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Film & Animation

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Published on Apr 2, 2021
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I'm not a breast man
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TIME STAMPS (Sorry for slight Lag, we fixed it during the show after 21:00) :
0:00-4:53- Intro, announcements
4:53- Girls introduce themselves
11:39- Who is more trouble? Men or Women?
15:50- When two girls go out, who pays? (LOL)
18:00- Womnanese for women are emotional while men are logical
19:38- 21:10- SKIP THIS (WE FIXED THE LAG)
21:10- How to get a thr**some w/ 2 girls
28:10- Shout out to James Burnett
29:00- The average girl has slept with more women than the avg guy
32:15- Women don't c*ck themselves....
33:50- ENTER @Kid Trunks
36:15- @Kid Trunks introduction
38:00- Do men feel insecure being with a b*s*xual women
40:07- Disagreement with Myron and debate on equality between the genders. Do men need women or vice versa?
46:10- Super Chats (FUNNY)
48:30- Single or commit to regular guy that provides security?
50:22- B*s*xual ladies' standards for dating men v dating women (entertaining)
56:24- Kristina's SIMP TALE (First time we have heard a woman simp for a single mom LOL)
57:34- Dating as a rapper for Kid Trunks
59:24- Super Chats and ROAST SESSION (LMFAO)
1:03:03- LOL
1:05:32- Do the ladies consider s*x w/ 2 guys ok? @Official Saweetie and @Quavo Huncho reaction and discussion.
1:10:55- Dangers of marriage and how the wealthiest women are wealthy
1:13:35- Ladies fav s*x positions for men and women
1:16:51- More Super Chat roasts (LOL)
1:24:20- Guest contact info
1:28:00- Discussion on restaurants that roast customers?
1:29:20- The crazy things pay women to do to them...(RP truths) and Outro
Kid Trunks IG: @kidtrunks
Daniela- @ItsDanielaaandrea_
Kristina- @Kristinasanta
Jasmine- @JasmineeCharles
Talia- @Lollichtalia

Scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have created an artificial uterus and used it to grow a mammal embryo for the first time. Scientists extracted a fertilized embryo from a female mouse, placed it in the mechanical womb, and grew it for 11 days. The device mainly consists of an incubator and a ventilator, and researchers use it to study how factors like genetic mutations and environmental conditions can affect the growth of a fetus while inside the womb. (Credit: Jacob Hanna)

Intermittent FastingBasics:
Cancer SurvivorInterview:
What is the absolute most important thing you could do to potentially help prevent cancer?
Timestamps 0:00
Cancer prevention0:10
Fasting and cancer2:28
Why fasting may help5:08
What if you already have cancer? 6:38
A protocol a person may want to consider if they’re interested in preventing cancer:
1. OMAD (one meal a day) on a regular basis
2. Do a 48-hour fast on the weekends
3. Take sea salt(1-1.5 tsp.), B vitamins, and trace minerals
4. Do a seven day fast every month (build-up to this)
Why intermittent fasting could potentially help:
• It can stop mTOR(a growth factor)
• It can decrease IGF-1 (a growth factor)
• It can stimulate autophagy (recycle old damaged proteins)
• It can generate new stem cells for your immune system (your immune system kills cancer cells)
• It can drop inflammation
• It can increases resistance for normal cells when exposed to chemotherapy and radiation therapy (cancer cells will be sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation therapy)
• Garlic
A few natural things someone could try if they have cancer:
• Alpha-lipoic acid (.4-.8g per day, start small and gradually increase over 2-3weeks)
• Garcinia (1.2-3gper day, start small and gradually increase over 2-3 weeks)
• Red algae (8gper day)
• Black seed oil(500mg 2x per day)
• Green tea
• Cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli sprouts)

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Quando um pai diz que não consegue conviver e participar da vida do filho, as pessoas rapidamente dizem:
- “Basta entrar na justiça e exigir seus direitos”!
Essas pessoas só se esquecem que a justiça é ginocenbtrica!

Director: Charles Chaplin
Starring: Charles Chaplin, Mack Swain, Tom Murray, Henry Bergman, Malcolm Waite, Georgia Hale, Jack Adams, Frank Aderias, Leona Aderias, Lillian Adrian, Sam Allen, Claude Anderson, Harry Arras, Albert Austin, Marta Belfort, William Bell, Francis Bernhardt, F.J. Beuaregard, E. Blumenthal, William Bradford, George Brock, Pete Brogan, William Butler, Cecile Cameron, R. Campbell, Leland Carr, H.C. Chisholm, Harry Coleman, Heinie Conklin, Rebecca Conroy, Dorothy Crane, James Darby, Harry De More, Kay Deslys, Jimmy Dime, W.S. Dobson, John Eagown, Aaron Edward, E. Espinosa, Leon Farey, M. Farrell, Richard Foley, Charles Force, J.C. Fowler, Al Ernest Garcia, Inez Gomez, Sid Grauman, Lita Grey, Ray Grey, F.F. Guenste, William Hackett, Mildred Hall, James Hammer, Ben Hart, Gypsy Hart, R. Hausner, Tom Hawley, Helen Hayward, Jack Herrick, Jack Hoefer, George Holt, Josie Howard, Jean Huntley, Tom Hutchinson, Carl Jensen, Gladys Johnston, Harry Jones, Fred Karno Jr., Helen Kassler, Bob Kelly, John King, Freddie Lansit, Elias Lazaroff, George Lesley, Geraldine Leslie, Francis Lowell, Joan Lowell, Chris-Pin Martin, Margarita Martín, Clyde McAtee, John McGrath, Lillian McMurray, Dolores Mendes, John Millerta, Ruth Milo, Ray Morris, Betty Morrissey, Marie Muggley, Steve Murphy, Florence Murth, Mr. Myers, P. Nagle, Princess Neela, George Neely, Nellie Noxon, A.J. O'Connor, H.C. Oliver, Donnabelle Ouster, William Parmalee, Jack Phillips, Barbara Pierce, Betty Pierce, Art Price, John Rand, Lillian Reschm, Frank Rice, C.F. Roark, E.M. Robb, Lillian Rosine, Edna Rowe, Tiny Sandford, Jane Sherman, J.J. Smith, Joe Smith, C.B. Steele, Larry Steers, Frank Stockdale, Pop Taylor, Nina Trask, Armand Triller, John Tully, Jack Vedders, Bess Wade, Art Walker, John Wallace, Sharkey Weimar, White Cloud, Mary Williams, Marie Willis, Ed Wilson, H. Wolfinger, Tom Wood, Dave Wright, Ah Yot, George Young & Ed Zimmer

Veja como Exemplo lá no Japão...
Lá mesmo que o governo japonês dê totais e absolutos mimos a os homens japoneses, para incentivar os casamentos e aumentar as taxas de natalidade por lá.
Se fizerem isso hoje não tem como reverter a atual situação do pais.
E igual a o Japão quem esta caminhando para o mesmo caminho é a frança e em breve outros países seguirão no mesmo ritmo...
Os países que aderem a o ginocentrismo, a o mesmo tempo eles entram em um caminho sem retorno!

Directors: Fred C. Newmeyer & Sam Taylor
Starring: Harold Lloyd, Mildred Davis, Bill Strother, Noah Young, Westcott Clarke, Roy Brooks, Mickey Daniels, Richard Daniels, Ray Erlenborn, William Gillespie, Helen Gilmore, Wallace Howe, James T. Kelley, Billie Latimer, Gus Leonard, Sam Lufkin, Earl Mohan, Marie Mosquini, Fred C. Newmeyer, Charles Stevenson, Anna Townsend & Patrick Youch

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