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People & Blogs

Drew Barrymore Struggles To Date As A Single Mom - MGTOW
Drew Barrymore Struggles To Date As A Single Mom - MGTOW Sandman 301 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Grey Gardens (2009)

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Please discuss Drew Barrymore and how her dating life is no more. She went on television crying and complaining about how it's so hard for her to date because she can't bring men home because she has two daughters that she doesn't want to disturb. She's virtue signalling that she's a good mother because she doesn't want to bring strange men home into her bed with her kids around. She was on CBS morning and is called brave for opening up about how difficult it is to date as a single mother. It makes me smile to see her suffer after hitting the wall." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. It's good to see that you guys want to see more train wreck videos of post wall celebrities. If you want them I'll keep making them. They seem to be popular for whatever reason. This story is probably just her looking for attention and relevance. She spoke to Bobby Berk of "Queer Eye." for her talk show. CBS brought her after seeing the clip of her crying about how she can't find a man because once again it's one of those stories where people want to see celebrities suffer. But how can anyone take an actresses tears seriously when she's paid to cry on cue. Especially after she's had practice acting for over forty years since she was a little girl. But most people are stupid and they can't recognize crocodile tears when they see them. She's just manipulating her fans and audience to feel sympathy for her. People that don't like her will also watch to see her so called pain because that will make them feel better too and keep her in their thoughts. It worked on you Mr. Anonymous. Besides getting more views and attention she's probably also hoping that some powerful Hollywood type will talk to and shame some other single rich Hollywood type man into dating her. Seeing her upset and single triggers own group preference in women and men instinctively rush to the aid of a woman that's in trouble. Women think one day they might be in her position too. So they might work to hook a sister up and build up some social currency incase the same thing happens to them one day. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to Drew Barrymore going from Charlie's Angel to Middle aged milf clown world show. This woman really thinks her audience is stupid. Why can't she just meet with men someplace else and hire a babysitter for the night like most normal divorced women? It's not like she can't afford to rent a hotel room or a whole house on airbnb for the night. What about her children seeing her cry on television and feel guilty because their mother is unhappy because of them. Because if they weren't around then she could go out and date men. You know for sure that her kids are watching their mommy on television and they probably don't understand ratings and media attention. I wouldn't be surprised if her daughters were miserable like the daughters in the last celebrity story I covered with Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. With Drew Barrymore I was only able to find this one rare photo of the three of them together and boy of boy don't those daughters look super happy. Of course I'm being sarcastic. But when Barrymore is smiling ear to ear and they look shy and upset you know it's not looking good.

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Jack Murphy Was Right
Jack Murphy Was Right Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 604 Views • 3 years ago


A warrior who had enough
A warrior who had enough TheManInside 122 Views • 3 years ago

Unfortunately this brave warrior was lead poisoned in the end.
More and more like this is just around thr corner.

Bob Lewis v. Google
Bob Lewis v. Google InfamousRifle 46 Views • 3 years ago

⁣This is a quick recap of Bob Lewis / Misandry Today / DDJ's failed attempt at suing Google. He was probably hoping they would pay him to go away. Primarily I uploaded this so that legal geeks / scholars would have a quick resource.

Drop Box Link:

Anyone remember that time he was whining and crying because no big youtubers would talk about his lawsuit? I do:

Utopia dos ratos a "sociedade" que deu errado
Utopia dos ratos a "sociedade" que deu errado eagleredpill 1 Views • 3 years ago

Neste video compartilho com vocês como foi o experimento da utopia dos ratos e como ela é semelhante a nossa realidade no momento!

Falsa acusação leva homem a ser TORTURADO na cadeia
Falsa acusação leva homem a ser TORTURADO na cadeia telecurso_mgtow 70 Views • 3 years ago

Sander foi integrante do grupo musical Twister, famoso nos anos 90. Entrevista completa: ⁣

Where's the femicunt movement now?
Where's the femicunt movement now? TheManInside 150 Views • 3 years ago

Is it violence against fefails only if a man can't take any more abuse in a domestic environment?
The state harshly punishes men for shouting at a fefail.
The state punishes men if falsely accused.
Every single time, with loud support from the femicunt movement.
And now that the state and it's loyal pawns are violently and aggressively beating fefails... Why no femicunt is making any noise about it?
Who is going to punish the perpetrators now? There is video proof.

Stupid Men Taking Their Wife's Last Name - MGTOW
Stupid Men Taking Their Wife's Last Name - MGTOW Sandman 169 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
How & Where to Buy HEX

Meet the men taking their wife’s surname

The Few Republicans Who Stopped Congress From Drafting The Nation’s Wives, Sisters, And Daughters Deserve Our Praise

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This videos is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Please cover this article. It's all about men, I mean simps, taking their wife's surname. Thanks" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I put that article in the description for people to checkout. The author of the article Samanta Selinger-Morris believes that women taking their husband's last name is an archaic tradition. I agree because I've said before the the best thing for humans to do with regards to last names is for the men to keep theirs and women to also keep theirs and any boys should be named after the fathers last name and any girls after the mothers. That makes it a lot easier for future generations to follow their family tree. But the way that birth rates are going there won't be family trees more like a family tree stump. The article says that a guy named Dalton decided it was a good idea to take his wife's last name because it took her years to build up her last name which is attached to her business. Dalton's wife is also shorter than him in the picture in the article. I'm not sure if she's wearing high heels to help emasculate him or if she's just naturally shorter because you don't see below her knees. This article is from Australia and it says that in Canada, Ireland and the United States the trend of men taking women's last names has been a trend in those countries and it has now firmly landed in Kangaroo land too. They article says that women are no longer the property of men so it doesn't make sense that women take a man's last name. But with the family courts being as tough on men as they currently are a married man might as well belong to his wife and the state. The article even says that domestic violence is more closely linked to men seeing the women they're with as being their property. If you believe a woman is more likely to be assaulted by a man if she takes his last name you'd think that was insanity. Surprise I don't. The men that take their wive's last name are so full of soy they can't make a fist without their wrist going limp in an effeminate way. I'll discuss more about about this Australian Cuckaroo trend in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex: Anyways, now back to the cucked like a Kookaburra bird clown world show. I can't believe this article's author actually found three different couples willing to share their story. Samantha says that men changing their last name to their wife's promotes gender equality. It doesn't. It promotes female superiority and that the man is the property. True equality would be if both of them kept their last names. That's what I always wanted to happen if I ever married anyone. That's the most egalitarian solution. One man she interviewed named Chris Boyd changed or hyphenated his last name to Idermark-Boyd and had this to say and I quote: "It would feel wrong to have my father’s family name,” says Idermark-Boyd, a lawyer from Sydney who now lives in London, noting that his wife has few relatives, globally, and their new surname is a way of ensuring that her family line continues. “We’re really happy with the decision that we’ve got our own little identity.” unquote. The first way women are shift the culture is by hyphenating names and then eventually emasculating their men by forcing them to change their last names. It's a power play and it's not about equality. But it's about superiority and technically about ownership through those family courts. I always saw women taking their husband's last name as an advantage. If a woman doesn't change her last name when she gets married then all of her ex boyfriends can still find her online through social media. It's like she puts on a cooch cloak and disappears from sight from all the men that may have once pursued her.

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Winter is coming O inverno jamais chegará para elas!
Winter is coming O inverno jamais chegará para elas! MGTOW_Alfa 102 Views • 3 years ago

Coloque em celocidade 2X, breve flexão sobre o assunto.

Why Jews Want To Kill Goyim With The Scamarona Vax
Why Jews Want To Kill Goyim With The Scamarona Vax Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 412 Views • 3 years ago


Remember who did this to you when the time comes to give back.
Remember who did this to you when the time comes to give back. TheManInside 129 Views • 3 years ago

⁣They don't exist to defend nor protected you.

Their only function is to keep you in line.

MGTOW Leaving The System - Johnny Stress Free in Hawaii
MGTOW Leaving The System - Johnny Stress Free in Hawaii redmaple 73 Views • 3 years ago

Johnny rejects the conventional path in life, runs head first into resistance, but persists with creativity and intelligence to his ideal life.

Source: ⁣

This is a series of sharing videos to focus on solutions and ideas to improve your life. Subscribe to follow.

The TFM Show: 1/15/2022
The TFM Show: 1/15/2022 T.F. Monkey 2,096 Views • 3 years ago

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She Cheated! 20 Years Of Marriage Over - MGTOW
She Cheated! 20 Years Of Marriage Over - MGTOW Sandman 139 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

20 Years Of Marriage Over

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd cover a story I found on the cheating Stories subreddit. It's a mostly useless subreddit for men because it women plugging their own cheating stories to distract from the fact that it's women that are the ones that are more likely to cheat on men than the other way around. It's a smoke screen of queefs to prevent men from figuring that out. As for the story I want to share it's from someone named Crazy Note and here's what he has to say and I quote: "My I'm a 48 year old male and my marriage is now officially over. We were really happy for 10 years but something snapped in her. She's a year older than me and she became cold and distant for about the last 10 years. I went through all of the emotions and scenarios. I blamed myself, I blamed her hormones, and I had the gut feeling she was cheating. Well, about 2 weeks ago we had a talk and she said that she felt bad for the way she was treating me, but that she just doesn’t have romantic feelings for me anymore. She considers me a good friend. I decided to move out and try the solo life and have all the arrangements in place to get settled within the next two weeks. But, last night we had another talk and my paranoia crept back in about her cheating and I just couldn’t shake the feeling. So this morning I pulled the asshole move of snooping and have now confirmed the cheating. She was adamant last night and for a while now that she just wants to be alone and has no feelings for anyone, including her once close family. I told her that I suspected her of cheating and that I thought I knew who it was but she went as far as to say that the guy was secretly gay and she was just a friend. My wife of 20 years of marriage, who I’ve had a mystical feeling connection to since 7th grade is just a lying cheater and it messes me up. I’m now super angry and will be grabbing some essentials from home this evening and sleeping on a family member’s couch until my new place is ready. I’m a really easy going guy and it scares me that I’m so angry. I’ve told her that I’m leaving today and to not be home when I get there to pack. I would never harm her, but I would definitely say some mean things to say to her face to face. So, I guess I’m destined to have trust issues for the rest of my life. I backed every crazy thing she wanted to do without question and supported her in every way and have been rewarded with a sloppy hand job video of her and her boss. Relationships suck! So, my real point or lesson here it to trust your instincts. If you feel something is off with your relationship, it probably is. Good luck out there everyone." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I'll discuss more from sloppy Joe who's wife gave her boss a hand job in a jiffy but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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European Woman Cameleon -  Poseidon's kiss in the ASS,arrived at them
European Woman Cameleon - Poseidon's kiss in the ASS,arrived at them Nikaido 118 Views • 3 years ago

⁣#⁣Who believes in elf, believes in Woman
After women destroyed men with Marxism and its tentacle feminism, European women are getting old,⁣when they receive the Poseidon Kiss in the ass,⁣the consequences of your choices, and are going into chameleon mode

⁣⁣#⁣#⁣#⁣#⁣#⁣⁣Buy Me a Coffee?
⁣ETH - 0x19bca8eC442EEDf04458BE4F706eC864B85E3227

THE QUR'AN AND THE SYSTEM OF TIME Imran Hosein 32 Views • 3 years ago

Women Will Welcome The Social Credit System - MGTOW
Women Will Welcome The Social Credit System - MGTOW Sandman 348 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Cyclone Steve and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I was re-watching your October bitcoin video as well as another one where you discuss vaccine passports and social credit scores by a financial pundit. I recalled you saying that precious metals are becoming less popular in favor of crypto currencies. There is a financial pundit claiming that widespread acceptance of crypto currencies (and then mandatory acceptance followed by exclusive acceptance) is one of the requirements for a society with social credit scores and massive restrictions of freedom. Do you ever worry that "It's a trap!'? Thanks for the great work." Well Steve thanks for the donation and topic. There are so many possible places that crypto came from. It could have been created by the CIA or NSA as a Trojan horse or Trojan token to get people to get used to using digital currencies by incentivising the early adopters to become as rich as lottary winners. The people that make big gains in the beginning of Crypto would encourage adoption. It starts with the promise of financial freedom with decentralized currency but eventually moves to central banks forcing everyone to use CBDC's or central bank digital currencies. Of course I worry about that. But without Bitcoin I would be more worried about inflation than I currently am. Adoption of the Bitcoin network is growing at 1 to 2 times the adoption rate of the internet in 1997 or 1998. Bitcoin might be the way to get us to give up our paper currency and precious metals. That's why I'm keeping my gold and silver as well as bank notes outside of the banking system. From my experience the financial wizards always throw an unexpected curve ball at you. Look at what happened with social media. First they gave us true freedom of speech on platforms like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook and then later they took it away or clamped down on it. It all looks like an elaborate bait and switch scenario. Back from 2014 to 2018 when I was monetized and my channel was growing on those platforms I thought to myself how could the platforms not see they are letting ordinary people have a voice and influence change? How this all relates to women is that women will conform to whatever is expected of them. If Bitcoin brings up central bank currencies women will adopt them because all in the name of security so they can't be robbed by criminals. Meanwhile the real criminals are the central bankers stealing money through inflation and most women have no idea. Most see the number in their bank account going slightly up or staying the same in their savings account, if they even have one and they don't question what is money? Women welcome vaccine passports, social credit scores and central bank money the way they welcomed going to work when they convinced themselves they were free at work while being slaves at home. Putting women into positions of power and authority is going to speed up the change. All in the name of protection and safety. Women already operate based on an informal social credit system. So they will be fine under techno-fascism. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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MGTOW Leaving The System - John Thrives in the Desert
MGTOW Leaving The System - John Thrives in the Desert redmaple 88 Views • 3 years ago

Guy leaves his stressful city life and lives a peaceful life by himself in the desert

Source: ⁣
John's YouTube: ⁣

This will be a series of sharing videos to focus on solutions and ideas to improve your life. Subscribe to follow.

Billy Von Bomb's Weekly 304 Dance Tour #2 #shorts
Billy Von Bomb's Weekly 304 Dance Tour #2 #shorts BillyVonBomb 87 Views • 3 years ago

They belong to the streets.....

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Breaking News - Two Words For Ya! #shorts
Breaking News - Two Words For Ya! #shorts BillyVonBomb 46 Views • 3 years ago

Comedy for men. Pure parody and satire. All just for fun.

Help sponsor videos by contributing here

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Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Women Banning MGTOW Ideas
Women Banning MGTOW Ideas Sandman 446 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

The Manipulated Man - Audio book - Esther Vilar (Human narration)

A God Among MGTOW - Esther Vilar

Can't Attack What You Cannot Define (rambling on)

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from LHB and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have been red pilled for about two years since I broke up with my manipulative and aggressive ex. She tricked me into having a child with her and now I have to fight in court to get to see my son for a year and a half already. I live in the UK. I have consumed a lot of red pill content including yours Sandman but recently it was a book by Ester Vilar called The manipulated man, which has blew my mind and solidified all of my red pill knowledge until that point. I would love to hear your opinion on Ester's book I attach a link to free audio book so you can listen to it when you a free. I believe every man should have read this book. If you have reviewed this book already, please choose a topic of your choice, something in line of Red pill Bible or MGTOW Bible. I appreciate your daily content, keeps me red pill protected. Wishing you well as I also suffer with autoimmune disease, however not as severe as yours. Keep well." Well LHB thanks for the donation and sharing the link to the book. The book was digitally burned and banned from the Amazon store recently. I've already make a video about Esther Villar near the beginning of my YouTube days and I put a link to it in the description. She is an honorary god among mgtow because she dared to be a feminine feminist believing that equality begins with men learning the low down on women the way that women know the low down on men. That men are the oppressed sex and that we are happy in our slavery. I used to promote the book through ads on my channel and it's a breath of fresh air for a woman to say that men are the oppressed sex. The system doesn't exactly want men to learn about our slavery and walk away from the plantation. I'll take your advice LHB and cover another topic or two for the remainder of this video instead of covering The Manipulated Man which I believe I reviewed back at the end of 2014 or early 2015. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to women trying to ban ideas because they hurt their feelings clown world show. A while back someone named Openroader shared a video and message with me. The video is called: "Can't Attack What You Can't Define" as well his his predictions about the future. Here's what Openroader has to say and I quote: "My own prediction... A decade from now... No babies being born... Old Maid apartments funded through government help. A Bachelor tax...but by then, many guys will be retired or in the country, shifting labor to gardening, wood cutting and other untaxable activities. Women will forever blame men. longer caring and mass exodus to the deep country." unquote. I agree with Open
Roader because I'm seeing a ton of new popular YouTube channels about hunting and wilderness exploration, Building your own log cabin on cheap land and using the wood on your property to heat your cabin as one about a guy that bought a ghost town in Nevada. Guys want to escape into the wilderness and work the land because there are far fewer variables than dealing with a gynocentric soyciety. The housing bubble in Canada is bad unless you're a low income woman and if you are you can put yourself on a list to get brand new subsidized housing in the cities while you hunt for a sexy man with resources to rescue you.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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ONLYFAN'S MAKES 100K $ / WEEK SELLING HER FARTS.. (USA) Doggk 104 Views • 3 years ago

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Go your own way guys

Esposa dividi o seu marido com a própria MÃE e a IRMÃ
Esposa dividi o seu marido com a própria MÃE e a IRMÃ Nikaido 115 Views • 3 years ago

Além da putaria em família,todos eles frequentam casas de swing..............."Mãe vale OURO"

Ativismo judicial - Manual Jurídico do HOMEM (Versão vídeo)
Ativismo judicial - Manual Jurídico do HOMEM (Versão vídeo) Nikaido 49 Views • 3 years ago

Versão Full Hd - ⁣

Fica melhor para ler

Synthetic Companion Vs Side Chick.
Synthetic Companion Vs Side Chick. REDPILLMARRIED 248 Views • 3 years ago

Which would YOU choose?

Simp Policing - Mgtow
Simp Policing - Mgtow Zuberi87 76 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Why Women Pick The Worst Men - MGTOW
Why Women Pick The Worst Men - MGTOW Sandman 329 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Profit Specialist Group

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Raphael and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, There is something known as the grandfather paradox, where if you were to travel back in time, you could kill your parents before you were born. Do you think a similar paradox might exist for women? Not to make this about religion but it seems Adam and Eve proved that matter what, women are never completely happy or satisfied, even if you give them paradise with everything included. So imagine if we lived in a perfect world where money is eliminated, work is completely voluntary, and talents, intellect, and creativity are the main drives that pays instead. It still seems that women in that perfect society will pick guys who has the most talent, skills and etc. The point that I am making is that maybe this is the harsh unbearable truth and has to be accepted. In nature female animals seem to bare the same resemblance. They only like the alpha males but love their children to death and not actually him. Scientists say it is to bare the best genetics but that isn't entirely true because many are still born with birth defects. Maybe its to pass on big evil. BTW, animals are firece. Iol, I'm just joking but if women actually did it right, they would pick guys not based on a who is a better model, or evil alpha but rather based on their picks the same way men do: 1. Personalities and depth 2. Passiveness (Humbleness) 3. Talented, Intelligence, And Heart 4. Societal Engagement (Fun, slightly comedic) 5. They can take the lead too but not to compete, much rather to teach and enlighten This is the men's model, but if women selected guys based on this model, the paradox can be broken or be treated as a loop hole. You can still travel faster than light by other means in theory too. What do you think?" Well Raphael thanks for the donation and topic. The Grandfather Paradox is BS. Even if you could go back in time and kill your parents before they were born quantum physics says there are multiple realities that exist at the same time. The first time I saw what appeared to be the multiverse was in the film back to the future part 2 where Biff gets his hands on the greys sports almanac and Marty and Doc go back to the future but their own experiences and memories are intact. I've also had precognitive dreams that allowed me to change the future and now I'm probably in another universe. Marty also wouldn't have just disappeared if his parents never met. He would have returned to the future to find that Biff had married his mother because he was the alpha male. Marty would still exist but his mother and father just never would have had him. But in reality we just won't know until we invent time travel and mess with the past. In an alternative reality I never would have sold my half a million bat tokens. If I had kept them I would have had a million bucks right now. Instead I swapped them out for Bitcoin and to pay my tax and as a result I didn't ten x my money. Who would have predicted that from a company that's growing at about fifty percent a year with regards to it's user base? I also hold a bunch of library tokens and won't be selling them which means based on my luck they will end up be worthless. Anyways, I'll discuss more about the paradox of pussy and women choosing the wrong men in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cash Discount Pro:

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Dia 93
Dia 93 Foradacena 45 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 93

Dia 92
Dia 92 Foradacena 20 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 92

Chris Rock - Only Women, Children, and Dogs are loved unconditionally
Chris Rock - Only Women, Children, and Dogs are loved unconditionally NeoTheOutflanker 206 Views • 3 years ago

Chris Rock - Red Pill King of Comedy

"I'm a Father and a Grandfather"
"I'm a Father and a Grandfather" InfamousRifle 41 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Nuance is important. While most of this is 100% factual, some of it I will leave to the viewer to decide. Everything in this video was acquired from public postings and I have not contacted anyone mentioned or involved. I also have no intentions in doing so.

Answering a TTQ
Answering a TTQ A_Shot_of_Whiskey 21 Views • 3 years ago

⁣My GETTR account (I'm using it, now, and I've gotten a lot of followers!):

“The oaths of a woman I inscribe on water.” - Sophocles

Women Are Always Victims - MGTOW
Women Are Always Victims - MGTOW Sandman 298 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: The War on the West - VOLUME 2

Jordan Peterson's Warning

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bob, also known As Dr. B Real the author of the two volume book series called the Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism. This is my review of the 1st chapter in book volume number two. If you want to get a copy as well as one of the books by today's sponsor Luca Vendetti both links are down below. Now on with my review. The chapter is called Everything Is Sexist - Feminists competing for the the status of the biggest victim. The first three words "everything is sexist" makes me think of Anita Sarkeesian. Bob says that feminism is all about redistributing money from men who work to women who don't by painting women as victims. Each wave of feminism needs to adapt to keep the donations rolling in. That's why if everything is sexist then the gravy train into cavernous feminist vaginas will never end. He brings up Daisy Cousens his fellow Australian woman who says that feminism is not about liberating women but it's about controlling them to attack the actual independent and liberated women. The conservative ones. I don't think he's aware that conservative women are almost as bad as feminist women because they are just nice covert slave masters of men instead of ones that want to overtly control us. He then brings up the hierarchy of female victim status. That a white woman is a victim. But a black woman is a greater victim. That a black female trans midget is the winner of the oppression Olympics. The more a woman is a victim the more she needs to be paid by men. But with 4th wave feminism men can now be women and say they have a vagina so they too can compete in the oppression Olympics as well as female athletes in the actual Olympics and to prevent them from doing so is sexist because they are the biggest victims now. That's when Bob brings up Anita Sarkeesian and says that she's one of the prime examples of women making a living off the business of 4th wave feminism. That may have been true about five years ago but based on looking at her YouTube channel Feminist Frequency she probably makes about four to five hundred dollars in ad revenue from it. She made half a million to a million dollars back in the day and released videos that might have only taken a month or two to research and make. Bob says that feminism is all about redistributing wealth from predominately white males and handing it to everyone else below them on the oppression pyramid. Everything is sexist including air conditioning because women feel cold more than men, airbags because women sit closer to the steering wheel and even the truth because it can hurt a woman's feelings. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor I mentioned earlier the MGTOW Collection Part 2: Anyways, now back to vaginas are just a social construct clown world show. Bob continues by saying that meritocracy is sexist because a vagina is more important than a business return. History is sexist because men invented everything without giving women a chance to do it first, national anthems because they don't reference women enough and even retirement funds and bitcoin because men invest more money into those things. His list goes on for one 15 pages and gives us 100 things that are sexist. I'll point of the twenty or thirty that I find the funniest or most interesting. The next point of note is women complaining about sex dolls that objectify women and that a female doll is a victim because she doesn't give consent. Monogamy is sexist because it denies women sex. Hence why we are seeing with the social acceptance of polyamory lately. But if a woman has multiple boyfriend and someone says something about it then they are
slut shaming her and need to be punished. Some of these points are contradictory. For example if a kid has a father it's sexist because women can do it alone.

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Games & Rants (1/12/2022) Your Health Is Important!
Games & Rants (1/12/2022) Your Health Is Important! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 66 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Rayman Origins (GOG)

I have to add some things. The aloe vera juice is good for the stomach, but the aloe vera gel is good for the reflux. Sorry for the confusion. I have a bottle of the gel coming in tomorrow as well. I also need to add that you don't want to use too much or it will act like a laxative. Trust me, it is very strong if you take too much, especially with caffeine.

I also covered some recent articles as well!

Grim Articles Show W/DP (1/9/2022)
Grim Articles Show W/DP (1/9/2022) Grim Lord's Games & Rants 51 Views • 3 years ago

Game: The Evil Within 2 (GOG)

DP and I are back, covering your articles. Articles that matter! Be sure to submit articles you want covered!



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Grim Articles Show W/DP (1/3/2022) I Thought I Accidentally Deleted This One!
Grim Articles Show W/DP (1/3/2022) I Thought I Accidentally Deleted This One! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 31 Views • 3 years ago

Game: The Evil Within 2 (GOG)

Sorry, folks! I thought I deleted this one! The articles might be old, but I didn't want to deprive you of this content! My bad!



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Family Courts Are Weaponizing The Jab.
Family Courts Are Weaponizing The Jab. REDPILLMARRIED 314 Views • 3 years ago

What would YOU do?
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Why Work & Pay Tax To Support Chads Children? - MGTOW
Why Work & Pay Tax To Support Chads Children? - MGTOW Sandman 396 Views • 3 years ago

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The Red Pill Developer

Should I "get a job" even if I have the option not to?

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John. He didn't give me a topic. So what I thought I'd do is cover a story I found on the Going Your Own Way Dot Com Forum called: "Should I "get a job" even if I have the option not to?" by someone name RenaiZance and here's what he has to say and I quote: "So I've been thinking about this for a long time. Taking the Red Pill has released me from the chains of Western society. Kids, marriage, loans, etc. Digging yourself into a hole you can't get out of in the name of "the American Dream". I've become self-actualized and figured out that when you need less, you don't need some shitty job that makes you waste gas money plowing through traffic at 7am when you've barely gotten up. What sane person would want to do that for 45 years? Ok so we got that out of the way. But I'm in a unique position in that I have parents who are really well off and I don't really need to get some shitty soul sucking 9-5 job. I don't want kids either. Why work that much and pay taxes? Just to raise money for Chads children? I got denied sex for most of my youth and won't get to have a family of my own and you think I want to pay taxes for Chad's kids to live hunky dorey? HAH. Anyways. I've tried to hold down jobs and they let me go for the stupidest reasons like asking similar questions too many times. That's it. I do my job and am even on time every morning but even that's not enough for those poopy heads. I have some learning issues but I find that people just don't care and they will put money over the human every time. Is there a way besides owning a business to get good money and do you even really need a job in my circumstance?" unquote. Well John thanks for the donation and thanks RenaiZance for posting this topic which a lot of guys have been bringing up with me recently. Especially the ones that have made a small fortune on Crypto, a couple hundred thousand dollars and now believe it's time to take part in the great resignation. Why even bother working when you're getting a 14-15% pay cut every year if inflation continues like it has measured the way it was back in 1980? Remember that loans are a great way to defeat inflation. However the problem is you never know when the banking system is going to pull the financial rug out from under you by raising interest rates. They can't do it now because most western countries would go bankrupt. But I won't put anything past the maniacs at the Federal Reserve. In the USA you guys are lucky because you can lock in interest rates for twenty years. In Canada it's only five years. If I had gotten a mortgage on a house ten to twenty years ago I would have made a killing. Probably 20-30% compounded annual return on my down payment money. Instead I was stupid for 15 years believing that interest rates would eventually rise and the market would crash. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Developer:

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Dia 91
Dia 91 Foradacena 21 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 91

The Virus, the Vaccine, the Masjid  the Market
The Virus, the Vaccine, the Masjid the Market Imran Hosein 44 Views • 3 years ago

OnlyFans Sensation - And It Makes Me A Better Mom
OnlyFans Sensation - And It Makes Me A Better Mom Nikaido 93 Views • 3 years ago


Indonesian Man Marries Cow - MGTOW
Indonesian Man Marries Cow - MGTOW Sandman 272 Views • 3 years ago

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How & Where to Buy HEX

Indonesian Man Allegedly Marries Cow

‘Lucky’ author Alice Sebold apologizes to man wrongly convicted of her rape

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is cover a story I ran into a while ago about an Indonesian man that allegedly married a cow because the people in his town found out he was fornicating with it and they arranged a wedding for him and the cow. Or so the story goes. I first ran into this story when I was discussing a 74 year old woman that believed her husband had come back and was reincarnated as a cow and then licked her. The cow sleeps next to her in her bed where her husband used to sleep. That video mentioned the man from Indonesia so I thought that the next donation I got without a topic it would be a good idea to investigate the shaming a guy got from his village that led him to marry a cow. I jokingly said that if he did marry a cow it would be a blessing because a human wife nags and a cow moos and I'd probably choose the moo too. So I managed to find an article which I've linked to in the description. Here's what the article says and I quote: "Allegedly in 2010, a young man, 18-year-old Ngurah Alit from a village called Yeh Embang, was briefly enchanted by a member of the bovine species. And, get ready for the cringe, made it with that cow. Yep, definitely feeling my last meal coming up right about now. He had believed the cow was a young and beautiful woman who had paid him some flattering compliments. Clearly, we're dealing with a somewhat less than a full deck or the young man was accurate in his assessment that the cow shape shifted into the form of a comely woman and seduced him. His friends and neighbors were nearly as incredulous as you or I may have been, and solved the bestiality problem the only way you can: by feeding the beast. Taking a note from the bad parenting playbook the town elders had him marry the cow. The headman said (in effect), "If you love that cow so much, why don't you marry her?" So, marry her he did. Unfortunately, during the ritual, Alit passed out and his mother started screaming. (How was she not already screaming after finding out that her son wanted to marry a cow? This I'll never know.) And then a villager had weighed in with their two cents: "Poor kid. He’s actually a quiet kid." I'm not sure how helpful this assessment had been at the moment, but it's good to know a little more about the prospective groom from a writing standpoint. And then, after making the man marry the uddered mammal, the villagers drowned her. They also pretended to drown the groom in order to exorcise the village of the shameful spirit of bestiality. The village chief then declared the village to be officially "cleansed from the defilement from the incident," and everyone went about their day." unquote. Here I thought there would be a happy ending with this mad lad sticking his large head up a cows vag. But I guess not. I guess it was all about shaming him and taking away his true love. While the woman in India gets to keep the cow in her bed. Talk about double standards if you're a man versus if you're a woman. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex:

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PROSTITUTA ucraniana - Trabalhar dá trabalho
PROSTITUTA ucraniana - Trabalhar dá trabalho telecurso_mgtow 203 Views • 3 years ago

Este vídeo é anterior ao ataque russo de 2022.

The TFM Show: 1/8/2022
The TFM Show: 1/8/2022 T.F. Monkey 2,072 Views • 3 years ago

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84 FAMOSOS que SAÍRAM do ARMÁRIO em 2021
84 FAMOSOS que SAÍRAM do ARMÁRIO em 2021 Nikaido 58 Views • 3 years ago

Sabemos que aumentara o número de pessoas lgbt's,por causa do marxismo e os sesus tentaculos FEMINISMO e IDEOLOGIA DE GENERO,no qual ganhou força graças ao feminismo,e tbm o uso da psicanalise na sociedade,e o famoso dividindo para conquistar.

Bem vai ser interessante,futuramente a mídia não escondendo mais,a violência domestica entre as mulheres,e tudo sendo desenhado para os acéfalos,principalmente sendo as lésbicas sãs as maiores agressoras em contra partida aos gays.E aumentara o número de mulheres Heteros saindo com Lésbicas para garantir a sua vida fácil e parasita,e dar o golpe pra roubar o patrimonio alheio

Dica - Site para baixar LIVROS-EBOOKS
Dica - Site para baixar LIVROS-EBOOKS Nikaido 75 Views • 3 years ago

Tik Tok - ⁣

Apesar de ser um poço de mediocridade humana,uma hora ou outra se encontra algumas coisas

Outro site para baixar - ⁣

I Know Why There Are 57 Genders - MGTOW
I Know Why There Are 57 Genders - MGTOW Sandman 290 Views • 3 years ago

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What Is The Trans Agenda?

Ameca Humanoid Robot AI Platform

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Spencer. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover a video called "What is the Trans Agenda?" by someone named James Corbett which I've linked to in the description. He was kicked off of YouTube a while back for his show the Corbett Report. So he had to create a new channel because I believe he received a strike for medical misinformation. He looks like he's a bald western man with lower smv in the Canada so he moved to Japan to start a family. He received a question about the trans agenda from one of his viewers and he said that he didn't notice much of the same sorts of insanity that we see in the west in Japan where he's currently living. While he doesn't say it directly in his video he implies that trans humanism and the trans gender agenda are very closely linked. I really suggest you watch the video to understand what he's talking about. He even has Ray Kurzweil the author of the age of spiritual machines communicating as a female avatar. The idea of course is that after the singularity and we are all living a virtual meta verse existence the gender in such a reality would be a choice. But we all know how over the last few years you had the choice to get a jab or not be able to participate in soyciety. James didn't say it but I knew exactly where he was going with the video. First they will give you freedom to choose which of the 57 genders you want to be. Just like they gave us freedom to express ourselves using social media until they eventually give all kids puberty blockers and make them non-binary until they choose. Just like the state is now deciding if you can have various freedoms if you're jabbed or not imagine if you don't behave yourself they can decide if you will develop into a male or female or not? Could it be that they want a loss of complete bodily autonomy for the human race? Was James too scared to say that? I don't know but that's all I could think about while watching his video. Imagine that you can't rebel as a man against the state if the state identifies your rebellious nature when you're six or seven and doesn't give you access to testosterone, the hormone of the gods that's found in you naturally to become a threat later. People are accepting this one step at a time. It's really scary. First it was the trans thing. Now they accept non binary people. Is the final agenda to have almost everyone be non-binary in a binary digital world in the metaverse once our biological and digital identities fuse into one? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce: Anyways, now back to the elites trying to turn the masses into the borg collective clown world show. James Corbett shows us a clip from the BBC where a girl is sitting at a table telling her parents that she is trans. Her parents support her decision to become a male. But then she says that she's not transgender but transhuman. She says that she wants to digitize herself so that she can live forever. Her parents say but what will happen to her body. She says she won't need it anymore so it will be recycled. Then they say so you'll be dead but she doesn't think about the question of consciousness. Is it in our body or is it external. Is your soul in your body or can it be transferred into a machine. If it could be transferred to a machine then imagine if it could never leave? I'm bringing up some massive questions I haven't heard anyone bring up before. I can't help but think about how many stupid people will volunteer to digitize themselves. It's like walking yourself into a gas chamber thinking you're turning yourself into a god.

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Greed, Money, and Rich People
Greed, Money, and Rich People "K C" "Sunbeam" 29 Views • 3 years ago

With an emphasis on Christian principles, I explain the truth about greed and riches used improperly or improperly desired.

The "Prize" Question Is Answered Yet Again.
The "Prize" Question Is Answered Yet Again. REDPILLMARRIED 191 Views • 3 years ago

The topic of who REALLY needs who is once again put to rest.

These Women Are Making Me Crazy - MGTOW
These Women Are Making Me Crazy - MGTOW Sandman 442 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Most Red Pill Influencers have likely suffered some sort of trauma

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so want to discuss a reddit post called: "Most Red Pill Influencers have likely suffered some sort of trauma". It's on the purple pill subreddit and someone named CMV has this to say and I quote: "I'm a guy who follows the Red Pill itself but one thing that strikes me about a lot of Red Pill YouTubers like Fresh and Fit, FITXFEARLESS, AMS is that a lot of them seem to have some sort of trauma that has lead them to their views, it has lead them to a degenerate lifestyle and creating platforms to give new Red Pillers some instant gratification of "Oh smash them hoes, don't put women on a pedestal fuck yeah!" Yes you shouldn't put anyone on a pedestal, but you fall into a lifestyle of being a low quality man who's getting his shwing shwang sucked in nightclubs for some coke. It tells men to not be obsessed with women yet they proceed to make hours and hours of content about women. These guys had to have had some bad feces happen to them to make them so bitter towards women when that's not what The Red Pill is about at all, they're taking that degenerate casual sex lifestyle and glorifying it while ignoring every other aspect. All their videos are "Get in the gym, get money, smash them thots" like no it's more than that, especially if the people that are watching that stuff want a relationship, they aren't going to get a high quality relationship if they become obsessed with this stuff. Instead of becoming a good man, responsible and successful, instead of being a gentleman they become just as low value as the women they claim supposedly are." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation. This purple pilled punk claims that he's red pilled and understands female nature yet he's out there painting the entire red pill community with one brush. The guys he's talking about are in the pickup artist community and he points to the worst examples in that community. The hustlers trying to get laid and trying make money promoting the idea that they understand female nature and because of that they can sell you seminars like Tommy Woo. The red pill community is vast and CMV appears to share the example of the PUAs which are the most sleazy in my opinion. Not all of them. There are good ones but Fresh and Fit is a bad example. At least the PUAs tell guys that if they want a woman in their lives then they need to work out and make themselves the prize and just wait until the female orbiters show up and then pick one of them. It works and how exactly does making oneself a prize in the gym turn you into a bad person? CMW says that instead of becoming a good, responsible, successful gentleman they become as low value as women supposedly are. We all know what happened to the supreme gentleman Elliot Roger. If he had worked out and some homely looking woman found his body attractive maybe he wouldn't have gone out on a rampage? Anyways, I'll discuss more and get into how the red pill has made many red pill content creators a little bit crazy when it comes to women in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Turns Out I'm Part Ashkenazi Jew & African Black
Turns Out I'm Part Ashkenazi Jew & African Black Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 496 Views • 3 years ago


Billy Von Bomb's Weekly 304 Dance Tour #1 #shorts
Billy Von Bomb's Weekly 304 Dance Tour #1 #shorts BillyVonBomb 123 Views • 3 years ago

⁣They belong to the streets.....

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The Danger Of Stupid Women - MGTOW
The Danger Of Stupid Women - MGTOW Sandman 341 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

"The Five Laws Of Stupidity"

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Lord Jaguar and here's what he has to say: "Yo Sandman it's been a while, but I ran across this link on YouTube and I thought of you and the community. If you could please cover the video I've attached with this message and tell us your thoughts on it, that would be great. It's called "The Five Laws Of Stupidity". Well your highness thanks for the donation and topic. I put the link to the video in the description so people can watch it for themselves. The video is based on an article by someone named Carlo Cipolla. He was an economic historian in the 1970s and wrote that provocative article titled "The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity". His theory is all about the destructiveness of stupid behavior and why it is so underestimated and misunderstood. The article is written in a humorous and sarcastic way as to not offend people. Political correctness in 1970s Italy. Who would have thought? He came up with the five laws of stupidity and tries to prove why stupid people are the most dangerous. The whole thing again is written as a though provoking joke. Cipolla says that far too often if you're an intelligent person you will mistake stupidity for other things. The first of his five laws is that everyone underestimates the number of stupid people. I would agree except perhaps the elites who tend to manipulate stupid people with mainstream media so they can accomplish their agendas) Stupid people is also why communism failed. When communists take over they typically kill the smart and successful people and then the society is bound to collapse at some point. Carlo says that the reason we underestimate the number of stupid people is because we judge them based on superficial criteria like their job, education, class, race and how well spoken they are. It's almost as if all of those things are used by dumb people masquerade as being intelligent themselves when they aren't. After all most people go to college these days for the credentials and not the education they receive. I'll get to the other 4 laws of stupidity in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to stupid people pretending to be smart so they can get ahead in life clown world show. If fake it til you make it didn't work then people wouldn't be doing it and fooling all the so called intelligent people doing it. The second point Carlo makes is that the probability is that a person is stupid is independent of every other characteristic. No correlation. For example there are stupid nobel prize winners. This makes me wonder. Maybe stupidity comes on a spectrum and Carlo illustrates that it does based in his four quadrant approach. He says there are four different categories. The intelligent person is in the top right because he helps himself while helping others. The are in the win/win category. The Bandit, or bad guys or gals are in the bottom right because they help themselves but hurt others so they win for themselves but others lose. Then in the top left you have the suckers that help other win but they themselves lose. They are the altruistic ones. They suffer to help others succeed. Finally you have the stupid people which are in the bottom left because they don't help themselves and don't help others. They are a drag one themselves and the rest of the human race. Carlo defines a stupid person as one that hurts themselves and those around them as well. Thanks to this I now understand that for most of my life I've been with stupid women. I guess I find that sex is best when they are stupid.

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Quranic Lecture Series Update
Quranic Lecture Series Update Imran Hosein 34 Views • 3 years ago

Quranic Lecture Series Update
To attend our monthly programme of sharing.
Each 2-hour session consists of a 1-hour discourse followed by a question and answer/ discussion session.

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Dia 90
Dia 90 Foradacena 49 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 90

Social Consequences
Social Consequences REDPILLMARRIED 273 Views • 3 years ago

The one thing that can NEVER be taken. A person's right of CHOICE.
Article: ⁣

Most Women Cheat In Relationships - MGTOW
Most Women Cheat In Relationships - MGTOW Sandman 321 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Cash Discount Pro

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Terry and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Keep going with your content. Your video of the friends with benefits reminds me of a time was I was in US Army! This girl one night when I was on guard duty approached me and offered sex! I had one more hour of duty so she waited! Then later that night I smashed her! She then said she was waiting for husband to arrive but she loved being with me! This shocked me to literal core! I found out later this girl had the kid and became an adult star! I just stated laughing uncontrollably!" unquote. Well Terry thanks for the donation and sharing your story. Recently I was talking to someone in one of my one on one chats and let's call him Steve. He was sharing a story about how his his girlfriend, now ex girlfriend was hanging around with a male friend for four or five hours while he wasn't there. He had security cameras pick it up and he asked her what was going on. She just claimed they were friends but we all know that's probably not the case. Even after being devastated by this woman everyone is cheating these days. So after the end of his relationship he gets together from time to time with a woman that's cheating on her husband. I don't want to question the ethics of his decision to cheat after he himself had just been cheated on but I'm just trying to point out that society has normalizing this sort of behavior. Most of the time guys don't even know about how the woman they have a one night stand with has a boyfriend and possibly children at home. You learned that Terry and it was shocking to you but it's not so shocking anymore. The truth is most of us can't get our emotional, intellectual, financial or sexual needs met from only one person. In fact it's dangerous from a psychological point of view to rely on one person too heavily or you run the risk of becoming co-dependent. For most of human relationship history in civilization we have been co-dependent. It provides a stable physical world to raise children in but the men and women suffer as a result. The person we find emotional support with and financial stability might not be the same person that fulfills our deepest darkest sexual desires. I don't know about you by my partners never fulfilled me intellectually very much. I preferred it that way and relied mostly on the social, sexual and emotional parts to be fulfilling. I believe that men are capable of getting more fulfillment from their partners than women which is probably one of the the reasons women are more likely to cheat on us rather than the other way around. That and hypergamy and never being satisfied with what they have. I'm sure the numbers would be a lot more equal if women had lower standards and threw themselves at more men sexually and if men were as smart as women when planning the cheating and getting away with it in the first place. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cash Discount Pro:

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Older woman files sexual assault claim against chadrone she approached
Older woman files sexual assault claim against chadrone she approached jon123 114 Views • 3 years ago

Link : ⁣

Older woman approaches 24 year old Chadrone in a Restaurant
Older woman approaches 24 year old Chadrone in a Restaurant jon123 165 Views • 3 years ago

Original video link: ⁣

HMT 201
HMT 201 REDPILLMARRIED 144 Views • 3 years ago

Soyciety still refuses to male mental suffering so this will continue to happen.
Article: ⁣

My Asian Mother Used To Beat Me - MGTOW
My Asian Mother Used To Beat Me - MGTOW Sandman 254 Views • 3 years ago

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He has quite a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Living on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hello Sandman, I will be working in the entertainment industry soon. I will. Briefly about myself, I am from a South-East Asia country, I moved to Toronto, Canada to study and follow my passion in digital art and recently I got a job. As I was growing up, I was bullied by my brother because he thinks I am a weirdo because I don't care about what others think of me since it doesn't hurt anyone. My mother beat me when I performed badly at school. She did this to dump her emotional frustration from my father who was scolding her telling her telling her fault that I am stupid. I couldn't even go to my friend's house with out them knowing. My dad beat me and my brother as well for something stupid like not doing chores. My parents beat our dogs and treated them poorly too. One had a broken leg and was dying. The only thing I could enjoy was sitting in my room, watching TV and played lego/toys and going to school. As for women, back when I was a kid I watched a few Chinese/Hong Kong movies. In those movie, they mentioned a lot about the women using their beauty to manipulate men and strip away their power, resources and anything they have worked for turn them into the biggest loser in the story. From this point I started to be afraid of women and what they can do to me if I focus too much on their looks. I have gathered more clues such as my aunt over exaggerating things to get me in trouble with my parents. As well as my female classmates treated each others like poop behind each other's back, trying to paint themselves better than they really are on social media. At that point I thought to myself that I couldn't trust women anymore. Then I met this one female classmate that I thought was different when I was 12. As I was a young cuck back then, I did not make my move so I watched her like a lab rat since I wanted to know more about human psychology and especially how females operate. As she got more attention from guys, the more I saw her just like other girls, just another digital attention seeking slure. After that, I said to myself, if a girl has a lot of followers/attention/selfies on her phone/social media acc I will just scratch her off my mind. In 2016, my brother got married to a girl who was best friend. I wanted to tell my brother that getting married too early in life. His wife gave birth to my niece and I had to babysit my niece when her mother is preparing milk for the baby. In my country, family value is a thing so I was still living with my parents also my brother's family at that time. Living with my sister-in-law showed me more about what today modern women are, she do not know how to cook, the baby need milk/her milk but she couldn't produce enough milk, what did she do to solve it you may ask? instead of eating healthy so she can produce more milk, she made her baby infant fomula. With this I asked myself "what is the point of having a partner??? People keep telling me if I don't have a girlfriend I'm a loser. I do not see how that makes me a loser? When I moved to Canada, I met this girl from Ukraine in my class and she was full of herself on social media. At this point I thought this was love lol so I decided to shoot my shot but I got rejected.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Fear of becoming a liability terrifies a man more than anything else you can imagine..
Fear of becoming a liability terrifies a man more than anything else you can imagine.. Francis_UD 41 Views • 3 years ago


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このちゃんねるをご支援して頂けると嬉しいです(*゚▽゚*) クリスチャンとMGTOWの一員として ありがたくお礼を申し上げます! (^^♪

Filmed on 05/01/2022 AEDT

MGTOW-Kevin Samuels Exposed (Full Video) (mirror upload)
MGTOW-Kevin Samuels Exposed (Full Video) (mirror upload) Rodion Kononov 73 Views • 3 years ago

Originally by our fellow MGTOW monk Black_Pill_On_Steroids (aka Retro):

Soyciety Is Making Me Physically Sick - MGTOW
Soyciety Is Making Me Physically Sick - MGTOW Sandman 336 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover another post I found on the going your own way dot com forum. It's become the best replacement to the MGTOW subreddit with regards to the volume of traffic it gets. Now I'd like to share a comment from someone named Renaizance with Z on there and I quote: "I was really thinking about this earlier. I am at what you would call marriage age now. My dad married when he was my age and I have reached where he was all that time ago recently. I remember being a much younger man about 10 years ago. This was well before social media really "boomed" and Blackberry's were all the rage. Twilight was the "in thing". Kony 2012. Obama's second term. Facebook was just starting to really become a "thing". I remembered being very hopeful for the future in 10 years. And now that this milestone is so close to passing I am a mixed of extremely shocked with a side of sickness. The thought of me MARRYING into what Western society has become, quite honestly kills my chubby. I am horrified and what we've turned into in just 10 years. I don't even wanna...well, you get the point. Just WTF. 10 years later and there are 25 different genders, gay is straight, straight is gay, monogamy is bad, EVERYTHING is "offensive", men are women, women are men. People are glued to their phones and don't so much as look at you, much less hold a conversation and of course social media runs the show. I just want to hop into a time machine and go back to about 2003-2007 and stop. Society, I am VERY disappointed in you. I feel like I'm living in some sort of insane asylum. A global Wiemar Republic that has spread and metastasized like a cancer." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I agree with Renaizance that I am very disappointed with the social justicy, morally and creatively bankrupt world we are living in. Once in a while there are some great pieces of pop culture but they are mostly rehashes of old stuff. From 2003-2007 I remember Kill Bill, the 2nd X-Men film, Spider Man 2, Revenge of the Sith, King Kong, Sin City, The Prestiege, No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood as well as many others I absolutely loved. Yes they were starting to do remakes and super hero films but they were still fresh and new. With the immortals you can see how bad it's getting. More than anything it's been the deplatformings, demonitizations and now inflation that's pushing my sanity over the edge and pumping me full of cortisol effecting my skin and digestion because I can't seem to calm down. So soyciety is quite literally making me ill. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the you will own nothing except happy memories from ten to twenty years ago and be happy clown world show. Lately I've been feeling physically ill having to worry about losing everything I've worked for over the last 10-20 years because governments overspent by getting into debt and are just going impoverish the middle and lower middle classes so they don't have to default on their debt. Of course they don't want people to know that so they just say that inflation is transitory. Meanwhile if you look at this wonderful illustration that I found you'll see how crazy inflation has been over the last year. I'd say it's been around 25-30%. That means you've lost that percentage of your purchasing power of money if you held it in cash because of all the money printing.

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Dia 89
Dia 89 Foradacena 15 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 89

Dia 88
Dia 88 Foradacena 19 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 88

I Was Sexually Assaulted At A Bar On New Year's Eve By A Fugly Woman
I Was Sexually Assaulted At A Bar On New Year's Eve By A Fugly Woman Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 484 Views • 3 years ago


Could this sobriety indicate the time of my departure is at hand?
Could this sobriety indicate the time of my departure is at hand? Francis_UD 20 Views • 3 years ago


Watch 720p @ ⁣

Again, the mystery of iniquity doth already work..

Still afraid of kicking my bucket from a heart attack though I can't say I won't prefer it to a lonely and sad demise later.
May the LORD grant me a peaceful and decent death asap amen.

Filmed on 12/12/2021 AEDT

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An Atheist on Jesus
An Atheist on Jesus "K C" "Sunbeam" 25 Views • 3 years ago

An imfamous Atheist has made several videos on Jesus, which I critique in this video.

Do Men Really Love Women? - MGTOW
Do Men Really Love Women? - MGTOW Sandman 310 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
How & Where to Buy HEX

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Lily and here's what she has to say: "Hi Mr. Sandman, I have a new topic for you & hope you find it interesting. In response to the video titled “all women think about is men” In it you said that men can love women unconditionally. This has not been my observation. What I see is that men fall in love with women based on their youth, beauty and their willingness to be submissive. I also see that men don’t care if a woman is materialistic as long as she is young and beautiful enough. Men don’t normally fall in love with a woman in her 60s (she is still a woman isn’t she?) and if men are capable of loving women unconditionally, why isn’t any man falling in love with a 60 year old, average looking, materialistic woman? I have also noticed that men love women as long as they behave and are somewhat submissive to them and they lose that love as soon as she starts to behave differently (how is
THAT unconditional love?) I believe that women know that men don’t and never will love them unconditionally and that’s why they get plastic surgery, wear makeup and are terrified of old age. When it comes to the female chameleon, I believe us women mirror men’s desired woman to get love from them because we know that men don’t fall in love with real women. Maybe in reality we’re not that adorable! Plus most of the feelings men have for women are sexual. If the sexual desire is intense enough men tend to lose their minds and think that they’re in love! You might say that not all men are like that. Even if that’s true, a large number of men are and it’s hard to ignore. At least that’s how it appears to me. As a woman I know the intense desire that women have, to be loved and adored by men (maybe it’s a curse?) If us women don’t get love from men (even if that love is conditional) we will feel empty inside and The one thing that can fill that void is having children! Can you please elaborate on men’s UNCONDITIONAL love for women? Kind regards Lily. Well Lily thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex: Anyways, now back the women don't understand love clown world show. Lily you say that if a woman is hot enough a man will lose his mind. You're absolutely right. That's what love is. Male mating insanity. I know I lose it regardless of how conventionally attractive a woman is that's why I choose to stay single. Love makes men crazy. I'm glad you're being honest that if you don't receive the love from a man you will feel empty on the inside and the only thing that will fill the void is a child. Finally some honesty from a female. To be in love the man empties his mind so that a woman's self confidence and ego can be boosted. No thanks. Lily you are just trying to generalize men. Maybe you're just dating men way out of your league and you are just practice? Your idea that a man can't fall in love with a 60 year old woman is laughable. I've met successful millionaires in their 60s that have fallen in love with women. Of of the reasons is that these women they fell for were quiet women. Unlike the loud mouth ones that they were with before. But just because a woman is quiet doesn't mean she's submissive. It means she's willing to allow the man to believe he's the leader and take charge. A male slave that believes he's free is a far more productive and happy slave. The condition for a man like that loving a woman is that she's not a loud mouth and abusive. Are men not allowed to have any standards? Are we supposed to take verbal and emotional abuse and love a woman like that? I don't think so because to love someone you need to first know how to love yourself. If you love yourself you will never be with a woman like that to begin with. These older men that I met were on their second or third marriage long after the age for a baby carriage. Of course the women they were with were usually looking for a decade or two before them found such men. Men like that are hard to find but they are out there. Usually women identify them and scoop them up the moment they get divorced or their wife dies.

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TFL:  A Male Only Phenomenon?
TFL: A Male Only Phenomenon? "K C" "Sunbeam" 17 Views • 3 years ago

Do only males suffer from True Forced Loneliness? If not, which women might also suffer and why?

T Forced Loneliness: Good News
T Forced Loneliness: Good News "K C" "Sunbeam" 20 Views • 3 years ago

Good news for those who suffer from True Forced Loneliness.

TFL Debunked?
TFL Debunked? "K C" "Sunbeam" 14 Views • 3 years ago

Some men complain that they are victims of TFL (True Forced Loneliness), while others say there is no such thing as TFL, and if such men simply get off their ass to better themselves, the problem will be solved. I try to get to the bottom of the actual truth on this matter.

Reflecting upon some regrets that I made occur to myself
Reflecting upon some regrets that I made occur to myself Francis_UD 10 Views • 3 years ago


God must have bestowed and revealed wisdom to me through pain, amen.
Watch 720p @ ⁣

meme source

HMT 2021 Finale
HMT 2021 Finale REDPILLMARRIED 148 Views • 3 years ago

The final HMT of 2021. Slash and Dash!
Article: ⁣

The TFM Show: 1/1/2022
The TFM Show: 1/1/2022 T.F. Monkey 2,269 Views • 3 years ago

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FAKE AND FRAUD aka TRASH AND SHIT: WALTER D. WEEKES and his fraudulent "business"
FAKE AND FRAUD aka TRASH AND SHIT: WALTER D. WEEKES and his fraudulent "business" Rodion Kononov 136 Views • 3 years ago

do not give your money to anyone

Female Nature In Fiction - MGTOW
Female Nature In Fiction - MGTOW Sandman 299 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman my favorite rabbi on the internet, I have a topic about how the red pill changes one’s perspective on female fictional characters in movies, shows, books, video games etc. A lot of fictional female characters I've liked I don't even look at them the same way anymore. One example of this would be from a game called Dragon Age Origins (one of my top 5 games of all time), there is this female character that you can romance if you're playing a male grey warden, her name is Morrigan. She is a Mage in the game and her personality in the game is that she’s a pragmatist to a point where she seems cold hearted and evil, and she's bitchy. The romance starts off as a friends with benefits until later in the game after giving her a gift that is a golden mirror that has sentimental value, and killing her post wall demonic dragon single mother, she starts developing feelings that blossom more than a friends with benefits. She stops having sex with the male warden until near the end part of the game where she offers the chance to do a sex ritual that can save the characters life, as the soul of the archdemon will transfer to the child that was conceived to the ritual (the reason being is that grey wardens are supposed to kill this demonic dragon called an archdemon, as grey wardens are the only ones able to kill it, but this results in the grey warden dying in the process as delivering a death blow to a archdemon kills the grey warden who delivered it), the Male grey warden can accept this offer or not, be whether or not the male grey warden accepts, Morrigan will still have the main characters child, since the main character has dicked Morrigan down a lot. However Morrigan and the warden go there separate ways, and its not until the DLC Witch Hunt that the main character finds Morrigan again, you have the option to be with her again and your child, and she seems happy that your character wants to be with her. The unrealistic part in all of this is how Morrigan “loves” the grey warden. To give you context Sandman, Morrigan was raised by a single mother who was a witch, who essentially taught her that power is most important and that you can only rely on yourself, you know typical feminist bullshittery. The point I'm trying to make is that a lot of these writers (especially around I’d say the 20th century to mid 2015s) generally don’t really write relatively convincing female characters since these fictional characters aren't hypergamous like real women are. Hell in the game you can get a lot of approval for gifting morrigan with jewelry pieces. Ever since I’ve been redpilled, I’ve noticed the trend that a lot fictional female characters aren’t written as hypergamous as their real life counterpart. Would this be on account that a lot of these writers are unaware or that they are aware but they write their female characters how they want to? Anyways sandman have a nice thanksgiving in Cucknada." Well Brian thanks for the donation and topic. When you sent this it wasn't Thanksgiving in Canada. Plus because this country is one with a loyalist past our Thanksgiving was to give thanks to one of the future Kings of England not dying instead of pilgrims getting food from Indians. I'll discuss female nature in fiction in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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I'm Sorry Brittany Venti I Just Don't Have Time For You
I'm Sorry Brittany Venti I Just Don't Have Time For You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 361 Views • 3 years ago


True Forced Loneliness
True Forced Loneliness "K C" "Sunbeam" 34 Views • 3 years ago

I explain the issue of those who claim to be victims of True Forced Loneliness (TFL).

2022 Fireside Chat
2022 Fireside Chat REDPILLMARRIED 188 Views • 3 years ago

Be your TRUE self while getting your popcorn and drinks ready gents!

Headshrinkers Part 6
Headshrinkers Part 6 "K C" "Sunbeam" 13 Views • 3 years ago

Final video in my series on the psych professions.

Why I Imagine Fapping to Porn0 is  okay for a Christian MGTOW if you can't find a spouse
Why I Imagine Fapping to Porn0 is okay for a Christian MGTOW if you can't find a spouse Francis_UD 56 Views • 3 years ago


Filmed on 13/12/2021 AEDT
720p @ ⁣
It's kinda created in response to this video of Robert Breaker's (Seven deadly sins)
& (the sin of fornication)

Because once you burn in (natural) lust, you can fap to any image of any woman, porn0 or not.
You can also find several biblical verses(KJV) that seem to support my conclusion here. Particularly in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Stick around until the end to find out.


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Striving to Remain Productive Despite Feeling So Shit Again - MGTOW Daily Venting
Striving to Remain Productive Despite Feeling So Shit Again - MGTOW Daily Venting Francis_UD 28 Views • 3 years ago


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THIEVING SAMUELS aka Fraud Kevin Samuels: Failed Chemical Engineer trying to sell you snake oil
THIEVING SAMUELS aka Fraud Kevin Samuels: Failed Chemical Engineer trying to sell you snake oil Rodion Kononov 173 Views • 3 years ago

hosted by Donovan Sharte with that scum fed abeed Amrou Fudl aka Myron Gaines aka My Shit Stains.

MGTOW Monk Hammerhand's WARNING against FRAUD parasites infecting MGTOW
MGTOW Monk Hammerhand's WARNING against FRAUD parasites infecting MGTOW Rodion Kononov 308 Views • 3 years ago

Featuring famous frauds:
Fresh and Fit (Amrou Fudl and Walter Weekes)
Rollo Tomassi (George Miller)

Women's Power Comes From Male Confussion - MGTOW
Women's Power Comes From Male Confussion - MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I recently put in another donation. I thought this would be an interesting topic if you decide to use it. You recently mentioned propaganda master Edward Bernays and Sun Tzu in a video. Going from Sun Tzu's maxim of "Know your opponent and know yourself" I spent some time watching chick television. The feminists like to say that the red pill has it all wrong about female nature but the marketers are under no such delusion. They use what works. No philosophy here, chick tv was an endless series of banal talking. Usually gossip about other people's lives and complaining about their own. How men are so awful while showing a cognitive blind spot for the transgressions of the sisterhood. Endless pseudo spiritual mumbo jumbo and in the finest spirit of solipsism, endless entreaties about the importance of treating yourself. The View is a screeching abomination birthed in the darkest pits of Hades. Neverending emotional language. I heard the word "amazing" an average of 37 times an hour, "passion" an average of 23, and "confidence" an average of 16. I can't hear the word amazing anymore without getting the dry heaves. Cheers." Well Robert thanks for the donation and topic. I'm glad you're pointing out that men should know more about women but feminists want to convince men that we know nothing about them. Women want to know all about men so they can manipulate us. That's why when I was growing up there were tons of cosmo magazines with tips for women on how to behave in ways to make men fall in love with them. yadda yadda yadda. But in reality they were instruction manuals on how to manipulate men. Meanwhile there were no books that men could read about pickup, mgtow or men's rights. The closest thing we had was Fight Club which was one of the only few films that men had in popular culture to help guide them. 1999 also saw another film where a man took a stand and that was American Beauty. Ironically one story written by a gay man and the other staring one. But it seems that men knowing about women was discouraged but women knowing more about men was not only accepted but also promoted by the mainstream magazine narrative. That was probably something Edvard Barneays was involved with at some point as he lived for around a hundred years. Television isn't the only thing that trains women to manipulate men. Rob as a man when you're watching chick television what you see is banal talking between the characters is seen completely differently by women. They see new plays and tactics they can use against men. It's training them to be the perfect psychological weapon of the elites to trick us into unholy matrimony so they have one less man to compete with in the game for resources. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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THE FRAUDFATHER: Rollo Tomassi: The Vichy Male
THE FRAUDFATHER: Rollo Tomassi: The Vichy Male Rodion Kononov 148 Views • 3 years ago

⁣"These anime/hentai obsessed MGTOW children believe we are PUAs who are "leading men to the slaughterhouse" and profiting from it"

Oh and you're not, Mr. George Miller, the failure of a musician, loser limp dick failed "guitar man" who'd strum better with his limp shrivelled dick if you tried to? You and your cronies: the abeed Amrou Fudl and his butt boy power bottom negro Walter Weekes, plus other fakes and frauds like Edwin Hopkins (aka Donovan Sharte), Dick Pooper/Richard Cooper aka Grifting Coper, etc.

We all know your agenda.

Fuck off, fraud.

Snake In The Grass Part 3 - Mgtow
Snake In The Grass Part 3 - Mgtow Zuberi87 76 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Mirror upload: what does Jack Murphy, Fresh&fit, Sniperwolf, Entrepreneurs in Cars all have in common ?
Mirror upload: what does Jack Murphy, Fresh&fit, Sniperwolf, Entrepreneurs in Cars all have in common ? Rodion Kononov 98 Views • 3 years ago

Originally by our fellow MGTOW monk Chris Mitchell:

GRIFT COPER aka $33/min DATING ADVICE: Richard Cooper: Grifter, Plagiarist, Beta Sheep, Single Mom Expert™
GRIFT COPER aka $33/min DATING ADVICE: Richard Cooper: Grifter, Plagiarist, Beta Sheep, Single Mom Expert™ Rodion Kononov 160 Views • 3 years ago

you give your hard earned cash to scammers.

wake the hell up

Should I Buy This 2006 Mercedes C230 With 84000 Miles?
Should I Buy This 2006 Mercedes C230 With 84000 Miles? Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 266 Views • 3 years ago


How To Travel For Free Without Women - MGTOW
How To Travel For Free Without Women - MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Hurdy Gurdy Travel Podcast

Doc Of Credit

Gift Card Galore

Buyers Clubs
The Deal Buyer - Group
PFS Buyers Clubs

Gift Card Wiki - Place To Sell Gift Cards

The Card Bay

Prince Of Travel - Canadian Offer.

Cash Out Point Programs directly instead of using.
American Express - Morgan Stanley & Schwabb Cash Out

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Robert J. on subscribestar. He didn't give me a specific topic so I thought I'd share a conversation I had back in November with a guy named Justin. I listened to his travel podcast and he has tons of Creative ways to save money and travel. Basically doing all kinds of life hacks. Stuff you guys haven't heard before. His story reminded me of a strange Adam Sandler move that I watched 20 years ago called Punch Drunk love where Sandler buys into something called the Healthy Choice promotion and amasses a million frequent flyer miles by purchasing large quantities of pudding. Justin does stuff like that by have 30 credit cards and getting the credit card rewards first and then cashing them out for free trips. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Help comes in the form of 5 shots to the chest
Help comes in the form of 5 shots to the chest TheManInside 204 Views • 3 years ago

Let me help you with 5 bullets in your chest. No way I'm preventing your progress towards me by shooting you in the legs where i know a bullet won't kill you. I'm here to help you.

Yes, l the man was armed.
Yes, the man was in pain, mentally and physically (he's bleeding).
No, 5 shots to vital organs is not help, is a kill.
Yes, if the man wasn't shot, he would definitely stab the pig. Should the pig allow it? Absolutely not, he had all the right to defend himself. And if he wasn't wearing that uniform, i would say "well done". Being a servant of the state and proclaiming he is there to help, i can't take his side. He should know, and be trained, to stop the attacker 1 single shot to the leg was enough. He also knows 5 shots to the chest is a death sentence.

DONOVAN SHARPIE: "I'm Back and Donovan Sharpe is a Fraud" | Video blog by @elmSTREETnasty
DONOVAN SHARPIE: "I'm Back and Donovan Sharpe is a Fraud" | Video blog by @elmSTREETnasty Rodion Kononov 155 Views • 3 years ago

Mr. Edwin Alexander Hopkins ("Donovan Sharpe") from Raleigh, NC (U.S.), is a fraudster married to a used white trash cumdumpster, who got caught for forging checks and identity theft. He is a petty scammer who lives off your hard earned cash.

Why Most Men Can't Go Their Own Way - MGTOW
Why Most Men Can't Go Their Own Way - MGTOW Sandman 430 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Cash Discount Pro

The Stone Tablet:

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kujel and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I would like you to cover my short book called The Stone Tablet: The Philosphy of Stonism, your video "MGTOW is Spreading Everywhere" echoed a lot of ideas in this book so I thought it would be worth covering, cheers." Well Kujel thanks for the donation and topic. Your 39 page book starts off with the premise that a man is stronger as a member of a klan or a wall of stones instead of as a single stone on his own. This idea echoed back when there were dozens if not hundreds of MGTOW channels in 2017 and 2018. We were a decentralized klan but it sounds like you are advocating for a more centralized one. But how does someone get one stone or person to convince other stones or persons to join together and become a wall? You say that Klans should be small group of brothers working together towards a collective goal. More
often than not blood related. That They have a citadel and if any one member of a klan doesn't meet their obligations they are cast out. I prefer online communities working together with the same goal in mind but each one is individually minded. where we are decentralized. In this day and age of narcissism a philosophy where men get together in one geographic place is centralized and governments won't have it. But a decentralized network would be far more powerful. You go onto say that the relationship a man has with his clan is like the commitment he might have for a wife. You mention this by saying that the clan is his Waifu. The citadel is the stone father and the klan is the mother or waifu. Then you bring up the Prion which in biology is a protein that can cause disease in animals and humans. But you say they are meaningless creatures that live with no klan, no honor only living for consumption and hedonism. But hey it's your philosophy so you can call men with no clan whatever you like. Sometimes these Prions are useful as free agents so the klan shouldn't write them off completely. You also say that hate is a useful emotion so long as it doesn't overwhelm ones reason and rationality. I agree. Sometimes hate is what motivates us to be even more rational. I for example harnessed the red pill rage in the first one to two years of this channel. An animal would have just gone on a rampage destroying things like the supreme gentleman Elliot Rogers. You then say that women can be allowed into a klan as well if they are young and fertile so she enriches the klan. You say that she's supposed to permanently bond herself to the klan. Women can't bond with a woman longer than a few weeks in many cases in this day age let alone for life. I'll discuss more about your short book of stonism philosophy in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cash Discount Pro:

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O inverno está chegando ?
O inverno está chegando ? M2GO Involuntário 144 Views • 3 years ago

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She Lets Her Husband Bang Her Mother & Sister - MGTOW
She Lets Her Husband Bang Her Mother & Sister - MGTOW Sandman 382 Views • 3 years ago

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Mum Daughter Sister Share Husband

Video - Cardinal Visiting Family the Day After Mom's Funeral

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from David. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to cover is a story that's similar to the one about the pregnant mom that was makeing love to her parents. That woman didn't share her identity on the polyamory subreddit. But in this case you have a woman named Madi that made a TikTok video revealing publicly that she's quite happy for her mom to sleep with her husband and sometimes her sister joins in too. The article is short so I'll read it her and I quote: "They say there's no bond quite like that of a mother and daughter and this family unit shares everything – including the daughter's husband. Madi Brooks recently went viral on TikTok – not because of a funky dance or some crazy make-up look – but because she spoke candidly about her swinger lifestyle. Though Madi is married, she and her mother are swingers and often swap partners at parties and events. Speaking in a video, she said: "Me and my mom are both swingers and it's great. You know why? Because when I'm not in the mood I can just let my husband have her. Yeah, I'm that kind of wife." Madi's video detailing this unusual lifestyle has now received upwards of seven million views, with thousands of people dying to know more in the comments. She continues to say she allows her husband to "have" her mother a few times a week. If her husband still isn't satisfied, then sometimes her sister "plays" with her husband too. "You wanna know how I keep my man happy? I let him play with my little sister," she adds. "I made a wrong turn somewhere," notes one person in the comments. "Swingers is one thing, but this is whole other Jerry Springer show," wrote another." unquote. I couldn't find any information on wether or not her mom was a single mother and unmarried but I would assume that to be the case. The video was pulled from TikTok and the account is also gone. I also couldn't find the video on YouTube so there was probably some sort of content ID system setup so that if someone reposted it Madi would get notified and the video would have been taken down. I don't think that she was expecting anywhere near as much attention as she got? There was probably a lot of blowback from family and friends once the article was written and the TikTok video went viral. My thinking is that since we are in an attention based economy and it's harder to get people to click on your content that the world is becoming more like a sensational episode of Jerry Springer. You'd think that social media technology would mean that new ideas and intellectual superstars like Jordan Peterson would be everywhere. Instead we get content created for the dumbed down masses by the dumbed down masses. I'll discuss this story and more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia:

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Games & Rants Show (12/30/21)
Games & Rants Show (12/30/21) Grim Lord's Games & Rants 21 Views • 3 years ago

Game: The Evil Within 2 (GOG)

More of your requested articles covered by me this time! Apologies for the lack of animation on my part, I was wracked with anxiety.



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