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People & Blogs

Are Korean Women Terrible? - MGTOW
Are Korean Women Terrible? - MGTOW Sandman 316 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

The controversial dish-washing theory in Korea

"Why Divorce Rates Are Changing in South Korea"

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Chrisapocalypse and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman! I found a comment on a right wing website I thought you may be interested in what this Poaler had to say about the red pill revolution occurring in South Korea. It is fascinating how he has summed up this awakening in such a short period of time. It just goes to show that Western feminist influence corrupts everything it touches. So here goes and I quote: "Hello, I'm a Korean and this "revolution" I'm referring here is NOT the well-known historic downtrend of Korean birth rate (Which was 0.84 last year). By the word "revolution", I mean that now ALL Korean beta males (for 'beta' here I mean SMV of 8 or lower men on the 1-10 scale) of age between 18 and 39 and considerable proportion of age 40 and above is now consciously aware of, and thinking about red pill truth. Every korean person (men or women) of age between 18-39 are now aware of this topic. The entire Korean internet community (including "normie web" like facebook, instagram and so on), without exception, is now talking almost exclusively about this topic for roughly a week now. This is not an exaggeration, the whole nation is now talking about this. This started October 22, 2021 on the biggest korean internet community, DCinside. OP (marriaged beta male of AF/BB dynamics) is "bragging" about his wife, saying "I saw my wife's highschool yearbook, and she was a social butterfly (ie: slut) at high school. (following with a description about her slutty appearance with the word 'proud') I showed her my photo from high school, and she ridiculed me." And behold, the first comment started all of this revolution after 9 months with just a single word: "(dishwashing)." Maybe it isn't as clear as in korean because of the translation. But literally everyone in korea, many of them with less than zero knowledge about TRP or mgtow or ANYTHING about manosphere (these topics were near-nonexistent in korea before), just intuitionally understood about the modern intersexual dynamics, aka AF/BB, by that single word. It's the greatest rhetoric I have ever seen in my entire life. What happening now is a simultaneous red pill rage of over 90% of male population in age 18-39, with at least 70% of them are experiencing black pill type despair. Imagine how it would feel like if literally every men in your country, including (now ex-) male feminist/soyboy/pussy worshiping type of "men", are suddenly awake about the truth of female nature and everything, and talking about AF/BB, the modern marriage, abortion, sluts, female virginity, and even the relation about civilization. Beta male-female monogamy and so on. And all of this is suddenly happening in a country that was without any kind of significant awareness about TRP/mgtow/etc before a week ago. It's.. I can't express it properly, but I think this kind of thing has never happened before anywhere in this planet. I expect that by 2023, Korean birth rate would plummet somewhere below 0.3, by the extremely conservative estimation. It's really "happening." Even the vast majority of married beta males are not "denying" the theory or attacking the "dishwashing theory"(korean term). they are saying "this is me, you guys are right, never get married" and so on. Countless numbers of disengagements are happening right now. By "dishwashing theory", the ugly truth about Korean women is being disclosed right now. For example, the abortion number in Korea is 1.1 million performed per year. The total Korean population is 51 million, and yearly Korean newborn baby number is around 200 thousands. The female-exclusive communities' active information sharing about "how to kill my husband slowly has also been discovered yesterday. So.. what's the conclusion? I don't have any. I just thought this is an unprecedented phenomenon, and somewhat interesting. if you enjoyed the post, that's my pleasure. If you didn't, I'm sorry. ;) Have a nice day, and god bless HC." Well Chrisapocalypse thanks for the donation and sharing HC's story from Korea. I'll discuss it in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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The Ultimate Goal of MGTOW - More Than Animal
The Ultimate Goal of MGTOW - More Than Animal Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 243 Views • 3 years ago

I don't own this video. I was told it needed archiving because of the importance of the message.

Friendly policeman brakes your arm just because he can
Friendly policeman brakes your arm just because he can TheManInside 61 Views • 3 years ago

This is a good reason not to want them near you.

All you need to do is listen
All you need to do is listen TheManInside 82 Views • 3 years ago

Gates is a sociopath.

A Hero We Didn't Deserve!
A Hero We Didn't Deserve! REDPILLMARRIED 202 Views • 3 years ago

There will be LOTS of ⁣Maniacal laughter with this one!
Article: ⁣

Talking With Farmer John About Living Off The Land & Making Money In Romania
Talking With Farmer John About Living Off The Land & Making Money In Romania Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 232 Views • 3 years ago


Mãe chora para o filho não ir embora e acaba revelando verdades
Mãe chora para o filho não ir embora e acaba revelando verdades Nikaido 216 Views • 3 years ago

#Mãe Narcisista ,aquele velho jogo psicológico de se colocar como a vítima .Mães narcisistas que colocam os filhos como loucos e ingratos pra sociedade e ela sendo a coitada,mas quando esta em OFF a mascara cai.E no final diz que uma mãe é em menor grau em agredir um filho,e o homem mais,sendo que a mulher é a maior agressora dos próprios filhos.

Satanik Pussy Party
Satanik Pussy Party Nikaido 37 Views • 3 years ago

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⁣ETH - 0x19bca8eC442EEDf04458BE4F706eC864B85E3227

Dia 61
Dia 61 Foradacena 22 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 61

Dia 60
Dia 60 Foradacena 22 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 60

Dia 59
Dia 59 Foradacena 21 Views • 3 years ago

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Dia 58
Dia 58 Foradacena 18 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 58

How To Live Without Working - MGTOW
How To Live Without Working - MGTOW Sandman 319 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

7 ways men live without working in America

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonmyous. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is cover something that someone that's also anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I don't have a donation for a video. I just wanted to share an article with you titled "7 Ways Men Live Without Working in America." in the article it discusses how currently only about 67.7% of men aged 16 - 64 are working. Before 2020 (or before the coof) it was at about 69-70%. And the male workforce participation rate was at it's highest around 1950 with 87.4% of men working. The male workforce participation rate has steadily been declining since 1950, and I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that men may slowly becoming conscious of their slavery to the corporate government and women, and thereby they are finding new ways to free themselves from them? I think men are finding ways to retire
younger and work less, thus showing a decrease in the male workforce participation rate. Anyway, thank you for your videos. Have a great day." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and thanks Mr. Anonymous for the topic. I put the article in the description and it says that the reason men in America aren't working as much is because of unemployment insurance, early retirement, pensions, disability and lawsuits, Savings, trading stocks, and bitcoin. Working for cash, aka the under-the-table economy, Living off family members, Illegal work, Living off the land etc etc. Yes many people like Police, Fire and Teachers become eligible for retirement after around 55. Yes guys get workman's compensation from injuries on the job which they probably wouldn't have been eligible for in the 1950s. Yes there's unemployment insurance but the male workforce participation rate has only gone down 1.2% since the coof which is not much at all. A lot of men that are in the country illegally have to work under the table because they don't have their green cards. But this article doesn't discuss the fundamental changes in the economy. First of all guys are in school longer because of college so that effects it. Also we have seen the financialization of the economy since the 1950s. With the fire sector taking off. Which stands for finance, insurance and real estate. When America shipped out most of it's manufacturing jobs overseas all that remained for many were service jobs and finance. I know guys buying five to ten houses and renting them out are technically not employed because they aren't paying payroll taxes but they are pulling equity out of the properties to live off of while the prices go up. Guys are smartening up that you can't have social mobility in the United States through employment at a job. You need to try doing something else if you want to rise up and out of the middle class. Wealth inequality is growing. America went from an economy that produced things to one that started flipping houses, stocks and crypto. It's both harder and easier to become wealthy today. In 1950 there were no online trading platforms and you had to have a broker. Housing prices were lower so for most people it was cheaper to buy your own home instead of renting one out. So most guys couldn't flip houses as easily. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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How To Take Women's Child Support Money Away - MGTOW
How To Take Women's Child Support Money Away - MGTOW Sandman 311 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scott and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, 4 and a half years ago, I arranged with my employer to make myself redundant the day after the end of the financial year. I got a 50k pay out that was not taxable on the last day of the year and as a result could not used for child support. As it was payed on the last day of the financial year it could not be considered as income for the following year. On the first day of the next financial year, I called Child Support Australia and told them I was recently made unemployed and my income assessment for the next 12 months was 0. I told them i had a break down due to the divorce and could not see myself working for a year. They reduced my child support from $2250 a month down to $35 a month. I then lived off my payout for 12 months and did not work during that period and at the end of the year submitted a tax return showing my income for the whole year was $0. But the first day of the following financial year I got a job. I had three job offers to choose from. For 3 and a half years while working I did not submit a tax return and the only information child support had to base their income assessment on was my last tax return which was $0. So I continued to pay $35 a month despite earning over 200k a year. After 3 and a half years the Australian Tax Office sent threatening letters stating if I did not submit my tax return they were going to prosecute me. I submitted my tax returns, I did not owe anything on my tax and child support can only consider my income for the last 18 months which as a result I now have a 35k bill for child support arrears. However I saved over 75k in child support and also knowing i was paying my ex $420 in total a year, for 2 years, that my ex had a mortgage, body corporate fee's and all her plans of living off child support did not turn out as she had planned. Undoubtedly she has huge credit card debts by now and the 35k she will receive will quickly disappear. She will also be told by child support my income over the last 3 1/2 years was close to 700k and will know she only received 1/3 of what she should have got. During the 3 and a half years. I lived in a caravan and was able to save enough money to buy a 2 bedroom apartment with cash. I now consider the bathroom as the room that was payed for through savings I made on child support which makes taking a shit so much sweeter." Unquote. Well Scott thanks for donation. I would recommend every divorced guy do this only so long as it's not going to make his children suffer. Also odds are she will tell the kid or kids one day that you only paid her 1/3 of the child support that she was owed. She will use and all means to make life difficult for you in the future. Maybe she's already turned them against you. If she hasn't then you not paying child support will certainly motivate her to do so. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Suriviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Relationship Apocalypse - Mgtow
Relationship Apocalypse - Mgtow Zuberi87 129 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Random Fireside Chat
Random Fireside Chat REDPILLMARRIED 150 Views • 3 years ago

Clown world is getting even funnier day by day.

Tour Of Rescued Brown Bears In Rasnov Romania
Tour Of Rescued Brown Bears In Rasnov Romania Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 121 Views • 3 years ago

It's Game Over For THOTS
It's Game Over For THOTS Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 865 Views • 3 years ago


Woman From Commiefornia - MGTOW
Woman From Commiefornia - MGTOW Sandman 353 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello sandman, I am back for more of your insight and wisdom. I recently came across my ex's LinkedIn account and this is what I would like to discuss with you. Me and my ex grew up in the same metro area, but we are a year and quarter apart in age. We both went to college but I only received a bachelor's in a "worthless" degree by Aaron Clarey's standards, while she graduated in STEM with a Master's in another state. While she was in grad school with no work experience, I was working almost 60 hours a week at my previous office job. I even gave her money a few times. The issue is that she is now an engineer living in "Commifornia" while I'm still living at home and working from home working a typical office job for a pretty well known company. While we were together, she was gung ho about our relationship in the beginning, but halfway through the relationship, she switched up on me and became pretty spiteful. Primarily about me living from home and not being "emotionally supportive". The irony is that she stayed with me and had sex whenever she visited despite my living arrangements. She was also texting someone behind my back while we were together. We eventually broke up a couple years later. I often wonder if I didn't have enough to be with her at the time. Was hypergamy the downfall for our relationship or did I not provide enough?" Tell Mr. Anonymous it's hard to know the exact reason why your relationship fell appart without knowing both of you better. Women are hypergamous and they generally want a man that's more intelligent and a higher earner than them otherwise they will look down upon him and abuse him emotionally for example. Unfortunately women tend to gather in the middle of the intelligence bell curve and there are more male geniuses and male retards along that male distrubution meaning that not all women can have a successful, smart man. She was probably texting some smart guy behind your back and maybe she broke things up with you because she finally convinced him to be with her. I don't know. I'll continue my speculation about your situation in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ok 2 Be Cliche: Anyways, now back to the my ex girlfriend is an engineer from Commiefornia clown world show. Given enough time women that were once attracted to you will begin to resent you. I think this is a universal thing and no woman can truely be happy. The moment the unhappiness becomes too much for her and she begins to devalue you in her mind she will start looking around to see if there are better men than you that are available and interested in her. If for example you're a seven or an eight and the woman you're with is a four and she begins resenting you and looks around to find a man that's better looking and makes more money than her and she can't find him and she makes more money than you do then it's not in her best interests to divorce you. Especially if you don't have kids and she will end up paying alimony. So she will go on the hunt while she's in the relationship and most of the time you'll have no idea. In your case Mr. Anonymous, correct me if I'm wrong but it sounded like you were living at home with your parents so you guys weren't married? If that's the case then she wasn't trapped living with you so it was relatively easy for her to leave and she did. In the beginning you were working 60 hours a week and were more financially successful than her. But once she engineered up she became the greater bread winner and probably began resenting you because she believed she would do so much better than you.

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Vídeo mostra mulher jogando água em moradora de rua
Vídeo mostra mulher jogando água em moradora de rua Nikaido 92 Views • 3 years ago

#Mulheres são SANCTAS!

É ISSO QUE ACONTECE SE VOCÊ PERDER O EMPREGO Nikaido 151 Views • 3 years ago

#Como dizem: Acabou o dinheiro,acabou o amor

Important Announcements
Important Announcements Imran Hosein 21 Views • 3 years ago

0:00 - The Teaching Retreat scheduled for December in Trinidad is postponed until such time when travel restrictions for entry into Trinidad are, Insha Allah, removed.
4:00 - Since I am back at home in Trinidad, complete sets of books (autographed) are now available. Shipment to USA and Canada by DHL can take a as little as 5 days to reach and cost just a little more than Air Mail. Those who would like to order a complete set of books (autographed) should send me an email at [email protected]
7:08 - Appeal for donations to meet cost of printing, in Mombasa, of 5 of my books which have been translated to Swahili.
Appeal for donations to meet cost of printing, in Europe, several of books already translated to French and not yet printed.
10:15 - Plans for travel after Ramadan (if possible, without a vaccine) to Yerevan in Armenia, Thessaloniki and Athens in Greece, Tirana and Durres in Albania and Skopje in North Macedonia. Then travel, after that, and perhaps in mid-June, to Pakistan Insha Allah. Please contact me by email if you would like to assist me in preparing for these lecture-tours.
17:40 - I am preparing to deliver lectures on two important topics, the first is on Pax Islamica – An Islamic Conception of an International Order, and the second is on Muslim Christian Relations in Akhir al-Zaman.
21:20 - Interviews, Zoom sessions and the Online Institute of Islamic Eschatology.

The Inaugural Announcement of The Online Institute of Islamic Eschatology
The Inaugural Announcement of The Online Institute of Islamic Eschatology Imran Hosein 23 Views • 3 years ago

This Video is the Formal Inauguration Announcement and Introduction of The Online Institute of Islamic Eschatology by Sheikh Imran N. Hosein. The Institute has been established as an Online Teaching Platform headquartered in Islamabad, Pakistan. This video was recorded in October 2021, before Sheikh Imran Departed Pakistan.

Please email us on [email protected] for any inquiries and subscribe to our channel for the latest news and information as well as some great educational material from the most authoritative source of information in the field of Islamic Eschatology.

Our Social Media details are as follows:

Telegram Channel: (this will be our primary announcement channel)

This video can also be seen on Sheikh Imran Hosein's official YouTube channel at: and details will be also be uploaded to his official website

Eschatology According to Islamic Perspective Seminar on Akhir al Zaman at University UKM in Malaysia
Eschatology According to Islamic Perspective Seminar on Akhir al Zaman at University UKM in Malaysia Imran Hosein 26 Views • 3 years ago

Free Sales Machine Make $1,000  per Day
Free Sales Machine Make $1,000 per Day Renco Rolls 26 Views • 3 years ago

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The Black Pill Has Beat MGTOW?
The Black Pill Has Beat MGTOW? Sandman 399 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

[HIGH IQ] Demographic Black Pill by Mercer

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to discuss why the black pill is spreading so much where guys are giving up hope with relationships as teenagers and accepting their fate in inceldom and why it's happening. Over the last three or four months Stardusk The Thinking Ape, probably the second MGTOW content creator after Barbarossaaaa has been creating content that caters to black pilled incels instead of red pilled MGTOWs. A while back he put out a video called the Black Pill Rage saying that it doesn't really exist and is more likely to be more of a malaise that guys never get out of. That red pilled MGTOW guys figured out women ten years ago and then we went on with life and did something different to help us build up our self esteem. He says there doesn't appear to be an exit for most black pillers. That they should go from a period where they criticise women and and society and into a period of discernment. That they have the correct assessment but now need to figure out what comes next. Stardusk says that a 19 year old doomer sounds like a 70 year old doomer and that both groups have given up hope on life. Why is that? I don't know but I'd care to wager that it probably has something to do with lower testosterone levels in men in general these days. Because they have the equivalent level of testosterone of a 65 or 70 year old did forty years ago. Low testosterone is linked to less risk taking behavior in your life. Young guys are supposed to take risks yet young men getting their drivers licenses is at an all time low. What ever happened to young men taking crazy risks on the road? I would love to take a look at those statistics if someone knows where to find them. Stardusk can rationalize all he wants and criticize black pillers for their behavior but it's very likely that the reason they have given up on life is because of testosterone and possibly because of the old term good times make weak men. You have to suffer physically or financially through the possibility of rejection by a girl and for many young guys it's much easier just to fap off to adult content right there on your phone. Stardusk was known as the most grumpy and negative in red pill MGTOW circles. But now he sounds like the most optimistic in the black pill circles. Maybe he should tell his new black pill audience to check for low testosterone and boost their levels back to where they were supposed to be 3 or 4 decades ago. Obviously talk to a doctor about that? We are giving trans people hormones so why can't we do the same for young people that have had their hormones depleted through chemical pollutants. Maybe today's simps need TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) instead of sipping on soy lattes? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: Anyways, now back to the incel clown world show. If the transition from blue pilled Mras to red pilled MGTOWs to black pilled incels really has to do with dropping testosterone levels over the last century then that would explain why feminism has been rising because men's virility has been falling. I found an article that said this about what happens when men with low testosterone are brought back up to a normal level and I quote: "Wives that are reporting the more severe mood swings describe their husbands behavior as being similar to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Their husbands lose their tempers easily, are moody, mean, and often depressed. They are likely to become more impatient and critical of others. They can become very demanding and inconsiderate about sex. It is typical for the female spouse to react to the husbands mood swings by modifying her own behavior." unquote. This explains so much. If the man is easy to get angry then women are more likely to fear his rage and anger.

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How to get $25 - $50 per hour
How to get $25 - $50 per hour Renco Rolls 28 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Online Writing Job That Pay $25 - $50 Per Hour. No Experience Required. Work At Home.

Click here to Apply >>⁣

ELAS CONFESSARAM O OBJETIVO É O LANCHE Nikaido 125 Views • 3 years ago

# O conhecido golpe de sair com os homens para ganhar lanche de graça

Padre do pó agora pegando uma mulher
Padre do pó agora pegando uma mulher Nikaido 264 Views • 3 years ago

#Depois de cheirar a branca mais pura,agora é a vez da outra branca .

The Marital Skeleton Closet
The Marital Skeleton Closet REDPILLMARRIED 164 Views • 3 years ago

Unless you take them to the grave ALL secrets will come out!
Article: ⁣

Tour Of The Alba Lulia Citadel In Romania
Tour Of The Alba Lulia Citadel In Romania Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 86 Views • 3 years ago


Boat Tour Of Budapest With Commentary
Boat Tour Of Budapest With Commentary Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 203 Views • 3 years ago


Dia 57
Dia 57 Foradacena 36 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 57

Dia 56
Dia 56 Foradacena 48 Views • 3 years ago

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Dia 55
Dia 55 Foradacena 34 Views • 3 years ago

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Dia 54
Dia 54 Foradacena 22 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 54

New MGTOW TV Show Sandman 364 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because well I didn't get any for today. If you want to suggest a topic you can do so through paypal or subscribestar. Links are in the description. I started watching a television show that's out on Apple TV called foundation. It's about a galactic empire in the milky way made up of humans. The ruler of that empire, the emperor is actually a clone. More like a team of four clones that all work together to keep the empire and their legacy alive and have been doing so for hundreds of years. I've heard from many guys going their own way that they would love to use surrogacy and artificial wombs to grow their own baby version of Buba Fett to raise. Foundation was written by Isaac Asimov and a lot of his book was ripped off by George Lucas for Star Wars which I'll get into a bit later. In the Foundation TV show the emperor when he's a child has a female figure in his life and in the book she's played by a man but in the TV show she's female and she's an android. That would make a lot more sense because a female character provides nurturing to the young boy. As for sexuality there are female working girls there to provide sexual release. Each growing emperor has 2 or 3 older clones or brothers that give him guidance because after-all they all share the exact same genes and minds. In many ways what I've described would be the ideal scenario for many men going their own way. The four clones are brother dawn, brother day, brother dusk and brother night and they are all around 15 to 20 years apart in age. One day a mathematician named Hari Seldon developed something known as the theory of psycho-history which predicts the behavior of large crowds and civilizations and he say that the empire will fall in a few hundred years and that at that point there will be a dark age that will last tens of thousands of years mimicking what happened with the fall of the Roman Empire which was inspiration for Asimov's story. But you know that woke pedowood is going to make the MGTOW emperor the villian and imagine my shock that the white male emperor characters are the villains and that the heroes are two black non binary and female characters that are going to save the galaxy no less. One of them named Salvor looks like they could black male wrapper from the 1980s with their haircut. I can't say he or she because they don't identify with either. But they is on a planet named Terminus which is a cold dessert with land speeders which looks like the cold version of tatooine from Star Wars. The other black female character Gaal Dornick is a brilliant mathematician. There main male characters have been replace with female ones but at least it's not preachy and woke. At least they aren't rubbing the gender identity of the characters in our face which does make the show watchable. Maybe someone was listening to me when I suggested they get more subtle about spreading their gender bending ideology instead of being too obvious about it and pissing people off. But ghetto queens that watch this series are probably going to wonder why they can't compete with males on the competence hierarchy and will probably get very angry and disillusioned. The emperor is MGTOW while the antagonists are non-binary and or minorities and you just know where this is heading. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Maulana Imran Hosein Interview with Trinidad's Institute for Life
Maulana Imran Hosein Interview with Trinidad's Institute for Life Imran Hosein 16 Views • 3 years ago

Maulana Imran Hosein Interview with Trinidad's Institute for Life
Maulana Imran Hosein Interview with Trinidad's Institute for Life Imran Hosein 37 Views • 3 years ago

The Christian, The Muslim  The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein at Buckingham New University
The Christian, The Muslim The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein at Buckingham New University Imran Hosein 52 Views • 3 years ago

The Christian, The Muslim  The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein at Buckingham New University
The Christian, The Muslim The End Times By Sheikh Imran Hosein at Buckingham New University Imran Hosein 34 Views • 3 years ago

Attention Swahili and French
Attention Swahili and French Imran Hosein 24 Views • 3 years ago

Attention Swahili and French
Attention Swahili and French Imran Hosein 22 Views • 3 years ago

The Messiah the Qur'an and Akhir al Zaman is now printed
The Messiah the Qur'an and Akhir al Zaman is now printed Imran Hosein 17 Views • 3 years ago

Announcing a Class in Trinidad
Announcing a Class in Trinidad Imran Hosein 8 Views • 3 years ago

The elites, paedophilia and dark rituals.
The elites, paedophilia and dark rituals. TheManInside 53 Views • 3 years ago

For the individual to decide for himself.

Brasileiros DOANDO ESPERMA Nikaido 58 Views • 3 years ago

#Mulheres buscando homens nas redes sociais,para conseguir esperma,para engravidar.......o golpe ta aí,cai quem quer.
OBS - Com mães solteiras ganhando dinheiro,tenho certeza que vai aumentar a busca

Korean Women Destroyed By MeToo Movement - MGTOW
Korean Women Destroyed By MeToo Movement - MGTOW Sandman 461 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
How & Where to Buy HEX

'Me Too' Leads to Women Being Shunned in the Office

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat. She didn't have a topic and I thought I'd dedicate this topic to her. Back when the #MeToo movement first started gaining speed all over the world including Korea there was an article I missed called: "'Me Too' Leads to Women Being Shunned in the Office". It's short and I've linked to it in the description and I'd like to read it now as well and I quote: "The Hollywood-born "Me Too" movement against sexual harassment has had the paradoxical effect that many working women now find themselves isolated in the office as their male colleagues studiously avoid them. Korea has an ingrained office drinking culture, where all kinds of bullying by superiors goes on. To be on the safe side, men now deliberately exclude women from office gatherings and business trips, leading to an equally unwelcome form of ostracism. One 29-year-old office worker at a mid-sized company in southern Seoul said, "I feel very uncomfortable at work these days." She said her boss told female staff to go home when he took out the men out drinking. But the office worker would have liked to bond with her coworkers and felt that opportunity was taken away from her against her will. "I didn't do anything wrong, but I felt like I was being treated like I had," she said. Another office worker at a shipping company in Seoul said, "I rarely talk with my boss these days. He used to be very chatty with the female staff, but nowadays he only gives instructions by text message." Her boss apparently told other workers that he feared any comments could be misunderstood by female staff. "I feel like I became invisible in my office," she said. Online communities in Korea are filled with comments from men saying that their female colleagues scare them now. "We need to keep our distance from women, since we don't know what they may do," one wrote. One male office worker in southern Seoul said, "My male coworkers are telling each other to watch out for female staff who may jump on the #Me Too bandwagon. My friend advised me recently to avoid interacting with women at work." Women may be suffering disadvantages at work if it keeps them from vital tasks and prejudices their male colleagues against them. One 29-year-old staffer with a medical equipment maker in Gyeonggi Province said she was abruptly excluded from a business trip next month to China and a man was assigned instead. "I spent a lot of time convincing buyers in China as I prepared for the business trip, but all my efforts were wasted," she said. "Since the #Me Too campaign started, my boss seems to be scared to go on business trips with female staff. This will reduce opportunities for me to achieve results at work." In the U.S., where the hysteria started, senior executives are also avoiding interacting with female staff, which often reduces the women's chances of getting ahead in business. Koh Kang-sup at the Young Professionals Institute of Korea said men avoiding women is a flawed approach. Avoiding addressing the crux of the problem will only deepen the rift between men and women in the office. We need to find ways to address the issue together." unquote Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor HEX:

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Dia 53
Dia 53 Foradacena 14 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 53

Buy A Doll, Die Alone Gents!
Buy A Doll, Die Alone Gents! REDPILLMARRIED 296 Views • 3 years ago

You will have no stress or STRIFE by living the Waifu LIFE!!!

Talking About Female Nature While Walking Around Timisoara Romania
Talking About Female Nature While Walking Around Timisoara Romania Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 245 Views • 3 years ago


The TFM Show: 11/20/2021
The TFM Show: 11/20/2021 T.F. Monkey 2,180 Views • 3 years ago

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Você é um macho branco racista privilegiado!
Você é um macho branco racista privilegiado! Nikaido 108 Views • 3 years ago


Surviving The Great Reset - MGTOW
Surviving The Great Reset - MGTOW Sandman 395 Views • 3 years ago

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- Red Pill Ring

Rocking Mr. E Philosophy

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to do is discuss how people like Rocking Mr. E Philosophy and Dave Computing Forever Cullen have reached the same conclusion I have with regards to the coof world what we are living in. I went from trying to escape society into the wilderness to wanting to fight the power and over the last month or two I've realized that the coof and the great reset might just be a great big IQ test to separate the wheat from the chaff. I shared to links in the description about Rocking Mr. E discussing how how we need to get smart with our money and assets and figure out ways to thrive in an economy where you won't own anything and where you'll be happy. He gets it that the only way to change the world is on a personal scale. He's made changes in your own life because he was recently divorce after bashing MGTOW for many years and is now willing to entertain the idea that he might have been wrong about MGTOW after attacking it many years ago. I even sent him a message years ago saying he would realize that MGTOW is truth, a painful truth. While marriage is a pleasant lie. At least it is in the beginning. But I won't hold that against him. It's awesome to see his transformation. It's like the MRA talking about men's oppression being active rallying in the streets while criticizing men that go their own way as defeatists. Meanwhile the only meaningful change you can make is in your own life. Rocking Mr. E and Dave have both realized what I figured out in 2014 that protests and political action are pointless unless you go all the way. But that means fire and pitchforks, which I'm not advocating. Rocking Mr. E identifies that the asset holders will still own or at the very least control their own destiny in a world after the great reset. He mentions how Stalin didn't own anything on paper in the Soviet Union but he had all the access to the resources and mansions that he wanted. I've also realize that the wealthy will own all the assets at the top while the vast majority will own nothing. We see this now with corporations buying up houses and renting them back to the people. Where I'm living a decent house is 1.2 to 1.5 million dollars and I still can't buy it for cash even though I bought a boatload of Bitcoin. His videos identify the problem but they don't really provide a solution. The same for Dave Cullen. They both say you need assets. But what do you buy and where do you put your money to profit off this inflationary crash with is a crash where prices rise and make you poor as opposed to the crashes we are used to in the west where the prices crash downward and make you poor. Most people are ill prepared. I'll discuss some possible ways to prepare in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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Snake In The Grass Part 2 - Mgtow
Snake In The Grass Part 2 - Mgtow Zuberi87 84 Views • 3 years ago

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The architects of western decline
The architects of western decline TheManInside 71 Views • 3 years ago

For the individual to decide for himself.

Always Drink Tonic Water
Always Drink Tonic Water Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 221 Views • 3 years ago


Cluj-Napoca In Romania Is A Lefty-Liberal Sh!t Hole
Cluj-Napoca In Romania Is A Lefty-Liberal Sh!t Hole Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 236 Views • 3 years ago


Modern Women Are Failures
Modern Women Are Failures Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 422 Views • 3 years ago


Eu tive que usar equipamentos de Espionagem para me livrar das Injustiças na Delegacia da Mulher
Eu tive que usar equipamentos de Espionagem para me livrar das Injustiças na Delegacia da Mulher Nikaido 164 Views • 3 years ago

# Nos tempos de falsas acusações,que chegam a 80%,o melhor é ter uma camera como ferramenta de proteção.
Tanto em casa,como no meio social,para garantir a integridade física,financeira.

Policiais salvam um homem trabalhador do CHIFRE
Policiais salvam um homem trabalhador do CHIFRE Nikaido 135 Views • 3 years ago

#Enquanto o namorado trabalhada,ela vai pro motel com outro "NOVIDADE"

How Do I Get My Girlfriend To Sleep With Other Men? - MGTOW
How Do I Get My Girlfriend To Sleep With Other Men? - MGTOW Sandman 288 Views • 3 years ago

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Chris Whalen CPA

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from FJH and here's what briefly he has to say: "Hello again Sandman, The whole gynocentric never-ending nagfest that we’re bombarded with every day keeps getting on my nerves. I can’t do much about it by myself, but I think supporting you is one of the best options. You have a biting wit, Sandman, staying power, and I enjoy your content. As a way of hitting back at gyno-tyranny, I want you to know your words are my “Weapon of Choice.” ;) As for a topic, do with that what you will. Thanks Again." Well FJH thanks for the donation. I'll use it to cover a topic I recently found on the polyamory subreddit about a man that intentionally wants to cuck himself for the hell of it. The post is called: "How do I tell my girlfriend that I'd like her to date other men." and here's what that mystery man has to say and I quote: "I'm polyamerous and I have been in poly relationships before. But, it usually just sort of happens. I've dated bi women before and I always tell them I'm 100% ok with them dating other women. The girl I'm dating now is 100% straight. 100% faithful. 100% honest. She is also absolutely gorgeous. The only problem is we live far appart. At the moment I am not even interested in dating anyone else. But, I want her to. I want her to date other men. She gets hit on constantly, I want her to go through with it. Partly, it is because she is horny as f and I can't do anything about it cause I'm far away. But, its also cause I like the idea of sharing her. How do I tell her this? I dont want to scare her off. I dont want to lose her. I don't want her to think it is because I'm trying to open the relationship or am interested in anyone else." unquote. So FJH thanks for the donation and as you can see polyamory is the cucked gift that keeps on giving. Before I discuss more about how this messed up man wants to convince his faithful and gorgeous girlfriend to cheat on him and cuck me let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to men being turned on by their girlfriends having a high five threesome with Chad and Tyrone clown world show. Back when I was in a five year long relationship in my early to mid twenties I wasn't one hundred percent satisfied with the way that my girlfriend looked at that time. I was getting plenty of daily action with her and I even suggested the idea of going to swing clubs together but she ignored the idea. But we did occasionally go to the nude beach on the Toronto Islands. One time we were there there were two women that kept looking over at me and her and were clearly interested. The great thing about going to a place like that is you can see women's pudding before you pound it. This was back in 2001 and 2002 and I could capture anything I wanted there with my digital camera with zoom. No one suspected anything. There were no cel phone cameras and if you wanted to do telephoto shots from a distance they could see a massive camera lens. So I have some great pics from various women nude on the beach from back then. So we packed up for the day and started heading back to the ferry dock that would take us back to the city. The two nudist chicks were ahead of us and they slowed down so they were walking almost next to us. It was obvious as night and day what they wanted. They wanted us to start up a conversation with them and get to know them. Man that would have been awesome but my girlfriend wasn't having any of that and if I spoke first I probably would have been in a lot of trouble with her because she wasn't into other women. What I learned from that experience and being with her for five years is that if you're not 100% attracted to or emotionally connected to someone in love then you won't have a problem being polyamerous or swinging.

How Do I Get My Girlfriend To Also Sleep With Other Men - Photos

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Behind the scenes & cold calls in late November 2020 Compilation
Behind the scenes & cold calls in late November 2020 Compilation Francis_UD 0 Views • 3 years ago

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It Is What It Is
It Is What It Is REDPILLMARRIED 171 Views • 3 years ago

Numbers don't lie. It is what it is!
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Life has become an attrition - MGTOW
Life has become an attrition - MGTOW Francis_UD 43 Views • 3 years ago


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Swedish Bishop turns church into mosque
Swedish Bishop turns church into mosque Nikaido 52 Views • 3 years ago

Mad Woman,⁣women and socialists taking europe to the precipice

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Female Rulers Are Tyrants? - MGTOW
Female Rulers Are Tyrants? - MGTOW Sandman 305 Views • 3 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Throughout history, queens were more likely to wage war than kings

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mohamed and here's what he has to say: "Sandman could you do a video on female heads of states, since women are always saying we can do better than men at running countries because we are more caring and merciful but when you look at historical figures that isn't the case women like the Queen Bloody Mary who had thousands burned at the stake and the Queen of Madagascar ranavanola who literally cut the population of her own country in half from 5 million to 2.5 million due to forced labor and straight up killing anyone who looked at her funny and also in more recent times the Prime Minister of India Indra Ghandi who forcefully sterilized millions of Indian citizens. Sandman it seems to me that even though the mass majority of tyrants throughout history were men it's the women who committed some of the most heinous crimes probably just over emotions where men tyrants do commit crimes just to consolidate the power, anyways what are your thoughts Sandman. Well Mohamed thanks for the donation and topic. I've personally met a few so called female leaders in Canada. One was a 93 year old Hazel McCallion the former mayor of Mississauga, a city next to Toronto and the former mayor of Brampton before she was disgraced for doing some illegal things and thrown out of office. She was replaced by a new male mayor, Patrick Brown who was once accused of sexual harrassment and it cost him the leadership of the conservative party in the province of Ontario and probably the election. We would have become the equivalent of a US state governor. Hazel that mayor was 93 when she got into two car accidents and there was a scandal with her son getting some city contracts because well you know his mother was the mayor. But everyone let that go because she was a sweet old lady and not some guy accused of man handling some hotties which were later proven to be tied to the reporter that broke that fake news. But it didn't matter he was booted out. At least the Brampton mayor was kicked out though. So are female rulers tyrants with titties that act like overbearing mothers? In Germany Merkel is gone and everyone used to call her Mother Merkel. As for one of the women you mentioned Mohammed, Ranavanola from Madagascar who is responsible for her population being cut in half she over-react to a bad situation. European colonialism was coming in and she and wouldn't let Europeans into her country. She forced her own subjects, the ones she didn't like to march through a swamp where they would get bit by Mosquitoes and die later from some illness. Of course she could use the typical female plausibility that it wasn't her fault that the Mosquitoes were bad when she asked everyone to march through. I have my fears for the future where in thirty years women make the majority of politicians at the current growth rate of women taking office. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Suriving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Anti-Manspreading Chair Forces Men To Sit With Knees Together
Anti-Manspreading Chair Forces Men To Sit With Knees Together Nikaido 65 Views • 3 years ago

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Simp Level 9000 At The Ruin Pubs in Budapest Hungary
Simp Level 9000 At The Ruin Pubs in Budapest Hungary Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 259 Views • 3 years ago


Why I Don't Like Budapest
Why I Don't Like Budapest Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 330 Views • 3 years ago


The origin of AIDS
The origin of AIDS TheManInside 29 Views • 3 years ago

For the individual to decide for himself.

World depopulation
World depopulation TheManInside 65 Views • 3 years ago

For the individual to decide for himself.

Feminismo é uma organização terrorista! - Erin Pizzey
Feminismo é uma organização terrorista! - Erin Pizzey Nikaido 38 Views • 3 years ago


Origins Of #BIG - MGTOW
Origins Of #BIG - MGTOW Zuberi87 91 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Charlie Sheen Free From Child Support & Denise Richards Suffers - MGTOW
Charlie Sheen Free From Child Support & Denise Richards Suffers - MGTOW Sandman 390 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Sami Calls Mom's House Abusive

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Dirty Sanchez and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hello Sandman Hope your doing well? Do what you will with this Donation. Keep making those awesome videos and keep up the good fight." Well Dirty thanks for the donation. I find this topic on the Going Your Own Way Dot Com Forum in a thread called: "Denise Richards reportedly 'blindsided' by court ruling that Charlie Sheen no longer has to pay child support" that someone named CPRA posted there and said this and I quote: "Denise Richards did not at all expect a judge's ruling Monday that ex-husband Charlie Sheen, the father of her 17-year-old daughter Sami and Lola, 16, adjust his child support payments to "zero dollars per month." "Charlie filed [to stop paying child support] two years ago and kept pushing the court date, so Denise was very surprised that it happened yesterday while she is out of town filming," the source said. "She was blindsided." An insider countered to the mag that Richards had known about the court date for six months. Richards and Sheen, who were married from 2002 to 2006, have, at times, had an ugly split. The girls both lived with their mom for years, but last month Sami celebrated having moved out of her mom's "hell house" in a TikTok that was ultimately made private" unquote. While looking for pictures for this video I found a bunch of them with Denise Richards and her daughters. The pictures show Denise smiling ear to ear while her daughters look absolutely miserable. I can't imagine the pain that Charlie Sheen felt looking at pictures like these over and over again while he was paying her money to supposedly take care of her daughters. It says a lot about Denise Richards' character that she didn't even show up for her own court date so that she could collect that child support money. Sami, the eldest daughter said this on Tik Tok that she was in an abusive household with her mother and went days without eating or sleeping and was depressed and hated school. Now she's out of the so called "hell house", had a spiritual awakening, owns 2 cats, is happily single, full of self esteem and dropped out of high school. She's so hot that she can easily get modelling and acting work because of her name and as they say a gorgeous woman can be less intelligent than a chimpanzee and still come out great in life. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor OK 2 B Cliche: Anyways, now back to the Charlie Sheen Cocaine, hookers and abusive ex wives clown world show. I'm surprised Sheen let his daughter drop out of high school. He should at least have a high school diploma but I guess when you have parents that are that famous you don't need a diploma to get you a job. All you need is daddy. If you don't believe me then look at Justin Skippy Trudeau, part time drama teacher and ski instructor turned Prime Minister of Canada because his father was once prime minister of Canada. Or was his father the president of Cuba. I always get confused about that. As for Denise Richards whose claim to fame are movies from 20 years ago like Starship Poopers, Wild Things and James Bond Christmas comes twice she has been on the HOllywood B and C list films for about ten years now. I say C list films because most of the movies she's been in over the last ten years have had budgets under a million or half a million dollars and if I had to guess I'd say she was making somewhere between twenty and fifty thousand dollars a picture.

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Dia 52
Dia 52 Foradacena 31 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 52

Dia 51
Dia 51 Foradacena 24 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 51

Just How Fast Internet Is In Budapest Hungary
Just How Fast Internet Is In Budapest Hungary Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 72 Views • 3 years ago

not all places have super fast internet, you must hunt for it or inquire with your lodging before you book.

I'm In Budapest Hungary
I'm In Budapest Hungary Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 159 Views • 3 years ago


Using Dating Apps Just To Get Robbed! SMH.
Using Dating Apps Just To Get Robbed! SMH. REDPILLMARRIED 114 Views • 3 years ago

Gents, if all you want is a GOOD time LEGIT pay 2 play is the best option.
Article: ⁣

Grim Announcements: Is Grim Gonna Die In Two Weeks? A Voice In His Head Seems To Think So!
Grim Announcements: Is Grim Gonna Die In Two Weeks? A Voice In His Head Seems To Think So! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 25 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Bloodrayne Betrayal Fresh Bites (GOG)

First off, I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder. It often makes life difficult and it generally sucks. Well, a voice in my head was telling me I was going to die in 31 days from a certain date, which would put it around December 2nd.

I do not think this will happen, because these sorts of things are common for anxiety sufferers. It's just something you deal with. Anxiety attacks absolutely suck. Though I have discovered some methods to stop the anxiety from ruling my life. A little bit of mind magic of you will. That doesn't make it any less difficult, but it makes it easier to deal with.

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Dia 50
Dia 50 Foradacena 30 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 50

Dia 49
Dia 49 Foradacena 29 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 49

Dia 48
Dia 48 Foradacena 30 Views • 3 years ago

Dia 48

O princípio da não ação!
O princípio da não ação! MGTOW_Alfa 86 Views • 3 years ago


Women Are Stronger Than Men LOL - MGTOW
Women Are Stronger Than Men LOL - MGTOW Sandman 295 Views • 3 years ago

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The Weaker Sex? Science That Shows Women Are Stronger Than Men

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Lazy Danny and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hello Sandman, Allow me to bring to your attention this wonderful article called: "The Weaker Sex? Science That Shows Women Are Stronger Than Men" The argument is that comes to lifespan, immunity and emotional trauma women are stronger than men. Women appear desperate to be better at men at something. Please share your thoughts Sandman." Well Danny thanks for the donation and topic. Yes women have stronger immune systems that help them survive illness. But don't forget they are the greater hypochondriacs when compared to men. There have also been studies done in monasteries and nunneries that prove that in an environment isolated from the opposite sex monks and nuns live the same length of time. I wonder how many men handicap men's health with constant nagging and now they are bragging about living longer after emotionally tormenting us into an early grave. Women's argument is also that they are better survivors with regards to lifespan. Just because women live longer than men doesn't mean that's a biological thing. It doesn't mean they are more robust. It just means they are better at busting men's minds open and dumping their emotional sludge and stress into us so that they feel better about themselves. This idea that women just naturally live longer is a myth that won't go away like the wage gap. Women shorten men's lives with their subtle emotional abuse and are trying to brand their longevity as a genetic thing instead of as simply abusing men into an early grave. Sure 42 of the 43 people that are over the age of 110 are women but at that age you're barely alive. It's probably a stronger female immune system that prevents them from getting cancer as readily as men do. I'll discuss more about this article in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: Anyways, now back to the 110 pound women beating up 250 pound men on television and throwing them around like rag dolls clown world show. If it's on television so it must be true. It's just propaganda at this point. I was discussing world politics with a woman one time and told her she wasn't all that well informed. She responded by saying I know what's going on in the world. I watch Entertainment Tonight. Then people started laughing at her and she thought that people were laughing with her and not at her. As for the article what's the point of it. It's projecting the virtues of female biology onto mostly female reader to make themselves feel good about themselves but also as a cover story to
make men not question why women live longer. If men saw the story of the monks that lived as long as the nuns they would begin to question to propaganda that's out there that says that married men live longer than unmarried men. What the stats don't take into consideration is the difference between divorced men and never married men. I'm confident that the lifelong bachelors would have greater longevity. Guys that are five years younger than me and that are married have five times as many grey hairs. Grey hair signals dna damage usually due to stress. Women may have stronger immune systems that help them fight off viruses and cancer but the downside is that a stronger immune system makes them more likely to suffer from autoimmune disease. Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis for example as the article points out. The article does mention that but many many paragraphs down. Most people don't read much past the headline and the fancy pants graphics and photos at the top. In this case there's a woman carrying a passed out man on her back which implies that women are physically stronger than men which everyone knows isn't true. But articles like this one and TV shows with strong 100 pound women pulling obese 300 pound men out of burning Buick's is the feel good propaganda we have to hear about. Recently I was watching a show called dopesick and there's a tiny woman that works as a coal miner that is strong enough to work alongside men. There are studies out there now showing that wealthier men are outliving poor women. Is that because wealthier men have better genes?

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O INVERNO ESTÁ CHEGANDO? AS 3 FASES DA NEVASCA. フクロウ Fukuro 240 Views • 3 years ago

Saia da caverna não seja um Goblin.

SWF 5 REDPILLMARRIED 116 Views • 3 years ago

Gents, this is one type of woman you MUST stay away from!
Article: ⁣

Only Stupid Men Compete With Women - MGTOW
Only Stupid Men Compete With Women - MGTOW Sandman 316 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link: Stoic Indifference: Manual of Basic Mental Discipline

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, One of the many obstacles men are going to have to overcome is the public perception of male-on-female conflict. Simply put, there is nothing heroic about a man competing with a woman. If a man competes with a man it is seen as normal. If a man competes with a man on behalf of a woman (the movie Taken) it is viewed as heroic. If a woman competes with a man it is seen as progressive and empowering. However, if a man competes with woman it is seen as cowardly or "dirty" - like picking a fight with someone handicapped. So men must deal with a system in which women are praised and encouraged to destroy them but men disgraced and incentivized not to fight back - regardless if they are in the right or wrong. It's as if you were to tell a sports team it's okay for the women's team to defeat the men's team and the men's team to defeat the men's team but it's not okay for the men's team to defeat the women's team. If men are to recover our freedom it is essential we start competing with women and reverse the publics perception in doing so. It is also essential that men take up a knowledge of the Law. There are more laws today passed by feminists aimed exclusively policing men than there ever has been in western history - and it's getting worse. If men are to survive they should know how to navigate the legal system and the many traps deliberately put in place by feminists to ensnare them. Thanks for the great work!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I could sense a lot of urgency with your words. The problem is that women want to believe what they are told that men and women are equals in more than just the law and that we are equals with regards to everything in life. But then when they compete against us much of the time they lose so they only way that women can win against men is if they compete on a rigged playing field. What do you think gender hiring quotas and stakeholder capitalism is all about? Government agencies and big corporations are increasingly rigging the game in women's favor and men can't compete and win there so many of us are starting our own small businesses and getting into a situation where we can compete with women with regards to the bottom line income on our tax tax returns but we just aren't doing it as much in corporate boardrooms and retail showrooms. We are escaping to factory floors and construction sites where we are paid more and don't have to deal with women. We are making more money and competing financial but just not doing it directly by playing a game we can't win in environments women are in. This is better than competing with women directly. But we are still winning to competition when it comes to bottom line earning. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Stoic Indifference: Anyways, now back to playing rigged games with women expecting to win clown world show. Men can't even compete with women when it comes to our life choices. A lady might say that she's a strong independent whamen that don't need no man. But if a man is independent and doesn't need a woman he's a monster. If a man is successful in the office and he won't mentor a woman because of Metoo then he's a coward and needs to be punished because he's not helping his female competition learn everything she needs from him to steal his job.

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How & Where to Buy HEX

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fritz and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman! This is what I have to say, the only way to become a full MGTOW god is through genetic manipulation and trans humanism. In the future we will no longer be a slave to our biology. We will have the ability to turn off and on our desire for sex and companionship. You will see an attractive woman and she will be like a rock in the road. You will not be attracted to her, you will have more free time to make your own goals come true. You will no longer be burdened by your own biology. You have 100% control of it. You won’t get heart broken due to rejection or a break up. You won’t get divorce rape." unquote Well Fritz thanks for the donation and topic. You don't need genetic engineering and trans humanism to be free of your biology. You just need will power and a few custom hacks. Back when I was 20 years old I was able to shut down my sex drive back when I had the more raging hormones at that age than any other age and it was thank to my religious dedication and sheer will power. I turned it back on after a month because I was afraid I would never get blood flowing into my junk ever again and it took me over half an hour to will a boner out of myself. After that I decided I'd never do that again because I didn't want to take the risk of permanently limp wood syndrome. Because at that time I thought I would need that part of myself if I wanted kids. Today I watch content on the internet that can't exist in real life and when I see attractive women in public they are like rocks on the road to me. I have all the free time in the world to make my goals come true. I'm 100% in control of it by making this content and so are many of the guys listening to it daily. MGTOW philosophy works for many guys and we should be grateful that we have it. Some of us have the ability to control our biology through mental discipline. Would we really want technology out there for all men so that it would level the playing field with regards to male freedom? I'm against putting technology in my body if I can find an
alternative solution. I'm against pharmaceutical medication unless you have no other choice. I learned about trans-humanism back in 1998 when I was in college and took a course on it. The idea was to take technology to augment yourself into a living work of art. Eventually we'll see it but I don't think we will in our lifetimes. But do we really need technology to suppress the pain we go through with regards to the opposite sex in life? I believe you need to feel intense love and have your heart broken because then you know what it means to be human. Remember that line, hard times create strong men. If you've been rejected by women and forced to learn how to control your impulses it makes you a stronger person. If your heart doesn't get broken then you start to treat women disposably the way they treat us. Is that really what you want to do? The one thing I would like to see avoided is divorce rape because it destroys a man's life. But the normal relationship pains we go through in life bring meaning and build character. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor HEX:

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