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Women & Minorities Will Take Us To Communism - MGTOW
Women & Minorities Will Take Us To Communism - MGTOW Sandman 376 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Red Pill Developer

Heritage Minutes: Jennie Trout

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Steve on Subscribestar. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to do is cover what I see as an inevitability at this point. That political power in the west will shortly be taken over by a coalition of women and minorities that will run western countries into the ground trying to create a socialist social justice utopia. In Ontario Canada the province I live in the second and third largest political parties their elected members of parliament make up over fifty percent of the party. Their Candidates from these pictures I'm showing you off their websites make up sixty to seventy percent of their members waiting in the wings to take power. It's a certainty that at some point be it five years or ten years that the conservative party of Ontario gets voted out and when that happens we will probably have fifty to sixty percent of our provincial politicians being female. The parliament will join such wonderful countries as Cuba and Rwanda with more females than males in power. I don't care who's in power so long as they are competent. But where does this end? Will minority men keep voting for the leftist female centric parties? I spoke about a while back that Hispanic and Black men are increasingly leaving the side of Democratic party in the United States and voting for Republicans. They are doing this because of the lack of respect they are receiving. Seeing that they don't matter to a left that's all about women's rights and freedoms as opposed to men's. I'm glad they are finally waking up from their slumber and seeing that politics is not between the left and right but between male and female. Doesn't anyone else think that once women make up 60 or 70% of politicians that they will harbor animosity towards men for all the so called years of patriarchal oppression that they weren't around to see? Ethnic groups can hate each other for hundreds or even thousands of years. Look at the Japanese vs Chinese. Or the British and Germans. Being from a Balkan background I can't tell you how much hatred Serbs and Croatians hated one another. Me being a mix of the two I never understood their connection to events long since past. Regardless, it doesn't matter if what happened is real or imaginary the hatred is still there. I suspect that it will be used to punish Heritage Canadians of European descent as well as those in most other anglo-saxon and western European countries for things they never did. Punishment for past misogyny. But the problem is the coalition of women and minorities will be trying to destroy the ones that are keeping their infrastructure going. It's like they don't have a memory that everything is built by men or something. So what will happen? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red
Pill Developer:

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Muscular handsome sexy Santa Claus

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This Video Will Make You Hard - MGTOW
This Video Will Make You Hard - MGTOW Sandman 443 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Profit Specialist Group

Sandman & Penisman {Titans of the C#ck} [Jan-14-2022]

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

On January 14, I had a chat with Boner Condoner a new YouTube channel where we discuss all sorts of manosphere topics. I even predicted a trucker uprising before it even happened. This was recorded in early January so I hope you guys enjoy it. Also subscribe to his channel if you like his content. I've put a link to it in the description. But before I share the video let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: Anyways, here's my conversation twith Boner Condoner on the Penisman Podcast so enjoy.

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A God Among MGTOW Paracelsus
A God Among MGTOW Paracelsus Sandman 374 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA



Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Sebastian de la O and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hola, I don't check these messages much. I am eager to join the video blogging world. Keep posting and keep Boycotting Mexican Beer." Well Sebastian thanks for the donation. I thought I'd use it to cover the latest man in my god among MGTOW series. I've been wrestling with acid reflux since 2015 and back in the middle of 2017 I found what I thought to be the solution. I threw all grains and most carbohydrates out of my diet. For three and a half years my symptoms were completely under control until earlier this year when they started coming back when I ate chicken and seeds. That's when I figured out that my alkaline diet was neutralizing the acid in my stomach but that it wasn't working anymore. I went to a health food store and someone suggested I try something called Canadian Bitters. About a week ago I started using it and so far it's changed my life yet again. My reflux is gone. I did some research to find out what this stuff was and apparently Canadian Bitters is based on Swedish Bitters a solution created by someone named Theophrastus von Hohenheim, better known as Paracelsus. He was a swiss-born alchemist during the time of the German Renaissance. He's also the grandfather of toxicology. So I looked him up secretly hoping that he had never married and had gone his own way and low and behold that was the case. So why had I never heard of him before and doctors kept telling me that my acid production was too high and I needed to reduce it using their pills and an alkaline diet? Apparently he was idolized by the Nazi party so maybe that's why his ideas were written off? But his bitters formula is designed to get you both to produce enough acid and other digestive juices so you can digest your food. Pretty much every civilization since the the Ancient Egyptians and Judaism have been using bitter foods as ingredients to aid in digestion. I just finished a meal and took ten drops of bitters about fifteen minutes beforehand and I don't have an discomfort as my body produces enough juices to digest my meal. Paracelsus was a rebel doctor and alchemist and believe that purging and bloodletting which was a practice thought to restore balance in the four bodily humors as outmoded. Instead he promoted empirical medical work using chemistry and anatomy to help people. He believed that it was the moral duty of a physician to help his patients. He would probably be disgusted by today's modern medical system. 500 years ago he was boosting acid production to help patients yet today's doctors lower it causing more problems. Swedish Bitters worked like magic and I can't explain to you how pissed off I am that today's medical system was selling me pills instead of hearing about this from a doctor. I cried tears of anger! I'll discuss Paracelsus and his contributions to theology, medicine, humanity, chemistry, and even magic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Something Scary Is Happening To Women - MGTOW
Something Scary Is Happening To Women - MGTOW Sandman 446 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens?

Something Scary Is Happening To Men

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the Randy the Dakota MGTOW. It's the 2nd of three videos he wanted me to make. So for this video I want to cover an article I've linked to in the description called: "Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens?" That article talks about a recent survey of families whose children developed symptoms of gender dysphoria during or after puberty and Lisa Littman the professor of behavioral science at Brown University found that 80 percent of the youth in the survey were female at birth. Usually kids show signs of gender identity issues before puberty but none of these girls did until they hit that age. It's almost as if there is some sort of social contagion effect where it's popular for girls to identify as guys and the research found that 63.5% of the dudettes that now identified as dudes had one or more people in their peer group that had come out of the closet as being trans. These girls watched YouTube videos and social media that influcenced their decision to do the same thing. Of course they did because they saw the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of views those transition videos get and all the attention they got online and they figure they might as well do the same thing because attention is harder and harder to get in a digital world. Plus the left has convinced many young women that people that are cis-gendered to be evil breeders. I'll discuss more about what's happening in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the women that want to be men with a cooch clown world show. The parents of these trans boys and men are being attacked by their kids that are becoming the pronoun-police. These kids are just paroting what they hear online and they say they sound scripted repeating what others are saying word for word. This isn't so called gender dysphoria among a growing number of girls. four times as many girls are falling for what appears to be mass psychological illness. It's being called a sociogenic plague. This is rapid onset gender dysphoria in girls according to the researchers and I just call it attention seeking behavior. Psychologists say that girls and young teens exhibiting this sort of behavior that caution needs to be taken when giving out hormone replacement therapy like candy. But in places like Canada if a girl picks up the sociological disease of wanting to change her gender because she thinks it's cool or will get her a lot of attention then parents can't do anything. A while back a father went to jail for either not using the right pronouns or giving his daughter gender reassignment resources. This sort of behavior is also coming from the top down. The leftist media is promoting the trans agenda and then a few people take part in it. If you do a Google trends search you'll notice that searches for trans man have gone up two to three times higher from around 2013. After a while the media can step back and let ordinary people on YouTube spread their ideas for them and they don't have to do a thing. At the same time as this is happening to more young women for men there's also something scary going on with regards to dropping testosterone levels. Sperm counts have dropped 59% from 1973 to 2011. If the trend continues half of all men will have a zero sperm count by 2045. The other half will have a very low count. The average 22 year old
male today has the same levels as a 67 year old in the year 2000. So what is happening?

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Never Live With Women - MGTOW
Never Live With Women - MGTOW Sandman 371 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adrian and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, and old MGTOW here. I have been going my own way all my life, and have never married, never cohabited and I don’t have children. I was started on this path in childhood. As a kid I had to spend almost all my time doing things other people wanted me to do. I had to go to school, come home at a certain time, do homework, do chores around the house, eat certain foods, visit the grandparents on the weekend, the list was endless. I had very little time to do things that interested me, to hang out with my friends or just to chill out. When I complained about my life, my parents and teachers tried to shame and manipulate me, saying that if I did not if I did not do what they wanted me to do, then I was lazy, or ungrateful, or selfish, or that I did not love them enough, or that I was just stupid. I knew I was none of those things, and I often got frustrated. When I became a teenager, the mandatory stuff got less and less, and when I finally moved in to my own place, I experienced sweet, sweet freedom. When I started having serious relationships, I found that I had to spend more and more time doing things my girlfriends wanted me to do. I had to come home at a certain time, help her with chores, eat certain foods, visit her parents on the weekend, the list got longer and longer. Again I had less and less time to do things that interested me, to hang out with my friends or just to chill out. If I showed any unwillingness to do what my girlfriends wanted me to do, the manipulation and shaming tactics appeared. I already knew I did not want to live this way, and I ended most of my relationships after a year. Instead of relationships I traveled for work, installing machines all over the world. Now I am in my fifties, and my purpose in life is to look after a 200 year old property I inherited. I have occasional “friends with benefits” when I want them. I am sure lots of guys must have had similar experiences growing up, and in their relationships. It must be obvious to many men that the disadvantages of a relationship will out-weigh the advantages. So why do men stay with women, move in with women and get married to women?" Unquote. Well Adrian thanks for the donation and topic. I'll share why men marry and move in with with women in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right:

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