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de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 623b <br>Title : Masculist Revenge Crushing of Feminazi Misandry, Part 2 <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 620+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : Now that masculist ideas have crystallized, the time is ripe to crush the monoconscious misandry, bigotry and ignorance of MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) with masculist anger and hatred, beginning on the campuses, by teaching male college students the core ideas of masculism, so that when they are confronted with an MFB, these men have the intellectual weapons to crush her misandry, forcing her to become biconscious, or she loses her currently monoconscious, male feminist, boyfriend, whom the masculists target, teaching these boyfriends masculism, so that they become biconscious, who then dont tolerate the bigoted ignorant monoconscious misandry of their feminist girlfriends, and bite their fucking heads off, haranguing them out of the room, teaching them that feminists no longer have a monopoly over gender politics, that they have had for 6 decades.

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 623a <br>Title : Masculist Revenge Crushing of Feminazi Misandry, Part 1 <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 620+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : Now that masculist ideas have crystallized, the time is ripe to crush the monoconscious misandry, bigotry and ignorance of MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) with masculist anger and hatred, beginning on the campuses, by teaching male college students the core ideas of masculism, so that when they are confronted with an MFB, these men have the intellectual weapons to crush her misandry, forcing her to become biconscious, or she loses her currently monoconscious, male feminist, boyfriend, whom the masculists target, teaching these boyfriends masculism, so that they become biconscious, who then don't tolerate the bigoted ignorant monoconscious misandry of their feminist girlfriends, and bite their fucking heads off, haranguing them out of the room, teaching them that feminists no longer have a monopoly over gender politics, that they have had for 6 decades.

when anyone gets into story what they're trying to do is convince you of their poor decision making and trying to convince you that they are in fact a good person for making the choices and decisions that they made in other words, getting you to empathiz with their poor choice.

Bodycam footage shows Oklahoma police arresting a 12-year-old girl for allegedly stabbing her 9-year-old brother to death while their mother slept in January. The Tulsa Police Department said the suspect admitted to the deadly stabbing after being taken into custody. The middle school student can be heard apologizing over and over again, even praying for forgiveness while inside a police cruiser. “Are the handcuffs necessary? I’m a good child,” the girl said in between tear-filled conversations with an officer. She asked whether she was going to jail numerous times before she proclaimed that her life was over. Portions of the bodycam were redacted and blurred by authorities per department policy related to ongoing investigations. <br> <br>Read more about this story: <br> <br>#Bodycam #Oklahoma #LawandCrime <br> <br>STAY UP-TO-DATE WITH THE LAW&CRIME NETWORK: <br>Watch Law&Crime Network on YouTubeTV: <br>Where To Watch Law&Crime Network: <br>Sign Up For Law&Crime's Daily Newsletter: <br>Read Fascinating Articles From Law&Crime Network: <br> <br>LAW&CRIME NETWORK SOCIAL MEDIA: <br>Instagram: <br>Twitter: <br>Facebook: <br>Twitch: <br>TikTok: <br> <br>LAW&CRIME NETWORK PODCASTS: <br> <br>SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OF LAW&CRIME NETWORK YOUTUBE CHANNELS: <br>Main Channel: <br>Law&Crime Shorts: <br>Channel B: <br>Channel C:

im going to lose you as a subscriber. i understand why. but if im not allowed to put my hands on you as a man, with iut consequence, then why is a woman? <br> <br>that is, what i call , neo-victorian chivalry we are living in. rules for some but not others. that logic is killing our country.

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 622 <br>Title : What Life will be Like for Women in a Biconsciousing Culture <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 620+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : This flyer predicts that over the next decade or so, there are going to be millions of bitter, verbally violent, hateful, confrontations between monoconscious feminist women, and biconscious masculist men, resulting in a lot of pain as millions of monoconscious feminists lose their boyfriends, whom the masculists target, teaching these currently monoconscious male feminist boyfriends, masculist ideas, converting them into biconscious masculists, who then see the monoconsciousness of their girlfriends as hypocritical and bigoted, and then dump them. Over time, society will become biconscious, and relations between the sexes will then improve, but the transition period in which women are converted from monoconsciousness to biconsciousness will be verbally bloody, vicious, and hateful, as biconscious masculists express their hatred of monoconscious feminists, forcing these women to rot on the shelf, manless, childless, spat at, and utterly rejected, causing several million young fluffie women to suicide after being so viciously rejected for being man slaving, divorce raping, vermin.

This is my understanding from my perception of how masculinity has been warped by the fake red pill movement. This explains the reflection of history relating to todays behaviours especially post PUA movement not by itself but that produced the most vicious malpractice of masculinity, I am not suggesting weakness is a good think but Nikola tesla and Einstein was not exactly buff was they? in fact i wonder if there has been any muscle bound inventors that raised humanities standards? has to be far and few just to prove a point

An episode of KPIX-TV's People Are Talking, examining images and challenging stereotypes of black men in American society, presented by Ann Fraser and Ross McGowan on January 15th 1988. Features discussion with members of the audience and guests Huey P. Newton, Ishmael Reed and Jawanza Kunjufu. This program was aired to honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. From the Bay Area Television Archive. <br> <br>Shared for historical purposes. I do not own the rights. <br> <br>##### <br>Reelblack's mission is to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through Black film. If there is content shared on this platform that you feel infringes on your intellectual property, please email me at [email protected] and [email protected] with details and it will be promptly removed.

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 621 <br>Title : What is a Life Leecher? <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 620+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : The crash in the birth rate is one of the most alarming phenomena of our times, that sooner or later has to be addressed. This flyer states that gender politics plays a major role in the cause of this birth rate crash. It also states that once the gender laws have largely been men faired and women faired, then governments and society can concentrate on pushing up the birth rate, by applying a new term &quot;life leechers&quot; to adults who consciously choose not to reproduce themselves, thus contributing to the population crash, making them genociders and hence criminals. The term &quot;life leecher&quot; is deliberately coined to be a very negative label for such people who are not fulfilling their &quot;civic duty&quot; to reproduce themselves.

2 DEDOS DE CUCKOLOGIA <br> <br> <br>Fonte:

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Dark Clouds Over Elberton - The True Story of the Georgia Guidestones. <br> <br>Yes, they have been destroyed, but this is very compelling information as to who had them constructed and why. <br> <br>Well respected documentary maker Chris Pinto did a years-long investigation into the mysterious true identity of the man behind the funding of the Georgia Guidestones known only as R.C. Christian, an assumed name. <br> <br>You decide if he has uncovered the man behind the now destroyed monument.

Terence Popp y su amigo hablan con un MGTOW divorciado y sus aventuras en Asia. <br> <br>Link del video original:

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 620 <br>Title : An Open Masculist Letter to the Politicians, Society Needs Masculism to Survive <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 620+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : This flyer is an open letter to the politicians, lobbying them, to push for the creation of a biconscious society, a FIP Society, so that young men stop refusing to date young women at a rate of 60%. Monoconscious feminism has made young women so obnoxious to American young men under 30, that 60% of these men, not only refuse to marry and reject paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts taken over by the fluffie feminists, but they dont even DATE young women, thus causing a catastrophic crash in the birth rate, so the politicians need to make this issue center stage in their consciousness, to learn some masculism, to become biconscious, to set up GECs (gender equality committees) in the parliaments, and to menfair the gender laws, by passing the Parer (paternity rejection right), the OBTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) etc., so that young men are prepared to be fathers again, otherwise, we wipe ourselves out, in about 4 generations, if one does the math.

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br>Flyer No. 619 <br>Title : Its Possible to be both a Masculist and have a Girlfriend <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Men's Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 610+ Masculist Flyers for Men's Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : This flyer claims that it is possible for a masculist to have a girlfriend, by simply educating her with masculist ideas, so that she becomes biconscious, i.e. she has both her feminist and her masculist consciousnesses raised, which will cancel her monoconscious feminist anger at men for the ways that men oppress women, because she will see that women oppress men worse. By LATting (living apart together), with both the man and the woman having their own dwelling, and both being FIPs, the man, the masculist, can have the best of both worlds, i.e. he can have the companionship and regular sex from a woman, and not be manslaved and divorce raped by a hated fluffie, or by an even more hated, fluffie monoconscious feminist.

for a man who lives with so many morals and righteousness somehow seems to think that allowing his wife to be touched by other men is somehow okay. but then again he himself doesn't apply those same principles and ethics to himself so why should we expect him to have any righteous morals?

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de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br>Flyer No. 618 <br> <br>Title : Masculist Hatred of Frances and Germanys Anti Paternity Fraud Testing Laws <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 610+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : In France and Germany, there are anti paternity fraud testing laws that can put a man in prison for a year or pay a 15000 Euro fine for sending his DNA to another country where paternity testing is free and legal. This flyer really lashes out at the massive misandrist gender injustice against men of these morally abhorrent gender laws, that are so gynocentric, so gynocratic, that they make masculists want to pick up arms and shoot the monoconscious feminist gender politicians (female or male) who made these monstrous laws that so abuse men, who are half the population.

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 617 <br>Title : Learn Some Masculism You Ignorant, Monoconscious, Misandrist, Feminazi, Cunt! <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 610+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : This flyer explains why masculists have such a hatred of monoconscious feminazis, spelling out the many gender crimes that these women commit against men, especially in the divorce courts, their man slavery as fluffies, their forced fathering etc. Masculists see monoconscious feminists as arch hypocrites and bigots and spit in their face, haranguing them with vicious, hateful, masculist, rhetoric, so that such women quickly learn to become biconscious or they will lose their currently monoconscious, male feminist, boyfriends, who are specifically targeted by the biconscious masculists, who teach them masculism, so that once biconscioused, these boyfriends then become disgusted with the monoconscious bigotry of their feminist girlfriends and then dump them, in their millions. Soon, monoconscious feminists will be so universally hated, that they will soon die out.
![[Novo golpe] Balzacas engravidando de adolescentes pra pedir pensão [Segundo vídeo]](

As predadores econômicas não conseguem mais predar a renda de homens adultos então elas se voltam para os rapazes adolescentes. <br> <br>Fonte:

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers <br> <br>Flyer No. 616a <br>Title : The Use of Masculist Hatred to Liberate Men, Part 1 <br>Text URL : <br>All Flyers URL : <br>Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 600+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from) <br>Descr : This flyer explains why masculists use hatred as their primary tactic to liberate men. This hatred is both heartfelt and a deliberate political tactic, that the masculists feel is more effective than the &quot;poor little me&quot; victim approach of the MRM (men's rights movement) or the apolitical wimpery of the MGTOWs (men going their own way).

We are all damaged goods and so we should exercise some self-compassion. Back by public demand (one person). <br> <br>Books: "A Minority Interest" and "The Corporeal Fantasy" can be found on Amazon. <br>Patreon Channel: <br>Twitter: