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Loud and Proud MGTOW
Loud and Proud MGTOW Zar Kezar 55 Views • 5 years ago

Should we be open and honest about going our own way? Should we publicly proclaim our status as MGTOW? Should we metaphorically, or even literally, shout it from the rooftops, proudly and loudly advertising to the world that we adhere to this philosophy and lifestyle?
I believe it is a matter of personal choice and each man going his own way should decide for himself. Some MGTOW are very vocal about our philosophy and lifestyle both online and in day to day life. While others simply go their own way in silence because they consider it no one else’s business.
I have heard some MGTOW adapting the famous line from the film Fight Club and applying it to our philosophy, “The first rule of MGTOW is don’t talk about MGTOW.” However, this is a poor analogy since MGTOW only has two clearly defined rules, those being the rejection of marriage and cohabitation with women. There is no rule against talking about MGTOW whether online or in everyday life. The content producers who use this misquoted line from Fight Club in their videos while talking about MGTOW clearly mean; do not talk about MGTOW offline, but there is often a thin line between words and actions on the internet and those in our day to day lives.

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Converting leftists to MGTOW
Converting leftists to MGTOW Zar Kezar 44 Views • 5 years ago

Firstly, I would like to mention to anyone watching this video on You Tube that my last video was removed by You Tube just a few hours after I posted it. Ironically the video was about free speech versus internet censorship. If you would like to watch the video you can still find it on my channel on Bitchute.
Is it possible to red pill someone who holds politically left-wing views? I believe it is possible in theory but difficult in practice. Political leftists by their very nature tend to be less intelligent, less inquisitive, less objective and certainly less able to think critically and form their own opinions than most people on the political right.

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Bitchute versus You Tube - MGTOW
Bitchute versus You Tube - MGTOW Zar Kezar 61 Views • 5 years ago

This channel exists on both Bitchute and You Tube. On both platforms the channel has the same name, the same avatar and the same videos. To everyone watching this video on You Tube, whether you are a subscriber, a commentator or merely a viewer, I strongly advise you to open an account on Bitchute.
I first started this channel on You Tube and uploaded my first video about one year ago and shortly afterwards open my channel on Bitchute. Although You Tube is a far larger, longer established and vastly wealthier than Bitchute, I and many other MGTOW, red pill and free speech advocates predict the demise of You Tube and the rise of Bitchute as You Tube continues its war against free speech and becomes ever more censorious towards those who dare to challenge the gynocentric libtard agenda.

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Intolerant MGTOW
Intolerant MGTOW Zar Kezar 25 Views • 5 years ago

Intolerance is often described or portrayed as something inherently negative especially in contemporary so called progressive modern Western blue pill society. The leftist libtards who control the lamestream media, the miseducation system, and who have infiltrated even the highest levels of government use the term “intolerance” in an almost entirely pejorative sense. While ironically becoming ever more intolerant of free speech and political dissent, the libtard establishment constantly pushes the narrative of tolerance towards useful idiot groups that they portrays as oppressed minorities.
This list of so called oppressed minority groups includes an assorted array of unconnected and often diametrically opposed demographics who are invariable not oppressed and often not even minorities.
Lamestream media libtards and femtards use blatantly deceptive phrases such as “promoting tolerance towards women and other oppressed minorities” while clearly women are not oppressed nor are they a minority. In fact women make up the majority of the population and are the majority of the electorate, and as every MGTOW is keenly aware, women are the opposite of oppressed, especially in the West.

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Limiting Factor In Reproduction - MGTOW
Limiting Factor In Reproduction - MGTOW Zar Kezar 33 Views • 5 years ago

The only reason women have been the protected and privileged gender throughout human history ultimately comes down to their biological position as the limiting factor in reproduction. All concepts of chivalry, misandry and gynocentrism derive from women's limiting reproductive status in society.
A man can potentially produce hundreds of offspring throughout his lifetime, while a woman can only produce a few. However, throughout the majority of a women's natural life-span she is not the limiting factor in reproduction, in fact a woman is not a factor in reproduction at all.
Both males and females become fertile and are potentially capable of reproducing from the age of puberty.
Legally the age of sexual consent varies from country to country. Here in Britain the age of consent is sixteen. A women is at her peek of fertility from around sixteen to her mid twenties. From their mid twenties onwards their ability to produce healthy offspring rapidly diminishes.

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Foreskin Reparations - MGTOW
Foreskin Reparations - MGTOW Zar Kezar 71 Views • 5 years ago

Around eighty percent of the male population of Europe, North America, Australasia and throughout the Western world were mutilated by having their foreskins cut off as babies or as young children. In the Middle East ,and in the Muslim world in general, the figure is even worse at around one hundred percent.
My earliest memory in life was also my most painful and traumatic memory. When I was three years old my foreskin was cut off.
It is completely illegal to cut off any part of a child's body, apart from the foreskin. Imagine the response any parent would receive if they took their child to a doctor and asked the doctor to remove the child's left hand or right ear.
Here in Britain it is now illegal to cut off the tail of a dog or cat. The procedure known as tail docking was once quite common with certain breeds of these animals. Cats and dogs are now protected from mutilation by law, yet the British government still allows its male human citizens to be legally mutilated by having part of their penises cut off. Apparently the British government cares more about the basic rights of animals than male children.

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MGTOW Philosophy
MGTOW Philosophy Zar Kezar 86 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is not an organization or a political movement. MGTOW is the greatest, the fastest growing, and without doubt, the most important philosophical movement of the 21st Century. Although the development of MGTOW as we know it today is relatively new, many of the central ideas and core concepts of our philosophy and lifestyle are based on the teachings of earlier philosophers and psychologists.
Every MGTOW is highly familiar with the concepts of self-actualization and the hierarchy of needs. These terms were coined by the psychologist Abraham Maslow in the first half of the 20th Century and he wrote extensively about these ideas.

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Best of Both Worlds - MGTOW
Best of Both Worlds - MGTOW Zar Kezar 98 Views • 5 years ago

When lamestream media libtards or femtards tell men to embrace their feminine side, they want you to become soft, weak, emotional and pathetic like a woman so you can be more easily controlled and manipulated by women, the lamestream media, and by society at large. If a MGTOW says embrace your feminine side, he of course means something completely different.
MGTOW is the last bastion of masculinity in the Western World, so naturally masculine men are drawn to MGTOW. Intelligent and insightful masculine men from around the world have formed an online community to share ideas and discuss observations and this has evolved into an entire philosophy and lifestyle.
MGTOW often criticize the negative aspects of female nature and certain personality traits most commonly observed among females. But if MGTOW is primarily a philosophy of rugged self interest, then maybe we should be adopting and adapting some of those traits ourselves while at the same time maintaining and intensifying those male personality traits that benefit us. By doing this, we can have the best of both worlds.

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Japanese Song - MGTOW
Japanese Song - MGTOW Zar Kezar 138 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW - Herbivore Song by the Dry fish girls.
I'm a cock hungry virgin
so am I
please may I suck your dick?
no one wants to fuck girls anymore
woah woah
why do all the guys hate us?
and they say
that our cunts stink of fish
are vaginas worthless in Japan?
woah woah
in a few years from now
she'll be just another fatty
please share your cock with me
then you can cum in my eye
loving you too much so much baby much right now
even though we know you hate us
you reject us and it makes us cry
loving you too much oh my my my my my my
I want to be tied up and fucked
we're fingering ourselves on Friday night
we know all of you hate us
and you say
that our cunts stink of fish
herbivores and homos and MGTOW
woah woah
I need to suck on a cock
please may I lick your balls?
we share the same dildo
we all pretend it's real cock
loving you too much so much baby much right now
even though we know you hate us
you ignore us and it makes us cry
loving you too much oh my my my my my my
I'm desperate to suck on a dick
we're using our vibrators every night
oh yeah too much so much baby much
I wish a man would come along and fuck me
in the mouth
pull my hair motherfucker, got a juicy cunt here waiting
but you say no
we're gonna have to buy more cats and fuck ourselves
why won't somebody cum on my tits and bum?
shit on me and use my hair to
wipe your ass
will you tie me up and fuck me in the cunt
with an old toothbrush?
if you let me be your sex slave you can cum in my hair
but I expect to be a virgin
loving you too much so much baby much right now
even though we know you hate us
we dream of sucking on dicks every night
loving you too much oh my my my my my my
I can't get dicks out of my mind
we're fingering ourselves on Friday night

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Japanese Pop Music - MGTOW
Japanese Pop Music - MGTOW Zar Kezar 52 Views • 5 years ago

Why would someone who doesn’t speak Japanese listen to so much Japanese music? I live in England. I was born here and I’ve spent most of my life here. I only understand the English language and some Turkish because of my Turkish origins, but I don’t speak any Japanese. I’ve never been to Japan and I understand only a handful of Japanese words at best, despite the fact that I listen to so much Japanese music.
Several people who I know have asked this question, “Why do you listen to so much Japanese music when you don’t even know what they are singing about?” I simply reply “because I like it” and they usually shrug their shoulders and say “fair enough” then drop the subject without perusing the question any further.
As this is a MGTOW video on a MGTOW channel, you may be asking, “What has Japanese pop music got to do with MGTOW?” Well, there is a relevant connection.

buden shouten
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PUA Hypocrisy - MGTOW
PUA Hypocrisy - MGTOW Zar Kezar 38 Views • 5 years ago

I like watching internet videos on a wide variety of different subjects. I watch videos of Japanese pop music, documentaries about the universe, wildlife, evolution, geology, ancient history, human psychology and a host of other subjects.
On youtube, I probably watch more MGTOW content than any other category of video. Occasionally a PUA type video comes up in the suggestion bar and sometimes I watch these, primarily because of my curiosity about human psychology.
Although I’m not in monk mode and I am sexually active, I consider myself a hardcore MGTOW and ardently practice the MGTOW philosophy and lifestyle, so naturally I dislike PUAs and their core concepts and motivations.

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Active MGTOW
Active MGTOW Zar Kezar 20 Views • 5 years ago

MGTOW is the last bastion of masculinity in the Western world but MGTOW is a philosophy of passive resistance. Male nature is instinctively active. The male sex act is inherently active. During sexual intercourse the male actively penetrates the female. Throughout human history the male gender has always been the active driving force of every tribe and nation by discovering, exploring or conquering new territories. In every civilisation men have actively been the inventors and innovators, the adventurers and risk takers.
I am not going to criticise MGTOW philosophy for being too selfish. In fact I consider selfishness and rugged self interest as one of the primary strengths of our philosophy. Why should we take the weight of the world on our shoulders? If enough men go MGTOW that the economy, and thus society, collapses then that’s society’s fault for being gynocentric. It is not our responsibility to save society. It is only our responsibility to save ourselves as individuals.


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Positive MGTOW
Positive MGTOW Zar Kezar 22 Views • 5 years ago

Some people have accused MGTOW philosophy of being too negative. MGTOW is certainly a cynical philosophy in terms of our mistrust and aversion to the lamestream narrative. MGTOW often discuss rage inducing topics such as the gynocentric nature of blue pill society, anti-male injustices and the negative aspects of female nature. Consuming large numbers of MGTOW videos often leads to red pill rage, justified anger and sometimes even depression especially for newly red pilled men, but I do not necessarily consider rage or anger as something negative.
Although the topics discussed by MGTOW are often extremely negative, the lifestyle MGTOW philosophy leads to is extremely positive.
If you have been living the MGTOW lifestyle for more than one year, ask yourself this question. Is your life better now than it was a year ago? And if you have been MGTOW for a few years, then ask yourself, has your life improved each year? Are you enjoying your life more and more each year since you first took the red pill. If, as I suspect, your answer is yes, then clearly MGTOW is having a positive effect on your life.


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Non Verbal Communication - MGTOW
Non Verbal Communication - MGTOW Zar Kezar 27 Views • 5 years ago

Non verbal communication is loosely defined as communication without the use of words. This includes voice tone, appearance, style of clothing and all body language such as gestures, postures and facial expressions.
Other animal species rely solely on non verbal communication such as sounds, gestures, bodily postures, sent marking, facial expressions and so on to express themselves and communicate.
Despite the fact that humans are the only species on the planet to have developed complex verbal language and despite all the other huge difference between ourselves and other species in terms of our technology, culture and civilization, we are still basically an animal species and non verbal communication is still essential to us.

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Psychopath traits useful to MGTOW
Psychopath traits useful to MGTOW Zar Kezar 46 Views • 5 years ago

The majority of psychopaths are not mass murderers or convicted criminals. Psychopathy is simply a personality type, and some of the traits associated with psychopaths can be useful and beneficial to men going their own way.

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Jesus was MGTOW
Jesus was MGTOW Zar Kezar 41 Views • 5 years ago

I am not a Christian and I never will be. I am an Atheist who believes that Jesus existed as an interesting historical figure. I used to have a very low opinion of Christians and the Christian religion, but since I became MGTOW my estimation of Jesus and respect for him has increased dramatically.

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Boycott Lamestream Media - MGTOW
Boycott Lamestream Media - MGTOW Zar Kezar 14 Views • 5 years ago

Blue pill lies and femtard propaganda poisoned the lamestream media. The internet killed it. The Red Pill buried it, and MGTOW pissed on its grave.
I have never read a newspaper in my entire life. I have not listened to radio since I was a young child, and I have not watched television many years.

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Red Pill Revenge - MGTOW
Red Pill Revenge - MGTOW Zar Kezar 72 Views • 5 years ago

There are many examples of dramatic paradigm shifts throughout human history when a dominant ideology, government or regime is toppled and replaced by a new one dew to civil war, foreign invasion, or political revolution. Whenever this occurs there follows a period of violent revenge and ruthless retribution.
MGTOW is spearheading the Red Pill revolution that has taken the internet by storm. The ideas, philosophy and lifestyle that we espouse online are now affecting our day to day lives by influencing our behaviors and guiding our decisions to such an extent that governments are terrified of MGTOW.

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Animal Spirit Guide - MGTOW
Animal Spirit Guide - MGTOW Zar Kezar 24 Views • 5 years ago

In ancient cultures throughout the world a strong connection was made between an individual's personality or demeanor and a particular type of animal. The concept of the animal spirit guide is well known from Native American history. In ancient Europe, the Celtic, Germanic, Nordic and Slavonic pre-Christian Pagan cultures all had their own versions of the animal spirit guide. The ancient tribes of China and Japan had similar animistic traditions which later evolved and greatly influenced East Asian mythology and religion. Even today, in the materialistic secular Western World, the remnants of animism can still be heard in our language when people describe the characters or qualities of others by comparing them to certain kinds of animals.

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Gender Reversed Briffault's Law - MGTOW
Gender Reversed Briffault's Law - MGTOW Zar Kezar 44 Views • 5 years ago

Nearly a century ago the French surgeon and anthropologist Robert Briffault stated that "The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place." This is known as Briffault's Law and is often quoted within MGTOW. Those of us who live the MGTOW lifestyle in our day to day lives are practicing our own version of Briffault's Law with the genders reversed.

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