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Global Love Cops by Alex Jones
Global Love Cops by Alex Jones winter 12 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Global Love Cops is a skit that Alex Jones did on a number of occasions in the late 1990s. It was posted on the website, but had a bunch of stuff at the beginning &amp; end that added to the length, so I've edited it down and reposted it here showing just the skit. <br> <br>The link to the original video:

The True Nature of Women - Global Man 60
The True Nature of Women - Global Man 60 winter 107 Views • 3 years ago

⁣When I was first discovering MGTOW, this is a video that really affected me hard. It shows off extremely well the deep disregard and lack of respect that women seem, in very many instances, to have for men.

The man who put this video together goes by Global Man, and he's been banned on YT a number of times. This video got taken down in one of the bans. Reposting it here. In that run of videos, this was posted as video number 60.

Female Moralities And Pandemic Panic
Female Moralities And Pandemic Panic winter 75 Views • 4 years ago

⁣A clip from Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic, Thanksgiving Day 2020, in which he interviews Heather MacDonald on how some female moralities have been corrupting many of the institutions of America. Here's a link to the original video:

Also, here's a link to the article that Heather MacDonald wrote and which the interview was regarding:

MGTOW in the Military
MGTOW in the Military winter 192 Views • 5 years ago

To avoid being manipulated, used, and abused by women while in the military, go MGTOW.

Audio from the TFM Show 2020-01-04.

The Nature of Freedom
The Nature of Freedom winter 84 Views • 5 years ago

Responsibility is the basis of freedom. Patriarchy is the basis for a functional and stable society because women in general cannot be responsible for themselves. Feminism seeks to destroy that stability through the adoption of a welfare state.

Audio from the TFM Show 2019-11-16.

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