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MGTOW Even Landwhales Are Now Delusional SMH
MGTOW Even Landwhales Are Now Delusional SMH REDPILLMARRIED 304 Views • 4 years ago

Remember gents. You DO NOT have to accept what YOU deem to be UNDESIRABLE women either.

Article 1: ⁣

Article 2: ⁣

MGTOW A Bright Future Indeed
MGTOW A Bright Future Indeed REDPILLMARRIED 305 Views • 4 years ago

This WILL be the future for those who want it.

Article: ⁣

The Red Pill Gets Her Into Bed - MGTOW
The Red Pill Gets Her Into Bed - MGTOW Sandman 547 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Reignite: Transform from Burned Out to On Fire

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Voices Of Quarantine

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another donation from Odium and here's what he has to say: "Hello again Sandman! First of all thank you for your help in promoting my music! That was a valuable boost for me to get going, I got people to collaborate with me and I'm working on additional music with partners as well as on my own. I've also published a new mini album. For me, ambient music is the representation of the red pill tranquility. I also need to clarify a few things about my condition - cerebral palsy. It is not hereditary. My parents are normal. I am the youngest of four in a normal family. All of my adult life I was surrounded by non-disabled people. . . So if you are intelligent enough, independent and do not need any special kind of nursing with a 24\7 caregiver, you're not exempt from the relationship race. Get out there, fall in love, get a woman, get laid, have kids. now, for some interesting developments. Since the last time I wrote to you, the continuous droning from my family about being in a relationship was getting worse - one of my sisters persuaded me to signup for special workshop aiming to help high functioning disabled people such as myself to find a relationship. I agreed just so I could get my family off my back. Admittedly I was terrified that all of my red pill knowledge would be rewritten. Surprisingly enough, it only strengthened my resolve about my red pill knowledge and experience since I saw people so distraught since they can't find a relationship. Mostly women but also some men. To be honest I was completely surprised that instead of being preached about love as the greatest thing ever, we were free to be mentored and other aspects of our life. My choice was to focus on promoting my music and my translation business. Through the process in the workshop of met new and cool people with different perspectives, we rarely agreed on the subject of relationships and love but it was still very productive. Reminding me how much my life progressed even though romantic love wasn't part of it. After some introspective I understood I miss the physical aspects mostly, as an enhancing bonus, but I don't mind the companionship aspect anymore. The blue pill, for some people it's a great motivator and a part of the balance, if everyone were red-pilled, there was no way I would be able to achieve all the insights I got. It was actually very enlightening. Best part yet? I got my family off my back. My question is this: Do you think that we, as red pilled individuals should sometimes test our resolve, and broaden our perspectives by putting ourselves in an extremely blue pill environments, willingly? still spastic, still red-pilled. HA HA! PS a possible title for this video might be infiltrating a blue pill stronghold. Thank you, and stay safe!" Well Odium thanks for another donation and I put a link to your music in the description in case people want to check it out. But as for your question I'll get to that right after I tell everyone about today's sponsor Regnite:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Excited man in fighting gesture with fists on fire. Rage concept. Heated fight.

2. Angry woman judging someone

How To Keep Women Away From You LOL - MGTOW
How To Keep Women Away From You LOL - MGTOW Sandman 268 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

How do you keep women away from you?

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought is to you by a donation from Steve. He didn't give me a topic so I'm going to my default plan B talking about another Reddit post. I'm pretty good picking the most popular ones that get the most comments. But if anyone out there see one you think would make a great topic let me know. I've also heard from three people so far in the last month that my paypal donate option on my YouTube channel has disappeared. So if you guys don't mind I'd like to hear if you can still see it if you're watching or listening to this on YouTube. It would be on the top right on the the desktop version. Now that the housekeeping is out of the way let me get to that post with the same title as this video. How do you keep women away from you if you want to go MGTOW monk? I put a link to that reddit post in the description. Of course I could say obvious things like don't bath, don't get haircuts and drive a car that's falling apart and is older than the women that are trying to go out with you. Women don't see classic cars. They see old cars. What I want to discuss are practical solutions to keep women away from you so you don't have to beat them off as they try to shove their tongues down your throat. But before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to the video. So in the post I'd like to discuss it was started by someone named David E. McNair and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Serious question. I recently went through a break up and all the women at my workplace came out of the woodwork after knowing I was single again. I work in a high stress environment and I don't want to be entertaining small talk or getting unsolicited messages while working. I feel like I'm in a 90s chick flick where there's some sort of bet on who can land me for fun. I just want to be left alone and I don't want to be rude since they can make something up and go to HR and claim anything. How do I approach this?" unquote. If I were David and I was trying to keep the women off my back that were trying to get me to get them on their backs what I would do is tell them you found a new girlfriend. When he'd go out next with his friends all he would have to do is take a selfie with himself and one of his female friends and put that picture in a small frame on his desk that looks like it's been picked up by a woman. To the women in the office that would look like he wasn't single again. Or you could always get one of your feminine sounding male friends that can do a mean female impression to call you at the office and have a conversation with him pretending that he's a she. Women talk and all it would take if for one or two of them to overhear and suddenly they would all think you have a girlfriend again. That coupled with a picture on your desk would surely keep them away from you. Other than that there really isn't much you can do with the work vultures are circling around and trying to create this sort of drama in the workplace. That's why for most of history men and women worked in segregated work environments. Companies are more worried about looking like they are doing the right social justicy kind of thing by having a co-ed work environment.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Are Women NPCs? - MGTOW
Are Women NPCs? - MGTOW Sandman 501 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from the Red Pill Gamer and here's what he has to say; "Hi Sandman, I can't thank you, tfm, Terrence popp, undead chronic, better bachelor and others I might have left out. Mgtow has changed my life dramatically for the better and everybody I speak to seems to be slowly accepting the red pill. So I wanted to bring up the topic that maybe mgtow have a great relation to the political trichotomy in that they value freedom more than anything. Take 10 attribute points for a character in any video game. 10 will be the base maximum cap. 3 skills you have to attribute towards equality, freedom, and security. Attribute your points according to which values you
perceive to be most valuable. For arguments sake I'll say freedom represents the freedom to choose what you want and don't want. Security sounds fair but we must give it a negative connotation as well for everybody to see the truth. And equality will stand for equality of outcomes/opportunity. Perhaps men can come to better understandings of each other if framed this way instead of framing them as bad or good. Maybe we can unite better. Hope this is enough to fuel a subject video for you." Well Red Pill Gamer thanks for the donation and topic. Hopefully I'm interpretting what you say correctly? You're saying that each of us has been given ten points in a hypothetical video game and we have to distribute them among 3 skills including eqaulity, freedom and security. HOpefully that's the case. I'll get to my thoughts about this in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. If I had ten points I would distribute zero of them to equality of opportunity. I don't want to kid myself. Being here on YouTube used to be equal opportunity but today it's about feminists being part of the YouTube partner program while channels for men get thrown out of it. I know that the game is stacked against me. Where is the equality of opportunity? I don't see it on this platform. I also don't see it in real life with regards to companies hiring people. I've never relied on a quota for someone to hire me. Nor have I relied on any one company for my business existence and yes everyone is equal to produce content but companies like CNN and NBC are more equal than the rest of us. That's why I don't even care about equality of opportunity. Because I know I've never had it so therefore I never expected. And when I do get it I don't expect it to last, hence my channel being demonetized almost a couple of years ago now. I've adapted, survived and done better than ever. As for freedom I'd give myself four out of those ten points on that one. The reason I wouldn't give myself five is because right now I don't have any issues sacrificing some of my freedoms when it comes to Covid-19. Not so much for security.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Women Get Desperate! Who Cares? - MGTOW
Women Get Desperate! Who Cares? - MGTOW Sandman 539 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Karate Cuck Link:

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roy and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Thanks for being so open to communicating with me. You're one of the few that has been so personable. You get a lot of people contacting you so I don't expect you to remember me. I was the Karate Cuck you were kind enough to talk about my ex narcissist GF a few years ago. See the link I've attached. I'm not messaging you to continue that conversation. I could care less about that woman or the so called friends associated with her. She is a narcissist and so is my ex-friend. I've since left my yoga studio at Core Power as many of my friends have done. We are all seeing the feminist narrative that has dominated the inndustry. I've been lifting weights. riding my bike 20-40 miles a few times a week and practicing kung fu. As I walk around in life and I get in better shape and more financially stable I notice women are starting to pay attention. But I just don't care. For some reason women are no longer a thing for me. Sure, There are hot women around and they look. But I just don't care at all. Sandman, can you explain this to me? I've been a blue pill for many years
but after that last Karate Cuck incident I really just don't care about any women and almost despise them. I'm not Gay, I just think women are complete A-Holes. What are your thoughts Sandman? " Well Roy thanks for the donation and topic. Congratulations on getting past the red pill rage stage 2.0. After that last Karate Cuck incident you got pissed off, quickly over female nature, went your own way, focusing on your own life and relationships have become irrelevant. That's where a man needs to be if he wants to be free. But the more men free themselves like that the more desperate women there will be. But then again as you now know. Who Cares? I'll get to more of my thoughts about the wonderful things that happen to a man once he gets over women entirely in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. First of Roy I put the previous video I made for you in the description in case people want to watch it. As for your current situation women are into men that are into themselves. It's like playing the part of the narcissistic male chameleon. If you reflect back to women what they see in their self absorbed selves then it will attract them. Just like the way a woman dresses up as your favorite Cartoon or comic book character and you can't keep your eyes off her. It's the same cow poop just a different pile. Also because you don't care Roy and because you don't notice or give those women attention they assume that you have higher status and that you are with women that are higher status or can be with such women so you're like a prized pony in the glue factory. They see your value and they want you. Life is not without it's irony because back in the days when you probably wanted such women, they probably didn't want you. Now they want you and you don't want them.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

3 Reasons To Get Married LOL - MGTOW
3 Reasons To Get Married LOL - MGTOW Sandman 406 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

3 Reasons To Get Married - MGTOW

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't send me a specific topic with his message so I want to discuss one of the funniest titles I've seen on the MGTOW reddit for quite sometime and it's called 3 Reasons To Get Married. I laughed out loud when I saw it because the title should have read three thousand reasons to not get married as opposed to the 3 reasons to do get married. Of course I put a link to it in the description and the person named advanced banter was of course being sarcastic with that title because the three reasons he shared were if a man was crazy, stupid or badly misinformed and that for most men they are badly misinformed. He says that the reason he found MGTOW was because he wanted to find some advice from men that had already walked their future land whale down the aisle. He says that the MGTOW reddit saved his life and it's saving thousands more. So because of that you can certainly expect Reddit to eventually shut it down. Because who doesn't love it when they see men suffer? But seriously the reason that most guys get married is partially because they are badly misinformed but also because the younger we are the greater our interest in securing sex on a regular basis to keep us from going crazy and putting a bucket of ice on our balls. So it's not just that we are misinformed that's the reason we get married. But also because we've got an itch that can only be scratched by a bitch. So we walk down the aisle by the time we turn forty if we've never been married then our odds of getting married after that are one in fifteen or twenty. Our big head wins and we go our own way. Someone in the comments section below the reddit post said that for marriage is no different than someone trying to trick you int a massive student or home loan. Any intelligent man would tell you no! Butt that there's just as much propaganda trying to get your name on the dotted line. I would argue that there's more propaganda and peer pressure than anything the average and even above average man has in his mind. I also remember in the mid to late nineties I was in University and in the main building where you would go to register during your first week there were literally credit card companies there handing out cards like Canada. That's what guys thinking about getting married are thinking about how they are going to have sex on tap. Meanwhile the night of the wedding there's a meme going around with the bride giving him amazing head thinking to herself this is the last time I'll ever have to give him this while he thinks about how he'll be getting this quality of BJ for the rest of the marriage. I'll get to this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Reasons My Wife Hasn't Slept With Me In 20 Years LOL - MGTOW
Reasons My Wife Hasn't Slept With Me In 20 Years LOL - MGTOW Sandman 395 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

Guy tells reasons why his wife hasn’t slept with him in 20 years. I'm speechless.

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the 2nd part of Riley's more than generous donation. This time what I want to do is cover a Reddit topic post called: "Guy tells reasons why his wife hasn’t slept with him in 20 years. Im speechless." I've also put it down below in the description. So here's what the mystery man on a page called DeadBedrooms has to say and I quote: Number one, sex is for attracting and landing a mate. Then for reproduction. It's not a lifetime obligation. Number 2, There is too much pressure to do sex "right" So it's therefore better to not do it all. Number 3, Yes she knew it hurt me, but she was sure I would stay. Therefore, why engage in the arguement? Especially since it might lead to some kind of sex? Easier to say and do nothing. Number 4, Her identity didn't stem from her genitals. Mine shouldn't either. Number 5, Yes, she did/does love me. Don't need sex to prove it. Number 6, No, she did not/does not miss it. The last 20+ years since I quit trying have been "pleasant". Number 7, My value outside the bedroom was far greater than inside. I was a good father, husband, provider, etc. Being a good lover wasn't important to her. Number 8, Sex is messy, sweaty, messes up her hair, leads to wanting more sex. Far better things to do with her time. Number 9, Yes, orgasms are enjoyable, but so is a good meal. Good meals don't come with baggage. Number 10, If she could have gone her whole life without sex, she would have. Number 11, No, she has not had a lover, pined for one, etc. She has never masturbated. She is not attracted to women. Why should she do any of this? There is more stuff, but it gets sorta redundant and is more justification than explanation. You probably get the overall point. Sex for her was a means to certain ends. Once accomplished, it no longer served any valuable purpose in her life. I'm honestly not mad by this. I got over being decades ago. I made the choice to stay. It's telling she knew it was hurting me but chose not to do anything about it. In a way I can respect the cold logic to it. She was getting the life she wanted. Why do something unnecessary to retain it? Well well well ain't this swell. I'm sure that feminists are cheering this man on as the prime example of what an emasculate man should be. He should provide and protect without getting erect. I'll get to my thots about the comments from the mystery man from dead bedrooms in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. All I have to say to the man that left those comments is that it might be time to get those testosterone levels checked. Especially if you work at buzzfeed. Apparently four of the men that work there have lower testosterone levels than the average eighty year old male. It's not something to be proud about it's something cry about and with low testosterone a man certainly knows how to easily shed some tears. But as for the mystery man listening to his comments was like watching a slow motion car wreck of a man's life. He's full of cognitive dissonance and spends a lot of time trying to convince others that he's perfectly fine about the situation. But if he was he never would have written eleven different points outlining his situation. When he says that arguing might lead to sex which is something he probably does want to have but because she doesn't that's why I won't argue. This man won't even argue so that he can have makeup sex with his wife because I guess that would manipulating her or something.

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The best way to deal with women and blue pill society
The best way to deal with women and blue pill society Inslayerclone 145 Views • 4 years ago

I didn't have any ideals to make videos today but this is best so i decide to upload the clip of batman saying i won't kill you but i don't have to save you

No! She's Not A Disney Princess - MGTOW
No! She's Not A Disney Princess - MGTOW Sandman 349 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

High Plains Drifter - Let Go Of Me

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, This is my last topic but not my last donation. The reason this is my last topic is because you've talked about everything that I can think of as a topic. From now on I just wanna hear from you and what topics you will have. Over the past couple of months I have been told that I have become cruel. My friends my family members and even my girlfriend have said I've become cruel to them. I was 1st criticized when I smirked and said that a woman that cheated on a man got knocked out with one swing by this man she cheated on who said "that she got what she deserved". Another time I was with one of my old female friends with benefits buddies. She came back calling to me and I 1st offered her A maid job at my apartment where she would live in one of the apartments for free. After seeing where she was staying and hearing the stories about how she can't stand living with her sister I was nice and offered that to her. But because her boyfriend was jealous over my success they both refused this offer and now a year later she's looking to see is that offer is on the table. I told her not to darken my door step when she breaks it off with him. I then proceeded to shame her cruelly and hung up the phone and my girlfriend said that that was a little cruel of me to do to an old friend. I responded she was terrible and didn't show up to either my parents funerals. She also blocked my number because her boyfriend didn't want us talking. We've been friends before they were a thing and she did the same to my other friend. The problem is not the fact that she cut us out of her life the problem was she came crawling back expecting me to openly accept her. The newest incident happened right before I sent you this topic. I was at a fast food place trying to get something to eat. In front of me was a woman I've never met nor did I care for her. She assumes that I was trying to look at her or take a picture of her because I had my phone out while oddly enough listening to one of your videos. She says to me it's very disgusting to take pictures of people without asking or to stare at them. I looked up from my phone and asked if she was talking to me she's response yes. I told her that I'm watching a video on my phone about a guy teaching me not to give women like you the attention you desperately crave. She then starts to insult me and call me names. I simply responded by saying I can tell you what love by your parents because your parents must have dropped you off at an orphanage because they don't want your ungrateful ugly $5 ass. So Sandman is this what Daisy Cousin was talking about when it comes to an extreme side of the red pill? Is everyone right that I have become cruel or is this just me getting my justifying retribution?" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. Keep the topics coming because it saves me time having to search for one in my usual spot, Reddit. Also you're not being a cruel man with toxic
masculinity. What you're doing is standing up for yourself against those hoes. I'll get to my thoughts about how you're treating those ungrateful thots in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Men Don't Want Leftovers - MGTOW
Men Don't Want Leftovers - MGTOW Sandman 381 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

A Leftover Woman tried to SEDUCE me!

shocked that a man doesn't want leftovers

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from a more than generous donation from Riley. The first of two videos I'm dedicating to him. In this video I'd like to explore the idea of leftover women by bringing up a video I found recently called: "A Leftover Woman tried to SEDUCE me!" by a YouTuber known as Serpentza. As well as a Reddit post called Thot Shocked That A Man Doesn't Want Leftovers. Which I've also put a link to down in the description. In this video what I'll do is not only explore why most guys don't want leftover women. But also why in some cases it may be advantageous to get married to and trap a leftover woman in a place like China. I can't believe I'm saying that but for some of you that can't keep it in your pants. I've found a way for you to free your willy safely and it doesn't even have to be at sea world with Shamu. But before I explore this topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. So the first link I shared is a story from a guy named Winston from South Africa that used to live in China until he just about had enough of the CCP. He was hired by a successful Chinese woman with her own business and Mercedes to teach her English. The first English lesson went fine but the second and third ones got strange as when he came over there were adult magazines all over her apartment. I guess she was trying to get him in the mood so that he would pay a visit to her fart compartment. He was already in a relationship and would probably never dream of cheating on his wife, wink wink, nudge nudge. His wife of course being a more attractive and successful Chinese doctor. Why would he take advantage of a woman desperate for that type of attention by getting involved with her? He explains the reason why even in China, a country with a shortage of women because of the one child policy there are leftover women is because a man's family doesn't see a woman over thirty as being ablt to be all that fertile and bring them the blessing of their very own little emperor. So he eventually turned her down even though the next time he came over to teach her English she brought out a photo album filled with pictures of herself in skimpy clothing. After every page she flipped over she was wearing less and less clothes in them until she wasn't wearing anything at all. He obviously got the message that she was trying to seduce and massage his meat stick. He said she wasn't all that bad looking and that if he had to guess he would have said she was a six or a seven on the looks scale. He turned her down but I believe he said she found a Dutch guy that was living in China and they got married and started a family.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

MGTOW Waifus Can Be Either Your Temporary Option Or Final Solution
MGTOW Waifus Can Be Either Your Temporary Option Or Final Solution REDPILLMARRIED 288 Views • 4 years ago

Why shop at a market full of ROTTEN, SPOILED food?

Christian Morality Is Bullshit
Christian Morality Is Bullshit T.F. Monkey 1,687 Views • 4 years ago

compiled a few videos I've referenced and recommended into a single video.


Sex In The City Creator Bitter She's Alone - LOL!
Sex In The City Creator Bitter She's Alone - LOL! The Realist Philosopher 66 Views • 4 years ago

⁣From my 2018 to 2020 content produced after my youtube channel “The MGTOW Philosopher” was banned. This is from my new show “The Realist Philosopher.” Posting a lot of my content from oldest to newest, so stay tuned. Other platforms I'm on, and social media links can be found below ;)

Podcasts & Videos: (My once a week live stream airing Sat 5pm Phoenix AZ time USA) (Follow me on bitchute)
Social Media:
therealistphilosopher1967 (instagram) (Gab)
[email protected] (email) (My website)

Tropical pineapple marshmallow
Tropical pineapple marshmallow sunflwr 9 Views • 4 years ago

candy review. strongly recommend!

She's A Woman, Here Are Her Demands - MGTOW
She's A Woman, Here Are Her Demands - MGTOW Sandman 359 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

I'm a woman, here are my demands

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a monthly donation from Roger. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover a reddit post that shares the same title as this video. I'm not going to share an image of it because there appears to be part of a Tinder Profile picture there and who knows if the woman that owns it finds it and this video and complains to YouTube. So because I'm not going to take that risk let me read what the 35 year old post wall woman on Reddit has to say and I quote: "Hey! Here are my non negotiable dealbreakers so don't swipe to the right if you: Are Short (less than 5;11 or 180cm) Live with your parents (or have within the last 5 years) Have roomates. Have never been out of country. Do not go on 2+ vacations a year. Watch MMA or Boxing. Like Anime. Don't have a clean home. Work less than 30 hours a week. Will need to work past the age of 65. Have ever cheated. Have Kids. Have a cat or cats. Don't love Mexican Food. Are awkward in person and do not take the innitiative." So now that I've read all the demands from a woman that's clearly asking for way too much at her age let me tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. So this mystery woman when she says that she doesn't want a man that hasn't lived with his parents in the last five years what she's saying is that it means you've been employed for half a decade and with any luck saved up a bunch of loot that she can steal from you by trading temporary access to her booty for it. All of it course. It also means that your parents aren't dependent on you for survival. So that means even more money that she can pillage with her pussy. This is an insult to men that have helped their adult parents by moving them in. This is an insult to men that have been hurt on the job and needed a year or two of downtime and recovery because they couldn't pay their bills for a while. She of course also mentions that she doesn't want a guy with roommates. This means that guys that can't afford to rent on your own are also off her list. If this woman is living in either New York City or San Francisco good luck finding a guy like that in those two cities where rent is five grand a year. She also mentions that she doesn't want a guy that's never been outside the country. This of course means that he can afford to take a large chunk of time off work or use his vacation pay to do it with. All a woman has to ask is if a man goes out of the country on vacation 2 times a year and now she knows he has a job with vacation pay but more importantly that he can afford those thousand dollar flights to Europe or Asia. She should have been more specific because I'm sure she might get some guys that cross the border into Canada to come the Casino up here in Niagara Falls or go down to
Tiajauana to release their shwing shwangs south of the border. Also by saying that she wants a man that doesn't watch MMA or Boxing she's saying that she wants a supposedly more cultured man that doesn't spend his money on Saturday Nights paying for pay per view and therefore has more money for her. She doesn't want anyone in Anime because I assume she doesn't like nerds or guys that are immature and into cartoons. She wants a run of the mill guy. Not into violence and not into supposedly childish things either.

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trim sunflwr 26 Views • 4 years ago


trim sunflwr 52 Views • 4 years ago

hookah lounge with friends in hollywood

MGTOW - YOUNG WOMEN AREN'T REAL LIFE COACHES ChronicBlast 38 Views • 4 years ago

I just wanted to see what this chameleon was all about... Gave me a good video topic to ROAST HER ON!⁣

Her Past Baggage will Haunt Your Life
Her Past Baggage will Haunt Your Life Texting Prince 71 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This video is going to talk about how women these days have all this STICKY baggage stuck to them like old gum on your shoe.

And no matter what, that baggage will haunt you.

She will compare you her past relationships which means all her past 'triggers' that made her upset from other guys, if YOU do any of those 'triggers' she will get upset.

On the flip side, she will also compare you to her exes in the sense that if one of her exes did something for her or went above and beyond, she will expect that same treatment (or better) so you can never escape her sticky baggage from the past.

Tune in Wednesday evenings at 7 pm PST for full livestreams of different topics



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