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Ever hear of the holodomor- i wonder why
Ever hear of the holodomor- i wonder why SpaceJew 17 Views • 4 years ago

you have not hear ofnit because it undermines the alleged suffering ofnthe jews... which interfears with the gibs they gaslight germany and the west into paying them... #gasallkikes

Way worse than the jews got it
Way worse than the jews got it SpaceJew 33 Views • 4 years ago


Martinez Perspective on Kalergi
Martinez Perspective on Kalergi SpaceJew 46 Views • 4 years ago


In their own words
In their own words SpaceJew 33 Views • 4 years ago


Protocol s of zion hard at work in Poland
Protocol s of zion hard at work in Poland SpaceJew 43 Views • 4 years ago

ita fun when they say this is their homeland.
. iarael wasnt enough for these.filthy kikes

Lovely ppl you def want to be around
Lovely ppl you def want to be around SpaceJew 60 Views • 4 years ago


Why killing is essential to jewish communism
Why killing is essential to jewish communism SpaceJew 67 Views • 4 years ago


Beebee unscripted
Beebee unscripted SpaceJew 39 Views • 4 years ago

how they talk in private
... does ur altruistic idiotic goyim family talk this way at home? lol. mine doesnt. theyre always talking about wholsome bs... im the only one ever talking abt gasing the enemy... and they say im evil... but really im just am average jew in a stupid fucking society of goyiiiim... stupid soulless meat gollims.... the jews are right are right about the dumb fucking gentiles
i didnt even need to look into these know they are.this way
.... i always knew hitler wasnt wrong abt them

It All Comes Down To Looks
It All Comes Down To Looks Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 438 Views • 4 years ago


The DARK SECRET to get ANY woman you want INSTANTLY
The DARK SECRET to get ANY woman you want INSTANTLY IncelTV 286 Views • 4 years ago

Another misguided cope in the incel community: DT theory. There's no dark triad for your face. Your looks = Your personality (in the dating market)

Elliot Rodger & The Isla Vista tragedy
Elliot Rodger & The Isla Vista tragedy IncelTV 154 Views • 4 years ago

6 years ago today, 7 people lost their lives in Isla Visla/California. What led to this tragic incident ? How can we help people like Elliot Rodger who live on the edge and go off the rails ?

Important note: This video doesn't condone or justify Elliot's actions. Just looking at more fundamental issues in a bigger scope. Issues that are begging for our attention if we want to save lives.

Incel Lives Matter
Incel Lives Matter IncelTV 128 Views • 4 years ago

My 2 cents on recent events.

Normie & the left hypocrisy exposed yet once again. Why don't disingenuous virtue signalers say the same "you are not owed anything, life isnt fair, stop complaining" line to blacks ? Shouldnt they follow their own advice and "stop bitching" ?

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