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Caros criadores, temos o orgulho de anunciar um incrível programa de afiliados para vocês ganharem muito dinheiro de forma contínua. Leia sobre nosso programa de afiliados aqui.
Film & Animation
Stoggification Quake IV
From Hospital Birth, to School Indoctrination to the Feudal reality of every human being, all there is to save you is a rifle in the skilled hands of freedom loving men.
Unwanted medical procedures, serving pussy, government authority, it's all the same, culture is installed into us, and we will kill our neighbor who was force installed a slightly different culture.
If covid has taught us anything, it is how much the machine will take and never let go.
No state, country or person is free. All are on a track, being injected or about to be. The Strogg doctors probably tell themselves they are doing the right thing. The Strogg Leaders believe they are right. Evil always feels it is good.
Take a few moments to watch this scene. Breath it in, experience the horror of powerlessly watching the person ahead of you go through what you, as the viewer are about to go through. Feel the cold metal of the table and the strap, and the remorseless android floating around you.
How many old defenceless people have they already forced through this procedure.
What will stop them from doing it to you, when you are old and defenceless.
When you are old, the technology will be near perfect.
Link -
De acordo com um recente estudo do Pew Research, os cristãos em 52% dos países do mundo são discriminados ou maltratados de alguma forma. Durante o século passado, milhões de cristãos foram assassinados ou afugentados por governos hostis e insurgências agressivas, em sua maior parte por estados islâmicos e comunistas. Hoje, os cristãos são o grupo religioso mais perseguido no mundo. Cerca de 100 a 150 mil são mortos no mundo anualmente somente pelo fato de serem cristãos.
Vídeo original (Créditos):
Study: Christians most persecuted religious group - Candice Malcolm - Rebel Media
1) O maior dos genocídios - Olavo de Carvalho
2) A guerra contra as religiões - Olavo de Carvalho
3) Para além da sátira - Olavo de Carvalho
4) Organização Voz dos Mártires publica mapa sobre a perseguição anticristã no mundo:
5) Notícias Sobre A Perseguição Anticristã | Mídia Sem Máscara:
Tradução e Legendas: Filipe Pontes
Rebel Media Legendado Português Brasil
Link -
Trecho de show do Milo Yiannopoulos realizado na Austrália, respondendo pergunta da platéia sobre como combater a ideologia feminista entre as mulheres.
Milo Hanrahan é natural de Kent/Inglaterra, jornalista e escritor conservador homossexual da alt-right. É autor do livro "Dangerous" de 2017 que chegou a figurar no primeiro lugar das pré-vendas da Amazon. Atualmente tem lançamento programado da sua segunda obra "Despicable" para 2018.
Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
Visitanos en MGTOW.TV
Hombres que siguen su propio camino.
Visitanos en MGTOW.TV
#Redpill #modernet #temasmasculinos #honradinha #blackpill #Mgtow #honkpill #aprendam #acordem #feminismo #Feminista #utopiafeminista #pensãosocioafetia #multiplaparentalidade #padrastro #pai #diretodefamilia #pensãoalimentícia #mãesolteira
Yet another example of the PERFECT Modern Mother (Fucker)! Me, me, me, then the game of "Let's play Victim" here! Personally if a child is found in a car alone, the Police should break into the car and remove the child, then sit in wait for the selfish mother to freak out and call the Police. I doublt it would teach them a lesson? Did she also admit to leaving the kids in the car "AT HOME", so the car is their fucking Play Pen? at home? Huh! The news reader ain't much to write home about either! lol! A black Barbie on steroids! People like this male or female make ne SICK?
This brief talk represents my first response to this event. There is more to come, Insha Allah, since I will now devote myself to writing a book on the subject. In the meantime our viewers, particularly Christian viewers, should read my book entitled CONSTANTINOPLE IN THE QURAN which is on my website
Sub-titles to my videos in Turkish, Serbian/Bosnian, Arabic, Urdu, French, Russian, etc:
Sheikh Imran Hosein – English
Sheikh Imran Hosein – English with Subtitles
اللغة العربية –شيخ عمران حسين (Arabic)
Шейх Имран Хосейн– русский язык (Russian)
Sheikh Imran Hosein – Serbian / Bosnian
Sheikh Imran Hosein – Langue Française
اردو- شیخ عمران حسین (Urdu)
Şeyh İmran Hosein – Türk Dili
This is my last response. I will now try to find the time, Insha Allah, to write the book on: HAGIA SOPHIA IN ISLAMIC ESCHATOLOGY.
Presenting our ground breaking documentary - Flat Earth and the Golden Age of Islam.
What if we told you that the world that you see around- a world of cutting edge technology, development, information and modernity- owes its origin, its existence to one book, one man and one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever see. Join us on a journey to unveil the "Quranic" roots of one of the greatest scientific revolution in history. One that went on to create modern science and then our modern world.
This is the first ever documentary that unravels the strategic role of the Quran in building modern science. Many thanks to 1971 Media, a production house from the UAE that produced this documentary.
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This is Part One of the two Nottingham lectures delivered on this important subject by Islamic scholar, Imran N. Hosein. Part Two will soon be uploaded. These two lectures offer a significant criticism of the current Dar al-Uloom system of higher Islamic learning. The scholar argues that today's system of higher Islamic learning has failed to produce THINKERS!
Surah Kahf & Al Massih ad-Dajjal (The Antichrist) By Sheikh Imran Hosein. Lecture held on 20 Rabi At-Thani 1436 / 10 Feb 2015, South Africa.
সূরা কাহফ্ এবং দাজ্জাল
২০ রবিউস সানি ১৪৩৬ / ১০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৫ সাউথ আফ্রিকায় ধারনকৃত আন্তর্জাতিক খ্যাতিসম্পন্ন বিশিষ্ট ইসলামিক স্কলার, দার্শনিক এবং লেখক আল্লামা ইমরান নযর হোসেন এর লেকচার।
Video Courtesy Youtube: Ismail Jeewa
Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best- selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an. Imran Nazar Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
শায়খ্ ইমরান নযর হোসেন একজন আন্তর্জাতিক খ্যাতিসম্পন্ন বিশিষ্ট ইসলামিক স্কলার, দার্শনিক এবং লেখক।
ইসলাম ধর্মের জ্ঞান অর্জনের পাশাপাশি তিনি মিশর এর আল আযহার, সুইজারল্যান্ড, এবং ওয়েস্ট ইন্ডিজ সহ বিশ্বের পাঁচটি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে দর্শন, ইন্টারন্যাশনাল রিলেশনস্, ইন্টারন্যাশনাল পলিটিক্স এবং ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইকোনমি-তে উচ্চ শিক্ষা লাভ করেন।
তিনি ট্রিনিড্যাড এন্ড টোবেগো এর পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ে পররাষ্ট্র বিষয়ক কর্মকর্তা এবং কূটনীতিক ছিলেন।
১৯৯১ সালে তিনি মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে ইসলাম প্রচারের কাজ করেন এ সময় তিনি যয়েন্ট কমিটি অব মুসলিম অর্গনাযেসন্স অব গ্রেটার নিউ ইয়র্কে অবস্থিত জাতি সংঘ সদর দপ্তরে খতিবের পদে নিযুক্ত ছিলেন এবং জুম্মার ভাষণ দিতেন।
আধুনিক কালে তিনি ইসলাম-সংক্রান্ত বিষয়ে সৃজনশীল ও উদ্ভাবনী ক্ষমতা সম্পন্ন লেখক এবং বিশ্বমঞ্চে একজন অসাধারন এবং বিস্ময়কর বক্তা হিসেবে খ্যাতি অর্জন করেছেন।
তাঁর লেখা উল্লেখযোগ্য গ্রন্থগুলোর মধ্যে পবিত্র কোর'আনে জেরুজালেম (জেরুজালেম ইন দ্যা কোর'আন) বিশেষভাবে উল্লেখযোগ্য। গ্রন্থটি বেশ কয়েকবার বেস্ট সেলার তালিকার স্থান পায় এবং বাংলা, উর্দু, আরবী সহ ডজন খানেক ভাষায় অনুবাদিত হয়।
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Summary of Retreat
The first day of this Retreat, conducted by Islamic scholar, Imran N. Hosein, would be devoted entirely to teaching the way that Allah Most High recited the Qur’ān to Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم ). Participants should prepare themselves for this day-long session by reading in advance, his book on the subject entitled: The Qur’an and the Moon - Methodology for Monthly Recitation of the Qur’ān. Participants in the Retreat would all receive complementary copies of this book Insha’ Allah.
Following this first day, Maulānā Siddiq Ahmed Nāsir, who is one of the distinguished students of Maulānā Dr. Ansari, would offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for participants to study Dr. Ansari’s magnificent 2-Vol work: The Quranic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society. Vol 1 of the book will be taught on the 2nd day of the Retreat, and Vol.2 on the 3rd day. Participants should prepare themselves for these two important days of the Retreat by making themselves at least acquainted with this great book which can be downloaded free of charge from the internet. Copies can be purchased from the Online Bookstore
Before the concluding session Imran N. Hosein will spend one complete day teaching the subject of his new book, still being written at this time, entitled: From Jesus the True Messiah to Dajjāl the False Messiah – A Journey in Islamic Eschatology.
Finally, this Retreat will conclude with two days devoted entirely to sessions in which participants can request discussions on contemporary issues which they may choose to raise, and for which they seek guidance from the Qur’ān. Such an issue can be the mysterious universal virus that just would not go away until it has so transformed the world as to facilitate the passage from Pax Americana to Pax Judaica.
The organizers of the Retreat will make the best effort to invite to those concluding sessions Insha’ Allah, distinguished scholars with several different areas of expertise in the Qur’ān, as well as in contemporary affairs.
Those interested in participating in this Retreat should contact the organizers at: [email protected]
This will allow us to provide you with more information about the Retreat as such information becomes available.
I have just received the very sad news of the death in Malaysia, of the distinguished Sudanese Islamic scholar, Dr. Malik Badri (الله يرحمه ). May Allah have Mercy on his soul and forgive him his sins. May He grant that he might sleep peacefully in his grave, and that he might be raised on Judgement Day, and by His Kindness and Mercy, be blessed to enter Jannah. Ameen!
I will forever cherish his memory as one of my truly great teachers. I read his pioneering book in Islamic psychology, The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists, when I was still a college student in my native island of Trinidad. It thrilled me, and opened my appetite, as great books do, for more knowledge on the subject.
I was truly honoured to meet Dr. Badri in person for the first time in 1987, when we both attended an International Conference on Islamic Education in Cairo. Despite his status as the most highly acclaimed and internationally recognized Islamic scholar in Islamic Psychology, he took time to sit with me at that conference to try to satisfy my thirst for more knowledge from the author of that great book. His humility and charm, and simplicity of style in discussing with me subjects of profound importance, were all signs of a great teacher, and a great servant of Allah Most High.
I realized over the years that Dr. Badri was gifted by Allah Most High with internal Nūr, or light, with which to penetrate the reality of things, and hence was never deceived by appearances. His profound psychological analysis of the reality of modern Western civilization made a significant input, in later years, assisting me in my own work in Islamic eschatology.
When I visited the International Islamic University in Malaysia for the first time, in 1991, and renewed my fraternal scholarly ties with a great teacher, he honored me by inviting me to deliver a lecture at the university. My incipient expertise in ‘Islam and International Affairs’ was in great demand, and the invitation was repeated several times at the university, and again at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, when he became Dean of the Institute.
We spent numerous memorable evenings together in small gatherings at private residences, sharing dinner in Malaysia, with other learned scholars, all of whom had a common trait – they were independent thinkers and were not muzzled with 9/11 chains around their necks. It was always a thrilling experience for me to sit in those informal gatherings with Muslim scholars whose scholarship ranged from the Qur’ān and Hadīth to Psychology, Sociology, Economics, History, Philosophy, and Politics to my own International Affairs, and who could exchange views with mutual respect and fraternal scholarly decorum.
I invariably emerged from those long and fascinating dinner discussion sessions with more knowledge. I tried to learn from Dr. Badri the abiding value of humility, charm and simplicity of style, while discussing difficult subjects. It was at one of those sessions that he gave me an autographed copy of a recent book of his, entitled Contemplation: An Islamic Psycho-spiritual Study.
I turned to Dr. Badri in 2002, to ask him to write the Foreword of my book entitled Jerusalem in the Qur’ān; and then again, soon after, to write the Foreword of another book of mine entitled The Quranic Method of Curing Alcoholism and Drug Addiction. On both occasions he responded positively to my request.
The 9/11 terrorist attack on America had just occurred as Jerusalem in the Qur’ān was being prepared for publication. It was a book which turned to the Qur’ān to expose Dajjāl’s fraudulent State of Israel. It was a time when many scholars, particularly those resident in the USA, were afraid to even mention my name. Twenty years later they are still too afraid to even mention my name. But Dr. Malik Badri was not afraid, at that moment in time when the war on Islam and Muslims had grown from a storm to a tempest, to accept my invitation and to write what is now recognized as a historic Foreword to a book which became my bestseller. Dr. Badri was not afraid to call a spade a spade – and that is the profile of a true scholar.
In his Foreword to my book on The Quranic Method of Curing Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, Dr. Badri was uncompromisingly forthright in exposing the danger posed by modern Western civilization. The insatiable demand for drugs in the West was exposed as a symptom of an unbalanced secular civilization which had lost its way, and was yet was adamantly refusing to the take the road to recovery and to health offered by the Qur’ān.
00:00 Ramadan and methodology of reciting the Qur’ān
8:50 Retreat for studying the Qur’ān
20:26 Zaqāt
25:05 Travel Plans
30:18 My last book
37:50 Website links and books
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Hugo chavez. Imran hosein. hugo chavez cancer. hugo chavez dead.imran hosein hugo chavez. slave trade in Libya. venezuela.
INH BOOKS IN GERMAN (Sorry about the sound quality please use headphones)
Assalaamu 'alaikum!
I write to inform those interested, that I will arrive in Karachi on Saturday March 27th Insha Allah, and that my first (private) session with volunteers and my students will take place at the Islamic Center in North Nazimabad, on Sunday afternoon Insha Allah. Those interested in joining us in that session should make contact with me by email.
with love,
Imran N. Hosein ([email protected])
This is the first video recorded (in Skardu in Pakistan) for Ramadan 1442. We remind viewers of the need to reach out with Zakaat and Sadaqa to help sisters - particularly those with children - who have no one to maintain them. We are approaching a time when one man will have to maintain 50 women.
We continue in this video to analyse the new law of fasting revealed in the Qur'an. We also discuss the subject of 'time' moving faster and yet faster, and link this subject to the sacred system of time. Dajjal has now succeeded in replacing that sacred system of time with a secular substitute. What is the result?
If you would like to assist us in this project, please send me an email at:
[email protected]
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below:
A Milk al-Yameen is a woman with whom a man can have intimate relations without a contract of Nikah. There is no evidence that Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam) made a contract of Nikah with Mariyah, the Coptic Christian slave with whom he had a son, Ibrahim. She was not a wife of Nikah, and yet she was his wife; rather she was his Milk al-Yameen!
At yesterday's Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) questioned Labor Secretary Marty Walsh about a letter a constituent allegedly received about the census which contained a $5 bill.
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We argue in this Statement on Palestine that ONLY a free people can wage a struggle for liberation from oppression in Palestine. Those enslaved by the monetary system imposed upon us by the IMF, lack freedom. Those who differ with us should tell us how and where we are wrong in our view. INH
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below:
I offer in this video, my view on Turkey's role in the Great War, and the implication of Turkey's continued membership in NATO. If, as I expect, Turkey fights with NATO in that war against Russia, Turkey will be defeated and destroyed, and that will make possible the fulfilment of the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that a Muslim army would then conquer Constantinople. A mere handful of brainwashed critics are bent on attempting to change the direction of the movement of history.
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below: your help in sponsoring the Sheikh in writing his books and to help in his travel expenses in order for him to come to the UK and everything else it takes to organise his lectures & seminars is very much appreciated, thank you very much:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below: your help in sponsoring the Sheikh in writing his books and to help in his travel expenses in order for him to come to the UK and everything else it takes to organise his lectures & seminars is very much appreciated, thank you very much:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below: your help in sponsoring the Sheikh in writing his books and to help in his travel expenses in order for him to come to the UK and everything else it takes to organise his lectures & seminars is very much appreciated, thank you very much:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below:
To become a Patreon and support Sheikh Imran N Hosein you can either donate monthly or make a one off custom pledge by simply clicking on the link below: