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I'm 17 & My Sister Wants Me To Stop Watching MGTOW Content
I'm 17 & My Sister Wants Me To Stop Watching MGTOW Content Sandman 322 Views • 3 years ago

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Teen brother looking at RP content. Older sister concerned

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Sunny and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I do have a topic but I don't want to discuss it. Instead I just wanted to support this channel so the other can get help they need. Thanks" Well Sunny thanks for the donation. I found a Reddit post I want to share called: "Teen brother looking at RP content. Older sister concerned" and here's what the teenage girl has to say and I quote: "I'm a 20 year old female and am concerned about my brother because he is into a lot of redpill and mgtow. He's 17 years old. Today I asked my brother for his laptop because I needed to watch my lectures since mine isn't working. After I was done watching lectures I decided to watch some videos on YouTube but when I opened YouTube I was shocked to see the type of content he was watching. It was all redpill and mgtow stuff. Like MGTOW compilations, why you shouldn't get married, stay away from women they are just a distraction, alpha males and all that kind of videos. I think this is the reason why he was talking about remaining single his entire life the other day and just focusing on himself when I jokingly asked him whether he has a girlfriend or not the other day. I don't know how to confront him about this. He is a great kid, he is good in studies as well and is looking forward to becoming an aerospace engineer but this is not good for him. Also one more thing he never mentions anything about girls, his crush, his female friends, his classmates and I don't think he has female friends either. His group is of four guys he and his other three friends and they have been together since a young age. As his elder sister I am concerned about him. Til now I haven't seen any negative indications but I fear they will be seen soon. He shouldn't be engaged in this type of content at this early age." unquote So Sunny I'll cover this topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the sisters trying to control the way their brothers think clown world show. Who the hell does this girl think she is judging what is and what isn't good for her brother? Her desire to see him stop consuming MGTOW content probably comes from her own insecurities. There's a good chance that she's threatened because his rejection of all women for dating and relationships is seen by her as a rejection of all women including her. She's coming from a place of feeling instead of a place of thinking. This is understandable. But it doesn't mean that she should going online trying to cook up a scheme to make sure he graduates as an aerospace engineer and then becomes a slave on the plantation. Instead he should focus first on his studies if he wants to become an aerospace engineer or rocket scientist instead of doing what his sister wants and focusing first on becoming a cum rocket scientist. I'm also impressed that she didn't just snoop on him without permission. I thought she would have learned what she did by spying on him. But still what he watches is his own business. Most young teen guys are red pilling themselves without their sisters and mothers ever finding out. In this case it was a random chance. If her computer was working she would never have found out. Now other women that read this story are going to ask their brothers to borrow their laptops pretending like their computer is broken. But they won't do that for an assignment but instead of paranoia that their brother doesn't want to snuggle up to a crazy cooch either. If they confront their brothers the brothers can say it's YouTube that keeps recommending content like that for them since they watched it once or twice.

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