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Johnny Rebel - Alabama Nigger.mp4
Johnny Rebel - Alabama Nigger.mp4 noroi 38,320 Views • 5 years ago

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I dont drink
I dont cuss
I wanna ride on the front of the bus

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I wanna eat where the white folks eat
Cause I'm white on the bottom of my feet.

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

We dont screw like the white folks do
We just screw til we get through

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I wanna be white more and more
So i can bitch at the nigger next door

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I'm glad this tune came along
We done wore out one nigger song.

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I wanna be white dont you understand
So I can play in a trashy white band

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

I'm an Alabama Nigger and I wanna be free
Hell with the N double A C P

George Floyd is NOT dead (Reuploaded)
George Floyd is NOT dead (Reuploaded) HarshReality 34,778 Views • 4 years ago

Spread the word!!!

Know the truth.

Don't let Gynocentrists take over the Right
Don't let Gynocentrists take over the Right American Nationalist 54 Views • 3 years ago

⁣My takes on the Sydney Watson/Jack Murphy drama, gynocentric sexism in the Right, and what Men's Rights manosphereans should do to best fight for our rights.

Monke vs Woman
Monke vs Woman Kauppi1 129 Views • 3 years ago

Monke VS Woman
Make your choice

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