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People & Blogs

Save Millions Of Dollars By Switching To MGTOW
Save Millions Of Dollars By Switching To MGTOW Sandman 273 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dale and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, The donation I've made to you is just a very small fraction of the money you have saved me, by teaching me how not to be a slave to my biology, and thus not waste any more money chasing women. I'm very athletic, have a full head of hair, and am definitely not ugly. So, even at age 52, I'm still a 100% red-blooded American male, and thus totally drool over just about any fit female form. But, by attending the Church of Sandman, I've been able over the last year (yes, just one year so far) to avoid the harrowing traps which females have evolved to be to us males. My religious upbringing, which I reasoned myself away from starting at age 18, leads me to analogize your video channel to a church. Truths which are not readily perceptible, and not easily testable, must be regularly drummed into our heads if we are to abide by those truths. So, thank you, Pastor Sandman, for your very consistent and regular sermons on how men and women did not evolve to get along, but rather evolved to create the next generation of humans. Getting along is useful to creating the next generation, but it is not the goal of evolution. We men have our negative tendencies, which we must curb in polite society, but women also have their negative tendencies, which we men must learn to avoid allowing to cause us harm. Enter Sandman. Thank you again for your daily admonitions to us men and for how you have specifically been such a huge help to me. Now, as you always do, Sandman, bring your response straight and true, no matter what it may make me, or anyone else, feel like. Thanks again, Dale from California." Well Dale from Commiefornia thanks for the donation and topic. Thanks for making me feel like it's worth still doing what I do because I feel like I'm preaching to the choir and that new people aren't discovering me on YouTube and Bitchute because my subscriber growth has been flat there for the last year or so. I'm glad to have helped you save quite a bit of money in only one year. Your words encourage me to continue what I'm doing even as the main source of my income now comes from investments instead of donations and advertising. I never expect the online revenue to continue but used it to create the next stream of income. As for your Dale just imagine how much you'll save by 60 and probably retire too. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor OK 2B Cliche: Anyways, now back Sandman's Church of Cooch clow world show. Dale I'm glad you see my daily videos like a sermon. I consider the daily dose of red pills as a maintenance drug. We men are like gold fish with penises. Once we use them ten minutes later we forget about the last orgasm and seek out the next one. Usually to our detriment. It's nature's perfect trap to get us to procreate. Our own mind is a culprit producing a drug in the pharmacy of our mind that's as strong as Heroin and socially acceptable too. You mention that preachers have to beat into our heads over and over again the same message for us to finally get the so called truth. Unfortunately propaganda by the corporate media and governments is also drummed into our heads as well until it becomes truth. This same formula for influencing people has probably been alive as long as humans have been sitting around a campfire telling each other stories. But unlike the corporate clown world media and powerful politicians or even preachers charging money for marriage ceremonies in front of a god that no one can see I observe reality and share the truth I see.

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Emergency Broadcast HammerHand banned YouTube
Emergency Broadcast HammerHand banned YouTube KenDelrican 343 Views • 3 years ago

if you have hammer hand youtube chanell out it on the comment



Porque Mulheres não deveriam votar?
Porque Mulheres não deveriam votar? Nikaido 91 Views • 3 years ago

#Janet Bloomfield

Woman's PATHOLOGY by Dr Claudia Pacheco
Woman's PATHOLOGY by Dr Claudia Pacheco Nikaido 180 Views • 3 years ago

# Female Pathology is based on prostitution,embezzlement,slander,theatrical victimization,manipulation and use the child as a commodity/currency trading

The Jews & Muhammad In Madinah Islam As Perpetual Religion Of God From Eternity Arabic
The Jews & Muhammad In Madinah Islam As Perpetual Religion Of God From Eternity Arabic Imran Hosein 16 Views • 3 years ago

Narcisistas fazendo tudo para se aparecer #PrayForAfghanistan
Narcisistas fazendo tudo para se aparecer #PrayForAfghanistan Nikaido 60 Views • 3 years ago

#Chega a ser nojento essa gente.


The Jews & Muhammad In Madinah Islam As Perpetual Religion Of God From Eternity Arabic
The Jews & Muhammad In Madinah Islam As Perpetual Religion Of God From Eternity Arabic Imran Hosein 19 Views • 3 years ago

Islam & The Free And Fair Economy Arabic Subtitles
Islam & The Free And Fair Economy Arabic Subtitles Imran Hosein 14 Views • 3 years ago

High Value Target Part 2 - Mgtow
High Value Target Part 2 - Mgtow Zuberi87 100 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

A God Among MGTOW Johannes Gutenberg
A God Among MGTOW Johannes Gutenberg Sandman 214 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Stephen Fry: The History Of The First Printing Press | The Machine That Made Us | Timeline

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to share the latest edition to my God Among MGTOW series. It's been a while since I discovered a famous bachelor like Nikola Tesla that brought electricity to the masses, The Wright Brother that changed the world by putting man up into the air and Isaac Newton that discovered gravity. I was watching a documentary with Stephen Fry that I put a link to in the description and at the end of it he reveals one of the first one hundred bibles that Gutenberg had printed. But what really fascinated me was how complicated building the printing press was. It wasn't just as simple as combining a wine press with movable type. Paper at that time was almost as rare as it was in that cheesy yet awesome 90s film film Waterworld. It would take a typical type maker a year to carve enough metal letters to print one page. How the hell would he create enough to print a whole book. He developed an ingenious method of pouring liquid metal into a mold and mass producing the letters. He also wanted to print his bibles on cow parchment but it would take the skin from tens of thousands of cows to produce his first one hundred books. So he only printed 30 of them on Parchment and 150 on regular paper. The guy almost single handedly kick started the age of reason when he developed his system. Unfortunately when things worked people congratulated him for selling five of your first one hundred bibles to all five people that can read. He's responsible for mass literacy, the renaissance, the enlightenment and all of the things that we take for granted that wokester Communists are trying to destroy. Well they want people to read. They just want everyone to read their propaganda. So I dug into his history to see what his wife and children were like. I kept thinking would he really have time to devote to spending most of his life creating the printing press and revolutionizing the world? The only thing that is known about his marital status is in the years 1436/37 where his name comes up in court records connected to a broken promise of marriage to a woman from Strasbourg named Ennelin. Looks to me like he went his own way and began working on his revolutionary machine one or two years later. I'll discuss more but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the world with now printed books if Guttenberg got married clown world show. So looks like he went his own way in 1436/37 and then in began working on his system because there were court records of him being in debt in 1439. Just to make things clear he was like Nikola Tesla, terrible with money and got into a lot of debt because he was plowing all of his money into his invention. The History of the First Printing Press link in the description shows us one of the first bibles printed on Parchment near the end of that video. We can see that he was a perfectionist and he wanted every single one of his bibles to be absolutely perfect. Also, contrary to popular belief the church didn't initially lose their minds when they saw the printing press.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





Open Relationship? No Thanks. RPM
Open Relationship? No Thanks. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 153 Views • 3 years ago

If and When she suggests this. The relationship is OVER!
Article: ⁣

KenDelrican MGTOW content creator VS Alex Jones
KenDelrican MGTOW content creator VS Alex Jones KenDelrican 57 Views • 3 years ago

3 years making MGOW Content
podcast & livestream😂

Silvio Saint negociando com esquerdista que quer o terreno dele
Silvio Saint negociando com esquerdista que quer o terreno dele Nikaido 62 Views • 3 years ago

#Nesse vídeo vc pode ver como é a mentalidade esquerdista,que uma frase que eu lembro ele diz q não é democracia.

Governo Japones quer TAXAR COSPLAYERS que monetizam com essa atividade
Governo Japones quer TAXAR COSPLAYERS que monetizam com essa atividade Nikaido 108 Views • 3 years ago

#Não tenho certeza,mas no meu achismo,acredito q muita mulher faz cosplay em live stream como vi em uma matéria.

Don't Talk To Women - MGTOW
Don't Talk To Women - MGTOW Sandman 351 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Easter Sunday and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman. For the podcast in question I don't have a specific topic, but what I would like is to have a video that exclusively features the blonde model that is in so many of your other videos (I'm pretty certain you know who this is.)" Well Easter thanks for the donation. As you can see she's here. I don't know her name but spent a bunch of time searching for her. She's also the face of my channel avatar. As for the topic I wanted to share the situation that finally convinced me that arguing with women was a waste of time. Even talking to them. I was talking to a female client about some editing I was doing for her and she accused me of outsourcing my editing and told me that it wasn't up to my usual higher quality standards and that she was shaming me for the quality claiming that I had hired someone in India to do the work. Now normally before this time I would have argued with her because this wasn't the first time. But now I understand she's just being critical because she wants to argue. She wants me to get upset so she can feel like she pushed my emotional buttons. But in that case I didn't respond the way she wanted. I just stopped caring. Since that time when she calls and even a few times before I just didn't pick up the phone and answered back in text format or email. She still gets her work but no more hired emotional tampon services. What I've realized over the course of the last year or so is don't argue with women, or even people on Twitter or in your video comments section for that matter. If you hear or see them say something stupid. You may think you're smart and that you'll teach them a lesson. But a lot of the time women say dumb things and mess up on purpose for attention. Then when you correct them and take their bait they drag you down to the stupid mental level they are on in that case and beat you with that stupidity. You just end up feeling dumber and emotionally dirty after the whole ordeal and it's best to just stay away. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the don't talk to women clown world show. I have another story I want to share about not arguing with women. One old guy I was talking to during one of my coaching calls was being asked by his wife to fix her new phone so that it would have the right apps on it and do everything she wanted. But he didn't know how to do it because he's still using an old flip phone and doesn't know much about the new technology. So she got frustrated and kept following him around the house to show him that she was suffering and that he needed to correct that problem so that she would go away. She even went as far as to mess up the settings on her phone and change it to night mode and didn't know how to put it back to regular mode and she kept getting more and agitate and convinced that he knew how to fix the phone and was just pretending like he didn't.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Grim Interviews: Richard (Self-Described Incel) and Dollhouse Phil!
Grim Interviews: Richard (Self-Described Incel) and Dollhouse Phil! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 45 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Down To Hell, Cyber Shadow, Tooth and Tail, Woten, Battle Axe, Blackguards

Today I take a virtual trip to the UK, where I'm talking with Richard, a self-described incel with a series of medical issues and other instances that he feels make it very difficult to find love. Yes, love. Not sex. That was the big distinction he made here and he wants other people to know that incels do not refer to themselves as men who cannot get sex. Richard sees a sex worker at a local brothel for touch therapy and other services. He wants, like many other men in his category, a loving wife and children.

Dollhouse Phil should need no introduction. Though he only spoke briefly and I will have to do another show with him, particularly with how he discovered the red pill as he also dishes out the truth on these Asians some of you (coughs) doggk (coughs) seem to be so infatuated with. Stay tuned for that. But what we did talk about were the complications that one with disabilities may have with doll ownership, an important but unfortunate part of it.

I do apologize if I went on at length, a BC Powder (for my terrible sinus pain) and a Dr. Pepper will do that to me. Much of it did become "Grandpa Grim tells of the old days" and I will take full responsibility of that. However, it was important to inform Richard that it was not always this way for young men. I remember the nineties and men did have a chance at those things he wants - but those are now all gone and the women are just not worth it anymore. I love the old days, but they're gone.


Welcome To Incel Nation - MGTOW
Welcome To Incel Nation - MGTOW Sandman 289 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Yoshi and here's what he has to say: "Hi Mr. Sandman, Thank you for your daily dose of red pill. I am 38, and technically never had a real girlfriend. Some people, my family and friends, from time to time asked me if I am not straight. It is just that I am extremely careful about getting involved with women. The first "girlfriend" I had was a classmate in high school. She moved to another state right after high school graduation so we never got to hold hands. A few years later she got pregnant with a man and had to marry him. Then divorced him shortly there after. There was another girl after that whom I was really interested in. She, however, emphatically stated that she was not interested in relationships. Then out of nowhere she sent me a text saying she's gonna get married in three months. I was shocked. Where did this guy come from? Yet again after that another girl I was hanging out with suddenly announced she's getting married because...she got pregnant. The idea of girls sleeping before marriage was foreign to me until these incidents. That's the reason why I am single. I also feel that girls have such high demands that either I metaphorically grovel at their feet or forget about it. Last year a friend of mine, a really good, caring, honest, and family-oriented guy, someone I wouldn't mind introducing my sister to if I had one, told me his girlfriend cheated on him. He got home from work one day and found his girlfriend in bed with a younger guy. My friend had to break up with her. A few months after that he found another girl. This new girl had a son, no father, but the creepy thing he eventually found out was there were male cloths in her room. There was a guy in her life that she never told him about. So my friend broke up with her too. At this point in my life I don't know if I will ever get married, which is a bit concerning to be honest because growing up I have always imagined that it's the natural order of things for male and female to come together and raise families. Warm regards, Mr. Yoshi" Well Yoshi thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but first a word from today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the I've never kissed a girl and I feel fine virgin incel show. I'm not saying that mockingly Yoshi. That woman that told you she wasn't interested in relationships just meant she wasn't interested in relationships with you. She was basically saying it's not you it's me. I'm an independent whamen so please get away from me. The guy she got engaged to only three months later odds are she was already seeing him at that time you asked her out and she was worried that if she told you know that you might get pissed off or become violent. You're right that these days more and more women have very high demands and demand that you kiss their ass. But even that's not a guarantee that you'll get sex, love and reproduction from them. I feel bad for you because you were never given the choice to go your own way from women.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

PROFESSOR é expulso por falar que mulheres tem culpa na metade dos feminic1d10
PROFESSOR é expulso por falar que mulheres tem culpa na metade dos feminic1d10 Nikaido 106 Views • 3 years ago

Quando se fala meias verdades em uma sociedade decadente , sociedade ginocentrica e misandrica,vem as consequências.

Doutrinar marxismo,feminismo,demonização aos homens dentro das salas de aula é ok,agora o professor ter a própria opinião dele,é demitido,os lacradores serão lacrados no futuro tbm.

Work NDA's Might Be Made Useless. RPM
Work NDA's Might Be Made Useless. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 111 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Another reason business owners MUST be careful!

Professora é presa por forçar alunos a terem relações íntimas com ela
Professora é presa por forçar alunos a terem relações íntimas com ela Nikaido 157 Views • 3 years ago


PORNOGRAFIA NO PALCO DO EUCALIPTO Nikaido 114 Views • 3 years ago


Don't Smash Post Wall Single Moms - MGTOW
Don't Smash Post Wall Single Moms - MGTOW Sandman 270 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, You've heard some of these stories but I thought it would be an interesting topic for the guys out there if you decide to use it. I'm a single, successful guy and MGTOW has allowed me to have a paid off house, paid off car, and on the path to early retirement. At work, I seem to be attracting an endless supply of post wall single mommies looking to glom onto me. Thanks to MeToo there's no way I would ever put my Benjamins in jeopardy by messing around with any of them. They don't expect a guy to have red pill knowledge and it all comes across as some kind of con game they're trying to pull on an unsuspecting victim. Here are 5 different examples I'd like to share. #1 Caucasian. She was flirting and telling me how her boobs looked like a certain Playboy model's. Which I find believable...about 10 years ago. But her weight fluctuates all over the place. She didn't know that all the females at work had spread the news that she was scheduled to be married to another guy in three months. Classic monkey branching. She's now married to this guy and is as big as the side of a house. Poor bastard. #2 Caucasian. Disappeared from work. We rarely interacted and I got a random email out of nowhere from her a year later saying that she had taken the break up with her boyfriend hard and had been in drug rehab. She's a single mommy now and is getting her life together. I just told her "good for you". She used to brag about her backstage shenanigans. I'm betting she's been banged by every member of a certain industrial band. She's looking pretty rough now. #3 Asian. Keeps coming to meetings I'm at and starts flirting. Is a tiny Asian girl but got Dolly Parton sized implants to stay competitive in the sexual marketplace and snag her a man. She also cut her hair super short which creates an overall odd look. But...I heard her husband left her because she's crazy. Which I believe. #4 Asian. Keeps sitting near me at lunch trying to get a conversation going. Keeps telling me I seem like "someone with a good heart". Ah, you meant sucker. Is stunningly attractive...but not without her makeup. Has yet to mention she has a kid. She doesn't realize all the females at work have already spread the news that she has a kid. I had a dream about marrying her. I had crafted a gleaming ship to get me around in a hostile universe and she was underneath trying to steal the engine. There's no way I would put myself in such a potentially unwinnable Kobayashi Maru situation by marrying her and losing everything. #5 A guy at work was letting his girlfriend live with him. She had 6 kids by 4 different baby daddies. She had druggie paranoia and was constantly calling him at work saying someone was following her home from Costco. One day he says "My girlfriend and I were talking and were wondering if you wanted one of our kids". I feel sorry for the kids but no way I'm getting involved in that train wreck. Cheers." Well Rob thanks for the donation and topic. Before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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BOXE - Mulher X Homem do exercito americano
BOXE - Mulher X Homem do exercito americano Nikaido 101 Views • 3 years ago


Micos da Esquerda - lacração
Micos da Esquerda - lacração Nikaido 56 Views • 3 years ago

Vídeos da página MICOS DA ESQUERDA
Percebe-se como a engenharia social dos socialistas funciona na sociedade,e temos os desequilibrados de hj

Lesbian U.S soldier threaten U.S citizen with martial law
Lesbian U.S soldier threaten U.S citizen with martial law KenDelrican 192 Views • 3 years ago

livesream podcast KDR link below

Biquíni Cavadão
Biquíni Cavadão Nikaido 45 Views • 3 years ago

Versão HD - ⁣

OnlyFans Will Not Ban Spicy Content! Simps & Thots Rejoice! - MGTOW
OnlyFans Will Not Ban Spicy Content! Simps & Thots Rejoice! - MGTOW Sandman 244 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

OnlyFans Bans Spicey Creators

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the second half of a donation from VR from Patreon and since he didn't give me a topic I want to discuss the impending thotpocalypse with OnlyFans as digital whores lose their simp money. What will the fallout be? I suspect that OnlyFans will try and rebrand themselves into something that resembles Twitter where T&A is still accept. But where you won't see tacos and hot dogs getting smashed. But I think this strategy will fail for OnlyFans because Twitter was used to promote OnlyFans pages. I suspect that without the full monty of spicy material Onlyfans will soon only fail as women start migrating to other platforms like which many of my favorite online thots already promote through Twitter. I'm predicting that ManyVids, a Canadian company out of Montreal that offers subscriptions just like OnlyFans, in addition to camming, merch shops for milfs, tip options and more will take
their market share. That ManyVids will become the new OnlyFans. Unfortunately for us the name OnlyFans rolls off the tongue unlike ManyVids. OnlyFans sounds sort of like the McDonald's of smut and it's destroying itself because apparently it's blaming payment processors and banksters by passing the buck off on them. They are doing to online stripers women what Patreon did when it banned Lauren Southern and then Sargon of Akkad and he promoted Subscribestar and everyone went over there. Patreon still survived and thrived because the vast majority of their content creators were not controversial and there was no risk that they would be banned. But in this case I think that OnlyFans overestimates it's importance and might have shot themselves in the Foopa because what will they really be able to offer adult content creators on their platform. The simps will disappear and with them the simp bucks. OnlyFans branded itself as a place to get uncensorable hardcore content. Now that they are going Soft they will be like Patreon and Twitter which are already bigger and more estabilished in the marketplace they want to move into. Maybe there's a conspiracy to do this on purpose to make more money by getting the thots on manyvids? I doubt it but if I were the poon tycoon that owns OnlyFans I'd call up the guys that own ManyVids and say I'll send you most of my users and let's split the revenue and meanwhile I'll give you guys shares in OnlyFans so when it goes public you'll make a fortune too. Many Vids takes 20-40% of creator money unlike OnlyFans which takes only 20%. Out of all the OnlyFans alternatives I think that manyvids will be the winner, at least for now because it's ranked in the top 1000 sites online and it offers a one stop solution. Other sites like FanCentro and AVN only offer a fraction of the features. But I'm sure they will grow too. Onlyfans they just seem to want celebrities and to eventually go public or get angel investors to give them a few hundred million dollars so they can get their payday and run the company into the ground. That's what I'm thinking. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Saturnalia na Universidade do Amazonas UEA
Saturnalia na Universidade do Amazonas UEA Nikaido 129 Views • 3 years ago

Paulo Freire e socialistas com sorriso no rosto
American Pie,fica no chinelo.

When your mom tells you to stop playing GTA and go outside
When your mom tells you to stop playing GTA and go outside JonnyMGTOW 51 Views • 3 years ago

just a funny random video to cool off nerves. :D

The TFM Show: 8/28/2021
The TFM Show: 8/28/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,546 Views • 3 years ago

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Women's False Accusations and the 2% Myth | R.P. Mentor Tokyo Channel
Women's False Accusations and the 2% Myth | R.P. Mentor Tokyo Channel Red Pill Mentor Tokyo 65 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Is it really 2% or is this a myth?

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Paternity Fraud: Moral Panic or Ticking Time Bomb
Paying the Ultimate Price for Paternity Fraud
Would I Ever Date?
Are Women Harboring the DNA of Past Partners?
Single-Father vs Single-Mother Households
I Conducted a Study On 316 Women

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The "Where Have All the Good Men Gone?" Hypothesis - Red Pill Mentor

Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore - MGTOW
Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore - MGTOW Sandman 349 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Going Your Own Way Dot Com

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so what I wanted to do is discuss a post I found on Going Your Own Way Dot Com which I put a link to in the description. So go over there and register with Jagermeister. Today his forum had new posts on 20 recent topics. I was promoting it back in 2014 and no one was listening to me and I guess now they are. Here's what someone on a threat called "Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore" had to say and I quote: "So I was listening to the Turd Flinging Monkey show this last evening and something he said hit me hard. He pointed out in America that if you believe in freedom, you don't have a country anymore. He also stated that since you don't have a country, there's no point in trying to preserve anything about it. The Marxists have already won in America and are wearing the rotting corpse of the country. They are playing this once great nation like a marionette. There is no point in even trying to defend it. The original values the founding fathers brought with them no longer exist. Fighting for a people that hate you and for a country that hates you is a complete waste of time. All that can be done is focusing on one's self and protecting your own. That's it." unquote. I agree and I'm really worried up here in Canada. Things might get really bad here as we are having an election on the 20th of September and if our rubber ducky socks prime minster gets a majority there goes freedom of speech in the fall. Also on October 1st can't ride on a plane or train inside and outside the country without a vaccine passport. It's a federal mandate. I can still cross the border by car into the United States after getting a covid test and fly out of America. For now. But how much longer? I thought about going to Eastern Europe but their vaccination rates are even higher than here with 83% of adults getting the jab and they are trying to make it mandatory for everyone and are removing one freedom after another. Medical workers and teachers have to get it or lose their jobs. Airline employees too. I fear this is only the beginning until the possibility that vaccines will not only be mandatory to do certain things but that they will become necessary and forced where they will strap you down and give you a shot in the arm. That would be complete madness but it's not outside the realm of possibility. I not only feel like I no longer have a country that believes in freedom. But I also believe that TFM is right and we have to look at protecting ourselves at this time. I want to spend this video discussing ways to ghost in your own country in case the jab becomes forced and you want to escape it. I get the feeling they won't stop until everyone has it. It seems to be a bigger agenda at play here. But before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to everyone with a needle in their arm like a heroin addict clown world show. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the four or five levels of MGTOW but it looks like at some point if there are forced vaccinations instead of just mandatory ones I'll have to become level four. First of all let me define the difference between mandatory and forced for those that don't know. Mandatory means you have to have it if you want to go to a public place or use a public service. You have the choice to refuse to get on a plane or train or not go to a ball game. But force is when the government says either you get this or we take you away and force it into your arm. If that were to happen I'm sure it would be a global thing or something mostly in the west and the only way to get around it would be to get off the grid and hide out in the wilderness. The first level of MGTOW or level 0 is when you're dating in Longterm relationships.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

HMT 183 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 127 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Oh well

Got no passion no shite to show for but YouTube
Got no passion no shite to show for but YouTube Francis_UD 26 Views • 3 years ago

Filmed on 28/08/2021 AEST


La mujer narcisista
La mujer narcisista ElObserVador 1,629 Views • 3 years ago

Cuando pensamos en una mujer narcisista, el prototipo que nos viene a la mente es el de una mujer muy engreída, vestida y maquillada de manera muy llamativa y sensual, que camina como si el mundo le perteneciera, y que mide y controla cada movimiento de su cuerpo, cada gesto, cada postura, para dar la impresión constante de sentirse divina de la muerte. Pero la narcisista no es solo eso, es mucho más...

The Quran Absolute Truth and Art of Critical Thinking
The Quran Absolute Truth and Art of Critical Thinking Imran Hosein 25 Views • 3 years ago

The Rise Of PUA & Decline Of MGTOW
The Rise Of PUA & Decline Of MGTOW Sandman 351 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Content Men Must Avoid

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss how increasingly the red pill is no longer as associated with the men's rights movement and MGTOW as it's becoming increasingly connected to the Pickup Artist Community. YouTube is promoting channels like Fresh and Fit and Richard Cooper that promote the Alpha male bullshit instead of being free to live the live you want. The idea is you still have to project an image of success to make yourself attractive to women to have any self worth. I suspect that the mainstream is figuring out they can't control manosphere philosophy so instead they are promoting the one that's the least harmless to the consumer economy and still caters to giving women attention. A high status male. What the PUAS don't tell you is that a third of millionaires out there live on less than 33k a year. Many such wouldn't be considered alphas but they have wealth because of financial prudence and responsibility. Real Alphas don't care about being alpha. It's usually the guys that are homophobic that have homosexual tendencies are trying to convince themselves that they aren't gay. My experience has always been that the men that promote their ultra macho masculinity are covering up for some weakness they have. Now I'd like to share something I read on reddit by someone named Secret Albatross and here's what he has to say: "I'd consider myself Red Pilled. I think the Red Pill's general tenants educate guys on a bunch of stuff they're never taught as kids. RedPill content creators HAVE to sell something to make money. They sell and image, or they sell their particular spin on Red Pill ideas. Kevin Samuels, Rich Cooper, Donovan Sharpe, Fresh and Fit. etc. These guys all hit the nail on some issues but have ridiculous takes on other issues. I watch content mostly because it's entertaining or because I think it's important to stay hungry in life when you aren't where you are, but I also think it can severely distort your view of the world in general. If you build up all these preconceived ideas about women, it'll build up, and you'll have a subconscious anxiety/skepticism interacting with women that will be hard to shake. I'm lucky that I had female friends and attention from women before the Red Pill, so even though it's influenced the way I think about things in some way, it doesn't impede my ability to interact normally. I feel for young guys, this is the biggest risk. To only be able to see women through a Red Pill lens. One can argue that maybe Instagram culture has
changed things a lot since I was a teen (I'm 30y), but at the end of the day, the world painted by content creators is not the real world." unquote. I agree with Secret Albatross that a lot of red pill content creators are painting the world in an incorrect way especially the macho peacocking PUA variety. But before I discuss more let me tell you about today's sponsor Ok 2B Cliche:

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Professora ensinando o Peixe - Bola - Gato
Professora ensinando o Peixe - Bola - Gato Nikaido 127 Views • 3 years ago

Da teoria a pratica

Proven Right Yet Again RPM
Proven Right Yet Again RPM REDPILLMARRIED 162 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Accept that a snake is a snake.

Importance of recitation of the Quran SHEIKH IMRAN HOSEIN  2021 Islamabad
Importance of recitation of the Quran SHEIKH IMRAN HOSEIN 2021 Islamabad Imran Hosein 18 Views • 3 years ago

Lessons Learned 9: Forgive Yourself
Lessons Learned 9: Forgive Yourself NerokeFive 38 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Based on a couple of events that occurred in my life. Both were different and both played a big part in why I went MGTOW. On the surface, they didn't appear all that much the same. Taking time out to engage in serious self-reflection and meditation they had much more in common than I considered.

Specifically here I need to emphasize the need to not only move on from the events from the past but also to forgive yourself for the mistakes that you made

Lessons Learned 5: Ask Uncomfortable Questions
Lessons Learned 5: Ask Uncomfortable Questions NerokeFive 10 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Based on a couple of events that occurred in my life. Both were different and both played a big part in why I went MGTOW. On the surface, they didn't appear all that much the same. Taking time out to engage in serious self-reflection and meditation they had much more in common than I considered.

You need to always look at your side of the events. Even if you were completely innocent or believe that you're completely innocent

Lessons Learned 3: Don't Build Her Up In Your Head
Lessons Learned 3: Don't Build Her Up In Your Head NerokeFive 17 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Based on a couple of events that occurred in my life. Both were different and both played a big part in why I went MGTOW. On the surface, they didn't appear all that much the same. Taking time out to engage in serious self-reflection and meditation they had much more in common than I considered.

Keep it real engaging in too much thought on how things will go in head will create expectations. These Expectations will then have to be met, so keep it real concentrated on your life first

Lessons Learned 2: Close the Deal
Lessons Learned 2: Close the Deal NerokeFive 4 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Based on a couple of events that occurred in my life. Both were different and both played a big part in why I went MGTOW. On the surface, they didn't appear all that much the same. Taking time out to engage in serious self-reflection and meditation they had much more in common than I considered.

If the opportunity comes close it. This doesn't only apply to relationships but business or other matters

Lessons Learned 1: Be Aware of Your Personal State
Lessons Learned 1: Be Aware of Your Personal State NerokeFive 12 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Based on a couple of events that occurred in my life. Both were different and both played a big part in why I went MGTOW. On the surface, they didn't appear all that much the same. Taking time out to engage in serious self-reflection and meditation they had much more in common than I considered.

Self Awareness is really important when you're going through a stressful state for whatever reason.

Grim Rants: Don't Be A MGTOW Evangelist!
Grim Rants: Don't Be A MGTOW Evangelist! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 30 Views • 3 years ago

Game: It's not important.

Alright, I need to address something very important that Paul Elam brought up in his last video regarding PUA's. I know we have had disputes with Elam before but times are changing and though he is stubborn, he seems to be understanding why men are walking away. The main point is that too many people in this community (not saying it is you, personally) are running around on YouTube and other places in social media where different red pill and even blue pill points are uttered, taking about how MGTOW they are.

Do you know who else does that? The LGBTQ movement. They can't wait to tell you how gay they are and what non-binary gender descriptive they have. Unless you feel that someone can literally be helped by this content, do not keep promoting yourself to normies. Most normies know what MGTOW is and how the media corrupted it. So there is no getting through to some people and you are wasting your breath. However, to those who really need it - well, you'll know. They'll either come to you or go looking. Just go your own way and do not make such a big deal about it.


Transmutação Sexual - Refeito
Transmutação Sexual - Refeito Nikaido 64 Views • 3 years ago

#Se o vídeo não rodar,basta so ler o que esta na THUMBNAIL,que o vídeo é só isso
vídeo de poucos segundos

Onlyfans - 3.5 Milhoes de contas criadas em março de 2020
Onlyfans - 3.5 Milhoes de contas criadas em março de 2020 Nikaido 41 Views • 3 years ago


The Most Haunted Place on Earth | Live From The Lair
The Most Haunted Place on Earth | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 212 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Mass graves and disembodied conversations in Arabic. All this and more can be yours when you vacation in Abu Ghraib prison, the most haunted place on Earth!
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My Mom Is On Onlyfans LOL - MGTOW
My Mom Is On Onlyfans LOL - MGTOW Sandman 247 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Yvan and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have been enjoying the great singular themes of your videos, the remarkably abundant, profitable lessons they comprise and your displaying vulnerability in telling us of your personal and financial/professional circumstances ! Have much continued success and inspiration, and thank you for indulging everyday with your sensational videos!" Well Yvan thanks for the donation. I thought I'd share with post on Reddit called: "I've been depressed and suicidal because of my mom's onlyfans" So here goes and I quote: "I'm 13 and my mom is 33. Things at school were never great. I'm sorta short so I get picked on some but it was manageable. That was until one of my classmates showed me a picture of my mom naked. I almost had a panic attack and had to be excused from the classroom. I ended up not showing up to school for a few days and
faked that I was sick. I was hoping that things would cool off but they didn't. As soon as I got to school almost everyone in my class was staring and laughing at me. This has been going on for about a week now. I was wondering how my classmates even got the pictures and apparently my mom advertises her onlyfans on her personal Twitter account. Some students from my school follow her so they were able to see the nudes and they have been spread everywhere. I don't even have a twitter so I didn't know about any of this. The worst part is when I confronted my mom about this she told me that I was overreacting and that sex work is basically the same as working at a bank or grocery store. She also said it makes her feel good about herself and that I should be happy that she's more confident now. I told the principal but they can't suspend thousands of students or take anyone's phones. I've been crying in my room everyday for the past week. I don't think I can take it anymore." unquote. I bet many of you are saying but Sandman how can you be gullible enough to believe a story like this? I don't care if it's true or not. I'm fifty fifty on this one because I've seen women in their thirties and forties on chaterbate and other chat sites that would talk about their kids. So if this story isn't true you can sure bet that statistically there have to be some situations out there that are like this. Thank Yvan for the donation and I'll get to the topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to the My mom's on onlyfans and she wants me to retweet her nudes to all my friends clown world show. I'm going to play along and answer the 13 year old guys questions. He asks how did guys in high school access her onlyfans after they followed the link there from her Twitter account? I hear that you need a credit card for verification purposes. Maybe she setup a free onlyfans account and makes money on private chats? Perhaps she gave away a few sample pictures on Twitter because they allow people to share nudes. If this story is true I'd seriously consider telling this kid to call child protective services. Or take his story to the media. Then tell her that he only did it because he loves her and wants her to get as many followers as possible. You know that Brian Stelter will soon be unemployed and he'd be perfect dressed in a trench coat and fedora interviewing this kid on a park bench. I started think this story was unbelievable when he said that she said that sex work is just like any other occupation like being a baker.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Pro-Rape Activists Protest in Slut Walk in L.A.
Pro-Rape Activists Protest in Slut Walk in L.A. KenDelrican 6 Views • 3 years ago

funny video ?

Morador de rua VOLTOU,meio bebado mas mandou a idéia
Morador de rua VOLTOU,meio bebado mas mandou a idéia Nikaido 42 Views • 3 years ago


Por isso você é gado!
Por isso você é gado! MGTOW_Alfa 108 Views • 3 years ago


Meet Miss Nevada, She Was Once A Man - MGTOW
Meet Miss Nevada, She Was Once A Man - MGTOW Sandman 201 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

2021 Miss Nevada Will Be The First Openly Transgender Miss USA Contestant

Influencers react to Norway photo edit law: 'Welcome honesty' or a 'shortcut'?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he briefly has to say: "Great, thanks Sandman. I can't think of a topic for now. No doubt you can come up with one. I will donate again with a topic. Cheers." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation. I want to bring to you attention an article I found called "2021 Miss Nevada Will Be The First Openly Transgender Miss USA Contestant" which I've linked to in the description. So it looks like men Are more beautiful than women in Nevada. Ladies you've really screwed the pooch. Soon you'll lose your opportunities in women's Basketball, as swim suit models, olympic athletes, beauty pageant contestants, OnlyFans money and so much more as men figure out there is a ton of prize money and sporting career opportunities they can take from women and women can't say anything because if they do they are being trans phobic. Sure they can complain about trans women's larger bones and muscle density. But how can they criticize a once upon a man that worked really hard to look like a woman and beat women at their own game. Some states, I believe Florida is moving to ban trans women from competing in women's sports. Women have no problem invading male spaces and competing with men. But they don't know how to react when men enter female spaces and compete with women. Here's a bit from the article and I quote: "Kataluna Enriquez, who
was also Miss Nevada USA's first trans contestant, beat out 21 other women for the top spot. She will represent the Silver State at the 2021 Miss USA pageant that will be held on Nov. 29 in Tulsa, Okla., where she will have a chance to be crowned Miss USA and advance to the Miss Universe pageant. If crowned Miss USA, Enriquez will become the second trans contestant to compete for Miss Universe, after Angela Ponce, who represented Spain in the 2018 Miss Universe pageant. The pageant began allowing transgender contestants in 2012." unquote. What a glorious glory hole day this is. Boys all across America will see her in the Miss America Pageant and dream that they too can be in the Miss America competition one day. What a joyous time to be alive if you're coming of age in these coomer times. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to females that were once males taking over female spaces away. First of all whatever happened to the Miss America competition wanting to drop the swimsuit competition? What about all those fapper chicks that worked hard in the 1920s to allow women to reveal their bodies. Sounds to me like covering up women in bikinis is kind of sexist. Actually the reason they dropped the Bikini competition was probably because the competition had been infiltrated by cultural marxists that are trying to destroy the standard definitions of beauty and probably want to see land whales competing in the competition one day. Luckily they changed the rules a few years back just in time for Miss Nevada in case she doesn't tuck her mansickle adequately enough and it slip through the bikini crack on live television. For all I know it might be gone. I was watching one YouTube channel and two twin comedians were commenting on this story and said that given the choice between smashing Kataluna and Rosie O'donnell that most guys would know what to do. I wanted to make a joke about having sex with an animal but that would be inappropriate so I won't. But their joke does bring up an interesting question.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Hojabis Are So Out Of Control The Mullahs Don't Know What To Do
Hojabis Are So Out Of Control The Mullahs Don't Know What To Do Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 471 Views • 3 years ago


Preparense para a vindoura 6ª onda feminista
Preparense para a vindoura 6ª onda feminista Nikaido 104 Views • 3 years ago


Cutting myself too much slack hmm...
Cutting myself too much slack hmm... Francis_UD 14 Views • 3 years ago


Tell me what you guys reckon.

Filmed on 24/08/2021 AEST

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Financial Whorefare - MGTOW
Financial Whorefare - MGTOW Sandman 233 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so what I wanted to do is use this video as a sort of rehearsal to flush out my financial ideas when I go on a live stream with Terrence Popp and Blake about the financial warfare we are experiencing right now aimed against us and what we can do to preserve and grow our wealth. Men are fighting a war on three fronts. Our own biology and female nature. The war with the wokesters that are trying to destroy our culture turning us into latte sipping soy cowboys and finally the financial war. It used to matter what you kept and not necessarily what you earned. But the system wants to take your savings through more taxation and inflation. Taxation enriches enriches more women which means more money for the government to spend on welfare programs for them. Inflation enriches the asset holders. Ie the wealthy that own most of the stuff that produces real value in society. Official inflation has been at around 4-5% lately so that means you need to earn around 6-7% before tax just to preserve your wealth. I was doing that in my dividend stocks but that's not going to cut it going forward because I don't believe the official inflation number. The real rate is probably closer to 10-15% in Canada and the USA thanks to money printing. So that means I would have to target fifteen percent growth in asset prices before tax. The only two maybe three asset classes that have been able to earn that have been growth and tech stocks, crypto and Canadian Real Estate. Since I might have to leave Canada because of coming hate speech legislation that only leaves Bitcoin, which the majority of my wealth is in right now until the bull run is over most likely by the end of the year or early next year. The central bankers seem to be first about destroy the middle class and lower class. I think that eventually they will go after many of the wealther people. But for right now the poor are being hurt more through inflationary money printings. The next thing government could do is introduce a net asset value tax the way California has done. At the top of some of these shinanigans you have Christine LaGuarde the president of the European Central Bank and she believes that you should be happier to have a job than to have savings. She of course frames the argument as income versus savings. But many of the wealthiest people don't have jobs or have savings. They have investment income and assets instead of savings. If you think your ex wife is bad then you haven't seen Laguarde yet. She's a convicted criminal that lost in court and didn't even have to go to prison. Laguarde is using reverse psychology. She wants you to have savings because through inflation she's going to pick your pocket and put your money in her purse and then hand it out to women through welfare programs. In Canada the deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said that the government needs to find a way to unlock all the money that people have saved in Canada in their cash accounts. She pissed off a lot of people by saying that. She said Canadians need to send her ideas on how to unlock all that saved money. This is reverse psychology. She knows people will be less likely to spend their cash when they hear that. But as the finance minister she can get the simps over at the Bank of Canada to print more money and devalue your savings. Most guys are too stupid to understand this. She was one of George Soros protege so she's working to impoverish Canadians and make a socialist state. As gynocentric governments and central banks destroy the money that women weren't able to take from us we need to worry about unrealized capital gains. Roth the IRA in America or TFSA or Tax Free Savings Account In Canada need to be used as much as possible if for example you're buying crypto. I'll discuss more in just a moment and literally put my money where my mouth is by showing you my US dollar investing portfolio. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Women around the world against Taliban patriarchy Mgtow
Women around the world against Taliban patriarchy Mgtow KenDelrican 223 Views • 3 years ago

chat group
article by zero

Feministas e Artigos -  Pq não consigo encontrar um homem?
Feministas e Artigos - Pq não consigo encontrar um homem? Nikaido 103 Views • 3 years ago

#OBS - sempre tem um shamming

Leopardos - Ex strippers cariocas anos 80
Leopardos - Ex strippers cariocas anos 80 Nikaido 72 Views • 3 years ago


Clube de strip onde tinha globais,e o cara que deu a entrevista conta como fez sexo com muita mulher casada,mulheres "Patrocinando",como ja viu mulheres se nao me engano da capa da playboy ou era global nua,cheirando cocaína,e até Guilherme de pádua um dos assassinos da filha da Gloria Perez,fez parte desse clube

IMPLICATIONS FOR ISLAM OF THE US DEFEAT IN AFGHANISTAN Arabic subtitles Imran Hosein 20 Views • 3 years ago

IMPLICATIONS FOR ISLAM OF THE US DEFEAT IN AFGHANISTAN Arabic subtitles Imran Hosein 9 Views • 3 years ago

Hipersexualidade - Viking de óculos
Hipersexualidade - Viking de óculos Nikaido 72 Views • 3 years ago


Twerking Babes Challenge - MGTOW
Twerking Babes Challenge - MGTOW Sandman 232 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA


NEW!! BUSS IT CHALLENGE 2021 Tiktok Compilation

Buss It Fail Compilation

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello from Down Under Sandman. As we continue to suffer under never ending lockdowns justified by the premature demise of 90 year olds, I came across another sign of the social degradation of our times courtesy of the YouTube algorithm. Responding to the clickbait of a busty wench, I ventured into the world of the “Buss It Challenge”. This is a viral trend on TikTok etc. where women film short videos with 2 sequences. In the first sequence they dress down (plainly) and dance to Nelly’s “Hot In Herre” and in the second sequence they attempt to dress glamorously as they twerk to Erica Banks’ “Buss It.” The videos range from the hilarious to the hideous but what they all have in common is the impression that the wenches “starring” in them have an overwhelming combination of narcissism, borderline personality disorder and low IQ. I can’t help but see this as yet another symptom of a society creating women that are increasingly attention seeking and out of touch with reality, demanding that we worship their worst attributes and their butt as the almighty. Sandman, shine some light on what this disturbing trends tells us. Is this Exhibit D (D for degenerate) for going MGTOW? Well Mr Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to women going from plain jane to slutty sally in one second flat clown world show. I put a link in the description to the second Buss It Challenge video I found online with an unattractive Indian woman that doesn't do her whole body. She just does it with her chest up. But the Buss It Challenge is all about women being plain, innocent and boring in the first half of the short twenty to thirty second videos to then transforming into a scantily clad slutty girl. It's like she's tell guys out there watching her that she can be both versions of the woman you as a man want. What women don't understand is that we aren't like women. We don't imagine what a woman looks like when she's casual and when she's hot. We want her to look hot all the time. It's women that are the ones that can't decide if they want men to dress in and present themselves as either casual or formal. That's why women are so fascinated by men that have stubble on their faces. She can easily imagine him with a beard and clean shaven at the same time and study after study has shown that women find guys with five O'clock shadow more attractive to women then either the clean shaven ones or guys with beards. It all comes down to possibilities for women. Almost as if they prefer it when a man is full of possibilities and presents multiple options simultaneously. Of course once again men want women to look their best and put their best breasts forward. The ones in the push-up bra and nice top instead of the ones wearing with their puppies flopping in the wind caused by her farts under her flannel onsie pajamas. It's all obviously about the extreme and instant slutty makeover in only ten seconds. Twenty years ago you might watch something like extreme makeover on network television and people were getting plastic surgery and new wardrobes and the extreme makeover milked it for all it's worth by extending the final reveal as long as possible. The Buss It Challenge on TikTok is for a world with very short attention spans. Extreme makeover would never make it today because people can't wait longer than those ten seconds to see a girl go from sweet to slut. Women are using this to project themselves as being good looking and bad looking at the same time. So how did all this madness begin? Well apparently it was an 18 year old TikTok user that challenged everyone to make the same twerking video she did once the buss it chorus begins.

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Yes They Will Go To Another Site...BUT! RPM
Yes They Will Go To Another Site...BUT! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 142 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Time to break down what's NOT being talked about on this topic.

Dating while being pregnant, she is ready to ride the CC
Dating while being pregnant, she is ready to ride the CC KenDelrican 79 Views • 3 years ago

KenDelrican dating

Podcast and livestream link


Chat group


Marriage Is A Trap & B00bs Are The Bait - MGTOW
Marriage Is A Trap & B00bs Are The Bait - MGTOW Sandman 274 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jeff and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman I have a topic about marriage. My Father was married 3 times and my Mother was his 2nd. He left the house and got married to his 3rd wife when I was 20 and I didn't see him much until I was in my 30s. When I did catch up with him again he wasn't happy, and he hadn't been happy in any of his 3 marriages. I asked him why he kept getting married when clearly it wasn't working for him. He didn't have an answer. He died last year at the age of 86 and he died alone in a nursing home. His wife had put him in there because she didn't want to look after him in his old age and she found it too stressful and time consuming as she liked to spend a lot of time with her friends. Me and my brother were unable to get to visit him due to my Father living in a different state and there were border closures due to the Wu Flu. I spoke to my father for the last time about 12 days before he died. He was miserable and lonely but not sick. He died suddenly overnight of an infection. I think he just gave up. Admittedly my Father was not the greatest man to be around. He had issues with anxiety, was childish at times and was unable to get along with a lot of other people. But what happened to the marriage vows, 'in sickness and in health'. His 3rd wife was well aware of his personality flaws before she tied the knot with him. My message to men is, Gentlemen, Marriage is not what you think it is. If you are thinking that you won't die alone if you are married then think again. Women can pull the pin on the marriage at any time. Women are only interested in the 'Special Day' and after that they have little interest in being a good wife, whatever that means nowadays. I think its important for men to know that being a husband and father (which im not and never have been) is a stressful undertaking, and if you're not up to it then don't engage. I think its important to continuously get the message out there that marriage is a trap for men. They are often deluded about what it is. I say again. She is only interested in the 'Special Day' where its all about her and she can lap up all the attention. Something I have never understood is the 'down on one knee' thing that men do to propose marriage. What is that about? It might be interesting to research where this started and what it means, and what women think it means, and more importantly what do men think it means. It looks like a submissive gesture to me or even grovelling. Anyway that'll do I guess. Love your work Sandman and stay well during this difficult time." Well Jeff thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Judeus por trás da Indústria Pornográfica - Abuso e Exploração Sexual
Judeus por trás da Indústria Pornográfica - Abuso e Exploração Sexual Axel Stone 89 Views • 3 years ago

Autor das legendas: Masterace

Now Hiring - Mgtow
Now Hiring - Mgtow Zuberi87 112 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.


Does She Really Want a High-Value Man?
Does She Really Want a High-Value Man? Chad Hart 43 Views • 3 years ago

⁣We hear the mantra of today's modern woman that they are about the "high
value" men. But are they? Forget about her words, what do her actions

The TFM Show: 8/21/2020
The TFM Show: 8/21/2020 T.F. Monkey 1,628 Views • 3 years ago

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MOM-BODS Chad Hart 38 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Shaming and belittling men in every manner is what's been "in".
Women and their flying monkeys (soy boys) heap the shame but don't live
up to their own measuring standard. The term "DAD-BOD" is derogatory and
meant as a put down and body shaming for men. Yet women can be as fat,
nasty, and bitchy as they want? How does that work?

MOM-BODS are real. If you don't believe me just go out to the mall,
store or take a walk. You wont be out for more than a few minutes before
coming across an entitled land whale who thinks she can get any man she
wants. Pathetic!!!

SCREW YOU AHHNOLD Chad Hart 49 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The inner dictator in Ahhnold has come out. Show this asshole what the
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is all about. Ahhnold is trying to screw over
the country he came to where he was free to become what he did. Go back
to yodeling in the Alps bitch!!! To hell with you.

Como as redes sociais destruíram as mulheres
Como as redes sociais destruíram as mulheres Nikaido 27 Views • 3 years ago


REACT - Mãe Solteira de Duas Valentinas | MSOL Nível Very-Hard
REACT - Mãe Solteira de Duas Valentinas | MSOL Nível Very-Hard フクロウ Fukuro 153 Views • 3 years ago

vídeo react ?

Sandman Briefly Talks To 19 Year Old Woman - MGTOW
Sandman Briefly Talks To 19 Year Old Woman - MGTOW Sandman 305 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Class of '09

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This is a talk I did a while back with SBN3 and he's a multimedia artist and comedian that has a channel called Class of 09 on Steam. As promised we gets a young woman to call into his show later. I can't remember exactly what we talked about but I enjoyed him challenging me on some issues and I'm sure you'll enjoy it too. Before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, here's the video. So Enjoy.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

KAREN DE DEUS フクロウ Fukuro 111 Views • 3 years ago

niko belic studios

PROOF They Can Track You With The Scamarona Vaccine
PROOF They Can Track You With The Scamarona Vaccine Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 531 Views • 3 years ago

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Fix Your Relationship You've Come to The Right Place
Fix Your Relationship You've Come to The Right Place womensstudio 23 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Are you Feeling Confused & Hopeless In a Relationship That Has Lost Its Joy & Feels a Million Miles Away From What It Used To Be.
"Perhaps You Have Tried Everything You Can To Fix Things But Your Partner Just Doesn't
Seem To Notice Or Care..."
What Ever State Your Troubled Relationship Is In, Stop Worrying, Because
You Are About To Discover The Proven System For Reviving Any Relationship No Matter What The Problem Are.
I think it's a fair assumption to make that you've downloaded this book because you're going through a challenging time right now, in a relationship that is not what you dreamed of!
We've all been a relationship, where at first it felt like your relationship was so incredible that it seemed like you were born for each other and arguments and conflict were things that happened to 'other couples,' but not you.
That is until you have your first fight, and then the second and third... then the relationship feels like a terrible nightmare that you are trapped in., and it feels like there's no way to fix it or get things back to how they used to be! If You Want To Fix Your Relationship You've Come to The Right Place
Maybe you're at a crossroad and you are evaluating if your relationship is worth holding on to, or perhaps you are losing the person that you still so dearly love, yet no matter what you try, your situation seems more and more hopeless
order for the course:-

KAREN INTELECTUAL フクロウ Fukuro 153 Views • 3 years ago

Edição - Niko Belic Studios

MIMADAS E INTERESSEIRAS A MELHOR REDPILL VEM DELAS C Dra Cláudia Pacheco Nikaido 96 Views • 3 years ago


Will The Taliban Liberate Women? LOL - MGTOW
Will The Taliban Liberate Women? LOL - MGTOW Sandman 280 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

Taliban Is On An Infinite Timeline

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kenneth and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hello Sandman, I'm sure you've seen the hoopla associated with Afghanistan falling to the Taliban. Can you please discuss what's going to happen to the women there now that their gender studies degree program created in 2015 will be cancelled and they will all be shoved into Burqas? Thanks" Well Kenneth thanks for the donation and topic. If you see the picture of the woman in the thumbnail you need to understand that women are not allowed to wear high heels and they can't even show their faces and hands or clothing that accentuates their body curves in Afghanistan now. The only male attention a woman in that country can can get is from her own husband. The idea is to make women thirsty both sexually and for attention. In the west women are busy creating a massive male underclass of incels that are thirsty for the sex and attention of women. Neither system works in the long term for a happy healthy society. And I'm not advocating for either. I want a third way. But right now everyone is worried that Communists and Muslims will work together to tear down the west and they are. But if or when that happens the Feminists and Libtards need to fear an Islam-Incel Alliance in the west. Muslims will say to incels we will give you a bride of your own and all you have to do is convert to our faith and fight with us against the godless communists that are making you eat bugs and freaky feminists and LGBTQ folk that are turning your women into tatted up land whales. As I was following the story it seemed to me as if some centrists and those on the right were almost taking the side of the Taliban. This shows me that it's a very real possibility that disenfranchised men in the west will be seduced by Islam once as it grows here. As Afghanistan was falling to the Taliban you know the left has gone too far when centrists in the west have more in common culturally with the Taliban then they do with wokester neo Marxists that are taking over. I never thought I'd see the day when the most rational Americans that are against the leftist government sound like they are beginning to siding with patriarchal terrorists. Is it any wonder that people in Afghanistan surrendered so quickly when the best that America could offer them was gender studies degrees? Satan Klaus over at the World Economic Forum needs to be more worried about the incel-Islamic alliance then the great reset. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways now back to the you will be locked in your house unless you wear a Burqa clown world show. Just to make it clear again I don't condone what the Taliban has done to Afghan society but I understand why they have done it because they are trying to hold onto a traditional medieval way of life. The printing press, television, radio and smart phones threaten that way of life because ideas spread like a virus. They should know because their own ideology does the same so they don't want any other competing ideas. They are just as bad as the leftists in the west trying to censor everything. But instead of making men second class citizens they are turning women in second class citizens. Twenty years ago no one in the west would have taken the Taliban's side but I feel that as western societies wage war on men the men in the west see the war that the Taliban are waging on women in the east and winning and they think to themselves that might be a better alternative than what we have right now with crash birth rates, men dying as virgins and the metoo movement. Forty-five years ago when that helicopter was picking people up in Saigon Americans were shocked to see it. As the American Embassy in Kabul was being airlifted in a similar fashion many Americans were making fun of it showing me that national pride is now a joke.

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The Suffering Is COMING! Onlyfans And Renegades. RPM
The Suffering Is COMING! Onlyfans And Renegades. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 199 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Uh oh! The online hustle is over so the blade is about to get REAL.

Will Men Become Obsolete - MGTOW
Will Men Become Obsolete - MGTOW Sandman 220 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Toadwhisperer and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, please dissect Governments weaponization of Women's voting rights that "pretend" gov. bs gives women FREE food, clothing, health care rather than the truth that only Male BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS gives women FREE food clothing, shelter medicine. God bless you yours." Well Toadwhisperer thanks for the donation and topic. Women voting in governments that give material benefits to themselves at the expense of male blood, sweat and tears is not as cut and dry as it might have been a couple of centuries ago before we had fossil fuels. Male blood and sweat has been mostly replaced by machines and as for the tears that's still happening as men get divorced and have to pay alimony and child support. I would argue that the only reason women were given the vote to begin with was because of the massive surplus wealth of fossil fuels that have replaced a lot of physical male labor. When you're a man literally breaking your back working as a farmer before tractors your life is hard and you're pissed off all the time because you're in pain and irritable. Once men's physical comfort and pain was substantially reduced when men started working in factories and cubicles men became weaker psychologically and let things slide that they never would have accepted before. The question to ask is what will men allow to happen when we have Artificial Intelligence and robotics replace 99% of our mental and physical labor? When such technologies thanks to cheaper and cheaper production provide what amounts to virtually free 3 printed clothing, shelter and medicine? Were still early in the game of governments weaponizing women's votes. Wait until governments are made up of mostly women running them. Wait until they subvert the US Military too. The technological deflation is ahead of us and so is the collapse in value for the beta male provider and we'll see a massive rise in incel numbers. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. If they get better. I'll discuss all that and more depressing stuff in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the male mental and physical effort about to become obsolete clown world show. As I've mentioned in previous videos men are rushing to build AI and automation to make more and more of us all unemployed and it's men that will suffer more because we find more purpose in work and self destruct when we are idle. But no one is rushing to make loverbots and artificial womb on the other side to make women obsolete in the eyes of men. If we don't even up this technological imbalance in the next few decades before women make up the majority of politicians and prevent us from doing so we will be in real trouble. Think of women as Chancellor Palpatine and men being the Jedi. Will governments by women, for women really want to put up with a massive population of unemployed and rowdy males? How will they handle us besides just using our sperm to perpetuate the species. Toadwhisper I agree with you right now most of that female entitlement given to women by governments comes from men working and paying more into the system. But how will society change in the coming decades when machines do almost all of the thinking and working for us? It's going to get exponentially faster. Right now Gmail finishes the last three or four words of each sentence I write.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Manifest Money FAST | 15 Minute Meditation
Manifest Money FAST | 15 Minute Meditation Touiki 1 Views • 3 years ago

⁣They Tried To KILL Me To Stop You From Seeing This.. ⁣

⁣Tap into the currency of money with this 15-minute meditation. This meditation uses binaural beats and manifesting techniques to help you manifest money fast!

If you like this video, please subscribe and hit the thumbs up!

The Power Went Out In Afghanistan. RPM
The Power Went Out In Afghanistan. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 298 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Now you see what the REAL world looks like.

Era of Consequences Part 3 - Mgtow
Era of Consequences Part 3 - Mgtow Zuberi87 123 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Women Are In Panic Mode - MGTOW
Women Are In Panic Mode - MGTOW Sandman 446 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, During a Telegram conversation about the New Zealand Trans weight lifter Laurel Hubbard affecting whamen's Olympic chances, whamen in the replies were complaining that it's now unfair. The conversation went on in different directions and not a single whamen mentioned holding other whamen responsible for ushering in this woke change, but instead blamed all men. This lead me to a thought which you've most likely covered previously, that in order for any change in society (especially when it comes to men's rights to balance back to neutral), whamen must be allowed to suffer to a considerable extent being financial, emotion and physical. Only then will whamen assess what's in their own best interests and make some compromise. What whamen must be made to understand is that men who've taken the red pill don't want compromise, as we've tasted freedom and will never give it up for a few meat curtain deals. Mr Sandman with your various connections worldwide, I'm curious to what percentage has MGTOW increased in other countries in the last 10 years and what your estimates are before whamen in society begin to panic at how much they've messed up with Feminism and other forms of communist anti male rhetoric? Thank you for everything you do from a loyal MGTOW." Well Trump Nuken thanks for the topic and donation. Before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back the women with both and x and y chromosome competing as women in the Olympics clown world show. When I hear women complaining about men that decided to transition compete and win at women's sports I want women to cry me a river of thot tears dear. I've also heard women use the argument that it's unfair that male to female trans athletes are competing against biological women. That's when you can sarcastically say that the woman saying this she's being transphobic and that athletes like Laurel Hubbard are actually women and that if she speaks like that you might have to tell her boss and co-workers. Let's see how they feel with the looming threat of cancel culture destroying their
lives hanging over their heads. Women hate it when you use their own games back at them. That usually signals to them that they have to change their games. But when a woman brings up arguements that Laurel was born biologically a male then you say well she's not a male anymore. The high heeled shoe on the other foot, a male foot that now identifies as a female foot. Wokesters have been gaslighting everyone and making them think they are crazy. Now it's your turn to make the women that are critical of male to female athletes feel the same way by saying that chromosomes don't matter and that gender is a social construct. You probably believe that isn't the case but you're being politically correct and women can get angry at you all they want but they don't have any arguments they can throw back in your face so they just end up getting angry and frustrated. Keep a straight face as you watch them lose it. You're right Trump Nukem they have to suffer financial, emotional and physical pain.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

28day keto challenge
28day keto challenge Basha 14 Views • 3 years ago

get know start the your keto challenge ?:
click here to start -link in below⬇

get started you life will change it...

Grim Rants: Having A Waifu Now Counts As Simping?!
Grim Rants: Having A Waifu Now Counts As Simping?! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 40 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Lost Ruins

Folks, I really can't believe that traditionalists would go as far as to demonize a guy and his waifu now. This is ultimately pretty stupid and it won't help their cause.

And MangaGamer has a sale right now, so let's all just simp fucking harder now. Tired of this petty bullshit among men. We're better than this, live and let live.

Also simp hard for our sponsor:

The feminists media concern about Afghan women and Taliban
The feminists media concern about Afghan women and Taliban KenDelrican 246 Views • 3 years ago

podcast & livestream
chat group telegram

How To Be A Male Feminist - MGTOW
How To Be A Male Feminist - MGTOW Sandman 224 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off


Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dr. B Real also known as Bob and this is my review of his third chapter from his volume book called Surviving 4th Wave Feminism. In the previous chapter Bob shared how he had spent a year in gender studies class as a foreign exchange student from Australia, studying in the United State in Los Angeles. We fast forward 16 years after Bob finished his gender studies he was still identifying as a feminist back in Australia. He had not fully recognized the fourth wave of feminism yet. He understood the hypocrisy of feminism and saw it as an attack on people from another another gender and color which he was a part of. In 2016 he attended the women's march in Australia because he believed in equality. He said the event that he wanted to support was disorganized, there was no audio equipment there to help people hear what was being said. So Bob decided to take some photos of the event and one woman freaked out at him believing he was a right wing spy. Suddenly he was surrounded by a group of obese women in their 40s taking photos of him trying to single him out and intimidate him. He should have done what I did. The first thing I figured out about trying to photograph a feminist event is to make sure you look like a male feminist. Dress really poorly in the most casual and tacky way and no one thought anything as I was filming and taking pictures at slut walk of all places. If you look unkept that helps too. But when I went to men's rights events I would dress my normal way. I even had a t-shirt on with a woman on it that said don't mess with a redhead. Obviously red because I understood they were Marxists and besides no one got a good picture of me. There was only one photo out there and they were criticizing the way I dressed not understanding that I was in disguise. This allowed me access to the whole event and no one questioned or harassed me. Could I try doing that again? Sure. I'd use a different camera and disguise. I guess Bob didn't realize that male feminists need to look a certain way instead of just thinking a certain way. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the land whale bull dyke clown world show. When Bob was at the woman's march in Australia it was populated by mostly young overweight women under the age of 25 and he says they looked unbathed. That's about right and what I saw at slut walk too. But Bob was horrified with his experience and he didn't know what feminists were going to be like going in. In the last video he mentioned he was six foot three and athletic. That's not what a male feminist is supposed to look like. I don't know what he was wearing but that's not what a thirsty male feminist trying to sleep with obese demonstrators looks like. He probably didn't look unkept and tacky enough to avoid the harassment. If Bob had worn a shirt that said this is what a male feminist looks like with skirt that looked like it was a Scottish Kilt no one would have bothered him. The whole thing demoralized him and they kept attacking the newly elected Trump back then. Bob had also been to war and began wondering if any of the women and soy boys around him had ever been in a war zone or developing nation? He finally understood that his internal definition of feminism based on equality didn't match up with all the man hating he was getting. That 4th wave feminism wasn't about female empowerment but that everything was the fault of western men and that women were victims and they needed to be compensated for that. He mentioned that there was an unattractive woman that mentioned she was catcalled on the way to the march.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Law & Order return to Afghanistan for women
Law & Order return to Afghanistan for women KenDelrican 510 Views • 3 years ago

chat group telegram
podcast & livestream 10: PAC time

Showing 225 out of 226