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Recently YouTuber 'Strong Successful Male' read an email from one of his subscribers, in which that male sub details how he got involved with crazy woman. He went through all kinds of drama with her, including being physically assaulted. And then he was harassed and stalked when he finally broke it off with her. I give my analysis and advice about this type of situation.
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This record,Tomi Lahren and the dozen of women who created Onlyfans account as a respond to the lockdowns. Are a result of allowing Women to do what they please. They are also giving you clear insight of how they view you, what they expect,The whores they truly are and how repellent this behavior may be to you once you remove the Vail of The Feminine Mystique. You can not afford to be naive any longer. It is time to wake the Fuck up, and notice your surroundings.
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