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What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 122
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 122 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-08-26 <br>Topics: Non-Support Of Dominators, Carnism, Justifications For Carnism, Occult Reasons For Vegetarian Diet, The Law Of Assimilation, The False &quot;Natural Order,&quot; The Law Of Correspondence <br>Related Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 <br>Related Documents: Vegetarian Way Of Eating | Going Vegetarian | Guide To Being Vegetarian | Fresh Vegetable And Fruit Juices | To Cherish All Life | Vegetarianism And Occultism | Nutrition, Assimiliation, and Natural Law | Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception <br>Related Videos: Earthlings | Melanie Joy - Carnism: The Psychology of Eating Meat | Animals Should Be Off The Menu - Full Debate | Forks Over Knives

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 123
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 123 MarkPassio 10 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-09-02 <br>Topics: Non-Support Of Dominators, Carnism, Justifications For Carnism, Law Of Correspondence, Occult Reasons For Vegetarianism, Natural Law, Women's powerful influence in helping Dominators to see the error of their ways and heal <br>Related Documents: Vegetarianism And Occultism <br>Related Videos: Earthlings

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 124
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 124 MarkPassio 3 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-09-09 <br>Guest: Laura Eisenhower <br>Guest Web Site: <br>Topics: Sacred Feminine Energy, Mental/Spiritual Gender, Release From Attachment, Divine Union, Alchemy, Transmutation, Magdalene and Sophia Energies, Worldview Healing, 2012 Positive Timeline

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 125
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 125 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-09-16 <br>Call-In Show <br>Topics: Non-Support Of Dominators, Solutions, Natural Law, Care and The Will To Change, Fear of Chaos, Chaos as a Teacher, Apophasis, Carnism, Speaking the Truth Freely and Unapologetically, Subconscious Mental Programming

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 126
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 126 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-09-23 <br>Call-In Show <br>Topics: Non-Support Of Dominators, Dominators Fear Truth, Sustained Effort, Individual Sovereignty, Humans held to higher standards than animals under Moral Law, The &quot;We Are...&quot; Fallacy, True Education, Conscious Parenting, Saying NO and Asking WHY

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 127
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 127 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-10-21 <br>Topics: Solutions, True Positive Thinking, false &quot;New Age&quot; notion of positive thinking, Worldview Healing, Teaching Truth To Others, Respect, Remembering, Responsibility, Conscience, Conversion, Conviction, Atonement

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 128
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 128 MarkPassio 2 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-10-28 <br>Call-In Show <br>Topics: Solutions, True Positive Thinking, Teaching Others, Free Energy and it's relationship to Freedom, the Laws of Attraction, Numerology, Natural Law

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 129
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 129 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-11-04 <br>Topics: Solutions, Use of Entheogens in a Conscious Context, Psychedelics, True Sacraments, Real Medicine, Worldview Healing, Shamanism, the 100% Absolute Right to ingest substances, Self-Ownership <br>Related Documents: Archaic Revival | Ayahuasca Visions | DMT: The Spirit Molecule | Food Of The Gods | Gnostic Garden | Hallucinogenic Plants - A Golden Guide | Invisible Landscape | LSD Psychotherapy | Magic Mushrooms Around The-World | Psychonaut's Guide To The Invisible Landscape | Shamanism - An Encyclopedia | True-Hallucinations <br>Related Links: Erowid | Erowid - Psychoactives | Cannabis | Psilocybin | Dimethytryptamine (DMT) | Ayahuasca | Mescaline | Salvia Divinorum | Iboga | Bouncing Bear Botanicals

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 130
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 130 MarkPassio 5 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-11-11 <br>Call-In Show <br>Topics: Solutions, Use of Entheogens in a Conscious Context, Psychedelics, Communion, Worldview Healing, Violence vs. Mutual Consent, Self-Ownership, Consciousness Expansion, Psychedlic Experiences <br>Related Documents: Archaic Revival | Ayahuasca Visions | DMT: The Spirit Molecule | Food Of The Gods | Gnostic Garden | Hallucinogenic Plants - A Golden Guide | Invisible Landscape | LSD Psychotherapy | Magic Mushrooms Around The-World | Psychonaut's Guide To The Invisible Landscape | Shamanism - An Encyclopedia | True-Hallucinations <br>Related Links: Erowid | Erowid - Psychoactives | Cannabis | Psilocybin | Dimethytryptamine (DMT) | Ayahuasca | Mescaline | Salvia Divinorum | Iboga | Bouncing Bear Botanicals

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 131
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 131 MarkPassio 6 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-11-11 <br>Call-In Show <br>Topics: Solutions, Use of Entheogens in a Conscious Context, Psychedelics, Communion, Worldview Healing, Violence vs. Mutual Consent, Self-Ownership, Consciousness Expansion, Psychedlic Experiences <br>Related Documents: Archaic Revival | Ayahuasca Visions | DMT: The Spirit Molecule | Food Of The Gods | Gnostic Garden | Hallucinogenic Plants - A Golden Guide | Invisible Landscape | LSD Psychotherapy | Magic Mushrooms Around The-World | Psychonaut's Guide To The Invisible Landscape | Shamanism - An Encyclopedia | True-Hallucinations <br>Related Links: Erowid | Erowid - Psychoactives | Cannabis | Psilocybin | Dimethytryptamine (DMT) | Ayahuasca | Mescaline | Salvia Divinorum | Iboga | Bouncing Bear Botanicals

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 132
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 132 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-11-25 <br>Call-In Show <br>Topics: Solutions, Consciousness, Momentum, Synchronicity, 2012, Cycles, Choice-points in Time, Teaching Others, The &quot;Walking Dead&quot;

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 133
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 133 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-12-02 <br>Topics: Psychopathy, Characteristics of Psychopaths, the difference between Primary Psychopathy and Secondary Psychopathy, the Non-Agression Principle, the Right to use Defensive Force against Violence, Righteous War

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 134
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 134 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-12-09 <br>Topics: Psychopathy, Characteristics of Psychopaths, the Non-Aggression Principle vs. Aggression Ideology, the true meaning of Anarchy, Force vs. Violence, The Second Amendment, the Inherent Right to use Defensive Force against Violence <br>Related Videos: Defense Against The Psychopath | I Am Fishead | Innocents Betrayed | First Family Of Satanism

Andrew Tate Got Arrested
Andrew Tate Got Arrested Taylor_The_Fiend 155 Views • 2 years ago

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What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 135
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 135 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-12-16 <br>Topics: Inherent Right to use Defensive Force against Violence, the Gun-Control Agenda, Righteous Anger, Non-Aggression Principle, Courage vs. Cowardice, Motivations of the American Revolutionaries, the non-existence of the &quot;right&quot; to voluntarily choose Slavery <br>Related Videos: Innocents Betrayed

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 136
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 136 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-12-23 <br>Topics: Inherent Right to use Defensive Force, Gun Control, Emotional Mind Control, Non-Aggression Principle, Self-Defense Principle, Force vs. Violence, True meaning of Anarchy, The Great Work: Truth-Love-Freedom, non-existence of the &quot;right&quot; to choose Slavery <br>Related Videos: Innocents Betrayed | Larken Rose - Gun Control = Gun Violence | Molon Labe Trailer

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 137
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 137 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2012-12-30 <br>Topics: Non-Aggression Principle, Repetition, Natural Law, All Wrong-Doing Is Theft, Property, Earth Is A Prison For Thieves, Truth Is Indestructible, &quot;Servants&quot; Of Truth, Definition, Real Meaning Of Anarchy, Anarchy Is The Will Of Creation, The &quot;New Man&quot;

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 138
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 138 MarkPassio 2 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2013-01-20 <br>Guest: &quot;The Illuminated One&quot; Curtis Davis <br>Guest Websites: The Occult Network | Occult Science Radio <br>Topics: Free Your Mind 2 Conference, Occultism, Self-Exploration, Self-Respect, Empowerment, Overcoming Fear, Consciousness, Monetary System, Satanism

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 139
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 139 MarkPassio 5 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2013-02-02 <br>Topics: Mark Parts Ways With Oracle Broadcasting, the New WOEIH Podcast Format, V.I.T.R.I.O.L., Vitriolic Speech, the Appallingly Ignorant, the Semi-aware Armchair Quarterbacks, Serving Truth, One Reason For Hope, the Implications Of Occulted Knowledge Upon Humanity <br>Related Audio: Free Your Mind 2 Audio Commercial <br>Related Video: Implications Of Occulted Knowledge Upon Humanity

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 140
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 140 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2013-03-02 <br>Topics: Feedback on the new podcast format, Mark looking to start a Natural Law class or seminar in or near Philadelphia, &quot;Liking people&quot; has nothing to do with whether something is True, Vitriolic Speech, &quot;There Is Nothing New Under The Sun,&quot; Pope's resignation, Russian Meteor, the Immorality of the high costs of Organic Food, Planned Obsolescence in Technology, &quot;I Don't Care&quot; Creates A Prison <br>Related Video: The Light Bulb Conspiracy

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 141
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 141 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2013-04-08 <br>Topics: Free Your Mind 2 Conference, New Videos on WOEIH, Changes to WOEIH Web Site, Mark offers Natural Law Seminar this summer

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 142
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 142 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2013-05-05 <br>Guest: Alex Ansary <br>Guest Web Site: <br>Topics: Free Your Mind 2 Conference, Solar Energies related to Human Consciousness, Off-The-Grid Living, Mindfulness, Worldview Healing

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 143
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 143 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2013-06-04 <br>Topics: Mark &amp; Barb's Arrest For Exercising Free Speech, Presentation of Mark's Free Your Mind 2 Talk &quot;New Age Bullshit &amp; The Suppression Of The Sacred Masculine&quot; <br>Related Documents: New Age Bullshit Presentation Images (Zip Archive, 20.1 MB) | Free Speech Rights Are Being Shut Down In Philadelphia, And Throughout All Of America <br>Related Video: Mark &amp; Barb Arrested For Exercising Free Speech In Front Of The Liberty Bell And Independence Hall

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 144
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 144 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2013-08-31 <br>Topics: Homework Results from the first Natural Law Seminar

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 145
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 145 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-02-22 <br>Topics: Debut Show On Republic Broadcasting Network, Mind Control, Religion, The Occult, the Knowledge which comprises Occultism, how we collectively create our Reality, how our Reality can be controlled, Natural Law, the One True Divide in Humanity, the Old World &quot;Order&quot; vs. the &quot;New&quot; World &quot;Order,&quot; a call to stop euphemizing Slavery

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 146
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 146 MarkPassio 4 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-03-01 <br>Guest: Jay Parker <br>Guest Web Site: SRA Today (Type1RadioAshram) <br>Topics: The State Of Reality, Truth, Cognitive Dissonance, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Consciousness, Mind Control, Energy Manipulation, Morphogenic Field, Emotional Freedom Technique, Orgonite, True Happieness, The Great Work

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 147
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 147 MarkPassio 3 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-03-08 <br>Topics: The Underlying Psychological State of Humanity, The &quot;Tree&quot; Of All Evil, Willful Ignorance, Fear Of Owning Personal Responsibility, Self-Loathing, Parental Abandonment Issues, The Conscious Mind vs. The Sub-Conscious Mind, The Abuse-Victim Cycle, Political Parties as Psychological Proxies for Parental Figures, A Psychological Case Study of Steven Paul Jobs

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 148
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 148 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-03-15 <br>Topics: Self-Loathing, Parental Abandonment Issues, Mark's own Parental Abandonment Issues, What it means to &quot;Be Raised,&quot; Self-Respect, Self-Worth, Repentance, Speaking Truth to Others, Low-level Satanism as Psychological Filtration and Vetting for the Slavery System and its Ideologies, Discernment regarding Occult writings, True Oneness

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 149
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 149 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-03-29 <br>Topics: The Dark Occult Season Of Sacrifice, Astro-Theology, Freemasonic Symbolism, 322, Blood Rituals, False Flag Operations, Psychopathy, Characteristics Of Psychopaths, Naiveté of &quot;New&quot; Agers, Origins of Psychopathy

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 150
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 150 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-04-05 <br>Topics: Origins of Psychopathy, Non-Human Intelligence, the Importance of Human Origins, Order-Following As The Greatest Evil, How Dark Occultists insulate themselves from Natural Law Consequences, The Predator Mind-Set, how Poisoned Worldview maintains the state of Human Slavery, what it means to do The Great Work <br>Related Document: Excerpt from Carlos Castaneda: Don Juan On &quot;The Predators&quot; <br>Related Video: The Killing Of The King Ritual

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 151
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 151 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-04-12 <br>Topics: The possibility of Non-Human Intelligence interacting with Humanity, Why there is so much Psychological Resistance to discussing the possibility of Non-Human Intelligence, Why Governments of the Earth have imposed an embargo on the Truth about Non-Human Intelligence and its interactions with Humanity, Will Power, True Care, The Great Work, Persistence when Teaching Others

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 152
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 152 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-04-19 <br>Topics: Evolution vs. Involution, How Ancient Wisdom Traditions presented Evolution contrasted with how Darwinian Scientism presents it, True Intelligence vs. Intellect, Genetics vs. Epigenetics, the Power of Consciousness to re-write the code which directs our Evolutionary Potential. <br>Related Videos: Bruce Lipton Youtube Videos | Videos On Epigenetics

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 153
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 153 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-04-26 <br>Guest: Jordan Maxwell <br>Guest Web Site: <br>Jordan's Kickstarter Campaign <br>Topics: The Occult, Human Ignorance, Astro-Theology, The New &quot;Age,&quot; Non-Human Intervention in Human devlopment, Slavery, Human duplicity involving Money, Cosmic Justice, The Great Work

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 154
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 154 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-05-03 <br>Topics: Polarizing Dialectics Regarding Creation and Human Origins, Darwinian &quot;Evolution&quot; Theory, Creationism, Scientism, Religion, Brain Imbalance, Poisonous World-Views, Psychopathy, Pacifism, Mind Control, Consciousness, Epigenetics, Free Will, Power To Create Change, Satanic Mockery of Police and &quot;The Dead&quot;

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 155
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 155 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-05-10 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, Darwinian &quot;Evolution&quot; Theory vs. Creationism as a Controlled Dialectical Paradigm, Scientism, Religion, Brain Imbalance, Natural Evolutionary Progression (NEP), Cycles of Consciousness, Entropy vs. Syntropy, Epigenetics, Free Will.

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 156
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 156 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-05-17 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, the Polarizing Dialectic of Darwinian &quot;Evolution&quot; vs. Creationism, Source Texts and Traditions relating to the study of Interference Theory, Researchers whose work should be considered when studying Interference Theory, The Great Work

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 157
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 157 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-05-24 <br>Call-In Show <br>Topics: Afterlife Possibilities, Natural Law and Animals, Carnism vs. Veganism, Directed Energy Weaponry and 9-11, Human Origins, Religion, Consciousness, Discernment, Synchromysticism.

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 158
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 158 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-06-07 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, True Open-Minded Thinking vs. Religious Thinking, Truth as The One True Religion, Natural Law, The Law Of Freedom, The One True Divide, Willful Ignorance, Fear Of Responsibility, Self-Loathing, Parental Abandonment, Earth Under &quot;Quarantine,&quot; The Great Work

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 159
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 159 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-06-14 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, Psychological Root Causal Factors for the Human Condition, Parental Abandonment Issues, Ancient Extra-Terrerestrial Visitation to Earth, Ancient Texts Detailing Human Origins, Spiritual Allegories in Hollywood Films, Fear and Ignorance, Money As Illusion, Possibility of E.T. False Flag Event, Numerology and Symbolism in False Flag Sacrifice Rituals

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 160
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 160 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-06-28 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, The Anunnaki and their Mission, Enlil and Enki, Creation of the Human Slave Species, Human Genetic Hybridization, the Lulu &quot;Primitive Worker,&quot; Adamu and Tiamat, the Edin and the Abzu, the further Genetic Degradation of Humanity, the Tower Of Babel story decoded, Religion Money and Government given to us by our off-world &quot;Creators,&quot; Interbreeding with Humanity by the Anunnaki, the Nephilim &quot;Demi-gods&quot;

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 161
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 161 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-07-05 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, The Nephilim &quot;Demi-gods,&quot; The Deluge and its Aftermath, Institutions given to Humanity to perpetuate Slavery, the &quot;Abandonment&quot; of Humanity by their &quot;Creators&quot;/&quot;Parents&quot;, the Seemingly Unexplainable Aspects of the Human Conditions that can be explained in Light of Interference Theory

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 162
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 162 MarkPassio 3 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-07-12 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, Depictions of the &quot;Gods&quot; by ancient Human cultures as Bird/Fish/Serpent Beings, Rare Examples of the &quot;Gods&quot; being depicted as they actually appeared, Anomalous Elongated Non-Human Skulls and their rapid cover-up by archaeologists and anthropologists, Cradle-boarding vs. genuine anomalous elongated skulls, Ancient Depictions of the Technology of the &quot;Gods,&quot; Ancient Megalithic Stone Structures whose construction still cannot be explained or reproduced by modern technology, Allegorical Fiction, Gun Ownership Rights, the concept of The Militia of The Whole People, Separation Mentality in Religious and National Traditions, Natural Law Ownership <br>Related Video Links: Elongated Skulls | L. A. Marzulli | Brien Foerster

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 163
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 163 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-07-19 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, Ancient Megalithic Stone Structures whose construction still cannot be explained or reproduced by modern technology, Lloyd Pye's 12 Ways Human Beings Are Not Primates, The 4000+ Genetic Disorders in the Human Genome, The Possible Cause of Primary Psychopathy, Dealing With Psychopaths under Natural Law, the Human Connection To Nature, the Significance of the RH+ and RH- Factors in Human Blood, Being Honest About Where Humanity Is Right Now, Will and Persistence to Create Change <br>Related Video Links: Brien Foerster | Lloyd Pye | Llyod Pye - Everything You Know Is Wrong | An Evening With Llyod Pye | Llyod Pye - Homonoids

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 164
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 164 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-07-26 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, The 4000+ Genetic Disorders in the Human Genome, The Possible Cause of Primary Psychopathy, The Enigma of Human Chromosome #2, The Characteristics of Primary Psychopaths, The Old Testament Vengeful &quot;God&quot; vs. The True Creator, The Origins of Human Religious and Social Institutions, Service To Others, Belief vs Knowledge, Benevolent Non-Human Entities, Civilzation and Technology, Ancient Texts that support the Interference Theory of Human Origins <br>Related Video Links: Llyod Pye - Everything You Know Is Wrong | An Evening With Llyod Pye | Llyod Pye - Homonoids

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 165
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 165 MarkPassio 4 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-08-02 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, Origin of Cultural Religions, Creation of Priest-Classes and their purpose, Veneration and Imitation of the &quot;Gods&quot; by Ancient Priests, Religion as the dynamic which holds back Consciousness, Money as Religious Leaders' True Object of Worship, Cowardice of Religious &quot;Leaders,&quot; Creation of Secret Societies and Mystery School Traditions, Light Occultism vs. Dark Occultism, Origin of Money, Origin of the so-called &quot;Intrisic Value&quot; of Gold, the Lie of Gold's &quot;Intrinsic&quot; Value, Allegorical Symolism of Revelation, Faith In Truth, Green Language, Putting the Truth out there for others, Will Power to Heal and Change

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 166
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 166 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-08-16 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, the Origins of Religion Money and Government, the NON-Intrinsic &quot;Value&quot; of Gold, the Origins of Kingship and the &quot;Divine Right to Rule&quot; through Bloodline, Government as Mind Control, The Old World &quot;Order&quot; vs. The &quot;New&quot; World &quot;Order,&quot; Euphemisms for Slavery, Order-Givers and Order-Followers, True Sovereignty, the Illusion of &quot;Escape,&quot; Direct Confrontation of the Causal Factors of the Human Condition as The Solution, Divide and Conquer applied through the Sexes, the Painful Truth that ALL Order-Followers by definition can not be considered Truly Good Human Beings, Getting OUT of the Military, the Social Darwinism Satanic Mindset

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 167
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 167 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-08-23 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, Psychological factors which underly the perpetuation of human enslavement, Willful Ignorance, Fear of Personal Responsibility, Self-Loathing, Lack of Self-Respect, Parental Abandonment Issues, The Human Species as an Abandoned Child , Psychological framework for understanding human group behavior, Rigid Skeptics (Worshippers of Scientism), Government-funded “science” vs. Real Science, Weather Modification, H.P. Blavatky’s view of the Occult, Slaves who love their own enslavement, Forceful Revolution vs. Mental/Spiritual Revolution, Scientism worldview and motivations, Darwinism and Social Darwinism, Converting knowledge into right action, Saving seed as a spiritual practice, Spiritual Allegories in films, Knowledge as The Solution

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 168
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 168 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-08-30 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, Psychological factors which underly Collectivism, Group-Think, and the perpetuation of Human Enslavement, Rigid Skeptics (Worshippers of Scientism), Religionists (Children of the &quot;gods&quot;), Supporters of Slavery, Left-Wingers as those who use Government as a Proxy for an Absent Mother-Figure, Right-wingers who use Government as a Proxy for an absent Father-Figure, the Oxymoron of &quot;Minarchy,&quot; the &quot;Mainstream&quot; Media as Paid Liars (&quot;Presstitutes&quot;), &quot;New&quot; Agers as naive abused children who identify as the Victim and won't talk about their Parental Abuse, the “What Can I Do?” Cop-out, Developing the Courage to take Real-World Action, Putting information out there for others, Sensory Depravation, Meditation, Open-Mindedness, the Core of Truth that lies past dogmatic religious belief, Parenting, Teaching Morality to children, Dwelling on Effects vs. Understanding Causes

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 169
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 169 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-09-13 <br>Topics: Interference Theory Of Human Origins, &quot;Cosmic Abandonment&quot; Presentation, Psychological factors which underly Group-Think and the perpetuation of Human Enslavement, &quot;Knowledgable&quot; yet inactive people, Semi-Aware Armchair Quarterbacks (SAAQs), Order-Followers as the Least Spiritually Mature people on Earth yet the Most Responsible for the continuation of Human Slavery, Order-Followers as Children who use the State as Psychological Proxies for an absent Parental Figure, the Absence of True Intelligence and True Courage in all Order-Followers, Creativity and Communication as means of creating Positive Change in Human Consciousness, the need for Discernment when learning from very Right-Brained Teachers, &quot;Spiritual Teachers&quot; who lack an accurate understanding of The Occult, Getting on the &quot;Spiritual Battlefield,&quot; Joining The True Great Work

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 170
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 170 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-09-27 <br>Topics: “New” Age Deception, Solipsism, the insidious “New” Age Belief that Property is “an illusion,” Understanding of Property and Understanding of Rights are inseparable, Release from Attachment does not mean the abandonment of the Understanding of Property, Music as a reflection of Elemental Forces, the Illegitimacy of ALL forms of Taxation, Refusing ALL Taxation as a means of Rebellion, Humanity as a Child Species that refuses to accept Personal Responsibility, Deliberate interruptions to the WOEIH Radio Show and what they say about the people who are paid to cause them, How such interruptions only serve to validate Mark’s entire message, the indestructible nature of the Human Spirit, Mark’s own personal UFO encounter, Goddess Symbolism, False Flag Attacks, Occult Numerology, Moral Relativism, “Arbiter Of Truth” Syndrome, the failure of the so-called “Greatest Generation” and the “Baby Boomers,” the Cyclical Quality within Time, Choice-Points within Time to help us learn and grow in Consciousness, Self-Respect, Self-Love, Standing Together in Persistence, Carnism, Theories regarding Humanity’s dietary changes over time

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 171
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 171 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-10-11 <br>Guest: Jay Parker <br>Topics: Wealth disparity throughout the world, Dark Occultism, Illegitimacy of ALL forms of Government, the dangers of Gun Control, the importance of Gun Ownership, the Healing Properties of Cannabis and Cannabis Oil, School System Indoctrination, Ether-based Occulted Physics, Media Mind Control, 9-11, Occult Symbolism, Dark Occult Ideology, Occult/Government Infiltration, Gass-roots efforts and outreaches, Dark Occult presence in all countries and institutions, Divide &amp; Conquer methodology, Spiritual Symbolism in Dreams

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 172
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 172 MarkPassio 6 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-10-18 <br>Topics: Researchers of Interference Theory, Order Followers (the least mature, yet the most responsible for the continuation of human slavery, Gathering and processing information, Speaking truth to others, Dealing with parental abandonment issues, Becoming actively involved in disseminating truth and influencing others, Moon landing hoax, Atheism vs. acknowledgement of true spirituality, Green Language, Georgia Guidestones, Persistence in the Great Work <br> <br>Researchers to explore when studying the Interference Theory of Human Origins: <br>Erich von Däniken <br>Zecharia Sitchin <br>Lloyd Pye <br>William Bramley <br>Michael Tellinger <br>David Icke <br>Michael Tsarion <br>Jordan Maxwell <br>Credo Mutwa <br>L. A. Marzulli <br>Brien Foerster <br>David Hatcher Childress <br>Michael Cremo <br>William Cooper <br>Graham Hancock <br>Immanuel Velikovsky <br>Richard Hoagland <br>Richard Mooney <br>Giorgio Tsoukalos <br>Robert Schoch <br>Rob Skiba <br>Trey Smith <br>Jay Weidner <br>D. S. Allan <br>J. B. Delair <br>Paul LaViolette <br>Conor MacDari <br>Ignatius Donnelly <br>John Anthony West <br>Mark Pinkham <br>Steve Quayle <br>Thomas Horn <br>Will Hart <br>Rick Smith <br>W. Raymond+Drake <br>Andrew Tomas <br>Robert Charroux <br>R. L. Dione <br>Alan Landsburg <br>Josh Reeves

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 173
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 173 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-10-25 <br>Topics: Fictional Allegories portraying the Intervention Theory of Human Origins, Shutting Off The Poison Signal, Allegories of the Two Brothers, Playing God, Genetic Manipulation, the Inability to alter the Past, Allegories dealing with advanced civilizations stealing resources from less advanced civilizations, House Slaves and Adrenaline, Knowledge as the Solution to ending Slavery, the name Bill and its variations used for an Occult Solar Deity, Truth-tellers who were ahead of their time yet proven correct, Entropy (Death/Chaos) vs. Syntropy (Evolution/Order), Becoming Active on the &quot;Spiritual Battlefield,&quot; the importance of Epigenetics in healing Humanity

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 174
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 174 MarkPassio 9 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-11-08 <br>Guest: Bob Tuskin <br>Guest Web Sites: | <br>Topics: Free Your Mind 3 Conference, &quot;Planting Seeds&quot; for the Unaware, Police Violence and Brutality, Understanding Natural Law as a &quot;Psychedelic Experience,&quot; Bitcoin as an uncontrolled alternative currency, Synchronicity, Meditation, Regional Free Your Mind Groups, Conscious Music, Gold's Non-Intrinsic &quot;Value,&quot; Brain Balance leading to Right Action

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 175
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 175 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-11-15 <br>Topics: Cosmic Abandonment, Interference Theory Of Human Origins, The Unwritten Story Of Our Future, the Possibility For Positive Change, the Abuse-Victim Cycle and how to break it, Knowledge of Self, the Human Brain, Genetics vs. Epigenetics, Human Nature as Programmability, the Power of Human Consciousness, Old Sceince vs. Emerging Science, The Generative Principle of Care, Free Will Choice, Self-Loathing as a major factor which holds Humanity in a state of Slavery, The 3 R's (Respect, Remembering and Responsibility)

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 176
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 176 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-11-22 <br>Topics: Cosmic Abandonment, Interference Theory Of Human Origins, The Unwritten Story Of Our Future, Self-Loathing as a major factor which holds Humanity in a state of Slavery, The 3 R's, Self-Respect as the antidote of Self-Loathing, the Infinite Worth of the Self/Individual, Working with psychological Shadow Material, Remembering who we really are, the 3 Aspects of Consciousness and their Fulfillments and Failures, Understanding Individual Sovereignty, Personal Individual Responsibility for choosing Right Action over Wrong Action, the Inability to abdicate Personal Responsibility to someone else, Humanity's Critical Moment of Choice to enter Cosmic Adulthood, Understanding Natural Law as the Ultimate Solution and the Key to unlocking the Human Condition, the Soul Mission to End Slavery on Earth, the Higher Consciousness of seeing Humanity as one family, the Power of the Imagination in manifesting Freedom

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 177
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 177 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-11-29 <br>Topics: Order Followers as &quot;The Bane of 21st Century Earth,&quot; the Real Issues regarding the Ferguson, MO incident, Precedents being set in America for summary executions by Police, Precedents being set for the elimination of free speech and assembly at Police &quot;discretion,&quot; Those justifying Police-State behavior are Nazi-Lovers, Women's immoral support of Dominators, the real Race Issues involved in Ferguson, American-based Militias acting cowardly and racist, Agent Provocateuring at Ferguson, Robotic Order-Followers constitute a Cult and are driven by the same techniques cults use on their followers, Perverse sexual practices within Dark Occultism, How people fuel Slavery through support of the monetary and taxation systems, the irrational desire for &quot;security&quot; over Freedom, Women's support of the Dominator Culture, the Immorality inherent in the &quot;New Cage&quot; Movement, how people police themselves through fear of stepping out of our system-defined roles, Speaking the Truth and doing the Great Work without Fear

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 178
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 178 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-12-06 <br>Topics: Order Followers &quot;The Bane of 21st Century Earth,&quot; the Definintion of Order-Following, the Difference between Following Orders and Exercising Conscience, Objective Right and Wrong, Using Judgement to determine the difference between Right and Wrong Behavior, Personal Responsibility, Justification for Order-Following, People who make excuses for Order-Followers are Nazi-Lovers, Order Followers have NO REAL COURAGE, Order-Followers are CULT MEMBERS, the Ancient Techniques used to dupe Cult Members throughout human history, Fundamentally Flawed Axioms which people repeat regarding Order-Followers: &quot;They're not ALL bad,&quot; and &quot;Their actions are evil, not them personally,&quot; Order-Followers ultimately work for Dark Occultists whether they realize it or not, the ability to admit that you were duped as the Measure of a REAL Man or REAL Woman

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 179
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 179 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-12-20 <br>Topics: Order Followers as the Creators of the Dark New World Order, The Lie Of The &quot;Moral&quot; Order-Follower, Justification for Order-Following, Emotional Mind Control in Relatives of Order-Followers, Dark Occultists are the Masters of Order-Followers and their institutions, ALL Order-Followers are BAD PEOPLE, ONLY a Non-Order-Follower CAN be a Truly Good Person, Moral Judgement and the Exercise of Conscience, the Inability to get Angry at Injustice is a sign of Mental Illness and being broken to accept Slavery, Natural Law Consequences, the Fundamentally Flawed Axiom of the creation of Police Forces, the Fundamentally Flawed Axiom of abdicating your Personal Responsibility to defend yourself to ANYONE else, Police Forces as Barriers to the Understanding of Natural Law, Nazis and Nazi-Lovers, How Nazis and Communists took America, Mentally sick Police Officers and their supporters mocking the murder of Eric Garner by T-shirt slogans, the Destruction of the Family Dynamic by driving a wedge between the Sexes, the need for the Moral Education of the Young, Firearms in America as one of the only reasons to have any hope for a Free future

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 180
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 180 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2014-12-27 <br>Topics: Mark's UFO Sighting of December 27, 2014 <br>Related Videos: Video Footage of Mark's UFO Sighting of December 27th, 2014

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 181
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 181 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-01-03 <br>Topics: The Psychology of Order-Followers, Supporters of Order-Followers, Apologists for Order-Followers, Only one side of a dialectic manipulation needs to buy the lie for the dialectic manipulation to work, World War 2 and it's dialectic manipulation, the Police State society of today, the Parallels between the modern American Police State and the Nazi Regime, Order-Followers' need for approval, the Abdication of personal responsibility to judge and discern right vs. wrong, Order-Followers' BELIEF that they are doing &quot;good,&quot; the Insignificance of Intention, Supporters' of Order-Followers BELIEF they are receiving &quot;security&quot; or &quot;protection&quot; for their acquiescence, the Abdication of personal responsibility to defend oneself and one's rights, Parental Abandonment Issues of Order-Followers and their supporters, the War between the Sexes, Neo-feminism as a Social Engineering and Eugenics operation, the Emasculation of Men, the Masculinization of Women, Destruction of true Moral Values through destroying family dynamics, America already at War, Police constitute a standing army among us, the Mourning Spirits of the Founding Fathers of America, Nazi covert technology, the Nazi and Communist Infiltration of American Institutions, Authentic Men and Women vs. Artificial Men and Women, Doing the Great Work involves waking up the Order-Followers and those who support them, Free Will Choice and Natural Principles

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 182
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 182 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-01-17 <br>Topics: Mark Receives Tesla Spirit Award, Solutions, The Great Work, Alchemy, Critical Mass in Consciousness, Epigenetic Eugenics, Belief vs Gnosis, the Illegitimacy of ALL Government and &quot;Authority,&quot; the Importance of Gun Ownership, the Disarming of Slaves, Goetia &quot;Demons&quot; and Self-Knowledge, the Socially-Engineered War between the Sexes, Mind Control Techniques that specifically target Women, the Deliberate Breakdown of the Familial Dynamic in Society, Waking the Unconscious Masses, &quot;Maven-Targeting,&quot; How Police and Military Constitute Cults, the REAL Male and Female vs. The Artificial &quot;Male&quot; and &quot;Female,&quot; Doing The Great Work to influence others to change, Order-Followers need to walk away from their &quot;Jobs,&quot; ALL Order-Followers are Cowards, the State's Glorification of Order-Follwers as &quot;God-men,&quot; Order-Followers are always bear MORE Morally Culpability than Order-Givers, How Order-Following Institutions loathe individual thought and Conscience, Believers in &quot;Authority&quot; are Religious Extremists, Alcoholics Anonymous and other &quot;12-Step&quot; Programs

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 183
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 183 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-01-24 <br>Topics: Mark Interviewed on Infowars Nightly News, the Absurd Naiveté of fake &quot;Christian&quot; Religionists and their pure garbage Salvationist Dogma, the Neo-Feminism Agenda, Epi-Eugenics, How Neo-Feminism differs from Classical Feminism, Poisoned Worldview and Erroneous Conceptions of &quot;Human Nature,&quot; Generalizations, Female Support of Order-Followers, Think-Tanks' involvement with the Neo-Feminist Agenda, Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations, The Frankfurt School, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Long March Through The Cultural Institutions, Antonio Gramsci's Plan, The Fabian Society, Incrementalism, Satanism and Dark Occultism's ties to Neo-Feminism and Androgyny, Schools as Indoctrination centers for the Neo-Feminist Agenda, Prussian Schooling Model, Outcome-Based Education, Social Engineers and Behaviorists, Eugenics, the Imbalanced Ratio between Men and Women in the &quot;Truth Movement,&quot; Most Women trapped in a Satanic Mind-set of Ego-Gratification, Breakdown of Familial Dynamic and classical Gender Roles leading to the Destruction of Morals in Society, the deplorable mind-set of most young females in our society, the Current Generation and State of Society as the by-product of modern women's breeding choices and propagated system of &quot;values,&quot; Being &quot;Raised&quot; from &quot;The Dead,&quot; Men who chase &quot;corporate status&quot; to garner favor with women, the Authentic Man and Woman vs. the Inauthentic Man and Woman

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 184
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 184 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-01-31 <br>Topics: The Neo-Feminism Agenda and the War Between the Sexes, Epi-Eugenics, Neo-Feminism as an example of the Hegelian Dialectic, Neo-Feminism vs. Classical Feminism, Neo-Feminism's embrace of Statism, the Social Divide that has grown between the Sexes, the Authentic vs. Inauthentic Human, Involvement of Think-Tanks in the Neo-Feminist Agenda, Incrementalism, Fabian Socialism, Neo-Feminism's roots in Satanism and Dark Occultism, The Satanic Witch as a handbook for the manipulation of men, the Me-Me-Me Satanic mind-set is where most women and men are trapped, the destruction of the Family dynamic, broken Parenting in human society, the Non-Moral &quot;raising&quot; of children leading to Moral Decay on a mass scale, why the Emasculation of Men is so important to the Neo-Feminism Agenda, the Corporate Door-Mat &quot;Man,&quot; the Socially-Engineered Attraction of the Inauthentic Woman to the Inauthentic Man, the Control Dynamic and the Dialectic of &quot;Dominator or Door-Mat,&quot; the untrue Myth that we live in a Patriarchy, Human Society is an Occultocracy, The First Question a Woman asks to a Man in a first encounter, the Psychological root causal factors of WHY Women immediately ask men the question &quot;What do you do for a living?,&quot; most women caught up in and chasing the Illusion of &quot;Security&quot; and &quot;Safety,&quot; Money as human beings' God and Ultimate Religion, Men seen and used by many women as a &quot;resource,&quot; Hypergamy, very few people care about the difference between Right and Wrong, the danger of thinking that the Socially-Engineered Condition of most human beings is actually &quot;Human Nature,&quot; the Imbalanced Ratio between Men and Women in the &quot;Truth Movement,&quot; the inane and vapid mind-set of most young women in our society, the &quot;Hipster&quot; Epidemic, why modern Males are so emasculated and feminized, Neo-Feminism as a Divide-And-Conquer strategy, some Women stand against the Neo-Feminism Agenda and see it for what it truly is, Neo-Feminist opposition to Gun Ownership, Pedophilia at the highest levels of Government and its cover-up, the Unholy Wedding of the Woman to the State, Unresolved Psychological Parental Abandonment Issues, the Abuse-Victim Cycle, Worldview Poisoning <br>Related Documents: The Satanic Witch | The Franklin Cover-Up

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 185
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 185 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-02-14 <br>Topics: The Neo-Feminism Agenda and the War Between the Sexes, Epi-Eugenics, Neo-Feminism as an example of the Hegelian Dialectic, Involvement of Think-Tanks, Socialism, and Satanism in the Neo-Feminist Agenda, the Satanic mind-set, the Emasculation of Men, Modern society as an Occultocracy, The First Question a Woman asks to a Man: &quot;What do you do for a living?,&quot; Chasing the Illusion of &quot;Security&quot; and &quot;Safety,&quot; Money as the &quot;Primary Value,&quot; Men used by many women as a &quot;resource,&quot; Hypergamy, Lack of True Care about the difference between Right and Wrong, the Socially-Engineered Condition of most women is NOT their Nature, the Imbalanced Ratio between Men and Women in the &quot;Truth Movement,&quot; Women drive the corporate economy with over 85% of purchases, Attractiveness Studies, Men find 80% of women acceptably attractive while women only find 20% of men acceptably attractive, Eugenics through control of human perception, Control over the propagation of specific genetics and values through Mind Control, Falling Birth Rates and the Lie of Over-Population, Spiritual Evolution, People who side with an Immoral System to selfishly reap it's &quot;benefits&quot; for themselves, Vampire Allegories describing the seduction of women by Psychopathic Controllers, the difficulty of an &quot;Awakened&quot; Human being interacting in a relationship with an &quot;Asleep&quot; Human Being, the Ultimate Sin of betraying Truth and Freedom for lower forms of &quot;love,&quot; the various Think-Tanks involved in the &quot;Occultocracy,&quot; the Saturnian Priest-Class and its Religion, We are on a Spiritual Purpose on Earth at this time to end and abolish slavery

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 186
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 186 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-02-21 <br>Topics: The Neo-Feminism Agenda and the War Between the Sexes, Neo-Feminism as Epi-Eugenics, Neo-Feminism as an example of the Hegelian Dialectic, Lack of True Care in our society, Women who openly love the State for its &quot;perks,&quot; Acceptance of the State as the protective &quot;Father-Figure,&quot; Parental Abandonment Issues, Hyper-sexualization of women in advertising, media and pornography, Women actively discouraged to have healthy sexual lives, Cultural Shaming, Disney &quot;Princess Programming,&quot; Hypergamy, Sex used for manipulation, the State's favoring of women, Divorces largely initiated by women: almost 80%, Men not living up to culturally-programmed women's expectations, Divorce and family courts ruling drastically in favor of women: over 95%, Falling birth rates in Western civilization, Social Media's role in dividing men and women, the Disappearance of Genuine Intimacy, Destroyed Sex Drives through work, media, pop culture, food, water, radionics, chemtrails, etc., Women say they want &quot;nice&quot; men, but breed with men with the opposite qualities, the Japanese Intimacy Crisis, the Rise of Asexualism, the Rise of Radical Feminists and open Misandry, Men's Re-action Movements, MRA (Men's Rights Activism), MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), the &quot;Sexodus,&quot; the Satanic Intellect vs. The Christ Consciousness, The Illusions of Control and Security, the Satanic Roots of Neo-Feminism, Morality's relationship to Freedom, the healing power of Distilled Water <br>Related Links: Study Finds Women Don't Like Nice Men | Japanese Intimacy Crisis | Why Have Young People In Japan Stopped Having Sex? | The Sexodus, Part 1 | The Sexodus, Part 2 <br>Related Videos: Boy Cries Over Seahawks Loss | Sexodus: Why Are Young Men Giving Up On Women?

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 187
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 187 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-02-28 <br>Guests: Bob Tuskin, Jay Parker <br>Call In Show <br>Topics: Free Your Mind 3 Conference, Neo-Feminism Agenda, the Power that Awakened Women have in healing the world through influencing Order-Followers to quit their jobs, Dark Occult Whistle-Blowers, Humanity's Awakening Process, Natural Law, True Care, Neo-Feminism and Epi-Eugenics, the Inauthentic Man and Woman, how Fear of what other people think holds people back, the Mind-Set of Satanists, the Elitism of some who believe they are &quot;Awakened,&quot; people need a Long View of Human History, Humanity's deep attachment to Ego-Identification, Home-Birthing and Home-Schooling, the Emasculation of modern Males, Estrogen-Mimickers in food, &quot;Gender-Benders,&quot; Standing strong in Truth, Meetup and Support Groups for those who seek and speak Truth. <br> <br>Date: 2015-02-28 <br>Guests: Bob Tuskin, Jay Parker <br>Call In Show <br>Topics: Free Your Mind 3 Conference, Neo-Feminism Agenda, the Power that Awakened Women have in healing the world through influencing Order-Followers to quit their jobs, Dark Occult Whistle-Blowers, Humanity's Awakening Process, Natural Law, True Care, Neo-Feminism and Epi-Eugenics, the Inauthentic Man and Woman, how Fear of what other people think holds people back, the Mind-Set of Satanists, the Elitism of some who believe they are &quot;Awakened,&quot; people need a Long View of Human History, Humanity's deep attachment to Ego-Identification, Home-Birthing and Home-Schooling, the Emasculation of modern Males, Estrogen-Mimickers in food, &quot;Gender-Benders,&quot; Standing strong in Truth, Meetup and Support Groups for those who seek and speak Truth. <br>Related Images: 1 | 2 <br>Date: 2015-02-28 <br>Guests: Bob Tuskin, Jay Parker <br>Call In Show <br>Topics: Free Your Mind 3 Conference, Neo-Feminism Agenda, the Power that Awakened Women have in healing the world through influencing Order-Followers to quit their jobs, Dark Occult Whistle-Blowers, Humanity's Awakening Process, Natural Law, True Care, Neo-Feminism and Epi-Eugenics, the Inauthentic Man and Woman, how Fear of what other people think holds people back, the Mind-Set of Satanists, the Elitism of some who believe they are &quot;Awakened,&quot; people need a Long View of Human History, Humanity's deep attachment to Ego-Identification, Home-Birthing and Home-Schooling, the Emasculation of modern Males, Estrogen-Mimickers in food, &quot;Gender-Benders,&quot; Standing strong in Truth, Meetup and Support Groups for those who seek and speak Truth

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 188
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 188 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-03-07 <br>Topics: The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment, Gun Ownership As An Inherent Human Right, Anyone Who Is Anti-Gun Is Pro-Slavery, Standing Up To Tyranny, Other Countries Already Enslaved Because They Have Been Disarmed, Police Brutality In America, Speaking The Truth With Total Courage, Free People Are Armed, Disarmed People Are Slaves, RBN's Fundraising Effort, 27 Words Worth Fighting For, What Does &quot;Well Regulated&quot; Mean In The 2nd Amendment, What Is The Militia, Who Comprises The Militia, The Necessity Of The Militia, Why Is The Militia Necessary, What Was Meant By &quot;A Free State&quot; In The 2nd Amendment, Why The Founders Hated and Warned Us Against Standing Armies And Police Forces, How Militias Could Defeat Standing Armies, Militarized Police Forces Are The Standing Armies The Founders Warned Us About, ALL Order-Followers Are Duped Cowards And Cult Members, Bad Parenting As A Causal Factor For Why Most People Don't Understand Rights, The Definition Of Arms

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 189
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 189 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-03-21 <br>Topics: The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment, The Definition Of Arms, Natural Law, Right vs. Wrong, Definition of a Right, The Two Pillars of Enlightenment, The Sacred Feminine Principle of Non-Aggression, The Sacred Masculine Principle of Self-Defense, Ownership, Equality of Rights under Natural Law, Carrying Arms as an Inherent Right, Infringement, Encroachment Upon Rights, Incrementalism, Fabian Socialism, Communism and Fascism as Two Sides of the Same Coin of Totalitarianism, Slaves Must Be Disarmed, Right To Bear Arms As Protection Against Government Tyranny, Hitler's View Of Gun Control, Gun Control as the Path To Enslavement and Death, Genocide and Democide, 90,000,000 people killed as a direct result of Gun Control, the Re-Assembly of the 2nd Amendment, How Colloquial Language differed between the 18th and 21st Centuries, How I Personally Would Have Written The 2nd Amendment, The 2nd Amendment Is Just Words, Preparedness, Survival, The Gadsden Flag, The Franklin Flag, Come And Take It, Molon Labe, The Brotherhood Of The Snake, The Mystery Traditions, Preparedness on a Low Income, Revisionists' Interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, Police Cult Members' Attitude Toward Gun Ownership Rights, Physical Resistance To Tyranny, Sentiments Prevalent In Gun Culture, Anti-Gun Propaganda, The Gun As A Bringer Of A More Civilized Society

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 190
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 190 MarkPassio 4 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-04-04 <br>Topics: Gun Ownership Rights, the Gun as a bringer of a more civilized society, the Fear of Self-Defense and Rebellion Against Tyranny, Nations whose populations have already been disarmed, the Occult Season Of Sacrifice, False-Flag Attacks, Mass Human Sacrifice Rituals, Force vs. Violence, the Morality of Physical Rebellion Against Tyranny, the American Revolution as an Act Of Love, Fallacious Arguments Against Rightful Rebellion, Cowardice as the main excuse for the continued acceptance of Tyranny, Pacifism as an Ideology based in Self-Loathing, Thomas Paine's statement that ALL Tories are Cowards, the Colossal Ignorance of America's Youth, Communist Professors in American Schools, Taxation as Theft Violence and Slavery, Advice for potential Gun Owners, Overcoming Psychological Obstacles to Gun Ownership, Training with Firearms, Synchronicity, Police Violence Epidemic in America, Moral Allegories in Popular Fiction, Situational Awareness, the Personal responsibility that comes with Gun Ownership <br>Related Documents: The Gun Is Civilization | Understanding The Fear Of Self Defense And Revolution

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 191
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 191 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-04-18 <br>Guest: Bob Tuskin <br>Guest Web Site: <br>Topics: Free Your Mind 3 Conference Re-cap, A gathering of high-consciousness minds, Exposing Evil, Humanity's power and potential, Open-Mindedness, Gratitude, The Power of One Person to influence positive change, Local Free Your Mind Activist Groups, The Quit Your Cult Campaign, Numerical Sychronicites, Occult Symbolism used to mock Police and Military, Abundance vs. Artificial Scarcity, Psychological Fear of Rebellion Agaisnt tyranny, Thomas Paine's &quot;The Crisis&quot; Series, The Support of Providence for those struggling to achieve True Freedom, True Blanket Statements regarding Order-Followers and Statists, How Tories hampered the ealry stages of the Armerican Revolution, The Occult Season Of Sacrifice, True Courage in the face of danger <br>Related Documents: Thomas Paine - The Crisis #1

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 192
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 192 MarkPassio 2 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-12-07 <br>Topics: Mark's hiatus from What On Earth Is Happening, the New WOEIH Podcast, Mark's new Anarchist Hardcore-Punk Band, The Founders, Free Your Mind 4, Mark's FYM4 Presentation, the Unconsciousness of modern human society, the possibility of the need for physical Rebellion against Tyranny, In-Fighting within the so-called &quot;Truth Movement,&quot; False Flag events of 2015, the Agenda to disarm Americans, Social Engineering and Mind Control, Neo-Feminism in America today, The Emasculation of American Men, &quot;Man-Spreading,&quot; Mark accused of being &quot;Racist,&quot; Mark's upcoming work <br>Related Links: The Founders | Free Your Mind 4

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 193
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 193 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-12-14 <br>Topics: Courage as a necessity to end human slavery, Cowardice in modern society, Men's fear of Rebellion, Lack of Rebellion in modern music, Social Engineering, True Patriotism vs. the false &quot;patriots,&quot; Cultural Marxism and the lies it spreads about America's Founders, the Love of Comfort, people who let False Love hold them back from doing the Great Work, Mark's anecdote about visions of the American Revolutionaries at Valley Forge during fever brought on by food poisoning, Calling Up the Militia, the Validity of &quot;Second-Hand&quot; information, Not having to go through Suffering to understand what NOT to do, Art, Music, Science and Invention as the forces that drive humanity forward <br>Related Links: Mark's Extended Second Amendment Video Podcast | Mark's Original Second Amendment Presentation | The Dark Side Of Tesla's Technology

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 194
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 194 MarkPassio 2 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-12-28 <br>Topics: Physical Health, the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection, Physical condition is critical for physical resistance, Truth-seeking as a sedentary activity, Effort and Persistence, Maintaining Physical Well-Being, Diet and Exercise, Mark's personal routines for physical conditioning, Cardiovascular Health, Martial Arts, Jeet Kune Do, Yoga, Biking, Wlaking, Firearms, Juicing, Blending, Fermented Foods, Health Supplements, the importance of pure drinking and cooking water, Shielding ourselves against toxins by building a stronger immune system, Living in Alignment with Natural Law, Preparedness for what is coming

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 195
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 195 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2015-12-28 <br>Topics: Physical Health, the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection, Physical condition is critical for physical resistance, Truth-seeking as a sedentary activity, Effort and Persistence, Maintaining Physical Well-Being, Diet and Exercise, Mark's personal routines for physical conditioning, Cardiovascular Health, Martial Arts, Jeet Kune Do, Yoga, Biking, Wlaking, Firearms, Juicing, Blending, Fermented Foods, Health Supplements, the importance of pure drinking and cooking water, Shielding ourselves against toxins by building a stronger immune system, Living Freely, Spiritually, Defiantly, Creatively, Intuitively, Intelligently, Consciously and Morally, Preparedness for what is coming

What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 196
What On Earth Is Happening Podcast - Episode 196 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

Date: 2016-01-11 <br>Topics: Excuses people make for immoral Order-Followers, Allegiance To Truth And Freedom is higher than allegiance to family, Order-Followers as Cult Members, True Courage, Obama's Executive Orders regarding firearms, Disarming Anti-Authoritarians and Veterans, the Oregon standoff with Militia members at the Mahler Wildlife Refuge, Standing up to Tyranny, How the Oregon Militia members' situation differs from the situation of the Occupy Protesters, Saying The Lost Word &quot;NO,&quot; Overt Criminals vs. Occult Criminals, Courage to stand up to bullies and tyrants, Left-Brained &quot;EggHeads,&quot; Right-Brained &quot;Spiritualists,&quot; the Cowardice of people who are Brain-Imbalanced, how the situation we face is NOT A JOKE, the Importance of the R-Complex of the Brain, the Importance of Preparedness and Self-Defense, &quot;Having The Psychopath,&quot; Apocalypse vs. Armageddon, Idiots who belive government propaganda about ISIS being their biggest threat, Philadelphia Police Officer shooting &quot;in the name of Islam,&quot; Operation Cyclone, the covert radicalization of Islam by the CIA and ISI, &quot;Charlie Wilson's War.&quot;

Andrew Tate And Brother Tristin Arrested After Pizza Box Revealed His Location
Andrew Tate And Brother Tristin Arrested After Pizza Box Revealed His Location free_agent_lifestyle 32 Views • 2 years ago

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What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #199
What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #199 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #199

What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #200
What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #200 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #200

How I Had  To Learn To Process Death To Improve My Life
How I Had To Learn To Process Death To Improve My Life manoftomorrow 14 Views • 2 years ago

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What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #201
What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #201 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #201

Insane Feminist Panel, Andrew Tate Arrested, New Appalling Woke Trend!
Insane Feminist Panel, Andrew Tate Arrested, New Appalling Woke Trend! TheQuartering 38 Views • 2 years ago

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What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #202
What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #202 MarkPassio 1 Views • 3 years ago

What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #202

What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #224
What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #224 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #224

Busted Dirt - Mia Malkova
Busted Dirt - Mia Malkova Hammerhand 126 Views • 2 years ago

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What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #223
What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #223 MarkPassio 0 Views • 3 years ago

What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #223

There's no such thing as unconditional love
There's no such thing as unconditional love Taylor_The_Fiend 47 Views • 2 years ago

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Andrew Tate ARRESTED AGAIN for human trafficking !!
Andrew Tate ARRESTED AGAIN for human trafficking !! Hammerhand 102 Views • 2 years ago

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Andrew Tate Was Just Arrested!  (Everything We Now Know)
Andrew Tate Was Just Arrested! (Everything We Now Know) TheQuartering 50 Views • 2 years ago

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Coach Reacts, To LaMelo Ball’s GF Allegedly Being A Dubai Porta Potty!
Coach Reacts, To LaMelo Ball’s GF Allegedly Being A Dubai Porta Potty! coachgregdams 32 Views • 2 years ago

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Andrew Tate Epically Trolls Greta Thunberg & Twitter ERUPTS Over Her Clapback! Thanks Elon Musk!
Andrew Tate Epically Trolls Greta Thunberg & Twitter ERUPTS Over Her Clapback! Thanks Elon Musk! TheQuartering 43 Views • 2 years ago

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The Wartable discusses censorship from big tech.
The Wartable discusses censorship from big tech. Hammerhand 50 Views • 2 years ago

Hmmerhand, Undead Chronic, Joker and Ribby sitting down to te wartable. <br> <br>Join this channel to get access to perks: <br>

Busted Dirt - Mia Khalifa
Busted Dirt - Mia Khalifa Hammerhand 136 Views • 2 years ago

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FEMINIST TURNS 30 & Suddenly Wants To Be A HOUSEWIFE....After Realizing Feminism Lied To Her
FEMINIST TURNS 30 & Suddenly Wants To Be A HOUSEWIFE....After Realizing Feminism Lied To Her The33Secrets 80 Views • 2 years ago ►STEAL 1 MONTH OF COACHING FOR ONLY $1◄ <br> ►►DOWNLOAD MY &quot;33 SECRETS&quot; NOW (ONLY 100 COPIES)◄◄ <br> <br>NOTE : Please do not send derogatory comments to the creator being reviewed in tonight's coaching video. What I review is only a small portion of their story &amp; my own personal take as a content creator. So keep it respectful! <br> <br>Don't Miss Out On UNRELEASED VIDEOS &amp; NEVER BEFORE SEEN Content! Get On My Email List NOW! It's 100% FREE!!! ►► ( CLICK HERE NOW!!! ) <br> <br>To Learn More SECRET TIPS For How To Attract Beautiful Women, Avoid Rejection, And Get Out Of The Friend Zone ►► CLICK HERE TO GET ON MY EMAIL NOW! ►► <br> <br>*********************************** <br> <br>DOWNLOAD MY &quot;33 SECRETS TO DATING BEAUTIFUL WOMEN&quot; NOW! ( ONLY 100 COPIES ) : <br> <br> <br>STEAL 1 MONTH OF COACHING FROM M* FOR ONLY $1! ( ONLY 25 SPOTS ) : <br> <br> <br>MAKE A DONATION! ( HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL &amp; WORK ) : <br> <br> <br>*********************************** <br> <br>#the33secrets #redpill #datingadviceformen

The Wartable discuss the acceleration of Marxism and Communism in The West.
The Wartable discuss the acceleration of Marxism and Communism in The West. Hammerhand 59 Views • 2 years ago

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Dating Outside Of Your Race Or Country: Will This Solve YOUR Problems? | Hooters Want FlatBacks Only
Dating Outside Of Your Race Or Country: Will This Solve YOUR Problems? | Hooters Want FlatBacks Only free_agent_lifestyle 16 Views • 2 years ago

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Elon Musk Makes Woke Cultists RAGE After New Twitter Policy & Fauci EMBARASSED Over INSANE Take!
Elon Musk Makes Woke Cultists RAGE After New Twitter Policy & Fauci EMBARASSED Over INSANE Take! TheQuartering 25 Views • 2 years ago

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The Post Nut Clarity Secret to Life @CoachGregAdams
The Post Nut Clarity Secret to Life @CoachGregAdams 21studios 35 Views • 2 years ago

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