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Film & Animation
Conference with Piero San Giorgio
Piero's part :
Full conference :
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Conference with Piero San Giorgio
Piero's part :
Sheikh Imran's part :
Full conference :
Thanks to the organizers.
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Challenges in the unity of Islam today by Sheik Imran Hosein.
Recorded on 3rd June 2016 in KL Malaysia. Kindly note that the online bookstore will soon resume functioning Insha Allah
Islamic Eschatology by Sheikh Imran Hosein 4th June 2016.
Held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kindly note that the online bookstore will soon resume functioning Insha Allah.
Islamic Eschatology and Monetary System. Lecture by Sheikh Imran Hosein at Surau Al Amin, Taman Setapak Indah, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 22nd August 2016. This is the second part of the lecture about our money system.
Announcements by Sheikh Imran Hosein
18 Sept 2016.
Phone: Mauritania 222 33887632 or 222 26887632 United States: 215 909-8157
Whatsapp: 222 33887632
Skype: ihope10strides
Sheikh Imran Hosein, contributor to 'ANOTHER French False Flag', is one of the most important Islamic scholars – perhaps THE most important – of our time. In this interview we discuss the (rigged?) election of Donald Trump, which showed that many voters are no longer influenced by mainstream media...a good sign, according to Shaykh Imran, who is cautiously optimistic that World War III, the nuclear armageddon or "malhama" prophesied in scripture, may not arrive as quickly as he had earlier believed. That means believers may have more time to prepare themselves by founding or joining Muslim villages: rural retreats lacking the ills of so-called "modern civilization" and devoted to a Godly way of life. (In this interview Imran Hosein urges that these villages should be multi-confessional, with Jews and Christians as well as Muslims living together and pursuing spiritual development according to their own traditions.)
We discuss the problems afflicting Islam and Muslims in these "akhir uz-zaman" end times; the pseudo-Islam or "protestant Islam" offered by salafists including such extremists as ISIS; the role of Russia in preserving real Christianity (which has almost disappeared in the West); and the role of dreams and visions in Islam.
A Muslim Alliance With Rum In The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein. Lecture held on 3 Rabi Al Awwal 1436 (24.12.2014) in KL, Malaysia.
আখেরী জামানায় মুসলিম ও রূমের শান্তিচুক্তি
৩ রবিউল আওয়াল ১৪৩৬ / ২৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৪ মালয়শিয়ায় ধারনকৃত আন্তর্জাতিক খ্যাতিসম্পন্ন বিশিষ্ট ইসলামিক স্কলার, দার্শনিক এবং লেখক আল্লামা ইমরান নযর হোসেন এর লেকচার।
Video Courtesy Youtube: Jamaludin Ismail
Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best- selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an. Imran Nazar Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
শায়খ্ ইমরান নযর হোসেন একজন আন্তর্জাতিক খ্যাতিসম্পন্ন বিশিষ্ট ইসলামিক স্কলার, দার্শনিক এবং লেখক।
ইসলাম ধর্মের জ্ঞান অর্জনের পাশাপাশি তিনি মিশর এর আল আযহার, সুইজারল্যান্ড, এবং ওয়েস্ট ইন্ডিজ সহ বিশ্বের পাঁচটি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে দর্শন, ইন্টারন্যাশনাল রিলেশনস্, ইন্টারন্যাশনাল পলিটিক্স এবং ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইকোনমি-তে উচ্চ শিক্ষা লাভ করেন।
তিনি ট্রিনিড্যাড এন্ড টোবেগো এর পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ে পররাষ্ট্র বিষয়ক কর্মকর্তা এবং কূটনীতিক ছিলেন।
১৯৯১ সালে তিনি মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে ইসলাম প্রচারের কাজ করেন এ সময় তিনি যয়েন্ট কমিটি অব মুসলিম অর্গনাযেসন্স অব গ্রেটার নিউ ইয়র্কে অবস্থিত জাতি সংঘ সদর দপ্তরে খতিবের পদে নিযুক্ত ছিলেন এবং জুম্মার ভাষণ দিতেন।
আধুনিক কালে তিনি ইসলাম-সংক্রান্ত বিষয়ে সৃজনশীল ও উদ্ভাবনী ক্ষমতা সম্পন্ন লেখক এবং বিশ্বমঞ্চে একজন অসাধারন এবং বিস্ময়কর বক্তা হিসেবে খ্যাতি অর্জন করেছেন।
তাঁর লেখা উল্লেখযোগ্য গ্রন্থগুলোর মধ্যে পবিত্র কোর'আনে জেরুজালেম (জেরুজালেম ইন দ্যা কোর'আন) বিশেষভাবে উল্লেখযোগ্য। গ্রন্থটি বেশ কয়েকবার বেস্ট সেলার তালিকার স্থান পায় এবং বাংলা, উর্দু, আরবী সহ ডজন খানেক ভাষায় অনুবাদিত হয়।
Islamic Eschatology is the branch of Islamic scholarship that studies Yawm al-Qiyāmah (pronounced yome-ul-key-ah-mah; Arabic: يوم القيامة "the Day of Resurrection") or Yawm ad-Dīn (pronounced yome-ud-dean; يوم الدين "the Day of Judgment"). This is believed to be the final assessment of humanity by Allah, consisting of the annihilation of all life, resurrection and judgment.
The time of the event is not specified, although there are major and minor signs which have been foretold to happen with Qiyamah at the end of time. Many verses of Qur'anic Sura contain the motif of the impending Day of Resurrection.
The 75th Sura of the Qur'an, "al-Qiyama", has as its main subject the resurrection. Its tribulation is also described in the hadith, and commentaries of Islamic expositors such as al-Ghazali, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Majah, al-Bukhari, and Ibn Khuzaymah.The Day of Judgment is also known as the Day of Reckoning, the Last Day and al-sā'ah, or the Hour.
The hadith describe the end time with more specificity than the Qur'an, describing the events of al-Qiyamah through 10 major signs. At the time of judgment, terrible corruption and chaos will rule. The Mahdi will be sent and with the help of Isa, will battle Masih ad-Dajjal. They will triumph, liberating Islam from cruelty, and this will be followed by a time of serenity with people living true to religious values.
Assalaamu 'alaikum! Native French Muslims also have an obligation to follow the Sunnah of Hijrah from places of grave insecurity to freedom, to person and to faith, to places where a Muslim can recover security of person and faith, and freedom to respond appropriately to oppression and evil.
Muslims of North African origin now resident in France, regardless of whether or not they were born in France, should not only make Hijrah out of France back to North Africa, and seek refuge in the remote Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian countryside, but they should also reach out to assist their native French brothers and sisters in Islam to also make that Hijrah. This is also a Sunnah.
There may be little time left before the French Government is FORCED to place a ban on such Hijrah out of France. All that they have to do is to block your departure by Air or by Sea by declaring that your name is on a No-Fly/Leave List.
Those who cannot, for whatever reason, leave France, should leave the cities of France and seek security of person and of faith in the remote French countryside.
Those who insist on remaining in cities such as Paris have the right to do so and we do not offer any criticism of them. However it would be quite wicked of such people if they were to attempt to prevent those who wish to make Hijrah out of France or out of the French cities.
with love,
Imran N. Hosein
Paix sur vous !
Les Français (de souche) Musulmans (convertis) ont aussi l'obligation de suivre la Sunna (tradition prophétique) de l'émigration depuis les endroits hautement dangereux pour leur liberté, leurs personnes et leur foi, vers des endroits ou un Musulman pourra retrouver la sécurité de la personne et de la foi, de même que la liberté de répondre de façon appropriée à l'oppression et au mal.
Les Musulmans d'origine Nord Africaine qui résident actuellement en France, peu importe qu'ils soient nés ou non in France, devraient non seulement émigrer hors de la France pour revenir en Afrique du Nord, et chercher refuge dans la campagne profonde Marocaine, Algérienne, Tunisienne, mais ils devraient aussi assister les Français natifs (convertis/de souche) pour qu'ils puissent effectuer cette émigration, cela fait aussi partie de la Sunna.
Il se peut qu'il ne reste que peu de temps avant que le gouvernement français ne soit FORCÉ de bannir ce genre d'émigration hors de France.
Tout ce qu'ils ont à faire c'est de bloquer votre départ par air ou par mer en déclarant que votre nom est sur une liste d'interdits de vol ou d'interdits de quitter le territoire français.
Ceux qui ne peuvent pas quitter la France, et cela quel-qu’en soit la raison, devraient quitter les villes et chercher la sécurité de la personne et de la foi dans la campagne profonde française.
Ceux qui insistent à rester dans les villes, comme Paris, ont le droit de le faire et nous ne les critiquons pas. Cependant il serait bien fourbe de la part de pareils gens de tenter d’empêcher ceux qui souhaitent émigrer hors de France ou hors des villes françaises de le faire.
avec toute mon affection,
Imran N.
Muslim Alliance With Eastern Orthodox Christianity In The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein
Lecture held on 19 Rabi At-Thani 1436 / 9 Feb 2015
Al Ansaar Hall, Durban, South Africa.
আখেরী জামানায় রূমের সাথে মুসলিমদের শান্তিচুক্তি
১৯ রবিউস সানি ১৪৩৬ / ৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৫ সাউথ আফ্রিকায় ধারনকৃত আন্তর্জাতিক খ্যাতিসম্পন্ন বিশিষ্ট ইসলামিক স্কলার, দার্শনিক এবং লেখক আল্লামা ইমরান নযর হোসেন এর লেকচার।
Video Courtesy Youtube: Ismail Jeewa
Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best- selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an. Imran Nazar Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
শায়খ্ ইমরান নযর হোসেন একজন আন্তর্জাতিক খ্যাতিসম্পন্ন বিশিষ্ট ইসলামিক স্কলার, দার্শনিক এবং লেখক।
ইসলাম ধর্মের জ্ঞান অর্জনের পাশাপাশি তিনি মিশর এর আল আযহার, সুইজারল্যান্ড, এবং ওয়েস্ট ইন্ডিজ সহ বিশ্বের পাঁচটি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে দর্শন, ইন্টারন্যাশনাল রিলেশনস্, ইন্টারন্যাশনাল পলিটিক্স এবং ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইকোনমি-তে উচ্চ শিক্ষা লাভ করেন।
তিনি ট্রিনিড্যাড এন্ড টোবেগো এর পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ে পররাষ্ট্র বিষয়ক কর্মকর্তা এবং কূটনীতিক ছিলেন।
১৯৯১ সালে তিনি মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে ইসলাম প্রচারের কাজ করেন এ সময় তিনি যয়েন্ট কমিটি অব মুসলিম অর্গনাযেসন্স অব গ্রেটার নিউ ইয়র্কে অবস্থিত জাতি সংঘ সদর দপ্তরে খতিবের পদে নিযুক্ত ছিলেন এবং জুম্মার ভাষণ দিতেন।
আধুনিক কালে তিনি ইসলাম-সংক্রান্ত বিষয়ে সৃজনশীল ও উদ্ভাবনী ক্ষমতা সম্পন্ন লেখক এবং বিশ্বমঞ্চে একজন অসাধারন এবং বিস্ময়কর বক্তা হিসেবে খ্যাতি অর্জন করেছেন।
তাঁর লেখা উল্লেখযোগ্য গ্রন্থগুলোর মধ্যে পবিত্র কোর'আনে জেরুজালেম (জেরুজালেম ইন দ্যা কোর'আন) বিশেষভাবে উল্লেখযোগ্য। গ্রন্থটি বেশ কয়েকবার বেস্ট সেলার তালিকার স্থান পায় এবং বাংলা, উর্দু, আরবী সহ ডজন খানেক ভাষায় অনুবাদিত হয়
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original air date Jun 4, 2019 also yes i know the sound quality is autrocious and horrible but i only starded using vsdc today
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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism
In Living Color : Tommy Wu Seminar
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @
Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Eric and here's waht he has to say: "Hi Sandman! In a recent video you mentioned the possibility of retiring. While I understand, I certainly hope you do not anytime soon. I have followed you since about 2014 and I am thankful for the knowledge you have imparted to all of us. The quality of the content you put out is second to none. Please know it does not go unnoticed. I have a funny story for you that really legitimizes so much of what you have talked about over the years. Recently I started talking to a young sales rep who works in my industry. She called me out of the blue one day and we set up a coffee date. I looked her up beforehand and saw that she was attractive but certainly not overly so. We met for coffee and had a nice conversation. She seemed a bit more balanced that most. We didn't talk about work much at all. She started texting me daily and after a week or so, she invited me to lunch. The lunch was at a fancy rooftop café in West Los Angeles. She lives on that side of town. It's about a 45 min drive for me. We had a nice time and a great conversation. We talked about cryptocurrency, real estate, food, travel etc. It was very clear she was sizing me up a bit. For my part, it was nice to be in the company of a significantly (20 years) younger woman. It was not a bad time overall. So, when the bill came she grabbed it. I half expected this since our relationship started by way of a business connection, not a social one. She looked at the bill and started fumbling around in her purse. I could have let her squirm a bit more but eventually I said, can I pay? She looked at me sheepishly and asked, could you?? She went on to say that she did not want to put this bill on her company credit card. Obviously this was not a business lunch. After we got up, she said, I'll walk you to your car. This is supposed to be the other way around correct? I certainly knew what this meant. While I drive a perfectly acceptable, late model American car that I paid cash for, it's not flashy. I prefer to put my hard earned money into real estate, stocks, bitcoin, precious metals and other things of value. Anyway, we came out to my car and she said "oh I like it". She gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek and said goodbye. We texted a few times since then but she's pretty much disappeared. I suppose there could be any number of reasons for all of this but I certainly detected female nature at work here. The great thing is that I no longer get upset with any of this. I find it almost humorous at this point. While I choose to remain single, I do not fault those who decide they need to be in a relationship. Either way, the red pill knowledge gained through the MGTOW courses you give is helpful to any man." Well Eric thanks for the donation and topic as well as support over the last 7 years. I'll get to my pending retirement and discuss your story in just one moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:
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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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This session was live streamed during Maulana Imran Hosein's 2015 Lecture tour of Cape Town, South Africa. Videos are unedited.
Brought you by Islamic Network:
This session was live streamed during Maulana Imran Hosein's 2015 Lecture tour of Cape Town, South Africa. Videos are unedited.
Brought you by Islamic Network:
This session was live streamed during Maulana Imran Hosein's 2015 Lecture tour of Cape Town, South Africa. Videos are unedited.
Brought you by Islamic Network:
This session was live streamed during Maulana Imran Hosein's 2015 Lecture tour of Cape Town, South Africa. Videos are unedited.
Brought you by Islamic Network:
This lecture restricts itself to establishing the foundation from the Qur'an for friendly ties between Muslims and Orthodox Christians in particular, but does not as yet address the subject of an alliance that is divinely-ordained. That will be addressed in the second recording Insha Allah.
This recording also offers a view concerning a Christian response to usury and to bogus paper money which can instantaneously electrify the entire world of Islam in a manner that would cause eternal dismay to our mutual enemies, and would significantly advance the cause of an alliance between Islam and RUM.
Appeal For Help Follow Up: My On-Line Bookstore is located at
The purpose of this brief address is to direct attention to a very important prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in which we expose and challenge the bogus fraudulent and utterly futile attempt to identify Najd of the prophecy (and the Satanic Age) with a part of Iraq. The people of Hejaz have never, and will never, recognize 'Our Najd' as any other than the Najd of Arabia.
All that we have done is to confirm what is already well known, i.e., that the present Saudi-Wahhabi ruling alliance which came out of Najd, represent the Satanic Age prophesied by Nabi Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam).
We also suggest that the Saudi Najdi naked aggression on Yemen will eventually provoke the Fire of Yemen prophesied by the blessed Prophet. We interpret that 'Fire' to be a revolutionary 'Fire' which will cleanse Arabia of traitors who succeeded the Ottoman Empire in ruling over Arabia on behalf of Dajjal. We say to our critics: Just wait, and you will eventually see for yourself who is correct in this matter. .
Finally let me advise that the Comments Section be used for making comments and not for pursuing arguments. Those who differ with views expressed for example, may respond with comments and offer, if possible, their own 'correct' view, but should refrain from cluttering the Comments Section while endlessly repeating their objections and arguments. I invite them, kindly so, to deliver their own view on the subject in a presentation placed on the internet for public scrutiny.
Acquainted With Dr. Israr Ahmed (RA) And The Methodology To Study Dajjal & The End Times: Interview With Sheikh Imran Hosein. Interview taken by Asif on 22 Sha'ban 1436 / 9 June 2015
Video Courtesy: Jamaludin Ismail
A conversation with Sheikh Imran Hosein and Joaquin Flores part 1
This is part I in a series of talks which Flores had with Sheikh Imran Hosein over a two day period in Belgrade on the 7th and 9th of October, 2015. The aim of these talks were to explore some questions which went a little deeper than what is normally presented by the Sheikh. The Sheikh and Flores in this part discuss the relationship between the industrial and scientific revolutions, modernization in western capitalism vs. socialism, and the ultimate effect of these processes on values or morality as understood religiously.
Sheikh Imran N. Hosein starts with addressing the topic of Usul Al Tafseer or the methodology to understand and interpret the Sacred Text - The Holy Qur'an.
He then goes on to explain what is happening in Syria and what should the position of the Muslim World in addressing the conflict.
May Allah bestow His Blessings on our brothers and sisters in Syria. Ameen!
He Sheikh Imran Hosein was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured laborer from India. He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute in Karachi and has studied at several institutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi,the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland.
He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago but gave up his job in 1985 to devote his life to the mission of Islam.
He is a former Principal of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of Research of the World Muslim Congress in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of the Islamic Institute for Education and Research in Miami, Florida, and Director of D'awah for Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America.
He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York.
He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. He also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in USA.
He has traveled continuously and extensively around the world on Islamic lecture-tours since graduating from the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in 1971 at age 29. And he has also written more than a dozen books on Islam that have invariably been received with public respect.
Indeed, 'Jerusalem in the Qur'an - An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem' has become a best seller and has been translated and published in several languages.
He was the Imam, for sometime, at Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York. He also led the weekly Juma'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years continuously.
Shaykh Imran Hosein - From Arab Spring to Arab Spring
Shaykh Ali Mustafa - The Study of History in the Quran