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People & Blogs

Video response to:

This video list five things that all men should know about female nature in collaboration with MGTOW UNITED. Knowing these key points will help all men to protect themselves from female nature by knowing what it is and thereby enabling them to form a defense to it. Feminism is at the heart of all female behavior and MGTOW is the response to it.

WTF is going on in MGTOW community? I see more and more women participating in MGTOW activities.

Please, if you send her any messages, be polite.
What if you really support men deep down? im a tomboy at heart and i have a twin brother that is going through a lot and i could relate to him because he is family to me. i support men but i don't support the idea that men should give in (as heavy as it is) the burden of living in a corrupt society and end up alone for the rest of their lives, you have to understand feminism has its roots with marxism in which its primary purpose is to brainwash intellectuals without them realizing in order to 'destabilize' society. Make the women hate the men and take the children for good measure and indoctrinate them for the next generation and society will be in a steady course of deconstruction, feminism already plagued and infiltrated the ranks of the political system, the media, the judiciary system and the most dangerous of all the school system. A whole new psychiatry epidemic sweeping across most commonwealth countries in which also happen to be able to convince schools that children need medicating, and you know who's getting drugged? young boys of course, and you know who's the culprit behind it manipulating the strings.
What I ask is simply not to give up on the world this, is as much as problem as yours as it is mine, the taint of western influence spreads and we have to fight an internal war in this lifetime and the next if we have to for the sake of the children who's already in progress of false and tainted indoctrination, its not just that, i think the whole western belief is a farce that lacks moral foundations and since the world is leaning on western ideals the world will crumble apart just as easily, the only difference between them and a trashy cult is that they have acquired real power amongst the foundations of high society therefore can spread their influence like a pandemic.
What really irks me to the last thread is that they even made gaming a feminist issue, they pretty much yet again have infiltrated and is the process of destroying pretty much the last bastion comfort and sanity for gamers, both sexes affected alike.
Ever heard of the term friends in low places? now is the time to cement bonds make unlikely allies and prepare for the future, not simply discard it away. Really, this is all a farce, were fighting the same battles over and over again in history against people who have harmful ideologies, the best they could do in this generation is shove their shit up our throats. Will you answer the call and meet those who cry for war? only this time the battlefield is covert, you just have to play a different game than your used to, anyone that has a good plan, im keeping this channel open for collaboration, look to your defenses and good luck to you all.?
Makro Sofronije:
Even if you're exception it still doesn't make the rule.
You may be a tomboy now but eventually you will be all woman.
You feel for your brother because he's a close family member, but otherwise I don't think you would even care.
Men going their own way are the same as those abandoning sinking ship. Yet you think they should stay aboard tied to women who helped damage the same ship.
Marxism didn't make women act the way they do because they were never exposed to it. Rockefeller had way more to do with feminism then Karl Marx.
System is responsible for the growth of gender inequality, however women took the opportunity to turn into shameless sluts with ease and that says a lot about their nature. Give someone power and you will see their true colors.
You are right about kids being indoctrinated to gynocentrism in schools but that's nothing new and again, women are aiding it.
What really worries you is that you have enough insight in state of society and you know it's going down, and when it does you know it's gonna be worse for women then men and many will blame women for its fall. If you are seeking life jacket I suggest you gain favors among MRA or Neo Masculinity type of dudes, MGTOW ain't gonna help you much.
Neo Masculinity? MRA? i wouldn't want to affiliate myself to those types, just saying you have my support for all its worth, were all in the same boat since we live in the same planet.?
Makro Sofronije:
We are on the same planet but not on the same boat, because if we were, you would probably expect me to paddle. While we are using this analogy, women are on the boat paddled by simps who're being whipped over their backs by the system.
As a MGTOW I am floating alone on a door after I threw off Kate Winslet to sharks.
I certainly appreciate your support but only in a observer capacity.

Top Dollar break's down a profile of an mangina who supports feminism.
Rodney Rock video:

TL;DR10:34 PM
+Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster Such an internet tough guy. I'm so scared.
Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster10:42 PM
+TL;DR Well when you dish it out, you better be able to take it. You bullied other MGTOW with impunity. Hope you'll send some of your trolls to my channel
TL;DR10:50 PM
+Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster I could but your level or retardation in incomprehensible. Calling some a coward for not going to a google hangout that they weren't even told of it's existence let alone invited to it and then stating that they send someone else in their place? You're paranoid and insane. Then you just prance around making veiled quasi-threats and asserting that you and you alone are the sole arbiter of what constitutes masculinity and that it something that must be earned and only you can decide who gets it when you know nothing of my life or what I do. You're not a MGTOW, you're a scared, paranoid, angry, tradcon hiding behind a computer screen puffing up your chest like you're some sort of big man yet are threatened by even the slightest push at your echo chamber. Fucking sad. Please seek professional help.
"I could but your level or retardation in incomprehensible."
Well your level of coward and lack of testicular fortitude is also incomprehensible.
"Calling some a coward for not going to a google hangout that they weren't even told of it's existence let alone invited to it and then stating that they send someone else in their place? "
You and PsychologicalCynic have mutual subscribers and you made two fucking videos about Angry MGTOW, so cut the bullshit.
"You're paranoid and insane. " And you're a pussy who can only throw a punch but can't take one.
"You're not a MGTOW, you're a scared, paranoid, angry, tradcon hiding behind a computer screen puffing up your chest like you're some sort of big man yet are threatened by even the slightest push at your echo chamber. "
Bitch, isn't this exactly what you've been doing all this time? Double standards.
Well you're "technically MGTOW" whatever the fuck that means.
I really start to suspect you're women. That voice of yours doesn't sound natural at all. BTW I am honored by your respond because it shows this video really got under your skin.

My video response to a video made by Angry MGTOW and a comment by Mayor of MGTOWN. Hopefully more people will get involved in this friendly discussion.
Link to Angry MGTOW video:
Link to Mayor of MGTOWN new channel:

My response to Immortal's video

My answer to JTO from comment section on his video page:
1. By organizing a MGTOW conference on your own without any kind of majority consensus, you're placing yourself in a position of self-proclaimed leader. Was there ever a vote? And who do you represent, the entire MGTOW community or a part of it?
2. It's no secret that you used to be a member of an MRA organization and you were either expelled or left on your own. Am I to blame for that?
3. Having a woman hosting a MGTOW conference makes no sense, and who else approved that except you and few others? Is it a MGTOW or WGTOW? Try to make your way into any women-only gym or restaurant and see how it goes.
4. By assuming right to organize such conference you are also proclaiming yourself as legitimate spokesman of entire MGTOW community. By doing so you are turning MGTOW into your own enterprise. There you go.
JTO video:

Follow up to my Force Awakens analysis and other stuff about further pussyfication of Hollywood.
Funny podcast regarding this film:

TL;DR 6 months ago
+Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster Such an internet tough guy. I'm so scared.
Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster 6 months ago
+TL;DR Well when you dish it out, you better be able to take it. You bullied other MGTOW with impunity. Hope you'll send some of your trolls to my channel.
Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster 6 months ago
+TL;DR Rise & Shine!
TL;DR 6 months ago
+Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster I could but your level or retardation in incomprehensible. Calling some a coward for not going to a google hangout that they weren't even told of it's existence let alone invited to it and then stating that they send someone else in their place? You're paranoid and insane. Then you just prance around making veiled quasi-threats and asserting that you and you alone are the sole arbiter of what constitutes masculinity and that it something that must be earned and only you can decide who gets it when you know nothing of my life or what I do. You're not a MGTOW, you're a scared, paranoid, angry, tradcon hiding behind a computer screen puffing up your chest like you're some sort of big man yet are threatened by even the slightest push at your echo chamber. Fucking sad. Please seek professional help.
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Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster 6 months ago
+TL;DR "I could but your level or retardation in incomprehensible."
Well your level of coward and lack of testicular fortitude is also incomprehensible.
"Calling some a coward for not going to a google hangout that they weren't even told of it's existence let alone invited to it and then stating that they send someone else in their place? "
You and PsychologicalCynic have mutual subscribers and you made two fucking videos about Angry MGTOW, so cut the bullshit.
"You're paranoid and insane." And you're a pussy who can only throw a punch but can't take one.
"You're not a MGTOW, you're a scared, paranoid, angry, tradcon hiding behind a computer screen puffing up your chest like you're some sort of big man yet are threatened by even the slightest push at your echo chamber. "
Bitch, isn't this exactly what you've been doing all this time? Double standards.
Well you're "technically MGTOW" whatever the fuck that means.
I really start to suspect you're women. That voice of yours doesn't sound natural at all. BTW I am honored by your respond because it shows this video really got under your skin.
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TL;DR 6 months ago
+Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster Shaming language of no substance.
Having some subscribers in common instantly means we both get invited to everything as a couple? Yep, you're fucking retarded.
And yet I'm here calling you a fuckwit. Yeah, the actions of someone who is sooooooo scared.
There's no double standard, I don't feel a need to threaten people and call them names on the internet. This is you projecting your double standard on to me because you're a scared little boy.
Suspect all you want, assert all you want, I don't give a fuck. Oh look, more assertion. Nope, I just liking laughing at retards, really couldn't care less what a random nobody on the internet says. Great 'mafia' you got there btw big man. Holy shit the delusion is so real.
So, yeah, nothing more to say to you really other than AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Keep up the 'good work' chuckles.
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Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster 6 months ago
+TL;DR It's funny how you keep avoiding to address my point about Veronica Clark video...makes me wonder. You mocked and used shaming as a means to attack other so I guess it's the pot calling the kettle black.

Understanding Female Nature

Response to Pat Condell video "Europe's Betrayal of Women"
Pat's video:

Check them out:
Grizzly MGTOW:
Messenger Rising:
You got dumped by your guru bitches! Where were you 8 months ago to care? Kiss my ass!

Make sure you give this commercial thumb down and middle one up!
Liberation Y Channel:
Ralph 328 Chauncey St.:

Black Pill observation and examination of the system, it's sales agents, male value, false social constructs and concept of PPP (Provision, Procreation, Protection)
How to Identify a Psychopath:

Media participation in glorification and fetishisation of ISIS and how it will inspire future violence.
Howard Dare channel:
Coterie MGTOW channel:
TYT video:

Original article:
Her credentials:
Coterie MGTOW video:
Elite Daily video:

Black Pill take on a video produced by Prager University, starring Brad Wilcox.
I'm not gonna play original footage in my video, only audio, in order to avoid any copyright claims but you'll find the link bellow.
Original video:
Video by TFM:
Video by Grizzly MGTOW:

Brexit is about race, not economy.
Olga's video:
SS Skanderbeg:

Paul Watson and Stefan Molyneux anti east European bullshit:
The real truth:
List of some famous east European men (past & present):
Nikola Tesla
Dustin Hoffman
Harvey Keitel
Stanley Kubrick
Mircea Eliade
Franz Liszt
George Lusztig
John Vincent Atanasoff
Jon Voight
Vlade Divac
Novak Djokovic
Mirko Cro Cop
Tony Curtis

One thing only makes a real man. And it's one thing both women and System hate the most.

The main problem of western society are pussy worshiping White knights and Captains Save A Ho. They are the main enablers of feminism and other crap, regardless of their political views.
Video used:

Texting driver killed a 79-year-old man. Her sentence: 4 days in jail.

After I've proved TL;DR and Armoured Skeptic are buying subs, it's time to expose them as well as Shoe 0n Head for running trolling campaigns to shut down any criticism.
Video exposing buying subs with charts and data:
Angry MGTOW video:

Actually it's STEVE HARVEY not Sharvey, my bad.
The name of the bitch is Lorena Bobbitt.
MGTOW is Freedom channel: