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Caros criadores, temos o orgulho de anunciar um incrível programa de afiliados para vocês ganharem muito dinheiro de forma contínua. Leia sobre nosso programa de afiliados aqui.
Film & Animation
This woman is unbelievably stupid, a shit head and a game playing, go around in circles all day kind of a cunt. She does everything, except what she is paid to do, to facilitate the sales, of the products, that she earns her wages from. Why she even got the job is beyond me. But there ARE managers who have absolute shit for brains as well. Putting the intellectually handicapped woman on the payroll, makes EVERYONE lose money from carrying the free loading fuckwit. So quit employing STUPID game playing, mind fucked, women.
Esse vídeo, nada mais é que uma simulação do que acontece todos os dias.
So pelo fato do cara ser homem a Empoderada acusou ele sem nem pedir as filmagens.
E ainda o que mais revolta nesse vídeo simulação, e ver a atitude do cavaleiro branco.
Na moral os cavalheiros brancos sao uma raça que mereceram...
O emputeramento vai por água abaixo rapidinho kkkk a cara de choro delas não nega!
E Se você não engole a redpill, a blackpill engole você."
Reportagem com a autentica cara do Fantástico/Globosta.
Vídeo do canal Mgtow Forever:
My favourite Chant at an AA meeting - when it comes to the sheeple chanting the serenity prayer, I really like singing the Haris Krisna mantra, and it annoys the fucking AA retards no end.
You know - "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him"- well I have so many gods to satisfy....
Deêm uma força pro canal tem muito conteudo bom -
Canal Cortes de Alto Valor:
Deêm uma força pro canal tem muito conteudo bom -
Imagina sua filha na escola dando a boceta pra vagabundo favelado e levando porra na cara e boca... Novinhas fazendo coisas que o pai duvida. Quem vai imaginar quantos litros de porra de vagabundo essas mulheres não tomaram? Imagina na vida toda? Não sei o que é pior: se ser pai dessas vadias ou se ser provedor marido.
Imagina vc trabalhando e sua filha no barraco dos faveladinhos dando a vontade pra três. E sabe-se l=á pra quantos mais ela da a buceta... E numa desenvoltura absurda, ela está completamente a votnade. São essas aí que depois vão dizer que foram estupradas ou fazer jogo duro com um otário qualquer que for assumir o BO desa vadia.
Imagina só ter filho viado ou filha puta na mão de todo vagabundo, como essa daí. Novinha numa suruba com todos os vagabundos e sem camisinha! No mínimo ela vai ser marmita de marginalzinho de bairro. Vale a pena? Nunca lamente não ter filho ou filha nesse mundo moderno. Vc não os controla mais.
Yes - While our cities turn into ghost towns, and all the business's are getting shut down, and unemployment is rising - our fucktard lying politicians are lying as per usual.....
"OMG - One super spreader has the plague - so we shut down the entire coutnry and close all the borders etc."
Lying Cunts.
Deêm uma força pro canal tem muito conteudo bom -
VIDEO de futura psicologa da maconha e orgia ( TEMPORARIO O LINK) -
This applies to the UK and EU as far as I know? Yet another nail in the coffin of freedom, assuming this even takes place that is? just wait until suddenly every fucker is only buying a 125cc bike because the expense of a big bike isn't worth it? Just wait untill the Bike Manufacturer's are hammering on their governments door? I sold my big bike and bought a CB 125f about 2 years ago. 150 nearly MPG, adiquate for even the average Motorway journey and Ideal for commuting. full comp insurance for an old fart like me below £100, Road Tax £21 a year, plus it fit's in the shed. so government you can go fuck yourselves. apprently the devise can be Retro nstalled so some light in the tunnel? by the way I'm already removing the Ethanol from my petrol and it makes not a jot of difference to the bike other than when left standing the petrol wont be sucking up moisture via the ethanol.
Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
Visitanos en MGTOW.TV
Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
Visitanos en MGTOW.TV
A bíblia sagrada proíbe ou permite a poligamia?
Link to News item below:
Watch the cop with the truncheon, stabbing it into the guy they have restrained on the ground......
It's savage and it is uncalled for.
The crowd? It's their way of saying, "He is our arsehole protestor - Keep your fucking hands off him!"
Link to News item below:
A que fez isso comigo, hoje, ela tem Três bolsa famílias na sua conta.
Quando tinha passado o maior tempão, depois dela ter rodado muito na vida, ela até tentou se chegar a minha pessoa.
Logo a descartei ela.
E hoje ninguém quer assumir ela, com suas crias de Zé droguinhas.
E Quando ela encontra alguém que ela pensa que vai assistir ela com seus filhotes de bandidos.
Esses homens so usam ela de depósito de esperma.
kkkkkkkkk! na moral, bem feito pra ela...
Aqui se faz aqui se paga!
Link to News item below:
Talking war, current events, governments, and upcoming projects...DOO DOO DOO!!!
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uma Balzaca dessas que diz...
Eu não preciso de homens pra nada.
Esses são os mimimis e lamentações vindo de uma Balzaca hipócrita!
Se ela não precisa de homens pra nada, porquê essa hipócrita esta se lamentando?
Que seja usada sem ninguém assumir ela, pra sempre!
Link to News items below:
Se o sujeito não aprender nada com esses quase 12 minutos de muitas imagens e memes (uma verdadeira coleção), então não aprende mais... Contém várias Red e HonkPills bravas! Fiquei horas editando este vídeo, mas se isso ajudar a despertar mais alguns iludidos, terá valido a pena.
Link do vídeo original:
I have been in Al-Anon about 46 years now.... and it is just getting WORSE.
When you get retarded cunts, with a bad case of the know all, know fuck all syndrome, minding everyone elses business, AND then adding the toxic mind fuck entitled attitude of the feminist cult, you get insufferable, idiot women who are absolute cunts to live with.....
Almost all of them these days are nothing but bitchy nasty low IQ man hating psychopaths.
And they are so stupid, they are unreachable and unteachable....
Like I think it was in 1998 (?) that they had 750 meetings in Australia, and now the Sunday School Classes for congenital idiots, is down to around 300 meetings... and falling....
The MORONS running the national service office are now asking the members directly for donations to keep them going while the rusted on old barnicles, do NOTHING in the way of PR or Promotion...
Their websites meeting list, is so fucked with 3 or 4 different font sizes on it, from tiny to huge to miniscule - I told them to tidy it up and make it all legible - and a year later, "Oh the gossip, the gossip the gossip" about me, but nothing is ever fixed.
And they have so much in the way of competitors in the "social maladjustment" market place.... and they are just falling futher and further and futher behind?
Because the women are just money sponging idiots.
They are doing NOTHING to EARN their income, it's just jobs for life for the brain dead and inept.
AND non of the women attending the meetings EVER push to ask questions and ask for results and to market and run the fellowship effectively - Nope they just kick out all the uncucked men who don't have shit for brains.
It will not be long until Al-Anon withers and dies and disappears for ever.
Retarded Arsehole + Feminist Arsehole = Abject Failure.
It is only a matter of time before the people of Canada, rush him and kill him.
I myself - after seeing Trudea lying his fucking arse off in the Canadian parliament - totally endorse him and most of the Canadian MP's, the health dept and many other assorted officials - being hung as well.
Fuck them.
Australia Theraputic Goods Administration Figures.
456 deaths from vaccine. 77 alledged deaths from Covid.
+ Secret video of senate meeting with head of TGA Brendan Murphy telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup and that the vaccine kills people and they have no recourse from it because the government granted big pharma immunity from prosecution and compensation payouts!
(TGA = Theraputic Goods Administration)
DR Ryan Coles Autopsy reports on the Covid Depop Blood Clot Shots
What mor e proof do you need that the UK Police are a bunch of aggresive FAGGOT's! lol! For new Rainbows went out with my little pony when my daugher got fed up with them! lol! I thought the Police were supposed to be Unbais and nuitral and the Courts make the decision's . Seriously is ANYONE going to take the police seriously in this fucked up country? why not go all the way and give them rainbow jackets and a Big Pink Faggot Helmet to wear, maybe clow make up will have to be worn to identify them with being the fucking Keystone cvop's these bunch of asshole jokers have become? lol! they are calling them Hate Crime Car's! lol! yet the most Hateful of them all are the Copper's themselves! if I see one I'm going to sing "Lilly the Pink! so people get used to seeing the new "PANSY CAR's" - sorry Panda Car's on a street near you! lol!