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Zionists Are Desperately Trying To Sabotage
Zionists Are Desperately Trying To Sabotage Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 549 Views • 2 years ago

Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglected to Mention
Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglected to Mention Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 31 Views • 2 years ago

The good thing about propaganda, is that it can (mostly) be fact checked. <br> <br>While there may indeed be many things distorted and suppressed by the enemies of the Hitlerites, it also means that the Hitlerites are not beyond doing this shit themselves, about themselves, for themselves and against their own enemies. <br> <br>I don't believe in censoring - because then people can fact check for themselves, and pick out the genuine mistakes and oversights from the bare faced bullshit and lying, the biases, the additions and omissions - or at least get a better understanding and appraisal of all the information they are fed, by questioning the content of what they are fed. <br> <br>Make up your own mind, by doing your own research and coming to your own conclusions. <br> <br>Some things are blanket issues, and some things are composed of granular detail. Don't mix them up or come to the conclusion that somethings are right or wrong, therefore it's all right or all wrong. <br> <br>Remember - there are many theories, and then there are the facts. <br> <br>Divide things up into three's. <br> <br>The narratives are either mostly true, partly true or mostly false. <br> <br>Verify the sales pitch and question the facts.

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