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Science & Technology
Myers-Briggs is bullshit. You are a cuck if you defend something which claims to support individuality but is conflated with hive-mindedness. Carl Jung said that everyone is an exception to the rule with his personality theory further proving that your shitty beliefs once again get in the way of your success.
A Persistência da Memória - "The Persistence of Memory" - foi exibido originalmente em 07 de Dezembro de 1980 na PBS (EUA). <br> <br>"Carl Sagan aborda a importância do desenvolvimento do cérebro humano para o conhecimento, nomeando o episódio em questão a partir de um quadro homônimo de Salvador Dali (1931). Sagan parte da noção de bit e passa para a análise da inteligência na vida marinha, em especial o caso dos cetáceos. Sagan apresenta ainda a teoria do cérebro trino proposta pelo neurocientista Paul MacLean (1913-2007) e, num segundo momento, faz uma analogia do cérebro com uma grande cidade, uma biblioteca e um computador. Já no final do episódio, o então recente disco dourado da Voyager é apresentado como um símbolo do conhecimento acumulado pela humanidade ao longo da evolução. <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br>MgtowTV: <br> <br> <br>Título Original: A Persistência da Memória <br>Publicado em 17 de Junho de 2021 <br>Créditos: SpaceTime,Carl Sagan <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br> <br> <br>Carl Sagan - Cosmos - Episódio 11
A Espinha Dorsal Da Noite - "The Backbone of Night" - foi exibida originalmente em 09 de Novembro de 1980 na PBS (EUA). <br> <br>"No sétimo episódio, Sagan o inicia de modo nostálgico, relembrando suas primeiras indagações sobre as estrelas. Ele volta à sala na qual estudou numa escola do Brooklyn, incentivando os atuais alunos em relação às então novas descobertas da Astronomia. Em seguida, mostra como a Via Láctea foi interpretada de diferentes modos ao longo da história, inclusive como a espinha dorsal da noite, expressão cunhada pelos ǃKung (povo do deserto do Kalahari) e que dá título ao episódio. Da África, Sagan segue para a Grécia, tida como berço do pensamento racional no ocidente, onde apresenta Tales de Mileto e Polícrates. Após comentar sobre vários pré-socráticos, critica os pensadores do período clássico, na medida a visão dualista, principalmente de Platão, teria legitimado aquilo que Marx chamou de modo de produção escravista. O episódio se encerra com Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695)." - Wikipédia <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br>MgtowTV: <br> <br>Título Original: A Espinha Dorsal da Noite <br>Publicado em 17 de Junho de 2021 <br>Créditos: SpaceTime, Carl Sagan <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>Carl Sagan - Cosmos - Episódio 7
A Vida das Estrelas - "The Lives of Stars" - foi exibida originalmente em 23 de Novembro de 1980 na PBS (EUA). <br> <br>"O nono episódio se inicia com Sagan explicando, ao degustar um torta de maçã, como átomos e seus componentes se apresentam, levando à ideia da grandeza dos valores numéricos quando se trabalha numa escala tão pequena. Uma vez apresentadas noções básicas de física e química, Sagan passa ao dos modelos explicativos a respeito da vida das estrelas, descrevendo estágios como as gigantes vermelhas, anãs brancas e buracos negros, bem como a possível ocorrência da explosão de uma supernova na Antiguidade, representada em pinturas rupestres do povo Anasazi. Já no final do episódio, com o auxílio de um contador Geiger, Sagan mostra a importância das estrelas na evolução da vida na Terra, uma vez que raios cósmicos provenientes de supernovas podem ter atuado nas mutações ao longo do processo evolutivo. " - Wikipédia <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br>MgtowTV: <br> <br>Título Original: A Vida das Estrelas <br>Publicado em 17 de Junho de 2021 <br>Créditos: SpaceTime, Carl Sagan <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>Carl Sagan - Cosmos - Episódio 9
Viagens no Espaço e Tempo -"Travels in Space and Time" - foi exibida originalmente em 16 de Novembro de 1980. <br> <br>"Neste oitavo episódio da série, Sagan vai à Itália de Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) para explicar a teoria da relatividade proposta por Albert Einstein (1879-1955), explicando os efeitos decorrentes da velocidade da luz e suas implicações em teóricas viagens no tempo e viagens interestelares. Por diversas vezes, ilustrações feitas por Rick Sternbach (1951-) são exibidas, em especial no caso de concepções artísticas de naves espaciais. Então, a evolução do universo e a da vida são apresentadas na segunda metade do episódio. " - Wikipédia <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br>MgtowTV: <br> <br>Título Original: Viagens no Espaço e Tempo <br>Publicado em 17 de Junho de 2021 <br>Créditos: SpaceTime Carl Sagan <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>Carl Sagan - Cosmos - Episódio 8
Céu e Inferno - "Heaven and Hell"- foi exibida originalmente me 19 de Outubro de 1980 na PBS (EUA). <br> <br>"O episódio parte do chamado evento Tunguska, um pequeno cometa que teria atingido a Terra no ano de 1908, provocando uma enorme explosão na Sibéria. Este fato serve a Sagan explanar acerca das crateras de impacto, lembrando-se dos relatos dos monges da Catedral de Canterbury, feitos em 1178, quando possivelmente os monges avistaram um choque que teria formado a cratera lunar Giordano Bruno. Sagan prossegue na história dos relatos de cometas demonstrando exemplos na tapeçaria de Bayeux, no famoso quadro de Giotto e no grande temor criado após a detecção de cianogênio no rastro do cometa Halley, quando ele passava próximo à Terra no ano de 1910. Segue-se então numa viagem até Vénus, com as suas altas temperaturas e o seu superlativo efeito de estufa, desde as especulações de Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979) até os até então recentes dados das sondas Venera." Wikipédia <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br>MgtowTV: <br> <br>Título Original: Cosmos Carl Sagan Ep.4 - Céu e Inferno Dublado em PT-BR <br>Publicado em 28 de Outubro de 2014 <br>Créditos: Eduardo Silva, Carl Sagan <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>Episódio 4 da antiga série de Carl Sagan, Cosmos.
Video by: High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 <br>Satanic Information for Atheists and Other Skeptics <br> <br>The True Origins of Satanism <br> <br>Exposing Christianity <br>
"Metro" é o terceiro episódio da terceira temporada de "Big Bigger Biggest". Foi exibida pela primeira vez em <br> <br>"From City and South London Railway to New York City Subway, Paris Métro and finally London Underground again." <br> <br>Título Original: Big Bigger Biggest S03E03 Metro <br>Publicado em 14 de Fevereiro de 2014 <br>Créditos: Qbest De <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute:
Título Original: Japanese Swords © BEGIN Japanology 日本刀 <br>Publicado em 18 de Abril de 2015 <br>Créditos: Bonsai Style <br>Publicação Original | Vídeo: <br>Publicação Original | Descrição : <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br>MgtowTV: <br> <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>Cutting with a single struck,the Japanese sword plays a huge role in the history of Japan. Unbreakable,unbendable and razor sharp. For centuries,the sword has been considered the soul of the samurai.It is believed that a deity dwells within a strong sword.Because of their beautiful form,these swords are also prised as objects of art and events are held to let people appreciate them. On this edition of BEGIN Japanology we look at Japanese swords,introducing the Japanese sense of beauty they embody and traditional craft behind the gleam of cold steel. <br> <br>====== <br> <br>Episode Number : 6 <br>Originally Aired : Thursday, May 8, 2014 <br> <br>Akihabara, with its mix of gadgets and geekdom, is a one-of-a-kind experience. Shops selling everything electronic from appliances to cutting-edge robots crowd its streets. Japan's famous video game and anime subcultures are another big part of Akihabara. And in recent years, numerous pop idols have launched their careers here. Our expert guest this time is Kenichiro Senoo, a professor with a deep affection for Akihabara who researches and promotes the district.
Learn the PHP programming language in this full course / tutorial. The course is designed for new programmers, and will introduce common programming topics using the PHP language. <br> <br>⭐Course Contents ⭐ <br> <br>⌨ 1. (0:00) Introduction <br>⌨ 2. (1:56) Windows Installation <br>⌨ 3. (7:32) Choosing a Text Editor <br>⌨ 4. (11:06) Hello World & Setup <br>⌨ 5. (20:29) Writing HTML <br>⌨ 6. (27:30) Variables <br>⌨ 7. (38:09) Data Types <br>⌨ 8. (44:27) Working With Strings <br>⌨ 9. (54:50) Working With Numbers <br>⌨ 10. (1:05:14) Getting User Input <br>⌨ 11. (1:15:37) Building a Basic Calculator <br>⌨ 12. (1:22:13) Building a Mad Libs Game <br>⌨ 13. (1:28:59) URL Parameters <br>⌨ 14. (1:35:52) POST vs GET <br>⌨ 15. (1:41:44) Arrays <br>⌨ 16. (1:50:26) Using Checkboxes <br>⌨ 17. (1:57:22) Associative Arrays <br>⌨ 18. (2:04:55) Functions <br>⌨ 19. (2:12:10) Return Statements <br>⌨ 20. (2:19:10) If Statements <br>⌨ 21. (2:37:16) If Statements (con't) <br>⌨ 22. (2:47:13) Building a Better Calculator <br>⌨ 23. (2:56:53) Switch Statements <br>⌨ 24. (3:05:09) While Loops <br>⌨ 25. (3:15:18) For Loops <br>⌨ 26. (3:26:24) Comments <br>⌨ 27. (3:31:08) Including HTML <br>⌨ 28. (3:36:51) Include: PHP <br>⌨ 29. (3:45:57) Classes & Objects <br>⌨ 30. (3:56:23) Constructors <br>⌨ 31. (4:06:18) Object Functions - PHP - Tutorial 31 <br>⌨ 32. (4:13:52) Getters & Setters <br>⌨ 33. (4:29:17) Inheritance <br> <br>Course developed by Mike Dane. Check out his YouTube channel for more great programming courses: <br> <br>?Follow Mike on Twitter: <br> <br>?The Giraffe Academy website: <br> <br>-- <br> <br>Learn to code for free and get a developer job: <br> <br>Read hundreds of articles on programming:
In this course, you will learn basics of computer programming and computer science. The concepts you learn apply to any and all programming languages and will be a good base onto which you can build your skills. <br> <br>This video is meant for those who are interested in computer science and programming but have no idea where to start and have little to no background information on coding. <br> <br>✏Course created by Steven and Sean from NullPointer Exception. Check out their channel: <br> <br>⭐ Course Contents ⭐ <br>⌨ (00:05) Introduction <br>⌨ (01:37) What is Programming? <br>⌨ (06:19) How do we write Code? <br>⌨ (11:44) How do we get Information from Computers? <br>⌨ (14:46) What can Computers Do? <br>⌨ (20:43) What are Variables? <br>⌨ (25:02) How do we Manipulate Variables? <br>⌨ (31:54) What are Conditional Statements? <br>⌨ (37:54) What are Array’s? <br>⌨ (44:26) What are Loops? <br>⌨ (49:37) What are Errors? <br>⌨ (55:22) How do we Debug Code? <br>⌨ (1:00:25) What are Functions? <br>⌨ (1:09:52) How can we Import Functions? <br>⌨ (1:13:45) How do we make our own Functions? <br>⌨ (1:21:56) What are ArrayLists and Dictionaries? <br>⌨ (1:27:38) How can we use Data Structures? <br>⌨ (1:36:27) What is Recursion? <br>⌨ (1:43:42) What is Pseudocode? <br>⌨ (1:50:40) Choosing the Right Language? <br>⌨ (1:55:34) Applications of Programming <br> <br>-- <br> <br>Learn to code for free and get a developer job: <br> <br>Read hundreds of articles on programming:
With the Creative Mind, Ernest Holmes explains that each soul stands in the midst of an eternal creative power which presses itself around his own thought, and casts back to him, glorified, all that he thinks. Holmes goes on to explore how we might all tap into this inherent creative source in order to realize our truest natures. Written with an instructional basis, Creative Mind serves as a great entry-level seminar on how we might all transform our outer reality by tuning in to an enduring inner reality that is behind all. <br> <br>Ernest Holmes was an American writer and spiritual teacher. He was the founder of a spiritual movement known as Religious Science, a key figure in the New Thought movement, and the author of The Science of Mind. <br> <br>Creative Mind by Ernest Holmes was published in 1919 and is in the public domain. This audio book was recorded by and is narrated by Seth D. Anderson. Copyright © 2012 LearnOutLoud, Inc. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned. <br> <br>You can download this audio book on MP3 for free on our website here:
Título Original: Japanology Plus - Urban Renewal <br>Publicado em 2018-2019 <br>Créditos: Japanology Plus <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br>MgtowTV: <br> <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor:
Título Original: Japanology Plus Underground Tokyo <br>Publicado em 11 de Janeiro de 2021 <br>Créditos: Hello Japan! <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>Episode Number : 68 <br> <br>DVD Season : 1 <br>Originally Aired : Thursday, January 28, 2016 <br> <br> <br>Hidden beneath Tokyo are underground spaces of many kinds: intricate webs of subways and roads, tunnels carrying utilities, and even shopping malls. This time on Japanology Plus, our topic is "Underground Tokyo". We'll explore the subterranean spaces that keep this mega-city functioning. Our expert guest is Taro Kasuya, who served for many years as an engineer for underground infrastructure in Greater Tokyo. And in Plus One, some amazingly efficient underground storage spaces.
Título Original: Obras Incríveis : Trens do Futuro <br>Publicado em 30 de Março de 2018 <br>Créditos: National Geographic, Documentários Online <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>O futurista trem de levitação magnética, que chega a atingir 430 km/h, realiza o trajeto de 30 quilômetrois entre o Aeroporto Internacional Pudong e a Estação Longyang Road, no novo centro financeiro de Xangai, em oito minutos
Título Original: Evolution of the Rio de Janeiro Metro 1979-2040 <br>Publicado em 24 de Agosto de 2022 <br>Créditos: Metro Liner <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br>Meus Outros Canais: <br>Rumble: <br>Youtube: <br>Odysee: <br>Bitchute: <br> <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br>An animation that shows the expansion of the Rio de Janeiro Metro starting from the opening in 1979 to future proposed plans. <br> <br>#riodejaneiro #brasil #metro <br>Map data ©2022 Google <br> <br>BGM: Lucca by Vic Davi <br> <br>Become a supporter by joining the channel membership! <br>
Dr. Jose Delgado's remote mind control experimentation on a bull and monkeys with implanted electrodes and a device called the stimoceiver. A small section of the film experimentation is carried out with no implants utilizing electromagnetic based directed energy devices for study and experimentation.
"Science of Steel" foi exibida originalmente me 11 de Março de 2006 nos EUA. <br> <br>"The world's metal construction material of choice" <br> <br>Título Original: Aço - Indústria Humana <br>Publicado em 07 de Novembro de 2011 <br>Créditos: National Geograhic, Luckas Rossato <br>Publicação Original: <br> <br> <br>Descrição Original do Autor: <br> <br> <br>Vídeo que mostra a importância do aço na vida das pessoas na atualidade! <br>De como ele é produzido até onde ele é empregado! <br>An national geographic production!
Learn JavaScript, HTML, and CSS in this Frontend Web Development course. In this massive course, you will go from no coding experience to having the essential skills of a frontend web developer. You will learn various web development technologies and create a few projects along the way. <br> <br>✏ Course from Zach Gollwitzer. Check out his channel: <br> <br>? Code and Resources: <br> <br>⌨ (00:00:00) Introduction <br>⌨ (00:04:45) Your first JavaScript program <br>⌨ (00:28:14) What is JavaScript? <br>⌨ (00:56:04) JavaScript variables <br>⌨ (01:45:28) Basic JavaScript challenges <br>⌨ (01:45:54) JavaScript operators <br>⌨ (02:39:10) 5 more JavaScript challenges <br>⌨ (02:50:09) JavaScript functions, conditionals, loops <br>⌨ (03:55:03) 25 Beginner JavaScript practice problems <br>⌨ (06:07:47) Built-in JavaScript methods <br>⌨ (06:25:46) Callback functions <br>⌨ (06:45:53) JavaScript primitives <br>⌨ (06:54:04) JavaScript Dates <br>⌨ (07:02:21) Regular Expressions <br>⌨ (07:25:01) JavaScript String methods <br>⌨ (07:40:45) JavaScript Array methods <br>⌨ (08:16:41) Math utilities with JavaScript <br>⌨ (08:23:11) Error types and other JavaScript concepts <br>⌨ (08:39:15) 10 Beginner / Intermediate JavaScript practice problems <br>⌨ (10:02:33) HTML Crash Course <br>⌨ (11:00:10) "About me page" HTML challenge <br>⌨ (11:02:51) Document Object Model (DOM) <br>⌨ (12:23:56) HTML + JavaScript "Meme Generator" challenge <br>⌨ (13:12:17) CSS Crash Course <br>⌨ (14:11:49) The CSS Box Model <br>⌨ (14:36:46) Most common CSS properties <br>⌨ (15:43:51) Frontend Mentor CSS "Pricing Card" challenge <br>⌨ (17:11:16) Introduction to responsive web design <br>⌨ (18:16:27) CSS Flexbox Crash Course <br>⌨ (19:40:45) Frontend Mentor CSS Flexbox "Testimonials" challenge <br>⌨ (21:13:27) Final thoughts and next steps <br> <br>? Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: <br>? Raymond Odero <br>? Agustín Kussrow <br>? aldo ferretti <br>? Otis Morgan <br>? DeezMaster <br> <br>-- <br> <br>Learn to code for free and get a developer job: <br> <br>Read hundreds of articles on programming:
▶ Join DOGGK on BITCHUTE: <br>▶ DOGGK's MAIN CHANNEL : <br>▶ DOGGK's GAMING CHANNEL : <br> <br>- Please hit the "LIKE"- button and don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE" ✔ <br>- COMMENT, SHARE if you liked the video ! <br>- There's more to come for the following DAYS ! So stay tuned ✔ <br> <br>Go your own way guys
Learn how to automate your life with Python! You will learn how to automate boring and repetitive tasks such as creating an Excel report, sending text messages, extracting tables from websites, interacting with websites, and more. You will learn how to use a few different Python libraries to help with automation such as Path, Selenium, XPath, and more. <br> <br>? Source Code & Datasets: <br> <br>✏ Course from Frank Andrade. Check out his YouTube Channel: <br>? Automation Cheat Sheet: <br>? Frank's 11-Hour Automation Course in Python: <br>? Frank's Discord Server: <br> <br>⭐ Course Contents ⭐ <br>⌨ (0:00:00) Intro <br>⌨ (0:00:31) Project #1 Table Extraction - Extract Tables from Websites <br>⌨ (0:02:53) Table Extraction - Extract CSV Files from Websites <br>⌨ (0:09:38) Table Extraction - Extract Tables from PDFs <br>⌨ (0:13:06) Project #2 - Web Automation & Web Scraping - HTML Basics - Tags and Elements <br>⌨ (0:20:57) Web Automation & Web Scraping - HTML Basics - Tree Structure <br>⌨ (0:24:22) Web Automation & Web Scraping - XPath - Syntax, Functions and Operators <br>⌨ (0:28:06) Web Automation & Web Scraping - XPath - Test Your XPath <br>⌨ (0:33:38) Web Automation & Web Scraping - XPath - Special Characters and Syntax <br>⌨ (0:38:17) Automate The News - Installing Selenium and ChromeDriver <br>⌨ (0:40:34) Automate The News - Creating The Driver <br>⌨ (0:44:46) Automate The News - Finding Elements <br>⌨ (1:04:34) Automate The News - Exporting Data to a CSV File <br>⌨ (1:12:34) Automate The News - Headless mode <br>⌨ (1:18:18) Automate The News - Preparing Script to Be Run Everyday <br>⌨ (1:30:17) Automate The News - Convert py to exe <br>⌨ (1:37:18) Automate The News - Schedule Python Script with crontab (macOS) <br>⌨ (1:42:16) Project #3 - Automate Excel Report - Create a Pivot Table with Python <br>⌨ (1:49:42) Automate Excel Report - Add a Bar Chart <br>⌨ (2:05:02) Automate Excel Report - Write Excel Formulas with Python <br>⌨ (2:19:18) Automate Excel Report - Format Cells <br>⌨ (2:23:04) Automate Excel Report - Convert Pivot Table to Excel Report <br>⌨ (2:25:32) Automate Excel Report - Generate Excel Reports with One Click (py to exe) <br>⌨ (2:33:22) Project #4 - Automate WhatsApp <br> <br>? Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: <br>? Raymond Odero <br>? Agustín Kussrow <br>? aldo ferretti <br>? Otis Morgan <br>? DeezMaster <br> <br>-- <br> <br>Learn to code for free and get a developer job: <br> <br>Read hundreds of articles on programming:
I found this essay from 2015 but sadly, not a video, so I made it myself. If you're Tim Urban, feel free to copyright claim this video. I just thought it deserved a video. <br> <br>You are not your brain or your body <br> <br> <br>Sources <br>Very few of the ideas or thought experiments in this post are my original thinking. I read and listened to a bunch of personal identity philosophy this week and gathered my favorite parts together for the post. The two sources I drew from the most were philosopher Derek Parfit’s book Reasons and Persons and Yale professor Shelly Kagan’s fascinating philosophy course on death—the lectures are all watchable online for free. <br> <br>Other Sources: <br>David Hume: Hume on Identity Over Time and Persons <br>Derek Parfit: We Are Not Human Beings <br>Peter Van Inwagen: Materialism and the Psychological-Continuity Account of Personal Identity <br>Bernard Williams: The Self and the Future <br>John Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Chapter: Of Identity and Diversity) <br>Douglas Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach <br>Patrick Bailey: Concerning Theories of Personal Identity <br> <br>Eastminster by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. <br> <br>Source: <br> <br>Artist:
JUST A GOOF VIDEO ABOUT GEEK SERVER TRASH, TILL WE CHIP IN AND GET OUR MGTOW GIGASERVER HELP OUT IF YOU CAN BROTHERS. GODSPEED AND GOD BLESS \G/ <br> <br>Check out the View 37 from Thermaltake: <br> <br>Subscribe to Level1Techs: <br> <br>CREDITS <br>Epidemic Sound - <br>The Passion HiFi - <br>Kevin Macleod - <br> <br>SUBSCRIBE! <br>Want to Become a Channel Member for Exclusive Perks and Content? <br>Check out my Builds Playlist! <br> <br>FLOATPLANE <br>Watch my videos a week early at <br> <br>About Bitwit: <br>Bitwit is a PC gaming and hardware-focused YouTube channel committed to making quality online tech videos for your infotainment! We are a nerdy married couple pumping out 3 to 4 videos a week delivering a mixed bag of content including product reviews, custom PC builds, vlogs, the occasional comedy sketch and more. <br> <br>Building our 10 Gigabit 192TB Storage Server! FINALLY!! <br> <br> <br>Bitwit <br>
For more click <br>About this item <br>Gigabit WiFi for 8K Streaming – Up to 5400 Mbps WiFi for faster browsing, streaming, gaming and downloading, all at the same time <br>Full Featured WiFi 6 Router– Equipped with 4T4R and HE160 technologies on the 5 GHz band to enable max 4.8 Gbps ultra-fast connections.Power:12 V ⎓ 2.5 A <br>Connect More Devices – Supports MU-MIMO and OFDMA to reduce congestion and 4X the average throughput <br>Extensive Coverage - Enjoy stable WiFi connections, even in the kitchen and bedroom. High-Power FEM, 6× Antennas, Beamforming, and 4T4R structures combine to adapt WiFi coverage to perfectly fit your home and concentrate signal strength towards your devices <br>More Vents, Less Heat – Improved vented areas help unleash the full power of the router <br>USB Sharing – 1× USB 3.0 port enables easy media sharing and private cloud storage <br>TP-Link HomeShield – TP-Link's premium security services keep your home network safe with cutting-edge net <br>FOR MORE CLICK HERE
For more click here <br>About this item <br>Gigabit WiFi for 8K Streaming – Up to 5400 Mbps WiFi for faster browsing, streaming, gaming and downloading, all at the same time <br>Full Featured WiFi 6 Router– Equipped with 4T4R and HE160 technologies on the 5 GHz band to enable max 4.8 Gbps ultra-fast connections.Power:12 V ⎓ 2.5 A <br>Connect More Devices – Supports MU-MIMO and OFDMA to reduce congestion and 4X the average throughput <br>Extensive Coverage - Enjoy stable WiFi connections, even in the kitchen and bedroom. High-Power FEM, 6× Antennas, Beamforming, and 4T4R structures combine to adapt WiFi coverage to perfectly fit your home and concentrate signal strength towards your devices <br>More Vents, Less Heat – Improved vented areas help unleash the full power of the router <br>USB Sharing – 1× USB 3.0 port enables easy media sharing and private cloud storage <br>TP-Link HomeShield – TP-Link's premium security services keep your home network safe with cutting-edge network and IoT protection. Free features: 1. Network Security Scan 2. Basic Parental Controls 3. QoS 4. Weekly/Monthly Reports 5. IoT Device Identification, HomeShield Pro paid service ads more robust protections and features for, 5.99/Month, 1-Month Free Trial <br>Works with all internet service providers, such as AT&T, Verizon, Xfinity, Spectrum, RCN, Cox, CenturyLink, Frontier, etc.( a modem is required for most internet service providers) <br>Click here
Rockwell Turbo Encabulator Version 2 <br>Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -
Chrysler Turbo Encabulator <br>Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -
About this item <br>Ideal Solution for Pregnancy Discomfort <br>SOFT OR FIRM… YOU DECIDE: 2-sided design to suit moms during all 3 trimesters. Deluxe, soft memory foam on side 1, and firmer support foam on side 2. As your needs and desires shift from moment to moment, simply flip it over to regain maximum comfort. <br>PROPER BELLY SUPPORT REDUCES SWELLING (edema) in hands, legs and feet by relieving back tension and associated STRESS. Place under your belly, behind your back or between your knees to help you feel more comfortable relaxing or sleeping. Versatile belly wedge, back pillow or knee pillow. Helps relieve nerve pain and leg numbness, too. <br> <br>TO GET THIS PILLOW>>>
Turning human waste into renewable energy explained. The first 1,000 people to use the link or my undecidedwithmattferrell will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: When it comes to renewable energy, solar panels, wind turbines, and hydropower keep coming up as number 1, but what about number 2? Literally. I’m talking about ... well, poop. There’s a rich, carbon-neutral resource that we could tap into: Turning human waste into energy instead of flushing it down the toilet. It could be used as a coal alternative, carbon sequestration, strengthening concrete and more. There’s an old technology, hydrothermal carbonization, that’s starting to make a splash and might change the way you think about number 2. Let’s see if we can come to a decision on turning waste into energy and if it’s worth it. <br> <br>Watch Solar Panels Plus Farming? Agrivoltaics Explained <br> <br>Video script and citations: <br> <br> <br>Follow-up podcast: <br>Video version - <br>Audio version - <br> <br>Join the Undecided Discord server: <br> <br> <br>? Support Undecided on Patreon! <br> <br> <br> <br>⚙ Gear &amp; Products I Like <br>Tesla and smart home gear: <br> <br> <br>Great sustainable products for your home: <br> <br> <br>Undecided Amazon store front: <br> <br> <br>Fun, nerdy t-shirts: <br> <br> <br>Abstract Ocean Tesla Accessories: <br>15% Discount - Code: "Undecided" <br> <br> <br>Jeda Tesla Wireless Charger/USB Hub: <br> <br> <br>Tesla Referral Code: <br>Get 1,000 free supercharging miles <br>or a discount on Tesla Solar &amp; Powerwalls <br> <br> <br>Visit my Energysage Portal: <br>Research solar panels and get quotes for free! <br> <br> <br>Or find community solar near you: <br> <br> <br> <br>? Follow Me <br>Twitter <br> <br> <br> <br>Instagram <br> <br> <br> <br>Facebook <br> <br> <br>Website <br> <br> <br> <br>? YouTube Tools I Recommend <br>Audio file(s) provided by Epidemic Sound <br> <br> <br>TubeBuddy <br> <br> <br>VidIQ <br> <br> <br> <br>I may earn a small commission for my endorsement or recommendation to products or services linked above, but I wouldn't put them here if I didn't like them. Your purchase helps support the channel and the videos I produce. Thank you.
For decades, clean hydrogen power has been touted as a potentially world-changing technology. But the hydrogen economy has never quite materialized. With an oncoming wave of government and institutional investment in hydrogen power, we spoke with two industry entrepreneurs: Enass Abo-Hamed, whose company H2GO offers solid-state hydrogen storage, and New Jersey’s Mike Strizki, operator of the famous “Hydrogen House.” <br>Subscribe to MOTHERBOARD: <br> <br>Follow MOTHERBOARD <br>Facebook: <br>Twitter: <br>Tumblr: <br>Instagram: <br>More videos from the VICE network:
Update on progress of prototype work <br> <br> <br>IndieGoGo Pre-Launch Campaign Page: <br> <br> <br> <br>Website: <br> <br>Email: [email protected] <br> <br>Direct Prototype Funding: <br> <br>Paypal Donations: <br> <br>or <br> <br> <br> <br>Mailing address/ Check/Money order Info: <br> <br>Male Birth Control Group, Inc. <br> <br>P.O. Box 209 <br> <br>Utica, NY 13503 <br> <br>BTC Donations: <br> <br> bc1q5mkcaezhgsat7rz2e8pc36vv6txzlgfs6jx2zz <br> <br>Demo Video Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Long form Announcement Video Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Bitchute: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Twitter: <br>
Mr. Michael Strizki, President of “Hydrogen House”, “Strizki Systems”, and “Genmounts Solar Racking Sysytems” show us around the Hydrogen House. <br> <br> streams live on the Internet from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm every weekday afternoon, Hawaii Time, then streaming earlier shows through the night. Check us out any time for great content and great community. <br> <br>Our vision is to be a leader in shaping a more vital and thriving Hawaii as the foundation for future generations. Our mission is to be the leading digital media platform raising pubic awareness and promoting civic engagement in Hawaii.
Visit :
Meet inventor and engineer Mike Strizki and and take a tour of his amazing hydrogen powered home. This house has been off-grid since 2006, with zero emissions except for pure water and oxygen. <br> <br>For more information, please visit us at: <br> <br> <br>Follow us on social media: <br>Facebook : <br>Twitter :
#boblazar #uap #ufos <br> <br>Bob Lazar's hydrogen powered Corvette. <br> <br>Help Support Bob's Work <br>Bob Lazar's company website <br> <br> <br>Buy Bob's Documentary <br> <br> <br>Link to buy t-shirts <br> <br> <br>link to buy mugs and glasses <br> <br> <br> <br>Music <br>Music: Universe - Space Ambient <br>Artist: SergePavkinMusic <br>Music Link: <br>Download: <br> <br>Music Used <br> "LEMMiNO - Encounters (BGM)" on YouTube <br> <br> <br>Watch "LEMMiNO - Aloft (BGM)" on YouTube <br> <br> <br>Music is licensed under this license: <br>Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) <br> <br>VIDEO WAS MADE FOR PURE ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSE. THESE COPYRIGHTS BELONG TO ITS RIGHTFUL OWNERS. <br> <br>NO copyright infringement and NO commercial benefits intended! Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use is in favor of fair use.
canal del creador <br> <br> <br>los-hombres-como-problema-la-ruptura-del-contrato-social-ancestral-ElObserVador MGTOW 3.0 Video Backup Fuente Los hombres como problema. La ruptura del contrato social ancestral - Vídeo Dailymotion Rusia postfeminista videos mgtow en español en ivoox, y bitchute <br>ElObser Vador El Observador . <br> <br>Mgtow golden age Epoca dorada
All those "my body, my choice" cunts should be forced to look at this before they get under any man. <br>Those little bodies had no choice, those are not your body, who are you to chose for them? <br>This is disgusting as disgusting can be.
Some basic concepts in regards to police training against a person armed with a knife. Understand the other side of the coin. It is true there is accurate historical data used to train the police to shoot an assailant with a knife. A knife can be a deadly threat even if you have a gun, this video shows why. Remember, the lower the average IQ falls in a country, it stands to reason that the average IQ of a police force also begins to fall. Remember, affirmative action in the police force is a big thing and it can be expected to a degree that in a lot of jurisdictions at this point, the police officers on the force are not likely to be there purely based on merit anymore. Standards have been dropping because their are police shortages in many cities in the USA.
This is a take on a rather excellent short called "A Week With Rebecca" where an executive and (as portrayed in the movie) a top 5% male is invited to try out a new companion model called Rebecca. This model not only meets his needs but exceeds them to the point where the lead male starts lying to keep her around preferring her company to regular women <br> <br>There are two points I got from this movie <br>1. The man in the movie has options and chooses to go with Rebecca, not because he's lonely but because she's literally better than any other woman around <br>2. What happens when the "Love Dolls" become so good that even the men at the top start to prefer them to regular women? <br> <br>You also need to consider here this isn't far out sci-fi in this short. This is something that might not be all that far off. <br> <br>Now consider the current gender climate <br> <br>This is the movie, good movie suggest you watch it <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Fully active and ALL videos are on Odysee please subscribe there as well <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>