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MGTOW = Men Guarding Their Own Wealth
MGTOW = Men Guarding Their Own Wealth Sandman 278 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. The double whammy of having my channel throttled down by YouTube and everyone watching videos about corona and nothing but is not only slowly killing my channel but many others as well. Back in 2008 during the financial crisis I had a bunch of websites that were generating money through Google Adsense and my revenue dropped by about eighty-five percent. As some of you know I have my Kool Buildings channel and it is fully monetised. Looking at it over the last month or so the income from ads has dropped somewhere from about sixty to seventy percent as the economy has shrunk. I knew that at some point much the same way Google took my websites out of the search results back in 2007 to 2011 and killed that business they would most likely do the same so I saved every dollar I could and invested it so that I could replace the gradual drop in traffic and income from my channel and still be able to pay for everything. But as of right now I find myself in a very interesting predicament. I have money and could invest it but won't because there's panic out there. I also rehearsed financially about what I would do if the stock market was to crash. I knew there would need to be a trigger event and it would happen well into a tired bull market. I thought it was going to be in early 2019 but that was a head fake. I knew that Corona would but the plausible deniability event to create the market carnage. People say you can't time the markets but if you can see the warning signs I believe you can and I'll explain that to you in just a minute as well as discuss how I'm going to keep my content production going forward. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

MGTOW = Men Guarding Their Own Wealth - Photos

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MGTOW Is The ONLY Way Sandman 242 Views • 5 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Freeman and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Mr freeman here once again thank you for what you do for the mgtow community any topic is fine. I'm looking forward to all the great videos and topics you have." Well Mr. Freeman thanks for the donation and topic. What I thought that I'd do today is discuss the various philosophies people in the west are now embracing now that Christianity is pretty much gone and how those new belief systems are trying to put the world back together even though our value systems have atomized. But before I discuss this let first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, Now back with the show. There are groups that are trying to keep the west from falling apart. Men's rights activists are fighting a lost cause still trying to reform the laws that are broken. It's mostly boomers involved in that movement and older gen x types. They come from a time period where you could fight for something and win. Then you have the Pickup artists. They tend to want to get as many notches on their bed posts as possible and many of them eventually settle down after they have smashed many single sallies. From my experience the men's rights guys want things to go back to the way things were where it's safe to shoot your sperm up a nice safe sphincter without losing your kids. The PUAs just want tons of sexual conquests before they settle down. Then we have the nationalist or neo traditionalists. Some have taken it upon themselves to become conservatives and attempt to have big families and breed their way out of trouble. Many such guys show up on my channel. More on Bitchute recently and believe that MGTOW is just some great big conspiracy to bring down the birth rates. I have been the victim of anti-semitism and I'm not even Jewish. How about you put that in your crack pipe and smoke it? A while back I was out with a friend and he was talking to a woman from northern Canada and she was a nationalist, into faith goldie and project veritas and liked to shoot guns. Many women realize that of the groups I just mentioned the traditional guys are willing to work as slaves for women and willingly put themselves on the plantation because it's tradition. So basically the PUAs are all about hedonism. The tradcons are all about building traditional lives on a foundation of quicksand or by burying their heads in the sand and the MRAs are trying to turn back time to simpler days when their wallets were fat and their women were skinny. Unlike today where their wallets are thin and their women are giant jiggly jelly.

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Truth About Cam Models - MGTOW
Truth About Cam Models - MGTOW Sandman 256 Views • 5 years ago

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John on Patreon. He didn't have a specific topic for me so I thought I'd discuss a Stefan Molyneux video that came out a while back called: "THE TRUTH ABOUT WEB CAM GIRLS! TRISTAN TATE REVEALS ALL!" I put a link to it in the description so you guys can listen to it for yourselves as well. Stefan interveriws Tristan Tate, a guy that runs a cam model business in Bucharest Romania in Eastern Europe and he tell Stefan all about it. The most shocking revelation for many people listening to this video is that it's mostly young guys in their twenties that are the ones that spend money on the cam girls. I knew this was the most likely case because once I hit 35 to 40 years of age my sex drive went way down. Tristan assumed that it would be older incels and perverts but it looks like it was mostly the younger guys. He says that the reason he believes it's mostly the younger guys is because they only learned to socialise and ask women out when they were younger using smart phones, text messages and Tinder. This is something that the psychologist Sam Vaknin has spoken about before that. That for most people under the age of twenty the virtual world is more real than the real. So why not relationships and sex too. I'll speak more about the chat between Stefan and Tristan but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor me, The Sandman: Anyways, Now back with the show. The reason I'm covering this talk and summing it up is because it's well over an hour long and most of you don't really have the time to listen to it all the way through. Anyways, Tristan says that a good cam model makes around forty to fifty thousand dollars a month and pays half of that to someone like him. So she ends up making anywhere between a hundred grand to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. If she's in a place like Romania she can be set for life after working for only two or three years and a lot of the time she's showing off her body and face to men in the west so the people in her area have no idea she's a cam model. Apparently according to Tristan the girls that make the most money and are the best in this business are just average ordinary girls next door that work in retail and they hear from a friend that they can make a lot of money and they come to someone like him and he hooks them up. For half their income he gives them room an board inside his mansion, he has a team of people to help coach them so they say the right things to the clients as well as to chat with their clients if any of them give them their supposed phone numbers so they can chat with them. They aren't even chatting with the girls. They are chatting with her helpers. The girl just has to give the helpers information like the guys dog died so tell him you're sorry for his loss and then they can go off and live their lives without having to let the cam business take over their free time. Tristan says that in the Cam business it's the guys that pay to show their faces. Tristan can watch and record
the guys via webcam when they pay for the privilege of potentially giving up blackmail material without even realizing it.

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Social Media Sluts - MGTOW
Social Media Sluts - MGTOW Sandman 323 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Cajun Fried Werewolf

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Almost every time anything is posted to Facebook by a woman, it’s always some sort of “woe is me” or political rage rant about how they’re victimized. Almost always, a man has to be wary and careful of the Facebook algorithms, because the algorithms will present ‘triggering’ posts that will make the man want to respond. However, almost always in the comment stream below the post it’s always a “you go girl” and a “hugs and kisses” pile of emotional support. If you try to say anything other than one of these, then you’re basically mob attacked by everyone posting on the thread as a sinner or evil. Even if what you say supports what was posted, if it’s even slightly “logical” in attitude to the post, you’re either immediately blocked/unfriended, or publicly shamed by mass. What are your thoughts on this? How are females using social media to benefit? I’ve seen numerous “white-knight” types figure it out that they can’t post comments so they stop and they silence themselves. I even saw a highly attractive sexy-man dancer that I knew, who always came off as a liberal support women guy, turn gradually posting more and more disgruntled posts about the political correct sensitivity of the day, to eventually just not posting at all except for his adventures in Zouk dancing." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. But before I start let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cajan Fried Werewolf: Anyways, now back to the show. Before discussing how women posting on social media effects male behavior I want to first go over how social media has changed female behavior. So what did social media do to and for women? Number one it expanded the circle of bangable men. Next it increased their narcissism. Thirdly it created social proof and validation through the idea that if someone is her friend and your friend and you match with her on Tinder and both of you have one or two mutual acquantances it creates new social proof. The women I dated off of Tinder I had at least one or two friends in common when meeting them. Social media also created a new female social space but early on it was a male one where anything went. This meant that women had to dominate that space. Also as you pointed out Mr. Anonymous it created an environment where women have the ability for women to give each other a circle jerk full of complements. It also increased the speed at which gossip can spread through social circles, expanded the idea of materialism too. Just think of how restaurant and travel culture and businesses have expanded because women share their selfies on Facebook and instagram with everyone in their social circle. For example I see tons of photos in my feed these days from women in hospital gowns showing themselves at their worst trying to gain sympathy for being some sort of medical victim. It's fun watching them having to constantly figure out ever more shocking ways to get attention with their selfies. Social media also forced men that are in the dating game to work harder on themselves because women have access to better alpha males these days. As for this idea of the woe is me victimhood mentality from women on social media it's all about getting that sympathy attention and proving that they are the victim of a disease or drunk driver.

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Photo Credits:

1. beautiful girl in black swimsuit with black rifle in hands

2. portrait of beautiful sexy woman in uniform, military

3. beautiful girls in a black bikini with three guns vector

Myths About Women - MGTOW
Myths About Women - MGTOW Sandman 223 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Anonymous and here's what she has to say: "Hey Sandman, It is adorable that men think that women are always thinking of ways of screwing men. Men love to think that all we think about is cock, men's money and that we spend all of our precious time thinking about men. Myth number 1: The Cock carrousel. All of us women love riding all kinds of cock, love bragging about it, love comparing size of cocks, love hunting for cock, cock, cock and more cock. Guys.... first of all we don't have the energy for all that. "All you guys have to do is sit at a bar" NOPE doesn't work that way. Men just don't approach us like that. The women who post pics online about "sleeping with 200 guys and counting" are sex addicts. They get a high on sleeping with different people. Normal women don't have that kind of libido. We just don't. We women don't keep thinking about men the way you guys think we do. Man meat is the last thing in our mind. Are there women out there who sleep with tons of guys? Yes, addicts, women with self steam issues, women who were abused as a child and immature college girls. 99% of us over the age of 25 with jobs, don't waste our precious time chasing men, we just don't have the time, energy or patience for that kind of cock hunting. Thank you for thinking of us as these insatiable sex goddesses but nah we ain't. Myth number 2: All women want is to date rich guys. Yall... 95% of available men out there looking for a date are NOT rich. None of us are. The majority of us are just middle class. Rich guys date within their circle. We all know that and this "hypergamy" thing occurs BUT only when the woman is extremely hot. 99% of us are average looking women, we know we will never compete with the model type girls. Model type ladies are hard to come by and they already have their share of the rich guys. So for 99% of us regular folk, we date the regular folk men. We aint dating you for your 2014 toyota yall we date you because we actually like you. Myth number 3: All women want is to screw men. Are there cases where women divorce and take the kids and half of the guys stuff? YES. Do we ALL want that to happen and only think of ways of getting married to then divorce and take everything? NO!! We women don't spend our days thinking of ways to rip guys off. When we get married we want a partner. When we are dating we want everything to work out. If we get married we want it to last forever. Things sometimes don't work that way and shit happens. However, not ALL woman want to screw men's lives. Most of the MGTOW audience are guys who experienced the sour side of women, but most of us are not like that. Same thing with us women: not all men are cheaters. Generalizing the outliers gets everyone in trouble. The Gillete commercial a while back, implied that ALL men were bad guys. Well.... not ALL women are bad girls." Well Ms. Anonymous thanks for the donation and sharing your grand old wisdom. But before I share my thought about your thoughts let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:

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Ad Image Credits:

1. Handsome young fit muscular caucasian man of model appearance workout training in the gym gaining weight

2. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

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Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

Who's Beating Gilbert Grape? - Johnny Depp - MGTOW
Who's Beating Gilbert Grape? - Johnny Depp - MGTOW Sandman 162 Views • 5 years ago

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Amber Heard admits to ‘hitting’ Johnny Depp in recording

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jake and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I'm sure that by now you're heard about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard where she admitted to punching and injuring him in a sound recording. I would like you to cover this in a future topic." Well Jake thanks for the donation and topic request. I'll cover it in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor ABC Circuits: Anyways, now back with the show. first let me read some of the quotes from the conversation so that everyone knows what happened and I quote: "“After you got f—ing physically violent with me . . . I texted Travis and I said: ‘Come up here,'” Depp says in the recording. “I know! Come and save me,” Heard says, mocking Depp. “Continue . . . Travis to the rescue.” “Come what? Save me? That was the last one,” Depp says. “You can go.” At another point in the conversation, Depp says: “I told you to tell Travis that you punched me in the f—ing face, and you said, ‘No, I didn’t, what the f–k are you talking about?" “I didn’t punch you, by the way,” Heard interjects. “I’m sorry that I didn’t hit you across the face in a proper slap but I was hitting you. It was not punching you. “Babe, you’re not punched . . I don’t know what the motion of my actual hand was, but you’re fine. I did not hurt you, I did not punch you; I was hitting you.” “Don’t tell me what it feels like to be punched when you f—ing have a closed fist” says Depp. Then she fires back by saying “You didn’t get punched. You got hit. I’m sorry I hit you like this but I didn’t punch you. You didn’t get f—ing decked. I f—ing was hitting you,” Heard tells Depp. “You’re a f—ing baby. You’re such a baby,” Heard says. Depp asks: “Because you start physical fights?” At another point in the recording, Depp says: “I do not want to leave you. I do not want a divorce, I do not want you out of my life. I just want peace. If things get physical, we have to separate.” Heard says she can’t promise she will “be perfect. I can’t promise you I won’t get physical again.” “God, I f—ing — sometimes, I get so mad I lose it. I can f—ing promise you I will do everything to change. I promise you. I’m not going to throw around divorce,” she says. “I love you and I want you to be my wife. And I want to be your husband,” Depp responds. “And I wanna be a good husband. If I haven’t been, I’ll do everything I can to find out how to be a good husband.” Depp’s lawyer told USA Today that Heard “recorded her conversations with Depp.” unquote. If you want to read more juicy tidbits to prove to yourself that the juice isn't worth the squeeze then follow the link down below. As for the fight between Heard and Depp she's obviously using shaming language by calling him a baby. I guess she's trying to tell him that if he were a real man he would be able to take some hitting, not punching from a woman. But he's a baby so it's just too much for him. He fights back by using logic back when she calls him a baby by asking her how he's a baby when she's the one that starts fights? He forgot the one main rule of relationships. You can't argue with crazy. Depp has already been in relationships without a break since 1983.

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3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

A God Among MGTOW - Piet Mondrian
A God Among MGTOW - Piet Mondrian Sandman 164 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Magnus Works and here's what he has to say: "Greetings, Sandman: I have been an avid viewer of your channel since 2016, and I have gone my own way every ever since. I was wondering if you could get back to doing a God among MGTOW video?...specifically on the Modern Painter, Piet Mondrian...sharing how he exemplifies certain positive behaviors of individual men who clearly have chosen to focus on their Art and self-development over investing in the Gynocentric hedonic-treadmill and male co-dependence on the validation of women and in validating women. I found in my readings how much his spiritual life may have guided his work and his choice of vocation; I understand he was a Theosophist and had he own particular theory about organic representation of form which is in stark contrast to naturalistic/realistic emphasis of representing life. Bless you." Well Magnus Works thanks for the donation and topic. Sorry for the added delay releasing this video. But before I cover Piet Mondrian let me first tell you about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back with the show. Piet Mondrian grew up impoverished in a small town in Holland and the place was full of religious fanatics. His father neglected Piet and his family because he was a workaholic and head teacher of the Protestant school. His mother was always sick so his sister, two years older than him was his authority figure. Sounds to me like he was in a way raised the way a single mother might raise a man today. He had a terrible childhood and it made bitter and cynical and as a result he pulled himself into his own imagination instead of reality. Because he suffered as a child there is speculation that Mondrian distanced himself from other people and because of that had very few lasting relationships. He might have died as a single man going his own way but that wasn't the case. In fact he did make the effort to settle down and have a normal blue pill happy wife happy life. In 1914 he got engaged to some woman, I can't really pronounce her name and she doesn't really matter. They got married but the marriage lasted only three years and would be Mondrian's first and only attempt at family life. I don't really know why it didn't work out but I know from personal experience that I tried to settle down and ultimately wanted a family but after two attempts I was done. Even though I dated after those it wasn't the same. I guess it only took Piet only one try to figure out that marriage wasn't for him. I also like his name because it's also the name of my favorite character from the original Star Wars films Admiral Firmus Piett. He's the only admiral in the Empire Strikes back that doesn't get force choked to death so if Vader likes him then so do I. Too bad about his tragic death in episode six. As for Piet Mondrain his later works look very post modern. But artists back then were classically trained. Piet Mondrian is probably most famous for his paintings using black, white, red, blue and yellow paints with lines and squares. But he paint impressionist paintings earlier in his career. It was around 1920 that he finally started painting those grid paintings. Also with regards to work output what I forgot to mention is that when Mondrain go married his work output went down.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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I Don't Want To Fall In Love With Her - MGTOW
I Don't Want To Fall In Love With Her - MGTOW Sandman 165 Views • 5 years ago

Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from AJ47 and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman. I am an Algerian living in the middle east. Here it's so hard to have a lover let alone have sex, the only way to have "legal sex" is to traditionally marry a woman. I researched a lot and I know love isn't real. I had a long distance relationship with a Jordanian woman from a broken home (abusive father, less than middle class family but not poor). I think she really loved me and stayed with me talking to me 24/7 every day and (although I didn't give her any money and even I asked her and she refused because of religious beliefs). We even met and kissed each other. The problem of our break up was because I confessed that I don't believe in many things on the religion. Is there really no way to find a girl that loves you from your heart? what about you? Are you married or in a relationship? If so doesn't that contradict all what you say? If not do you think you will ever fall in love and contradict everything you said? PS: She even told her mother about me and her mom talked to me. Also I am 20." Well AJ47 thanks for the donation and topic. But before I talk about this and more let me first tell you about today's sponsor the Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. I guess you haven't been listening to my content for all that long. First of all I haven't dated anyone in four years and haven't had a girlfriend in over four and a half. I've been firmly MGTOW monk for a very long time now. Even if I were to date and be in relationships I wouldn't be contradicting anything I say because if you're going your own way it means that you can date and be in relationships. The only thing you can't do is get married or live with a woman. For myself back in 2015 I found out that simply being in a relationship was enough for me to lose my reason and rationality. When I'm in love I lose my ability to be creative and think for clearly. I lose my sense of humor which I only discovered I even had once I was single for the first time in my life at 35. But the benefits of love for me is the ability to relax when I'm spending time cuddling with a woman. The only other way I can relax is if I am alone and fully isolated from all other people and noise. Otherwise I'm constantly running in a state of aggitation and my elevated cortisol spikes my blood sugar at all other times. This I believe has been partially causing many of my health ailments over the last six years or so. As for falling in love I have fallen in love since then but I've learned that when I get emotional about a woman I just met if I wait three or four I'll calm down and the whore storm will have passed and the sun will shine on my life once again. As for your situation AJ your country is holding you ransom using cunt. Sex is used as a tool to get you to take responsibility for a woman and provide her all the curly little elf shoes her heart desires. You're twenty years old and love and sex are still new and awesome things for you.

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Sandman Saves Lives - MGTOW
Sandman Saves Lives - MGTOW Sandman 208 Views • 5 years ago

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Brave Browser:

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dennis and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I just watched the witcher series and was left with confirmation of the intent of women. No one series does not a conspiracy make. But at my age -69- a domino affect ensued in all of my being. You see I was raised by the most blue pilled parents who’s story was the most romantic I could possibly tell. WWII solder falls in love with German bride. They were both neglected but very good looking and very poor. Even destitute on their return to the US married with child in tow. They made their lives a success remained blue as the sky in their beliefs about family. Their six kids learned only the scare of their mother being German and not to let on in Butte Montana. We all grew up fully engrained in believing in the fairy tale. We moved to California, all of us becoming wealthy. We began marrying and having babies. Not a hint of red pills until we were full grown adults. In the early 80’s one by one our families were destroyed by the woman abandoning their vows. None of us understood any of this especially our parents. We all hopped back into remarrying with more babies with the same result. In my case my first marriage, the forever one, ended with her saying I did not and could not make enough money. So after 10 years of getting over her I made money. The second marriage ended saying all I wanted from her was for her to do everything around the house. She left me a week before my ankle replacement surgery which left me unable to fend for myself for 3 months. During which I lost 30 pounds in 3 weeks. My brain cemicals were so deplete I was declared 51/50. At that point I was still in shock when I found your channel. I have been eager to listen to your thoughts every time I had the opportunity. I studied others like teal swan, the other lady with short blond hair who supports the suicidal man and others. Little by little I continue to bring myself back to my own personality, happy to partake in another day no less enraged with every breath. Fast forward 3.5 years later, I am able to watch the news or a movie and even cry if I get caught up in the plot. I now realize that my life was all based on the belief to ensure that what ever woman I was with would be taken care of is my responsibility. To this day I am shedding that belief. Case in point was the aforementioned series, and is by no means the best example of my realization but… The Witcher is the best example I have seen of a MGTOW in the movies. Every other male is either incompetent, expendable or to be laughed at. I am a handsome man and relatively well off. Less so by my wife’s divorce rape. I am devastated and broken hearted to come to know that my only purpose is for a woman’s gamesmanship of her whims and to know that in retrospect, as I remember every conversation I’ve ever had with a woman, including my mother whom I have loved as a son love his mother, that they are not like men. They are first and foremost not what men see them as. Even the most seemingly rational woman is not to be trusted. For example lets say with the 19th amendement to the constitution and their right to vote. A percentage of them are rational enough to vote for sane politicians and policies. But many do not hold to their promise to do right right by their man in the form of a vow. So much for marriage. What is left is the Witcher. A man who goes his own way. I feel sorry for the woman who whores herself on the carousel.

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Women Starting WW3 - MGTOW
Women Starting WW3 - MGTOW Sandman 237 Views • 5 years ago

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Russians can now carry guns for ‘self-defense’

MGTOW Myster Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by donations from Roger, Thomas and Daniel. Thank you for your support. Since I didn't receive any topics from you guys I thought I'd continue discussing what I have started in another video called She stole my freedom of speech". In case you haven't heard it I spoke about the 1st and 2nd ammendments to the US consituation, ie the right to freedom of speech and the right to bare arms. I spoke about how gynocentric governments in states of Virginia for example are introducing communist red flag laws where if you own a weapon and something thinks you're going to do something violent, even though you probably aren't. That's the reason that communists were able to take over huge chunks of the world back in the 20th century because massive populations weren't armed to the teeth the way that modern Americans are. Also, last time I checked both Hitler and Stalin took the guns. The Bolshiviks after they took Russia in their violent revolution to prevent anyone else from taking it back in another violent revolution. We are truely living in clown world because I put an article in the description called Russians can now carry guns for 'self-defence' where the Russian government back in 2014 loosened up their gun laws meanwhile in the United States they are trying tip toe around the second amendment. What do you think happens when women make up forty, fifty or sixty plus percent of politicians? Do you really think they won't try and take the guns? I fear that this particular issue has the potential to get out of control and lead America to a Civil War. I'll get to it in a second but let me first tell you about today's sponsor ABC Circuits: Anyways, now back with the show. When I first thought about women becoming the majority of politicians in American and most western countries I thought they would enact more metoo legislation or increase the taxes on higher wage earners, mostly men of course and try to impose some crazy system of equality of outcome with regards to the gender wage gap. Most of us assume that if they did these sorts of things guys could just passively go their own way and wait until the whole thing crumbled. No I fear things might be a lot worse. The reason I believe that female democrats will create chaos and lead to the polarization between consituationalists and leftist communists and the eventual disintigration of the United States is because a lot of Rural Americans use guns to hunt and they are die hard constitutionalists. I would say that the flyover states in the middle of the country is where the patriots are. I've travelled to forty states and that's where I met the nicest strongest people. So what happens if more states like Virginia try and take away guns using red flag laws and the sheriffs being ordered to confiscate those guns won't do it? Well in Virginia there was talk about bringing in the national guard to go after the sheriffs.

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1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure

2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.

3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

My Experience With Canadian Women - MGTOW
My Experience With Canadian Women - MGTOW Sandman 227 Views • 5 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
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Christmas Without Women

My experience with Canadian women in the last two years.

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trevor. He didn't send me a specific topic. So I've decided that I'd like to talk about the sad and sorry state of Canadian women these days. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the show. As I sat down to script this video the Corona Virus has just jumped from fourteen thousand to seventeen thousand confirmed cases. By the time I release this video it will probably be up in the millions of infected. What really shocked me was the reaction of many Canadian women claiming that the greatest threat to Canadians is not the virus but that it's racism against the Chinese. Have women in Canada completely lost their mind? Shouldn't they be more worried about getting masks and other supplies? I don't think the potential of a global pandemic has hit them yet. But when it does they will start to panic. In the next day or two, it's early February of 2020, I'm thinking of selling all my stocks because my investment thesis is to buy stocks in companies that everyone needs with regards to food, phones and basic utilities. But it doesn't look like it's going to be business as usual so it's time to dump everything and just sit on the sidelines and hopefully buy in when things are cheaper. As for Canadian women complaining about corona virus racism, I wonder if they are going to go down to the airport and welcome people from China in? Actually the government of Canada just declared they are going to quarantine people at a military base. All of Canadian women using this opportunity to virtue signal that they aren't racist are going to change their tune if the same thing going on in China happens in Canada. Right now they are all bitch and no bite. But the moment the virus spreads they will do exactly what they did during the 2013 ice storm in Toronto. It was the men that were outside cleaning up the mess and getting the power back online. If you want to know what happened then I put a video in the description called Christmas Without Women that shows men outside working while women indoors where it's a lot warmer and safer. In China in the quarantined areas 1 family member every second day is allowed to leave home to go out and get supplies like groceries and they have to wear a mask. How much do you wanna bet that one family member is going to be the youngest most able bodied male? Can't risk the whamens going out and getting them sniffles. The same thing would probably happen in Canada with the women staying at home but they would probably claim they are triggered by all the death. As far as I'm concerned it's the Canadian women that are racist and they are simply projecting their racism on Canadian men just incase Canadian men ever tried saying something like that about them. No I can't be racist because I called you racists first. So you're the racist one. These are the types of games that are being played by Canadian women as China burns as Canadian women in secret play the world's smallest violin for China. I thought it was a good example to start this video with. As for Canadian women in general Canada is really made up of many different regions and women are very different in each one. In the west it's really really cold and I think that does a lot to push traditional values. Western Canada where it's really cold tends to vote conservative because women out there are more likely to depend on men for their survival during a cold winter. Recently I was doing a Skype chat with someone and he explained to me that women don't like the cold very much in states like North Dakota and Montana which are right next door to that conservative part of Canada.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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MGTOW Is Only One Red Pill
MGTOW Is Only One Red Pill Sandman 214 Views • 5 years ago

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Lithuanian Apiary

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Lime. His comments and questions are long so before I read them let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Lithuanian Apiary: Anyways, now back with the show. Here's what Mr. Lime has to say: "Hello Sandman, where do I even begin? I was born and raised in NYC (yeah I know you're going to say “move out of NY now because of xy&z”, but it's not that simple) and like most people, my parents got divorced. As you can probably tell, my dad got divorce raped. Although being the crafty lawyer he is, he managed to weasel out a pretty favourable deal himself (for man in divorce court). I witnessed custody battels and heated exchanges, you know the usual experience for this situation. I’m not going to pretend my upbringing was anything special, because it wasn’t if anything I had it pretty good compared to most people. Both my parents treated me fine. I grew up in catholic schools my whole life, but I wasn’t even catholic, the public schools here are complete shit and my dad (who was legally obligated to pay for ALL the expenses) was more than willing to pay the thousands intuition. In my early years, I was active and social, but due to circumstances society morphed and twisted me into being anti-social. I discovered your channel & MGTOW way back in the winter of 2015, I was a high school sophomore at the time (15 yo) on the brink of suicide & depression. From my point of view, this period in time could only be compared to ancient humans discovering fire for the first time, as the introduction to female nature & hypergamy (is that how you spell it? lol) really opened my eyes to not just women, but us (men) as well. From 2015-2018 I used to watch your videos religiously, as I found that whenever I unplugged myself from MGTOW content, I would catch myself slowly drifting back to my old blue pilled ways. I tried to red pill the male friends around me and even my dad by showing them some of your videos, but no cigar. I took the “1 red pill a day keeps ___ away” pretty seriously. I started off as a PUA purple pill MGTOW, and I'll be honest and say that I didn’t respect the red pill monks. I saw them as just TFL’ers (or nowadays “incels” as some would say but I think that’s a very derogatory description) in denial, but nowadays with hindsight I now see where they were coming from. Now, you’re probably wondering what my experiences with females were like and well that’s difficult. Over the years I did get several instances of females showing a legitimate interest in me, but only when I was completely not seeking for females (i.e my “Be Gone Thot!” mode). But when I did make sincere attempts at getting a girlfriend/laid, no female wanted to touch me with a 10 -foot pole. Females are only attracted to me when I don’t want them. I would get a decent amount of matches in dating sights but none of them was ever interested in continuing the conversation. I’m 5’11, healthy/slim, I workout regularly, and I’m decent financially but why can I only get ugly/fat chicks? (if that even). Does that make me an incel?

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2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

Land Whales & Beta Males - MGTOW
Land Whales & Beta Males - MGTOW Sandman 295 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Colttaine's Channel:

MGTOW Mystery Link: After Being MeTooed:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rational Animal and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Another month, another request. Can you please feature Colttaine's channel? I know he is not exactly "unknown" but you have many more subscribers and I think the newcomers to MGTOW will benefit from watching his videos. I've attached both his Bitchute and YouTube channel links." Well Rational Animal thanks for the donation and topic. As for Colttaine's channel I put the links you sent me to his channel in the description so that people can chectk those out. As for what I think about his content and most specfically one of his most recent videos called Of Monkeys And Men and I'll get to that in just a second but let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to Rational Animal's request that I review Colttaine's content. So the Of Monkeys And Men video is almost an hour long and it's a great one. First of all he tries to clear the air between himself and TFM with regards to some differences they have between how power and patriarchy works in our society. But that's not the part of the video I want to talk about. Colttaine discusses how social hierarchy has changed for humans with time. Before civilization he describes our world as one where there were four distinct parts of humanity that all had their own separate existance in the tribe. There were the alpaha males that fed on grapes and got to bang all the babes. There were the women, the children and the beta males. The betas provided protection and provision because in exchange they got survival thanks to the tribal unit. Then he describes a scenario where in one group of monkies the alpha males ate poisoned food and all of them died. At that point all that remained was the women the children and the beta males. Scientists were expecting that the beta males would fill in the void where the alphas were but that didn't happen. Instead the whole group became like the bonobos where the stronger females took over and they became like the bonobos. Coltaine admits that although he appears like an alpha on the outside because he has a great job, he's over six feet tall, has an IQ of around a buck twenty five, rides a motorcycle and works out and is in great shape. It takes a lot of courage for a man like that to come out and say that he's not an alpha especially after building up a strong exterior. Being alpha is a mindset it seems and if you don't have it from a young age you never will. But Colttaine points out that in the past before social media there were more so called alpha males in the eyes of women. But now social media has made being an alpha almost impossibly difficult because women now only see the best of the best. In my opinion this is creating a vacuum of alpha males and it's starting to destabilize society. Women are no longer respecting wealthy and powerful men like they used to. Don't believe me then just look at what's going on with MeToo.

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Relationships Are Full-Time Jobs - MGTOW
Relationships Are Full-Time Jobs - MGTOW Sandman 164 Views • 5 years ago

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Brave Browser:

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jeff and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman. This is the first time I have sent a topic and I'm not sure if you have already covered this or not? Back in 2005 when I was still a blue pill knob, I started searching on one of those internet dating sites for the first time. I compiled a list of girls that I liked the look of and then took a closer look at each of their profiles. Each woman had around 2 to 3 paragraphs of all the things her man was to be, but didn't say anywhere what she was going to bring to the relationship. I thought to myself 'no wonder these girls are single, being in a relationship with them sounds like a full time job in itself'. How did women get to be so above themselves? One reason I thought of was the influence of pop stars on young girls. I remember that Madonna song from years ago called 'Express Yourself' where she encourages women 'not to settle for anything but the best' and 'make him make you feel like a queen on the throne'. Was it possible that a psychopath like Madonna was able to influence possibly multi generations of young girls in this way? I'd like to know what you think Sandman. Again apologies if you have already covered this topic and if you have then talk about something else. Love your videos." Well Jeff thanks for the donation and topic. I was old enough as a kid to remember the Narcissism of the 1980s quite well and the rise of Madonna. Afterall she's know as the material girl. Or at least she was. But before I discuss this further let me tell you about today's sponsor the Brave Browser: Anyways, now back with the show. Jeff just so you know being in a relationship with not just narcissistic nancies but with the majority of women is a full-time job. You lose your weekends because you have to go to family Birthday parties, out drinking with people you can't stand while fantasizing about putting a glock to your temple to take you away from your misery. But the benefit of a full-time relationship for most men is that they offer a hot Vag to cool off your cold junk as well as the occassional female validation which amounts to nothing more then a dog treat for a grown man. It's easy for women to demand the materialistic life of a Queen because yes they have been socialised by Madonna and consumer culture. But also because our species in general never received enough of what we needed or wanted in the wild before civilization so there doesn't seem to be a part of our mind that tells us when to stop. For example have you ever just tried to eat one or two potato chips and before you know it the whole bag is gone and you feel like you're going to vomit. The same I believe is true for women and trying to get the best genetic material inside of them to have a baby with. The women that you see around us today are the ones that are most likely descendants of the most greedy women that used their social abilities to get their genes to make it this far. The men you see today, their descendant probably used their physical strength and reasoning ability to provide and protect the most for their families. We are species that comes from scarcity and our motto should be you can never get enough of a good thing. The soy boys would have perished before there was civilization.

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How To Stop Being Attracted To Women? - MGTOW
How To Stop Being Attracted To Women? - MGTOW Sandman 468 Views • 5 years ago

BitPix Sponsor Link:

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Kool Buildings

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because YouTube is once again throttling my channel down. Before the voxadpocalypse in June of 2019 I had two million views a month. Now that number is moving between under one million views a month and just above it. Just as a my travel channel gets two to three thousand views I've put 80 videos on versus the over 2200 I put on my Sandman channel. Also make sure you're still subscribed and if you listen to my content everyday make sure you're clicking on the bell a second time and saying you want all notifications. Because I'm hearing from many of you that you're not getting any notifications. YouTube is stepping up their censorship for the 2020 election and while I don't think they will ban everyone because the Democrats don't seem to have a candidate that can beat the Orange Man it doesn't mean they won't find ways to lash out at those they perceive to be their political and ideological opponents. Some of you will say my content is stale and that's why my traffic is going down. But it's still going up on and Bitchute. Also not getting donations to cover every video hasn't happened since the end of 2014 and early 2015. But enough of my whining. Time to move on to the topic at hand. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor bitpix: Anyways, now back with the show. In a recent video I told everyone that I had found a way to become attracted to something online that I wasn't exposed to in real life. I eluded to furries and many of you said that Sandman is a furry confirmed. But that is true partially. It's one of my fetishes so you better hide your pets and cover their ears. But one of my listeners named Romeo Whiskey thought what I said was interesting and left me a lengthy response that I'd like to share with everyone. So here's what Romeo Whiskey has to say and I quote: "Sandman , you have discovered one of my mental manipulation techniques.... and it really works. I had a problem being sexually attracted to women, it’s caused me quite a bit of trouble at work and in my private life. Not just the physical stimulation, but I would react emotionally as well. When I decided to go MGTOW, this was one of the major problems I had. How to counteract this constant attraction "?" How to beat this weakness "?" I had been reading about a mental technique called negative reenforcement, ( basically flooding the mind with negative thoughts whenever you were tempted by sexual desire ) ... but it wasn’t working as well as I had hoped. Until I realized the other half of the equation. You can’t make yourself not want sexual release at all ... but you CAN change what you want. By finding a particularly stimulating type or situation of sexual desire and amplifying that, you can reduce your susceptibility to most others. Basically giving yourself a fetish. By then ensuring that you will never encounter the type of woman and situation you fantasize about, you have beaten the game. It’s like a cheat code for life.

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Divorce Is Contagious - MGTOW
Divorce Is Contagious - MGTOW Sandman 128 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

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Sponsor YouTube Link:

Redux Movement Solutions

Is Divorce Contagious?

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Redux Movement Solutions the owner sent me a donation without a topic so I thought I'd share the link to his business. It's in the description and he teaches you proper posture so that you don't have to get hip replacement surgery at the age of fifty from sitting in an office chair your whole life. The link to his courses and products is in the description. As for the topic of this video it's inspired by a video called Is Divorce Contagious? and I've also linked to that one in the description. He believes that trends are driven by women. Regardless of if it's Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks becoming popular, not because of the taste but because women see it as a limited time status symbol, clothing, divorce and many other things. This is nothing new. Edvard Barnes got women to start smoking by getting inflentual female New York socialites back during the first world war to light up cigarettes and tell the media they were torches of victory. A few decades later just as many women as men were smoking in America. Women reading the papers heard that wealthy women were doing it so less wealthy women decided that they too wanted to emulate the rich and act the way that they do. Herding behavior at it's finest and they didn't care about Lung Cancer. When I first heard the Stardusk video I thought he was going to tie it back to what has been happening at the end of 2019 with the rush from dutch women to get divorced because the state was putting limits to alimony from twelve years to only five years. He produced the video about skyrocketing dutch divorce rates only a week before the one about the contageous nature of divorce. This just shows me that divorce is not simply driven by trends and how women emulate their friends and family that have already gone through a divorce but but that it's also driven good old fashion greed. There are multiple variables to women choosing to get divorced. I'm sure in the case of Dutch women to be fair many of them were already thinking of getting divorced before the new law was to be passed as of early 2020. It would be the equivalent in the financial world of lowering interest rates and then seeing a rush of people coming in to buy houses because they could now afford them with a smaller down payment because their income goes a much further way to pay interest payments. But before I continue to explore the topic of if divorce is contageous let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple: Anyways, now back to the topic. What's happened with Dutch divorce law changes should also create ripples in that society that may change male behavior too. Will more men be getting married in that society because they see that the risk of marriage is no longer twelve years of slavery to a woman after a divorce and that four years is more managable? If true then this could create more blue pill men and not to mention marriages and families. The birth rates might even go up if men see marriage as a less risky endeavor. But I think it will also change female behavior and I suspect that Dutch women are going to be a lot pickier going forward with regards to who they decide to get married to. Because of that it might actually lower the birth rate and family formations because women will be less interested in getting married because they know there won't be a loot bag full of 12 years of cash and prizes to go along with their golden divorce parachute.

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1. Handsome young fit muscular caucasian man of model appearance workout training in the gym gaining weight

2. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

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