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People & Blogs

Casa que é gostoso... Caso Nº 138896986
Casa que é gostoso... Caso Nº 138896986 CN 87 Views • 3 years ago


Twerk - Mulher vai rebolar a bunda em frente a uma família
Twerk - Mulher vai rebolar a bunda em frente a uma família Nikaido 162 Views • 3 years ago

A patologia feminina mais uma vez entrando em ação,e desta vez uma mulher,andando quase nua,vai proxímo há uma família,e começa e mexer o rabo

Shaking your naked ass in front of children ( FEMALE PATHOLOGY )
Shaking your naked ass in front of children ( FEMALE PATHOLOGY ) Nikaido 145 Views • 3 years ago

⁣FEMALE PATHOLOGY - ⁣In any environment that is possible, the woman will bring LUST

Be NOT Afraid to Contradict Wфmεn - MGTOW Life Hacks
Be NOT Afraid to Contradict Wфmεn - MGTOW Life Hacks Francis_UD 51 Views • 3 years ago


Please do feel free to reuse/remix this video of mine so long as you don't remix/reuse it with NSFW contents! NO attribution is needed though appreciated(the 2nd music included in the outro however is copyrighted so please do make sure you liaise with the relevant party/parties before reusing/remixing such track). Thank you so much for stopping by and your kind understanding! (*゚▽゚*) 

Much fervent love and my best regards. ヽ(*´з`*)ノ 

Filmed on 16/11/2021 AEDT

720p version @ ⁣

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT12
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT12 TheManInside 31 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

A Creepy Married Woman Wants Me. What Do I Do? - MGTOW
A Creepy Married Woman Wants Me. What Do I Do? - MGTOW Sandman 307 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A Creepy Married Woman Wants Me. What Do I Do? - MGTOW

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mattick and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I wanted to share a small chapter that has occurred in my life recently. A year ago I received a request on Facebook from an old friend I knew whilst serving in the army of my country over 12 years ago. When I say friend, I mean a friend with benefits arrangement. When I got into a serious relationship with someone else, I stopped serving this friend and soon lost contact. Due to commitments for work, studying, and other things occurring in my life, my social and dating isn’t as busy as it once was. I thought there was no harm in having a little female presence back in my life. So, I accepted her friend request and we soon began chatting and hanging out. Just for context, I had no intention whatsoever of resuming our past friends with benefit endeavor. My intent was purely platonic. She wasn’t much of a looker 12 years ago; motherhood and the wall have not been kind to her since then. Anyway, she is now married. At first it was kind of cool to be hanging out, catching up on what has occurred in our lives over the last decade, and doing stuff like taking small roads trips with her and her daughter. She revealed to me that her husband worked outside of the UK in Dubai in an IT role. He has been there for over 2 years and has only made 2 very short trips back in that time. Over the last year, her behavior can only be described as bizarre. Outlandish claims that she runs an online clothing store making substantial profits, the reality being she has only sold a few cheap 2nd hand items she found in outlet stores. She claims she has loads of luxury holidays booked that she would partake in after restrictions for the virus had been lifted, guess what, they never happened. In the UK, people who behave liked this are described as being away with the fairies. I have made the decision to disassociate her from my life now. Our last few meetings have resulted in her toxic femininity coming out. I have been called gay, spoken down to, had other derogatory comments made at me, even threats of violence against me. This might be due to my constant rejection to her indirect advances towards me, she has lately told me how much she wants a man to do the business with. The mental image of this wanted to make me bring my lunch up. She still has her three cats she can use for emotional tampons. I’d love to hear your opinions on this. All the best, keep up the great work." Well Mattick thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways now back to a female friends with benefits coming back to try to trap you with with her single mother crotch fruit clown world story. Mattick do you really believe this woman's story about the husband that visits her once a year? She's desperate shaming you to keep giving her attention. How do you know that she even has a husband in Yabba Dabba Dubai? Maybe she's making him up the way she's making her business profits up too? Maybe he divorced her and is sending child support payments to her and you are supposed to be the daddy backup plan? She sounds mentally unbalanced and doesn't have anyone else to talk to except her child and three little cats. She's either the best you were with before or she worked her way through a list of guys that were better. So she reached out to you on Facebook. Many women are immune to this sort of situation because when they get married they take the husbands last name and suddenly none of the men that they were with in the past can look them up anymore.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

You All Are Getting Scammed By Middle Easterners
You All Are Getting Scammed By Middle Easterners Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 861 Views • 3 years ago


The Mark of the Beast
The Mark of the Beast TheManInside 45 Views • 3 years ago

For the individual to decide for himself.

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT11
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT11 TheManInside 21 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

All I See Is Weak Women - MGTOW
All I See Is Weak Women - MGTOW Sandman 309 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

The Dopamine Project

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat. Someone many of you might remember from a while back. I'm not sure how her comments and questions fit in with the topic she wants to discuss so I won't let her use all you guys as an emotional tampon. So I won't read everything she says but only the highlights to save you your sanity so here goes and I quote: "Hello Sandman, Previously I said I wanted at least 2 kids. There has been a change of plans. People say I’m so strong based on my answer. The last one I spoke to is having fertility problems. She should just get an egg- or sperm donor, use a segregate or look into adoption and not over complicate the problem. Caring a child to term does not make any one good mother, which includes me. I’ve endured medical procedures that found more painful than pregnancy and labor. Being strong was not the first thing people would think when they saw me. I recall him being suspended for a week or so when I threw a chair at someone in high school. I wasn’t much better with the teachers. One in peculiar said that if I walked out the door I would get detention or suspension. I told him to try it. By the time I turned into an adult I was a complete nightmare. I’m not as barbaric as I used to be. I’ve dealt with so much bureaucracy nonsense that made hobby out of driving people to despair. Honestly Sandman, I recall you saying I’m not the worst women you had to deal with. Maybe you just don’t know me that well? None of these things make me feel strong or fierce. I just do what I have to get through the day. The fact I don’t roll over and die so easily does not make me strong. It does make me wonder, what actually makes a strong woman? Sincerly, Fat Cat." Well Fat Cat thanks for the donation and topic. Treating people poorly and exerting your power over them by being violent releases dopamine which gives you rush. Dopamine rewards are what motivate us to continue a certain type of behavior like a looped robot in the tv show westworld. I don't see strong women anywhere or men for that matter because everyone appears to be heavily addicted to behaviors that give us a dopamine rush. Some are constructive while most are destructive. In today's world you might say that being a strong woman means being able to resist the temptation eat oneself into oblivion. You've mentioned before that you were overweight and even borderline obese which means you probably enjoy eating cheese doodles and ding dongs which give you a dopamine rush. Which means you're not strong enough to resist sugary treats. A so called strong woman would be one that's not buying her kids every imaginable toy because she doesn't want to see them suffer in the moment because she's trying to distract them long enough to get her dopamine rush from her phone. That drug is more important to her than figuring out that if you spoil them today you'll raise kids that turn into monsters one day because they won't be able to value anything because they have everything. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





Trinidad Classes Update
Trinidad Classes Update Imran Hosein 23 Views • 3 years ago

Never Date Mud Sharks
Never Date Mud Sharks Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 519 Views • 3 years ago


Secrets of secret societies
Secrets of secret societies TheManInside 38 Views • 3 years ago

For the individual to decide for himself.

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT10
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT10 TheManInside 18 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Dark Winter - Crise Americana
Dark Winter - Crise Americana Nikaido 51 Views • 3 years ago


Debt or Credit ?
Debt or Credit ? Nikaido 54 Views • 3 years ago


Are Traps Gay? LOL - MGTOW
Are Traps Gay? LOL - MGTOW Sandman 312 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Paul. He didn't give me a topic so I'd like to read a response one of my previous donors sent me. I'm not sure if he wants me to share it so I'll keep his identity a secret for reasons that are you're all about to become aware of. Here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Brother, Thanks for discussing my question. We know women have become repulsive monsters, that's obvious. I don't know about you, but these days, I'm repulsed by everything. Now, porn has been with us from the get-go. A lot of us start with vanilla, then we end up upping the ante more and more. Things escalate to the point where we stumble upon a tranny and our dopamine goes through the roof. Sure, like you said, many times the interest is there well before being red-pilled; I laid my eyes upon them decades ago. But here's the thing: the current situation is spiraling downward. Many people have become nihilistic, isolated and atomized and are starting to literally lose their minds. Winters are cold, and the world is colder. People are socially bereft and we long for connection. So, we turn back to the things that were with us since our youth as coping mechanisms, but this time, with a red-pilled and more open mind. Don't get me wrong, I still crave women and vag as much as I ever did. But I honestly think today's trannies have more proportioned physiques, look better, are more feminine and want to get boned more than the average woman. I don't know how many times I've clicked on what I thought was a very hot chick, and it ended up being a very hot, shwing shwang hungry tranny. And we know this is being pushed everywhere. There should be no shame in acknowledging their attractiveness. There's no shame in having Blair White and at one time Thai ladyboys on your channels list. We don't think you're messed up in the head. So hang in there, my man. You got the future on your side and I know that whatever you decide, you're gonna shine. If you need any other thought-provoking questions, let me know." Well Paul thanks for the donation and thanks Mr. Anonymous for your cheap attempt to try to get me to tell everyone I'm supposedly interested in traps. I don't care. I worked on the 1st gay tv show in Canada. I went to art school where probably 20% of the class were gay or bi. They were creative thinkers, or so I thought. Now they are just conformists. I'm not going to lie I was homophobic and disgusted by the debauchery back in the mid to late nineties. I was so against it that they got the police involved. But it was the creativity in people that weren't sexually repressed that I found admirable. Now that people on the left have sexual freedom they appear to be creatively repressed with their woke ideology. Was it creativity or was it conformity and I just couldn't tell the difference because I was dumb. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ok 2 Be Cliche:

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Dr. Robert Malone on RNA
Dr. Robert Malone on RNA TheManInside 31 Views • 3 years ago

This is something i do not understand, definitely not my field of knowledge.
It's worth listening to it nonetheless, and who understands it to the details, feel free to comment.
The political ramifications i do understand.

Headshrinkers Part 1
Headshrinkers Part 1 "K C" "Sunbeam" 20 Views • 3 years ago

All about psychiatry and psychology.

Women's Leadership
Women's Leadership "K C" "Sunbeam" 40 Views • 3 years ago

What are the true, hidden consequences of women's leadership? I explain.

Golden Rule Part 4
Golden Rule Part 4 "K C" "Sunbeam" 18 Views • 3 years ago

Conclusion of my series on "The Golden Rule" principle.

Golden Rule Part 3
Golden Rule Part 3 "K C" "Sunbeam" 9 Views • 3 years ago

Necessary continuation of parts 1 and 2.

Golden Rule Part 2
Golden Rule Part 2 "K C" "Sunbeam" 17 Views • 3 years ago

Necessary continuation of part 1.

A Perfect Storm Of Stupidity
A Perfect Storm Of Stupidity REDPILLMARRIED 176 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Someone's looking for the wambulance. Oh well SUFFER!
Article: ⁣

Why JBW Is For Losers
Why JBW Is For Losers Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 553 Views • 3 years ago


The Gates power takeover
The Gates power takeover TheManInside 25 Views • 3 years ago

Do you trust your Windows?

Fall of the cabal - The sequel PT9
Fall of the cabal - The sequel PT9 TheManInside 24 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Sperm Shortages Are Making Women Crazy - MGTOW
Sperm Shortages Are Making Women Crazy - MGTOW Sandman 472 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Have Sperm, Will Travel

Sperm donor: 'I've fathered 800 children' - BBC News

1 Sperm Donor, 17+ Kids, and a $5M Lawsuit

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy the Dakota MGTOW. He wants me to cover an article called: "Have Sperm, Will Travel" and the first paragraph in the article sums things up like this and I quote: "Amidst a historic shortage at sperm banks nationwide, a new means of donation is on the rise: Facebook groups. Elaine Byrd got involved in the community first as a moderator, then as a recipient. That’s how she met Ari Nagel, aka the Sperminator, a super donor with nearly a hundred biological children and counting. But could he possibly live up to his own hype?" unquote. Randy there's nothing crazy about this story. I also put a link in the description to a video from BBC News called: I've fathered 800 children' which is a story about a man in the Uk that gives his gift of life to women. It's men's biological imperative to spread seed as far and as wide as possible and if you don't have a relationship with the woman you impregnate or stick around to raise the kids then that's the ideal gangster rapper solution. Women's imperative biological imperative is to get the highest quality sperm inside her. That usually means a man of tall man of European stock. I've thought about doing something similar by plan to spend 1-2 hundred thousand dollars per kid for gestational surrogacy and have five to ten children and then put them all up for adoption. I win at the genetic reproduction game without getting married. I would use 10 different agencies and no one would realizing what's happening until I put them all up for adoption and then send the media to cover the story. Of course if I do it the surrogacy laws will be radically changed to prevent such a thing happening again. The goal of course is to cucking some other men to pay for the baby. It's their own fault for being with what amounts to a single mother raising someone else's seed. I don't believe this story that there's a shortage in sperm banks. I think what there really is is shortage in high quality sperm and suckers willing to give it up. I'll discuss the article in just a moment and tell Ari Nagel's story and how he's fathered 100 children too. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to modern men fathering more kids than Ghenghis Kahn clown world show. The article begins with a single mother Elaine wanting another child but not wanting a father to raise the kid because she says that caring for it is a lot easier on her own. She couldn't meet one through dating so she asked her daughter's father to drop some sperm off at the sperm bank but he had too many questions about custody and child support. And why wouldn't he? He could be on the hook for 18 more years. She probably has to pay for their daughter. The article says that sperm banks numbers are at record lows because sperm counts are dropping to historic lows. Plus Elaine is black and nonwhite sperm donors are underrepresented. This is exactly what we now need woke affirmative action sperm banks where white women choose white male sperm donors and they are shamed into accepting black ones instead. But now social media is providing women a chance to match with sperm donors. It's better because with sperm banks it's anonymous so women don't know the personality and social status of the donor. But on Facebook they can do a meet in greet before they agree to use the good old turkey baster up the cooch maneuver. The article says this and I quote: "Women in such online sperm groups seek donations from people like Kristian (six-foot-one, slender, hazel eyes, excellent sperm count, recent STD tests) and Alex (six-foot-three, perfect SAT scores, athletic). Compared with sperm banks, which keep donors anonymous, the men on Facebook are much more open: A donor might show a potential recipient pictures of other children he's conceived." unquote So women get to see if the babies are ugly or not. That's a bonus too.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

A Safe Space For Dope Fiends! SMH.
A Safe Space For Dope Fiends! SMH. REDPILLMARRIED 135 Views • 3 years ago

Drug use is ok, but pay for play isn't.
Article: ⁣

Fall of the cabal - The sequel PT8
Fall of the cabal - The sequel PT8 TheManInside 27 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Classes In Trinidad
Classes In Trinidad Imran Hosein 24 Views • 3 years ago

The Future Of The Manosphere. MGTOW, Incel, PUA and MRA
The Future Of The Manosphere. MGTOW, Incel, PUA and MRA Sandman 743 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Stardusk & huMAN

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from juicivibes and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, What is the state of the manosphere in and out of the internet? I used to binge watch channels like bar bar, thinking ape, human, ext. I feel channels like these are few and far in between now. Channels are changing into tiktok compilations and YouTube shorts. I like longer form videos so that may be my only personal issue recently. Besides that A lot more young men have been entering and having conversations in real life. I feel like more women even though most are chameleons are also having these same talks. It’s great in my opinion. I like that the conversation has been moving forward but stagnates. How would you predict the growth of the Manosphere and men’s content? Will it ever get entirely ban? Do you think our speech will be so policed if enough men get on board? I haven’t seen much change in others relationships and even my own. I feel like our phones are just recording our interactions more and making the information more available. Back maybe 5 years ago I saw big change but it was just some red pill pipe dream. I’m trying to understand how it would work out realistically. People don’t change so fast but I can only think of small changes and not big ones. I hope this isn’t to much or just a ramble. Thank again Sandman" Well Juicivibes thanks for the donation and topic. I don't know why you're complaining about channels that you once used to binge watch. Stardusk the Thinking Ape is still producing content these days although it's aimed more at an incel black pilled audience and his channel is growing. He's averaging 20-30 thousand views per new video. huMAN is still producing content and making 3 videos a week. But his channel has been heavily throttled and isn't growing anymore. I put links to both in the description so that you and others can check them out. As for TikTok of course guys are using it to reach a younger audience. Hammerhand was a genius the way he was using it two or three months ago. Juicivibes you say that all you see are compilation videos. I don't know if that's what's being fed to you by the YouTube algorithm. If it is then it reminds me of the days of the channel MGTOW 101. Channels like that were quick cash grabs that disappeared and didn't have a passion for the content once they were demonitized. I'll discuss more about the state of the manosphere in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the censorship of MGTOW content while all other types are promoted and monetized on YouTube clown world show. The manosphere has devolved into more dating coach and pickup channels recently. Channels like Fresh and Fit and Kevin Samuels. They discuss female nature but always bring it back to catering to women and getting attention, validation and sex from them. The system wants that because that means more marriages and divorces and consumerism to attract the ladies. The pickup artists will always be with us because they offer up the false hope of a get bitch quick scheme. Guys will keep falling for the scams they petal like come to my seminar in Miami and I'll teach you how to play the numbers game to get women's numbers. But most of us veterans of the manosphere understand that if you want a woman then you need to make yourself a quality man and have women orbit around you waiting around to be plucked like plumbs from the trees. But remember that if you improve yourself the women who knew you before will still see you as a loser. So you'll have to move onto new stomping grounds with that strategy instead of a place where you've already poisoned the well. Then we have the incel black pill community which I would water makes up somewhere around thirty to forty percent of the manosphere. I see that growing to fifty to sixty percent in the next 10 years. The pickup culture and channels will continue to grow with increasingly desperate guys. The men's rights movement is done like dinner.

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You Will Never Find Good Women In The West
You Will Never Find Good Women In The West Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 438 Views • 3 years ago


Dia 71
Dia 71 Foradacena 28 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 71

Dia 70
Dia 70 Foradacena 20 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 70

Dia 69
Dia 69 Foradacena 18 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 69

Dia 68
Dia 68 Foradacena 53 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 68

Dia 67
Dia 67 Foradacena 20 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 67

Bloodlines of the Illuminati
Bloodlines of the Illuminati TheManInside 20 Views • 3 years ago

Interesting. Factual? Who knows...

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT7
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT7 TheManInside 27 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Mais 1 episodio da Esquizofrenia HUMANA - Pai e Filho,vivem como casal
Mais 1 episodio da Esquizofrenia HUMANA - Pai e Filho,vivem como casal Nikaido 81 Views • 3 years ago


The danger of smart cities.
The danger of smart cities. TheManInside 26 Views • 3 years ago

Skynet anyone?

And then, everyone is racist. Right?
And then, everyone is racist. Right? TheManInside 25 Views • 3 years ago

One has to question why black people have a bad reputation.
She was caught stealing and the shop employees locked the door and waited for the police.
Even her child is telling her to stop. Poor child, not a good future ahead.

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT6
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT6 TheManInside 38 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

The TFM Show: 12/4/2021
The TFM Show: 12/4/2021 T.F. Monkey 2,255 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Matrix Server Link:;!iqyyMIsjP....GQuOdyrsz:nerdsin.sp
If you registered with, consider creating a new account. accounts are the most likely to be censored. They also record you IP address and personal information for 7 years.
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Social Media Links:
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Doctor Dollhouse (doll-centric Alternate YouTube Channel):
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Governo Financiou DOUTORADO no exterior sobre ORGIAS GAYS
Governo Financiou DOUTORADO no exterior sobre ORGIAS GAYS Nikaido 54 Views • 3 years ago




Why Women Are Bad With Money? - MGTOW
Why Women Are Bad With Money? - MGTOW Sandman 350 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Osmium: The Revolutionary Precious Metal You’ve Never Heard Of

Local Bitcoin Dot Com

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me topic so I wanted to discuss why women and just about everyone else is bad with money these days and what can be done about it. A lot of people feel that that central banking and stocks are a rigged game. People can't deal with the stress of constant volatility. Owning dollars is also dangerous because of the money printing and debasement of currency. Older guys keep telling me to buy gold and silver as a store of value but as far as I can tell gold is old. Younger guys don't want it. I won't be selling any of my precious metals but I certainly won't be buying anymore either. I was recently informed about the most precious of all precious metals, Osmium. It has the potential to go up simply because of it's scarcity as a status symbol. I'd love to hear if any of you guys bought it and what your experience with it is. Apparently there will be also be a crypto currency started around it. Many people also don't trust the banks and have been pulling physical cash out of them. There's certainly a possibility that if there's a massive deflation and everything falls 90% in value that cash will save you. But with inflation raging right now cash is trash. Doesn't mean it's not a bad idea to have some right now out of the banks in smaller bills. You can also keep precious metal buried in a treasure chest in your backyard and no one would probably suspect anything. As for Crypto I generally only buy bitcoin? It is better then the other ones because institutions hold it. Insurance companies and publicly trade companies hold it on their balance sheet instead of things like Doge. It's also different because of the limited number? A trustworthy place to buy crypto are the big exchanges like Coinbase. You don't have to own it for investment purposes but for wealth preservation. Or to have spendable currency when the rest lose value thanks to inflation. It's easier to spend than physical precious metals. If there’s a digital disturbance, with a cyber pandemic eventually the internet will be back and you will be able to spend it again. All the money bank accounts remains digital so technically it's no different than crypto except crypto can't be frozen if you have the keys. With digital tracking which every country seems to want to implement, people can have access to their digital assets in a bank account but the government still monitors and controls everything. Bitcoin not so much. Bitcoin doesn't even exist so that's why it's the perfect asset. You can't confiscate something that's just numbers on millions of decentralized servers. Governments trying to stop it is like them trying to stop a fart. They can smell it's value and they want to tax it but they just can't see it. I'll discuss more ways to plan for all possible financial apocalypse scenarios. in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Why Men Must Support Feminism
Why Men Must Support Feminism Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 747 Views • 3 years ago


HMT 195
HMT 195 REDPILLMARRIED 133 Views • 3 years ago

I guess he got his "point" across.
Article: ⁣

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT5
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT5 TheManInside 30 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Mulheres Angolanas Procuram o SATANISMO e a BRUXARIA,por riquezas
Mulheres Angolanas Procuram o SATANISMO e a BRUXARIA,por riquezas Nikaido 106 Views • 3 years ago

Mulheres angolanas indo pro Satanismo e Bruxaria pra conseguir riquezas e homens ricos

Father Albert and Ann Coulter - Single Moms
Father Albert and Ann Coulter - Single Moms Nikaido 464 Views • 3 years ago

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Cute 23 Year Old Woman Wants To Be Roasted - MGTOW
Cute 23 Year Old Woman Wants To Be Roasted - MGTOW Sandman 325 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

I'm 23 working a dead-end job for less than living wage

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Andrew. He wants me to cover an old reddit post called: "I'm 23 working a dead-end job for less than living wage, my only friends are old people and I smoke a disturbing amount of week to escape. Self-loathing is lonely, come join the party" and someone named Dekachin5 posted a comment roasting her and she wasn't too happy and had him banned for 90 days on Reddit. I'll read what he said but it's quite long so before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the 23 year old woman wanting saying that she wants to be insulted but is fishing for compliments clown world show. Normally I don't show pictures but I thought what the heck considering this post is banned and I'm not worried about being thrown off of reddit. Here's what dekachin5 has to say: "Lady I know you know you're good looking. I'm sure men are all trying to smash you, and will be until you get a bit older and your looks fade. Your lips are a huge asset, major DSL, and I'm sure you get complimented constantly on your lips and your eyes. You did everything in your power to show off in this pic. So you gave people nothing to work with and you know it. You carefully tailored this post to be as un-roastable as possible. Than, to make it seem like that's not what you were doing, you wrote a title saying you don't make money and smoke a lot of weed. But pretty girls don't need to have careers. Unlike with men. It would be trivial for you to get a reasonably attractive man who made $100K a year to marry you and impregnate you, at which point the fact that you have no career becomes meaningless. The true roast here is that you have no value as a person apart from your looks, specificially your lips, eyes, hair and face in general. Your body is almost certainly nothing special other than the fact that you're not fat, or else you would have worn something fitted to show it off. So you're concave and and probably don't have a booty. Just a skinny chick with a meh body and a really boinkable face. It's pretty common for girls like you to drive aimlessly through life with no real goals or ambition because your life is already on easy mode and you have no fear of ending up in a bad place. You mention that you're super poor, yet you smoke tons of weed. Weed is expensive. You're obviously not paying for it. You're getting it for free one way or another because of your face. You'll spend your 20s wasting the best years of your life in that dead-end job smoking weed all the time. You'll date lost of "Chad" guys who will boink your face for a while and get lots of fond memories of it, but who will ultimately get bored of nutting in and on you, and move onto a more fulfilling relationship with a better long-term girlfriend. You'll ride the rooster roller coaster in this way and waste your 20s on dead end relationships like your dead end job. In your late 20s and mid 30s sometime, you'll panic and finally know fear. Fear of being alone and failing at life. So you'll do what all the other many, many pretty women do at that age once they realize they won't be young and pretty forever: you'll settle. You'll find a guy who makes money who is "good enough" to stand being around, and forever: you'll convince yourself you love him and lie to yourself that you're not settling even though that's exactly what you're doing. So you'll get married and maybe pregnant in order to assuage your fears of aging alone and poor.

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Por que gatos processam seres humanos?
Por que gatos processam seres humanos? telecurso_mgtow 61 Views • 3 years ago

Demonstração da ligação entre feminismo, mgtow e processos felinos.

The Twatterz
The Twatterz A_Shot_of_Whiskey 20 Views • 3 years ago

Maybe this decision is long overdue.

"The oaths of a woman I inscribe on water." - Sophocles

No Teeth, Please
No Teeth, Please Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 343 Views • 3 years ago


Kneel Before Your King
Kneel Before Your King Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 278 Views • 3 years ago


Will Amr Metwally Ever Ask Me Out?
Will Amr Metwally Ever Ask Me Out? Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 783 Views • 3 years ago


The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT4
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT4 TheManInside 27 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Grim Rants: Do We Really Die? Scientist Claims That Death Is An Illusion Of Consciousness!
Grim Rants: Do We Really Die? Scientist Claims That Death Is An Illusion Of Consciousness! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 36 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Mushroom Kingdom Fusion

Folks, this is just an article from the India Times backed with a thought experiment. I don't need ten thousand paragraphs on why this isn't real science. For that matter, neither is Dr. Fauci. But it is something I have been considering for a long time now. Waking up in world 001.85 instead of world 001.84 has always been a consideration for me. Maybe I have died in some worlds and am alive in others. It's rather intriguing.

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MGTOW Is The Journey and Incel Is The Destination?
MGTOW Is The Journey and Incel Is The Destination? Sandman 340 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and he didn't give me a topic so what I want to cover is something that's been on my mind as the incel numbers continue to swell and the black pill of nihilism continues to spread. Demographics are destiny and back in 1950 the majority of men were blue pill. 90% of them and the black and red pill men were super unattractive or whino druggies. By 2030 it's probably going to be 50% black Pilled, 30% red pilled and 20% blue pilled in the west. With the collapsing birth rates in the west women look around at the available men their own age and see that most of the good ones have already been taken. So they look for good ones that are five ten or fifteen years older than themselves. The men their own age haven't had the time to build up assets to provide beta provision and it's almost impossible for most young guys to afford their own homes in places like Canada and Australia. So guys are priced out of the housing market and sexual marketplace. Many realize this in their early to mid twenties and just give up hope. Historians are saying that when men don't have access to reproduction and sex they revolt. But there will probably be no revolt because young men have been chemically castrated with regards to a drop in testosterone. The average 20 year old man has the same level as a 65 year old man 40 to 50 years ago. There will be no destabilization of society and revolt against the elites. Look at Japan as the prime example. Sure there will be a few violent outliers here and there but not enough to cause any kind of revolution. For the majority of men by 2030 50% will be incels in their twenties and that's their destination unless they work on themselves and somehow make it into the top 50% of men. If they are lucky or unlucky depending on your point of view 30% will gain access to the bad women. Then they think that happiness has finally arrived only to find that everything they learned about the black pill is real and then they will get red pilled as well and drop out of the dating market entirely because they can't make it into the top 20% where the so called good women are. I have to give it black pillers for understanding that just like there is social or financial mobility they have discovered there is sexual marketplace mobility. Many are working to looksmaxx or geomaxx. The few that succeed at escaping inceldom many of them will succeed only to be abused by a substandard cooch. Then go their own way and let their looks go only to tell everyone they were MGTOWs but when people look at them they will on see an incel. Not a man that used to be able to sleep with women but gave up. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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O Irã as mulheres e os homens
O Irã as mulheres e os homens Nikaido 56 Views • 3 years ago


Epstein - The Jewish connections
Epstein - The Jewish connections TheManInside 29 Views • 3 years ago

For the individual to decide for himself.

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT3
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT3 TheManInside 33 Views • 3 years ago

⁣I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Abortion "K C" "Sunbeam" 19 Views • 3 years ago

I relay every point and counterpoint on both sides of the abortion issue, and how it might relate to other issues.

Communication Fails
Communication Fails "K C" "Sunbeam" 16 Views • 3 years ago

People think they understand how to communicate properly but they often don't. I explain.

Why I Don't Do Pay 2 Play
Why I Don't Do Pay 2 Play Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 434 Views • 3 years ago


I Visited A Brothel For The First Time In Old Town Bucharest Romania
I Visited A Brothel For The First Time In Old Town Bucharest Romania Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 328 Views • 3 years ago


Proving Our Point - Mgtow
Proving Our Point - Mgtow Zuberi87 90 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Opening A Door For A Woman Is Closing A Door For Equality - MGTOW
Opening A Door For A Woman Is Closing A Door For Equality - MGTOW Sandman 302 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Men For Total Equality

Why Life Jackets Should Be Mandatory!

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by someone on Subscribestar. He paid for two coaching sessions and wanted me to use the money from one of them to cover whatever topic I chose. So I decided to talk the hilarious video sketch called: "Men For Total Equality" which I put a link to in the description and probably has over a million views by the time I release this one. The video is two comedians discussing how they want true equality and for women to work as crab fishermen and other dirty, dangerous and difficult jobs. Some of the comments below the video are hilarious and I just had to share them and discuss this video. The first sketch is from a guy that said this and I quote: "The other night me and the wife where woken from our slumber by the sound of a downstairs window breaking. Being the modern man we all aspire to be I insisted she go down alone to investigate. Unfortunately my wife was shot and killed by the intruder who fled the scene before he/she/other had chance to discover me hiding under the bed. At least I can take comfort in the fact that in my wife's dying moments she would have know I valued her as an equal. Rest in Peace Barbara." unquote. Another guy said this and I quote: "My daughter told me she didn't want to work in the sewer and I just shook my head and told her, "Don't let the patriarchy hold you down." Yet another guy said that his wife better appreciate the brick masonry course I enrolled her in" and guys responded by saying that her friends must be jealous and how lucky she is to have him. Another guy asked did she start yet and how does she like it? Yet another guy felt moved by these wonderful stories of total equality and said this and I quote: "I realized what an asshole I’ve been chopping the firewood for years, chainsawing the logs etc. I finally apologized to my wife for my diversity failings as a man as passed her an axe. It was hard to tell but I think she loves me so much more now that she knows how inclusive I am. That said, it’s very cold as we have no wood." unquote. So after all those wonderfully inclusive comments I just read let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ok 2 B Cliche: Anyways, now back to the total equality clown world show. Women want selective equality with only the good parts. But what we need to do is discuss how equality, total equality is what we men want. For the longest time men's rights activists, men going their own way and incels have all tried to use rational arguments as to why men have it bad in soyciety. Instead as I've been championing for the last six to twelve months we need to start using woke language and ideas but pervert them to our own ends if we want to make a difference. For example imagine going on a date and not opening a car or restaurant door for a feminist and then telling her that opening a door for a woman means that you're closing the door for equality. Obviously you're not going to be getting a second date but you'd be rubbing in her face that you know that the equality thing is bs and you can't believe that women are playing it with straight face saying they want equality while conveniently forgetting to mention that it's all about being equal when it's good and being unequal when it's bad for them. Ryan Long the guy that put that video together that I've shared is playing the whole thing for laughs in a very dry way and he's offending women but they can't show their offence because it's all in the way he's saying it. It's not what you say but how you say it. I attribute that to the reason that I'm still on YouTube after all this time. Other guys will use foul language in a loud and triggering way for thots. Women will complain because their words will sound violent. In some other related news it looks like someone is willing to give me enough seed capital to start my virtual sex system. So I'm going to start building the prototype in the next 3-6 months.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT2
The fall of the cabal - The sequel PT2 TheManInside 39 Views • 3 years ago

I didn't verify the information.
Narration is bad, and editing is what it is. I don't agree with everything, but believe it's worth sharing the information.
Do your own research from here.

Next step, leave you in the dark. No electricity for you.
Next step, leave you in the dark. No electricity for you. TheManInside 52 Views • 3 years ago

They'll claim shortages on workers, fuels, sustainability, whatever they can.
Only fools will fall for it.
It is coming, i remember trials being performed over the years.
And be prepared for water shortages too.

Get the jab, or pay for not getting it.
Get the jab, or pay for not getting it. TheManInside 54 Views • 3 years ago

What a surprise! Before they were paying you, now you have to pay them.

Zumbis da Filadelfia
Zumbis da Filadelfia Nikaido 108 Views • 3 years ago

Os zumbis da Filadelfia,se não me engano são viciados em ópio,cada dia piora a situação por lá

New Short Sheikh Imran Hosein
New Short Sheikh Imran Hosein Imran Hosein 30 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 66
Dia 66 Foradacena 13 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 66

Dia 65
Dia 65 Foradacena 28 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 65

Dia 64
Dia 64 Foradacena 18 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 64

Dia 63
Dia 63 Foradacena 20 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 63

Dia 62
Dia 62 Foradacena 13 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 62

Judging People
Judging People "K C" "Sunbeam" 20 Views • 3 years ago

I explain the difference between unfair judging of others and righteous judgment.

Virginity "K C" "Sunbeam" 26 Views • 3 years ago

I explain the truth and significance of virgins/virginity.

Mila Moire - Switzerland Feminist
Mila Moire - Switzerland Feminist Nikaido 168 Views • 3 years ago

#⁣As they always wear nudity

Sandra McNeill - Men Are our ENEMIES
Sandra McNeill - Men Are our ENEMIES Nikaido 91 Views • 3 years ago


A mulher que dormiu com o Usain Bolt
A mulher que dormiu com o Usain Bolt Nikaido 105 Views • 3 years ago

Conheceu na balada,dormiu com ele,e ficou famosa no mundo,e se eu não estiver errado,conseguiu comprar até 1 casa

Friendzoned In The Bedroom - MGTOW
Friendzoned In The Bedroom - MGTOW Sandman 293 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: Stoic Indifference: Manual of Basic Mental Discipline

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mattick. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd share something one of my listeners KC had to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, In other news, I met with the women who has been love bombing me for about three weeks talking about how she wants to fall a sleep next me, fantasizing about me in the shower, can't stop thinking about me, etc. She was very touchy feely as usual while we were sitting on a couch and I was moving her over to the solo king bed in the other room. She then says 'I dont know' and that the guy she is living with said that he's OK with her being here, but that he has boundaries of no beds and no sleeping together. I then confronted her about this - why was she being so sexual and then doesn't fulfill. She says she didn't set these boundaries, but the guy did, that she would love to be sexual, but she would feel guilty and she's not ready to leave the lots of the same unfortunately of actions not meeting words. I suppose she just wants to keep me on the hook as a plan b guy and/or just isn't yet ready. There's more to the story. It's really interesting thinking about it after the situation she didn't say anything about boundaries before the visit even though she had every opportunity in the world to do that. ...and I guess it's like, okay, well, I'm really cheating but I have to set some redefinition and maybe cuddling is okay, laying together on a coach is ok, rubbing me is okay, but just not more than that. I would imagine that most guys who would be her boyfriend would be super pissed to have the woman meeting with me knowing that this happened, but he's OK with it and/or she is not telling the whole story. She said, too, that she would feel guilty if more intimacy happened. But she never said that no I don't want to x y z, it's just that Mr. x said not to x, y, z. So much for the 'open polyamorous relationship' - now it's a cuddling relationship that looks everything like cheating but someone isn't or wasn't lol plausible deniability and cognitive dissonance." Well Mattick thanks for the donation and thanks KC for the topic. It used to be that if a woman invited you over to her place she wanted to be with you and sleep with you. Especially if you were on her bed. I've heard the same story story as yours in the last few years three or four times now. The one that I remember most vividly is a Puppeteer in Commiefornia that was taking in drunken homeless women into his abode. There are two possibilities here. Either women are getting increasingly desperate to successfully put men into the friendzone and are changing their strategy. Or they are testing a man to see how serious he is especially if they are trying to monkey branch from a different guy. I'll discuss this and more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Stoic Indifference: Anyways, now back to the women dressed in lingerie laying their beds with their boobs out only wanting to talk clown world show. My Sandman Sense is tingling and telling me that an epidemic proportion of men have been red pilled and have figured out that the friendzone went from being a myth to a fact. Guys know what the friendzone is and we increasingly ignore and stop talking to women that put them into it. The last woman I briefly dated three times in 2016 tried putting me there after I said something politically incorrect using the phrase white trash. I instantly stopped talking to her once she said she didn't like what I said and wanted to be friends. I immediately got up with the red pill rage 2.0 and was done with relationships entirely. That was five years ago. My thinking is more men than ever are figuring the friendzone game so women have to lure you further into the friendzone so that you're more emotionally involved and deeper in. That women are getting more creative trying to get you into the game.

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photo credits:



[Colttaine] Paul Elam is Wrong on Briffault's Law (mirror)
[Colttaine] Paul Elam is Wrong on Briffault's Law (mirror) csehszlovakze 104 Views • 3 years ago

⁣He just opened his channel here, give him a sub! ⁣


Well, you asked for it I guess...

An Ear For Men - Briffault: Rules for the Rational Simp

--------[ CHAPTERS ]--------

00:00 Overview
01:10 The Is-Ought Gap
05:29 Sexual Selection Pressure
10:09 Male Mate Selection
12:26 Generalised Observations
16:00 Simpery
20:29 There Will Be No Encore

--------[ SOURCES ]--------

The Chive - Study reveals surprising statistics behind Tinder hookups (from 2014) \

Better Bachelor - New Tinder user swipe data shows women only want.... the top 1% of men.

Tech Policy - How Tinder “Feedback Loop” Forces Men and Women into Extreme Strategies \

The Daily Beast - Number of Americans Not Having Sex Reaches All-Time High \

Genome Research - A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity

Pacific Standard - 8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced For Every One Man \

The Guardian - More women than men have added their DNA to the human gene pool \

Time Magazine - Why Women Are More Likely to Ask for a Divorce \

Sup China - More than 70 percent of divorces in China are initiated by women \

University of Melbourne - Why divorce doesn’t work for Indonesian women \

IZA - Hypergamy, Cross-boundary Marriages, and Family Behavior

Business Insider - Study: Rich Men Give Women More Orgasms \

New York Post - Broke men are hurting American women’s marriage prospects \

The Cut - Turns Out That the Husband’s Job Is Probably the Best Predictor of Divorce \

Live Science - Unemployment Can Spell Divorce for Men, But Not Women \

Research Gate - Different impacts of resources on opposite sex ratings of physical attractiveness by males and females \

Science Direct - Gender-role ideology and height preference in mate selection \

Science Direct - Humour ability reveals intelligence, predicts mating success, and is higher in males \

Stickman Bangkok - The Rosetta Stone of Women's Behaviour \

A Voice For Men - Masthead \

Boca de P*ta é gaveta de piroca
Boca de P*ta é gaveta de piroca Nikaido 115 Views • 3 years ago


How Do I Stop Being An Incel? - MGTOW
How Do I Stop Being An Incel? - MGTOW Sandman 321 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
How & Where to Buy HEX

Jordan Peterson Shares The Shocking Reason Why Men Today Are Single

Dominant Men

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tom and here's what he has to say: "Mr. Sandman, I went MGTOW many years ago without even understanding what I had done until I recently discovered your content. I thought it was called becoming a confirmed bachelor. My mother was so worried about it she asked me if I had become homosexual. I did not tell her that I just did not want to re-experience the emotional pain that my ex had inflicted on me. I have absorbed the last 4 months of your content in a short amount of time but I have not had the chance to see or review it all. My apologies if you have talked about this in the past and I couldn't find it. Are you familiar with the Gor novels by John Norman? Do you think that the fantasy world that he depicts is a more natural way that the relationships between men and women should be? I do not advocate slavery or human trafficking, but I can see that his stories may represent how male and female relationships evolved in ancient times. Also do you have any training in the soft science of psychology? It took me many years of teaching in a high school to reach the same conclusions about women that you so effortlessly put forth. It is somewhat amusing to watch the efforts of young women trying to control young men from the vantage point of any outsider. They start young and although their early efforts are clumsy and obvious, they usually figure it out by the time they graduate. Anyway, Thanks for the wisdom." Well Tom thanks for the donation and topic. I tried getting in touch with you to figure out a different topic since I've already covered the novels of John Norman and I put a link in the description to a video called Dominant men which I made a long time ago. I hope you don't mind that I pick a different topic? First I'll discuss your situation and then get into the topic a bit later. I have no formal training in psychology but I did apply to the University of Toronto for Psychology back in the mid to late nineties and I probably would have run into Jordan Peterson as he was just starting to teach there back then. I took social studies in high school and learned about Freud and Jung and really enjoyed studying about human nature. But it took me two decades worth or relationships from the age of 15 to 35 to realise how women work. I choose a fine arts degree in New Media instead of Psychology. The only reason I do what I do is because I find it fascinating. So with all that being said speaking of Jordan Peterson I shared one of his more recent video interviews called: "Jordan Peterson Shares The Shocking Reason Why Men Today Are Single" and it sounds like he's shaming the incel community in this one and trying to tell them how to stop being incels. I'll discuss that in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Lockout Part 6 - Mgtow
Lockout Part 6 - Mgtow Zuberi87 76 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Street carnival in BRAZIL - New normal
Street carnival in BRAZIL - New normal Nikaido 52 Views • 3 years ago

Better Resolution - ⁣

108 FIFA player and coaches dead in six months
108 FIFA player and coaches dead in six months KenDelrican 157 Views • 3 years ago

acoorting to german authorities 108 coaches and players dead after taking the vaccine.

I Don't Want To Come Back To America
I Don't Want To Come Back To America Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 399 Views • 3 years ago


Is There Such A Thing As A Born Again Muslim Virgin?
Is There Such A Thing As A Born Again Muslim Virgin? Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 325 Views • 3 years ago


The TFM Show: 11/27/2021
The TFM Show: 11/27/2021 T.F. Monkey 2,137 Views • 3 years ago

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Crazy leftist protesting Kyle Rittenhouse Portland
Crazy leftist protesting Kyle Rittenhouse Portland KenDelrican 82 Views • 3 years ago

Kale rittenhouse protest in portland OR

Showing 218 out of 219