Brought to you by Dr. B. Real’s series on “Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism”
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Also sponsored by “Corporateland” by Frank Cervi

Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

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You Need an Escape Plan and Untraceable Wealth ASAP Warns Robert Kiyosaki
You Need an Escape Plan and Untraceable Wealth ASAP Warns Robert Kiyosaki Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 235 Views • 3 years ago

Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad Series, outlines his plans for financial survival during these turbulent times. "Now more than ever, you need untraceable wealth," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Kiyosaki explains why gold and silver are his favorite investment choices over other assets, including Bitcoin. He also details his escape plan when the incoming chaos hits.

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Todays Women Date for 'Thrill'
Todays Women Date for 'Thrill' Texting Prince 113 Views • 4 years ago

We are breaking down a video by the Call Her Daddy girls (before they broke up). This one they are discussing how women think about the dating world... and i'm going to analyze why women today date for thrill and how it backfires in the end.

There is so much nonsense to this - grab some popcorn and enjoy.



Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games


Is She Gaslighting Me? - MGTOW
Is She Gaslighting Me? - MGTOW Sandman 280 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

9 Signs of Gaslighting in Relationships to Watch Out For

Phil Collins’ ex-wife has allegedly taken over his Miami mansion with ‘armed occupation’

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I'm sure you've talked about this topic, but I was hoping you could talk about gaslighting. Recently I was, once again, on the verge of packing up and moving my entire life to be with a woman. However, I had made a comment about me being jealous of other men she talks to. She's 35 and has children and a prior 7 year engagment. I should know better but, I am man, hear me simp. Anyway, I sent a pissy text to her and she basically told me I had to "get my poop together. "I have nothing to get together. I have no kids, wives, or exes. So am I being gaslighted? Am I gaslighting her? At this point I don't know. She does not "have her poop together" Not only that, but it almost seems on purpose. I blocked her on Facebook but I doubt that will be the end but it's saddening Sandman. Just when you think "maybe this could work," the poop storm comes. Keep up the good work. Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. It doesn't sound like you're being gaslit exactly. Sounds like it's more about shame. Shaming you so you put more effort into your life and make more money for her to snatch up. She's attacking your ego as a man so you prove to her that you're successful and then she'll accept you. That's also conditional love. As if a woman could ever love a man in the mad way we love them. If she is gaslighting you it depends on your level of success. If you're already successful with a great career and looks then she could be gaslighting you to destroy your self esteem. It's hard to tell from such a short email you sent me. She's most likely bringing out the cone of shame and putting it around your neck and is trying to get you to plow faster as a plow horse if you want to keep plowing her stretched out single mother fields. Anyways, I'll discuss this and gas lighting in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous gaslighting would be if she was trying to make you think you were crazy. For example putting your slippers in one place when you always put them in another and not telling you and when you question her about it she tells you she never moved them and she lies to you saying that she saw you put them them somewhere where you clearly didn't. Gaslighting is all about getting you to question your sanity and memories and it's a form a psychological abuse. Sounds like this single mother is shaming you because you gave her attitude before. When you give women attitude you never know what they will do. One woman called me Hitler when I told her I didn't like gold diggers. Because you know that comparing a man to a mass murdering monster to a man protecting his money sounds like a fair comparison. If I was literally Hitler then I guess that would make her what Eva Braun? Or maybe I should have told her that Hitler prized German Shephard named Blondi and then told her to get on her hands and knees if she loved me? As I was researching for this video I came across an article called: "9 Signs of Gaslighting in Relationships to Watch Out For". Hopefully if I go through the nine points it will help you Mr. Anonymous as well as everyone listening.

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I Don't Wanna Get Married. People Are Shocked & Offended By This - MGTOW
I Don't Wanna Get Married. People Are Shocked & Offended By This - MGTOW Sandman 430 Views • 4 years ago

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Brave Browser:

We don't wanna date/marry a woman. That is highly shocking and offensive to people.

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Xaero on Subscribestar and he didn't send me a topic with his donation. So I thought I'd cover yet another topic that I ran into on Reddit called: "We don't wanna date/marry a woman. That is highly shocking and offensive to people." It's one of the most popular posts recently on the MGTOW Subreddit. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. So why are women so offended when a man won't get married or when he stops entirely with women? The answer is quite simple. They need us men but can't admit it to themselves because of their cognitive dissonance. Spewing out all that garbage about being strong and independent and not needing no man. They understand that for every man that walks away from the plantation that means that there's greater competition for the better men out there. So if a woman is a five and she can get a man that's a seven and suddenly that man that's a seven goes his own way then there are now two women that are fives competing for the same guy. Women don't want the added competition
because they are already competing with time to land a good man before their ovaries expire. I often hear the argument from men when I go my own way that it's great that I'm going my own way because now they have more women for themselves. But do they really have more choice or are they just saying that because they are jealous of you and don't know what else to say because they are weak and need to be in a relationship. Women's shock and offence at you for choosing not to get married to them is a different story. I believe it's fake. They only want it to sound like they are upset because in reality they would probably be doing the exact same thing in your position if they could and cease dating the opposite sex. They know you don't need them for your financial or emotional survival so they get jealous of your ability to free yourself from them even though for most of them they can never be free from men. Of course yes they can be free physically if they earn enough money but they have an impossibly hard time freeing themselves emotionally because they need an emotional tampon in order to survive and not self destruct. Of course most of them understand
that we don't need one. So many of them prefer that we use them as dew rags for our ding dongs. To depend on them the way they depend on us. For a single man going his own way it's like he's gotten off the love drug and he's a better person for it. For a woman that doesn't have an outlet for her verbal diarrhea in the form of a permanent boyfriend, husband or some friend zoned simp it means that she's going to self destruct. She's jealous that for every one man that goes his own way and improves himself somewhere out there a fat cat lady is screaming at her screen because she's not getting a match on Tinder. There of course is also the idea of normalcy. It's normal to be in a relationship so if someone is choosing not to be in one then that person isn't normal. We all know that people just naturally attack what is abnormal and what they don't understand. Women have a hard time understanding why men don't voluntarily don't want them. Men are also offended because then if they get a hot girlfriend they can't make such men jealous because we don't care.

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I Rejected A Girl & Now All The Girls In School Hate Me - MGTOW
I Rejected A Girl & Now All The Girls In School Hate Me - MGTOW Sandman 417 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: Moving to India - mgtow

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I... rejected a girl and now all of the girls in my school hates me

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is share a Reddit thread called "I... rejected a girl and now all of the girls in my school hates me" in the description and here's
what the person named NoU313 and here's what he has to say: "She was not good-looking but had lots of exes. I rejected her and then told her I don't just date anyone. Now every girl hates me since apparently I look at their faces and not their personalities but their personalities are even shittier than their faces. I don't really like the hate since it affects my studying, how do I fix this?" unquote. Well Roger thanks for the donation and I'm sure that NoU313 will appreciate the advice I'll give him if he ever listens to this. First it's important to understand what happened. NoU313 you insulted her by saying that you have high standards and that you won't just date any old woman. If you had just told her politely that you're not interested or cleared the room whenever she was around or made yourself busy in a different part of the school at lunch etc. then you'd have the plausible deniability that you were busy doing other things. Hell if I were still in high school you should have just hung out with me because I had the skill to clear a room like no other person I've ever met before. The amount of hatred and anxiety my presence can inflict on other is something to see. But most likely you don't want to ruin your reputation any further. You had the power to tell this girl that she wasn't pretty enough for you and she went and cried to the other girls and now they are going to punish you for insulting one of their fellow hens. With female own group preference if you hurt one of them and she tells the others they all feel insulted. This will forever taint you with that crop of girls. You'll have to look to younger girls next year or date outside of your high school. That's what I did when my reputation was ruined. If you or a friend have access to a car then you can go to other schools at lunch and explore strange new sluts. For the most part one high school is self contained socially so that's what I did while I was still in high school. It's a life hack when it comes to being socially cut off by the cooch patrol in your high school. It just shows you the power of women to control your social life as a man. If you ever get married and then divorced they do the same thing with all the female family members and couple friends that you once had. What you have to do as a man is stop caring about what other people say about you. Instead what you did was you limited the ability for this one girl to get attention from you and now she's limited your ability to get attention from all women. She's got revenge destroying your repuatation. Later on I'll discuss comments from that Reddit thread. But I like to analyze the situation on my own first and only once I've exhausted my own creativity do I listen to what others have to say. If I listen to them first then they will make up my mind for me instead of bringing new incite. Anyways, before I continue let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moving to India As a MGTOW:

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Chat With Coach Greg Adams - MGTOW
Chat With Coach Greg Adams - MGTOW Sandman 320 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

A while back I had the opportunity to get onto a livestream with Coach Greg Adams. I'm putting it for you guys to enjoy. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now onto our chat so enjoy.

American Civil War 2.0 - MGTOW
American Civil War 2.0 - MGTOW Sandman 418 Views • 4 years ago

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Understanding the Political Scenario of INDIA,CANADA,JAPAN,CHINA,USA, FRANCE etc

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Joe and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hello Sandman, Can you talk more on your previous videos called Good Looking Loser and/or American civil war 2 described by Yuri Besmenov. I think we are in the crisis stage. Which way will it go? Thanks for your years of work." Well Joe thanks for the donation and I've been thinking about how Covid has accelerated things in America that might complicate any civil war in the future. The leftist cities are imploding and people like Joe Rogan, Elon Musk and Tim Pool are escaping La and in Tim Pool's case he's escaping the New York Metro area. Looks like John Carpenter did predict the future afterall. Especially with his Che Guvera inspired bad guy character in escape from LA. I used to think that any civil war and eventual split up of America would be a cut and dry affair. The left would get the coasts and the right would get the interior. But now with the left appear to be unintentionally destabilizing the rest of the country as the people that are on the far left leave their cities and head to the country and bring their politics with them. It would have been any easy split before. Now it's a lot worse because the people from the failed states won't go back to their formerly blue homes yet they will clash with the established locals in the red states. It's going to be a big mess if it ever gets to a shooting war. Before it would have been a relatively nice and easy split when it comes to land and territory. Now it's going to look more like the Bosnian war because everyone is mixed thanks to the coof. It's only started getting crazy in America with California thinking taxing people that have left the state in the last five to ten years or something like that. Retro-active taxation. Good luck collecting the cash commiefornia. Yuri Besmenov spoke aboutthe demoralization of a country which eventually led to destabilization, a crisis situation and then eventually normalization. The crisis situation would be any potential civil war. Right now we are still in the destabilization thanks to
Covid which has greatly sped up that process. The people that haven't been demoralized by the left are being demoralized right now thanks to Covid. Antifa and CNN are actively working to destabilize the country. To divide the country against the president. I'll get to more about my thoughts about Yuri in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia:

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Why Is She Angry? Because She Didn't Get Half Your Stuff In The Divorce! - MGTOW
Why Is She Angry? Because She Didn't Get Half Your Stuff In The Divorce! - MGTOW Sandman 440 Views • 4 years ago

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Why is she angry?; Because she didn't get half your shit, that is why!

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from the beer flu. It's slowly impoverishing my listeners so I understand if you guys can't pay at times like these. I'll still keep making content with my own subject matter. Once again I want to point everyone's attention to a Reddit post from the MGTOW subreddit called: "Why is she angry? Because she didn't get half your shit, that is why!" and here's what someone named Shaddow Dragon posted on the surviving infidelity subreddit and I quote: "I've been married to my wife for nearly 2 years. No kids no property. We have been in a deadbedroom since shortly before the wedding. We went to counseling for it and it failed. We had serious talks about it, and they all failed. I considered leaving is she didn't get any additional help. I recently found out that she's been in a sexual/emotional affair with an old college friend for over a year. It has taken place at his place, as well as ours. Also unprotected. It has gone on before and after our counseling ended. When confronted, she tried lying until I showed her the evidence. She apologized repeatedly. She claims that she never planned on leaving me for him. She tried sweet talking me back. I filed for annulment. I've had enough of the lies. After Divorce Day, she tried being extra nice, and gave me space. She apologized repeatedly again and said she wouldn't be able to live with herself for a long time. She was blindsided when I served her the papers. She believed that we could work it out. After finding out that she isn't entitled to my stuff, she has been cold and mean. She yelled at me, and blocked me on all social media. Then she
packed her things and moved in with her sister. We haven't spoken since she moved out. She is acting as if I cheated on her. I'm confident that I'll get through this with time and IC. I know I did my as a husband. I deserve better. I always tried to give 100% in our marriag, and made sure she was happy. Throughout our relationship and after divorce day, she said that I was her best friend. She said that I always made her feel comfortable with herself. She would always tell me that I was a good man. I did so much for her. This included traveling, cooking every night, and helping her study. I even used my connections to help her get a good job. Seh's 100% the reason why this marriage failed. I tried my best to be patient, and understanding about the deadbedroom issue. She should know that any self-respecting human wouldn't stick around after her kind of behavior. So, why is she so angry with me right now? Is it out of guilt and regret?" Unquote. Well I'll get to what Shaddow Dragon has to say in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:

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