Masculinism Movement
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I perform the dialogue from the meeting of the bosses in the movie "Casino" by Martin Scorcese. It's been almost 20 years since I've performed this scene so I'm a little rusty but I'm doing it for humor not a drama audition so give me a break.
What will a man find when he crosses the line from civilized society into criminal society? What dangerous experiences and mentality lurks among the violent mobs of thugs? Find out here in this monologue from the book "Among The Thugs" by Bill Buford, a book about the criminal counter culture of "football hooligans" (aka "soccer thugs") and the terrible mob violence they bring with them everywhere they go, gangland style.
It's about damn time I show you my true colors. <br>Welcome to the new channel: <br>The Dark Mind Of A Mad Man <br>I'm Brian Krall, and I am The Mad Man. <br>And I'm here to pull you down the rabbit hole <br>of dark art.
"Conference With Death" <br>By Brian Krall <br>A dark spiritual poem about a Near Death Experience (NDE) I had when I was younger <br>I wrote this piece about two decades ago but it's still one of my favorites of mine.