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The Matrix Spoof
The Matrix Spoof SoloManZone 162 Views • 4 years ago

Get a load of the wig....old video

Strong Empowered Whamen LOL - MGTOW
Strong Empowered Whamen LOL - MGTOW Sandman 333 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Trump-supporting Air Force vet who was shot dead after storming the Capitol 'harassed and chased' husband's ex-girlfriend on a highway, deliberately ramming into her three times in a fit of jealousy

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Chris and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, After everything that happened in Washington DC I decided to make another topic request. By now most of us have seen videos of that unarmed woman getting pew pewed in the US Capitol Building. I've noticed in the last four years that more and more women participate in riots and get into trouble. They play stupid games and win stupid prizes. And every time something bad happens to one of them I can only ask "Why is she there? Why would she leave her home to riot in the streets? How can she be oblivious to the danger?" Rioting women seem to have this confidence that they can just show up and beat everyone. Remember how Moldylocks was punched in the face during the Berkeley riots after promising to bring back a 100 skulls? Remember how Heather Heyer was run over in Charlottesville? She took part in a counter-protest wearing flip flops and leggings. Of course the woman that lost her life was an air force veteran, but I don't think she did much fighting if she was a "high level security official". And storming the US Capitol Building is one of the most dangerous things she could do. Later I heard that she was married. Where was her masculine husband to tell her to stay at home? She traveled all the way from San Diego to Washington DC and ended up getting hit in the neck. As if all of this isn't enough it gets infuriating when people blame men for defending themselves in such incidents. You can't win nowadays. Years ago I was working in a company that was full of women. I remember how they all looked at me when one day I said that women shouldn't be allowed to fight or do jobs that require masculinity. They were staring at me as if I said the most evil thing possible. Thanks in advance Sandman. If this isn't good enough for a topic make of this donation whatever you want." Well Chris thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown show. This video will be late to the whole inauguration party when it comes to Joe Biden. You guys will have noticed that I don't really talk about politics anymore. I want to red pill men about female nature and discussing politics just paints a target on my back. I'm scripting this the day Trump lost his Twitter account and Bitcoin smashed 40k. The world has gone insane. If a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police at any other time there would be an outcry of support from other women and demands to bring the most likely male cop to justice. But when this happened I looked on Twitter and all the women on there were appalled at what happened with regards by what was happening because of the Buffalo Shaman in congress or some other non sense. None of them were discussing the woman that was hurt. Most of the articles covering this story didn't even use her name. I guess they didn't want to humanize her. You didn't even use her name Chris and I can't find in the news articles. But I saw it a few days ago in one article I've put in the description mentioning her name Ashli Babbitt and turning her into a villain. The article is called: "Trump-supporting Air Force vet who was shot dead after storming the Capitol 'harassed and chased' husband's ex-girlfriend on a highway, deliberately ramming into her three times in a fit of jealousy".

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Why Can't American Women Love Men? - MGTOW
Why Can't American Women Love Men? - MGTOW Sandman 453 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

A great majority of our nation’s small business owners are old, white men

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He has quite a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say: "Hey, Sandman! I'm the same Mr. Anonymous who sent in the questions that became the videos "Ice Queens" and "Myth of the Alpha Male". Misandry is the theme of my essay. Misandry (the hatred of men) is on the rise in the United States and the western world generally. Increasingly women hate men, and increasingly hating men is considered to be "okay". "Misandry is the new Jim Crow" is a line someone posted on the internet. You could make a case for that! According to "Men on Strike" by Dr. Helen Smith, because of feminist lobbying, EVERY LAW has been changed to favor women! Laws regarding dating, sexual harassment, marriage, divorce, rape, child custody, etc. , EVERY LAW has been changed to favor women! Some men refer to these laws as "Jane Crow" laws! There also seems to be a huge spike in misandry and it seems to be socially acceptable and supported by the mainstream media. I was talking to a chick the other night and she was saying things like, "the pendulum has swung--it's your turn to suffer!" She was referring to changes in male/female relationships. When I told her I was innocent because I had never been a male chauvinist, or a rapist or any of that stuff! She replied that I benefited from an invisible force called "male privilege", so I was I deserved to suffer whether I was innocent or not! I told her that 2 wrongs don't make a right! This is a typical sexist "I hate you because you're a male" attitude that seems to be so trendy today! This view seems to be supported by the lame-stream (socialist) media. For example an article entitled "Why Can't We Hate Men?" by Suzanna Walters appeared in the Washington Post a few years ago. If you don't believe me, google it and read it for yourself! "We have every right to hate you!" Walters writes. The article is filled with distorted half truths and generalizations. It's point of view is one of intolerance, prejudice, and discrimination. As far as I know, no one has protested this article or demanded equal time for a male rights article. This is current mainstream thought, this isn't some self-published zine created by some lesbian fringe group! This is the Washington Post! Obviously, I wouldn't be allowed to write an article in the Washington Post entitled "Why Can't We Hate Women?" It would be considered hate speech and banned. That's funny, I always thought men and women were supposed to love each other! Maybe a better article title would be, "Why Can't American women Love Men?" If you listen to the speeches at the "Women's March" or other feminist rallies, you'll never hear a word about loving men or caring about men, all you'll ever hear is misandry, whining, bellyaching, entitlement, etc. American women today don't love men or care about men! In the 1960's we had songs like "Stand by Your Man" by Tammy Wynette. While she knew that men weren't perfect, she sang about tolerance and understanding of men. Today's feminists know nothing but intolerance! Another example of this is "I Hate Men" by Pauline Harmage. This was a book that was popular in France and was republished in the United States a few months ago. She has a chapter entitled, "mediocre as a white dude"! Could there be a more clear example of racism and sexism? In another section she states that men are "violent, lazy, selfish, and cowardly".

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Prepare For The Worst | Live From The Lair
Prepare For The Worst | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 1,107 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Do you have your bag packed for when the shit hits the fan? If so, do you have everything you'll need?

"Enjoy the Decline" with Aaron Clarey

Book Two of "The Jericho Files" is here! Download for Kindle or get a Paperback copy today!

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29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

Check us out on all platforms and social media!

I Found The Perfect Unicorn Woman - MGTOW
I Found The Perfect Unicorn Woman - MGTOW Sandman 409 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Response to Jordan Peterson's comments on MGTOW

Husband 2.0, Alternatives to Indentured Servitude - The Red Zone Episode 4

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is cover a message someone named Dave sent me and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I've been subscribed to, sharing and following you for years. My youngest son is straight, 34 and MGTOW. He is very happy and has many straight guy friends and female admirers. Your show really helped me to understand and accept his choice. Thank you. He felt he HAD to get us grandchildren and was reluctant to put himself at risk. When we accepted his choices 100% we got MUCH closer. Now about "Unicorns". I am here to tell you they DO exist. I have been married 40 years to one. She looked as good as any movie star in hollywood into the 90's and has always been faithful. She shares hobbies with us and just wants to be "one of the boys". MAN OH MAN can she COOK! All the MGTOW guys come to our dinner and video game or movie parties and love her. She is a saint, but doesn't hassle the boys for drinking. She plays barmaid and no one room for us is a mancave. But instead it's our whole house. Just sayin"... She may be an anomaly but she's REAL. The girls we meet imitate her and their lives improve. LOVE, I mean spiritual unselfish love is the answer to a lot of today's problems. Livin the dream in Idaho." Well Dave thanks for the donation and topic. I'll discuss you and your wife the last unicorn in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to Dave and his wife the last Unicorn. One of the reasons your son went his own way was probably because he couldn't find a woman that met the standards of his mother, your wife. She made all of his girlfriends look like losers and I bet you anything he didn't want to settle for a much lower standard of woman then his mother set for him. I'm someone that's gone through the same thing. The women I dated couldn't live up to the standards my mother set. I can imagine that your son wants a unicorn too but all he seems to find are land whales the size of Unicron with breasts sucking up everything in their path. Men's money and entire planets. You're also in Idaho and it's a right leaning rural state. In a place like that you're far more likely to find a traditional woman there that wants to make you a sandwich and then suck your shwing shwang under the sun til you cum. Although she might be the perfect woman for you over the last forty years that doesn't mean that she can't stop being the perfect woman at any moment. That's her power and just because there's a dull bladed sword of damacles dangling over your head doesn't mean that she can't sharpen that blade and drop it down you head. I put a link in the description to an old Karen Straughan video from a few years ago where she responds to Jordan Peterson's view that men are cowards if they go their own way and don't get married. That there are good women out there. Karen basically argues back by saying that just because a woman hasn't screwed you over doesn't mean that she can't.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Is This The Greatest MGTOW In The World?
Is This The Greatest MGTOW In The World? Sandman 381 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This Is The Greatest MGTOW In The World?

The Saylor Series | Episode 1

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

A while back I sat down with Lamprey Milt from MGTOW Chats. Were toying with the idea of doing a two hour livestream once a month and then chopping it up into 4 half hour segments as separate episodes. In this chat we spoke about a few different things including Bitcoin and the man I believe might just be the greatest MGTOW of our time if Bitcoin goes up and up. He made a billion dollar bet on his publicly traded companies balance sheet in what amounts to almost single handedly declaring war on central bankers. Things are about to get real if other companies follow suit. I hope you guys enjoy the chat and let me know if Lamprey would make a good co-host for a monthly podcast and how we can improve our on air chemistry? Before I get to the video let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:

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Star Trek Switch About Stunt Doubles
Star Trek Switch About Stunt Doubles SoloManZone 43 Views • 4 years ago

I would like to try switching with someone for a bit

Was Natalie Portman In Cuties? - MGTOW
Was Natalie Portman In Cuties? - MGTOW Sandman 374 Views • 4 years ago

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"I was definitely aware of the fact that I was being portrayed … as this 'Lolita' figure," Portman said.

black swan natalie and mila love scene

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @


Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. If you want me to make a video request then my paypal email is in the description. For this video I wanted to cover a story about Natalie Portman called: "I was definitely aware of the fact that I was being portrayed as this 'Lolita' figure," Portman said." She is of course referring to her early films like The Professional where she was only twelve years old and where she looks like she just walked off the set of cuties. Natalie Portman is also quoted as saying that "Instead of sexualizing child actors before they are even aware of what sexual power and agency is, Hollywood needs to come to terms with the harm it has caused." I couldn't agree more but does the fault really belong to Hollywood or do the parents of children that put them in highly sexual roles need to assume some of the blame? More importantly neither Hollywood nor the parents are in charge anymore because people will not support the over-sexualization of children that don't know they are seen as sex objects yet and they will vote with their wallets and stop supporting Netflix as a result. We saw that with the cuties controversy. Sounds to me like Portman might not want young actresses to use their inappropriate sexuality to rise up through the ranks and compete with her? Who does Hollywood and the parents of highly sexualized child stars think is watching their films? I'll discuss this and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lamprey Milt: Anyways, now back to the video. I was innitially going to call this video is Natalie Portman a hypocrite. Paritially because she wants Hollywood to stop sexualizing child stars but she took advantage of that to kick start her career so now she wants that loophole closed. But then I found a bigger jem in her verbal diarrhea. In one of her statements she says that yes "I was definitely aware of the fact that I was being portrayed as this 'Lolita' figure," but then in another statement she is quoted as saying: "Instead of sexualizing child actors before they are even aware of what sexual power and agency is, Hollywood needs to come to terms with the harm it has caused." unquote. These are both very contradictory statements. So which one is it? If 12 year old Natalie Portman knew she was being portrayed as a lolita figure how can Hollywood really be to blame? Or her parents for that matter for allowing her into the film because she clearly says she knew what was going on. If she's aware then I'm sure that other child actors like the ones in Cuties were also probably aware of their sexual power. You're telling me that a 12 or 13 year old girl doesn't know at least some of their budding power that comes with a budding body? You can't have it both ways Portman. You can't have agency and then dump the blame onto Hollywood. What do you think diddlers in dark theaters out for an incel's night out were
doing under those trench coats they were donning? Were they playing with their twizzlers? And no I'm not referring to all the candy they smuggled into the movie in their massive winter coats so their wallets didn't get raped from the con job of a concessions stand where twenty years ago a pack of twizzlers cost five dollars plus tax. Natalie Portman is getting up there in age and is probably still upset that she had her picture taken with Moby back in the late nineties who claims the two of them were dating. But she denied it. But she's getting up there in age and her career is still going somewhat strong with Thor and a few recent projects. But her age is starting to show. It's sad to see her resorting to rehashing her past for attention yet again.

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Dating Fake Women LOL - MGTOW
Dating Fake Women LOL - MGTOW Sandman 388 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection


Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mahmood and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman, When I was a kid I used to play computer games that is categorized as dating simulator games. I have stopped playing them when I grew older even before I became MGTOW. Now I have just remembered that those games still exist and still sell very well both in japan and in the west. I have realized that these games are extremely blue pill. These games have one objective which is to get a date. The way the player gets a date is to always select the best lines and always spend time the girl and always buy her gifts. The victory condition of this game is go on a date and the losing condition is to get rejected. This type of games originally created from Japan. They always put main character as a skinny emo beta Male and the end of the game you can become chad and get multiple dates without being handsome or muscular. These games teach kids and teens that the only method to get dates is by simping for girls. The point is, why does Japan want to brainwash kids with these games? Even the west started to make similar games like this. You may search "dating simulator games" and find out more. Keep up the good work!" Well Mahmood thanks for the donation and topic. This is a very interesting topic and I put a link to in the description to a page that shares the 15 best dating sim games of all time and I watched the gameplay for four of them that I found interesting. Those include Dream Daddy, Arcade Spirits, Florence and Table Manners. I'll discuss what I think about these in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world dating show. It really is clown world out there. I was going to share this one last because it was the craziest of them all but because it was so spicey I needed to share it first. The description according to that website I shared reads as follows and I quote: "Ever fantasized about meeting some single dads? Well, look no further. Dream Daddy puts you in the role of a single dad who moves to a new town with his teenage daughter and meets a whole slew of dateable dads. Customize your dadsona and interact with different types of unique dads, all with their own distinctive looks and personalities. From the Victorian era-obsessed goth dad to the more professional teacher dad, you can’t go wrong with any of these potential partners." unquote. This game seems to have multiple agendas. It's about convincing people that interracial families and relationships are ok and that blended families with two fathers and their children are ok too. The game has great art and you can tell there's a lot of money put into it. Well apparently it's no longer enough trying to condition straight men into dating single mothers. Dream Daddy is a game where you play a single white dude with a beard and grey hair and you have a daughter that looks half black and half Asian. You look like George Lucas and your daughter looks like the black daughter that he adopted. In the game you have to date men with man buns and I guess the point is to try and feel up their buns. If you know what I mean. Many of the other male characters you're dating also have kids. Hence the whole blended family thing. I have no idea who the demographic for this game is. It was released on Nintendo Switch in July of 2019.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

You're a Catch, So Why Are You Single? | Popp Culture
You're a Catch, So Why Are You Single? | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 1,006 Views • 4 years ago

⁣If you're pushing 40 and still single, you're definitely not the problem. Right, ladies?

Brought to you by Frank Cervi's novel "The Bro Next Door"

Book Two of "The Jericho Files" is here! Download for Kindle or get a Paperback copy today!

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29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

Check us out on all platforms and social media!

⁣Sources (in order of appearance):

Video Throwbacks
A Pringles Can Full of Shit

Are Robots Better Than Real Women? - MGTOW
Are Robots Better Than Real Women? - MGTOW Sandman 394 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I'm sending you this donation to get your attention, and to donate to your cause of MGTOW. I don't have a specific topic for you to discuss but I want to get in contact with you about a business proposition. My team and I have been actively developing an AI technology that can be useful in the development of sex dolls, I have been in contact with at least one. They've expressed an interest, given your plan to make "Sex Bots" happen; and your ability to reach large numbers of people; I believe we might have something; where my company can work diligently to provide a cloud based interaction system - and you with your ability to influence the masses can reach certain levels of success. Our technology that will service voice bots; this includes the capabilities for Sexbots by connecting to the service via IoT devices and have myself begun on a small prototype device that can connect to our platform. We are aiming at all kinds of different client bases, even businesses; and yes, the use case extends to your sex robots - for the voice and conversational
interaction. Let's chat. I've attached an email to this message and we can continue our discussion further and I think we can have something. Cheers." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I have reached out to you just before I started to script this video. I'll discuss my thoughts on existing lover dolls and bots in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. When I saw the first Real Doll with an AI called Harmony I thought it was embarrassingly bad for a flagship company like Real Doll to put it out. The technology to have a realistic sounding AI is still a decade or more away. Plus you're looking at the face of a doll and it doesn't look real. The motion is limited although I recently saw a company that was starting to make dolls that would thrust back and forth when you were in them. That's the biggest innovation I've seen recently. But the biggest problem with dolls is there is no human element behind them. Look at it this way. The difference between a loverbot and a real woman is like playing against a bad computer controlled by an opponent versus playing against a real player. The human player will be unpredictable. In real life trying to find a girlfriend is like finding yourself a slot machine with a slit. You keep feeding her quarters and you may or may not get laid that day. When you eventually do all the times you didn't get laid are swept away and the when you score it's a whole lot sweeter. If you wonder why humans are easily addicted to gambling it's because it's our biological mating instinct taken advantage of by people in tacky casinos. Just think about when you're looking for fapping material and you're stuck in a rut and it's boring every time you bust a nut. You've seen all the good videos and then out of the blue one day you find a fantastic video with a woman that turns you on and suddenly that video provides you many wonderful sessions with your shwing shwang. That's what getting a doll is like. At first it's great but the more time you spend with it the thrill gets worn away along with the skin of your latex lover.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Going to the DC Protest | Ride and Roast
Going to the DC Protest | Ride and Roast Terrence Popp 799 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Popp is running security detail for a couple high profile targets during the DC protest of the "completely fair and above board" 2020 election. This was the trip to the airport.

⁣Join the fight against Fourth Wave Feminism!

Book Two of "The Jericho Files" is here! Download for Kindle or get a Paperback copy today!

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Send physical donations to: Productions
29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407
Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3
All donations are tax deductible

Check us out on all platforms and social media!

Are You Okay With Dying Alone? - MGTOW
Are You Okay With Dying Alone? - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Are you guys okay with dying alone?

Downtown Container Park - Las Vegas

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I’m leaving the topic up to you. Your content is always first class so whatever you want to cover. Thanks for helping all the men out there." Well Artur thanks for the donation. Well I was exploring reddit again for a topic and I found one called "Are you guys okay with dying alone?" by someone named BlackStreetXY and here's what he has to say: "So, I am almost 26 and an only child. My parents had me later in life so they are old right now. I have cousins, but most of them are aholes. I live in a city all by myself far away from family and friends. I have always been the hopeless romantic type thinking that I would have an awesome family of my own with a loving partner. That illusion is dead and it's dug 10 feet under and it's bones right now. The only thing that comes to my mind from time to time is the thought of “What do I do with my life until I die?”. And then the fear of dying alone sets in." unquote. so with that out of the way I put a link in the description to that reddit post. Before I discuss it further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. In the case of BlackStreetXY he most likely took the red pill and marriage is no longer for him so now like so many guys he's dealing with and existential crisis because his life has no meaning and purpose. Men look for a purpose and the easiest one to understand and fall into is becoming a family man. It's suited to our biological imperative so it feels right. Going our own way is going against our biology and our hearts and instead following our minds. When we feel that life is pointless we focus on the fact that we are alive and that our lives will end one day and even though we have no reason for living we still don't want our lives to end. That leaves us vulnerable to women trying to convince us to go back to the plantation. Notice that it's always women that use the idea of dying alone as part of their shaming scheme when a man tells them he's going his own way. Meanwhile they are the ones that are going to die alone in a nursing home after nagging their husband to death because he's not trimming her bush correctly. Get your mind out of the gutter as I'm not referring to grey pube bush variety but the one in her front yard. He eventually falls off the roof and impales himself on the bush trimmers she accidentally left pointing at the sky a few moments earlier. Whoopsie. The idea is to find something worthy of giving your life to so your life can move forward so you stop obsessing with your mortality. All of us die. But not all of us truely live. Also a fate worse than death is chronic unrelenting pain. If you've ever experienced anything like that then you aren't afraid of dying. You welcome death. Ironically it's not until you welcome death that you don't really value life. It's at that moment in your life when you want to die due to physical pain that gives you the greatest gift you'll ever receive. But only if you get out of the pain somehow. That's when you really learn what matters in your life. That's when your regrets come flooding in.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Warning To All UberEATS
Warning To All UberEATS SoloManZone 74 Views • 4 years ago

Beware people

MGTOW Walk Away
MGTOW Walk Away SoloManZone 86 Views • 4 years ago

I use to own same truck as the the time I was a Chevy man

If You Can't Beat Women Then Join Them - MGTOW
If You Can't Beat Women Then Join Them - MGTOW Sandman 345 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't send me a specific topic so I want to cover something I ran into on the MGTOW Reddit that I think many of you need to be aware of when it comes to falling for the social justice and sexual debauchery agenda. Someone posted the anonymous words of a gay feminized guy and here's what he or maybe she has to say and I quote: "I'm naturally quite quite feminine and confused for a girl often. I live in an extremely cucked country where women have advantages in almost everything. So I decided to experiment with cross-dressing and makeup in public for fun. Actually I prefer being treated like a girl, people are much nicer and I get a lot more attention from guys. I've decided to transition purely for the advantages and have lied to a psychiatrist and doctor to get free hormone replacement therapy. I've also lied to my family and friends about having gender dysphoria because I wanted to sound like I had a valid reason for doing it and wasn't sure how they would react if I was honest? Nearly 2 years later I pass to everyone, changed my name and documents. When I met my boyfriend I lied to him about having gender dysphoria. I sometimes cry about it just so he'll cuddle me and do nice things for me. He sometimes gets emotional about how unfair it is that I was "born with dysphoria" Should I tell people the truth about why I transitioned or just keep the lie up forever? I do feel bad about it sometimes, especially when he says how sorry he feels for me." unquote. When I read that I thought to myself could it be possible that one of the reasons that so many trans people commit suicide is because they lied to themselves and everyone else and said they had dysphoria and they didn't and now how to live with that secret eat out their non existent cooch? But before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways now back to the clown world show. Honk Honk. Of course I've said many times before that a future trend will be Incels becoming women as women no longer want them. I was waiting for someone in the trans community to admit that they were simply transitioning to female because of the advantages they would receive. Many of the men that transition are gay and for many of them it's a way of hacking into a straight man's pants. If you don't believe me then go find a video I saw a while back on posting that he was into trans women and he was trying to stop himself from desiring them. My thinking is that there are two main reasons beyond so called gender dysphoria that men would choose to be women in our society. Incels that can't get their hands on a woman will become women so that they can sleep with women. There have been numerous articles about lesbian women being shamed into sleeping with trans women. After all it's only fair after we keep seeing similar stories about straight men being shamed for not sleeping with trans women. I love it when the argument backfires in feminists faces. Ironically it's lesbian women that are more likely to be effectively shamed because shaming language works better on women because they don't want to risk being thrown out of their social circles. When they won't sleep with a trans woman or date one it's creating a rift between third wave feminists and the fourth wave variety. Besides incels masquerading in drag and having boobs hacked on so they can get action from lesbian women by they themselves becoming women. The other group as you can tell from the statement I read out in this video is gay men that are doing it to attract more masculine men. In the gay community because sex is easier to get than covid in a nursing home monogamy is four letter word. But if a young gay male transitions he is far more likely to get monogamy from a tranny admirer. It's a way to hack the dating market they are in.

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