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Prestem bastante atenção nesse vídeo e me diga qual o valor do Homem na sociedade atual!?
Canal Mgtow homens livres:
Say the word Pedophile you immediatly thing of a dirty old MAN! But even the warped P{edo has had his thunder stolen now by the FEFAIL Pedo? Take a look at this CUNT fefail and her lame excuses for trying to pick up a 15 year old! i mean isn't fucking It's Cat enough pleasure these day's! lol! you would think in these "Independent2 times a dirty brown coat and horn rimmed spec's would make her look the part!
The Scottish SAGE is at those words of wisdom again. He is very reasuring in what he say's, plus GBN is unbias. The only other News outlets I will even consider are Sky News Australia and occasionally RT.
Relacionar-se com conservadias e mulheres com transtorno de personalidade borderline só tem um fim e ele é negro
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Take a look at this MAD bitch! lol! She thinks her BRA from Victoria Secret's is tracking her! lol! Lady it's called a BARCODE tag that is used for sales purposes. But this MAD Cunt is so delusional she cant see that! lol! Funny really and ironic, that to get all the Entitlement and freedoim's women have today they once "Burned" their Bra's to get inb the 70's! lol!
Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
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More Government bullshit from the Feminist Propaganda Mill.
Duluth, Feminist Brainwashing. The Ideological Subversion of Society
O estilo de vida mgtow, veio pra mudar o mundo a qual nos vivemos.
E os bluepills que ainda são gados, esses pouco a pouco estão ficando cada vez mais libertos.
Cada vez mais o dia (D) se aproxima.
E chegará um momento a qual, se elas dependerem de nós homens a inanição sera o seus sustentos.
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- The MGTOW Book Collection
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Scott and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman! Big fan here. I was living the monk lifestyle for about 2 years after working for a decade in one of the city's most popular bars, seeing the worst of women's behavior on display nightly. The I met a cute fat girl who was fun to be around and had alot of nawalt qualities, about as close to the unicorn as I have seen. She ended up riding my chubby custard launcher for about 2 years until she started saying the I love yous and I had to break it off with her. She was trying to move in with me one little sneaky backpack load at a time. I honestly could have stayed with her longer except for 2 things. Number one she was an all around large person. 6ft tall, broad shoulders wide hips cute face, but about 250lbs although she carried it well. My shwing shwang just had no more interest. Number 2 she had a stronger vag smell. Not like infection or anything but just stronger than usual it was a huge turnoff. Anyways my question to you is, I care about her and she's a good person and I want to hurt her as little as possible so I just told her I lost feelings for her. But now she's distraught and trying to win me back. Should I keep firm in this or just tell her she needs to lose 80lbs and her vag stinks? Thanks for all the great work Mr. Sandman!" Well Scott thanks for the donation and topic. I know that the title I picked for this video doesn't go along with your situation right now. But if you gave her that 80 pound ultimatum and spray bottle of febreeze to make smell fish free then you might just find yourself falling for her after elevating her sexual marketplace value. Of course if she were to do what you wanted her do then she would figure out that she could probably do better than you and leave. Sure she'll get rid of the smell and when she does along with the eighty pounds she'll get rid of you and won't let you pound her. All she'll leave behind is the used douchebag in the bathroom for you to remember her by. I'll discuss more disgusting stuff in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to taking that fish flavored taco back to red lobster clown world show. Scott when you told me she was six feet tall with broad shoulder I began worrying that you were dating a linebacker with boobs. Luckily you said she had Wide hits and a vag. So her female status was confirmed. I can understand it if you don't like the fact that the odour of dead trash panda in her pants doesn't turn you on. I remember one girl I used to work in television with that had a smell that bad. We used to work in teams of six people in control rooms and between her and a fat guy that didn't wear deodorant everyone was trying to get off the shift with them but no one was willing to tell them about their stench. I guess no one wanted to hurt their feelings and look like the bad guy. You don't own this woman anything. You don't have to let her off easy because I'll bet you that she didn't tell guys she was with before why she stopped seeing them. The fact that you don't want to hurt her shows me that on some level after 2 years you either still have feelings for her or that you're an empathetic human being that doesn't like seeing others suffer. Maybe a little bit from column A and a little from column B? Odds are she doesn't really have many options left when it comes to men. So she's probably trying to play your heart strings and get you to commit to her. How do you know she's distraught? What does that even mean? I've had women say they would kill themselves if I didn't take them back. How is that for manipulating a man's emotions? I wouldn't tell her that she needs to lose all that weight and use a douche bag because I fear that she might actually do those things and then you wouldn't have an excuse anymore.
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Reup dos vídeos do Von Baster acerca da hipergamia (caso alguém ainda não tenha visto). Obrigado por assistir.
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El amor de Camilla por el descuartizador Peter: el caso que lleva a Dinamarca a prohibir a los presos iniciar nuevos romances
La postura que defiende Dinamarca es que si eres tan peligroso como para encerrarte en una cárcel para siempre, eres tan peligroso como evitar que enamores a alguien.
laSexta Clave
17 septiembre, 2021
En Dinamarca van a prohibir a los presos condenados a cadena perpetua que inicien nuevos romances. El Gobierno danés no quiere que asesinos brutales o violadores atroces tengan relaciones sentimentales con nadie. Quiere que la prisión los aísle totalmente de cualquier trato con la sociedad.
Pero, ¿qué es esto de prohibir a los presos que inicien nuevos romances, o sea, que se enamoren? La postura que defiende Dinamarca es que si eres tan peligroso como para encerrarte en una cárcel para siempre, eres tan peligroso como evitar que enamores a alguien. Porque bien no le vas a hacer y puedes ocasionarle bastante mal.
Si puedes matar, puedes manipular. Ya no solo privan de libertad al preso. Ya también es aislarlo de nuevos entornos, de nuevas relaciones, realmente aislarlo de todo.
Qué es la hibristofilia, la fascinación por el malvado
Lo que están tratando de evitar son casos de hibristofilia: la fascinanción por el malvado. El encandilarse por un criminal. El enamorsare de alguien que ha cometido un acto brutal, atroz.
No hay una causa única de porqué alguien siente esa atracción. Puede haber el que identifican una virilidad que les atrae en un comportamiento criminal.
Hay autores que consideran que a las personas le atrae la idea de poder redimir, salvar, reconducir al delincuente. Otras se acercan apenadas, compasivas, lamentando su situación. Y otras meramente quieren fama.
Camilla Kurstein, el caso que lo cambió todo
Los casos no son extraños en Dinamarca. Le pasó a Camilla Kurstein. Con 15 años comenzó a escribir a Peter Madsen. Madsen mató y descuartizó a una periodista en un submarino. La periodista fue a entrevistarlo porque era inventor, un personaje curioso que vivía y trabajaba en submarinos, él quiso sexo con ella, ella se negó, él la mató y descuartizó.
Además de las evidencias de ese asesinato, se encontraron evidencias de torturar a más mujeres. Fue condenado y ella, Kurstein, se fijó en él. Se enamoró, hasta que se desilusionó: él estaba tonteando también con otra mujer con la que se casó y que parece estar más con él por la fama que por otra cosa. Ha sido la confesión de Camilla de su relación la que ha acelerado esta medida.
Se han dado más de una treintena de casos
Pero por un solo caso no se cambia una ley. En la principal prisión donde están recluidos algunos de los criminales más peligrosos se han dado hasta 32 casos de hibristofilia. Entre ellos, el de Peter Lundin.
Danés que asesinó a su madre en EEUU, fue condenado por ello. Salió de la cárcel. Se volvió a Dinamarca y allí mató a su novia y a los dos hijos de esta. Se le condenó.
Marian Poulsen quiso conocerlo. Y se casó con él. Pero a los 11 días quiso el divorcio. Unos años después otra mujer, Bettina, contactó con él. Se enamoró, se casó, hay imágenes de la boda donde él le canta. Y tuvieron un hijo. Pero se divorció. No lo aguantaba ni estando en prisión.
Sólo podrán comunicarse con personas que ya conocieran cuando fueron condenados
¿Y cómo van a hacer los daneses para evitar que haya más mujeres que se enamoren de sus presos más peligrosos? Solo podrán recibir cartas, visitas o llamadas de personas que conocieran ya cuando fueron condenados.
Nada de cartas, visitas o llamadas de personas que no puedan acreditar una relación previa a su condena. Nada, al menos durante los diez primeros años de la condena.
Otro factor: nada de entrevistas, nada de documentales, nada de redes sociales donde hablen de sus crímenes y se mitifiquen. De hecho, una de las novias de Lundin se enamoró de él por un documental emitido en la televisión danesa. Todo esto, para algunas, podría ser un tanto ilegal al restringir hasta ese límite su vida.
Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
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Looks like Suzy Q and her minions are at it again...let's give 'em hell!!!
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Fuck I love that Rodney Rude song..... I can say so much on the subject of the global depopulation blood clot shots - it's lethal, it will kill you and it's a fucking scam... every bit of it.
Canal Bitchute Atualizado:
This from the Victoria Police opening up with guns at point blank range and firing multiple rubber bullets at this guys head - when he is standing up and when he collapsed and is laying on the ground. When the people in a democracy refuse to be bullied into forced vacinnation from an injection that will kill them, at a legitimate protest agains the genocide mandate - the government, the medical establishment, the doctors, the media, the theraputic goods administration AND the police; all collude to kill us.
Hugh Mungus response from tyhe CUNT fefail that laid into him! Whsat an Entitled ASSHOLE this insane mentally disturbed bitch is! lol! the response wasn't even her's just a rant from Wiki apparently that she copied! this is why Guy's are fucking finished with fefails? MGTOW is Freedom, Monk is better!
This man is a parasite and his masters are the enemy.
What landed on his head, should have been a piano from the 10th floor....
And that God of the Glory Holes - from the studio - that prick should have been with him, had it of happened.
I am not a fan of the 1930's national socialists - but Adolf had some really keen insights into the communists / media undermining German national interests, for their masters the financiers... It's exactly the same shit going on in Australia today.
It's the Ford Translation of Mein Kampf.
Chapter 10. The Cause of the Collapse.
I will do an article on the Audio Book.
This Guy is stopped on a public Road by a couple of Gobby Knobsworth's. Very rudely they start questioning him about where he's going and who he is, the fefail is the worst! lol! If you look at the video you will see their are clearly marked Highway Agency and Highway Code Road markings. So this is a Public Road for the use of everyone and NOT private land. just another example of narcissism and the way this place is FUCKED!
This man is a legend - and his verses, "Run Rodney Run, Rodney Run Run Run - The coppers in Queensland are dumb, dumb, dumb" - is now a source of endless jest. As they go from smashing peoples heads in for refusing to take the Global Depopulation Blood Clot Shot, and all the lock downs, to being FORCED to take this shit themselves....
Women ARE dumber than men
And the 6th woman, was the young checkout chick.... The conversation went like this.
"Hi - Do you like (your groceries) in plastic bags?"
"Oh no I am happy being single". She gets the "old bag" joke.
"Yeah OK - (since these are the only containers to carry them out to my car in) I'll have them in bags thanks".
Now there was OBVIOUSLY enough groceries to fill two bags - fairly full.
So after filling up one bag, she asks, "Do you want these (unpacked groceries) in another bag?"
I thought this was rather pointless to even think it, much less ask it. the free ranging groceries were a fair amount of odd shapes and sizes and they could not have been carried out to the car with a bag of groceries in one hand and an equivalent amount of loose groceries in the other.
So I replied, "I will give you a life skills lesson. OK - it's totally obvious that the amount of groceries is more than enough to fill a single bag, and so a second bag is necessary.
Therefore it is not necessary to ask this question. I want you to remember this, that in regards to the important things in life, ONLY do things if they are necessary".