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Woman Smacks Me & SHE Cries Out In Pain - MGTOW
Woman Smacks Me & SHE Cries Out In Pain - MGTOW Sandman 299 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Your House Is Not Yours

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Aaron and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I love your channel. I'm trying to watch all your videos on my roku on youtube because I dont believe has a roku channel, unfortunately. I dont have a topic for you, but I'd love it if you could make a playlist for each year of videos (eg: 2017 videos, etc). Whenever I want to come back I have to scroll through hundreds of videos to find where I left off. Also, great call on bitcoin. It has been a life changer for me." Well Aaron thanks for the donation. Going through and making a playlist would take me a whole day sorting through almost three thousand video. The next best thing I can do is send you two or three seasons of videos through direct download as mp3s. I normally sell those for $15 US dollars a season if anyone out there listening is interested. As for Bitcoin yes it's going to be a life saver for many of us regardless of what someone like TFM is saying about not being able to cash out at the top. If you don't want to do that then you simply sell as it goes up and get your initial invested amount out and then what do you care what the price does after that? Stefan Molyneux seems to think that it's the escape that the wealthy and smart have left themselves as they destroy the currency. That the world will be separated by Bitcoin Aristocracy on one side and fiat Universal Basic Income Serfs on the other. No one knows but Stef has gotten a lot of things right over the years. As for a topic what I'd like to do is cover a post I put a link to in the description from some random man that says this in a post called Your House Is Not Your Own and I quote: "This happened to me. My daughters mom went ballistic when I found out she was cheating on me. She started hitting me, beating me with a mag light. I called the cops and they asked me to leave MY apartment! I didn't lay a finger on her, I had marks and bruises on me, and the police wouldn't acknowledge my abuse. I broke down in tears and walked to my folks house three miles away. My keys were in my apartment, and the police wouldn't let me in MY place to retrieve them. I didn't feel protected and served that day." Unquote. I'll discuss this and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the crazy cat lady clown world show. I think the reason the cops told the random man to leave his own apartment was for the woman's safety after she gave him the smackdown. Clearly it was probably done to provoke him so that he would hit her and she could take control of the sitaution. In a way the cops were probably doing him a favor by protecting him from the temper he probably didn't even know he had inside of himself yet. Also when a man hits a woman he goes from not laying a finger on her to mortal combat finishing move in five seconds. That's probably why cops get men out of domestic abuse situations even if it's the men that are the ones being abused and they have shown zero will to fight back they are just stewing up inside emotionally and could blow up at any moment. I used to think the cops telling a guy like this to leave or locking him up to cool down was a bad thing. Now I understand female nature enough to understand that the woman that was cheating on him needed a way to make him look like the bad guy. Since she was caught cheating she needed him to do something far worse as a smoke screen for her infidelity.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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She Likes Ice Cream More Than Men - MGTOW
She Likes Ice Cream More Than Men - MGTOW Sandman 279 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Most young women unhappy, stressed

The fight for female pleasure matters

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adam and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, this is, again, Adam from Sydney Australia. I'm wondering... do you like ice cream? It an easy question to answer for most people. As for myself, I would love to have my favorite flavor every day, if there would not be any consequences for that. You can say this is a very logical way to reply, but what would you think if I said: "Yes, i like ice cream.....BUT, only if it's a hot day, only if I'm by the beach, only in a cup, only after food, only on a Sunday, only with my partner, only ...if I'm in the mood...etc...."? That kind of duality and attitude is what we get from women, in regards to sex. It seems like the female mind and collective agenda, have complicated the act so much, that women find it difficult to enjoy the act. In my personal experience, throughout my 40yrs, women's mind can easily lose focus, while in the moment. They generally find it hard to relax, lose control and constantly focusing on putting a performance for my benefit. As if they are a part of the 'fun police', trying to make sure it is all done by the rules. Trying to control the timing, atmosphere and obviously the results. Even in different stages of a relationship, even when I encourage them to let their 'inner-freak' out, nothing really changes much. I guess they like to play it safe. In general, they don't feel like they need to improve anything, mostly looking for the guy to put the effort and get them to the finish line (some have given up on the hope a guy would deliver). Even when you do, it doesn't provide them with enough enthusiasm for the next time and your flavor loses its appeal with time. While early on, they may suggest they are adventurous and love doing it, but I guess, it is just what every man likes to hear. In summary, my experience with different ages, different backgrounds, different countries, different types of relationships and around 20 women, leads me to think that they don't really enjoy sex as much as you think, don't desire it as much and obviously use it for other benefits than pure pleasure. Appreciate your thoughts. Also, please have a look at following research and articles relating to the subject." Well Adam thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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gunny speech
gunny speech erick rendoza 30 Views • 3 years ago

GySgt Walgren speech before the assault on Marjah

google-blocks-searching-for-“cancer-cure”-wikipedia-fact-checker-scandal-blm-reversed-how? TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! 58 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Google blocks searching for “cancer cure” - Wikipedia, Fact checker scandal - BLM reversed? How?

MGTOW - Why Every Man Should Get Married
MGTOW - Why Every Man Should Get Married Alpha_Male_Guide 118 Views • 3 years ago

⁣#MGTOW #RedPill #AlphaMale

Where We Are Headed | Live From The Lair
Where We Are Headed | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 599 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Popp rants about where we’re heading as a country since the Democrats have hit warp speed on their plans to destroy our sovereignty.

Brought to you by “Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism”

Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

Book Two of "The Jericho Files" is here! Download for Kindle or get a Paperback copy today!

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The Female Predator - MGTOW
The Female Predator - MGTOW Sandman 435 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous he has a lot to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, welcome back to clown world and here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I've been on dating sites since the 2000's, but I've yet to have a single date from these sites. Most of the chicks I meet on these sites end up asking me for money. I only fell for it once and once you get burned, you learn! Back in 2013 a chick approached me and started sending me sexy pictures of herself and saying she wanted to meet me. She convinced me to send her $130 transportation money so she could take a bus from Stockton, California to Los Angeles, California where I was. Needless to say, she pocketed the money and I never met her. I contacted the dating site and told them that she had
ripped me off, so they deleted her profile. A few weeks later she contacted me again and asked for more money. She had built a new profile, but still had the same picture. I think she probably wanted the money to buy crack, so I decided to blow her off. In the past 8 years since that incident, dozens of women have approached me on online dating sites wanting money. I have a standard answer: "I don't send money to people I don't know!" One chick responded by saying: "what else do you need to know about me before you send the money?" I've gotten so many creative requests from chicks asking me for money. Some of them want me to send money, some want me to send them an ebay gift card or an ITUNES card, Others people say they want me to send money so they can buy airline tickets so they can meet me. One chick asked me if I could photograph both sides of my debit card and email it to her. Nice try!! Some of them have sent nude or topless photos through my phone. I have some pretty hot photos in my phone!! I have noticed some patterns, though. A lot of the women I have corresponded with write in broken English, I get the idea they're not Americans. They might not even be in the United States. I get the impression that these are people in the Third World who are trying to get money from Americans, they have no interest in dating me. When I ask them if they want to talk on the phone, they always say "no". We just text back and forth. I've also noticed that sometimes I seem to be talking to more than one person, like a group of people have gotten together and posted a picture of a hot chick and then start reaching out to guys to try to get money out of them. I've also gotten messages that seem to be pre-written scripts, because I've gotten the exact same message from more than one chick. I wonder if there's like a boiler room somewhere? I'm visualizing like a long row of cubicles and a bunch of guys sitting behind laptops, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, and typing on computers. "I've got plane tickets!! I've got $300 on the board!!" Guy jumps up from his desk, goes to a board and writes $300 under his name. I don't know if it actually exists, it's just an image that popped into my head. This one chick kept asking me for an ebay card over and over. I think maybe she thought she could wear me down. I found one line that gets rid of them, though: "PUT OUT OR GET OUT!!" That works. For some reason I don't hear from them after that. I've had so many pitches from so many chicks on dating sites asking me for money, but for some reason, no one has ever wanted to meet me, no one I've met online has ever loved me or cared about me. I think that's because today, the male provider has been replaced by "Big Daddy Government". When a chick wants something they just go to the government. They have something we need, but we don't have anything they need. So, the female body is used in a predatory way, to extract money from males without giving anything in return. In a natural setting, they are forced to "put out" to get what the provider male offers in return. In today's situation, with the Socialist government around, the male just pays and gets nothing in return. I'd be interested in hearing what you and your viewers have to say on this topic--what do you guys think?" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Just so that everyone knows you're the same Mr. Anonymous that let the homeless woman live in your house. This latest video request was also painful to listen to because you came across as extremely gullible at first. I'm not going to sugarcoat my response.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Beware Of Women - MGTOW
Beware Of Women - MGTOW Sandman 451 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Beware MGTOW: REKT by Ayn Rand's Gynocentric Philosophy Objectivism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman This is an Ayn Rand related topic. You have already made a video about Ayn Rand. You have also already made a video rebutting, Charles Tew, a nihilist disguising as an objectivist who lives in his parents basement. You also made another video rebutting the global voice of objectivism, Yaron Brook, a materialistic globalist tradcon who recently moved in a gated condo in Puerto Rico to escape the IRS. This new guy has recently popped up now called Mr Cropper and has made a couple of videos about MGTOW. In my view this guy is a thousand times less rationalistic compared to the other two bozos and therefore stands closer to Ayn Rand’s philosophy. He has made numerous points that show that he understands reality. For instance, the other two egalitarians fooling the sheeple that they are objectivists would never ever admit the truth about IQ differences between the genders. I only have a few apprehensions about him but before I conclude my thoughts I would appreciate your thoughts on the rebuttal video that he made. MGTOWs are decent, hard working, honest men who are enslaved by most women and the simps and they have used their rational mind in order to achieve or pursue happiness via freedom and self determination. How are they any different from the heroes in Ayn Rand’s magnificent Atlas Shrugged (that was originally called “the Strike”). MGTOW is not a philosophy. In the same way that Galt’s Gulch is not a philosophy. MGTOW and the Gulch are similar. A reactionary movement against the oppressors of the mind. Why is Yaron’s hide out in Puerto Rico any more rational? Objectivism is basically the philosophy that is behind MGTOW. Objectivism is the only philosophy out there that represents rational human beings, striving for their own self interest and with their ultimate goal being their happiness. I say that if MGTOW is Neo from the Matrix, an Objectivist MGTOW is Morpheus. Thanks in advance." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I couldn't really make heads or tales of your words. They confuse me. But I'll try to use my fancy MGTOW decoder ring found on the back of a cereal box to figure you out and give you a response in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWS Guide To Retiring on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Mr. Anonymous the video you shared with me from Mr. Cropper I put a link to it down below. Your request it confusing and I don't know if I can give you a proper answer. Even Mr. Cropper in his video says that he doesn't know if the video he's replying to by someone named Plain Sight has anything worth replying to in it. Cropper does however make a valid point when he says that all buildings are built in some way to raise men's stature with women or house women. So in a sense he's saying that Ayn Rand created a gynocentric philosophy worshiping alpha males. The men that built everything should be worshiped like gods in a sense. Many men worship god for building the physical world around them. Some women like Ayn Rand worship men that took what god built and used it to build even better things for women. So in a sense Ayn Rand was cheerleading for cock. As for the Cropper video I don't really know what I can say about it. It's confusing. So what I want to focus on is a series of questions you asked me and the first one is how are MGTOWs different than the heroes in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged? Since I haven't read the Fountainhead I'll focus on the men of Atlas Shrugged. You have Rearden and he's not a MGTOW. He's married to a miserable wife and he's being used by her as well as the government that are both stealing his resources and time.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Derrick Jaxn Should Have Just Got A Doll
Derrick Jaxn Should Have Just Got A Doll REDPILLMARRIED 244 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Yes Mr. Jaxn some woman ARE being replaced by waifus.

#SuperStraight Shows The Lie That's Transgenderism
#SuperStraight Shows The Lie That's Transgenderism The Realist Philosopher 81 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Patreon Donations:
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UK Makes Misogyny A Hate Crime
UK Makes Misogyny A Hate Crime The Realist Philosopher 137 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Patreon Donations:
Cash app donations:$RealistPhilosopher
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Podcasts & Videos: (My live stream airing Sun and Wed 5pm Phoenix AZ time USA) (Follow me on bitchute)

Social Media:
therealistphilosopher1967 (instagram) (Gab)

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The Matrix Spoof
The Matrix Spoof SoloManZone 162 Views • 3 years ago

Get a load of the wig....old video

RP/MGTOW Red Pilled Men Are No Longer On Strike. They QUIT!!!
RP/MGTOW Red Pilled Men Are No Longer On Strike. They QUIT!!! REDPILLMARRIED 220 Views • 4 years ago

Just giving my opinion on what 2020 exposed.

Prepping with Popp: Everyone Has a Purpose | Live From The Lair
Prepping with Popp: Everyone Has a Purpose | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 364 Views • 4 years ago

⁣When you’re preparing to survive the apocalypse, everyone has their role. Popp goes over who should be the main players in your own prepping group.

Brought to you by “Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism”

Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

Book Two of "The Jericho Files" is here! Download for Kindle or get a Paperback copy today!

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Royal Oak, MI 48072
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All donations are tax deductible

Check us out on all these platforms and social media!

Watch us live on these channels every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm Eastern!

Cultural Appropriation is a Good Thing | Grunt Speak Live
Cultural Appropriation is a Good Thing | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 271 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Popp and Blake celebrated Halloween in poor style with a lot of booze and jokes.
Originally aired October 29, 2020.

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Send physical donations to: Productions
29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels!

The Facebook Friendzone - MGTOW
The Facebook Friendzone - MGTOW Sandman 443 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Men, here are seven types of friend zone you are likely to be trapped in

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is cover something I realized recently while doing a Skype chat with someone. He told me that back while we were younger you'd go out to a night club and you'd ask a girl for her number. If she wasn't interested she would be honest by refusing to give you her phone number. Over the years he's had way more luck getting girls numbers but now she doesn't want to talk to him over the phone or date him. Instead she's either using him as a texting friend or she's connecting to him through social media like Facebook or Instagram and leaving it at that. She doesn't even respond when he contacts her. I thought about this and realised that about four or five years ago when I was finishing up my dating days that similar things were happening to me. I call this phenomena the simpening. Men haven't realised that the game has changed when it comes to the friend zone. That there are now different levels in the friend zone. There are friends a woman goes out with in real life. There are friends she's going to text or talk through Facebook messenger and finally there are friends that she's adding to Instagram that will potentially feed her lots of tiny doses of attention as tiny little dopamine fixes the more likes she gets on her posts. She doesn't want to talk to you over the phone or through text messaging in various forms. She just wants to add you as a friend so that you watch her posts so she can see the numbers go up and up because she's addicted to them like a drug. I'll discuss the Facebook friend zone and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. So the next time you meet a woman and exchange numbers or connect on social media and if you have some interest in her contact her and see what happens. If she blows you off entirely then you're nothing more than a potential supply for Facebook likes. If she talks to you over the phone but doesn't want to go out with you then you're in the more traditional friend zone. So what's a guy to do when he realizes that there is a now a hierarchy in the friend zone and that the guy that gets to talk to a woman over the phone that's using him as an emotional tampon is king of the simps. She doesn't want to have sex with him she just wants him to commit all of his attention to her whenever she wants it. If she calls and he ignores her a few times she can just as easily rotate into another guy that she has in the Facebook friend zone. It's not like average men are scarce or anything. That guy will be happy to hear her voice and obtain more female validation. That is until if and when she finds someone better to replace him. The conventional friend zone might be where a woman is single and you're her activity partner and she's using you as a shoulder to cry on because Chad stretched out her Vag a little to hard and she needs your emotional support. There are also women that are in relationships that place guys in the friendzone so that not only can they complain about their boyfriends to the guy making them think they are about to dump their boyfriends for them. What they are really doing is using beta males as emotional tampons so they don't have to dump all their toxic emotional crap onto their boyfriends and risk messing up the relationship and they know their girlfriends don't want to hear it either so the false hope of cooch keeps the suckers coming back think they will get sucked.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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