
The 2 best doll sites are:

Women aren't worth your time, energy, and resources. Especially the westernized woman.
You are better off with a doll or a sexbot.
Women, especially westernized women, are like little kids in adult bodies.
Pursue your goals and dreams. You'll be whole lot better off.
At the time of my profile update, I'm 55 years old. Never married and no kids. No debt.
I've been doing what I want and achieving my goals.
Oh, and anyone who gets with a white American woman is an idiot and they deserve all the bullshit that happens to them.
They've already proven themselves race traitors. All they want is money from you so they can spend on themselves and to get who and what they really want. They only want you for free labor. Their end goal is to make you their slave. PERIOD!
If they can't make you do for them what they want you to do for them, in any capacity, then they get rid of you. After they have completely destroyed your resources, money, energy, whatever, then they move on to the next guy.
They are rude, and ignorant. I no longer help, protect or have anything to do with them.

Women are a liability, not an asset. I also found another great sex doll site. https://americansexdolls.com

I know there are a lot of doll companies out there. I've researched most of them. I've noticed that WM Dolls is striving to make decent advancements. I foresee them taking their dolls to the next level and beyond. https://wmdollshop.com/
Dolls will never cheat on you, or abuse you, i.e., rob you, physically, emotionally or financially hurt you. They never age and they only get better with time and upgrades. I've experienced all the evils real women inflict on us. No more. It's one of the best decisions of my life to get a doll.
It's a more peaceful life and I get what I want from a doll.
I'll be adding more information the more I delve into the doll industry.

I've been researching a lot of doll companies. Dolls are {the} best way to go.

I found a site where you can make your own doll from photos or whatever.

Later on, I'll be looking into software for the doll. Ultimately, it will be a fully functional sexbot. It's a good investment and well worth my time.

Back in 1995, I was researching sex dolls. Once the people at work found out, I was laughed at and ostracized. I was pretty much an outcast everywhere I went. Now who is laughing? There were other predictions I made back then, and people laughed at me, now who's laughing?

Every girlfriend I've ever had was taken from me. Either by political terrorist groups, gangstalkers, blacks, dykes, you name it, other people. All people want, especially white American women, is what they can get from you. No one really cares about you or want you individually, they only want what they can get from you. They tear down your spirit, and when your spirit fails, your body and life will deteriorate. The doll is the best way to go. I've noticed that the industry is make great advancements. Dolls are getting better and better.

I will be getting 2 dolls. They are a whole lot better to look at and be with. White American women (& and yes the others as well) are either with a black guy, many men, many men & women, with other women or they overeat. They are rude, entitled, extremely untrustworthy. If you want to be with them, or any other woman in today's day, then you are looking at a life of hell. Consider your path of life; I have. I've already been through the hells they have inflicted on us. Many times. I'm back on the right path now. For your own peace and safety, avoid these modern women. If you don't want to get a doll, get something else that will do it for you. You don't want a woman who will get fat and ugly and treat you bad in your life. Like the Marine Corps taught me, in this order, God, country, Corps, (me, my doll, and my pursuits).

A term that I use for one occasion is 'dick-shit'. A dick-shit is either a man or a woman, who urges you to find and get a woman who they find attractive so that they can, through her, bilk you out of money, have sex with her behind your back and manipulate you in any way possible to their benefit. They control and use you through her. Beware of dick-shits. In fact, get a doll. Getting a doll eliminates all the bullshit completely.

YELCH, White American women.

I've never married, nor do I have kids.

USMC '86-'90
Semper Fi
Gender : Male
Country :United States