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Caso Maria da Penha - O deputado Jessé Lopes, fala do seu encontro com o Sr. Marco Antonio Heredia Viveiros, ex marido da Sra. Maria da Penha.Assista a entrevista com o Sr. Marco Antonio Heredia Viveiros que expõe sua versão dos fatos sobre o caso Maria da Penha. Segue o link da entrevista no YouTube=>"O lobo sempre será mau, se você continuar a ouvir só a versão da chapeuzinho vermelho."
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This is a perfect example of how a MAN comes to support a Disabled MAN who is being harrassed by FEFAIL MET piglet's, who you will notice have to refer to their smartphone because they don't actually know THE LAW. The Guy in the street quote tow law's to them that completely throws them off! lol! Result as the guy in the wheelchair is told he can go. you see Us Guy's still have power over the fefail! lol! by the way the bearded wally in thew background was supposed to be the intermedary between the Police and Public, that Cuck never said a fucking word about the harassment?
The politician "Cinthia Fernandez" want to get elected to Argentinian Congres, not sure what the message is, but she will get a lot of simp votes for sure
Cinthia Fernández cierra su campaña bailando tango en ropa interior en Congreso de Argentina
Isso que acontece quando vc deixa TradCons usurparem uma sigla para si. MGTOW como ferramenta politica jamais, não tornem a sigla num instrumento de politicagem. Quer entrar na maquina pública vai para o MRA e una-se com o Aldir.
Os idiotas úteis que estavam presentes nas manifestações a favor do Bonobo utilizando a sigla devem ser ostracizados e rechaçados dos fóruns se não teremos o mesmo destino do MRA nos Estados Unidos da América. Eles são idiotas ou burros? quem aprovou o rabisco (lei) coersitivo positivado foi o próprio Bonobo kkkk.
Just listen to this whinginf pathetic 5 year old, who walks straight out in front of the Bike when there is a crossing a few feet away? She walks of and then walks back to try and play the pathetic VICTIM game? These CUNT's make me SICK!
The cops were getting even with this guy and his friends. "well researched aussie man puts the police in their place like a boss"
From Avi Yemeni - Rebel News.
Can you believe this is happening in Melbourne, Australia? If I didn't know any better, I would think we were living in Communist China.
Nick Patterson was sent to prison for 29 days and only released on extreme bail conditions. One of those conditions excluded him from publicly speaking about the events that transpired that day.
Why do you think the government and police were trying to restrict Nick's ability to speak? Could it be that they don't want you to hear the other side of the story?
It's up to us to share this footage far and wide to warn others that the way mainstream media portrays some police officers and lockdown protesters may not be grounded in reality.
Yours truly,
Avi Yemini
Chief Australia Correspondent
Rebel News
P.S. Victoria Police continue to dutifully enforce the state's discriminatory and overbearing coronavirus restrictions. So please share this video with everyone you know to show people how quickly a once-free nation can devolve into an oppressive police state. And if you want to help us take a stand against the Victoria Police, please click here or visit
Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
Visítanos en MGTOW.TV
Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
Visítanos en MGTOW.TV
*Canal Urano:*
*Canal Lobo Black Pill:*
It's the Sufi Islam chanting / rituals. There is the clapping and feet stamping - which is the timing, the drum beat so to speak, there is the sung base rythm, then there is the song melody and then there is the singing over the top of it. It's Chechyn, and it's Islamic - which are not in my workable language sets.
Mohammad Montazeri
Ph.D. Student of Comparative Religious Studies, Iran
It starts with this Dhikr (remembrance):
La Ilaha Illa Allah (لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله)
Meaning: There is no god but Allah
From 0:32 you can hear this in the background:
Allah Allah Allah... (ٱلله)
Meaning: Calling God repeatedly
Someone also starts chanting frequently from this point In Chechen language.
They repeat those remembrances again and again. and this video is just about 5 minutes of possibly 2 hours ceremony. The ceremony also contains speeches and prays.
Note 1: This remembrance (Dhikr or Zikr) emphasize on the unity of Allah, and they also perform this unity in the ceremony by forming a circle and orbiting an imaginary core. This remembers the Haj ceremony in which Muslims orbiting Kaaba (not as an idol but a symbol of Gods presence in this world)
The core of whole existence is Allah and this allegorical ceremony recreates the universes circular and everlasting motion around its core. (I'm not providing scientific facts here. Of course, our ancestors inspired by the motion of stars, the moon, and sun which orbiting earth -or universe orbiting the sun- and they put themselves in a harmony with it by performing some ceremonies maybe)
This circular movement has a point: the circular motion is the only form of motions in which the moving doesn't go far and doesn't get close. This journey won't end because God is infinite.
Yeah Jackie Lambie the lying fucking hypocrite.
Secret video of Australian senate meeting coverup with head of TGA Brendan Murphy
Yeah you go have your Vax Jack - and the monthly booster shots.....
Fucking Retard.
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This week, we talk about my being Bhudda, how you too can have infinite compassion, amongst many other things.
This is the woman I am talking about: "It's So Hard Without A Man" Single Mother Has Her Epiphany Phase
I bet this video is going to annoy a few Guy's and cause hopefully some comment? Taylor The Fiend takes a look at what women expect MEN to do for them? By the way - here is a shock warning at the first CUNT on this video, god she is vile?
This is insane. Fefasil Muslim Officers in the UK Police are Rascist toward their own belief's? well at least one of the CUNT's is? Is it any wonder that UK society is falling apoart as Police releive themselves of responsiibility for their own failings?
New rules are coming in to the UK';s Highway Code, wqhich will shift responsibility comppletyely onto the Mechanised Road user? so of a Pedestrian or a Cyclist dives out in front of you even when they are illegally doing so, ALL the responsibility and BLAME is now going to ber on YOU because you have an ENGINE. Snowflakes and licra boy's will be exempt from responsibility for THEIR actions and YOU will now bw to blame? This is the LEFTY Faggot life we are finding ourselves in these day's? However there is a "Pecking order". That basically say's the bigger you vehicle, the more responsible you will be for smaller vehicles below you.Lorries will have to give way to vans, van's will have to give way to car's, Car's will have to give way to motorcycles, BUT we ALL have to soon give way to pedestrians and Cyclisdt's regardless of fault? Well come to the extended NEW NORMAL!
O despertar!A vida em solitude é o futuro masculino
Canal um viking de óculos 2 :
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Mulher não tem capacidade de correr risco e é incompetente em raciocínio logico e avessa ao risco! Joga toda a culpa nos outros pois é incapaz de assumir responsabilidade sobre si mesma, que dirá sobre outros. Essa daó é fraudadora estelionatária e adivinhem: jogou a culpa no namorado que abusava sexualmente dela. É ou não é um ser para ser tutorada como crianças e vleohs que não são responsáveis pelo que fazem?
...and the lows in american football continue...
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Evolucionismo e o criacionismo no islã.
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Here is proof and propaganda from WW2 that big's up and bullshits the status of the female, whilst the MEN who's job's they stole are dying in Europe and the Middle East. Nothings change apart from they flaunt it these day's. All women are in today's world are "The BIG NOTHING". Even if you are not into trains I'm sure something in this video as a MEN will put your hairs up on end!
More crityical comment From Taylor the Fiend. Why are MEN bailing Marriage? doesn't taske a lot to see why - unless your a women that is? the first one she looks like a cartoon Angel fish! lol!
Joseph Paul Watson - women fantasize sex with dogs - book My Secret Garden
women have been looking into it, and revealing that they do
White women whose affairs with slaves were made known faced varying degrees of public humiliation. When a planter’s daughter or wife was discovered to be pregnant by a slave, great pains were taken to cover up the pregnancy. The resulting child might have been sold into slavery, but infanticide was not an uncommon means of avoiding scandal.
BOOK "THEY WERE HER PROPERTY" - 40% of the land holdings on the south side of America belonged to white women.
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This is a really good video to download and rip into an MP3 - and sing along with it.... I gather it's in Eastern Europe / Russia somewhere and I would appreciate it if anyone knows the language and can translate it.... Well I live in the land of divine inspiration. Зикар Атаги 1 = Zikar Atagi 1 - AND I need an accurate translation of it - if anyone can do it.... Or I can chase this up too....
· 5y
Bikes, Books, Coffee, & Grammar.
They'll be Sufis, who practice a mystic form of Islam.
There's a lot to it, but one thing that they do is to practice 'active meditation'.
The video mentions 'Zikr'
which is an islamic term for a number of devotional acts. The sufi view
of Zikr is different to 'mainstream' islam, and they practice the
recitation of liturgy via group chanting, dancing, and singing with the
goal of achieving a trance like state.
In Turkey you can see performances of Dervishes
who twirl in ceremonial gear to get into the 'trance' state, and I
believe that this is basically a group version of that kind of
I don't really know enough to elaborate on it, but it's a feature of
Islam primarily in the Balkans, Turkey, and North Africa I believe.
It's not dissimilar to pentecostal christian churches which play music, and
through singing and prayer encourage people to speak in 'tongues' (which is often accompanied by a trance like state).
Alcorão revela como ser humano foi criado há 1.400 anos atrás (praticamente quando o islã foi criado).
Homem religioso elogindo as ações dos muçulmanos.
Cortes de Alto Valor LINK .
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