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Smash Her & Throw Her In The Trash? LOL - MGTOW
Smash Her & Throw Her In The Trash? LOL - MGTOW Sandman 368 Views • 3 years ago

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Passive Income With CJ

Bullet Dodged I'd Say

Pepper "The Savage" Potts

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from a more than generous donation from Aaron. I believe this is the second of third. With his donation I've decided to cover a reddit post which I've linked to in the description and here's what some random woman from the female dating strategy subreddit has to say and I quote: "The roommate of the man I'm currently dating is in his early 30s, conventionally attractive, a practicing lawyer, owns his own condo (has a roommate to offset the mortgage and law school loans), is very fit, eats well, is clean... He exhibits a lot of high value attributes at face value. Since meeting him I've been confused as to why he's still single. My boyfriend mentioned to my a conversation he had with said lawyer roommate about diamond rings - how they're way over valued and the concept of diamond engagement rings only exists because of marketing. My Boyfriend agreed with his roommate that shelling out all of your savings for an engagement ring is an unfair expectation, and you can show your love to someone in other ways. I pushed back at that and said that if you are asking a woman to marry you, and she is the thing you value most in life, then the expensive ring is necessary. He told me I had the "wrong answer" and I was being materialistic. He then goes on and recalls a story the lawyer roommate told him recently after spending all day with a woman, the lawyer roommate and said woman go out to a club together. He then takes her home and she spends the night. The next morning as she is leaving, she gets in a screaming match because the lawyer roommate refused to get an Uber for her. My boyfriend says something along the lines of "isn't that ridiculous, why should she expect an Uber?" I told him by not even offering to get her an Uber, he's showing her that he doesn't care about her after he got what he wanted: Sex. My boyfriend retaliated by saying "he spent all day with her, obviously he like her". I said No because by not ordering her an Uber, he showed her that the day spent together was just playing the long game to assure he gets to have Sex with her. He got what he wanted and discarded her. So now I know why this sexy lawyer is still single. PS I know that my boyfriend failed my vetting process too. He'll be dropped tomorrow." unquote. Just to let everyone know this woman was also vetting the lawyer as a potential relationship candidate while she was with said boyfriend. I'll discuss this situation in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ:

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Thot Fatigue - Mgtow
Thot Fatigue - Mgtow Zuberi87 170 Views • 4 years ago

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Put Single Mothers Into The Trash LOL - MGTOW
Put Single Mothers Into The Trash LOL - MGTOW Sandman 419 Views • 4 years ago

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Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Gregor and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman. I discovered your channel after I was discarded by a 44 year old mother of 3. One adopted and twins via ivf. No father around. I was Papa for 2 years and after proposing to her 3 months in, I bought her a diamond and we were married. 1 ½ years later. . . . 4 months after being exhausted by her demands I callled her out. Her response was couples therapy. In the first session she said she was finished. I moved out heart broken 3 months later. I haven’t seen the children since April and don’t expect to see them as long as they are children ever again. It was a super red pill experience. Btw I am 50 and earn well over six figures. I'm a healthy man who is a professional chef of 30 years and a degree in natural therapeutics. I am not disposable. I thank God that I am now awake and free to be me and do my own thing. Thank you." Well Gregor. thanks for the donation and topic. Before I discuss your crazy case let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways, now back to the video. So Gregor it wasn't enough for your wife, now ex wife to tug on your nut sack while her kids tugged on your heart strings. It wasn't enough to get you to stick around and take all of her abuse and high demands. This is the world we have entered. One where women are adopting African babies and having their own well past their fertility windows in their forties with ivf technology and they aren't happy with this. They want a man making six figures serving them five star chef meals on their picnic table and they push those poor guys to Anthony Bordain themselves in the upstairs bathroom after nagging at them non stop. The really sad part about this is that there are men out there willing to trade their lives for the chance to spawn up her barren snatch once a month after he serves her a five star brunch. No man is disposable until they are disposable. As you found out Gregor. What's really sad is I think that one of the consequences of living in a disposable culture is that we see people disposably if we see our technology that same way. I form emotional attachments with people and objects. But women like the one you were with probably don't form any attachments with either. Getting rid of a car, computer or phone feels wrong and I feel like I'm breaking my commitment to it. 2 weeks in I slightly crack my phone screen. Not to worry in 2 years I'll get another free phone. Besides my old phone had a slight crack in it as well and I used it just fine for almost seven years. Plus it was a lot slower. It bothered me so much that the new phone had a tiny crack but I live for four years with a bigger one on the old phone and it didn't bother me at all. I suspect that when we are constantly updating our material possessions we get pickier and pickier and willing to throw the old away quicker because we know there's a new one around every corner. That's why your ex wife divorced you Gregor. Because you're like a phone on a two year contract. You get a new phone after two years so you might as well get a new papa for your kids after two years too. Two year phone contracts. Two year marriage contracts. The problem with single mothers is that many of them were willing to throw away their first relationship with the father of their children for a shiny new father, you. You can't change or
raise a fully grown woman to know any better. You can't help her. You have to treat single mothers the way you treat people with narcissistic personality disorder. Just stay away. If you could help her then someone else would have before you. She obviously doesn't care about the children as much as she cares about herself.

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Image Over Substance -  Mgtow
Image Over Substance - Mgtow Zuberi87 73 Views • 4 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Cooch Cancel Culture - MGTOW
Cooch Cancel Culture - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 4 years ago

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The MGTOW Book

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Aaron. He didn't give me a topic so I want to read some comments from someone named Aposematicly on Reddit and here's what he has to say: "Today I become a ghost. The medical board suspended my registration for assaulting a thief. (I also shitposted the glorious state leader on Facebook over the Plandemic and such) They are sentencing me first before ANY investigation. Nice of them. 32 years of medical practice and now I am "Dangerous". I couldn't even fight them as they would impose restrictions that would kill my practice anyway. The good news is I have been debt free for 11 years, and have enough wealth to carry through to retirement without having to work or go on the dole. I have lost 2 children (23 and 19) to obscene parental alienation and was dragged through the family court system for 10 years. My aged frail father lives across the country- I can now visit him for any length of time for any duration. "All things come to an end!" was his response when I broke the news to him. So fellow MGTOWs please live well within your means so If you are ever in a situation to defend your honor or for that matter need to ghost effectively, "FU" money makes all the difference. As you get older, the old Time=Money equation is kicking in- the time is all crucial. I am kinda glad I don't have to participate in the workforce unless I choose to. What's my new occupation- Psychopath or Musician? Or Both? A year ago my Dad collapsed and I had to do CPR on him, he had severe bleeding on the brain and facial fractures an was left with heart failure and mild epilepsy so is basically house bound on a frame. At this point, my Dad is my only friend or relative that cares. It is wonderful to be able to give back to him. Tomorrow I fly out to see my Dad for a 10 day visit. His internet is down and he needs me to help fix it. He lives in a large executive house 2 blocks from a surf life saving patrolled beach!" unquote. Well Aaron thanks for a more than generous donation and this is the first of three videos I'll dedicate to you. Also thanks to Aposematicly for your Reddit Post. I'll discuss it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. I used to think that FU money was enough to fight back against cooch cancel culture. In the short term it certainly is but in the long-term things are going to get realy bad. I thought about if I were a globalist and wanted to bring about a one world government. How exactly would I achieve that without firing a single bullet. I would make sure it was a global gynocentric government using the female own group preference of women
in all countries to unite all countries. It's a scary thought that the women of the world once they make up fifty percent plus of all politicians in the world in twenty-five years that they will united like used tampon voltron. At that point the only free place might be Mars and Elon Musk will laugh sitting on his red alien throne made of Amber Hurst's metaphorical bones. So what does this have to do with FU money you ask and cooch cancel culture. I'm predicting that a global gynocratic government will come for the FU money of guys like Aposematically in sneaky ways. He's right we need FU money but my goal in this video is to try and give everyone advice on how to protect it from the coming financial cooch cancel culture. Right now commiefornia is thinking about introducing a 0.4% net worth tax and taxing residents that leave for a decade after they leave.

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Here Comes The Whorenado! - MGTOW
Here Comes The Whorenado! - MGTOW Sandman 432 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Anonymous 40 and he's got a lot to say. Before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Here's what Anonymous 40 has to say and I quote: "Dear Sandman, one of the things I miss the most about the now defunct Tom Leykis show, Is that he had a segment called “ reports from the front “. This was an hour in which men would call in and tell what their lives were like in different situations : married, divorced, going through a divorce etc. I think it would be cool if in your radio show you would ask for reports from the front. I myself am a 40 year old divorced purple pill man (who has a much younger girlfriend) but I have one child in shared custody. I don't mind giving $1000+ a month of support to the child’s mother... I can afford it and this is what I was doing during my marriage anyways. I left my marriage when I felt ignored in so many major decisions, such as selling the house, arranging day care, and kicking my mother in law out of the house. It got to the point where I would put my child in day care and my then wife would cancel the day care. In the meanwhile, I was the only one working. The hardest part was that I was expected to work while also performing childcare when I got home. I was already so exhausted that I couldn’t drive to and from work. I thought I was going to die in a car accident. But when I would arrange for a baby sitter, the wife would un-arrange it and say it was my responsibility. I got sick, my hair was falling out, I was gaining weight, and yelling at my coworkers from stress. Why must men suffer so? What has happened? When did childcare and financial stability BOTH fall on the man? I was so exhausted that I couldn’t do my job properly and had to eventually resign. It was getting dangerous. I eventually decided that I couldn’t die, I had to take care of my family. The last straw came when my evil mother in law threatened to call the police on me and make up lies about me and my wife wouldn’t let me kick her out of the house. Instead she said I had to leave MY OWN HOUSE! That was when I knew I needed a divorce. My own home ceased being mine. I came to several conclusions: 1) if you are going to get married you should have a million dollars already. Literally. For childcare space in the house to live, etc. This will allow you to take a year off of work which you will probably need. 2) If you are going to get divorced you should definitely have 50/50 custody on paper, even if you don’t mean it or want it, I am serious. Give her any money she wants, that is less important, but you have to make it so your wife can’t legally take your time with your child away. 3) No woman is going to keep her career after having a kid, at least not for about 10 years. Never expect it. Yes, men are the only breadwinners. But you’ll have to do child care too. 4) Once a child comes, the woman thinks she can make all the decisions. You have to stand up to this, or hopefully find a nawalt that will follow your decisions. You know father knows best. 5) You don’t have to get married at 30. 20 something girls will date you into your late 30s and want to marry you. My main advice is to expect nothing from your wife once she gets her kid. You will do everything, you will be a single father but also with a wife to support. If you can’t handle that, then you probably don’t want to be married. I don’t think many guys want that these days." Well Anonymous 40 thanks for the donation and topic.

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You Can't Be Happy - Mgtow
You Can't Be Happy - Mgtow Zuberi87 78 Views • 4 years ago

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RP/MGTOW Even ONLYFANS Isn't Enough HA! HA! REDPILLMARRIED 282 Views • 4 years ago

Ladies. When the market is flooded with a product, it LOSES value!

Article: ⁣

I've Given Up & Will Stop Talking About Women - MGTOW
I've Given Up & Will Stop Talking About Women - MGTOW Sandman 521 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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If You're Going Your Own Way Stop Talking About . . .

A follow up to one of my recent posts that caused quite a stir

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Petar and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman I recently watched a video from from Casual Bachelor and he is a new MGTOW channel that just made a video titled “If You're Going Your Own Way Stop Talking About ... (Walk & Talk)”. He makes a brilliant point: to everyone saying we should stop talking about women, news flash: by definition, we are non-conformists. I’d like you to expand on that topic, if you have enough material to make a video. Otherwise, use the donation for whatever topic you want." Well Petar thanks for the donation and topic. I've obviously heard this argument hundreds of times over the last seven years of doing this. The idea is to create cognitive dissonance in our minds. How can we go our own way from women if we're talking about women all the time? They are trying to short circuit our brains using perverse logic. Ironically women probably couldn't come up with that argument on their own because it's too logical and just got it some emasculated male feminist out there to come up with it. Or maybe a trans man came up with same solution that started thinking logically after pumping himself or herself full of testosterone to become a he. This argument belongs in the same family as who hurt you? Are you gay? Why do you hate women? ETC. You could probably write an entire chapter in a book with dumb recycled arguments that women use against men that go their own way. You're going to die alone. You're just incels in a pretty disguise. Sure Petar the casual bachelor makes a decent argument with regards to the idea that we aren't conformists. We were most likely conformists during our blue pill days but we aren't any longer if we don't want to live a traditional life with a wife. I put Casual Bachelor's video in the description so you guys can all follow along. I'll get to my thoughts about it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Casual Bachelor is saying that arguments like stop talking about women and just go your own way already won't work on us because we are non conformists. That it's like trying to herd a bunch of cats. That were not the majority of men out there and that we are rogues. The idea is not to get the men to stop talking about women. I suspect that they want to influence the guys listening to this sort of content that are just about to go MGTOW monk or guys sitting on the fence about wether they want a relationship or marriage or not. They are trying to appeal to them and convince them that our reasoning is at fault and that we are going through a logical fallacy. He says that some men want to warn other men. Or they just want to vent their frustrations. Or back when channels were monetized guys wanted to make money from this. But none of that matters. Women are allowed to vent their frustrations about men and women to both sexes. Women are free to warn other women about men and men never interfere in that process. Women are free to start feminist channels on YouTube and they never get demonetized. MGTOW is such a massive threat to the system that even incels, puas and mras are allowed for the most part to monetize their content.

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Divorced Women: A Legacy of Regret | Popp Culture
Divorced Women: A Legacy of Regret | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 1,365 Views • 4 years ago

⁣They may not regret it right away, but they almost always do.

ShamelessDAB wants you to ghost!

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Video Throwbacks
Stupid Shit Men Do Under 25

Why Women Hate Progress - MGTOW
Why Women Hate Progress - MGTOW Sandman 401 Views • 4 years ago

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True artists/intellectuals are treated like dog poop in this society

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't send me a topic so I'm back at it again with a topic from the MGTOW subreddit called "True artists/intellectuals are treated like dog poop in this society". Which I've put a link to in the description. I thought about how all the artists and intellectuals I know have suffered over the years and a lot of it comes down to women's attraction for them and desire to be in their vicinty almost as if they are so close they want to get off on their farts or something. Artists and intellectuals if they are worth their salt are open minded and willing to push the boundaries of progress. But for women they believe the stagnation equals security. So why the hell are they always trying to get together with artists and musicians? Especially if they are controversial. Status of course but also virtue signalling. They pretend to be all about wanting social change. But of course they only like progress if it benefits them. For example women are all about more rights for women but nay progress that MRAs and MGTOWs make doesn't benefit them therefore it must be stopped. Progress for me but none for thee. Perhaps they see life as a zero sum game where anything that benefits others hurts them by default I guess? The biggest way artists and intellectuals suffer around here is the cost of living. Artists are cool, women want to be around them and get some of their mojo so society builds condo towers and gentrifies their neighborhoods. Usually the condos are full of single women that want to live in a cool neighborhood. I think it was Naomi Klein that first spoke about this in Toronto I'm not sure. But as the artists are priced out they have to move further and further away to smaller towns and cities being dislocated from their clients, friends and family. Our society values creative people so much that it tries to com-modify their creativity, package it and sell it to thots that are attracted to them. Of if their art and ideas are truly groundbreaking and threaten the establishment then they get deplatformed. I'll get to more about why I think that artists and intellectuals are treated so poorly and females chasing them is one of the main reasons in the moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to clown world. First off don't laugh when I say I have a degree in fine arts. I learned to learn by myself thanks to my art professors and become what is referred to as an autodidact. I suspect that my professors were just being lazy and didn't want to teach us anything of value so they told us to go off and learn things on our own. Most of the students in my program were NPCs and they complained because they needed guidance from someone else and when they didn't get it they began to mentally self destruct. I on the otherhand loved the freedom. They also taught me that a proper artist is one that is critical of everything. So I became critical of my professors teachings on sex and
gender and they tried to kick me out of the university. I guess they liked shit disturbers just not the kind that were disturbing their shit.

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Canada's Most Toxic Bachelor? - MGTOW
Canada's Most Toxic Bachelor? - MGTOW Sandman 377 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

B.C. man facing new charges over revenge website targeting ex-wife

My Ex-Husband Went to Prison for 2 and a Half Years for Creating This Website

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Steven and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, I really think you should do a story on Patrick Fox. I've attached a link to a CBC article and his website to this message. I'm not sure about it all but if his side of the story is true this is another case of feminism crucifying a guy again." Well Steve thanks for the donation and topic. I put both of the links to sent me in the description. The website which is the second which I can't verify much of his story. So Patrick Fox put up a website about the chronicles of his ex wife and her drug problems and custody battle. In November of 2017 he was convicted of criminal harassment attempting to ruin her life with the website he created. He was sentenced to four years in prison. Upon release he has to go through probation and was ordered to remove the website. But didn't and now is facing more jail time for the same crime. According to the CBC The site falsely accuses his former spouse, Desiree Capuano, of being a white supremacist, a drug addict and a child abuser, and calls her a "horrible, lying, sociopathic monster." He does offer a picture of her medical mary jane license in Arizona but of course that doesn't prove that she's a drug addict. The CBC says the website also has intimate photos. You'd think intimate meant naked. But it's just personal photos that look like they were taken off of her social media. The CBC seems a bit disingenuous with that fact. On the website it also says this and I quote: "Patrick is not a Canadian citizen, he has absolutely no legal status in Canada, he's not allowed to work, he's not eligible for ANY government assistance - no welfare, no health care - no way to support himself... yet, he's sentenced to 3 years probation after being released from his sentence with one of the conditions being that he is prohibited from leaving British Columbia!!! The Crown Counsel goes to court and insists Patrick is a Canadian citizen and the court believes it without question - even though Patrick brings stacks of proof, including IRCC's own admissions and statements that Patrick is absolutely NOT a Canadian citizen - but it doesn't matter! Man, that's messed up." unquote. Well I guess Patrick won't have to worry about a place to stay as they will probably send him back to prison on new charges. Anyways, I'll discuss this story further in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to clown world. One person in the comments section under the article says this about Patrick and I quote: "So bizarre that he wants so much to ruin her life that he is also ruining his, and is perfectly okay with it."
unquote. Well as far as I'm concerned you don't go to these sorts of lengths to hurt someone unless they did something terrible to you. I should know because when I started making MGTOW content I was extremely angry at why no one told me about female nature that it gave me energy to create passionately for years and years. From what I gather there was a custody dispute and he got full custody of his son for a number of years and then four, five, maybe six years later she got back custody of the son. So I can understand if he raised his son and then she swooped in with her floppy meat curtains and pull him out of Patrick's arms why he'd be upset. He also posts tons of court documents on the website. I'm sure he wouldn't have done that if they showed there was something he did wrong.

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MGTOW All Men Are Guilty
MGTOW All Men Are Guilty SoloManZone 41 Views • 4 years ago

The injustice of it all

Do Not Fail Your Shit Test - Mgtow
Do Not Fail Your Shit Test - Mgtow Zuberi87 90 Views • 4 years ago

⁣For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Shut Up About it - Mgtow
Shut Up About it - Mgtow Zuberi87 84 Views • 4 years ago

It's our job to point out the snares and traps.
Tell these trollops to put up or shut up the next time they complain that there are no pet wallets to marry.

54 Year Old Woman Finds Dating Hard - MGTOW
54 Year Old Woman Finds Dating Hard - MGTOW Sandman 453 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

Mrs. Anonymous and here's what she has to say: "Hey Sandman, Here's a short description of myself. I've been single for 5 years, currently unemployed (1.5 years) but self sufficient. Zero income and looking for work, 3 kids - youngest just turned 18 this year, extremely non materialistic, slightly above average in looks, average build, great sense of humor. I am 54 years old, single and finding it very hard to re-enter the dating world especially since I frown on social media (bad news). Everyone seems to have become guarded or just wants a hook-up (not for me) A friend of mine introduced me to your daily dose - which i watch faithfully. I find it very educational. You are helping me to understand why the world has become what it is. My only concern is that 96% (might even be a low number) of women live under at least 1 umbrella that you speak of. I witness this every day and just shake my head. There is only a very small percentage that still live on morals. Having gravitated more towards the male gender my entire life - I fully understand. I wanted to thank and compliment you for sharing these views." Well Mrs. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. So Mrs. Anonymous you're 54 years old and have been single for five years like Charlize Theron. So what can you as the unemployed yet somehow financially self sufficient single mother of 3 adult kids offer men? I've met women like you at that age. Your best bet is to meet a man that's fresh out of a divorce that's been married for two or three decades and was emotionally abused or manipulated in that relationship. When he finds you it will be like heaven on Earth. Just don't wait too long or some other woman is going to snatch him up. No pun intended. Just make sure that you're cherry picking only the finest of cocks. The best one you can find. I've known women like you. They could stay single for five to ten years and then pounce on a man that offered an exceptionally good deal. Good luck dating. You're either going to run into nothing but losers or men that are bitter because their ex wives have taken them to the cleaners. My advice is to pretend like there's a ball gag in your mouth at all times when being around your boyfriend. Go as long as you can without using him as an emotional tampon or nagging him. It will be like heaven to his ears and calm all his rational fears. You also mention that guys have become guarded. Is it any wonder since a guy up here in Canada now has to pay ten years worth of alimony to a woman he didn't even live with or marry. So guys would just rather hit up your roast beef buffet and make for a quick getaway. I don't blame them since I think there are half a dozen red flags that your present right off the bat. First of all listen to the language you use. Many of the things you say I interpret as the complete opposite. For example you say that you're not simply non materialistic but extremely non materialistic. You want guys to think that you're a woman that's great with money. Then you mention that you are slightly above average when it comes to looks. What you're saying is I'm attractive but not too attractive as to not give most men a shot. Then you say that you have a great Sense of humor. Again not simply a sense of humor, which is already rare to begin with in women but a great sense of humor to go along with an average build and looks.

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I Rejected A Girl & Now All The Girls In School Hate Me - MGTOW
I Rejected A Girl & Now All The Girls In School Hate Me - MGTOW Sandman 417 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: Moving to India - mgtow

⁣⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

I... rejected a girl and now all of the girls in my school hates me

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is share a Reddit thread called "I... rejected a girl and now all of the girls in my school hates me" in the description and here's
what the person named NoU313 and here's what he has to say: "She was not good-looking but had lots of exes. I rejected her and then told her I don't just date anyone. Now every girl hates me since apparently I look at their faces and not their personalities but their personalities are even shittier than their faces. I don't really like the hate since it affects my studying, how do I fix this?" unquote. Well Roger thanks for the donation and I'm sure that NoU313 will appreciate the advice I'll give him if he ever listens to this. First it's important to understand what happened. NoU313 you insulted her by saying that you have high standards and that you won't just date any old woman. If you had just told her politely that you're not interested or cleared the room whenever she was around or made yourself busy in a different part of the school at lunch etc. then you'd have the plausible deniability that you were busy doing other things. Hell if I were still in high school you should have just hung out with me because I had the skill to clear a room like no other person I've ever met before. The amount of hatred and anxiety my presence can inflict on other is something to see. But most likely you don't want to ruin your reputation any further. You had the power to tell this girl that she wasn't pretty enough for you and she went and cried to the other girls and now they are going to punish you for insulting one of their fellow hens. With female own group preference if you hurt one of them and she tells the others they all feel insulted. This will forever taint you with that crop of girls. You'll have to look to younger girls next year or date outside of your high school. That's what I did when my reputation was ruined. If you or a friend have access to a car then you can go to other schools at lunch and explore strange new sluts. For the most part one high school is self contained socially so that's what I did while I was still in high school. It's a life hack when it comes to being socially cut off by the cooch patrol in your high school. It just shows you the power of women to control your social life as a man. If you ever get married and then divorced they do the same thing with all the female family members and couple friends that you once had. What you have to do as a man is stop caring about what other people say about you. Instead what you did was you limited the ability for this one girl to get attention from you and now she's limited your ability to get attention from all women. She's got revenge destroying your repuatation. Later on I'll discuss comments from that Reddit thread. But I like to analyze the situation on my own first and only once I've exhausted my own creativity do I listen to what others have to say. If I listen to them first then they will make up my mind for me instead of bringing new incite. Anyways, before I continue let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moving to India As a MGTOW:

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MGTOW In The End Cash Is ALWAYS King
MGTOW In The End Cash Is ALWAYS King REDPILLMARRIED 226 Views • 4 years ago

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The High Value Man & #BYFY - Mgtow
The High Value Man & #BYFY - Mgtow Zuberi87 88 Views • 4 years ago

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Women Are Done - MGTOW
Women Are Done - MGTOW Sandman 696 Views • 4 years ago

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I can feel it in the air. Women are done.

Men not marrying? How deep does "the problem" go?

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Daniel. He didn't send me a specific topic. So what I'd like to do is go through a reddit post called "I can feel it in the air. Women are done." which I put a link to in the description. It was created by someone named Teddy and he follows the same mistake in his reason and rationality that myself and so many other before and after me made. We naively thought that if we went our own way and so did many men out there that other men would see this trend and also walk away from women and it would lead to their suffering. But someone named American Jedi below that post says this and I quote: "Nope. Sorry but that just isn't the case. Plenty of men still want to date, want to marry and have families. I just look around in public and see even the fattest nastiest women with a man in tow. And women who aren't fat have their choice of many men. Nothing is going to change anytime soon." unquote. That is definitely the case if you look through something like Tinder and lets say the top forty or fifty percent of the best looking women never get back to you. If they are done and their world is folding like a cheap suitcase then they would take whatever attention they could get. Even if women were done with us they would still be using our tax dollars to support them. Which is what many of the ugly ones in unionized government jobs are doing. I'll get to my thoughts about women being far from done as well as share some personal stories about this in a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. About a year and a half after first going my own way I thought the way Teddy did. That women were done. But I changed my mind after I was filming an event for a female client. I was taking pictures and video for her. I think that night I took about five hundred photos and shot at least an hour or two worth of video footage. Everything went smoothly on my end even though she yelled at the caterers and her husband. Her husband was a very
successful guy with a massive tool and die business and yet there he was moping around with a woman that treated him like dog poop. He could have done much much better but was stuck under her spell. This wasn't his first wife either. I went home and thought my job was done without insidence. The next day I sent her the photos and video. She was happy about the video but she was pissed off about the photos. Because out of the five hundred photos 15 of them I took of the help. The idea is to show everyone that I'm thurough and that I take pictures of everything and everyone I can. But she was pissed and started treating me like her husband. It's after that encounter that I realised that if women like her can find a man in their lives then so can most women. Were talking about a woman in her sixties with a man in his seventies. The older guys I find are far more tolerant of the emotional punishment that women dish out. Maybe they don't let it get to them as much? Maybe they just hide their broken souls better.

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