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Leave The West Before It's Too Late - MGTOW
Leave The West Before It's Too Late - MGTOW Sandman 358 Views • 3 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover the idea of leaving the west, most specifically the English speaking western countries because of Covaids. America, Australia The UK, Ireland and Canada which seem to be pushing vaxx passports. I've decided that I'm going to stay in Canada without getting the jab. If the situation ever shows up that I have to get vaxx passports to travel in my car from province to province then I'll think about going off to Alberta because it's the most conservative and if people there don't fight this then they won't anywhere. If that doesn't work then I could always slip into the USA as an illegal from Canada and the USA doesn't force illegals to get jabbed. But right not the border is closed for car traffic from Canadians going to the states. The only way on a plane and out of the country is with a jab. I've seen a few videos already working this like one from Coach Red Pill which I put in the description where he was telling everyone to sell all of their assets and put their money into cash. I thought that was an awful idea with inflation running hot. Selling all of the assets that protect you against inflation and putting all your money into cash which is losing 5-15% purchasing power a year depending on what you plan on purchasing with it. He could have at least said keep some of it in Crypto or other assets. Just because you leave Canada or the USA doesn't mean you can't continue to use your bank accounts and brokerage accounts for now. If the government changes their policies and you need a jab to have money in the bank they will most likely give you notice before unbanking you. If they don't there will be economic chaos as people can't pay their rents and buy food. So if my bank tells me I can't have a bank account without a jab I'll find one that doesn't require it. There will be payment processors that service the unjabbed. If there aren't then it's time to go 100% crypto including stable coins. Right now where I'm living about 11 percent of the adult population hasn't gotten their shot yet. Will the government try and get 100% compliance in the next year or two? I don't know. But I do know that in the states places like Wyoming, North Dakota, Lousiana and Montana don't even have fifty percent of their populations not getting the covaids jab. Those places are right next to Alberta and I can see those US and Canadian provinces teaming up. My biggest problem was that I'm on medication that's literally keeping me alive right now. Without it I'm in so much pain that I get IBS from 24 hour pain and food just runs through my system. I lost ten pounds in a month last summer from the pain. This video was a bit of a relief for me because I found that I can buy that medication online without a prescription. So technically I can leave Canada and am not reliant on a doctor to give me the prescription. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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I Found The Perfect Unicorn Woman - MGTOW
I Found The Perfect Unicorn Woman - MGTOW Sandman 409 Views • 4 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
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Response to Jordan Peterson's comments on MGTOW

Husband 2.0, Alternatives to Indentured Servitude - The Red Zone Episode 4

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is cover a message someone named Dave sent me and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I've been subscribed to, sharing and following you for years. My youngest son is straight, 34 and MGTOW. He is very happy and has many straight guy friends and female admirers. Your show really helped me to understand and accept his choice. Thank you. He felt he HAD to get us grandchildren and was reluctant to put himself at risk. When we accepted his choices 100% we got MUCH closer. Now about "Unicorns". I am here to tell you they DO exist. I have been married 40 years to one. She looked as good as any movie star in hollywood into the 90's and has always been faithful. She shares hobbies with us and just wants to be "one of the boys". MAN OH MAN can she COOK! All the MGTOW guys come to our dinner and video game or movie parties and love her. She is a saint, but doesn't hassle the boys for drinking. She plays barmaid and no one room for us is a mancave. But instead it's our whole house. Just sayin"... She may be an anomaly but she's REAL. The girls we meet imitate her and their lives improve. LOVE, I mean spiritual unselfish love is the answer to a lot of today's problems. Livin the dream in Idaho." Well Dave thanks for the donation and topic. I'll discuss you and your wife the last unicorn in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to Dave and his wife the last Unicorn. One of the reasons your son went his own way was probably because he couldn't find a woman that met the standards of his mother, your wife. She made all of his girlfriends look like losers and I bet you anything he didn't want to settle for a much lower standard of woman then his mother set for him. I'm someone that's gone through the same thing. The women I dated couldn't live up to the standards my mother set. I can imagine that your son wants a unicorn too but all he seems to find are land whales the size of Unicron with breasts sucking up everything in their path. Men's money and entire planets. You're also in Idaho and it's a right leaning rural state. In a place like that you're far more likely to find a traditional woman there that wants to make you a sandwich and then suck your shwing shwang under the sun til you cum. Although she might be the perfect woman for you over the last forty years that doesn't mean that she can't stop being the perfect woman at any moment. That's her power and just because there's a dull bladed sword of damacles dangling over your head doesn't mean that she can't sharpen that blade and drop it down you head. I put a link in the description to an old Karen Straughan video from a few years ago where she responds to Jordan Peterson's view that men are cowards if they go their own way and don't get married. That there are good women out there. Karen basically argues back by saying that just because a woman hasn't screwed you over doesn't mean that she can't.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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She's Going To Get Ugly - MGTOW
She's Going To Get Ugly - MGTOW Sandman 274 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tom and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, you can just call me Tom and I'd like your opinion on something. I've listened to probably hundreds of your videos by now, and I wanted to let you know that yourself as well as other MGTOW creators such as Ronin Man and Think Before You Sleep have changed my perspective on life over the past half a year. I have been a MGTOW monk my entire life and would no doubt be labelled a class 5 incel by the modern media, having never had sex nor any real interest in dating or having interactions with women at all. I never knew why I never fit into any one group, why I can't seem to work a normal job without going insane, nor why I have no real interest in getting taking to the cleaners by a homely heffer despite the constant questioning and shaming language from everyone around me. Now I know I've been going my own way this whole time. A short bio on me is that I joined the Army in my early 20s after basically failing college, and at the minimum cannot get out until 2024. My specific job is not hard at all, but the military is truly one of the worst curses to put on yourself in the modern age. I don't know if you are familiar with our new politically correct and very anti-sexual harassment military, but you should definitely look into the SHARP program, how it's abused and some of the consequences men can face for merely behaving how men behave normally. Getting to the point, I've realized at the age 24 (thanks to you) that I can start squirreling away my money in order to reinvest it and collect dividends, as well as play with options in the stock market for a quick buck. I only have 3 bills in the military: my phone, internet and car insurance. The rest is all leisure spending that can be cut at any time. Food is technically provided for you, but it's usually not that great and I am 6 feet tall and need to spend money on food to pack on more muscle. I was planning on getting out of the military as soon as my contract was up due to the fact that being a lower enlisted soldier sucks the soul out of you, but lately I've been having second thoughts. If I follow my current strategy, I could theoretically save 3/4 of my money as I'm promoted (which also obviously increases my pay). I could possibly even get what would amount to double pay from future combat deployments, as well as receive a nice fat bonus for re-enlisting which can amount to tens of thousands of dollars if I can become a non-comissioned officer before my contract comes close to expiring. I simply can't function in a normal job, and the thought recently occurred to me: why would I want to come back to society to be a broke student or a corporate slave living like a loser when I could have some rank on my chest and a fat wad of cash growing itself like a self-nurturing garden of plenty right in my pocket? Ultimately I will have to bear the brunt of some of the worst the military has to offer, dealing with unbearable blockheads who are only concerned with how good they look in front of the high ranking officers, the rest of us be damned.

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Top 10 Fat Female Celebrities - MGTOW
Top 10 Fat Female Celebrities - MGTOW Sandman 352 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover the Top 10 Fat Female Celebrities out there and discuss why we are seeing this as opposed to twenty years ago when fat women would have ben laughed out of the entertainment industry. The reason I'm covering this is because I was on Reddit and someone made a post called: "Top ten short men in Hollywood and below it he said I bet there would never be a top ten fat women in Hollywood. So I thought I would create a list like that. First off the women I'm avoiding are the old ones. That means no Cathy Bates, Rossie O'Donnel and Oprah with her Oprah arms. Her show used to be in the windy city
Chicago so you can just imagine how that sag suckers would have been flapping in the wind in the windy city. I also don't want to make fun of celebrities individually because of YouTube's anti bullying and harassment rules. I was shocked to see that my Depp video was censored by being throttled back in the middle of February. Hopefully my video about Al Pacino breaking up with his girlfriend doesn't receive the same treatment. Anyways before I discuss how female celebrities are stuffing slim jims into their fat faces and no I'm not talking about male members let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the show. So the first woman as you can see is Jessica Simpson. She was hot in those Daisy Dukes when she played Daisy Duke in the Dukes of Hazard. But now she has to be careful where she points her butt because she might knock over a priceless porcelain vase because her rear has become a hazard. She also started her fame days being skinny and then blimping up but she's lost some of the weight and she's looking better. Sure she's hit the wall but to be fair she was at her fattest when she was pregnant. So that gives her somewhat of an excuse. Even though she appears to have cleaned up her act if you look at photos like this one she's doing the one trick that many fat celebrities have be trying over the last couple of years to look slim. She's wearing black. This seems to be the new trend for female celebrities. Gone are the colorful dresses with many different angles that try to camouflage a woman's fat body. Now I'm seeing them dress increasingly in black. Take a look at this picture and you're see exactly what I mean. The second woman on the list is Meghan Traner. She's the one in the middle and one again dressed in black but she's showing off her cleavage as a distraction from her thunderous thighs. Someone should also tell Anne Hathaway from hanging around with young fatties.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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