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The Most Unintentionally MGTOW Video You'll Ever See
The Most Unintentionally MGTOW Video You'll Ever See T.F. Monkey 1,914 Views • 4 years ago

Original Video: ⁣
Philosophies for Life: ⁣Friedrich Nietzsche - How To Become A Superhuman (Existentialism): ⁣

Mail: Where Do SJW's Come From?
Mail: Where Do SJW's Come From? T.F. Monkey 980 Views • 4 years ago

All politics is self-interest, and sexual dimorphism determines the best method to achieve dominance, and thus reproductive success. Hence politics is simply a manifestation of the individual's reproductive instincts and degree of sexual dimorphism.

Or not, what do I know?

Intro Music: "Fling My Turds" by Red Pill Chemist
Background Music:
Dreams Become Real by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Gameplay: Rampage 2: Universal Tour (N64)

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