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People & Blogs

Cocks, Swastikas, and Chinamen
Cocks, Swastikas, and Chinamen "K C" "Sunbeam" 22 Views • 3 years ago

Explaining the problems of censoring and misinterpreting various words and the political correctness behind it.

Apology to the Black Race
Apology to the Black Race "K C" "Sunbeam" 36 Views • 3 years ago

Us rotten White crackers need to apaologize to the Royal Ebony people among us. We owe them a massive debt. I explain!

This is why Russia is attacking Ukraine
This is why Russia is attacking Ukraine Imran Hosein 251 Views • 3 years ago

The Believer

The MGTOW/Black Pill Zoomer Gap
The MGTOW/Black Pill Zoomer Gap Thinking_Ape 111 Views • 3 years ago

A clash of generations or simply a misunderstanding?

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Multitasking Is A Female Weakness - MGTOW
Multitasking Is A Female Weakness - MGTOW Sandman 326 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Profit Specialist Group

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, I'm not sure if this has been covered in previous videos though I've been thinking lately about the stereotypes that whamen constantly drone on about, that's their go to for steering conversations into the "We can do it better" feminist rhetoric. Which often is the "women can multitask" bs to big note themselves as hard working and run off their feet, which is often over exaggerated and a lie. I usually respond with "Men are masters at whatever task they choose to perform at the present time" and it stumps whamen before they can spew their rehearsed misandry speech. If women continue to spew nonsense then I ask them to picture a situation where a whamen's driving with a few passengers in the car playing videos and distracting the driver with entertainment gossip and to top it off the driver's phone rings. I ask would they feel safe with a distracted driver dividing their mental capacity by each task being performed or would they feel safer with a driver who is only focused on driving. The same can be said with any situation that involves multi-tasking. That person is only as good as their mental capacity being divided by each task allows. I'd appreciate your MGTOW analysis on this topic as always Mr Sandman and feel free to bring in other stereotypes that whamen cling to in order to push the "We can do it better" feminist narrative. Your MGTOW Redpills are saving lives every day Mr Sandman, thank you for your tireless work." Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. Mental processing power is like computer Ram. If you've got dozens of processes running in the background on your computer it's going to slow down. So if a woman is multitasking it's like she's got spyware running in her mind slowing her down, ie gossip on her mind. If driving was a mental process that was as unforgiving as being a pilot the majority of the female population if they were forced to fly would find themselves in a hole in the ground caused by their lack of attention to the horizon. Women play off multitasking as a strength instead of a weakness. They don't want men to realise that if you lack focus and concentration then it's harder for you to think. It's a handicap and they are trying to make every institution favor their scatter brained way of thinking. Take education for example. A lot of boys get ADHD in school and then have to be medicated and the system says there's an illness preventing boys from focusing on something. But the school environments are too wide with their curriculum for male kids and not narrow enough. We are creating educational environments that cater to women because they focus on broad subject matter and they aren't focused enough. In the third grade If finally started learning because my teacher was a man. He focused on repeating multiplication tables, constant spelling quizes and no board games or toys. There was discipline. He probably understood that education is error correction. You repeat the same task enough times until it becomes second nature and you become an expert. But you can't do that if you keep switching tasks every fifteen minutes. There's a saying for this where a woman is a Jill of all trades but a master of none. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cash Discount Pro:

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What is Meditation?|Meditation Music|Relaxing ???|
What is Meditation?|Meditation Music|Relaxing ???| RohanDavid 22 Views • 3 years ago

⁣What is Meditation?|Meditation Music|Relaxing ???|
Meditation is a practice that has been around for centuries. It is a form of mental training that teaches people to focus their attention on the present moment.
Meditation has been shown to help with stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve concentration and creativity.
Meditation can be done in many different ways. Some people meditate by focusing on the breath, others by focusing on a mantra or an object of contemplation, while others might meditate by working with their thoughts or emotions.
Thanks for watching ??????????????

WHERE HAVE ALL THE STRONG AND INDEPENDENT WOMEN GONE: Or how Feminism DIED in Ukraine Top_Dollar_Black_Pill_Gangster 191 Views • 3 years ago


I Denounce The Russian Propaganda That Is Using My Image and Name
I Denounce The Russian Propaganda That Is Using My Image and Name Coach_Red_Pill 128 Views • 3 years ago

LEAVE NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN Coach_Red_Pill 20 Views • 3 years ago

Leave now while you still can. Once the war with China starts, you will not be able to leave the West. And even if there is no war, that won’t stop the West’s collapse into totalitarianism. So leave now while you still can. You won’t get another warning. CRP

2022.02.26 at 7:45 am in Kiev During The Russian Invasion
2022.02.26 at 7:45 am in Kiev During The Russian Invasion Coach_Red_Pill 13 Views • 3 years ago

2022.02.26 at 8:40am in Kiev (System Pigs Eating Breakfast)
2022.02.26 at 8:40am in Kiev (System Pigs Eating Breakfast) Coach_Red_Pill 10 Views • 3 years ago

What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil
What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil Coach_Red_Pill 17 Views • 3 years ago

Jordan Schachtel Is Lying About Me
Jordan Schachtel Is Lying About Me Coach_Red_Pill 9 Views • 3 years ago

His Twitter handle is @JordanSchachtel. Do not abuse him or harass him in anyway — but just make him see that I am indeed in downtown Kiev during the Russian Invasion, and that he had no right to claim that I was a troll or a liar.

I’m Here In Kiev, Ukraine
I’m Here In Kiev, Ukraine Coach_Red_Pill 17 Views • 3 years ago

Putin’s “Empire of Lies” speech:

My Trip From Kiev to Kharkov Last Night (Birthday Stream)
My Trip From Kiev to Kharkov Last Night (Birthday Stream) Coach_Red_Pill 75 Views • 3 years ago

My Trip From Kiev to Kharkiv Last Night (Birthday Stream)

Normies FORCED to confront MGTOW!!
Normies FORCED to confront MGTOW!! Hammerhand 235 Views • 3 years ago

When the normies of the world are being forced to confront their becomes just a bit uncomfortable for them. MGTOW and the Monks of the West are leading the way in making this discomfort a reality.

Grim Interviews: Dirty Dan Talks Small Town Stories and Grim Rants About Puritanism!
Grim Interviews: Dirty Dan Talks Small Town Stories and Grim Rants About Puritanism! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 18 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Legend Of Scarlet Devil Mansion (Touhouvania 1)

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Grim's Open Mic Roundtable! Elden Ring, War and College Thottery/Simpery In The Black Community!
Grim's Open Mic Roundtable! Elden Ring, War and College Thottery/Simpery In The Black Community! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 16 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Elden Ring (Steam)

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The Pussy Standard
The Pussy Standard Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 531 Views • 3 years ago


Women Are Amazin'...
Women Are Amazin'... Thinking_Ape 125 Views • 3 years ago

Do you know the women are wonderful effect? Behold women's achievements...

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The ULTIMATE Joke Was On "The Compliant!"
The ULTIMATE Joke Was On "The Compliant!" REDPILLMARRIED 262 Views • 3 years ago

Never forget!
Article1: ⁣

Article2: ⁣

Tinder Swindler Steals Millions From Gold Digging Women - MGTOW
Tinder Swindler Steals Millions From Gold Digging Women - MGTOW Sandman 470 Views • 3 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Edwin and here's what he very briefly has to say and I quote: "Listening for a while. Please add more jokes to your essays/answers." Well Edwin thanks for the donation and asking me to be funny. Humor is interesting because it's not something that can be turned on and off on tap because it comes from your subconscious. That's why tv networks have writers rooms because sometimes you get on a hot streak and just ooze hilarious material and sometimes you can go weeks or months without saying a single funny thing. The idea is to keep writing everyday and eventually your funny subconscious comedian will make an appearance and entertain you and everyone else. It's more likely to make an appearance when you're in a good mood. That hasn't been the case for a while for me because of all the trucker stuff in recent months where your country declares marshall law and you start to worry about becoming a political enemy and having your bank accounts frozen simply for making a video about Justin Skippy Trudeau the peanut butter prime minister that wears sparkle socks. I'm sure funny Sandman will return at some point. As for this video I want to give everyone my take on the recent Netflix documentary the Tinder Swindler. While watching it I kept thinking this guy is like a modern day Frank Abignale from the film Catch Me If You Can with Leonardo Di Caprio. Except instead of preying on banks and forging checks Simon Leviev the Tinder Swindler preys on nice down to earth girls and exploits women's hypergamy and portrays himself as the man they've been waiting for their entire lives and he's ready to save them while handing over the keys to his cash kingdom. The story follows two women Simon conned, one named Cecilie that became his girlfriend and another named Pernilla which friendzoned him because he was a little too short for her liking. But she still had no problems enjoying the posh lifestyle with him flying her out everywhere. She was probably hoping that if she hung around with him long enough he would introduce him to some of his other rich friends and they were hanging around in a billionaires club where it's 2000$ just to sit at a table. So for Pernilla the bait was being able to socialize with very rich men and hope that one of her found her attractive enough to put a ring on it. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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Fearing the incoming sanctions, calling ANZ to issue me a replacement card in advance
Fearing the incoming sanctions, calling ANZ to issue me a replacement card in advance Francis_UD 21 Views • 3 years ago


Filmed on 28/02/2022 AEDT

PT3 - Putin, traitor to the new world order
PT3 - Putin, traitor to the new world order TheManInside 45 Views • 3 years ago

Too bad about Moderna......
Too bad about Moderna...... Hammerhand 161 Views • 3 years ago

Covid was unleashed on the population, there is no doubt about that.

This is the 6@y phuck who hates mgtow
This is the 6@y phuck who hates mgtow Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 385 Views • 3 years ago

How to clear check engine light on Mercedes 2003 C320 quick and free
How to clear check engine light on Mercedes 2003 C320 quick and free Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 36 Views • 3 years ago

How to check engine oil level on Mercedes c320 2003 model
How to check engine oil level on Mercedes c320 2003 model Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 60 Views • 3 years ago

Women & Minorities Will Take Us To Communism - MGTOW
Women & Minorities Will Take Us To Communism - MGTOW Sandman 376 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Red Pill Developer

Heritage Minutes: Jennie Trout

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Steve on Subscribestar. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to do is cover what I see as an inevitability at this point. That political power in the west will shortly be taken over by a coalition of women and minorities that will run western countries into the ground trying to create a socialist social justice utopia. In Ontario Canada the province I live in the second and third largest political parties their elected members of parliament make up over fifty percent of the party. Their Candidates from these pictures I'm showing you off their websites make up sixty to seventy percent of their members waiting in the wings to take power. It's a certainty that at some point be it five years or ten years that the conservative party of Ontario gets voted out and when that happens we will probably have fifty to sixty percent of our provincial politicians being female. The parliament will join such wonderful countries as Cuba and Rwanda with more females than males in power. I don't care who's in power so long as they are competent. But where does this end? Will minority men keep voting for the leftist female centric parties? I spoke about a while back that Hispanic and Black men are increasingly leaving the side of Democratic party in the United States and voting for Republicans. They are doing this because of the lack of respect they are receiving. Seeing that they don't matter to a left that's all about women's rights and freedoms as opposed to men's. I'm glad they are finally waking up from their slumber and seeing that politics is not between the left and right but between male and female. Doesn't anyone else think that once women make up 60 or 70% of politicians that they will harbor animosity towards men for all the so called years of patriarchal oppression that they weren't around to see? Ethnic groups can hate each other for hundreds or even thousands of years. Look at the Japanese vs Chinese. Or the British and Germans. Being from a Balkan background I can't tell you how much hatred Serbs and Croatians hated one another. Me being a mix of the two I never understood their connection to events long since past. Regardless, it doesn't matter if what happened is real or imaginary the hatred is still there. I suspect that it will be used to punish Heritage Canadians of European descent as well as those in most other anglo-saxon and western European countries for things they never did. Punishment for past misogyny. But the problem is the coalition of women and minorities will be trying to destroy the ones that are keeping their infrastructure going. It's like they don't have a memory that everything is built by men or something. So what will happen? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red
Pill Developer:

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Muscular handsome sexy Santa Claus

Fitness woman drinking water at workout in the gym

Qurānic Lecture Series  By Maulana iddiq Ahmad Nasir
Qurānic Lecture Series By Maulana iddiq Ahmad Nasir Imran Hosein 22 Views • 3 years ago

CNETT 2022 Qur'ānic Lecture Series | Lecture 5 | Maulana Siddiq Ahmad Nasir | "The divisions of the text of the Glorious Qur’ān – Surah & Ayah, Juz, Makki & Madani, Muhkamāt & Mutashābihāt, Asbābun-Nuzūl & Naksh"

PT2 - Putin, traitor to the new world order
PT2 - Putin, traitor to the new world order TheManInside 71 Views • 3 years ago

Do you....Pt.4
Do you....Pt.4 Hammerhand 68 Views • 3 years ago

Do you....Pt.5
Do you....Pt.5 Hammerhand 48 Views • 3 years ago

I’m Here In Kiev, Ukraine
I’m Here In Kiev, Ukraine Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 407 Views • 3 years ago

Putin’s “Empire of Lies” speech:

Do you...Pt.3
Do you...Pt.3 Hammerhand 117 Views • 3 years ago

A Long Memory Part 2 - Mgtow
A Long Memory Part 2 - Mgtow Zuberi87 86 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

The Brilliance Of MGTOW
The Brilliance Of MGTOW Sandman 390 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Scars Arena Health Gummies

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover a post I found on the MGTOW subreddit with the same title as this video and here's what someone named Project At Evan's Gate has to say and I quote: "MGTOW is the life raft, and the boat. It saves, and yet it drives - inner peace, knowledge, community, and an impact that only the future can see. The backbone of MGTOW is the mind - human nature, female nature, evolutionary psychology, and such. Not only do we understand female nature, but being MGTOW, you have to understand your own. You have to understand the dangers your nature can bring you towards, the instincts that blind humanity. The ideology is very informative and critical because it teaches us things that society never would. And once you start getting more and more into the knowledge, things start adding together like puzzle pieces; you start to see things you
never saw before, or rather what you didn't want to see before in some cases. MGTOW knowledge will assist you in your every breath until your last one. We start to understand things for what they are. We are told from birth what "success" is. You need the hottest women, the fanciest sports cars, the biggest house, the best jewelry, the biggest wallet........or else you are a "failure". We are told to consume all of these material things until they consume us. The powers that be play into our own nature. MGTOW for me, is enough. My inner peace, my happiness, my soul, is enough. Because none of these other distractions that are pushed upon us ever will be. Traditionalism has been destroyed by the same evil that is destroying the west. Values and morals are forgotten. The masses listen to music with no meaning other than toxicity and hate, the media lies and lies and manipulates, corporations and institutions spread their wokeness and people believe it is genuine and beneficial, people don't care much for introspection as they would rather frantically search for a reason to protest and cause havoc in the streets and spread vitriol for the sake of it, for the sake of organizations that don't care about them. Big Tech companies silence and censor the public as different ideas are no longer allowed. The middle class is being destroyed. Women and men have resorted back to their cave instincts because the culture has changed to deem it fit once again: It is easiest to control those who have been reduced into emotional primates. Hypergamy, pride, and greed spreads rampant, things are seen only at the outside instead of the inside. And then people wonder why men go MGTOW. There is nothing here for us. MGTOW is self-preservation. MGTOW saves lives, I know it saved mine. MGTOW in a way is taking action by doing nothing. But that nothing is everything. Men are treated horribly, but keep countries going. We have considerable power and going MGTOW is a recognition of this. As MGTOW spreads, significant changes will occur in society that will no longer be able to be ignored. Leaving the game entirely is a strategic move, because the game relies on us playing it. When you go your own way, the game gets angry. When feminists go their own way, they are applauded. So what's really going on here? Isn't it funny how feminists hate MGTOW too - they want all the power and benefits in society but none of the burdens such as getting drafted into a battlefield. We are essentially living through a gynocentric coup. MGTOW has found a hidden double standard(s) that we should continue to use to our advantage. The culture needs you to swallow the narrative, but what if you don't need it? What if all you need is you? MGTOW is truth and enlightenment. Freedom. Realize your own validation. Realize your self worth. Mgtown is open when they are ready to arrive, as we once did. This is how we all win." unquote. Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and this to Project Evan's Gate for summing up our philosophy. I'll get to my thoughts about your words in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Scars Arena:

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How Ukraine Proved Us Red Pillers RIGHT!!!
How Ukraine Proved Us Red Pillers RIGHT!!! REDPILLMARRIED 230 Views • 3 years ago

Men=Disposable, Expendable.
Article: ⁣

Putin, traitor to the new world order
Putin, traitor to the new world order TheManInside 58 Views • 3 years ago

Up to you to make your own opinion.

The TFM Show: 2/26/2022
The TFM Show: 2/26/2022 T.F. Monkey 2,820 Views • 3 years ago

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Ukrainian Army fully equipped ready to fight
Ukrainian Army fully equipped ready to fight KenDelrican 92 Views • 3 years ago

funny video about the ukrain army

Mextreament (Veracruz Mexico) #PassportFlexin?? #Landmarks #RoadTrips #Nature #Excursions #Latinas
Mextreament (Veracruz Mexico) #PassportFlexin?? #Landmarks #RoadTrips #Nature #Excursions #Latinas QB_Passport_Flexin 40 Views • 3 years ago

Subscribe to the channel your travel consultant hit me on Instagram qbwillieb_ for any traveling advice or tours. This channel is sharing my Instagram stories of traveling experiences and the benefits of having a passport learning new cultures, places, and meeting new people. Tap in the lifestyle!


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Music used in this Video:

Song/Music - Watch Out Now
Artist - The Beatnuts
Album - Watch Out Now
License Type: Creative Common

Song/Music - Fiel
Artist - Wisin, Jhay Cortez, Los Legendarios
Album - Los Legendarios 001
License Type: The Orchard Music

Song/Music - Algo Me Gusta De Ti
Artist - Wisin & Yandel
Album - Algo Me Gusta De Ti
License Type: UMG

Song/Music - Watussi
Artist - Dale Pal Piso ft. Jowell y Randy, Ñengo Flow
Album - Yakaliando Edition - Back To The Underground
License Type: The Orchard Music

Song/Music - Dale ParaTra
Artist - Alexis Y Fido
Album - Dale ParaTra
License Type: UMG

Song/Music - The Next Episode
Artist - Dr. Dre
Album - Project X
License - Sony ATV Publishing

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Sucker of the year delivers Tinder dates baby!!
Sucker of the year delivers Tinder dates baby!! Hammerhand 66 Views • 3 years ago

MEN.......stop doing this to yourselves

Why MGTOW May Fail To Fully Launch With Gen Z
Why MGTOW May Fail To Fully Launch With Gen Z Sandman 386 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, even though it sounds like we as an audience have forgotten who has helped lead us to freedom of thought and freedom from thots and reinforced our major decision to go our own way without knowledge of MGTOW & the red pill, blue, crimson, purple, black.. we haven't. Thank you again for your selfless words of wisdom. I hope things are moving forward still besides the lack of monetary appreciation out here on YouTube. Well James thanks for the donation and support. I'll use it to cover a post I ran into recently about MGTOW failing with Gen Z. It's a bit lengthy so before I read it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: Anyways, here's what someone name The Sisko says and I quote: "I want to focus here specifically on maladjustment, and how prevalent it has become with Gen Z teenagers and young adults. Most of us here are a little older than them, and therefore had time to experience the world of dating prior to the ramped up hypergamy, oversexualisation of social media that we see today. This is evidenced with how nihilism/black pill philosophy is more popular with Gen Z kids as compared to PUA/Red Pill was with Millennials and older. I myself am a late millennial, but I still managed to have had decent experiences with women without knowing any of the “game” while I was doing it, and not being the most physically attractive dude + below average height. For us, MGTOW comes as a logical conclusion to the bs we’ve been through, particularly the veterans that have been through divorce/child support (which I salute). We experienced it consistently throughout our life, been in different types of relationships, got screwed over, and decided to call it a day. A logical pathway. However, from my discussions from Gen Z men in person, as well as studying how MGTOW is presented today on platforms such as Tiktok/rage bait Youtube videos, I don’t believe as many men are having these formative experiences at a young enough age where they are able to come to the same logical conclusions. As we’ve been repeating ad nauseum, young men are sexless for longer (30% between the ages of 18-29 in the USA right now. People have expressed to me, in their mid-20s, that they’ve never experienced a relationship their entire life, and as a result are craving the intimacy that comes with it (and acting a fool in the process). I also suspect, though I have no proof of this, that the average age of when men lose their virginity is on the rise. I believe experiencing this, losing it and the heartbreak/anger that follows, is foundational if you truly want to be at peace with a mindset such as MGTOW, and change the way a man perceives women. As I mentioned earlier, MGTOW today is portrayed on social media as a lot of young men (rightfully) dunking on women, pushing back against the simp agenda, not wifing up single mothers. That’s all well and good, however this constant anger and “Ha Ha Suck Shit” attitude doesn’t necessarily guide a man towards actually realizing his goals and driving himself in the direction of total freedom.

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Expensive War Games & channel 7th anniversary
Expensive War Games & channel 7th anniversary Top_Dollar_Black_Pill_Gangster 43 Views • 3 years ago

Thanks Mafia for 7 years of your attention. What a journey it was.


Just Get Her Drunk Bro
Just Get Her Drunk Bro Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 464 Views • 3 years ago

They will JET when shit hits the fan!!
They will JET when shit hits the fan!! Hammerhand 128 Views • 3 years ago

We all know it....they are all bark!!

Where Is Soyciety Heading - MGTOW
Where Is Soyciety Heading - MGTOW Sandman 441 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adam. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to discuss is an video I came across recently from Andrew Tate which is today's not so mystery link. He's a super wealthy former kickboxing world champion and it looks like he's reached some of the same conclusions that I have. He says there are three things to do in order to survive the current coof situation that doesn't seem to want to end. Omicron is more easily spread around. Viruses over their evolution generally become less lethal while becoming more easily spread. Will Covid do that? Who knows. I saw a meme recently with a stick figure pointing Omicron saying that the governments and elites want it to do something. But it's already doing something which is increasing higher case numbers will be pointed at and greater restrictions will be implemented. This whole situation reminds me of that annoying kids song from Lamb Chop called the song that never ends. Andrew Tate says there are three things that you can do to protect yourself. Number one to get rich. I've been promoting this idea that everyone needs to build up their assets to protect themselves from inflation by outpacing it and if they are lucky getting wealth from it too. This means stocks, crypto, real estate. Talk to your financial advisor. Tate of course is right because if you have money you can charter a small jet with your family and friends and therefore can fly without having to get jabbed. At this point that's the only way out of Canada for the unjabbed. Plus it's hard to coerce someone to take a jab when they are independently wealthy and can collect dividend or rental income instead of being forced to go to work and get it. This works to a point. The breaking point is when you need it to have a bank account or buy groceries. At that point if you want to remain unjabbed you need to leave the country on that jet and move your money to crypto if you want to get it out with capital controls. The second point he makes is that after you have your wealth it's time to build a network of business and personal connections. Then he plugs the network that he's building so I'm guessing that some of that has to do with him trying to build his business out. As for the third point I'll get to that in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the get rich and build a lifetime of connections in just one easy weekend long seminar clown world show. So Andrew Tate says that his third way to deal with the medical utopia around us is by not complying with what's expected of you. For example If you have to wear a face diaper don't do it until it's absolutely necessary. Wear down the retail outlets workers will instead of having your will worn down. Keep your mask it in your pocket and pretend like you just forgot to put it on. Make them ask you to do it. If forty or fifty people went into a store each day and were forced to be asked by management to put it on it would take away valuable time resources from running their business instead of just enforcing mask ordinances.

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#Passport?Flexin?? QB_Passport_Flexin 61 Views • 3 years ago

Billy Von ßomb's 304 Dance Tour #8 Belly Dance Edition
Billy Von ßomb's 304 Dance Tour #8 Belly Dance Edition BillyVonBomb 58 Views • 3 years ago

They belong to the shieks....

Unwoke comedy for men. Pure parody and satire. All just for fun.

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Original Interview With Ken's Counseling Couch!
Original Interview With Ken's Counseling Couch! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 10 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Mushroom Kingdom Fusion (

Before Ken Jennings became more popular, he did this interview with me way back when. Now that the Karening has ceased, I felt it a good time to bring it back. Please support Ken on his YouTube page as well as locals!

Grim Rants: In (Partial) Defense Of Rance!
Grim Rants: In (Partial) Defense Of Rance! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 34 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Rance 01 (MangaGamer)

Didn't mention this, but Rance is also against any form of child abuse. Period. He and the crew actually destroy "Lolita House" in Rance VI, which is a place where wealthy citizens secretly engage sexual affairs with children. Rance liberates all the children while mercilessly slaughtering all guards and patrons. He also kills the woman who runs it and hands her jewel to a child she abused, who smashes it over and over again with a stone.

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Dia 105
Dia 105 Foradacena 27 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 105

White Women Need To Have More Black Babies - MGTOW
White Women Need To Have More Black Babies - MGTOW Sandman 423 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, By now most men would of noticed the TV shows, Movies, Ads, Magazines and all forms of entertainment are promoting that White people especially White Whamen procreate and build families with Non-White partners. When a love scene involving a White Whamen and Non-White appears on screen, it's always over the top with loud music to symbolize the act being rebellious and going against traditionalism. Have also noticed that TV ads involving White couples will always portray the Straight White Male to be a bumbling idiot who is lead by the strong Whamen who says something snarky, putting the man down in a typical Feminist prick way. Today's entertainment definitely has an agenda to have White people especially White Whamen mixing with Non-White partners and to put White men down as being idiots, while blatantly showing the black man without his shirt on any chance they can to brainwash White Whamen. This has lead to the birth rates of Whites decreasing and the rise of White Whamen performing disgusting sexual lewd acts such as twerking/ASMR and thinking it's normal. These same degenerate White Whamen go onto social media and forum comment sections to demand men respect them for their disgusting choices while at the same time saying "Rabbits have lots of sex all and we still think they're cute and pure. Let's treat women the same way". I have also noticed a rise in National Socialism movements around the world to promote strong Christian White values and to stop this degeneracy from targeting and brainwashing our White Whamen. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this Mr Sandman and are curious if you or other men have noticed this Anti-White agenda being forced onto us through entertainment and media? Thank you for your redpills and stay eternally strong Mr Sandman." Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. What are you trying to do get me thrown off of YouTube or get a strike for sharing your comment here. First off you're wrong about birth rates dropping for Caucasians only. The fertility rates for all races is below replacement in the United States and much of the western world. Please don't blame the Marxist agenda to make everyone Mulato because of that. It's because of wealth inequality, too much dopamine from our phones and television shows. Bored people make babies and entertained people don't. Also ASMR is not lew and Twerking is done for attention because we are in an attention based economy and it's getting tougher and tougher to get
eyeballs or ears onto what you have to say or show. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Ladies, There Will Be NO Kitchens To Run Back To!
Ladies, There Will Be NO Kitchens To Run Back To! REDPILLMARRIED 279 Views • 3 years ago

The stage is set! Time to enjoy the show.

The True Nature of Women - Global Man 60
The True Nature of Women - Global Man 60 winter 107 Views • 3 years ago

⁣When I was first discovering MGTOW, this is a video that really affected me hard. It shows off extremely well the deep disregard and lack of respect that women seem, in very many instances, to have for men.

The man who put this video together goes by Global Man, and he's been banned on YT a number of times. This video got taken down in one of the bans. Reposting it here. In that run of videos, this was posted as video number 60.

The moment when a man becomes an antinatalist+some final words if I die tonight
The moment when a man becomes an antinatalist+some final words if I die tonight Francis_UD 48 Views • 3 years ago


Filmed on 23/02/2022 AEDT

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Single Father shot in face over......a fucking cheesburger.
Single Father shot in face over......a fucking cheesburger. Hammerhand 112 Views • 3 years ago

Stay clear of them men. Women in general are violent and felonius but THE the worst of all.

Dia 104
Dia 104 Foradacena 19 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 104

This Video Will Make You Hard - MGTOW
This Video Will Make You Hard - MGTOW Sandman 443 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Profit Specialist Group

Sandman & Penisman {Titans of the C#ck} [Jan-14-2022]

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

On January 14, I had a chat with Boner Condoner a new YouTube channel where we discuss all sorts of manosphere topics. I even predicted a trucker uprising before it even happened. This was recorded in early January so I hope you guys enjoy it. Also subscribe to his channel if you like his content. I've put a link to it in the description. But before I share the video let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: Anyways, here's my conversation twith Boner Condoner on the Penisman Podcast so enjoy.

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Do you...Pt.2
Do you...Pt.2 Hammerhand 66 Views • 3 years ago

Do you....
Do you.... Hammerhand 71 Views • 3 years ago

Oh yeah....
Oh yeah.... Hammerhand 90 Views • 3 years ago

How do you feel about CRYPTO now?
How do you feel about CRYPTO now? Hammerhand 89 Views • 3 years ago

A redpill alimentar (the food/diet redpill) - como as elites enganaram os americanos sob
A redpill alimentar (the food/diet redpill) - como as elites enganaram os americanos sob OncaBlindada 103 Views • 3 years ago

Informações específicas sobre dieta devem ser muito bem pesquisadas.

Beware Of False Prophets
Beware Of False Prophets Thinking_Ape 125 Views • 3 years ago

Does being a YouTuber endow you with magical powers?

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Does The Left Hate Straight Caucasian Males? - MGTOW
Does The Left Hate Straight Caucasian Males? - MGTOW Sandman 317 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bob also known as Dr. B Real and he's the author of the two volume book series called Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism. This is my review of Chapter 3 of his second book and this one is called "Voices of the Loudest, Not the Majority" He starts it off discussing how in Australia the majority of the news media is left leaning and glorifies the opinion of those who marginalize men especially if they are attacking heterosexual white males. Bob has brought this up in previous chapters and I strayed away from it because this is the sort of content that can get me a channel strike. I see the racism from the left. Recently Trudeau in Canada said that people were racists and misogynists if they didn't their vaxxed. The data shows that blacks and Hispanics are less likely to get it when compared to whites and Asians in the USA. I assume the same in Canada. Based on Trudeau's logic that means that mostly black and Latin men in America are racist. By his own logic that would make him homophobic but he's not the racist one even though he was photographed wearing blackface on three occasions. So why does the left attack white straight males calling them homophobes, patriarchal misogynists and racitsts? Their ideology is that white males, particularly the straight ones that are inherently bad. He says they say and I quote "You are sexist. You are a white supremacist". That's almost exactly what Trudeau said about the unvaxxed. So why the attacks and shaming language. Shaming straight white males for being that way is all about destroying their self confidence. Plus if white males were the only ones that voted almost all of America except for Washington State and perhaps Oregon would be Republican states. I've said before that the left versus right debate is really going to escalate into a male versus female thing in the future. Why Caucasian males? Because they are the ones standing in the way of the leftist feminist communist utopia so they have have to be punished for it. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW book Collection Part 2: Anyways, now back to the west hating the Caucasian males that built it in the first place clown world show. Bob brings up that in 2017 the term it's OK to be white was found floating around on an American Campus and the media went crazy because of it. The media went off the deep end and said that while black lives matter is a perfectly fine thing to say all lives matter was somehow racist. I think the left is desperate to take total power and they are impatient to bring about their rainbow utopia in a country that is still majority white. They know that if minority birthrates collapse alongside the white ones and more people start leaving the United States or at least the leftist states than their dream will be over. For me this irrational racism is a sign of desperation and not strength. Bob says that in 2018 the left in Australia tabled a bill in the senate to ban Australian's right to say "It's okay to be white". I didn't know that and it's just another example of how in the west maniacs are trying to introduce compelled speech laws for phrases or words they don't like. He says that western values are all about tolerance. But I guess that's not the case for those that created those western values in the first place. Bob says that the purpose of 4th wave feminism is to a create a social divide between Caucasian and in some cases Asian males and the rest of society. To demonize them and create hate. How is this any different than what the Germans in the 1930s that believed in that backwards Buddhist symbol did to the Jews? Bob says that this demonetization is being used by higher powers to demoralize and destabilize powerful nations by distorting reality. The idea is to abuse men while milking them for their benefits.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

The Hot Butter Knife Of DOOM Strikes Again
The Hot Butter Knife Of DOOM Strikes Again REDPILLMARRIED 176 Views • 3 years ago

Once a man has been pushed too far. He WILL push back!
Article: ⁣

the choices for men over 30
the choices for men over 30 KenDelrican 109 Views • 3 years ago

today Walk and talk video I discussed the choices men have to make over the age of 30

The WORST proposal and capture...EVER?
The WORST proposal and capture...EVER? Hammerhand 101 Views • 3 years ago

He AINT bout to do that!!
He AINT bout to do that!! Hammerhand 146 Views • 3 years ago

Snow.....shows her the wall.
Snow.....shows her the wall. Hammerhand 118 Views • 3 years ago

ED GAH MAH CA SHUUN!! Hammerhand 120 Views • 3 years ago

FTC Sues
FTC Sues GrizzlyRising 18 Views • 5 years ago #FTC #OnlineDating

The FTC is suing Match INC, which run, plenty of fish aka plenty of busted out THOTS, tindr, and, over fraudulent practices.

The FTC's press release:

Social media:






Men Don't Want Smart Women - MGTOW
Men Don't Want Smart Women - MGTOW Sandman 443 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Red Pill Developer

Why Is The Modern Dating Market A Mess? - Vincent Harinam | Modern Wisdom Podcast 410

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Lord Jaguar and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, It's funny how people are finally saying what the community has been saying for a while, that society is going to collapse due to hypergamy and female nature, which they cannot change, which is sad. Our brains only evolve about every 50,000 years and technology evolves about 20,000 years in two weeks with a quantum super computer, which puts humanity at the mercy of monkeys with juicy brains and a lot of artifice." unquote Well Lord Jaguar thanks for the donation and for asking me to cover the YouTube video called: "Why Is The Modern Dating Market A Mess?" with your donation. It's an talk between Chris Williamson yet another YouTuber trying to discuss the issues facing the world. He's yet another channel that rose up in the middle of 2020 and then rapidly declined over the next 1.5 years. That's how long YouTube let's most new content creators survive before taking them back to obscurity. Both his subs and view counts are collapsing. He has a chat with an academic named Vincent Harinam and Vincent is trying to find scientific data to back things like hypergamy, simping, get woke and go broke with hard science. Looks like academics are ready to tackle things we've been talking about forever. yes soyciety at large is finally figuring it out we've known for ten years or more. They have a lack of imagination and most of us monkey's don't have the ingenuity of art or skill to envision a different future. The sad thing is they are looking to the past for answers when they should be looking to the future. You just know that in ten years time they will see surrogacy and sexbots as the solution to all the sexless incel men out there as well as the Mgtows that just want to be left alone. They discuss how we need to return to polygamy or traditionalism as the solution. I think that's wrong. How about some new way to reorganize reproduction that leads to happy parents and kids. I'm disappointed that they didn't even bring up surrogacy which was a topic I covered in late 2013. At least they had their ah ha moment which was that society will disintegrate if men are cast aside or will it. Afterall how can you have an uprising of sexually frustrating men when the average 20 year old has the testosterone of a 65 year old 50 years ago? Soy boy simps are the solution for elites. I'm sure of it. They probably understood there would be an uprising at some point due to financial as well as sexual marketplace inequality so they figured out all kinds of ways to passify men and turn them into pussies. As for polygamy that won't work because the top 10% of men don't have enough resources to attract and keep a harem. Plus a modern day sultan needs simps to provide his harem all of their attention. I'll discuss more about the conversation you sent me Lord Jaguar in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Developer:

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Muscular handsome sexy Santa Claus

Fitness woman drinking water at workout in the gym

Marie Becker - A ENVENENADORA do Século
Marie Becker - A ENVENENADORA do Século Nikaido 35 Views • 3 years ago


No ano de 1659,o papa Alexandre Vll teve conhecimento pela confissão das próprias mulheres,em que as mesmas matavam os seus maridos envenenados,e teve uma epidemia de mortes e de viúvas.Essas mulheres formaram uma sociedade onde elas se reunião e tinha a bruxa e líder HIERONYMA SPARA,e quando se descobriu esse clube da LULUZINHA,mulheres foram enforcadas,açoitadas,e as mulheres ricas pagaram multas pesadas e expulsas do território,mas mesmo assim mulheres vendiam esse veneno as escondidas.

Blackpill Overdose: Live Yani e Coruja do Carvalho
Blackpill Overdose: Live Yani e Coruja do Carvalho Yani Kirigaya 943 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Live realizada com Coruja do Carvalho em 20/02/2022 <br>⁣------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br>Contribua com meu trabalho, acesse o link abaixo: <br>⁣ <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br> <br>Meu canal no Youtube: <br> <br> <br>Meu canal backup no Bitchute: <br> <br> <br>Canal do Coruja do Carvalho: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Abaixo todas as citações feitas por mim na live: <br> <br>Aceleracionismo <br> <br> <br>Hélio Couto, fisica quantica citado na live e com ele vocês saberão melhor sobre a experiência da dupla fenda, ele possuí enorme quantidade de vídeos, é conteúdo muito denso - <br> <br> <br>As formas pensamento e Tulpas (citado sobre o assunto Waifuismo na live) <br> <br> <br>Osny Ramos, fisica quantica citado na live <br> <br> <br>Meu canal no Telegram que citei para acessar meu conteúdo não listado no Youtube <br> <br> <br>Canal do Epifania <br> <br> <br>Canal do Trunks do Futuro <br> <br> <br>Canal do Fúria <br> <br> <br>Canal do Lucille <br>

Oh.....its real. .
Oh.....its real. . Hammerhand 66 Views • 3 years ago

Chloe Sunderland IS NOT an MRA or friend to men anywhere.......@Roma Army Mens Rights
Chloe Sunderland IS NOT an MRA or friend to men anywhere.......@Roma Army Mens Rights Hammerhand 277 Views • 3 years ago

Calling all of them out. Defend yourselves charlatans!!
ONLY on Odysee.

Jack Donovan on picking the wrong fight
Jack Donovan on picking the wrong fight TheManInside 41 Views • 3 years ago

If you haven't yet, get his books.
Worth every minute of your time.

Michael Bay Forced Megan Fox To Wash His Ferrari In A Bikini - MGTOW
Michael Bay Forced Megan Fox To Wash His Ferrari In A Bikini - MGTOW Sandman 416 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Scars Arena Health Gummies

A Condensed History of Michael Bay Being a Sexist Jerk

An Oral History of Michael Bay

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from World War 2 Epic Battles and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have another topic request. You’ve made several videos about MGTOW celebrities. Could you make one about Michael Bay? As a fan of him, and with his new film being released soon I am interested in your opinion. According to publicly available sources he’s never been married, doesn’t have kids, but had four relationships and is currently single. The media and feminists throw the usual accusations at him. Check the article “A condensed history of Michael Bay being a sexist jerk”. ?lso, GQ’s oral history of Michael Bay includes interviews of actors, producers and directors who worked with him and comment on his love life. For example, Jon Voight said “He has his girlfriends. He’s very active with the gals.” Julie White said "I just can't see him with somebody over 35", while Michael Bay himself said “It’s about finding a wife. I’ve had a lot of great girlfriends.” Yet he remains unmarried and prefers to throw parties with sexy girls in his Miami mansion. So what do you think Sandman? Is Michael Bay red pilled and consciously going his own way? Looking forward to this one. But now I want to watch some Transformers and explosions. See ya." Well thanks for the much needed donation and topic. I'm sure YouTube will throttle this one down and most guys probably won't show much interest in it either. Congrats on your job on that woke TV show we won't mention here. I spoke to someone working on it here in Canada that you were in Germany and he mentioned that there are 18 countries working on it. As for Michael Bay I've watched most of his films and was dazzled by the effects and sexy girls but they were easily forgotten. But that's ok because they were designed as summer popcorn flix and nothing more. He's worth half a billion dollars and is the fourth highest grossing director after Steven Spielberg, The Russo Brothers and Peter Jackson. To be honest I thought this topic was going to be dull and boring until I started reading the cut magazine article link you sent me which is in the description. Now I think there are a lot of jealous women that realise that he has half a billion dollars they can't get their cooch on. I'll discuss more in a moment but let first tell everyone about today's sponsor Scars Arena: Anyways now back to the giant transformers robots fighting in the background with giant boobies in the foreground moistening up your foreskin clown world show. Megan Fox's Transformers co-star Shia LaBeouf told the L.A. Times that Fox was uncomfortable with the way Bay filmed women. But that's ok because Shia LaBeouf isn't really a man. LaBeouf said this and I quote “Mike films women in a way that appeals to a 16-year-old sexuality. It’s summer. It’s Michael’s style. And I think [Fox] never got comfortable with it. This is a girl who was taken from complete obscurity and placed in a sex-driven role in front of the whole world and told she was the sexiest woman in America. And she had a hard time accepting it." unquote. This made me laugh and proves to me that Shia is a simp with that statement and doesn't understand women at all. What woman wouldn't want to be seen as the biggest sex symbol in America boosting her sexual marketplace value and getting her more film roles and access to Hollywood's leading men? Michael Bay made her career by first casting her in Bad Boys 2 at the age of 15 as a backup dancer and then gave her the big break in Transformers. Back in 2009 in The Observer wrote about how Fox got the Transformers Role of Mikaela Banes.

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Snake In The Grass Part 4 - Mgtow
Snake In The Grass Part 4 - Mgtow Zuberi87 77 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

The TFM Show: 2/19/2022
The TFM Show: 2/19/2022 T.F. Monkey 2,205 Views • 3 years ago

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Hammerhand goes one on one with Reecie MGTOW
Hammerhand goes one on one with Reecie MGTOW Hammerhand 128 Views • 3 years ago

TranZformers DOMINATE meatsacks!!
TranZformers DOMINATE meatsacks!! Hammerhand 123 Views • 3 years ago

Zionist Israeli soldiers set dog on unarmed Palestinian
Zionist Israeli soldiers set dog on unarmed Palestinian Top_Dollar_Black_Pill_Gangster 61 Views • 3 years ago

If anyone else was doing this to Zionist Jews, you would call it Holocaust, Anti-Semitic...whatever word Zionist Jews use to victimize themselves.

MGTOW Is Not As Exciting As It Used To Be
MGTOW Is Not As Exciting As It Used To Be Sandman 501 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donation once again. I received a message from someone named Julian as a paypal request asking me for money which he then cancelled. The idea was to get my attention so I wouldn't ignore what he had to say. I thought I'd read it anyway and make a video about it. Here's what Julian has to say and I quote: "This video is in response to your Indonesian man marries a cow video. This video really showed me that you are so out of ideas, like Hollywood is, that you will scrape the bottom of the barrel for anything to talk about. This channel used to be good 6 years ago and before that when I discovered it, but for the past few years it's been running on fumes and now you've had to get out and start pushing it for the next 2 years over the 10 years mark. This is the price to pay for only focusing on 1 topic for so long. You and your fans have completely run out of ideas. This is what happens when you box yourself into just one thing for so long. How about you think of a topic for yourself for once. Don't go to Reddit and don't go to any MGTOW forums to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Just think of something for yourself."
Unquote. Well it looks like someone is disgruntled about me recycling content. But that's the name of the game. I've laughed at my own jokes dozens of times in my videos but every video I do I get comments from people that say they have been listening to me for years and that's the first time they heard me laugh before. That just goes to show that people only listen to the content that interests them and not everything. When I started my channel in late 2013 the idea was to create my own content that I wanted to hear that others weren't saying because most of the men going their own way channels were dying. I was also hungry for success and wanted to make a name for myself so I worked really really hard to come up with new ideas. But after doing this successfully for eight years as Bane told Batman victory has defeated you. To some extent that's true but at the same time it's not. 2020 and for much of 2021 I had more financial success with my investments than ever before and grew my net worth massively. This made me less anxious about the future and less passionate about my work on because I realized that regardless of if I failed or succeeded at this my life would still be ok financially. In a way it was demoralizing realizing that I would now be making more money from passive investing then active thinking. Plus seeing your audience eroded by YouTube throttling isn't motivating either. But Julian is right there is a lack of creativity and it's not just me. This isn't 2016 anymore and there are other factions in the manosphere and the red pill isn't as revolutionary as it used to be. Is it just my channel that isn't as creative or has the audience shifted expecting more? Also I can think of topics myself but a it's inevitable that after 8 years you're going to exhaust various topic idea. The plan was always to bring in a new audience while the old got sick and tired of the same old content but that's not going to happen as you can't even discover me on YouTube anymore. Julian probably hasn't noticed that I also talk about the coof and finance in addition to women. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

She Shouldn't Have Been Talking S#@T!!
She Shouldn't Have Been Talking S#@T!! REDPILLMARRIED 223 Views • 3 years ago

Oh well!!
Article: ⁣

MGTOW Monk  - Dissonance reigns supreme!!
MGTOW Monk - Dissonance reigns supreme!! Hammerhand 7 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - Angry men!!
MGTOW Monk - Angry men!! Hammerhand 5 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - Fuckin liar......??
MGTOW Monk - Fuckin liar......?? Hammerhand 7 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - See what happens when you deal with them??
MGTOW Monk - See what happens when you deal with them?? Hammerhand 6 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk - WELL WELL WELL...... Hammerhand 8 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - WHO-LEE SHIT!! Shameless heffa!!
MGTOW Monk - WHO-LEE SHIT!! Shameless heffa!! Hammerhand 9 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - GYNOCUCK finds his balls!!
MGTOW Monk - GYNOCUCK finds his balls!! Hammerhand 11 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - The WALL....gets them all.....
MGTOW Monk - The WALL....gets them all..... Hammerhand 44 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - Feminism.
MGTOW Monk - Feminism. Hammerhand 8 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - Chameleons are evolving.
MGTOW Monk - Chameleons are evolving. Hammerhand 7 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - Not impressed is she.....with one of the best bodies on Earth.
MGTOW Monk - Not impressed is she.....with one of the best bodies on Earth. Hammerhand 10 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW Monk  - What a TERRIBLE lie....
MGTOW Monk - What a TERRIBLE lie.... Hammerhand 14 Views • 3 years ago

Showing 198 out of 199