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Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me (Official Music Video)
Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me (Official Music Video) mrghoster 12 Views • 12 months ago

A bit of anologue 80's pop, with interesting theme! lol! Is someone watching YOU?

Electric cars becoming impossible to insure
Electric cars becoming impossible to insure mrghoster 22 Views • 12 months ago

However you look at it eventually the EV thing will end and the Moneymaking greedy types will find they cant make money out of us on a LIE. Even the most basic of plsanning has been overlooked. If you want to embark on a venture like EV's or anything, YOU must have infrastructure in place before you even START the roll out, regardless of whatever it it. This is why society and business is failing because greedy assholes without a clue are just looking for a quick short term BUCK.

Dead Run (1986) - Twilight Zone Truck Driving Souls to Hell!
Dead Run (1986) - Twilight Zone Truck Driving Souls to Hell! mrghoster 13 Views • 12 months ago

Here is an interestying episode of the Twighlight Zone from 1986. Whilst watching it bear in mind today's women, Government, and life in general and see if you came across the same conclusionsd I did? Enjoy.

The DARK SECRET of SЭXUALITY and LOVE in Stoicism - The Stoic Man Lab
The DARK SECRET of SЭXUALITY and LOVE in Stoicism - The Stoic Man Lab mrghoster 29 Views • 12 months ago

Here are some very good reason's for being MGTOW

Police Officer Sprays members of a crowd with Pepper Spray
Police Officer Sprays members of a crowd with Pepper Spray mrghoster 13 Views • 12 months ago

This Poison feminist Dwarf is at it again. This CUNT was the one that illegally arrested an Autistic girl (in her own home) for saying the officer looked like her Lesbian aunty. As if that was not enough this CUNT has now ASSUALTED people in a group and if you watch this video you will notice the Cowerd went for every one with it's spray that were NOT openly involved in the group? Is it any wonder that the UK no longer trust's the poice when they employ midget feminist psycho's like this bitch? This animal went of ao a spree that the Police refer to "The Red Mist" I hope this time she is sacked, but you know what they nare like they will close in together and try to justify this behavior. Also West Yorkshire chief of police is called Khan? wonder if he is related to the one in London? It would answer a lot of questions?

How a Man Becomes Cold Hearted
How a Man Becomes Cold Hearted mrghoster 28 Views • 12 months ago

Women make MEN cold hearted. Society makes MEN cold hearted. The MEN of today have realised this and are walking away, we have no responsiobility especially to women or society anymore. What is happening is a revolution for the MALE. You treated us like SHIT for to long now we know about it.

20 reasons why it is better to be single
20 reasons why it is better to be single mrghoster 28 Views • 12 months ago

Being SINGLE or Alone is probably the best thing a MAN can do these day's, but you need the right mindset.

The Art of Being Alone- Lessons from Famous Philosophers
The Art of Being Alone- Lessons from Famous Philosophers mrghoster 14 Views • 12 months ago

This is about living or being alone, NOT Lonely. Infact the two things are not connected, you can be LONELY in a crowd which is different to being ALONE in a crowd. Personally I like being ALONE and I'm NEVER LONELY.

Freedom from Anhedonia- 2 ways to escape the prison of your mind
Freedom from Anhedonia- 2 ways to escape the prison of your mind mrghoster 12 Views • 12 months ago

This may be useful to some of you guy's. Anhidonia is the feeling that nothing is worth doing, but there may be a couple of use ful tips here. - Not to be confused with Anidonia when you lose your teeth, they are NOT connected. If you want to do your own research remember to ad that "H" in the spelling.

'How DARE you start talking about concentration camps!' - Patrick loses it at Just Stop Oil
'How DARE you start talking about concentration camps!' - Patrick loses it at Just Stop Oil mrghoster 21 Views • 12 months ago

Just listen to this "DELUDED" Just stpoil FEFAIL FREAK, nicely coped with as well Patric. This CUNT is typical of the Gynocentric MENTALILLNESS that has corrupted the Western world. a lot of noise about shit they knoe FUCK ALL about!! lol! What they should do with thiese JSO morons is at protests remove any of them with glasses on, WHY? because Glasses require a LOT of oil to produce them. I bet in this article as well that all the car's lined up along th Coach route are the car's these tosser's arrived in? As this Rubber Boat thing is a government based issue I suspect the JSO is also funded by the UK Government?

Sadiq Khan's CRIME Record
Sadiq Khan's CRIME Record mrghoster 20 Views • 1 year ago

Sauy SADgit Khan the CRIMINAL, you think of the ULEZ SCAM, but there is far far more to this ASSHOLE. Here in this short video is what his other crimes are under his teerm as M<ayor of London.When it come to Policing he is in charge of MOPEC, I would put thisd CUNT in charfe of a fucking MOPED! lol!


When we think today of Emotions we immediately think of the pathetic fefail and their imability to see logic because of Emotion. Here is how you the Stoic can deal with your's and other's Emotion's in a Stoic way.

ULEZ and 2 Stroke Motorcycles
ULEZ and 2 Stroke Motorcycles mrghoster 13 Views • 1 year ago

Here is full PROOF that ULEZ is a money making SCAM. Explained and proven in this video about 2 stroke motorcycles and emmision's. I'd love another mid range 2 stroke bike. I ionce had a Suzuki GT250 and then a GT380 triple in the late 70's = Could never afford a GT550 or the watercooled GT750. Anyway here is some proof of the ULEZ SCAM and FRAUD.

EV fire stories continue
EV fire stories continue mrghoster 10 Views • 1 year ago

I think [ersonally that there is an underlying sub question to these EV fires? I think many of them now they are outed are actually PHEV fires or "Part hybrid EV's" and not fully electric. as far as I'm concerned the EV idea is BEAD in the water. Anyone still wanting EV-en an electric bike needs their head tested. In the UK eBikes are restricted to 250w's and a max speed if 12 mph, so whats the point when at 67 years old I can still ride a pushbike at 20/25mph? (using the geard prtoperly that is). EV's are really a big distraction from the truth that they really want us imprisoned and not allowed free movement. Of Caurse it all starts with TWAT's that have to buy into the egotistical BULLSHIT that does Us no favor's and eventually themselves no favor's. same with cycluist, they think that the change in the HWC that they probably have NOT read let's them do what they like with impunity, but when the day comes and car's are no longer making government the money every cyclist will have to start psaying for it under the statement "Well you couldn't ride within the law " so tough titty. i personal ride a motorcycle and I found their has been a couple of reprieves for Biking. So I can die having not been effected by akll the CRAP! lol!

Wales 20MPH Speed Limit- EXPOSED They Have No Data
Wales 20MPH Speed Limit- EXPOSED They Have No Data mrghoster 15 Views • 1 year ago

Well when you have a leader called "Mark-(xist) FAKE FRAUD" what do you expect. I'm in favor in one way about these 20 mph spoeed limit's and that is hopefully it will destroy the corporates as goods and shit cant be delivered. And tourism and Holidays will be cancelled. I love North Wales and the people there, but next years holidai there has been cancelled and so should FAKE FRAUD as well. Wakles is a test bed for the UK and that is why England is not currently 20 mpoh infested. OH! just a point of interest regarding the HWC. If a Speed limit sigh is on a reflective yellow rectangle, that means it is a "SUGGESTED" speed limit not an inforcable one. Any road sign in the UK obn a RECTANGULAR backing is an "INFORMATION" signage and not inforcible. Just thought I would point that out, so if you see a 20mph sign on a yellow rectangle it means although the speed limit may be 30 or 40, they "SUGGEST" 230 mph, so remember that. Applies to Wales as WELL.

J mrghoster 16 Views • 1 year ago

More requested Quotes from SUB's. Never heard of this guy, but there is some interesting common sense in his quotes. Enjoy

Fear porn is everywhere!
Fear porn is everywhere! mrghoster 20 Views • 1 year ago

I don't do FEAR well not in the normal sense of FEAR. I am Cautious and take care in life, not out of FEAR but out od Self preservation. Handing your soul or mind over to other's to live YOUR olife for you as to speak is a fools game. Think for yourself and don't let others lie and bambuzle you into their mindset. True freedom still exists in YOUR mind if not outside of it.

Avoid the distractions and stay focused
Avoid the distractions and stay focused mrghoster 17 Views • 1 year ago

There are many distractions in the news today and I'm learning to ignore and dismiss them on a daily basis. Take the Luton car park thing, that was full of crap on the web, yet none of it actually is impoortant as it doesn't impact my life one bit. we have had Ukraine and now Gaza and all that stit, Well it has no effect on my psychi at all. I was actually born into a world where the mifddle east has been a pain in the fucking ass, but I no longer care or get involved. as a Stoic I will deal with all ther crap if it turns up on my door step. out side of that I get on with MY life , MY finite stay here in this shitholw place. Fuck it all I've got DEATH to look forward to and when and how it happens will be a great release. Ubntil then I will LIVE life and not be distracted ny political BULLSHIT. I DON'T and will never live in FEAR.

“PHONE A FRIEND - WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE by Rude Guy Comedy adult dub 2023 Funny Video
“PHONE A FRIEND - WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE by Rude Guy Comedy adult dub 2023 Funny Video mrghoster 54 Views • 1 year ago

A little humor for the MAN Unwanted female attention)! lol!

My EV BATTERY DIED and I was left TRAPPED INSIDE my ELECTRIC CAR with NO OXYGEN SCREAMING for HELP! mrghoster 20 Views • 1 year ago

Interesting discovery by Mc Master! A short break away in spain and comes back to a dead EV that was Chraged before he left.

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