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How-to & Style

PLANCHE Push Up Tutorial #calisthenics #workout
PLANCHE Push Up Tutorial #calisthenics #workout DIO DOOM DONUTS 22 Views • 1 year ago

Planche push up tutorial <br> <br> <br> <br>#planchepushup #calisthenics #workout #howtoplanchepushups #planchepushupstutorial

Catching and cooking sunnies. Bushcraft
Catching and cooking sunnies. Bushcraft DIO DOOM DONUTS 33 Views • 1 year ago

Cracking open a coconut with the Constrictor Knot ??  and a truck...
Cracking open a coconut with the Constrictor Knot ?? and a truck... DIO DOOM DONUTS 40 Views • 1 year ago

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Bone and Joint Pain
Top 10 Natural Remedies for Bone and Joint Pain TheRedKnight 22 Views • 1 year ago

DIY health :)

Unlocking the Secret to Perfectly Cutting Bolts
Unlocking the Secret to Perfectly Cutting Bolts DIO DOOM DONUTS 24 Views • 1 year ago

How to cut bolts perfect every time. In this video we're going to show How to cut small and large bolts perfectly every time. <br>Thanks for watching guys Happy welding. <br>Tips for welding With 6010 ,70+ or 8010 and 7018. <br> <br>Here is the link to the best welding lens I have found Here is the link for , Tefuawe WELDING LENS ? <br> <br> <br> <br>Just getting out of welding school Here's some advice. I hope it helps people starting their welding journey. <br>#Pipewelding <br>#pipeliner <br>#7018 <br>#6010 <br>#RigWelder <br>#DownhillWelding <br>It’s important to go to welding school but it is more important to learn how to weld. It doesn’t matter what you do just practice and keep practicing. Nobody can hold your hand. It’s up to you. American Welding Society! Welding schools! <br>#WeldingSchool, #RodAngle, #TulsaWeldingSchool, #LearnHowToWeld, #7018, #6010, #taylorwelding, #weldingschools <br> <br>I'm not a welding inspector, a safety man, or your mom. Do your own research. I'm not responsible for anything you do. Have an awesome, awesome day. Stay safe. welding tools homemade

Pond water before and after boiling observed under a microscope ?
Pond water before and after boiling observed under a microscope ? DIO DOOM DONUTS 67 Views • 1 year ago

just some outdoors bushcraft wisdom to know about if ever needed. Enjoy

Handling The Most Common Rifle Malfunctions
Handling The Most Common Rifle Malfunctions DIO DOOM DONUTS 25 Views • 1 year ago

This clip is from the video vault in my Keep the Blaze Alive Coaching Squad (aka “The Squad”). The Squad has three levels of membership, and we meet weekly online with a 2-hour livestream where I answer questions and tell stories, and the Tier 1 members get two monthly two-hour Zoom calls where we talk face-to-face. I also host two 3-day events per year for my Tier 1 members. Learn more about The Squad at <br> <br>#PatMac #PatMcNamara

Her Fictional Reality Shattered Upon Meeting You
Her Fictional Reality Shattered Upon Meeting You Clandestine_Man 33 Views • 1 year ago

I hope you enjoyed this addition to the manual. <br> <br>YOUTUBE: <br>SUBSTACK: <br>TWITTER: <br> <br>Recommendations: <br>Agenda 21 EXPLAINED John Anthony: <br>Why Don't You Set Yourself Free?: <br>The Rise Of The Midwits: <br>Ian Plimer Geologist Climate Change: <br>Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: <br>What is the Healthiest Diet for Humans?: <br>Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia: <br>Heal yourself with Sunlight: <br>The Truman Show: A Warning For Men: <br>Alan Watts - Are You Tired Of Playing The Social Game: <br>Why Letting Go Is True Wealth: <br>Intuition as the Key to an Amazing Life: <br>The SON of GOD is the SUN of GOD: <br>Jonathan Livingston Seagull Audiobook: <br>How to Stop Being a Slave to the Opinions of Other People: <br> <br>Music: <br>Lost Tribe – Game Master: <br>Colonised Mind – Prince: <br>Now We Are Free – Hans Zimmer: <br>Mise Éire (I am Ireland) – Patrick Cassidy: <br>Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes: <br>Captain Hollywood Project - More and More - <br> <br>Quotes: <br>“I want happiness” <br>Buddha: First remove ‘I’, that’s ego, then remove ‘want’, that’s desire. See, now you are left only with ‘happiness’. <br>I fancy that many men would have arrived at wisdom if they had not fancied that they had already arrived. - Seneca <br>Anything you accept fully will take you into peace. - Eckhart Tolle <br>To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great. - Georg Hegel <br>The root of all suffering is attachment. - Buddha <br>The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed. - Ernest Hemingway

Fine, You Won. I Replaced The Tanning Video With A Cooking Video
Fine, You Won. I Replaced The Tanning Video With A Cooking Video Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 76 Views • 1 year ago

Ruger Marlin 1895 Trapper 45-70: Can you unload any lever action rifle like this? (Pt.1)
Ruger Marlin 1895 Trapper 45-70: Can you unload any lever action rifle like this? (Pt.1) DIO DOOM DONUTS 36 Views • 1 year ago

Can older Marlin lever actions be unloaded through the loading gate like the new Ruger made Marlins? <br>In this video we look at a 1950’s Marlin 336RC, a 1970’s Winchester 94, a 2000’s Marlin 336 XLR and a new production Ruger Marlin 1895 Trapper to see which ones were actually designed to unload this way. <br> <br>Happy Hunting! <br>Lee Mason, Mason Leather

Can't Human Flag? Learn How!
Can't Human Flag? Learn How! DIO DOOM DONUTS 23 Views • 1 year ago

✅ Get Your FREE Calisthenics Workout: <br> <br> <br>✅ Connect with FitnessFAQs: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>✅ Get Smarter with FitnessFAQs Podcast: <br> <br> <br>#fitness #workout #exercise #calisthenics <br> <br>This human flag demands straight arm scapula strength and also core. We teach calisthenics human flag progressions from beginner to advanced. Video taught by Daniel Vadnal from FitnessFAQs and Simon Ata from Simonsterstrength. <br> <br>Video featuring @SimonsterStrength

Dumb dude learning Français A1- Se présenter & Remplir un formulaire : information personnelle
Dumb dude learning Français A1- Se présenter & Remplir un formulaire : information personnelle Francis_UD 1 Views • 1 year ago

#français #loneliness #depression Filmed on 10/10/2023 AEDT <br>1080p @

Foraging for fatwood ?outdoors knowledge Bushcraft
Foraging for fatwood ?outdoors knowledge Bushcraft DIO DOOM DONUTS 16 Views • 1 year ago

Mgtow books on investment&biz:reading&reviewing bits chp 23, Investment 10th Ed by Zvi Bodie etc
Mgtow books on investment&biz:reading&reviewing bits chp 23, Investment 10th Ed by Zvi Bodie etc Francis_UD 8 Views • 1 year ago

#loneliness #financialengineering #mgtow <br>Filmed on 29/09/2023 AEST Watch 1080p @ <br>Disclaimer here: In no wise my videos or posts or any other types of contents constitute financial advice or professional recommendations pertaining to legal matters of any sort. Please always bear in mind to do your own diligence of research and prior homework before committing yourself to any action that involve risk or risks or any potential to suffer loss(and not just financial loss you know). Nevertheless I wish the best for you guys all. Even my enemies and those who dislike or hate me. (or at least I imagine I'm trying to do so).. <br>I mainly aim to train up my speech articulation and to soothe the bordom of learning sh*t and loneliness along the way by making this video and I don't intend to monetise it even by any chance of fortunate occasions should my channel in the future qualify for Youtube's monetisation programme. Although I embedded a link to my Patreon page onto such video so I can earn some travel money to fund my own living expenses and escape from persecutions and harm particularly from wicked women &amp; other parties and / or individuals posing dangers, harms and hurt to me. Meanwhile I shall also carefully invest some amount of you guys' kind patronage to generate a bit of extra income in order to purchase better gears and equipment for the sake of more quality videos and content production. <br> <br>Music credit (Windows XP setup) <br> <br> <br>Shout-outs(in alphabetical order) to Antony, Peter, DeltaDan , John Smith &amp; Magnus for your kind support&amp; generous patronage! <br>Please consider suporting this channel @ should you reckon that my videos help sooth your pain in life particularly grief of losing a parent and/ or loved ones and loneliness and depression. Please don't feel pressured to give as I won't hate you for not doing it! <br>No matter whether you do or don't, thank you very much for your kindness and vast generosity for giving your attention to this video at least! May God bless us all by granting us a peaceful and relatively comfy life and a decent-looking and painless depature when our times come.

COMO ocorre a MINERAÇÃO do BITCOIN? E o que é o HALVING? | CRIPTOMANIACOS gabfigueiro 3 Views • 1 year ago

Meus Outros Canais: <br>Linktree: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br> <br>MgtowTV: <br>Bitchute: <br>Odysee: <br>Dailymotion: <br>Vimeo: <br> <br>Título Original: O que é o HALVING do BITCOIN? O preço vai subir? <br>Publicado em 15 de Fevereiro de 2020 <br>Créditos: CRIPTOMANIACOS <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>26.172 visualizações 15 de fev. de 2020 <br>O que é o BITCOIN HALVING? Como isso afeta o preço do Bitcoin e de outras criptomoedas? <br> <br>⚠️ INFOGRÁFICO (compartilhe!): <br> <br>? NOSSO SITE: <br> <br> <br>? LOJA: <br> <br> <br>➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ <br> <br>? PATROCINADORES: <br> <br>COINEXT: melhor e mais moderna Exchange Brasileira! <br> <br>NULS: blockchain para soluções empresariais. <br> <br> <br>BITFY: Carteira de bitcoin para pagamentos nas máquinas da Cielo! <br> <br> <br>BITCOIN BACK: Ganhe bitcoins de graça por cada compra online! <br> <br> <br>➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ <br> <br>? OUTRAS REDES SOCIAIS: <br> <br>TELEGRAM (chat para discussão da comunidade): <br> <br> <br>TELEGRAM (canal de alertas): <br> <br> <br>FACEBOOK: <br> <br> <br>TWITTER: <br> <br> <br>INSTAGRAM: <br> <br> <br> <br>⚠ Atenção: As análises deste canal são para fins de estudo e aprendizado. Não fazemos indicação de compra e venda ou recomendação de investimento. Só invista em ativos que você conheça profundamente e com valores que esteja disposto a perder.

[+18] CHEATING WIFE CAUGHT DOING A THREESOME.. (PAKISTAN) Doggk 338 Views • 1 year ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣ <br>▶ DOGGK's 2ND CHANNEL : ⁣ <br>▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : ⁣ <br> <br>⁣⁣⁣- Please hit the &quot;LIKE&quot;- button and don't forget to &quot;SUBSCRIBE&quot; ✔ <br>- COMMENT &amp; SHARE if you liked the video ! <br>- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔ <br> <br>MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU !

Top man.
Top man. TheManInside 24 Views • 1 year ago

Taking surveillance cameras down. UK.


⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣ <br>▶ DOGGK's 2ND CHANNEL : ⁣ <br>▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : ⁣ <br> <br>⁣⁣⁣- Please hit the &quot;LIKE&quot;- button and don't forget to &quot;SUBSCRIBE&quot; ✔ <br>- COMMENT &amp; SHARE if you liked the video ! <br>- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔ <br> <br>THIS IS THE WAY !

The Real Reasons Dating Apps Don't Work
The Real Reasons Dating Apps Don't Work Clandestine_Man 23 Views • 1 year ago

I hope you enjoyed this addition to the manual. <br> <br>YOUTUBE: <br>SUBSTACK: <br>TWITTER: <br> <br>Recommendations: <br>Agenda 21 EXPLAINED John Anthony: <br>Why Don't You Set Yourself Free?: <br>The Rise Of The Midwits: <br>Ian Plimer Geologist Climate Change: <br>Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: <br>What is the Healthiest Diet for Humans?: <br>Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia: <br>Heal yourself with Sunlight: <br>The Truman Show: A Warning For Men: <br>Alan Watts - Are You Tired Of Playing The Social Game: <br>Why Letting Go Is True Wealth: <br>Intuition as the Key to an Amazing Life: <br>The SON of GOD is the SUN of GOD: <br>Jonathan Livingston Seagull Audiobook: <br>How to Stop Being a Slave to the Opinions of Other People: <br> <br>Music: <br>Lost Tribe – Game Master: <br>Colonised Mind – Prince: <br>Now We Are Free – Hans Zimmer: <br>Mise Éire (I am Ireland) – Patrick Cassidy: <br>Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes: <br>Captain Hollywood Project - More and More - <br> <br>Quotes: <br>“I want happiness” <br>Buddha: First remove ‘I’, that’s ego, then remove ‘want’, that’s desire. See, now you are left only with ‘happiness’. <br>I fancy that many men would have arrived at wisdom if they had not fancied that they had already arrived. - Seneca <br>Anything you accept fully will take you into peace. - Eckhart Tolle <br>To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great. - Georg Hegel <br>The root of all suffering is attachment. - Buddha <br>The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed. - Ernest Hemingway

How to fix Amr Mercedes-Benz dent.
How to fix Amr Mercedes-Benz dent. TheManInside 27 Views • 1 year ago

Mgtow bookclub on investment&biz:reading&reviewing bits chp 20, Investment 10th Ed by Zvi Bodie etc
Mgtow bookclub on investment&biz:reading&reviewing bits chp 20, Investment 10th Ed by Zvi Bodie etc Francis_UD 9 Views • 1 year ago

#investment #financialfreedom #financialeducation #loneliness #mgtow #blackpill #selfeducation #afterschooleducation #aftercollegeeducation <br>Disclaimer here: In no wise my videos or posts or any other types of contents constitute financial advice or professional recommendations pertaining to legal matters of any sort. Please always bear in mind to do your own diligence of research and prior homework before commiting yourself to any action that involve risk or risks or any potential to suffer loss(and not just financial loss you know). Nevertheless I wish the best for you guys all. Even my enemies and those who dislike or hate me. (or at least I imagine I'm trying to do so).. <br>I mainly aim to train up my speech articulation and to soothe the bordom of learning sh*t and loneliness along the way by making this video and I don't intend to monetise it even by any chance of fortunate occasions should my channel in the future qualify for Youtube's monetisation programme. Although I embedded a link to my Patreon page onto such video so I can earn some travel money to fund my own living expenses and escape from persecutions and harm particularly from wicked women &amp; other parties and / or individuals posing dangers, harms and hurt to me. Meanwhile I shall also carefully invest some amount of you guys' kind patronage to generate a bit of extra income in order to purchase better gears and equipment for the sake of more quality videos and content production. <br> <br>Bookcover's image credit goes to (not sponsored nor endorsed just randomly googled it out) <br> <br> <br>Music credit <br> <br> <br>Please consider suporting this channel @ should you reckon that my videos help sooth your pain in life particularly grief of losing a parent and/ or loved ones and loneliness and depression. Please don't feel pressured to give as I won't hate you for not doing it! <br>No matter whether you do or don't, thank you very much for your kindness and vast generosity for giving your attention to this video at least! May God bless us all by granting us a peaceful and relatively comfy life and a decent-looking and painless depature when our times come. <br>Filmed on 17/09/2023 AEST

Français A1- Se présenter
Français A1- Se présenter Francis_UD 2 Views • 1 year ago

#loneliness #Français #personaldevelopment #selfimprovement #howto #howtostyle #loner <br>Filmed on 10/09/2023 AEST Watch 1080p50 @ <br>Please consider supporting this channel @ for more exclusive videos on mgtow &amp; self-improvement. <br>Your kind patronage will enable me to produce videos of better quality and to evade persecutions particularly from wicked women! <br>Thank you very much for stopping by &amp; have a lovely day.

ESCRAVOCETAS EMPATIA OU DESPREZO (Homenagem Póstuma ao deletamento do Canal Von Baster)
ESCRAVOCETAS EMPATIA OU DESPREZO (Homenagem Póstuma ao deletamento do Canal Von Baster) Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 46 Views • 1 year ago


LUTO: Von Baster deleta o próprio Canal. (Celebrem a Liberdade de Vocês)
LUTO: Von Baster deleta o próprio Canal. (Celebrem a Liberdade de Vocês) Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 81 Views • 1 year ago


QUARTETO MANGINÁSTICO - O RETORNO CATASTRÓFICO (Versão Sub 3) Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 28 Views • 1 year ago


Visita dos Testemunhas de Jeova
Visita dos Testemunhas de Jeova Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 29 Views • 1 year ago


Neocons entram em Furia deixando escapar toda a aptidão que ainda possuem para Reviver a Inquisição.
Neocons entram em Furia deixando escapar toda a aptidão que ainda possuem para Reviver a Inquisição. Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 26 Views • 1 year ago

Live perdida quando o Canal Terça Livre foi expulso do Youtuba

MGTOW - Homens que ODEIAM as mulheres (RE-UP)
MGTOW - Homens que ODEIAM as mulheres (RE-UP) Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 57 Views • 1 year ago

Vídeo de Maio de 2019, deletado do canal dela no Youtoba.

Tattoos and Body Piercings
Tattoos and Body Piercings "K C" "Sunbeam" 12 Views • 1 year ago

I explain important facts about tattoos, piercings, and body modification that you've probably never thought about.

Como não compactuar com ditos Vencedores na Vida
Como não compactuar com ditos Vencedores na Vida Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 57 Views • 2 years ago


Cold calling to great Britain again, despite moderate stuttering, confronted a blatant rejection
Cold calling to great Britain again, despite moderate stuttering, confronted a blatant rejection Francis_UD 5 Views • 2 years ago

#loneliness #coldcalling #confidenceboost #selfvalidation #britishaccent #poshaccent #pretendingtobeabrit #seekingvalidation #mgtow #redpill Filmed on 22/08/2023 AEST &amp; <br>21/08/2023 Greenwich/London Time. 1080p @ <br>Full version @

Dona Vera Tricotando (The Wall das Honradinhas)
Dona Vera Tricotando (The Wall das Honradinhas) Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 25 Views • 2 years ago


Maternal Empathy & What It Means - Stay Single 005
Maternal Empathy & What It Means - Stay Single 005 Clandestine_Man 18 Views • 2 years ago

Ending Up With a Karen for a Partner - Stay Single 004
Ending Up With a Karen for a Partner - Stay Single 004 Clandestine_Man 19 Views • 2 years ago

I hope you enjoyed this addition to the manual. <br> <br>YOUTUBE: <br>SUBSTACK: <br> <br> <br>Recommendations: <br>Agenda 21 EXPLAINED John Anthony: <br>Why Don't You Set Yourself Free?: <br>The Rise Of The Midwits: <br>Ian Plimer Geologist Climate Change: <br>Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: <br>What is the Healthiest Diet for Humans?: <br>Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia: <br>Heal yourself with Sunlight: <br>The Truman Show: A Warning For Men: <br>Alan Watts - Are You Tired Of Playing The Social Game: <br>Why Letting Go Is True Wealth: <br>Intuition as the Key to an Amazing Life: <br>The SON of GOD is the SUN of GOD: <br>Jonathan Livingston Seagull Audiobook: <br>How to Stop Being a Slave to the Opinions of Other People: <br> <br>Music: <br>Lost Tribe – Game Master: <br>Colonised Mind – Prince: <br>Now We Are Free – Hans Zimmer: <br>Mise Éire (I am Ireland) – Patrick Cassidy: <br>Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes: <br>Captain Hollywood Project - More and More - <br> <br>Quotes: <br>“I want happiness” <br>Buddha: First remove ‘I’, that’s ego, then remove ‘want’, that’s desire. See, now you are left only with ‘happiness’. <br>I fancy that many men would have arrived at wisdom if they had not fancied that they had already arrived. - Seneca <br>Anything you accept fully will take you into peace. - Eckhart Tolle <br>To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great. - Georg Hegel <br>The root of all suffering is attachment. - Buddha <br>The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed. - Ernest Hemingway

Why She Breaks Up at the Worst Time - Stay Single 003
Why She Breaks Up at the Worst Time - Stay Single 003 Clandestine_Man 33 Views • 2 years ago

I hope you enjoyed this addition to the manual. <br> <br>YOUTUBE: <br>SUBSTACK: <br> <br> <br>Recommendations: <br>Agenda 21 EXPLAINED John Anthony: <br>Why Don't You Set Yourself Free?: <br>The Rise Of The Midwits: <br>Ian Plimer Geologist Climate Change: <br>Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: <br>What is the Healthiest Diet for Humans?: <br>Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia: <br>Heal yourself with Sunlight: <br>The Truman Show: A Warning For Men: <br>Alan Watts - Are You Tired Of Playing The Social Game: <br>Why Letting Go Is True Wealth: <br>Intuition as the Key to an Amazing Life: <br>The SON of GOD is the SUN of GOD: <br>Jonathan Livingston Seagull Audiobook: <br>How to Stop Being a Slave to the Opinions of Other People: <br> <br>Music: <br>Lost Tribe – Game Master: <br>Colonised Mind – Prince: <br>Now We Are Free – Hans Zimmer: <br>Mise Éire (I am Ireland) – Patrick Cassidy: <br>Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes: <br>Captain Hollywood Project - More and More - <br> <br>Quotes: <br>“I want happiness” <br>Buddha: First remove ‘I’, that’s ego, then remove ‘want’, that’s desire. See, now you are left only with ‘happiness’. <br>I fancy that many men would have arrived at wisdom if they had not fancied that they had already arrived. - Seneca <br>Anything you accept fully will take you into peace. - Eckhart Tolle <br>To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great. - Georg Hegel <br>The root of all suffering is attachment. - Buddha <br>The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed. - Ernest Hemingway

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ THE DARWIN AWARDS : WHEN A RETARD PUTS FIREWORK UP HIS ASS.. (USA)
⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ THE DARWIN AWARDS : WHEN A RETARD PUTS FIREWORK UP HIS ASS.. (USA) Doggk 168 Views • 2 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣ <br>▶ DOGGK's 2ND CHANNEL : ⁣ <br>▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : ⁣ <br> <br>⁣⁣⁣- Please hit the &quot;LIKE&quot;- button and don't forget to &quot;SUBSCRIBE&quot; ✔ <br>- COMMENT &amp; SHARE if you liked the video ! <br>- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔ <br> <br>Go your own way guys

Stay Single 002: Lack of Gratitude & Entitlement Complex
Stay Single 002: Lack of Gratitude & Entitlement Complex Clandestine_Man 40 Views • 2 years ago

Stay Single 001: Her Question is Always Her Answer
Stay Single 001: Her Question is Always Her Answer Clandestine_Man 43 Views • 2 years ago

I hope you enjoyed this addition to the manual. <br> <br>YOUTUBE: <br>SUBSTACK: <br> <br> <br>Recommendations: <br>Agenda 21 EXPLAINED John Anthony: <br>Why Don't You Set Yourself Free?: <br>The Rise Of The Midwits: <br>Ian Plimer Geologist Climate Change: <br>Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: <br>What is the Healthiest Diet for Humans?: <br>Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia: <br>Heal yourself with Sunlight: <br>The Truman Show: A Warning For Men: <br>Alan Watts - Are You Tired Of Playing The Social Game: <br>Why Letting Go Is True Wealth: <br>Intuition as the Key to an Amazing Life: <br>The SON of GOD is the SUN of GOD: <br>Jonathan Livingston Seagull Audiobook: <br>How to Stop Being a Slave to the Opinions of Other People: <br> <br>Music: <br>Lost Tribe – Game Master: <br>Colonised Mind – Prince: <br>Now We Are Free – Hans Zimmer: <br>Mise Éire (I am Ireland) – Patrick Cassidy: <br>Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes: <br>Captain Hollywood Project - More and More - <br> <br>Quotes: <br>“I want happiness” <br>Buddha: First remove ‘I’, that’s ego, then remove ‘want’, that’s desire. See, now you are left only with ‘happiness’. <br>I fancy that many men would have arrived at wisdom if they had not fancied that they had already arrived. - Seneca <br>Anything you accept fully will take you into peace. - Eckhart Tolle <br>To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great. - Georg Hegel <br>The root of all suffering is attachment. - Buddha <br>The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed. - Ernest Hemingway

Ubuntu 22.04 DNS Resolution Systemd-Resolved
Ubuntu 22.04 DNS Resolution Systemd-Resolved tarknan 5 Views • 2 years ago

Solving systemd-resolved issue with the symlink and DNS on ubuntu 22.04.

1st cold call to a web development business entity today morning on 14/08/2023 AEST
1st cold call to a web development business entity today morning on 14/08/2023 AEST Francis_UD 10 Views • 2 years ago

#loneliness #coldcall #coldcalling Filmed on 14/08/2023 AEST 1080p @ <br>More real cold call recordings @


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⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ LITTLE DARK AGE - BRITISH EMPIRE EDITION >> AWESOME HISTORICAL CLIP
⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ LITTLE DARK AGE - BRITISH EMPIRE EDITION >> AWESOME HISTORICAL CLIP Doggk 97 Views • 2 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: ⁣⁣ <br>▶ DOGGK's 2ND CHANNEL : ⁣ <br>▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : ⁣ <br> <br>⁣⁣⁣- Please hit the &quot;LIKE&quot;- button and don't forget to &quot;SUBSCRIBE&quot; ✔ <br>- COMMENT &amp; SHARE if you liked the video ! <br>- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔ <br> <br>Go your own way guys

10 Minute Belly Home Workout (No Jumping + No Equipment)
10 Minute Belly Home Workout (No Jumping + No Equipment) Raushan04 12 Views • 2 years ago

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. <br>for more detail.. and buy <br>Product link : for killer fat loss. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>please like,subscribe, share and follow for more and information <br> <br> <br>

[Level 4] 20 Minute Fat-Burning & Strengthening Vol. 2
[Level 4] 20 Minute Fat-Burning & Strengthening Vol. 2 Raushan04 18 Views • 2 years ago

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. <br>for more detail.. and buy <br>Product link : for killer fat loss. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>please like,subscribe, share and follow for more and information <br> <br> <br>

[Favourite] Level 4 - Killer Fat-Burning Home Cardio!
[Favourite] Level 4 - Killer Fat-Burning Home Cardio! Raushan04 6 Views • 2 years ago

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. <br>for more detail.. and buy <br>Product link : for killer fat loss. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>please like,subscribe, share and follow for more and information <br> <br> <br>


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Exercise To Lose Weight FAST __
Exercise To Lose Weight FAST __ Raushan04 10 Views • 2 years ago

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. <br>for more detail.. and buy <br>Product link : for killer fat loss. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>please like,subscribe, share and follow for more and information <br> <br> <br>

best way for weightloss in science ways
best way for weightloss in science ways Raushan04 4 Views • 2 years ago

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. <br>for more detail.. and buy <br>Product link : for killer fat loss. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>please like,subscribe, share and follow for more and information <br> <br> <br>

belly fat loss fast
belly fat loss fast Raushan04 8 Views • 2 years ago

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. <br>for more detail.. and buy <br>Product link : for killer fat loss. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>please like,subscribe, share and follow for more and information <br> <br> <br>

how to loss weight fast
how to loss weight fast Raushan04 5 Views • 2 years ago

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. <br>for more detail.. and buy <br>Product link : for killer fat loss. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>please like,subscribe, share and follow for more and information <br> <br>

35 minutes exercise for weightloss easy step
35 minutes exercise for weightloss easy step Raushan04 5 Views • 2 years ago

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. <br>for more detail.. and buy <br>Product link : for killer fat loss. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>please like,subscribe, share and follow for more and information <br> <br>

7days challange for weightloss in12 minutes workout
7days challange for weightloss in12 minutes workout Raushan04 7 Views • 2 years ago

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. <br>for more detail.. and buy <br>Product link : for killer fat loss. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>please like,subscribe, share and follow for more and information

Removed mutated limbs on another image featuring the anime girl kikyo, patreon exclusive free ver.
Removed mutated limbs on another image featuring the anime girl kikyo, patreon exclusive free ver. Francis_UD 5 Views • 2 years ago

#adobephotoshop #animegirl #loneliness #anime #fanart #animeart Filmed between 18/07/2023 &amp; 20/07/2023 AEST Watch 1080p @ <br>Unlock the full walkthrough video with no cut whatsoever @ <br>images after fixing @

Sound Advice From The Law...
Sound Advice From The Law... Drums McBashington 28 Views • 2 years ago

Lifted from: People Review <br>

Do This To Calm Your Angry Wife
Do This To Calm Your Angry Wife gamer007 30 Views • 2 years ago


Fixed and polished another anime girl (kikyo) made by myself using photoshop, free walkthrough
Fixed and polished another anime girl (kikyo) made by myself using photoshop, free walkthrough Francis_UD 11 Views • 2 years ago

#adobephotoshop #loneliness #fanart #inuyasha #kikyo #桔梗 #nojobnomoneynonothing #howto #howtostyle Filmed on 07/07/2023 AEST <br>1080p60 @ <br>Watch the walkthrough in her full length here

Advent - Dia del padre y más
Advent - Dia del padre y más lahidratv 16 Views • 2 years ago

Advent - Deja El Machismo De Lado
Advent - Deja El Machismo De Lado lahidratv 10 Views • 2 years ago

Advent - Deja De Ser Un Frustrado Sexual
Advent - Deja De Ser Un Frustrado Sexual lahidratv 15 Views • 2 years ago

Advent - Como Lidiar Con Los Normalitos
Advent - Como Lidiar Con Los Normalitos lahidratv 33 Views • 2 years ago

Advent - Acepta Su Naturaleza Pero No Te Dejes Manipular
Advent - Acepta Su Naturaleza Pero No Te Dejes Manipular lahidratv 8 Views • 2 years ago

● SHE TAZES HER BOYFRIEND IN THE BALLS.. (USA) - << I"M BACK, BRO'S !!! >> Doggk 176 Views • 2 years ago

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Se vc têm como verdade a opinião de um Personagem, quem é o Burro?
Se vc têm como verdade a opinião de um Personagem, quem é o Burro? Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 61 Views • 2 years ago


Morta pela própria Familia? pelo Gadobol? ou pelas Fortes Emoções?
Morta pela própria Familia? pelo Gadobol? ou pelas Fortes Emoções? Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 85 Views • 2 years ago

Morta pela própria Familia? pelo Gadobol? ou pelas Fortes Emoções?

parlon français  A1-
parlon français A1- Francis_UD 9 Views • 2 years ago

#loneliness #français #nojobnomoneynonothing Filmed on 04/07/2023 AEST <br>1080p @

Sex Robots & Sex Dolls
Sex Robots & Sex Dolls "K C" "Sunbeam" 34 Views • 2 years ago

A matter of fact and detailed talk on said subject.

Teaching You How To Code While Listening to TFM
Teaching You How To Code While Listening to TFM Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 355 Views • 2 years ago

How To Use A Plastic Bottle As A Funnel For Your Car
How To Use A Plastic Bottle As A Funnel For Your Car Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 82 Views • 2 years ago

makeup, Md Sharif 7 Views • 2 years ago

women beauty.

BS-MALL Makeup Brush Set 18 Pcs.
BS-MALL Makeup Brush Set 18 Pcs. Md Sharif 11 Views • 2 years ago

BS-MALL Makeup Brush Set 18 Pcs. <br> <br>PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP BRUSH SET: Cover 18pcs brushes for Eye Shadow, Crease Shadow, Concealer, Blush, Foundation, Pressed or Loose Powders, Highlighter &amp; Eyebrows. Ideally for applying, blending and shading products. Easy and convenient for daily makeup use. <br>PREMIUM SYNTHETIC FIBER: The handles of cosmetic brushes are made of high-end alloy and wood material. The bristles are well made of soft and silky nylon, ensured for long time use. All the brushes are fine and dense, suitable for even the most sensitive skin. <br> <br>Up to -54% <br>Makeup Brushes: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Disclaimer. <br>In this video, segments of product stock footage have been collected from multiple sources. <br>All videos belong to site owner and product owner. We just want to introduce this product to the world. The video description contains affiliate links, which means if you purchase products from any of the links in this product, I will receive a small commission. <br>It supports my channel and motivates me to keep making new videos on my channel. Thank you for your cooperation! <br>If you have any complaints with the video footage, please send me a message, I can fix the problem with the video.

Looks like they opted for a drone with a flame thrower instead.
Looks like they opted for a drone with a flame thrower instead. Carl Wassermann 52 Views • 2 years ago

Looks like they opted for a drone with a flame thrower instead.

Mike Mentzer`s Ideal Program For Naturals
Mike Mentzer`s Ideal Program For Naturals TheRedKnight 26 Views • 2 years ago

In this video Mike Mentzer is giving you a great workout that shows how little is needed to build a great body. <br>OK, about the title: NO, this is not the prgram Mike or his brother used. And NO, Mike nor his brother were natural bodybuilders. Many people do not know that Mike was a personal trainer, and trained thousans of clients in person or over the phone. <br>Some clients were on ped`s and some of them were in fact natural. <br>He came up with this program by experimenting on his clients and their results. <br>Keep in mind that this was recorded a few decades ago, and a lot has changed from that time. (even in the h.i.t. comunity). <br>But that does not mean this aproach won`t work. It did then, and it will work now. <br>I did this program myself back in the day and it gave me great results in the gym. <br>I had to cut out the deadlifts, and although I believe the deadlift is a great tool for overal muscle building. It is still an exercise that can cause injuries very quickly. <br>So because I took the deadlifts out, I had to put the leg culrs in for the hamstrings, and a rowing exercise for the thickness of the back. <br>So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and listen to Mike Mentzer and his version of the Ideal Program for bodybuilding.

What Happens To Body After 30 Days Cold Showers (Science Explained)
What Happens To Body After 30 Days Cold Showers (Science Explained) TheRedKnight 38 Views • 2 years ago

What would happen if you took cold showers for 30 days? Today we’ll dive into the science, and I’ll reveal the results I got from doing the 30 day cold shower therapy protocol I’ll share later on. Even if you’re thinking you’ll never take cold showers, trust me, after learning of the benefits of cold showers in this video, you might just reconsider. But what are the specific benefits you can expect? How to take a cold shower? How cold does the water need to be? Can it help with fat loss or building muscle? <br> <br>You’ll start experiencing the benefits of cold showers right from day 1. Exposing your body to cold seems to release 3 key hormones; norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine. Together these stimulate your “fight or flight” response. These hormones stay elevated for an extended period afterwards. Anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours depending on how cold the water was and how long you were in it. The benefit of this is improved mood, energy, and focus. But to experience these benefits, there are a few things you need to know. <br> <br>First, the temperature of the water for your cold showers needs to be cold enough. Research suggests at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. To tell if it’s cold enough without a thermometer, it should trigger what’s known as the “initial inspiratory gasp”. But you also need to stay in the cold for long enough. The subjects in the study I mentioned earlier sat in cold water for an hour. I did find several studies showing benefits with shorter durations of even just 20 seconds of cold exposure. But in most cases, they used an ice bath instead of a shower. This doesn’t mean a 30 second cold shower won’t do anything though. Even if your hormonal increase isn’t significant by research standards, you will likely still feel a benefit and an increased mood. But over time, your body adapts to the cold and the hormonal response seems to die down. Once you notice this, here’s how to take a cold shower to continue feeling a benefit: try making the water colder or staying in it for longer. <br> <br>Next, let's talk about fat loss. A 2021 study found that cold water immersion increased well trained athletes’ estimated daily calorie burn from 2,000 calories per day all the way up to 3,000 calories! However, there are two catches. First, subjects were immersed in the cold for over 3 hours. The average shower length is 8 minutes, and the amount of time you’d spend showering in the cold would be only a fraction of that. Second, the researchers assumed the subjects would continue burning calories at the same rate as when they were in the cold. Even if you crunch the data while being super optimistic, it likely wouldn’t end up anywhere close to enough to make a meaningful effect for fat loss. <br> <br>For now, a far more effective and proven way to lose fat <br>is to use a well-designed nutrition and training plan like the ones we offer at Built With Science: <br> <br>Click below for a well-designed nutrition and training plan that’ll help you <br>lose fat: <br> <br> <br>Click below to subscribe for more videos: <br> <br> <br>Now what about muscle recovery and growth? Well, Ice baths have been shown to reduce muscle soreness, fatigue, and inflammation after a training session. This is great for athletes who need to recover quickly between events. But if you're looking to build muscle and strength, this may actually be a problem since it reduces inflammation, which is part of your muscles’ recovery process to grow bigger and stronger. Three studies have now shown that post-training cold water immersion significantly decreases muscle growth. So, if you want to maximize growth and strength, either do it before the workout, at least 4- 6 hours after your workout, or on a separate day altogether. Now, the studies I mentioned all used ice baths where subjects stayed immersed for anywhere between 10-20 minutes. So they were pretty intense protocols. Based on that, I would speculate that a quick cold shower after a workout wouldn’t have any negative effects on muscle growth. But on that note, it also probably wouldn’t do anything meaningful for your recovery. <br> <br>There’s one more benefit you should know about. Forcing yourself to mentally withstand a stressor like the cold activates an area of your brain that suppresses impulsivity. This can help you remain calm and not overreact whenever stressors come up in your life. But this also helps build tremendous resilience and grit that can positively transfer into other areas of your life. I’d recommend start with cold showers, work your way up to 30 seconds to a minute, and then overtime try to stay in it for longer or if possible make the water even colder. And to further intensify the benefits, consider investing in a cold tub for some of those recovery benefits.

Eu quero morrer... mas não por você.
Eu quero morrer... mas não por você. Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 59 Views • 2 years ago


O Pai Biológico
O Pai Biológico Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 44 Views • 2 years ago


Estão me obrigando a deletar o Canal. (explico no campo dos Comentários)
Estão me obrigando a deletar o Canal. (explico no campo dos Comentários) Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 79 Views • 2 years ago


Que os Vermes nadem no próprio Vômito.
Que os Vermes nadem no próprio Vômito. Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 61 Views • 2 years ago

Don Sandro obrigado por finalmente fazer bem a si mesmo, se eu tivesse como já teria fechado o seu canal quando vc chegou a 50 mil inscritos, é uma satisfação impagável ter tido a honra de absorver honra e honrarias a cada estimulo de coragem, a cada estimulo de 'levantem, sejam maus', infelizmente o homem esta fadado a serem vermes, quem acordou acordou, quem não acordou é porque não teve força de vontade pra conseguir driblar o algoritmo e chegar até produtores mais densos, não podemos ficar presos no ego onde 'se eu recebi conhecimento X, tenho que repassar esse conhecimento X a todo custo' no final das contas a maquina do sistema sempre é maior, e sempre haveram homens desonestos subvertendo o discurso, gerando instrumentalização de sinceros, por parte dos Mercenários que se disfarçam suavizando o discurso original.

O ÇúL é o meu Pais #02
O ÇúL é o meu Pais #02 Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 52 Views • 2 years ago


Mgtow - how to trim a huge tree by yourself
Mgtow - how to trim a huge tree by yourself redmaple 33 Views • 2 years ago

Only for the brave, strong and fit

PORQUE AS PESSOAS POBRES SÃO ODIADAS PELOS RICOS Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 68 Views • 2 years ago



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Money Part 5
Money Part 5 "K C" "Sunbeam" 16 Views • 2 years ago

Pt 5 of 5: Charity: Options for Charity; Helping the Poor?; Conclusion.

Money Part 4
Money Part 4 "K C" "Sunbeam" 12 Views • 2 years ago

Pt 4 of 5: Cheating the Poor; Other Problems.

Money Part 3
Money Part 3 "K C" "Sunbeam" 19 Views • 2 years ago

Pt 3 of 5: Coupons and Sales Blowouts; Buyers Beware; Lacking Contracts; End of Life Care/Funerals.

Money Part 2
Money Part 2 "K C" "Sunbeam" 18 Views • 2 years ago

Pt 2 of 5: Capitalism's Problems: Avoiding Financial Scams; Gambling.

Money Part 1
Money Part 1 "K C" "Sunbeam" 15 Views • 2 years ago

Pt 1 of 5: Introduction; Cash Flow: Taxation; Maintaining Surplus Cash.

O ÇúL é o Meu País
O ÇúL é o Meu País Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 40 Views • 2 years ago


Black Son manda a PiLL
Black Son manda a PiLL Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 48 Views • 2 years ago


A Utopia de um Encontro com Deus
A Utopia de um Encontro com Deus Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 25 Views • 2 years ago


Shit men say when they don't know any better.
Shit men say when they don't know any better. TheManInside 50 Views • 2 years ago

Blade vs Chain.
Blade vs Chain. TheManInside 29 Views • 2 years ago

... Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 40 Views • 2 years ago


MÉTODO P..R.E.C.I. Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 24 Views • 2 years ago


Going bananas.
Going bananas. TheManInside 35 Views • 2 years ago

O Debate do Século (Quem Vencerá?)
O Debate do Século (Quem Vencerá?) Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 49 Views • 2 years ago


@Shane do I need a Freon recharge or is the AC going bad?
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Somos os INIMIGOS do BOM SENSO Grifouzen_InKeLragePiLL_ista 49 Views • 2 years ago


Power tools and battery adapters.
Power tools and battery adapters. TheManInside 30 Views • 2 years ago

Showing 1 out of 2