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30yr Old FORMER PARTY GIRL Is READY TO SETTLE DOWN….Now That Chads DON'T WANT HER Anymore The33Secrets 86 Views • 2 years ago ►STEAL 1 MONTH OF COACHING FOR ONLY $1◄ <br> ►►DOWNLOAD MY &quot;33 SECRETS&quot; NOW (ONLY 100 COPIES)◄◄ <br> <br>NOTE : Please do not send derogatory comments to the creator being reviewed in tonight's coaching video. What I review is only a small portion of their story &amp; my own personal take as a content creator. So keep it respectful! <br> <br>Don't Miss Out On UNRELEASED VIDEOS &amp; NEVER BEFORE SEEN Content! Get On My Email List NOW! It's 100% FREE!!! ►► ( CLICK HERE NOW!!! ) <br> <br>To Learn More SECRET TIPS For How To Attract Beautiful Women, Avoid Rejection, And Get Out Of The Friend Zone ►► CLICK HERE TO GET ON MY EMAIL NOW! ►► <br> <br>*********************************** <br> <br>DOWNLOAD MY &quot;33 SECRETS TO DATING BEAUTIFUL WOMEN&quot; NOW! ( ONLY 100 COPIES ) : <br> <br> <br>STEAL 1 MONTH OF COACHING FROM M* FOR ONLY $1! ( ONLY 25 SPOTS ) : <br> <br> <br>MAKE A DONATION! ( HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL &amp; WORK ) : <br> <br> <br>*********************************** <br> <br>#the33secrets #redpill #datingadviceformen

The IRS Wants To Shut Down MGTOW.TV
The IRS Wants To Shut Down MGTOW.TV Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 559 Views • 2 years ago

Nobody Wants These Indian Women - MGTOW
Nobody Wants These Indian Women - MGTOW Sandman 504 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce &amp; The Police Are Not Your Friends <br> <br> <br>Why Working Women Struggle To Find A Match <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to share an article called &quot;Why Working Women Struggle To Find A Match&quot; and here's what part of the article says and I quote: &quot;Neha has been asked how round her rotis are, how many kinds of paneer she can make, and — just as casually — what the purpose of her career really is if she doesn’t make bags of money. Over the last three years of searching for a partner on matrimonial sites, the Gurgaon-based psychologist has been questioned on her career both directly and indirectly. “I have been asked many times that the guy makes enough money, so what is the point of me working? They think of my work as social service, rather than a career,” says the 33-year-old, who says many of the men she’s spoken with share this attitude. “I have become very clear that my work is something I am passionate about and makes me feel content. If someone can’t see that, there is no point in proceeding.” Neha's experience is hardly unique. Women who work are less likely to get matches on matrimonial websites than those who do not, a new study has found. Diva Dhar a doctoral candidate at University of Oxford's Blatnik School of Government, conducted an experiment to test her hypothesis that working women are penalized in the marriage market and found that, in fact, women who have never worked receive 15-22% more interest compared to those who wish to continue working. Basically for every 100 men who respond to a woman who has never worked, only 78-85 will respond to a working woman.&quot; unquote Well folks it looks like the Roti's have come home too roost while these educated and employed Indian women are not getting their hands on a human rooster. It seems that Indian men have done something that European males have not. That of course is to red pill themselves on the fact that a career woman is a pain the rear and she makes a poor candidate for a wife and mother. Usually because uneducated women have a better attitude. Are less abrasive and combative. They are just more chill. Every woman I've dated with a university edumacation felt like she was special snob. Indian men have figured out that these sorts of women won't do traditional house-making and that's something their mothers did and they expect that same from their wives. I'm also noticing another interesting trend with Indian guys dating white women in Canada. I can't believe I'm saying this but Indian men in Canada are increasingly more masculine then the men of European descent around here. Just the other day I was out and saw a bunch of couples and there was a white woman with an Indian man. He looked like a man and she was of skinny and healthy proportions. Then on the other side of the street I saw a soy boy being walked by his tatted up hippo that probably wished could wear high heels. But they would get crushed to dust under her gravitational field. This comes on the heels of an Indian man pointing out Interracial couples with Indian men and white women. I think part of the reason for this is certainly that the vast majority of Indian women are educated in the west and back home these days. Young Indian guys for the most part are about a generation or so behind western men and they have more masculine fathers and feminine mothers. That's what I grew up around and no matter how much I tried to be with untidy career minded Canadian women things just wouldn't stick. It's a very stressful way to live and I'm glad Indian men are figuring this out. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Indian Women Think They Are Better Than Other Women - MGTOW
Indian Women Think They Are Better Than Other Women - MGTOW Sandman 342 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia <br>- <br>- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Chetan. Here's what he briefly has to say: &quot;Hi Sandman, Chetan here from the Himalayas again. Our currency in India keeps sliding against dollar to benefit the government's crony friends to sell garbage IT services to the west. Inflation is through the roof &amp; almost everyone I know has migrated to west. Of late my resentment towards them has spiked because they keep complaining how great indian culture is &amp; how indians are better than the whites, while they live and earn in west. The people in west are facilitating more of these scumbags from all over to enter west. This won't end well for you guys. I hope the recession kicks in fast &amp; these ultranationalist and others have to get back to their original places. Except for this indignation I dont feel much and have gone super cold. I stopped dating back in 2016 &amp; met 7 sugar babies when the hormones went berserk. Sex holds no appeal anymore &amp; I get the constant urge to delete myself. I study philosophy and religious scriptures which has probably stopped me from acting out. Till next time ciao&quot; Well Chetan thanks for the donation and rambling topic. I came to Canada from Eastern Europe and have experienced the same behavior you describe from your own people. A superiority complex to English, German and other Western European nations. Meanwhile when I visited Eastern Europe last the streets weren't being cleaned and young people would throw garbage in the streets. My cousin even told me it wasn't cool that I threw my trash in the trash can. If everyone is so much better in the east than why didn't they build a <br>civilization that was just as good? Why didn't Indians build ships and circumnavigate the globe and conquer other continents? Why did the British, French and Spanish have to do that instead? As for inflation and your currency collapsing the US dollar has been rising because people all over the world are selling US stocks and other assets and hoarding cash because of economic uncertainty. There is no conspiracy by your cronies to export cheap labor to America. That's just a byproduct of what's going on in the global financial markets. But I suspect it's a temporary thing. It happened in 2008 as well with oil hitting almost 150 dollars a barrel and then the global financial crisis destroyed demand and the price cratered. As for the supposed superiority complex that comes from poorer and less developed nations. It's just projection and denial. They are worried that westerners are going to rub their accomplishments in their face and say they are better. But they can't exactly do that if the eastern groups claim they are superior first. It's a sign of weakness when your culture claims they are superior to the dominant one. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Background Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;

The Female Chameleon - MGTOW
The Female Chameleon - MGTOW Sandman 323 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mark. He told me to make a video of my choosing. So I thought I'd take this opportunity to share yet another short 2-3 page section of the book I'm working on. I'm going through my channel all the way from the beginning and picking out key concepts that men need to learn about female nature that will wake him red pill them. If you do shots at the bar you get a highly concentrated amount of alcohol in a small amount of liquids. The same with an Espresso and caffeine if you're a coffee lover. That's what I want my book to do. I also can't believe I didn't make a video dedicated to this before topic before. Going forward I'm going to use me channel as a test bed for each part. I'm not sure when it will be done and won't release anything until I'm happy with every word. I've spoken about it for a couple of years and this is the only way I'll get it done. So here's one short somewhat polished paragraph from the Female Chameleon section and I quote: &quot;The female chameleon copies your style, speech, interests and hobbies. But her interest in those things is not genuine. She holds up a metaphorical mirror up to your face so that you fall in love with the female version of yourself. Your whole life you've been waiting for the perfect woman to come along. That rare unicorn. But what you've really been waiting for is yourself to show up and sweep you off your feet. Beware of the woman that asks you a lot of questions about your life without sharing much information about hers on a first date. Next time you see her she might be wearing your favorite sports teams' jersey. You'll say I didn't know you liked the Sarasota Simps Soccer team and she'll say you never asked. Meanwhile she either heard you say it on your first encounter in passing or she scoured your social media profile to see what your interests are. The relationship heats up and you get engaged and married. Gradually over time she does a slow motion rug pull and drops the chameleon routine. A few years later she's selling your simp shirt as well as hers at a yard sale for six bucks. She needs to make room in the basement for her five thousand dollar exercise machine that she'll never use. Unless it's to hang up the laundry she never does. You no longer recognize the woman you're with. Not because she became a waddling plumpasaurus but because you no longer have anything in common with her. But you never had anything in common with her. She was copying you to capture you like a Venus fly trap with a vagina. She was tapping into and exploiting your healthy narcissism and self esteem. It's the ultimate form of female validation. She's complimenting your life choices by telling you they are the correct ones because she's supposedly made the same ones. She'll say it must be <br>destiny that we met each other and are soul mates, twin flames or some other non sense. We've all heard the cliche line: &quot;Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery&quot; before. Or is it? The chameleon imitates you to lower your guard and exploit you. How is that sincere? Maybe this is why many women are weary of a man with no social media profile? Because you're not giving the female chameleon very much material to work with so she moves onto an easier target? I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Women Tricking Men Into Trusting Them - MGTOW
Women Tricking Men Into Trusting Them - MGTOW Sandman 425 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sandman Contact Info &amp; Store: <br>Email: [email protected] <br> <br> <br>How to Be a TRUSTWORTHY Woman in a Gynocentric Society <br> <br> <br>Tradthots are not trad <br> <br> <br>WW2 Epic Battles YouTube <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from WW2 Epic Battles and here's what he has to say: &quot;Hello again Sandman. I found a new YouTube channel by a tradthot named Aly Drummond. In the video I’ve sent you she teaches women how to be trustworthy partners in a gynocentric society. Tradcuck men like Gavin McIness already started to praise her. Gavin posted a video on his telegram channel and says that she’s literally doing the Lord’s work. Should we believe that her business will truly be for women and that she won’t attract a 90% male audience that consists of thirsty, lonely men willing to send her donations and buy her products? Do you remember during Trump’s presidency when we witnessed a wave of women starting YouTube channels to attract a male audience and tell them how traditional and anti-feminist they were? Content creators of the manosphere such as Roosh V have been warning us about them since then. After Trump’s term we saw most of these women re-branding themselves, while others disappeared from the internet completely because their followers discovered how dark their past is. And yet we see more women showing up to play the same game. Either they don’t realize that their game is old, or the amount of desperate lonely men has increased so much in the last years that women can make a fortune with videos about the trad life instead of starting an Only Fans page.&quot; Well WW2 thanks for the donation and topic. Congrats on having a memory that goes back to 2016. You have to remember that's six years ago now and there's a whole new crop of young men that have never heard about tradthots before. Roosh is gone from YouTube. You shared one of his old videos, which I've also linked to in the description on a different platform. It once received 101 thousand views on YouTube. The problem is that most people don't have a memory that lasts five months. Let alone five years so the old tradthot scam of 2016 and 2017 is new again. Gavin Mcinnes should know better but he's married and wearing his love glasses so he sees no issues white knighting for the FemSapien Aly. More like FemChameleon portraying herself as traditional to attract traditional male viewers. Clearly her audience is not women. It's also hilarious that she's teaching women how to be trustworthy. She's showing women how to lower your emotional defenses as a man and become vulnerable enough to be scammed. This theme of opening up your heart to a woman as a man is always repeating in love songs and movies. It's clearly not for your benefit but hers. Women will project whatever social image they have to in order to gain access to a higher status male. The FemSapien appears to provide value to women looking to learn how to get men to open up. But most women already know how to do that from a young age. So clearly it's about getting men to pay her attention and Shekels. Afterall she has her email below the video ready for 1 on 1 sessions. Probably 99% men and 1% women contact her. She's also probably using her channel as a way to meet men. She's going to to have men contact her and says that a lot of men are making their way to their channel. She looks sort of like a plain old frumpy looking bumpkin but I'm sure if she wanted to she could get together with the right Chadrone when he contacts her. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Motion Graphics Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;

Inflation Is Making Women Desperate - MGTOW
Inflation Is Making Women Desperate - MGTOW Sandman 431 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Dudes, watch out, inflation has put a target on our backs <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations. Well because I didn't get any today. If you want to send a topic and donation I would really appreciate it through the paypal or subscribestar links down below. I haven't done a financial update video for a while and I know many of you guys have requested such videos. I read a post on the going your own way dot com forum that got me thinking about this by someone named Franks and here's what he has to say and I quote: &quot;These women must be getting desperate if they are looking at me. I wore jeans a T shirt and a 20 year old bomber jacket and unshaven. I literally look like a guy on the street corner with the 'I'm homeless any donation would help'. I just went to the store, and I'm getting stares from two different women. Both looked post wall mid to late 30s but above average in looks. Me? pushing 60, but can pass for younger. Anyways, I understand life would be hell with them, so I show zero interest. (For you young guys, women get bitter after hitting the wall even if they still are good looking. They will make your life hell, and they are old enough to know all the tricks to get your resources. They are colder than a witches tits) Then get this, I check out and the cashier asks about my plans for the day. I put her mid 20s, probably a 5 maybe a 6 if she dolled her self up. So I take it as simply being nice, or the manager tells employees to be nice for more business. So anyways, I answer, 'just work, you?' She says nothing and she is free later. My conclusion I parked my car in front of the store by the main window, and they must of seen the car (its nice)&quot; unquote. So why is Franks seeing interest dressed like a bum at the age of sixty? Well in Canada we are seeing 6.7% year over year inflation. It's 8.5% in the USA. That means if the girl in store is getting only a 2% raise over the last year, which is more than generous she's seeing a 6.5% pay cut. But we all know that inflation is higher than that so she's getting a ten percent plus pay cut most likely. Inflation is the highest since January of 1991. The inflation led to a recession and I think were already in one if not about to enter one. Everywhere you look the mainstream media is pumping the inflation narrative and people are getting scared and over reacting by buy stocks to protect themselves from it. Things like oil and other commodities. Everyone is assuming that the inflation will keep going for years and years but no one is realistically asking how long will it last. If you look at something like the Baltic Dry Index it's 2100 right now and peaked out at 5500 in September of last year. Companies have to sell the inventory they bought at higher prices first before they order replacement goods to restock the shelves at cheaper prices. People are also seeing interest rates rise and freaking out. Tiff Maclin the chief central banker in Canada said interest rates wouldn't be going up until the end of 2023 or 2024 but he lied. Mortgage rates are rising in Canada and the United States and the way I see things bankers are more dangerous for your money than women are. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.

MGTOW Tik Tok Compilation 51
MGTOW Tik Tok Compilation 51 TheRareBreedTheory 128 Views • 2 years ago

❗My Community❗

India Goes Full Retard - MGTOW
India Goes Full Retard - MGTOW Sandman 514 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

India Today - All you need to know

Feminists protest against equal retirement age in Switzerland

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so I want to talk about the latest tom foolery that's up for debate in India. The courts are challenging the "marital rape exception" clause in Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). But many men are complaining that the proposed changes while protecting Indian women from being raped or struggle snuggled by their husband named Kumar it doesn't protect men from being taken advantage of by women the other way. That it would be a sexist law. Rape is awful and any guy that does that needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law for doing it regardless of if it's his wife or not. But you know where this is going. Poor papa ganesh is going to have to worry that at any moment his wife is going to bring out the red false allegation rape card and ruin his life. Indian men as a result will have to tip toe around their women's egos and be careful how loudly they chew their curry chicken. It's not the tiny percentage of Indian men that have raped their wives that need to worry. It's the hundreds of millions of Indian men that haven't that now have to live under the constant threat of being called out with a false sexual allegation. Time will tell if this change in the criminal code happens. But the fact that they are even debating it shows us how deeply they have slipped into curry clown world. The smart Indian men won't be getting married but the stupid and horny ones will. I don't blame Indian men from saying they are going on a marriage strike because of this. I doubt they will those horny bastards. Some of the horniest men I've ever met were Indians. Women there know this and if the law changes they will certainly have the advantage. This will just bring down the number of babies being born. A few places I looked at online said that India's fertility rate is now 2.2 and by 2025 to 2026 India will be below replacement Fertility. Which is only 3 years away. Bangladesh is already there 1.95 and I remember growing up hearing how they couldn't stop making babies there. But I was reading articles that said that India was below replacement thanks to the coof. 2.1 in the countryside and 1.6 in the cities. Those city levels are similar to European countries and lower than the United States as a whole. If enough smart Indian men start walking away from marriage because this law passes then the west better look someplace else to find immigrants. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: Anyways, now back to Indian women complaining their husband ganesh smashed them with his long blue trouser snake clown world show. I think this law will get passed and that it will stack the power deck into Indian Women's favor in a covert way. All a woman will need to do is say that her husband was sexually violent towards her and his life is ruined. It's basically a sword of damacles hanging over Indian men's heads. The court needs to define what consent means first and in this gynocentric world the man has to prove he wasn't the bad one in a relationship.

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Hyperinflation Solves Feminism - MGTOW
Hyperinflation Solves Feminism - MGTOW Sandman 311 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Michael. It's the second of three donations from his more than generous donation. With it I want to discuss how if hyperinflation comes in the medium term to western soycieties how it's going to effect women and will solve bad female behavior but only temporarily providing a bandaid to bad feminist behaviors. A lot of guys get lost in the idea that traditional women that focus on their appearance and raising a family are different than feminist women that go home and cuddle with a barrel full of cats. There's a fantasy that traditional women will respect men and behave like women did in the 1950s which most of us listening to this never lived through if the economy crumbles. That all of a sudden as food prices rise up to the ceiling ham sized women will slim down and start sucking men's slim jim's for some jam. Have you ever seen a four hundred pound woman deprived of food before? I have and it's scary. It was a cottage where a couple gay super skinny males bought only enough food for everyone assuming that everyone would eat human sized portions. They didn't predict that a couple of sumo sized heavy hitters would get hangry as a result. In case you're wondering what hangry means. It's a combination of hunger and anger. You're probably asking yourself what was I doing observing this strange situation? Well, when you have a girlfriend and you're forced to hang out with her friends if you want sex then this might be the sort of thing you're exposed to too. One of the Obese Betties had a thing for one of the gay men and wanted him and was convinced she could convert him to the cunt side. The other fatty already had a rail thin boyfriend and if you want to scare yourself imagine the two of them having sex. It would look like a starving man wrapping himself up in a blanket made of fat flesh. One of those two women was getting diet shots paid for by her parents from Dr. Bernstein here in Canada that started to make the hair on top of her head thin out. The other had a waterbed that probably camouflaged the size of her body when men would have sex with her. Guys probably didn't know where her body began and where her water bed ended. It also didn't help that she only wanted to have sex while the lights were out. I'm sure some guys didn't know if they were banging her or the bed. I'll discuss more disgusting stuff in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to the women shaped like waterbeds land whale show. So how does everything I said earlier tie into hyperinflation. When a currency collapses food usually becomes very very expensive. In the west sixty to seventy percent of adults are overweight or obese. They won't starve but they won't be able to support their super size anymore. A lot of women that are voluntarily single right now and obese will see their purchasing power collapse in such a
catastrophe and they will slowly start losing weight which is actually healthy for them. But they won't see it that way as they will be getting hunger pains as a result. At first I predict that feminist attitudes will go from bad to worse as they slowly start getting skinny. But after a while and after they lose twenty, thirty, forty percent of their body weight something strange will start to happen. Many of them will notice that men with higher sexual marketplace value will start showing interest. This will boost their confidence and many such women won't be as angry at men anymore.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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My Company Is Going Woke - MGTOW
My Company Is Going Woke - MGTOW Sandman 282 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Erick and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, I love what you are doing for us men. I just wanted you to cover my topic which is R Kelly is innocent and Surviving R Kelly is a joke." unquote. Well Erick thanks for the donation. I don't think there's enough content here to make a full video. I will share my thoughts about R. Kelly later in the second half of the video but first I wanted to cover something I came across on Reddit recently. Here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "This week my company announced their 2021 goals. The company has done really well in my tenure there, and is a "big tech" corporation. This year, they announced that they want AT LEAST 51% of all managerial roles to be occupied by women. Another way to put that goal is to say that they want at LEAST half of all managerial positions to NOT be occupied by men. I let that sink in for a minute and was completely disgusted. Everyone cheered it on as if they were completely blind to this unapologetically sexist goal. Of course another goal revolved around having a certain percentage of positions occupied by minorities. When you decide to completely throw out merit and run your business by playing identity politics, you're going to destroy the company from the inside. I don't understand how they can actually go through with this and not expect it to result in a performance decline. I have a pretty high paying job for my age and at this point this is not adversely affecting me yet as I'm not shooting for any kind of managerial role. However, I understand that it's only a matter of time before being a white male worker will land me on the chopping block. I'm keeping my options open for the near future. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure all engineering companies in my area are operating with these same "goals" in mind, so for now I'm keeping my head down, investing in my 401(k), savings, BTC, and stocks. Hopefully will be able to quietly ease myself into an early retirement, where I am all but invisible to society. That seems to be the only option. No dating, no sex, no marriage. No stating opinions that go against what the left believes. Just be boring, stay invisible, and never discuss your assets. The only winning move is not to play, with women or with society." unquote. Well Erick as I was saying I'll talk about R. Kelly later but first I'll cover this worker and his woke companies pro woman policy. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Chinese Women Are Destroying China - MGTOW
Chinese Women Are Destroying China - MGTOW Sandman 441 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

Demography — China's Reckoning (Part 1)

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Landon and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman, I wanted to explore the subject of Australia's unintended consequences of ending immigration due to the coof. It seems they now have a gross domestic product of 200%. Also tied into the subject is that China has been heavily cracking down on feminism. Both are signs of two world powers realizing the way forward to ruling the planet. This seems to be a showdown of communism vs. Capitalism. Maybe I'm wrong? It seems consequences were unintended in the benefit of Australia when they shut down immigration to Australia and saw their GDP rise. Whereas china seems to have taken a proactive approach to solving their problem by yanking the root out of the ground. I was reminded of what Turd Flinging Monkey said that taking women's rights away and raising birth rates might be an essential ingredient to the formula of being the world's leading superpower. What do you think of China vs Australia in regards to the topic? It would seem to me that if China decided to stop immigration or Australia took women's rights away then it would be a complete shift of our worldly dynamic. As I said, this is a huge concept that I have taken much time to consider. I eagerly await your video as I know you have an analytic mind such as myself." Well Landon thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back with the communists thinking they can stop female nature clown world show. The Chinese Communist Party probably thinks that America is it's greatest enemy. What they don't realize is that gynocentrism, feminism and their own women are undermining their growth economy. You can't grow your economy without more human beings. It looks like the population of China has already peaked because there was some sketchiness for the numbers of their latest census. The government of China is using shaming language on women to get them to procreate. What they don't realize is that with dating apps and the one child policy they have created a situation where there are surplus of men means that many Chinese women have so much choice that they will have analysis paralysis. They won't be able to pick a man to settle down with. Plus many are focusing on their careers and refusing to settle down or get married. China's population decline could be faster than what we've been seeing in Japan. China is crazy if it thinks it can empower women to work, consume and have rights like women in the west while fighting feminism. They are empowering women yet think that somehow women will do what they want. China is a xenophobic sealed off place that limits immigration yet they don't see that greatest threat to them which is their own women. Landon I put the first link to a great series on China in the description called: "Demography — China's Reckoning (Part 1)" and the other two parts are about water and housing in China. What happens when that aging Chinese population all tries to cash out their property so they have money to live in their golden years because there is no welfare state in China? It will be the largest crash in the world. What happens to Australia when they can't grow their population by importing people to prop up the housing market? We see what Australia and Canada are doing. In Australia money printing continues to enrich asset holders at the cost of the middle and lower class.

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Father Must Pay 5K a Month To Transition His Son Into A Girl - MGTOW
Father Must Pay 5K a Month To Transition His Son Into A Girl - MGTOW Sandman 244 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Bachelor Pad Economics

Judge Orders Texas Father to Pay $5,000 a Month So His Ex-Wife Can “Transition” Son James Into a Girl Named “Luna”

Transgender woman reveals her boyfriend rejected her when she approached him as a man – then fell in love with her AFTER she came out as female


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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover an article called "Judge Orders Texas Father to Pay $5,000 a Month So His Ex-Wife Can “Transition” Son James Into a Girl Named “Luna” which I've linked to in the description. It's a story from last year in Texas where the rights of a father named Jeffrey Younger to prevent his mother from putting their 8-year-old son James on puberty blockers and eventually estrogen to turn him into a girl named Luna. I guess we need to look on the bright side. At least Jeffrey can walk Luna down the aisle on day. Ironically Anne isn't even the biological mother of James soon to be Luna. She used in-vitro fertilization with a donor egg. So Jeffrey is fighting for a kid that isn't even his. His mother Anne was putting him in dresses at the age of 3 and painting his fingernails. Anne even confused him by telling him that he was a girl at the age of 3. She didn't let him choose his gender like so many leftists advocate. Instead she imposed the gender of her choosing on him and messed up his self identity. In this case we most likely know why James wants to be Luna. Because his mother validates him as a girl and wants him to be one. It's not exactly genuine gender dysphoria. But what are some other reasons why this trans trend keeps gaining more and more monentum and why the gonads are going to disappear more and more in our soyciety? I'll discuss the various reasons and what can be done about it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Aaron Clarey: Anyways, now back to the twig and no berries show. I'm predicting that in the next few years were going to see tons of people that have transitioned and worked hard so they can appear to pass for the opposite sex in public begin to detransition. That's why I suspect that the media is pushing for young kids to transition and punishing their parents when they won't let them. Because of that they need to work fast to basically sterilize as many of kids as possible before being trans is no longer popular. Now were seeing more of a push for people to appear to be non-binary. The idea of course is to appear so that people looking at you don't know if you're a male or female. We can see that starting with people like Demi Lovato starting to take the spotlight and as a result I'm sure they will start to popularize it and make it a trend. Reasons why someone might become trans are interesting and the second article link in the description is something one of you sent me called: "Transgender woman reveals her boyfriend rejected her when she approached him as a man – then fell in love with her AFTER she came out as female". So basically a gay guy named Aaron with two A's approached another dude named Jared before transitioning and Jared wasn't interested. So Erin, now spelled E R I N transitioned and passed for a female and as a result they fell in love got engaged. Is this strictly a case of gender dysphoria or does this mean there are gay dudes out there transitioning so they can attract straight men? And if you think that dating or being with a former male on female hormones and feminine appearance is better than being with a bio woman just look at the eyes of pain on Jared's face. It's the same eyes men get when they are with a woman that has a cooch. But in this case he sucks on a shwing shwang and he's just as unhappy. So what other reasons are there to transition. It can be a cry for attention in a world where attention is getting harder to get.

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Cash Makes Her Clothes Come Off - MGTOW
Cash Makes Her Clothes Come Off - MGTOW Sandman 285 Views • 3 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by MGTOW Smurf and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, You seem to be doing well financially by building your wealth with bitcoin and stocks, would you please give us some basic investment tips such as a good, simple, trading, buying, and selling site, a simple safe wallet, any online group or website for getting started. Also how important it is to invest in yourself such as becoming a valuable, reliable, educated, multi-functional employee at your place of work. Also I think it would be a good idea to stress the importance of investing in your health. You can not enjoy the fruits of you labor if you are in poor physical or mental health. Eating right, getting some fresh air and exercise. Going to the dentist, monitoring your blood pressure and cholesterol. Treating yourself good with whatever makes you happy, fishing, boating, hunting ,motorcycles, bbq with friends etc. You do a great service to the Mgtow community, keep up the good work." Well MGTOW Smurf thanks for the donation and topic. Seems to me like what you want is a good brokerage trading platform and a crypto wallet. But once you have those what do you buy and how much. I think I'll share that as well. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the invest and make millions and then have to fight off the gold diggers show away. Smurf besides investing in yourself it's important to learn to invest by yourself because you will become a wise investor if you
make mistakes and learn from them. Usually the best time to start investing is after the market crashes which seems to happen after every eight or nine years. I started investing in mutual funds back in 2003 and then individual stocks back in 2008 and 2009. I learned quickly that the volatility in individual stocks can make you poor in a hurry. So about five to ten years ago I learned to build a basket of around thirty stocks that pay dividends that yield about 8% in combined annual dividends and capital gains. But over the last couple of years I've learned about the true level of inflation which is running closer to somewhere between ten and fifteen percent. So now I'm changing my strategy from one where I get five or six percent a year in dividends in fast food companies, utilities, banks and telecom stocks to moving more into companies like Amazon, Google, The railroads like Canadian National and Canadian Pacific as well as Home Depot, Costco, Paypal and Apple. As well as putting thirty percent of my net worth into crypto last summer and averaging in with Bitcoin at around sixteen thousand. In terms of platforms I know a lot of guys will use things like Robin Hood so you don't have to drop thousands of dollars on only one share of Amazon. But I use TD Waterhouse in Canada, aka TD Ameritrade in the United States to make my trades. I also use CIBC Investors Edge. Brokerage accounts are pretty much the same from what I can tell. It's what you choose to buy that makes all the difference. My target now is to be in assets that grow ten to twenty percent a year average so I can keep up with the roughly ten to twelve percent inflation rate. Real Estate is also something I'll eventually invest in for my primary residence to protect me from inflation but that all depends on what happens to Bitcoin by the end of the year. You're right Smurf that you want to invest in your health because you won't be able to enjoy your money if you're in pain all the time. I'm a living example of that.

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Man Spends $10,000 For A Hug - MGTOW
Man Spends $10,000 For A Hug - MGTOW Sandman 208 Views • 3 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, Trump Nukem with another video request. The last 2 covid years has seen rapid increases in the rise of desperate crazy whamen behaviour. For example sperm jacking at gunpoint which coincides with the numbers of men who've started ignoring/ghosting whamen and become MGTOW, as whamen's nagging is now a nuisance rather than a luxury and men have had enough. I've also been hearing popular figures quote MGTOW during livestreams/conversations which means it's now a common term in society and we're making waves and causing changes which is hopeful. This has lead to whamen changing their tactics in order to gain access to a men's resources which means the work that Mr Sandman and other MGTOW/redpill truth spreaders has become vital to keep men up to date with ever changing trends and golddigging practices by parasitical whamen. Please continue your essential work Mr Sandman and thank you for being an advocate for men's justice." Well Trump Nuken thanks for another donation and sharing your thoughts about what's going on in the manosphere and mainstream info about MGTOW. Did you know there's a guy out there that was on the Coach Corey Wayne channel recently claiming to be the king of the manosphere. But said that Incels weren't part of the manosphere which is an insult to male virgins everywhere. Apparently if you're not good enough to get with a woman you're not good enough to be part of the manosphere says the king. More like kook of the manosphere. Maybe I'll discuss that later. But I'm sure you're all eager to
learn about this simp that paid ten grand for a hug with his onlyfans crush. I'll discuss the story in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the ten grand for a hug and 25 grand for a kiss clown world show. Trump Nuken you're right that we are seeing the rise in whamen's desperation on Onlyfans. There are ten times as many women using that platform to milk simps of their money since the coof began when compared to just before it. As for this story. Here's a photo of a mystery woman that bragged on March 13th that she met a top fan on social media and got ten grand from him. Do you really think this guy paid that kind of money for just a hug or did she give him the royal rod waxing treatment. I saw another video about this from another YouTuber and he seems to think that all this simp got was a hug. Clearly you can see the bed in the background that looks like it was roughed up. The sick and twisted think is the following month she goes on a vacation with her boyfriend and says we are going to see the world together babe, one vacay at a time! Gee
I wonder where she got the money to go on her trip through the southwest by the looks of the background of their photo. I don't really know who's the bigger simp? The guy paying ten grand to hug, kiss and sleep with his onlyfans crush or the boyfriend that sees these posts and still stays with her. Is he her pimp or is he just a simp? Who knows.

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Even God Says Don't Get Married - MGTOW
Even God Says Don't Get Married - MGTOW Sandman 225 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Why Paul Was MGTOW | The Clarity of Being Unmarried (1 Corinthians 7)

A Trip Through New York City in 1911

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Paul and he wants me to review a video from Sunrise Hoodie, another MGTOW content creator called "Why Paul Was MGTOW | The Clarity of Being Unmarried (1 Corinthians 7) which I've put a link to in the description. In it he discusses Apostle Paul's 1 Corintians 7 when he talks about marriage and singledom. Verse 25. Paul says those who marry will face many troubles in this life and I want to spare you this. Your time is short. A married man is interested in the affairs of this world so that he can please his wife. IE go out and earn resources and his concerns are divided between god and woman. But an unmarried men is concerned with the affairs of the Lord. It's interesting how Paul gives his flock of human sheep two choices. You will either love god or you will love god and your wife. But what about removing love from your heart? I've found that once I did that my IQ shot up ten to twenty percent. Think of religion as a system of control literally for your mind by using your own heart to subjugate you. But of course if you're trying to establish a religion you need people to believe in something and fall prey to an ideology. Sunrise Hoodie says that MGTOW is trying to spare you from the troubles of marriage the same way that Paul is trying to spare you two thousand years ago. But knowing what I know and living what I've lived Paul tries to spare men from the pain of relationships but he wants to replace the bondage to boobies with the bondage to religion. MGTOW on the other hand tries to spare you from the bondage of boobies and religion. It goes further and gives you an existential crisis that challenges your core consciousness because you are the one now responsible for building yourself back up after the red pill tears you down. It's interesting watching this video knowing that it was made in January of 2018 and was monetized when it was released. I'll discuss more of what Sunrise Hoodie says in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to the Cucked Christians that want to stop men going their own way even though it's in the bible show away. Hoodie continues by saying that men get into marriage thinking that they have gotten to their final destination and that now they are in a safe space and that someone else will carry the load. But most guys, myself included didn't realize that it's the man that's going to carry most of that load so that he can blow his load in a cooch that he bangs on a couch on a regular basis. Paul traveled to Spain and was imprisoned and he couldn't go on his life mission if he was married. A man that's married can't take the same risks in his life that could if he was single. Sunrise brings up cross country road trips and I've done a few of those and those are only possible if you travel alone. There's that old saying that if you want to go far go alone. When you're married with children the stakes are higher at the poker table of life with regards to if you win or lose. if I was married or had kids I wouldn't be betting big on Bitcoin regardless of if I win or not. You can take the risk and imagine watching your wife when you tell her that your investment in crypto dropped fifty percent in less than ten days. Women are obsessed with safety and security and that doesn't sound very secure to them. Sunrise Hoodie also says something I don't agree with. He says that if you live for your wife you live for gains in the material world and that when you lose them because they are not permanent that you go through extreme pain.

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Top 21 TikTok MGTOW Truths — Why Men are Exiting the Dating Marketplace
Top 21 TikTok MGTOW Truths — Why Men are Exiting the Dating Marketplace Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 161 Views • 3 years ago

This one is priceless. At the VERY start when "Mother The Cunt" opens her big mouth, Daughter fills in the gaps.

Why Are Women So Terrible? - MGTOW
Why Are Women So Terrible? - MGTOW Sandman 326 Views • 3 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from a donation from Flying Fish and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Approximately 7 years ago I was fortunate enough to come across your work at a very critical time of transition in my life. In my hamlet on the south coast of commiefornia in Santa Barbara, there has been a lack of balanced men to communicate with concerning the importance of our red pill path. The population consists of newlyweds and nearly deads surrounded by 3 colleges and massive amounts of wealth. After finding terra firma from divorce, I was finally able to formulate a viable question that began a search that nearly instantly filled with your wealth of input. The question I scraped together? Why are women so terrible? I mumbled it out loud to myself. I had no idea that was such a deep cesspool. Every day I am reassured when your new podcast pops up. I have never been so at peace in my entire life. I can't recall if you have directly done a bit on 'whamen are a liability', possibly the worst. It could drive the Sandman spike in between our men 'risking it for the biscuit' and something solid which they actually can relate to, 'their wallet and life's energy accrual'. It could be tied into gambling etc. I wish I had someone beat this into me when I was younger. Currently whamens are revolting dead weight brewing up infections for us healthy men. I hope you are doing great? Well Flying Fish thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to the why are women so terrible clown world show. Flying Fish I've already don't tons of videos as to why women are liablility in a man's life as his wife and risking it for the biscuit as you call it. But you inadvertently came up with the perfect topic when you asked why are women so terrible? Funny enough I went out shopping for groceries, medication and gas today and it was almost a week since I left the house because of the coof. With women I'm always cautious around them and friends used to think I'm paranoid but now they see what I see. So today I go out to get gas and the woman behind the plexiglass and mask faced counter tells me that I have to refill my gas savings card online and that she can't do it. So I just grab another card and tell her I'll take it. She didn't want me to redeem my points for some reason. I guess because I would use a discount on gas and then her boss wouldn't be happy I guess. I don't know but it certainly makes me lose trust in her and her gas station. Then I go in to get to pickup my prescription at Costco and give the woman behind the counter fifty bucks. It came out to 42.50. Then I remembered I had an extra two dollars and fifty cents. I hand her 52.50 for medication that's 42.50 and am expecting to get ten dollars back. She pretends to look for her calculator and then says she can't find it and asks me if she owes me five dollars. Obviously the calculator could be seen as distraction so that I might forget she owes me ten instead of five. All the while this is going on in my brain and it's no longer entertaining because I've seen female tellers try to pull stuff like this. I tell her it's ten and I'm not amused. Then I go into the third store and I'm in line next to get to the cashier and two girls cut in front of me because we are supposed to leave a three or four foot gap between customers. They start going up to the cashier and they are going up first. I just run around them and get to the cashier first and they look surprised.

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This Is Not A Drill Women Will Hunt You
This Is Not A Drill Women Will Hunt You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 465 Views • 3 years ago

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Woman Want Control? - MGTOW
Woman Want Control? - MGTOW Sandman 250 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Guilbeault on C-10

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Matt and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I appreciate the work and Skype call advice you have given me this past year. I had a topic in regards to social media regulation and bans. I know you mentioned this a little before in your previous videos in this past year like your "50% of men will be incels in the next 5 years video". While I do not watch mainstream media, a TV I saw at the gym stated on a Fox News channel that Congress in the United States is floating around the idea of Big Tech social media regulation. I didn't think much of this, but I wanted to run it by you to see what you think. Would they actually regulate this stuff to stop the incel and only fans problem? Or just continue to appease women in having the dating advantage and not piss off shareholders in these companies? The answer may be obvious, but nonetheless I felt it was worth asking. Peace, and thank you." Well Matt thanks for the donation and topic. I don't know if the government in the United States is going to regulate people posting content on social media. I don't think they really have to. The democratic government in America is in bed with Silicon Valley and they are already working together to censor the voices and opinions they don't like from the right as well as on vaccines, flat earth conspiracies and the manosphere. Remember that there is no real incel problem. Incels are men thirsty for vagina and they want to give women what they want. MGTOWs are the real problem because we are walking away from a problem with a pussy. We refuse to worship the holy camel toe. Remember that many incels aren't even demonetized on YouTube. If you think there's a problem wouldn't they at least take away their money? Also what Instagram problem? Women are making money from simps online for stripping in the most socially acceptable way yet. The government doesn't want to piss off the lady vote so why destroy their ability to make a living? Other women would complain and attack the government. Remember that period blood is thicker than family blood. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back with the cooch censorship show. As I was saying the US government doesn't have to regulate social media because they are already doing it for them. But in a place like Canada or other western countries that don't have the direct ear of social media we are the canary in the coal mine. The Canadian government of Justin Skippy Trudeau controls the narrative by bribing the lame-stream media off with tax payer dollars. But they can't control what citizens say on Twitter, YouTube and other platforms because the people in silicon valley don't really care about Canadian politics. Now our government wants to make them care by driving legislation through in the next little while that would force regulations on tech giants to do as they're told by the Canadian government. Australia did this successfully forcing companies to pay for news articles when they publish them on their search engines and platforms.

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