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Love, The Trojan Horse of Betrayal
Love, The Trojan Horse of Betrayal SPECTRE 52 Views • 4 years ago

Love does not exist.

Proverbs my ass
Proverbs my ass SPECTRE 44 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This is a bit impromptu but I have been hearing about the Proverbs 31 in the manosphere for some time now and when I glanced over them I was a bit surprised that the content creators keep promoting them.

So I though that I will make a video about them and simply go over each one of them with my own commentary. If that is not something that interests you, tough luck.

Dating is stupid
Dating is stupid SPECTRE 65 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This video will be loosely tying into the previous video, called The Family Paradox. In there, I went through the basic facts that every single thing in this world is conspiring against you starting a family. The odds are simply stacked against you from the get-go and luck plays much bigger role that one would care to admit.

Singularity SPECTRE 31 Views • 4 years ago

⁣So what is the red pill, really? You might have heard the term being thrown out in the public already but you might have no idea what it means. If you are watching this, you probably do, but in case you don’t, let me explain it to you.

The Family Paradox
The Family Paradox SPECTRE 26 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The purpose of life is to advance itself. To multiply and to spread. We can look for its metaphysical meaning however we want, but the purest answer lies in front of our eyes. Seeking beyond it is mostly mental masturbation.

We are biologically wired to multiply. To seek partner of the opposite sex and to create offspring. Some say we are not naturally monogamous species, others say otherwise. It is utterly irrelevant. We live in the world we live in and things are what they are. So let’s not waste time on evolutionary or sociological theories.

A family is the building block of any successful society. A couple with children form a family. Family is by blood. Multiple families form a community. Then tribes, people, race, culture. And finally. A nation.

Ode of The Simp
Ode of The Simp SPECTRE 48 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The definition of a simpleton is, “A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence”.

Investing SPECTRE 25 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Today, I would like to talk about investing. No, not emotional investment, but rather financial. This will be a bit more practical and less esoteric video, for a change.

You are not wanted
You are not wanted SPECTRE 56 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Majority of pregnancies are unplanned, accidental, if you will. One could conclude that such children were not wanted to begin with.

The frog is already boiled
The frog is already boiled SPECTRE 41 Views • 4 years ago

⁣As many MGTOW men know, the society is on the trajectory to a massive collapse due to the lack of patriarchy and control over women. What they seem to be missing is perspective. They look at the society from first person point of view. Personally, I am a big picture guy. And what I am seeing is quite different.

Shit testing
Shit testing SPECTRE 43 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The term “shit testing” came about with the spread of the pick-up artist community and the origins are most likely rooted in the famous Neil Straus’ book “The Game”.

Just be yourself
Just be yourself SPECTRE 29 Views • 4 years ago

⁣“Just be yourself”, we’ve heard this many times in our lives. Told by others and we said it ourselves too. But what does it actually mean?

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