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Exposing Feminist Women A Mgtow Masterpiece Must Watch
Exposing Feminist Women A Mgtow Masterpiece Must Watch MgtowMonkMode 32 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW IS Freedom

Sandman Destroyed My Relationship - MGTOW
Sandman Destroyed My Relationship - MGTOW Sandman 317 Views • 5 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tony. He didn't send me a topic so I decided that I'd put it to good use sharing a story from a woman that just got dumped by her boyfriend, a long time listener. She started complaining to me on Facebook and I got permission to share her story. Her boyfriend is a successful professional and author. So you see guys it's not just the 80% that women don't want that are going their own way. But also the top 20%. Here's what Lauren has to say: "Hello Sandman, So my boyfriend (ex as he broke up with me recently) is a huge fan of you. I do understand what you do is to make men understand the world is more than accepting girls rules and games. But there are also good women out there who are genuinely looking for love. I loved my boyfriend and worshipped the ground he walked on. I've been married before as was he. I'm not looking for another marriage but do wanted a committed relationship. My boyfriend wanted a "no strings" relationship. I accepted this as I loved him, but as time went on it took its toll as I was committed but he wasn't. So he broke up because I asked for an exclusive relationship. I am deeply sad and I wish i never asked him to be committed. I miss him and he was the love of my life and we dated for a year. What did I do wrong? It's really over between us and I hope you are happy. Your coaching is working. Good men are not getting attached anymore. That will prevent them from coming across the toxic women out there, yes. But is also preventing them from being happy with those of us who are actually normal. Hope that makes you sleep well at night. It is just horrific to feel this loss though. I went on a few dates and 90% of divorced men out there were cheated on by their wives so I get why you guys are like this. Women nowadays are nasty. But there are the small % that are normal. I just need to move on and find someone who appreciates me. Someone who doesnt know about mgtow. My first question on first dates will be "does sandman or mgtow mean anything to you" So that's what Lauren has to say. At that point I asked her if it would you be alright if I shared these comments on my channel in a video. Lauren responded by saying "Yes of course as long as you mentioned the lady behind these comments us actually a normal non bat shit crazy girl that was just looking for someone to love. She's also 45 and he's much older so her age is not an issue. She also says and I quote: "We women these age who are educated, make our own money, kids out of house, not interested in marriage but do want a partner and no not fat or gold diggers we take care of our boddies. We love sex and treat our man like a king. You should write a book on dating. Showing that not all males/females are bad. Some people just truly dont know how to date and how to behave as a couple." unquote. So that's what Lauren has to say once again. Before I ad my two cents to her story let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Rare Breed Theory:

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Portrait of young blonde caucasian woman who is looking at the viewer with angry expression.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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