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People & Blogs

Dia 87
Dia 87 Foradacena 20 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 87

Dia 86
Dia 86 Foradacena 26 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 86

Dia 85
Dia 85 Foradacena 26 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 85

Dia 84
Dia 84 Foradacena 25 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 84

Dia 83
Dia 83 Foradacena 15 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 83

Grim Articles Show W/DP (12/29/21)
Grim Articles Show W/DP (12/29/21) Grim Lord's Games & Rants 19 Views • 3 years ago

Game: The Evil Within 2 (GOG)

DP and I are back, reading more of your submitted articles!



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HMT Special Mask Edition
HMT Special Mask Edition REDPILLMARRIED 146 Views • 3 years ago

Someone got a MASK for christmas.
Article: ⁣

Don't Swallow The Black Pill - MGTOW
Don't Swallow The Black Pill - MGTOW Sandman 388 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Red Pill Developer

Ral Paul & Breedlove

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fritz and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, The Blackpill means self deletion. The blackpill is spreading to younger and younger men. Especially right now since it’s taking guys harder to lose their virginity if they are not a Chad. It will increase their likelihood of committing that self termination. It will lead to more virgins and miserable men in the next couple of days. Not years, months or even decades but days. It’s exploding here on YouTube. I was really lucky that I was born in 1991 with almost no internet growing up. I was living in a bluepill world back then. Believing that I just need a good job to get a woman even thought I was really ugly. Now I’m going to be 30 years old and have gone complete monk mode. Blackpill knowledge is really deadly and it's much better to live in a fantasy. The Blackpill is the self deletion pill. Well Fritz thanks for the donation and topic. You're right that it's definitely something to do with age but you're wrong about it being driven by the growth in the internet. Perhaps you don't understand the demographic problems were are facing. There just aren't enough women to go around for men to enslave themselves to. Men are competing with one another to be plantation slaves and social media and tinder are just the icing on the titty flavored cake that men can't have anymore. I agree that the black pill if you just give up hope of ever having a girlfriend or having sex instead of trying is a sort of suicide of the soul. That's why geomaxxing and looksmaxxing are hope for many men and why channels like Face and LMS and Wheat Waffles offer many black pillers hope. In case you're wondering why I had to change the title of this video and take the word for self deletion out that starts with an s it's because this video would get throttled if I used that word in the title and less people would see or hear this. Many of the blackpill channels are offering up hopium in the form of looks maxxing or geomaxxing solutions. But in doing so they are promoting male competition. 20% of men no matter what they do will be single and hopeless because of the demographic issues and will their lack of dating life will probably give these guys irritable bowel syndrome and gas. All the stress will cause fermentation in their stomachs and many of them don't even bother getting up out of bed and just pull the sheets over your heads and get drunk off your own farts. They might as well have a moonshine still in their stomachs and Roscoe P Coltaine is trying to capture them if they make too much. I guess we might as well call this black pilled shit show the poops of hazzard. Black Pillers that have given up hope are probably lucky to get lucky with Roscoe's dog Flash. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Developer: Anyways, now back to the Dukes of self deletion clown world show. Fritz I've been telling many guys in their late teens in their early twenties to date for a long time now. That you can't go your own way unless you go your own way from something. It's fine to swallow the black pill and then use it's knowledge to build yourself up so that you can date, have your heart broken and see female nature up close. Then that black pill will turn to red because you'll see that she doesn't love you for you but what your looks do to her. Make her tingle. You learn that her love is conditional and it's only skin or if you're Chad it's chin deep. The bigger the Chin and obviously your shwing shwang the better. As TFM says there's no such thing as black pilled virgin incels if they can afford a few hundred dollars to get laid with an escort.

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White Women Ignoring Black Men LOL - MGTOW
White Women Ignoring Black Men LOL - MGTOW Sandman 425 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
How & Where to Buy HEX

Do not let men of color triangulate you against women of color

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he very briefly has to say: "BWAHAHAHA!!!! This thread which I've shared with you called "Do Not Let Men Of Color Triangulate You Against Women Of Color which is (now locked) will probably give you another decade of material (no need to mention my name)" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I've put it in the description. It was posted by some FDS or Female Dating Strategy Nubie and here's what she has to say and I quote: "Howdy Yall, Note: I am a white woman, so if anything I say is out of turn, let me know. I've noticed how a lot of black/brown men aggressively pursue white women and give bare minimum to women who look like them. As white women, we should never be flattered by men disparaging women of their own race to appeal to us or make us feel "special". A lot of black men want a non-black woman to feel like they have a "prize" or to play out their pornified "bbc" fantasies about taking a white man's woman. Do not play into it, he does not care about you as a person at all, only what you represent. They are trying to create the illusion that black men have all these dating options outside of their race while black women have none and therefore should only settle for "struggle love". Ultimately, this triangulation is meant to manipulate black women." unquote. Mr. Anonymous my first thought was that FDS Newbie is probably a darker skinned lady that doesn't like the competition from white gals stealing what she sees as brothers from other mothers that she wants to be her lovers. Why else would bringing up race be important. Of course if anyone asked her she would probably say that she's just trying to atone for her white privilege of more easily being able to attract black men. Black lives matter types promote the idea of white privilege but then those women want to swirl with a white dude but at the same time the hypocrisy is there where they don't want black males to swirl with white women. They want to increase their potential sperm pool. The left is hilarious because they promote race mixing and that everyone should be brown but when black men mix with white women the black women on the left lose their minds because they appear to believe that black men are their property. Maybe black women need to look back on the days of slavery when white masters owned black slaves and be careful that they aren't treating their own men in a similar way? I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex:

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The TFM Show: 12/25/2021
The TFM Show: 12/25/2021 T.F. Monkey 2,066 Views • 3 years ago

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Make America Cuck Again
Make America Cuck Again KenDelrican 125 Views • 3 years ago

both Joe Biden and donald trump are two snakes

HMT 200
HMT 200 REDPILLMARRIED 145 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Someone made the naughty list! Lump of Coal? Nope! Hot Lead? YES!

18 Year Old Male Model Goes MGTOW
18 Year Old Male Model Goes MGTOW Sandman 237 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Benny and here's what he has to say: "Hello sandman, I am 18 years old and I’ve decided to turn MGTOW after being mistreated by females. You helped me understand the right path to go down although I still have struggles with wanting girls sexually. I am a Male model but other then that I don’t have much going for me at the moment and I’m from Australia. During the 8th year in school a girl I briefly dated broke up with me by getting her friends to come over and say it to me when I was with people which was very embarrassing. Then shockingly she accused me of raping her when I did nothing of the sort which put me in a deep depression especially when people would look at me differently. My school locked me in a small white room and I heard the police were about to be involved. Luckily my father and sister as well as her closest friends put pressure on them and my ex that led to her finally stating she was lying. After this my father wanted my ex to be punished but the principal stated they couldn’t do anything to not hurt her mental health and disregarding mine entirely, I guess just hoping everything would go back to normal. My sister had a fight with her and somehow my ex managed to blame me for that fight, how bizarre. After this event I was never able to get any girls attention and was unliked from then on I was still regarded as a creep or rapist which deepened my depression. A year later a girl and I were flirting and she told me she thought I was the hottest guy in school and she’d value me as a partner. I thought it was a dream come true but I wasn’t the only one she hit on and one of the other guys she hit on started a physical fight with me that didn’t last more then a few seconds as I was taken off him and body slammed into the wall buy a teacher telling me to calm down as I saw the girl smiling as if she was enjoying it. There would be small occasional times where I would be told to take lessons on how to speak to women properly that I wouldn’t show up for and be consistently reminded that I’m a white and a male the two worst things you could be. I’ll touch on one more thing which was in my final year of school. I was caught looking at a girls booty, my weakness. When she caught me she told the teacher and everyone about how terrible I was and how uncomfortable I made her all because she hated me. It doesn’t matter how brief it was she had influence over everyone especially the white knights which all led to me having to change schools but it wouldn’t stop there because they made sure I’d still be attacked by telling the people at my new school what I am to them and the bullying got too much and I had to graduate from home however difficult it was. I was always the kid that kept to himself that loved playing sports and was also a nerd when it comes to video games etc and I’d reassure my self that they were jealous of my looks but it only helped slightly. Apologies for my long story I’ve just started listening to you through think before you sleep and now you’ve changed me for the better with the red pills and MGTOW, thanks sandman I look up to you." Well Benny thanks for the donation and awesome topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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I Stand With Lesbians - MGTOW
I Stand With Lesbians - MGTOW Sandman 306 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover two topics. The first one is the backlash from a BBC article where young anonymous lesbian women say they were coerced into having sex with trans lesbians. They said they were being pressured by friends and lovers with threats of violence and sexual assault if they didn't sleep with trans women. I spoke about this before that fifty percent of men in our society only have access to ten percent of the homeliest looking women. As a result they started an online campaign to help them share their story and promote it as a problem. The leftists are starting to eat each other both in and out of the bedroom. At least some of them are. The problem is that no matter how hard you try to make everyone the same to create unity and equality humans end up with differences. The only unity can come from disharmony. Where we all have freedom to follow our own beliefs and take our own actions. But the left doesn't like that. So now there's in fighting in the LGBTQLMNOP community and this is why religions go to war with other religions and different sects. In this case social justice warriors disagree on how they should be worshiping at the church of woke. The only solution for our differences is to find some other common identity not based on sex, race, financial status, sexual orientation, etc. And use that to bring us together. The BBC opinion piece talks about two lesbian women that were assaulted by a transwoman at university and were targeted because they were lesbians. The problem of course is that most of the left says that trans women are women. So therefore genetically lesbian women should be attracted to them. I've said before that if you're one of the 50% of men in the lower tier of guys and only have access to 5% of women out there, the homeliest of the species then you can gain access to better looking women by taking hormones and getting implants. Thirty percent of men right now are not getting an relationships or attention from women. I wouldn't be surprised if many guys are resorting this sort of behavior to gain access to a velvet vagina. The second topic I'll discuss in this video was from someone name Julian that wanted me to expand my content beyond female nature. I'll read his comments in the second half and pipe in. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to incel men dressing up as women and shaming lesbians to sleep with them clown world show. I can understand why some men might play the part of turning himself into a passable female to get attention from women he might never get. There are a lot of thirsty men out there willing to do whatever it takes including modifying their bodies to appear feminine to gain access to women. I remember long time ago hearing a story about a gay guy that wanted a boy in his high school but the guy wasn't attracted to him. So he became trans and then the guy she now wanted began dating her. A story like that is going to make a lot of gay males think that taking on a female identity is going to help them attract a masculine man. Other men are going to see how woke culture is successfully helping them leave the incel category and if they alter their appearance then there are affirmative action programs available with six figure salaries too. Because every company wants to do the socially responsible thing and have a token tranny in the office.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





Our enemies want to destroy us
Our enemies want to destroy us Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 729 Views • 3 years ago



Four things Israel wants to do
Four things Israel wants to do Imran Hosein 72 Views • 3 years ago

14 Reasons To Stay Single - MGTOW
14 Reasons To Stay Single - MGTOW Sandman 384 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

Thiis video is brought to you by a donation from George and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm George. We're all George. First of all, I want to thank you so much for your videos on YouTube. I finally decided to stay single and go full on MGTOW for the rest of my life. For the last 2 weeks I have been extensively watching your videos and have also I have been writing my fears in a diary and I realized I have 14 reasons why I am scared to be in a relationship. I have two questions which are: I live in Sydney and just wondering if you have any intentions of visiting Australia in the coming years because we need men like you to step up and help us? I don't know any organized MGTOW group in Sydney if you please can help me with this? Now on the fourteen reasons why I'm scared to be in a relationship. 1. I'm afraid she won't love me the way I want to be loved. 2. I'm afraid she won't treat me like a king. 3. I'm afraid she won't initiate sex. 4. I'm afraid she won't give me sexual pleasure. 5. I'm afraid she won't be loyal to me. 6. I'm afraid she won't be honest with me. 7. I'm afraid she won't trust me. 8. I'm afraid she will take me for granted. 9. I'm afraid she will be disgusted with me. 10. I'm afraid she will be disappointed with me. 11. I'm afraid she will not feel that I love her. 12. I'm afraid she will give up on me. 13. I'm afraid she will falsely accuse me of domestic violence or sexual harassments. 14. I'm afraid of her trying to set me up to see if I ever cheat on her. For these 14 reasons Mr. Sandman, I decided to go full on MGTOW." Well George thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to men making demands from women for a change clown world show. George don't you know that as men we aren't the half of the species that complains about women and makes demands of them. That they are the ones that are supposed to make demands on us. Well actually we do make demands on them but only when there is a surplus of women. Your 14 reasons if you told women these days about them they would laugh at you and call you pathetic. But 150 years ago if you were the average men they would take what you said seriously because without marriage they had no way to support themselves. You were their meal ticket. So with that out of the way let me go through your points one at a time. The first one regarding love women don't love us for who we are but what we can do for them. They also love their children the way that we love women. This is designed by nature so we give everything we can to the women we are with and so that the women we are with can give everything we give them to children. After taking their cut first of course. Once it sinks in fully that we will never get back what we give to them with the same intensity it's like someone telling a child that Santa Claus doesn't exist. How can you ever believe in Santa or love again in this case? It's tragic but it's the secret that women and soyciety work so hard to keep from us men. Number two you say that you want her to treat you like a king. Ie like a ruler or master. The age of patriarchy is over unless forty or fifty percent of the men just magically died. Then we would rapidly return to it or the population pyramid became a pyramid once more instead of the inverted pyramid of population demographics we are experiencing in the west. If there are too many men then men worship women like queens. If there are too many women then men worship men like kings. It's simply out of sexual or attention based desperation. Asking a woman in the west to treat you like a king when the demographics are this bad is crazy.

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Tio Jordan - Qual é o meu problema com o feminismo
Tio Jordan - Qual é o meu problema com o feminismo Tio_Jordan 40 Views • 3 years ago

Neste vídeo eu explico por que o feminismo tornou os relacionamentos heterossexuais piores.

Wife shares her husband with her own mother and sister
Wife shares her husband with her own mother and sister Nikaido 259 Views • 3 years ago


I Stand With Lesbians - MGTOW
I Stand With Lesbians - MGTOW Sandman 244 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to cover two topics. The first one is the backlash from a BBC article where young anonymous lesbian women say they were coerced into having sex with trans lesbians. They said they were being pressured by friends and lovers with threats of violence and sexual assault if they didn't sleep with trans women. I spoke about this before that fifty percent of men in our society only have access to ten percent of the homeliest looking women. As a result they started an online campaign to help them share their story and promote it as a problem. The leftists are starting to eat each other both in and out of the bedroom. At least some of them are. The problem is that no matter how hard you try to make everyone the same to create unity and equality humans end up with differences. The only unity can come from disharmony. Where we all have freedom to follow our own beliefs and take our own actions. But the left doesn't like that. So now there's in fighting in the LGBTQLMNOP community and this is why religions go to war with other religions and different sects. In this case social justice warriors disagree on how they should be worshiping at the church of woke. The only solution for our differences is to find some other common identity not based on sex, race, financial status, sexual orientation, etc. And use that to bring us together. The BBC opinion piece talks about two lesbian women that were assaulted by a transwoman at university and were targeted because they were lesbians. The problem of course is that most of the left says that trans women are women. So therefore genetically lesbian women should be attracted to them. I've said before that if you're one of the 50% of men in the lower tier of guys and only have access to 5% of women out there, the homeliest of the species then you can gain access to better looking women by taking hormones and getting implants. Thirty percent of men right now are not getting an relationships or attention from women. I wouldn't be surprised if many guys are resorting this sort of behavior to gain access to a velvet vagina. The second topic I'll discuss in this video was from someone name Julian that wanted me to expand my content beyond female nature. I'll read his comments in the second half and pipe in. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to incel men dressing up as women and shaming lesbians to sleep with them clown world show. I can understand why some men might play the part of turning himself into a passable female to get attention from women he might never get. There are a lot of thirsty men out there willing to do whatever it takes including modifying their bodies to appear feminine to gain access to women. I remember long time ago hearing a story about a gay guy that wanted a boy in his high school but the guy wasn't attracted to him. So he became trans and then the guy she now wanted began dating her. A story like that is going to make a lot of gay males think that taking on a female identity is going to help them attract a masculine man. Other men are going to see how woke culture is successfully helping them leave the incel category and if they alter their appearance then there are affirmative action programs available with six figure salaries too. Because every company wants to do the socially responsible thing and have a token tranny in the office.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





Sh!t Is About To Get Real For Women
Sh!t Is About To Get Real For Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 609 Views • 3 years ago


CUCK MURPHY: Jack Murphy @Jack Murphy Live EXPOSED for being a CUCK and Manosphere Fraud!
CUCK MURPHY: Jack Murphy @Jack Murphy Live EXPOSED for being a CUCK and Manosphere Fraud! Rodion Kononov 311 Views • 3 years ago


Will Smith descobre traição da esposa em programa ao vivo
Will Smith descobre traição da esposa em programa ao vivo CN 117 Views • 3 years ago


O que tá acontecendo com os homens?
O que tá acontecendo com os homens? CN 146 Views • 3 years ago


Dark.Net -  1° Episode ( Internet l Fetish )
Dark.Net - 1° Episode ( Internet l Fetish ) Nikaido 56 Views • 3 years ago

#OBS - ⁣No subtitles for part of the video from japan

Why Do Women Hate Me? - MGTOW
Why Do Women Hate Me? - MGTOW Sandman 361 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi EVeryone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Josh and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hey sandman love the content. I'm autistic, have adhd and ocd and would like you to talk about autism and how girls hate you when you have this condition. Hypergamy is a bitch. I'm even 6 ft 4!" Well Josh thanks for the donation and topic. On some level women they hate themselves for falling for you because of your height and probably good looks and it took a while to uncover your autism. Perhaps they feel like you wasted their time because your man wrapper didn't represent what was on the inside. It doesn't matter if a guy looks like Tom Cruise women still don't want to date him if he's rain man on the inside. They probably also think tO themselves if other people know about his Autism they say oh shit now everyone knows I've been talking to rain man. That's a 1980s reference for all of you younger than 35 or 40. Instead they want a normal man they can drag to family social gatherings that won't rock the boat and will behave himself. You should have seen back in the day when I made an inappropriate sexist remark at a party and other men started mimicking my behavior. The women all had horrified looks on their faces like the men just crapped in their cornflakes. Imagine a woman taking an awkward guy that's jittery and autistic to a party with her friends and he embarrasses her over and over again making her feel self conscious. A man on the autistic spectrum doesn't read social cues easily and has to learn them from scratch. In one way that means he's harder to manipulate by a woman because she doesn't know what he's thinking by looking at his non-existant body language. But on the other hand he's easier to manipulate because he's more likely to be too honest and trusting. Josh the ADHD is a bs things. Attention deficit means you're bored and you need to find something more challenging to do with your time. It's probably a way for the medical establishment to make boredom an illness and medicate you for it. You just need to run around in circles like a dog until you fall over if you have too much energy. Obsessive compulsive disorder means that if you find something you're passionate with you'll be able to outproduce almost everyone else doing the same thing and rise to the top. But a lot of guys use their OCD to obsess over stupid stuff. People are trained to see ADHD, OCD and Autism spectrum disorders as weaknesses. Yes they are socially. But when it comes to obsessing over something until you come up with a new idea it's a great thing. Remember that Nikola Tesla, Howard Hughes, Martin Scorcese and even Donald Trump have or had OCD. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor OK 2 B Cliche:

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On Strike Parallels
On Strike Parallels REDPILLMARRIED 175 Views • 3 years ago

ALL men have a line not to be crossed.
Article: ⁣

Não sei o que escrever nesse título
Não sei o que escrever nesse título Nikaido 166 Views • 3 years ago


Entrevistador ACABA com FANTASIA da empoderada
Entrevistador ACABA com FANTASIA da empoderada Nikaido 80 Views • 3 years ago

#Como sempre o relacionamento,só é baseado nela e pra ela,tem que acatar o que quer,e tem que ter um otário pra sustentar a empoderada que não da nada em troca,além de uma vagina usada.

Fake Rape Culture - MGTOW
Fake Rape Culture - MGTOW Sandman 318 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: The War on the West

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dr. B Real the author of the two volume book series Surviving 4th Wave Feminism. This is 9th and final chapter in the first volume of his book. The chapter has the same name as the title of this video. A struggle snuggle is a terrible thing and the person doing it regardless of their gender or background should be held fully accountable for it. Many of you will agree that this a touchy subject. No pun intended. So what does Bob also known as Dr. B Real say? That fourth wave feminism is trying to promote the idea of rape culture. One allegation of sexual misconduct and a man can have his family, career and freedom taken away from him. Usually the woman accusing him doesn't receive any punishment which creates moral hazard. Laws are being promoted that would allow a simple accusation to be convict a man without a trial. We are entering Salem witch trial levels of tom foolery. Normally it's the unattractive women that look like witches complaining about being touched when only a few minutes at a slut walk would show you that most don't get touched. Going to a slut walk you might confuse it with Halloween. Maybe it's sexually frustrated and unwanted women trying to promote rape culture to finally get some attention? Negative attention but still something. I would wager that we are far away from a struggle snuggle culture in the west as possible. Bob also says that the more frequently false accusations are made it means that legitimate victims are less likely to be heard and helped. Bob shares one story from a woman who was embarrassed at having her sexual advances turned down so she lashed out at the guy by claiming he raped her. That reminds me of the types of behavior of women at slut walk. Bob says that false accusations are now simply tools by women used against men. Look no further than the Brett Kavanaugh case where it was used as a potential tool for political or judicial power. Ford the woman accusing him lied and nothing happened to her of course. You can get a copy of Bob's book in the description. As for today's sponsor it's The MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways now back to the women so ugly that no man will ever force himself onto them clown world show. If Brett Kavanaugh had been taken down and not allowed to become a supreme court judge then false accusation culture instead of rape culture would have spread rapidly into every part of American culture. Luckily women are being punished in some cases. Bob talks about a lesbian fantasist named Jemma Beale that was guilty of perjury and perverting the course of justice because she falsely accused of 15 men of mounting her rascal sized frame so she could get attention from her girlfriend. To boost her sexual marketplace value in the eyes of another woman. She went to prison for two years and nine months costing the state a ton of money. Not to mention the quarter million pounds for 6400 police hours and court hours. Somewhere out there there are real female victims and it's too bad Jemma ate their justice up. I made mention that it's usually the unattractive women that make false allegations and Bob went all out for this chapter and includes pictures of some of the homeliest looking women imaginable. They all promote the idea that all female victims need to be believed. Someone who's a genuine victim doesn't promote the idea that men are guilty by a land whales decree. Such language is there not to help women but to hurt men. Bob says that every single rule is being flipped over on it's head by 4th wave feminists. Like if a woman is intoxicated while sleeping with you then she can accuse you of struggle snuggle even though it was the peach schnapps fault. Even if she's sober but regrets it then regret becomes rape. Not only that but these rules are retro active and can go back many decades.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

This is one reason why I avoid duh Ticky Tocky
This is one reason why I avoid duh Ticky Tocky A_Shot_of_Whiskey 31 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The only reason I would consider getting this app would be to access these twits easier (and for Donald Ducc).

My GETTR account:

“The oaths of a woman I inscribe on water.” - Sophocles

The Bitch That Stole Christmas - MGTOW
The Bitch That Stole Christmas - MGTOW Sandman 285 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Here's a donation topic just in time for Christmas. I once worked with a single mom who was really shady. Around Christmas time every year she would come into work crying about how she had been car jacked. Again and again. She always had just finished shopping and had a trunk full of expensive presents. Someone had stolen all her expensive presents. What was she gonna do? Some female would always suggest that the office take up a collection of money to help her replace her gifts. They asked me and I said ya'll are idiots. This is the third Christmas she says she was carjacked. Quite a coincidence. She would also ask people to give her a ride somewhere. Then she would leave your passenger door unlocked and come back and steal any credit cards you had in your car. She would show up to work with new clothes and purses and whoever gave her a ride would have massive charges on their cards. She asked me for a ride one day and I caught her trying to leave the door unlocked. I just said...hey, you forgot the door. I snuck back down to the parking lot just to be sure. She had an older daughter who was a stripper and a younger 15 year old daughter who must have picked up some moves from her older sis. She would leave the 15 year old in the break room during her shift. Whenever any of the guys was working alone near the break room area, the daughter would stand on a table and do a fake striptease in the break room window. With how shady the mom was, we all assumed this was some kind of set up. Cheers." Well Robert thanks for the donation and for this crazy thief with a cooch and her two ho ho ho's for daughters. At first before you mentioned that part about her leaving your car door unlocked I thought it was possible that the women at your work work were a team with tits planning the whole car break in scam together and then laughing at all the office simps when they paid. For example the women could contribute money to a gifts fund but then get their money back after it was collected and it was just done to show the men in your office that they should pay to help this woman. They would go around the office and give men female validation if they paid up. But it sounds like that's not the case. Also with regards to her stealing credit cards out of cars we are lucky that our credit and debit cards in Canada have a chip security system that requires a password. That's probably the case because of the behavior from of women like her. She's like the female version of Hunter S. Thompson of the 21st century except at least he gave us all a book that came out of his illegal activities. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Dia 82
Dia 82 Foradacena 30 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 82

Dia 81
Dia 81 Foradacena 17 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 81

Dia 80
Dia 80 Foradacena 25 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 80

Dia 79
Dia 79 Foradacena 11 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 79

Dia 78
Dia 78 Foradacena 23 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 78

She Wants A Man To Take Care Of Her - MGTOW
She Wants A Man To Take Care Of Her - MGTOW Sandman 310 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
How & Where to Buy HEX

Why I'm done with women and going MGTOW- Part 2 Pettiness, Critiquing, and Unrealistic Standards!

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rob. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I thought I'd do is cover the second part of a post by someone named Akimbo3 on going your own way dot com called: "Why I'm done with women and going MGTOW- Part 2 Pettiness, Critiquing, and Unrealistic Standards!" which I put in the description and here's what Akimbo has to say and I quote: "In one of my long term relationships the girl that I was with we'll just call her Mila. Was so stuck up and would always hit me up for $200 once a week for over 6 months lol! Now of course she physically was fit and initially she was also very charming. I met her at a bar and she seemed nice. We struck up a conversation, and she said she was 23 years old. She said that she always wanted to make jewelry, and she also said that she wanted a man to take care of her. My stupid self was a simp and thought that it was ok for a man to take care of a woman, and expect nothing in return. After getting with me she would be extremely demanding, narcissistic, and toxic. She would take and never give, she was going through a housing crisis I offered to take her in but she arrogantly said that she wasn't a small town girl. When I was sick with Covid-19 and she never checked on me and had the audacity to still ask me for money. Which is ironic because when she was going through her ovarian cyst problem I did not hesitate to send her money and support. She even said that no other man had reached out to help her! Whenever I had trouble giving her money due to bills or was sick she would say she needed to find someone with more money. Whenever she would step out of line and I called her out! She would tell me, "To be grateful". Or that "Too bad that you can't afford a super model". Lol if she was a super model why was she trying to cling to me! She would eventually spend the night at my apartment but she was such a damn bore! She had a huge list of demands! She wanted some stupid dog food for her mutt! And she wanted coconut oil for a massage and brand new sheets on my bed! She was so damn high maintenance! She refused to go out with me saying that we should order in! She told me that I was the only man for her and only one who she had reached out to had helped her out. She asked for $500 which I gave and she left! She ignored me for about a week. Eventually she was going to visit again but I asked her to meet my mom and she said that made her uncomfortable. She said that I had made her uncomfortable and she broke it off with me! Karma would get her as she would lose her dog. It's funny because she would always congratulate me and say how I truly cared for her and how other guys would just use her for sex and whatnot. She wouldn't talk to me for months. Then out of the blue she asks for $200 again as well as asking if "there was another chapter in our life together?" Then she expected me to apologize about the whole thing. Like really?

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HMT 199
HMT 199 REDPILLMARRIED 148 Views • 3 years ago

Even a man of the cloth can put on "THE HOCKEY MASK" if properly provoked.
Article: ⁣

Grim Articles Show (12/18/21)
Grim Articles Show (12/18/21) Grim Lord's Games & Rants 51 Views • 3 years ago

Game: The Evil Within 2 (GOG)

Once again, counting down your articles until there are none left to talk about! Submit an article you want me to cover in our Discord tonight!



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hybridophilia Nikaido 186 Views • 3 years ago

#⁣hybridophilia - ⁣To me, just another name, to use as a euphemism for what women do wrong, which psychology used to keep the divine mantle over women

My Mother Is After Me To Get Married - MGTOW
My Mother Is After Me To Get Married - MGTOW Sandman 301 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Chetan and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Chetan here from the Himalayas. I am in my mid 30's & not married. That makes me a target for every married, unmarried, old, young person around me. They all want to see me get married. I can handle all of them but the problem is my mother. My father died when I was very young & I have had to bear the brunt of all of her nagging & emotional drama since I was a kid. That did bother me a lot in my teens & 20's but as I have grown in life I can ignore it better now. I used to work in the tech sector in the cities but during corona times I quit and came back to my home town. It's a small town and I have enough savings with me to lead a decent life here in my parents house. However my Mother is after me to get married. She starts off with emotional blackmailing pleading about her old age, ailing health and wanting to have grandchildren. However there are times when she feels her emotional tricks are not working so she gets all mad at me & even tries to gaslight me. From are you gay? To having medical problems lol. All sorts of gas lighting shaming language is used. Now I can't just leave my mother for 2 reasons. 1. I grew up in a traditional religious family and have also myself invested a lot of me in indian philosophies and scriptures. Hence my DHARMA / KARMA doesnot allow me to abandon my mother in her old age. 2. I have decent savings to live off in my hometown but if i have to leave i will have to move back to the cities. I will need to get back to work in the tech sector which I despise. Also if I get married to some dumb poor girl here my savings will not be enough and I'll have to still go and work in the cities to make money. There are not many employment opportunities in my hometown. I was a late bloomer and had my first girlfriend at 25. I was madly truly deeply in love with her but after 2 years she ended up cheating on me. That shattered my blue pilled simp heart. That feeling of getting cukced left such a sour taste that i have not trusted anyone after that day. Over the years I have dated 7 other girls after my 1st. Coming from a traditional religious background hook up culture and pump n dump techniques are not OK with me. All of the 8 girls I have dated in my life have been physically attractive women in the range of a 6 to 8. But all of them have had total disregard for tradition or culture. They all pretended to be traditional but in reality were thots of the highest degree. One of them I had to dump when she went to an afterpartry of some black rapper in India. I had told her not to go but she was such a spotlight hungry thot. She took the chance to get piped by some ugly dude who had one song that got a lot of airplay. It was too much for her to say no to. Oh by the way this thot's dad was an army officer and she kept espousing nationalist propaganda in public life. Dating these women I realised how much women hate tradition, culture and religion. Feminism is simply not just brainwashed women, its their default nature! Getting married means beings cucked 4 life but leaving my hometown means having to work as a slave for the evil corporates in polluted cities with high costs of living. Do you have any other option in mind 4 me?" Well Chetan thanks for the donation and topic. I'll give you some suggestions in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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Sunday Class Information
Sunday Class Information Imran Hosein 21 Views • 3 years ago

Sadaqa Imran Hosein 16 Views • 3 years ago

Views On Ukraine & Russia
Views On Ukraine & Russia Imran Hosein 47 Views • 3 years ago

My Spiteful Ex Stole Our Daughter - MGTOW
My Spiteful Ex Stole Our Daughter - MGTOW Sandman 255 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by a donation. Well because I didn't get one. If you want to request a topic you can do so at the paypal or subscribestar links in the description. I thought I'd cover something I saw on the men's rights subreddit from someone named E Barcelo and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hello all this is my situation my ex lives in New York city, I live in Ohio. I receive Supplemental Security Income, when I was working child support still garnish 538 from my SSI and if I am working they are taking out 200 a month from my pay including the SSI they take monthly. Now I frankly don't care about the money even if it is make me broke but it's the time I want with my daughter. When I try to speak to my daughter it's too much of a distraction and I know she feels uncomfortable due to everyone around her. If that's not the case she's either in her grandma house where everyone is loud and still can't talk to her due to her eating, or she went to bed. It don't matter what time of the day it is there's a barrier to speak with her. During the start of COVID surge I had my daughter for the summer, we bonded and she acted out when she left my presence. I asked for her for the summer of 21 but my ex was upset due to the surge and wanted my daughter back at home with her. The states where going in locked down. So In Ohio I did not have a workers pass to leave the state due to medical reasons. So I explained to her mom she have to leave PA due to the lockdown and it was a 4 hour drive. It was a big deal for her. Well this summer she was in Pa with her mom and her mom's ex fiance. I was not aware she was in PA, nor did I not mind but I could have drove four hours to get my daughter but she refused. So during the summer it was difficult to speak to her, like any other day. My ex girlfriend during the summer text me and told me her fiance at the time just got hit my a car. My first comment to her was "you text me about a man I don't know and don't care about but can text me or call me back so I can speak to my daughter?" Her response was fu. I left it alone afterwards. Now she from the start want to aborted my child, I ask her to keep her! I made a promise to care for her and raise her! She did not want her from the start. She kept her, once she went back to work I took care of my daughter full time. I taught her how to walk, speak, play, and understand complex words and know what they are! She caught on everything I showed her very fast. She was with me 24 hrs a day... Now she basically lives where her grandma Monday to Friday in another part of town while her mother travels both ways everyday passing her house so she can go home and rest. So my daughter can not spend time with her own mom but the Grandma instead. I have the time to take care of her I can raise her. But what's the point of paying child support to the mother I could give it to the Grandma instead. Or give me my child? I will happily take her and not ask for support. I just want to continue to do my job as a father and a promise to her as I fought for her not to be aborted. How can I use this information when we go to our first trial I was waiting for 2 years already? What is your opinion or output about this situation? I can't afford a lawyer and we go to court on Jan 5th. thanks for everyone response ahead of time." Well E Barcelo I'm not sure my advice will be out on time. Also I'm not a lawyer and can't give out legal council. I'll cover the psychology behind your situation in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT19
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT19 TheManInside 33 Views • 3 years ago

Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed the videos I've been sharing.
There is much, much information out there, some would be worth sharing, but this is possibly the last, or one of the last, video I'll share regarding topics that don't present positive information or knowledge on how to live your life independent from everyone else.

A Trashed Box Is ALL They Have To Offer
A Trashed Box Is ALL They Have To Offer REDPILLMARRIED 231 Views • 3 years ago

And the TRUTH shall set you FREE!!

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT18
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT18 TheManInside 35 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

I'm Done With Women & I'm Going MGTOW
I'm Done With Women & I'm Going MGTOW Sandman 415 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Why I'm done with women and going MGTOW- Part 1 Single Moms and Old Ladies!

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hello Mr. Sandman, You can choose the topic for this video, thank you again for your daily red pills." Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation. What I want to cover is a post on Going Your Own Way Dot Com that I saw a while back called: "Why I'm done with women and going MGTOW- Part 1 Single Moms and Old Ladies!" by someone named Akimbo3. Hopefully there will be a second part that I can cover as well. I put a link to it in the description and here's what Akimbo3 has to say and I quote: "So the road to MGTOW the journey has been a tough one! It started with all of the ghosting and hypergamy and critiquing. But I'll get to that another time. I was on Tinder like any other day and I got this match with a single mom now I always get bad matches but this one takes the cake! Now one kid is trouble but 3! Come on now! So anyways she messaged me and said that she swiped on me because she thought that I looked good. Then when I asked her how many baby daddies she had she said 2. I then asked her what happened. And she said that her first baby daddy which she met on an app gave her 2 kids. He had ended up cheating on her and got another woman pregnant. So I asked her were there any red flags that he was a pos? I'm not sure she even vetted him Lol! Then the 2nd baby daddy which denies that the kid that he had is even his. Like I can kinda see how you screw up one time but twice! And at 26! Now she is a hefty one and expects some guy to take care of her 3 little monsters! Heck no! My thing is why do you not know whether or not your guy is a POS like that? What is your dating criteria? Honestly, I just unmatched with her! She is just disgusting! Then I had a 31 year old message me! Like go away old lady! Like you are way older than me what is up with you ladies? I'm just sick and tired of it! Why should I an accountant have to deal with an old lady or a woman with 3 kids! Like what the hell! Anyways this is part 1 of why I decided to leave women alone lol! Still I was naive at this point and didn't believe dating women would be this bad. Well Akimbo3 thanks for leaving your comments on that forum for me to discuss. As I've been saying MGTOWs are men that can gain access to women but the quality of those women is down because of the demographic collapse in the west. Most guys in our situation are either left debating if want to date the crazies, single mother or bargaining for geriatrics. That 26 year old single mother dating guys and having their brood that you describe as a piece of poop made her tingle so it didn't matter if they were there longer term or not. That's your job Akimbo. When the Chads impregnate the men that would normally prime beta candidates for going their own way are left to pick up the tab. I'm guessing you're 26 or 27 years of age and that single mother was around your age. You think a 31 year old woman offering herself up to you is bad. Around here I'm running into guys marrying single mothers that are five years older than them and they are tall guys that are over six feet and have resources. The women their own age that are left for marriage are usually crazy or abusive. I don't blame you for going your own way. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Performance Artística de um socialista
Performance Artística de um socialista Nikaido 64 Views • 3 years ago


The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT17
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT17 TheManInside 45 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Feminist Performance #2 - Pee
Feminist Performance #2 - Pee Nikaido 295 Views • 3 years ago

#⁣#⁣#⁣#⁣#⁣#⁣⁣Buy Me a Coffee?
⁣ETH - 0x19bca8eC442EEDf04458BE4F706eC864B85E3227

Performance Feminista + MIJO
Performance Feminista + MIJO Nikaido 116 Views • 3 years ago

#Mais uma performance poética,contendo urina
feita na USP

El uso mágico de las palabras que hacen los progres
El uso mágico de las palabras que hacen los progres Trolluminati 51 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Toda la información sobre el canal (redes sociales, donación, mercancía, aplicaciones, referidos, etc.) la puedes encontrar en, si por alguna razón no funciona, encuéntrame acá:

A Indústria da Pensão e o Completo Aviltamento do Homem Ocidental Contemporâneo
A Indústria da Pensão e o Completo Aviltamento do Homem Ocidental Contemporâneo Nikaido 47 Views • 3 years ago

#Matéria da antiga MANCHETE

Does The Black Pill = MGTOW 3.0
Does The Black Pill = MGTOW 3.0 Sandman 350 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Che Morpheus and Cara B MGTOW the authors of something called the Fundamental Principles of Philosophy MGTOW 3.0 where they are trying to clearly define the third phase of mgtow philosophy. This is also something I've been trying to understand for quite some time. From my understanding. MGTOW 1.0 was blue pill mra philosophy in disguise and possibly a temporary marriage strike for some men in the early 2000s until things improved. But they didn't improve so MGTOW 2.0 saw that women were getting pickier and pickier and for most guys in the dating market the quality of women went way down so guys decided to avoid marriage and co-habitation permanently but were generally still open to short term flings. Some were even ok using surrogacy to have kids. Both of these philosophies I believe were based on what the collapse of the demographic pyramid. Where there were less and less people being born. Since women tend to date men for the most part either their own age or older that means that by default if their generation is smaller than the previous one the smaller number of less established younger guys are going to get priced out of the dating and marriage market. This happens because the older guys have assets and can provide resources to a woman to start a family and offer her a sweet divorce settlement at some point later. So MGTOW 3.0 would need to be defined from the experience of the younger half of the millennial and the older half of the zoomers. They find themselves in a breast dessert with no nipples to zipple. Hence why we are seeing the rise of the black pill philosophy which we might as well define as mgtow version 3.0. MGTOW 1.0 was men going their own way temporarily because of men being treated unfairly and 4th wave feminism starting to ruin women. MGTOW 2.0 was men going their own permanently because while most guys in the 2000s and early 2010s could get women the quality was dropping off because that demographic pyramid was in the process of disintegrating. MGTOW 3.0 is men being sent going their own way without their consent and choice. Hence why they are called incels. All three of these trends are tied to shifting demographics. All three of these things also organized themselves organically. So Che Morpheous trying to define something by force will not work because it has to come from the grass roots. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ok 2 B Cliche: Anyways, now back to the pinata made to look like a man being beaten by Brazilian feminists clown world show. Che Morpheous you say that one of the fundamental problems with MGTOW philosophy is that many guys were in it for attention or looking for economic profit so this meant there was a lot of misinformation. You are correct but after YouTube demonetized most channels and throttled them down this problem solved itself. The goal of your manifesto is to provide more accuracy about the philosophy and create something that stands the test of time. But I don't thin you can do that as demographics are always shifting. Plus from what I've read it sound like most of the manifesto is about clearing up things from the past instead of presenting new information that would be as ground breaking as a marriage striking 2010 or a men walking away from relationships and marriage permanently in 2010. I think that in 2020 in the west as I've mentioned it's women that have sent men packing. Maybe in the Latin speaking world the demographic collapse isn't as bad yet? I think you're seven to eight years behind us and therefore haven't seen the rampant growth in incels there yet. But in 2014 that was the year that the birth rate in Central and Latin America as a whole dropped below replacement.

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HMT 198
HMT 198 REDPILLMARRIED 136 Views • 3 years ago

This WILL continue. Oh well!
Article: ⁣

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT16
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT16 TheManInside 30 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Feminist - Artistic performance
Feminist - Artistic performance Nikaido 75 Views • 3 years ago

#Feminist who did a performance where they urinated on her

A INDÚSTRIA DA MÚSICA EXPOSTA - VENDENDO A ALMA AO DIABO (PARTE 5/10) フクロウ Fukuro 51 Views • 3 years ago

Blog Danizudo

MGTOW Is Spreading Everywhere
MGTOW Is Spreading Everywhere Sandman 453 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Revealed: Why Kenyan men are boycotting marriage

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss how MGTOW is spreading all over the world and even in the most unlikely of places. I want to draw your attention to an article I put in the description called: "Why Kenyan men are boycotting marriage" from about ten months ago. So MGTOW has come to Africa as well. The article says this and I quote: "You probably know a bachelor who has it all; a good job, nice car, lives in a great apartment in a middle-class estate and is well into his 30s - half-way through his life-expectancy - or even in his 40s. It is also very true that we have women of such qualities who are not married. However, it’s men who marry women in our society. Thus, it is very likely that it’s men who are boycotting marriage. Much as more and more women would want to beat the biological clock ticking towards an age where their ‘market value’ diminishes by getting married, men - who pretty much initiate marriage - seem not to be interested any more. Even a cursory glance at the Nairobi roads will reveal that we had fewer weddings compared to a few years ago when on Saturdays, every second car on the street was part of a wedding motorcade. The late Professor William Ochieng’, believes that marriage has outlived its usefulness and we may gradually move away from it. More and more, men continue to opt-out of the marriage bandwagon." So what are the reasons? The article says that modern Kenyan women lack homemaking skills, they drink themselves silly, ready made food has made African women cracking open Ostrich Eggs to make giant omelettes are thing of the past. As well as an increase in female promiscuity as well as commercial sex workers which are easy to find in that country. Guys are also avoiding single mothers according to the article. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Living on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the MGTOW spreads to Africa clown world show. The idea was that during the 21st century that the only place that was going to see population growth in the world was going to be Africa while the rest of the world is already in decline. But just as feminism is spreading all over the world thanks to smart phones men are also spreading red pill ideas too. Kenya saw a fertility rate of 5.2 children per woman in the year 2000. Today it's 3.3. By 2050 to 2060 according to predictions it along with much of Africa will see fertility rates below replacement. The statisticians were wrong and predicted higher growth in the past so that country and much of Africa will see below replacement fertility rates by 2045 or 2050. So why aren't the men in that country willing to marry anymore? The article gets it right by saying that men are the gatekeepers of marriage and women are the gatekeepers of sex. Africans still don't seem to be worrying about being politically correct like the rest of the world. Men in Kenya are on a marriage strike right now but still sleeping with women. It's like Kenya is entering the 1990s with regards to the demographics pyramid. In thirty years or probably sooner they will be in the same place we are where there's a surplus of men and not enough women to fool around with. When that happens expect the country to rapidly move towards feminism. Expect that because the countries and cities that have traditionally had the most churches tend to by the most feminist places once religion begins to fade from the forefront of their soycieties.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Self Inflicted Part 7 - Mgtow
Self Inflicted Part 7 - Mgtow Zuberi87 70 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

A INDÚSTRIA DA MÚSICA EXPOSTA - A AGENDA DOS INOCENTES (PARTE 4/10) フクロウ Fukuro 64 Views • 3 years ago

Conteúdo retirado do Blog Danizudo

A INDÚSTRIA DA MÚSICA EXPOSTA - O EFEITO BORBOLETA (PARTE 3/10) フクロウ Fukuro 43 Views • 3 years ago

Conteúdo retirado do blog Danizudo

A INDÚSTRIA DA MÚSICA EXPOSTA - QUEBRANDO O CONTROLE (PARTE 2/10) フクロウ Fukuro 49 Views • 3 years ago

Conteúdo retirado do Blog Danizudo

Dia 77
Dia 77 Foradacena 20 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 77

A INDÚSTRIA DA MÚSICA EXPOSTA - AS VITIMAS MONARCAS (PARTE 1/10) フクロウ Fukuro 182 Views • 3 years ago

Conteúdo retirado do blog Danizudo

Dia 76
Dia 76 Foradacena 28 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 76

Dia 75
Dia 75 Foradacena 15 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 75

Dia 74
Dia 74 Foradacena 15 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 74

Dia 73
Dia 73 Foradacena 11 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 73

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT15
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT15 TheManInside 29 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Christmas Twelve Days of HO HO HOs Day 10 #shorts
Christmas Twelve Days of HO HO HOs Day 10 #shorts BillyVonBomb 46 Views • 3 years ago

⁣#shorts #christmas

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HMT 197
HMT 197 REDPILLMARRIED 143 Views • 3 years ago

"Today's the day." Final words of Mr Black.
Article: ⁣

Who Ever Reads The Quran Will Never Be Sad  by Dr Ratib Alnabulsi English translation
Who Ever Reads The Quran Will Never Be Sad by Dr Ratib Alnabulsi English translation Imran Hosein 30 Views • 3 years ago

Headshrinkers Part 5
Headshrinkers Part 5 "K C" "Sunbeam" 18 Views • 3 years ago

Caring heroes or predators? What can you expect from psych professionals?

Headshrinkers Part 4
Headshrinkers Part 4 "K C" "Sunbeam" 19 Views • 3 years ago

Necessary contination of parts 1-3. Specifics of psychology, psychiatry, and the psych community.

Mãe Vale OURO #1
Mãe Vale OURO #1 Nikaido 165 Views • 3 years ago


Keys To A Successful Life Dr Rateb Al Nabulsi English Translation
Keys To A Successful Life Dr Rateb Al Nabulsi English Translation Imran Hosein 34 Views • 3 years ago

Headshrinkers Part 3
Headshrinkers Part 3 "K C" "Sunbeam" 14 Views • 3 years ago

Necessary continuation of parts 1 and 2.

Headshrinkers Part 2
Headshrinkers Part 2 "K C" "Sunbeam" 14 Views • 3 years ago

The truth about the psychology and psychiatry professions.

Why War Is Good For Men & Bad For Women - MGTOW
Why War Is Good For Men & Bad For Women - MGTOW Sandman 355 Views • 3 years ago

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The Red Pill Developer

The future of "toxic" masculinity is today's Russia!

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Anakin Simpwalker. He didn't give me a topic so what I'll be covering is a post from going your own way dot com called: "The future of "toxic" masculinity is today's Russia!" and here's what someone named GTRFreak has to say and I quote: "I heard about a social phenomenon happening in Russia and other former Soviet States (Lithuania, Belarus, Estonia, et al). In short, college campuses have too few men and they are realizing how valuable they are. Now it's men on college campuses that have the dating advantage over the girls because they are scarce. What kind of society will our daughters live in if boys are systematically kept out of higher education and even top-tier jobs? Just visit Russia and you'll get an idea. After the WWII there were too little men, since so many died in the front. And after that, Stalin killed even more people among his fellow citizens during his purges. That left a shortage of men that forced women into hard physical jobs, and the newborn males were not enough to balance the population even after many decades. As a result, Russian men have had LOTS of women to choose from, and they have acted cocky since then. Ask any Russian woman about this (as I have) and she will tell you about how bad their men are: badly spoken, bad mannered, alcoholics, even violent... They can get away with bad behavior because women have to compete HARD to get a man, ANY man. Even a fat, ugly Russian dude can get a very good-looking girl without much hassle. That's why Russian women are so open to meet foreign men: scarcity of men on their own land. Russian women are über feminine because their beauty is their best passport out of a life of loneliness and hard work. The less-beautiful ones have to show other qualities that are desirable for men: willingness to be a caring mother, good housekeeping skills, and good cooking abilities. So, the real toxic men don't live in America or Europe. They live all over the world, and when there are not enough men around, as it happens in Russia, women will have to take whatever thay can get, toxic or not." unquote. So with that being said thank you Simpwalker for the donation and GTRFreak is right that when there aren't enough men to go around for women women are the ones that have to compete for us. Right now there are more than enough males and the scarcity in males after the second world war in China, Russia, Japan, Eastern Europe and Germany worked itself out of the system in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s. Notice that this was the most peaceful and prosperous time in human history because there was more than enough gash to go around. It's almost as if nature is creating a surplus men to be killed off in wars anyways. 3-4% more males are born naturally as if we are being told we are genetically disposable. I'll discuss more in a moment but let met first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Developer:

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Genetic Bioweapon
Genetic Bioweapon TheManInside 23 Views • 3 years ago

For the individual to decide for himself.

Dia 72
Dia 72 Foradacena 18 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 72

More WOMEN Are Paying Alimony Now. Oh Well SUFFER!!
More WOMEN Are Paying Alimony Now. Oh Well SUFFER!! REDPILLMARRIED 195 Views • 3 years ago

Enjoy this thirst quenching article gents!
Article: ⁣

Afghanistan - Implications For Islam And Forward Plan Pashto subtiles
Afghanistan - Implications For Islam And Forward Plan Pashto subtiles Imran Hosein 67 Views • 3 years ago

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT14
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT14 TheManInside 28 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

''Feliz ano novo''
''Feliz ano novo'' MGTOW_Alfa 38 Views • 3 years ago

Aumentei a velocidadede fala, fiz uma leve reflexão!

BLM Twerk The Trauma Away - Reaction Video (Angry Foreigner)
BLM Twerk The Trauma Away - Reaction Video (Angry Foreigner) Nikaido 50 Views • 3 years ago

YOUTUBE CHANNEL Angry ⁣ Foreigner- ⁣

Career Cam Girls - MGTOW
Career Cam Girls - MGTOW Sandman 318 Views • 3 years ago

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How & Where to Buy HEX

Tom Cruise:

Japanese Female Motorbike Rider Is Actually 50 Year Old Man:

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I have terrible news and that is I have become a hypocrite. The reason why I say I have become a hypocrite is because I once defended the grid girls, ring girls And many other model types of girls from feminists. I even defended the statement sex work is work. Now I find myself eating my own words and looking like a hypocrite because it is the only work women are choosing. So much so that I can no longer defend it. For example my cousin from another state was an honor roll student in elementary and halfway through high school Until she dropped out of college and gave up on is on a career path to success and chose to become an ethot. I've also called Cam girls and have an only fans account. It looks like the feminists were right to try and shut this down Because sex work is easy work But your work and my work is never easy Cheers. Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. A while back I read somewhere that the number one thing that young women wanted to be after high school was an onlyfans cam model. Before that it used to be YouTuber and then Instagram influencer. I think that as it's becoming harder to get attention on YouTube because it's a majority male oriented space women went to Instagram to get attention. Before that it was Facebook before posts were throttled. But it wasn't until YouTube and Instagram that women could make money. But those honey pots are running dry so it's onto the next frontier of male attention and money. For a while there were twitch thots. But now we have the age of the cam whore. Teaven there's no shame in defending ethotery and cam whoring. They provide women with attention, money and the satisfaction of exploiting the male erection. You're right that feminists were trying to shut it down. I remember back at slutwalk the fat feminists were supporting the decriminalization of sex work offline. But when that happened then the johns were criminalized so it scared away a lot of the sex workers clients. But the feminists had no problem taking the support from the street walkers to help their own cause. But the online thotery can't be stopped at this point because it's become socially acceptable. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex:

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The worst Christmas song propaganda
The worst Christmas song propaganda KenDelrican 87 Views • 3 years ago

music video about people to get them vaccinated with the more boster shots

The Ivermectin Story
The Ivermectin Story TheManInside 25 Views • 3 years ago

For the individual to decide for himself.

HMT 196
HMT 196 REDPILLMARRIED 118 Views • 3 years ago

He decided to bring a friend.
Article: ⁣

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT13
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT13 TheManInside 39 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Grim Rants Special: A Positive Message That Men Need To Hear!
Grim Rants Special: A Positive Message That Men Need To Hear! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 50 Views • 3 years ago

Game: The Evil Within 2 (GOG)

I had gotten a phone call before the show and an old friend provided some words of wisdom for all of us. This isn't a long video, but it's worth watching. We do need some positivity in the world aside from worrying about all the political things.

Interview vérité  Les chiites sont ils musulmans  0922021   Sheikh Imran Hosein
Interview vérité Les chiites sont ils musulmans 0922021 Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 18 Views • 3 years ago

Interview vérité : Les chiites sont-ils musulmans [09/22021] - Sheikh Imran Hosein

Women Trading Gash For Cash - MGTOW
Women Trading Gash For Cash - MGTOW Sandman 313 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

A Global Holistic Solution: Resource Based Economy

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Joe and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, thanks for all you do and have done. Could you do a video with your thoughts on The Venus Project? I think there are things Jacque Fresco has said that you might agree with. If everyone was guaranteed prosperity, would women's behaviour be completely different? Thank You!" Well Joe thanks for the donation and topic. I was first introduced to the Venus Project about fifteen years ago when I was briefly involved with the Zeitgeist movement in Toronto. The Venus project proposes that sterile utopian looking carless circular cities that look like something from agenda 2030. Today I learned that 1000+ cities have agreed to cut half their carbon consumption by 2030 and all of it by 2050. If that happens welcome to neofeudalism. At some point I'll have to sell crypto and tech stocks and buy some farmland and build half a dozen tiny homes to house my future peasants. While in theory I like the futuristic circular cities integrated with nature they are nothing more than glorified prisons or zoos for humans. The last time you went to a zoo can you seriously tell me that the animals looked happy? Toronto Zoo looks very similar to the typical Venus Project city except it's not in a circle. The place even had a monorail and one summer I went there once a week to photograph all the animals for a website I was building. It is one of the most depressing places in the city. Why would I want to live there? But of course the elites want to cram us into ecovillage cities like cattle. As far as I'm concerned if you put humans into such a dehumanized nightmare city they will revolt and destroy it. Hasn't anyone seen the Hunger Games or the Divergent film series. You can't guarantee everyone prosperity because then people would become lazy and narcissistic. Far worse than we have today. The less women suffer today in their mcmansions the more they make men suffer emotionally, spiritually and financially. You think a so called utopia would fix this? I'm weary of anyone promising to build the perfect human soyciety. The problem is that all humans are dopamine junkies. We crave attention, social status, sex, food, wealth and other things to trigger a dopamine rush in our brains. A Venus project city would be one without money, as much food a people wanted to consume so it would be a place where sex and hierarchy would rule. If you weren't accepted by the group because you were a weirdo then you'd get cut off from your only real dopamine supply so it would be better for you psychologically to live outside the city in a state of nature or go out and build your own city on the outside with a free market economy. The Venus Project is a bunch of utopian idealists. I was involved with them and their affiliation with Post carbon Toronto which is for communists. I drank the hippy dippy kool aid and then puked it up. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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Year Of The Chameleon - Mgtow
Year Of The Chameleon - Mgtow Zuberi87 77 Views • 3 years ago

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