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People & Blogs

I Used To Be A Male Feminist - MGTOW
I Used To Be A Male Feminist - MGTOW Sandman 244 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dr. B Real the author of Surviving 4th Wave Feminism. This is the second review for chapter 2 from his book. This chapter is titled I was a feminist and this is his story. During his undergraduate degree in the United States he was forced to take women's studies or he wouldn't be allowed to graduate. But he was stopped from enrolling because of one small problem, his gender. A lesbian professor in her mid fifties told him he wasn't welcome and asked him if he was a feminist and why he wanted to take her class? He said he was an equitist and told her that the course was compulsory for him to complete his degree. She accepted his answers and accepted him into the class. On his first day in class he was told by her that he needed to know that the class wasn't a place to meet women. He responded by saying, "Ma’am, I’m a 6’3" athletic rugby-playing-Australian-surfer on exchange at an American university dominated by fe?males – I can assure you; I don’t need to enrol in a class to meet women." But that wasn't funny because his joke was seen as sexist and misogynistic because he was elevating himself instead of degrading men. He was the only male in his class or club as he called it. He says the only reason he was allowed into that class was because of his nationality. Because he was a foreign student of the feminist professor didn't allow him into that classroom then it would look bad on the part of the university when welcoming foreign students. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back She-woman man haters club clown world show. So now that Dr. B Real was in his feminist utopia classroom because if he wasn't allowed in it might cause an international incident and cost the university money. So that's why I suspect they pressured the feminist professor to let him in. Two weeks into his indoctrination in the world of feminism he said this and I quote: "Wow! I truly knew none of this stuff. I can’t believe anyone would take steps to exclude half the population from this knowledge. If anything, this class should have more men in it than women. We all have so much to learn. This class was amazing!" unquote The class taught him about religion, immigration, homosexuality, racial inequalities and what happened during first and second wave feminism. He went on field trips to a woman's shelter, female standup comedian, feminist art exhibits and vegan restaurants in LA. He was also supposed to read the vagina Monologues but he was banned from doing so by his professor because he didn't have a vagina. He says the process was a slow indoctrination process. He says the class felt like a family and that he can see why women that leave home and their family of origin might cling to what's being taught because it replaces the community they had back at home. In a way universities are like a cult if you move away because they also cut you off from your past and try to reprogram you for the future. Two months into women's studies things began to change. The course went from reason and intellect to emotion and anger. His lesbian lecturer morphed into a woman of hate and retaliation and she said that their enemy was the white male patriarchy. That now makes sense because black lives matter was started by feminists. He was now being conditioned to hate all men, even the good ones and especially the white ones. Dr. B Real is now a white male in a class teaching women to hate white males. That's probably why the professor didn't want him in the class. She feared what might happen if he spread that information to other men. He saw the hypocrisy that if it hadn't been for men helping women in 1st and 2nd wave feminism then women never would have gained their freedoms. As his indoctrination continued he learned about a feminist thoery where white people were forcing black people to be whiter. Most specifically convincing black women to straighten their hair and lighten their skin and that this was somehow oppression.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Swingers life The Western Skank’s Daughter & Mother
Swingers life The Western Skank’s Daughter & Mother KenDelrican 249 Views • 3 years ago

KenDelrican channel

How to Succeed at Life 0040 (part 2)
How to Succeed at Life 0040 (part 2) Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 0 Views • 3 years ago

How One Man's WIFE Was Other Men's DUMPSTER! RPM
How One Man's WIFE Was Other Men's DUMPSTER! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 148 Views • 3 years ago

⁣If HE wasn't good enough, you will NEVER be good enough gents!



The Sound Of Simp Music - MGTOW
The Sound Of Simp Music - MGTOW Sandman 233 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

10 (1979) - Julie Andrews, Dudley Moore, Bo Derek

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Mr. Sandman, hope all is well. I wanted to get your take on the film "10", starring Dudley Moore and Bo Derek. I watched it while streaming the other night and remembered seeing this movie as a youth. The film had red-pill bombs without me realizing it at the time. In the film, Dudley Moores character ,( A man of means), pursues a so-called "10", but in the movie titled " "Arthur"( circa 1981), he plays another "Man of Means" character and pursues a so called "3". Ten plus 3 equal 13.."Genesis Anyways, Sandman could you moleculary breakdown why a "Man of Means"..needs no "WHAMEN to please. How could this film apply to Modern Day MGTOW Philosophy? Dissect and interject to the Masses my brother. Thank you for all you, God speed to your future endeavors Sir.!!! Well Ron thanks for another film review. I enjoy making these types of old film reviews because these they take us back to a time when life was a lot simpler. However they also show us that all women are the same regardless of wherever or whenever they are. I'll review the film 10 in just a minute but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the why a man with means needs a woman to please clown world show. Dudley Moore the actor in this film is a shorter thinner version of Jack Black with regards to his style of humor. So how does this film connect to MGTOW philosophy today? I'll give you my take on it. It's a film from 1979 and Moore's Star was rising with his cornball comedy style. But at two hours long this film is too lengthy. The pacing was too slow for the first half and needs to be edited faster and shorter. Maybe it works for attention spans in the last seventies but it's annoying scenes that it's crammed full of scenes that don't progress the story or just give me anxiety. Do we really need a ten minute scene where George, the main character played by Moore talks to a priest about figuring out what the girl's name that's a 10 is. Ron with your film recommendations this one is the worst with regards to editing and also low brow humor. I like dark humor and this film doesn't have much of it in there. The art direction and cinematography are also bland. Meaning it's not pretty to look at. But with regards to the humor that's just Moore's style. I just don't find watching a man try to climb a hill for two minutes and fall over and over again all that funny. I could edit this thing down to an hour to an hour and twenty minutes. It would have been a nightmare if you were a kid having to fast forward to the parts with the orgy. You'd probably wear out the heads on the vcr before you got a chance to play with your head. Ron you mention that in Arthur he's a high status man that ends up with a woman that's a three. But in this film he is dating a single mother played by Julie Andrews that looks like a 2. He's a high status man and his girlfriend is a 38 year old woman. She's hard on the eyes but doesn't make anything in my pants hard and that's probably why she wasn't in the trailer. This film is the 1970s version of clickbait. An hour in we barely see Bo Derek more than 1 or 2 scenes. If I had paid to watch this in the theater because I was a Bo Derek Fan I would have been super pissed off because she's hardly in it. Instead with Julie Andrews in this so much they might as well have called the film the sound of milf music. Better yet the sound of gilf music because she looked like she was in her mid to late fifties in this while trying to play a 38 year old woman. The reason I think it took nearly fifty minutes before George went to Mexico to try and pickup Jennifer played by Bo Derek was because Andrews wanted more screen-time. So how does this whole thing start.

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SMH. It Has Come To This. RPM
SMH. It Has Come To This. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 320 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Family ties are now being cut over this.

The Score - Mgtow
The Score - Mgtow Zuberi87 99 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Men Built Civilization in 5000 Years. Will Women Destroy It In 100? - MGTOW
Men Built Civilization in 5000 Years. Will Women Destroy It In 100? - MGTOW Sandman 241 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

It took men 5,000 years to build it. It took women 100 years to dismantle it.

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a Patreon donation from Be Free 2. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd share a Reddit Post called: "Western civilization is the first and only civilization to allow women to vote. It took men 5,000 years to build it. It took women 100 years to dismantle it." The person starting that subbreddit shared a quote from wikipedia on toxic masculinity that says this and I quote: "The concept of toxic masculinity is used in psychology and gender studies to refer to certain norms of masculine behavior in North America and Europe that are associated with harm to society and men themselves." unquote. At first you see tons of guys freaking out in the comments section under that post thinking that it's only against white males of European descent. But it doesn't take long to check that wikipedia entry and realise that it's fake. I thought no big deal so I'll check which keeps a record of old website edits. I figured it was in there somewhere over the last four or five years. But it wasn't. Then it made me think that perhaps all the white nationalists that keep attacking MGTOW's for not procreating are trying a different approach instead of shaming us for being gay or something. Instead they present facts as society and women being against men has nothing to do with female nature but everything to do with racism. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. While I believe that western civilization is in decline I don't just blame women for that. Sure we gave them the vote and they voted for socialists. But men have been demoralized and are no longer creating value for society in the same ways they once did because they are no longer fairly compensated for it. Take money for example. In Canada the cost to purchase a home went up thirty percent over the last year. But the government said it only went up 3.5% because they only measure the cost with rental price increases instead of purchase prices. Why work to buy a home if you'll never even be able to save enough for a down payment? Once the average man does somehow get a home miraculously and then tries to get a woman he might realise that women don't want him. So he ends up a single lonely incel. If we think that western civilization is going to crash then we need to compare it to the collapse of the Soviet Union in a way. In the increasingly globalized world we expect men to have zero sex, zero national or cultural identity and own nothing and be happy. Look how well that works in the communist countries. The Soviet Union at least had nationalism and gave men families and even still it only lasted about seventy years. Men could be men without shame. Does anyone think that our society will last seventy years if you take all those things from men in addition to property rights? Most of the smart men will do what men have always done. They will pickup and leave to other countries where masculinity is encouraged instead of in the west where women and elites feminize society so they can rule. The problem is that there will be a brain drain of the best men leaving and productivity gains will slow and eventually fall.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

TRAGICAST - conversa com 2 " EX-FEMINISTAS"
TRAGICAST - conversa com 2 " EX-FEMINISTAS" Nikaido 76 Views • 3 years ago


Cantora EVANGÉLICA vira PROSTITUTA Nikaido 80 Views • 3 years ago

Ex- cantora evangélica,casada e mãe, vira meretriz,mesmo não precisando de grana,e como mulher nunca é culpada de nada,aderiu ter entrado na prostituição porque o ex-marido tentou mata-la

O novo conceito de Família  - O filho que será neto
O novo conceito de Família - O filho que será neto Nikaido 86 Views • 3 years ago


Dialogue com a Matrix e veja o que acontece...
Dialogue com a Matrix e veja o que acontece... GAROU BAIANO 180 Views • 3 years ago

Dialogue com a matrix e veja o que acontece

HMT 180 With A Bonus! RPM
HMT 180 With A Bonus! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 106 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Two men who took a stab at solving the problem in their life.
Search: "TheYNC"
Title: HOLY S--T! Man Catches His Woman With Another Man

Era Of Consequences - Mgtow
Era Of Consequences - Mgtow Zuberi87 148 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

The TFM Show: 7/24/2021
The TFM Show: 7/24/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,541 Views • 3 years ago

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Chat With Sandman, TFM & Undead Chronic - MGTOW
Chat With Sandman, TFM & Undead Chronic - MGTOW Sandman 416 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

A while back I did a chat with TFM and Undead Chronic on his channel. In case you missed it here it is. But before I get to it let me first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now on with the show.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Depressed or lazy? Embrace or reject YOLO mindset?
Depressed or lazy? Embrace or reject YOLO mindset? Francis_UD 77 Views • 3 years ago

⁣It still looks like getting up early doesn't alleviate depression
Filmed on 24/07/2021 AEST
Fxxk my life

HMT 179 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 108 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A Barbarian UNLEASHED!

Meu marido é lindo,é bom de cama mas não trabalha há 6 anos e estou com nojo dele
Meu marido é lindo,é bom de cama mas não trabalha há 6 anos e estou com nojo dele Nikaido 70 Views • 3 years ago

Não assisti,mas vi os comentários do vídeo,e as feministas apoiando a mulher,bem quando o homem resolve dar a igualdade a mulher e ter o mesmo direito de escolher se quer trabalhar ou ficar em casa,ele é o vagabundo,mas se é a mulher e a guerreira dona de casa,a igualdade em sustentar um homem elas não querem.

A Funeral With Cake - Mgtow
A Funeral With Cake - Mgtow Zuberi87 93 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

O " respeito " que a namorada tem pelo cara
O " respeito " que a namorada tem pelo cara Nikaido 238 Views • 3 years ago


Dave Chappelle - A mentira de uma mulher no Caso Emmett Till
Dave Chappelle - A mentira de uma mulher no Caso Emmett Till Nikaido 61 Views • 3 years ago

Um caso famoso de assassinato nos Estados Unidos,onde um garoto foi assassinado,por ter assobiado para uma mulher adulta,e em seu leito de morte a mulher diz que mentiu.

Women Want Your Soul - MGTOW
Women Want Your Soul - MGTOW Sandman 248 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Bachelor Pad Economics

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from PhantomX and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I was hoping you could share your thoughts on the topic of women's self entitlement towards always using (or should I say taking) things exclusively made for men. Mind you that this also stems into other facets of things that are a bit more unconventional but valid to my frustration as well. Let me elaborate. First and foremost the more obvious things being that of our clothing, grooming and hygiene products. There's so many commercials and advertisements depicting women just helping themselves (or flat out taking) our soap/body wash, shampoo, deodorant, hair brushes, combs, razors and trimmers. On a sidenote those same commercials always try depicting the guy as if these things are wasted on him or it has to be by the woman's approval for them to select and use said items as if we are stupid & have no idea how to make ourselves presentable without their guidance. It's some of the most disgusting, undermining, emasculation, and condescension I've ever seen. The best example of this is the recent Old Spice campaign where the guy is calling out the woman for her condescension and sense of entitlement towards what's rightfully made specifically for him to use and blatantly says for men on the label no less. Casually she pretends as if this is utterly impossible for a man to have something so good as if we're supposed to have the most terrible things and have no right to anything remotely good to ourselves. She even tries to play it off as if she clearly could not see that the Old Spice products specifically said for men on the label. Even afterwards still she was reluctant to accept that she was wrong for making that assumption and for stealing his deodorant. Other examples of this that are a little less obvious but just as annoying is the fact that women reaching to take food off of your plate when you're dining with them. But if you do the same thing to them they're liable to stab you with a fork or a slap your hand shoeing it away from their food telling you to get your own. Lastly what comes to mind is women having access to supposed male only clubs and organizations this making them unisex. Thus taking away our safe havens to vent, destress, and have enjoyment without the female element tainting the sanctity of such places. If the shoe were on the other foot and guys wanted to be in places that were "women only" it would be a problem instantly causing us to be berated and ridiculed for even thinking about it. This has always bothered me for many reasons. The main reason being that Society is so lopsided in favor of female privilege in spite of the sanctity and exclusivity of certain things/amenities that are specifically for the usage of men only. Even when we've been inclusive towards them by bending the rules (willingly or reluctantly) for this to happen the same privilege has not been done the other way around for us. Anyway I could go on and on about this, but instead will yield so that you can ponder over this and possibly offer your insights." Well Well PhantomX thanks thanks for the donation and topic. It's worse than I thought. I haven't watched television in over a decade and I use adblockers online so I don't have to subject myself to such stupidity. All the negative things they do like pumping out degrading ads are designed to wear us down emotionally and nag us into submission by turning us into a simpasaurus. It works in most relationships so they figure it's going to work on the male masses if they nag us on television which most of us don't even watch anymore. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's Aaron Clarey:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Mulheres Empoeiradas - ESTOU MUITO BEM SOZINHA 3
Mulheres Empoeiradas - ESTOU MUITO BEM SOZINHA 3 フクロウ Fukuro 146 Views • 3 years ago

Nova série do canal 3/8 capítulos

Dr Dre's Divorce Just Killed Many Future Marriages! RPM
Dr Dre's Divorce Just Killed Many Future Marriages! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 209 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Many men will now throw their ninja smoke bombs and VANISH!

Mulheres Empoeiradas - ESTOU MUITO BEM SOZINHA 2
Mulheres Empoeiradas - ESTOU MUITO BEM SOZINHA 2 フクロウ Fukuro 147 Views • 3 years ago

Nova série do canal 2/8 capítulos. Deixem seu like e comentem.

Incarcerated For 3 Decades Over a Woman's Dream?
Incarcerated For 3 Decades Over a Woman's Dream? Red Pill Mentor Tokyo 49 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Imagine losing three decades of your life because you were falsely accused of a crime. Okay, now imagine the only evidence came from a woman's dream.

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The "Where Have All the Good Men Gone?" Hypothesis - Red Pill Mentor

A Response To Sandman: Debunking The Myth Of The Southeast Asian Waifu. Again.
A Response To Sandman: Debunking The Myth Of The Southeast Asian Waifu. Again. Grim Lord's Games & Rants 544 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Guilty Gear Xrd

Once again, I have to dispel the myth of the Asian waifu. Of all people, Sandman has made a video once again following in the footsteps of Black Pigeon Speaks and others who promoted the Southeast Asian myth. This is just not true and the area is getting worse. It's becoming more feminist, blame the cellphones. The Thai Bars are almost nearly wiped out by covid. Gonna try for an Indonesian or a Japanese woman? They just want white babies. They don't care about you. RPM now calls his Asian nurse wife "the meatsack." He prefers a doll. So do many Chinese men who dropped their wives for dolls.

I'm getting really tired of this. If I have to, I will sit down and read all of those Thai Bar Commandments again. Both sections. With clarity so that you can understand them. Please do not fall prey to this bullshit. Do not run to Thailand so that you can be blue pilled again and run back to the plantation with a smile. Don't fall for this lie!

I am also walking back every single video I have ever made encouraging men to go to southeast Asia. You will find them going back to when I first starting posting here. I regret ever telling men to go this way, I regret ever putting that idea in men's heads and I take full responsibility for anyone who did go that way and had a bad experience. I apologize greatly for that.

Monday Money (Episode 3): With Turd Flinging Monkey
Monday Money (Episode 3): With Turd Flinging Monkey T.F. Monkey 725 Views • 3 years ago

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Masculinidade em Xeque  - O Fim do Cromossomo Y
Masculinidade em Xeque - O Fim do Cromossomo Y Nikaido 71 Views • 3 years ago


Marido FLAGRA a esposa fazendo SEXO com o CACHORRO
Marido FLAGRA a esposa fazendo SEXO com o CACHORRO Nikaido 387 Views • 3 years ago


Não consigo parar de fazer sexo com meu cachorro
Não consigo parar de fazer sexo com meu cachorro Nikaido 68 Views • 3 years ago

Como é relativizado o mesmo ato de zoofilia quando se trata de uma mulher.

New Zealand Women - MGTOW
New Zealand Women - MGTOW Sandman 260 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Cam and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I want to talk about New Zealand women. The first thing I want to mention is that New Zealand is a very feminist country. It was the first country to give women the right to vote. Supposedly now men and women in New Zealand have equal rights but that's not true. I can see women having more rights than men when it comes to divorce, custody, etc. . . men are considered second class citizens. Our population in New Zealand is about 5 million people, I believe half of the population is female. New Zealand women have a reputation of being very promiscuous. 'New Zealand women have the most sexual partners in the world", according to a global sex survey in 2007. They have an average of 20.4 sexual partners in the lifetimes. Can you imagine that? In other words if you try to fuck a kiwi woman you might end p with a nasty disease. That's why Kiwi men don't want to date, marry or have kids here. New Zealand has very low birth rates, most of the babies born here come from foreign families. And my lastly I want to mention that our prime minister Jacinda Ardem is very feminist, she says it openly over TV and parliament. The thing is, she wants to ban MGTOW here in New Zealand because she thinks MGTOW is hate speech. She wants to pass an Anti-MGTOW hate speech law. If it passes it will have a major impact on freedom of speech. If your opinion doesn't align with the prime minister's, you will be guilty of hate speech. MGTOW will be considered a hate speech. It seems New Zealand is going to be a dictatorship like North Korea or Cuba. I hope not. Thank Sandman for listening me, greetings from New Zealand." Well Cam thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Now back to the Kiwi clown world show. First of all Cam I'm never met a single woman from New Zealand but I have heard a horrible story about the terrible behavior of one years ago. Back in the mid 2000s I went to Australia and met a Giga Chad from New Zealand that had his girlfriend destroy or try and destroy his life. I was there because he was getting married and he told me that the girl he had the hots for back in high school rejected him over and over again until one day when he was in his early twenties she said yes and they started a relationship. They were seemingly happy together and then she got pregnant and told him she had a bun in the oven. But that wasn't all she told him. She said she was leaving him she was leaving back to New Zealand from Austarlia where there were living at that time so she could have the kid over there and he would be on the hook for child support. One moment he thought he was her boyfriend and the next he was a gigachad sperm donor. Of course as a single mother she went on to find a wealthy older guy Kiwistan but she didn't marry the new guy because that would mean that she wasn't entitled to any more child support checks. She was utterly ruthless. The crazy thing is he told me all about this woman and how she was awful yet he marched right back into the marriage market. I didn't think anything of it either. That's how blue pilled we were. Seeing the obvious right there in front of us but believing that it wasn't all women that were like that. I suspect that a few years later he was cheated on by his new beloved but luckily didn't have a kid with her. I have no proof that happened but that's what I suspect. Of course I heard a different story but I don't believe it now. I did believe it then but I don't now. I listened in a couple of times as he spoke to his young son over the phone and I could hear her spiteful mother on the other side.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





Mulheres Empoeiradas - ESTOU MUITO BEM SOZINHA
Mulheres Empoeiradas - ESTOU MUITO BEM SOZINHA フクロウ Fukuro 269 Views • 3 years ago

Nova série do canal 1/8 capítulos

Games & Rants (7/22/21) Cheat Codes and Vaccine Concerns!
Games & Rants (7/22/21) Cheat Codes and Vaccine Concerns! Grim Lord's Games & Rants 18 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Double Kick Heroes, Caligula

Tonight, the returned DP and I are going to discuss the importance of cheat codes back in our day, which is largely forgotten on today's youth. We used to love cheats, tips and codes. They used to have secret code books and no gamers shamed other gamers for buying them. Game Shark, Game Genie, Pro Action Reply and 1-900-Nintendo were also a thing as I stated. There was never an issue with gamers using cheat codes and it was often a cool thing to see. Remember the blood code in Mortal Kombat? It was a cheat. The entirety of this whole "git gud" thing is just not something we concerned ourselves with during the classic eras of gaming. It was unheard of. So DP and I do not get the fuss today.

We have also deep dived into some covid related info. I will not talk too much about that here, as most of the links shared in my discord were videos and I will provide them here:

Thanks to Winter for the info.

The Wall - O que é ? Minha Opinião
The Wall - O que é ? Minha Opinião フクロウ Fukuro 97 Views • 3 years ago


Reporter Blue Pill é Demitido por Assédio | Minha Opinião
Reporter Blue Pill é Demitido por Assédio | Minha Opinião フクロウ Fukuro 109 Views • 3 years ago


Homelessness /Exile Day 98 Approx. No Friends No Family No Help Still Trying to Remain Productive
Homelessness /Exile Day 98 Approx. No Friends No Family No Help Still Trying to Remain Productive Francis_UD 33 Views • 3 years ago

Filmed on 05/02/2020 AEDT

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Kill All Men - Trending On TIK TOK
Kill All Men - Trending On TIK TOK Nikaido 101 Views • 3 years ago


Millions Of Chinese Men Go MGTOW & The Government Panics
Millions Of Chinese Men Go MGTOW & The Government Panics Sandman 411 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Why China’s youth are ‘lying flat’ in protest of their bleak economic prospects

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donation because I didn't get one for this video. If you want to suggest a topic you can through either Subscribestar or the Paypal email down below. As for this video most of us know about the Herbivore Man in Japan and MGTOW in the west. Now we have another group called lying flat in China and it's freaking out the CCP. The Chinese Communist Party has met an opponent it can't beat, female hypergamy and male indifference. It has identified one of those problems, the lying flat men and is trying to censor their version of MGTOW out of existence but at the same time they have a bline spot towards female nature. Women don't need a fancy movement like feminism to get what they want. Female nature is the feminist movement All women are feminists at heart and do what's in their best interests. I first heard about this story from an article I've put in the description called: "Why China’s youth are ‘lying flat’ in protest of their bleak economic prospects" and I want to read part of it and I quote: "Across the country, T-shirts printed with “Do nothing lie flat youth” have become hot selling items, and authorities are scrambling to suppress the phenomenon, fearful about a challenge to the established social and economic order. The movement’s roots can be traced back to an obscure internet post called “lying flat is justice”, in which a user called Kind-Hearted Traveller combined references to Greek philosophers with his experience living on 200 yuan (US$31) a month, two meals a day and not working for two years. He said “I can just sleep in my barrel enjoying a sunbath like Diogenes, or live in a cave like Heraclitus and think about ‘Logos’, “Since there has never really been a trend of thought that exalts human subjectivity in this land, I can create it for myself. Lying down is my wise man movement.” According to the anonymous poster, this humble existence left them physically healthy and mentally free. Although the original post has been scrubbed from the internet by censors, copies have spread quickly online, sparking lively discussion and videos that have garnered millions of views each. The rich and the authorities monopolize most of the resources, and more and more working class like us have to work from 9am to 9pm, six days a week. A survey by Chinese micro blogging site Weibo, conducted between May 28 and June 3, found 61 per cent of the 241,000 participants said they want to embrace the lying flat attitude." unquote So with that out of the way I'll share my thoughts about the new Kung Pow MGTOW in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Here We Go Again! RPM
Here We Go Again! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 180 Views • 3 years ago

⁣They had the unmitigated gall to publish this to try to create more fear!

Feminists Witch Craft favorite tool of choice make up
Feminists Witch Craft favorite tool of choice make up KenDelrican 112 Views • 3 years ago

Chat group telegram check out the podcast



Relacionamento Lésbico - MULHERES TAMBÉM SÃO ABUSIVAS Nikaido 94 Views • 3 years ago


FREIRAS - Orgias e Lesbianismo,aborto e homicídio " CONVENTO SANT AMBROGIO EM ROMA "
FREIRAS - Orgias e Lesbianismo,aborto e homicídio " CONVENTO SANT AMBROGIO EM ROMA " Nikaido 106 Views • 3 years ago


She Wants To Be Punished - MGTOW
She Wants To Be Punished - MGTOW Sandman 239 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Sandman Odysee:

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Phantom X and here's what he has to say: Hello Sandman, I've been unplugged and awakened even before my teen years a long time before male movements such as the mrm & mgtow were even established as official movements. I'm 34 years young so for nearly over 20 years now. I always said even back then that the greatest path taken is the path least chosen in life. I was always a very philosophical and spiritual person that questioned everything that no one really thought about at that time. It's been great to see more of my fellow brothers becoming aware of the ever growing unfair imbalance that the powers that be have allowed for women to exploit. At least this has not effected the more traditional submissive women of other countries in Asia in particular. Which has ironically always been the women I've been the most attracted to and connected with best. But I digress. I was just wondering how I could give you a monetary donation to help support your platforms? In addition I have been doing some research on different hookup and kink/fetish sites (such as, fetster and where both genders are supposedly on equal footing and expected to respect each other's individual desires. For the most part this is true. Case & point lots of guys on these sites maintain their traditional male dominant role in various title context to be identified under while some of the women willingly embrace their natural submissive/bottom roles in the relationship with no problems in doing so. However, of course there are some other women on there that have a laundry list of specific unrealistic criteria that most guys in general can't live up to. In a way it feels more than likely as an indirect way for such a woman to merely degrade guys who aren't of the Chad variety. Others on these sites are your typical self absorbed, delusional dommes/mistresses looking for submissive beta males to lord over, enslave, use, abuse, bully, exploit, and humiliate for their own warped sense of narcissistic pleasure. The condescension from both the
aforementioned women from these sites is atrocious to say the least, and way to unsavory to even rewrite for any sort of reference purposes here. All I can suggest is to simply check the sites for yourself. All the same I was hoping you could share your thoughts or elaborate further on this particular subject in a video at some point or elsewhere on your other platforms. Please and thank you." Well Phantom X thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Exposing How Women Manipulate Men
Exposing How Women Manipulate Men Jessy 55 Views • 3 years ago

Women get vaccinated Micro chip scan shows on her arm
Women get vaccinated Micro chip scan shows on her arm KenDelrican 156 Views • 3 years ago$/invite/@Kendelrican76:7

Homelessness+ Near Faithlessness & Wandering in A Valley of Death Alone
Homelessness+ Near Faithlessness & Wandering in A Valley of Death Alone Francis_UD 33 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Filmed on 07/04/2020 AEST during homelessness/exile
Get a free draft plan of MGTOW Survival in Belgium @
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É isso o que a SIMARIA acha dos Homens BRASILEIROS
É isso o que a SIMARIA acha dos Homens BRASILEIROS Nikaido 58 Views • 3 years ago


NÃO seja um HOMEM bom! NÃO seja HOMEM de verdade! NÃO seja TROUXA!
NÃO seja um HOMEM bom! NÃO seja HOMEM de verdade! NÃO seja TROUXA! フクロウ Fukuro 150 Views • 3 years ago

Making Money From Desperate Women - MGTOW
Making Money From Desperate Women - MGTOW Sandman 316 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Tinder Revenue and Usage Statistics

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to talk about how you should adjust your investing strategy for the feminist apocalypse or femmepocalypse. For the longest time there's been this idea in the MGTOW community that women are going to be lonely as more men go their own way so it's time to buy pet food stocks. In the US in 2018 the US pet industry expenditures were 90.5 billion dollars. In 2019 it went up to 97.1 billion and in 2020 it was 103.6 billion. So spending on pets is growing at around 6-7% a year. That sure beats a treasury bill. But what companies do you invest in to take advantage of fat feminists that are getting busy cleaning out litter boxes? Historically the growth rate has been somewhere around 3-4%. Now it's 6-7%. I'm predicting as society becomes increasingly woke it will probably grow at 8 or 9%. But what pet stocks do you buy to take advantage of this
trend. I'll discuss that as well as dating stocks to take advantage of the growing incel demographic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Just remember this video isn't financial advice. Do your own research and I'm not responsible if you buy the wrong things and lose money. So what pet stocks are worth it? Companies like Petco Health are
over valued and the price hasn't gone anywhere. Other companies like Trupanion provide pet insurance and while growing they aren't profitable. A company called Pedmed express has been growing and pays a 3.66% dividend and provides meds for cats, dogs and horses. It looks like something that's worth it if you have a ten year investment horizon. But who wants to wait that long? One pet company after another and they all suck. The only one that I would have bought back in the day was Petsmart but they went private after they were bought by BC Partners. So if you can't invest in pets what do you invest in? I got the idea for this video after I watched a dating documentary by incelmatics where he complained
that online dating was rigged against men and that three quarters of the people on dating platforms are men and those men are paying for memberships so they get boosted in the searches and get super likes and other features like unlimited swiping and the strategy is working for their parent company the match company. Their stock has gone from around seventeen dollars five years ago to one hundred and forty dollars today. That's a massive fifteen to twenty percent annual growth rate. In 2015 they had only 714 thousand paying subs at the end of that year. In 2016 it was 1.6 million. In 2017 it was 3.1 million. In 2018 it was 4.3 million frustrated incels. In 2019 it went up to 5.9 million and finally in 2020 it was up to 6.7 million. Now that the coof is over people are going to go out and start meeting each other and dating again so I'm predicting that the user base growth will accelerate on Tinder. But Match group, the largest online dating company also owns OkCupid, and plenty of fat just to name a few of their properties. There's also Bumble which was started by a woman that used to work at Tinder and she made a fortune off her own original idea that she stole from Tinder. That stock has been going sideways since it debuted so I wouldn't touch it. Incel men paying for visibility boosts on that site doesn't matter as much because the woman has to make the first move.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

The Wall still Undefeated The number Remain at 30. What happened to shivery and romance MGTOW 
The Wall still Undefeated The number Remain at 30. What happened to shivery and romance MGTOW  KenDelrican 144 Views • 3 years ago
Check out KDR podcast

HMT 178 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 95 Views • 3 years ago

⁣All I have to say is WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

The TFM Show: 7/17/2021
The TFM Show: 7/17/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,458 Views • 3 years ago

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Tips from a divorce attorney MGTOW
Tips from a divorce attorney MGTOW KenDelrican 210 Views • 3 years ago

Tips From divorce lawyer Family Court system



Poli amor possível tatica feminina para ter homem as bancando e ainda ter o prazer de dormir com outra mulher
Poli amor possível tatica feminina para ter homem as bancando e ainda ter o prazer de dormir com outra mulher Nikaido 79 Views • 3 years ago

Uma coisa que eu reparei assistindo o vídeo é a hipotese de mulheres aceitarem ser a segunda esposa,só pra ter homem,ou por mulheres serem bi,fazerem o mesmo,tanto a mulher hetero e a bi,terem mais uma fonte de renda.



RELATO - FILHA DE MÃE NARCISISTA PEDÓFILA Nikaido 41 Views • 3 years ago


Dumping Women Feels Great - MGTOW
Dumping Women Feels Great - MGTOW Sandman 265 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a more than generous donation from Michael and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Dear Wise Sandman, would you be willing to relay some advice on managing guilt from ending a long term relationship and how to maintain the upper hand on female psychology for the next girl I meet? Please continue your content! I greatly appreciate the wisdom, truth and great humor you share." Well Michael thanks for the donation and topic. Since you gave me a nice chunk of change I'm going to dedicate three videos to you. So watch out for the other two. As for not feeling guilt when giving a woman that boot after banging her there are a number of things you can do. First off if you hate her before you breakup with her then there's nothing to feel guilty about. Anger trumps love when it comes to bouncing back from a relationship. I can understand however if the woman in question is your first love or if you feel a horrible hurting someone. That's what it means to be a man. To love women even when don't want to love them anymore. But you've got to look after yourself first. I've learned that when you breakup with a woman make her feel more special and loved than usual before you breakup with her because that will put her at ease so she won't suspect what you're planning and will be easier. It's easier because you can give her affection and get validation from her a last few times before kicking her out of your life. This makes things easier on yourself because you'll start the mourning process of the relationship while you're still in it. I remember the woman I left in my mid twenties. I had decided things were done and I was laying there next to her in bed as she was asleep and remembering all the good times I had with her and was slowly saying my goodbyes to her the way you would like you mourn someone when they are in a casket. She was still alive right there next to me but the relationship was a walking zombie. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the breaking up with a woman and then watching her go bat shit crazy clown world show. Michael if you want to manage guilt another trick I did was give her the television and home furnishings we bought together as if she had won the price is right. That will go a long way to help alleviate some of your guilt. It's called the micro divorce by the late great Paul Proteous. If you've made up your mind that the relationship is over start the mourning process and build yourself up to giving her the great news that she's free to ride the cock carousel once more. Also be prepared for her to turn everyone both of you know against you as a punishment. As for the title of this video the last few women I dumped it did feel great because I stopped seeing women as beautiful innocent beings that can do no wrong. After breaking up with my first adult love and feeling pain for another three to four years after that from time to time I was worried the same thing would happen again. But I was surprised to learn that my heartache was replaced by rage and that was before I went my own way. Rage at them not becoming the women I always imagined them to be and also rage at myself for staying as long as I did when I should have left a long time before. Anger trumps love when it comes to getting over a relationship. If you genuinely hate your ex for what she put you through then it's a lot easier to let go. For me it was five to ten times easier.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Blackrock owns everything, but who owns Blackrock? ✡️
Blackrock owns everything, but who owns Blackrock? ✡️ フクロウ Fukuro 124 Views • 3 years ago


HMT 177 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 77 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Let loose in the comment section!

Five Gym Creeps: A Response
Five Gym Creeps: A Response NerokeFive 94 Views • 3 years ago

Yep, it's always the guy's fault. Gyms are loaded with hypocrisy and in some respects can be some of the most hazardous places that you can go as a man. Of course, it also doesn't help that the woman who starred in this video pretty much projects this out but naturally never mentions that women can and do engage in this behaviour too.

Cancel Canada Day? How About NO!
Cancel Canada Day? How About NO! NerokeFive 42 Views • 3 years ago

It’s Extremely rare that I take a stand like this. Especially being part native myself
Unless you yourself actually participated in the events that happened in Kamloops or suppressed information. You didn’t do anything wrong!
Now people with Victim complexes are demanding that you don’t celebrate a national holiday over something you didn’t do
THIS is a form of Cancel Culture. And the best way to fight this is to CELEBRATE Canada Day. You didn’t participate in the event it’s not your fault
So OPENLY celebrate on July 1st let certain people know that you won’t be guilted or shamed for someone else’s actions

You Chose the Wrong Woman
You Chose the Wrong Woman NerokeFive 49 Views • 3 years ago

Several times now when I listen to critics answer MGTOW that were formally married and now divorced and usually taken to the cleaners in divorce court. I will usually hear this dismissive response

"You picked the wrong woman"

How much of this is true and how much of this is an attempt by critics to (As per usual) not deal with the issues is debatable. As it turns out there's a point to what these dismissive trolls are saying. But not as much as they think

Sympathy For Charlie Chester
Sympathy For Charlie Chester NerokeFive 24 Views • 3 years ago

Charlie Chester fell victim to one of the oldest traps in the book. And while I have nothing but disdain for CNN and what it's become and the consequences for Charlie Chester were steep. I cannot help but feel a little sorry for Charlie. His only real issue was that he needed a female connection. There is a lesson here for men especially MGTOW men

I understand the drive that men have for sexual connection. What you need to understand here from what happened to Charlie is that even if by chance you happen to meet a woman. In this environment, even the right woman still has a loaded gun pointed at your head

Always keep that in mind, especially as you're watching this video

I Used to be a MGTOW-How to spot a Fake MGTOW
I Used to be a MGTOW-How to spot a Fake MGTOW NerokeFive 72 Views • 3 years ago

For reasons that escape me MGTOW has a disproportionate number of guys that claim they used to be MGTOW but left. The only problem with that is this. When these guys attempt to tell their story there's always deficiencies in their story, or they use the wrong language, or they can't tell you basic information about MGTOW, Make sweeping generalizations etc

These people are very easy to find and even easier to debunk and to date every single one of these "Former MGTOW" have refused to answer direct questions about it even though they claim they were immersed in it

In this video I've documented 10 different ways you can spot these fakers and even call them out on their fraud.

Warning though some of them like Lord for instance can get very hostile when they're called out

The $10,000 Simp
The $10,000 Simp NerokeFive 37 Views • 3 years ago

This guy spent $10,000 to meet his favourite Onlyfans Model. And while no man is entitled to a woman body, spending this much when there were plenty of other options MOST of which would've guaranteed a lot more physical satisfaction. To add insult to injury the Onlyfans Model went on an extended vacation with her real boyfriend after receiving his money

This amount of thirst and the complete lack of self-respect plus the reality of options that would be far more pleasing

This is what happens when you don't deal with sexual need.

When the Wall Came for Her
When the Wall Came for Her NerokeFive 57 Views • 3 years ago

This is a reaction to an article in the Guardian where a woman left having a family until it was too late. There's this thing called the wall and it caught up to her much earlier than expected.

The Wall is Undefeated with everyone but it's especially unforgiving towards women

No Argument
No Argument NerokeFive 37 Views • 3 years ago

Funny for a group of men that are supposed to be such an easy group of wussy beta male pushovers that are spineless and are easy to push around.

If that's the case why hasn't anyone come up with a convincing reason why men in MGTOW should go back. To date NOBODY has even come close to doing this. I mean it should be a snap yet nobody has done it. There's been plenty of Duh Incel, Virgin, Loser, Never Been Laid

Just in case you haven't figured it out yet. That's NOT WORKING
And just remember it's MGTOW that's the pushover not you
So Bring it Already!

A Response to Andrew Klaven Mailbag
A Response to Andrew Klaven Mailbag NerokeFive 32 Views • 3 years ago

Some Faux Alpha Moron was clearly getting tired and/or frustrated about getting his ass handed to him by MGTOW's all the time. So this moron whined to Andrew Klaven to try and make a case

While I do have some respect for Andrew Klaven and unlike the stunned idiot who sent the letter he did respond politely it's very clear that like most Trad Cons he really has no grasp on what MGTOW is and what it isn't. And seriously Liz Wheeler's opinion on MGTOW means nothing

Andrew like your work (Most of the time) but NO MGTOW are not wrong about the facts regarding marriage

Mom Shames Infant for Being White and Male
Mom Shames Infant for Being White and Male NerokeFive 81 Views • 3 years ago

The Original Tic Toc video is pure cringe. And there's really only a couple of explanations possible. Either Sarah is so brainwashed by Feminism that she actually believes that this is the right thing to do. Or she has such serious issues with men that she's already taking it out on her newborn son

Sarah, I'm pretty sure that at some point you're going to see this. Karma is a very nasty taskmaster when it catches up to you. You're free to have your friends justify your actions and you can chortle, snort derisively and even have yourself a little circle jerk with your friends. The bottom line is though, your son and his father are likely both going to tire of you and make no mistake there WILL be an active manosphere when he comes of age.

Oh and just an FYI here I'm taking the liberty of posting this up at Rumble, Bitchute and other platforms so getting the video removed here will accomplish nothing. I hope you enjoyed your doubling down because in the end that's all you're going to have

Fat Phobic? You Cannot Be Serious!
Fat Phobic? You Cannot Be Serious! NerokeFive 34 Views • 3 years ago

You get some real gems from Tik Tok and this is one of them. So following this logic. Which by the way they'll never address when it's put to them some other way that makes their opinion moot. If I prefer Mayonaise on my Fries does that mean I'm suppressing Ketchup?

Yes, folks that is this woman's logic being applied equally and fairly to another situation. For the record, I like what I like and I'm not going to be guilted or shamed into liking something else no matter what you say. Oh, and I'm sorry the quarterback from High School wanted the cheerleader instead of you. NOT my problem

MÃES PEDÓFILAS, COMO ELAS ABUSAM ? Nikaido 122 Views • 3 years ago


I Agree With You - Mgtow
I Agree With You - Mgtow Zuberi87 128 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

I Feel Sorry For Women - MGTOW
I Feel Sorry For Women - MGTOW Sandman 288 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Bachelor Pad Economics

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from J and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I've been a long time listener and my video request is this. I'll do my best to explain it. I've talked about it with my friend and he seems to think it's because of our inner programming as men to want to protect women. I've noticed that when I "fall in love" with a woman it's largely due to the fact I "feel sorry for her". Don't get me wrong I'm physically attracted to her but there is something deeper where she either doesn't have a lot of money or she is being bullied or she is trapped due to her circumstances or something like that. It seems to me that I get this "I must rescue her" type thinking. I'm wondering if you could point this out or if this is just me or if this is a common theme among other men? It's a very deep feeling that I believe is part of my hard-wiring as a man to protect and provide for a female. My friend says that "love is a man feeling sorry for a woman." Have you experienced this yourself? Do you suppose this feeling is from a biological wiring perspective or insecurity or both? Even when a woman fucks me over I still can't hate her like I should as I still feel sorry for her. For me it's an actual feeling of feeling a sadness for her. It's separate from missing her. It's why I fall in love with her in the first place it seems. I've gotten hot camel toes before and I'm not a desperate guy but maybe I am for true love which as we both know simply doesn't exist? Thanks Brother and god bless." Well J thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Bachelor Pad Economics: Anyways, now back to women breeding with men and selecting for simp genes to make it from one generation to the next clown world show. So J first of all we have to establish that these women you fall in love with have to have some sort of sad victim story. Something that makes them appear as though they are incapable of taking care of themselves in the world and when men see this they come riding to the rescue like captain save-a-hoe. Remember that Women's facade of weakness is her strength. She tends to attract a man that will do everything for her. She's not as helpless as she looks. In fact women try and look helpless intentionally to trigger this rescue response from men. They want us to feel sorry for them because that's how they get our attention. Why do you think that women wear high heels and appear to almost be falling over. It's a way to make themselves look artificially unstable to attract the attention, help and love from a man. All subconscious of course. Most men have no idea they are doing this. J it's great you realize what you're doing. There was a study about women in high heels in France and they found that when a woman asked for help wearing flat shoes she got 40% of men to help her. When her heels were higher, in the middle range 60% of men came to the rescue. When they six inches 80% of men came. Subconsciously men feel sorry for women wearing them and we pity them thinking they are about to fall any moment. It has to do with neoteny which is juvenile features in an adult woman. Like a little girl wearing her mothers unstable high heels and about to fall and trip. Women also project that they have the mind of a child and are completely helpless with many tasks and we come riding to the rescue. Neoteny is also why they wear over sized sun glasses and bright colors the way a child would. Children are helpless and adults give them attention. Some women want men to think the same of them. You also asked me if something similar happened to me. I guess you could say that.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Denegeração - Paul Joseph Watson
Denegeração - Paul Joseph Watson Nikaido 121 Views • 3 years ago


⁣E. Michael Jones - Sobre os eventos no Muro das Lamentações
⁣E. Michael Jones - Sobre os eventos no Muro das Lamentações フクロウ Fukuro 83 Views • 3 years ago

⁣E. Michael Jones, CATÓLICO TRADICIONALISTA, fala sobre os eventos no muro das lamentações em Jerusalém e a invasão e queima da mesquita de Al-Aqsa por hordas de radicalistas sionistas, o lugar mais sagrado do islã e onde se encontram locais santos também para cristãos. Jones fala em como esses eventos descrevem na atualidade o poderio Sionista mundial e não escondem sua ideologia.
Lembrando que eu não estou passando pano pra Kebab escravoceta idiota que se explode em nome da Matrix Religiosa acreditando que irá receber dezenas de Honradinhas com Hímem.

Dwayne Haskins Is A VICTIM Of DV So Where Is The Outrage Mob
Dwayne Haskins Is A VICTIM Of DV So Where Is The Outrage Mob REDPILLMARRIED 87 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The same energy levels directed at Ray Rice should be here too right?

P3D0FILIA NA TV ANTIGAMENTE SEM CENSSURA - canal atreium Nikaido 97 Views • 3 years ago


Twitch se REBAIXOU a um nível VERGONHOSO
Twitch se REBAIXOU a um nível VERGONHOSO Nikaido 55 Views • 3 years ago


COMO ficar MOTIVADO EM TEMPOS DIFÍCEIS Nikaido 50 Views • 3 years ago


7 Motivos para parar de idealizar o Japão!
7 Motivos para parar de idealizar o Japão! liutaio 64 Views • 3 years ago

Apenas ouçam que vale a pena e veja como idealizar o japão e outros lugares é PUROI ROMANTISMO! Dizer que saiu da matrix e ser romântico é contraditório.

Namorando aos 40
Namorando aos 40 MGTOW_Alfa 78 Views • 3 years ago




Hyperinflation Solves Feminism - MGTOW
Hyperinflation Solves Feminism - MGTOW Sandman 311 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Michael. It's the second of three donations from his more than generous donation. With it I want to discuss how if hyperinflation comes in the medium term to western soycieties how it's going to effect women and will solve bad female behavior but only temporarily providing a bandaid to bad feminist behaviors. A lot of guys get lost in the idea that traditional women that focus on their appearance and raising a family are different than feminist women that go home and cuddle with a barrel full of cats. There's a fantasy that traditional women will respect men and behave like women did in the 1950s which most of us listening to this never lived through if the economy crumbles. That all of a sudden as food prices rise up to the ceiling ham sized women will slim down and start sucking men's slim jim's for some jam. Have you ever seen a four hundred pound woman deprived of food before? I have and it's scary. It was a cottage where a couple gay super skinny males bought only enough food for everyone assuming that everyone would eat human sized portions. They didn't predict that a couple of sumo sized heavy hitters would get hangry as a result. In case you're wondering what hangry means. It's a combination of hunger and anger. You're probably asking yourself what was I doing observing this strange situation? Well, when you have a girlfriend and you're forced to hang out with her friends if you want sex then this might be the sort of thing you're exposed to too. One of the Obese Betties had a thing for one of the gay men and wanted him and was convinced she could convert him to the cunt side. The other fatty already had a rail thin boyfriend and if you want to scare yourself imagine the two of them having sex. It would look like a starving man wrapping himself up in a blanket made of fat flesh. One of those two women was getting diet shots paid for by her parents from Dr. Bernstein here in Canada that started to make the hair on top of her head thin out. The other had a waterbed that probably camouflaged the size of her body when men would have sex with her. Guys probably didn't know where her body began and where her water bed ended. It also didn't help that she only wanted to have sex while the lights were out. I'm sure some guys didn't know if they were banging her or the bed. I'll discuss more disgusting stuff in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to the women shaped like waterbeds land whale show. So how does everything I said earlier tie into hyperinflation. When a currency collapses food usually becomes very very expensive. In the west sixty to seventy percent of adults are overweight or obese. They won't starve but they won't be able to support their super size anymore. A lot of women that are voluntarily single right now and obese will see their purchasing power collapse in such a
catastrophe and they will slowly start losing weight which is actually healthy for them. But they won't see it that way as they will be getting hunger pains as a result. At first I predict that feminist attitudes will go from bad to worse as they slowly start getting skinny. But after a while and after they lose twenty, thirty, forty percent of their body weight something strange will start to happen. Many of them will notice that men with higher sexual marketplace value will start showing interest. This will boost their confidence and many such women won't be as angry at men anymore.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Idosa cai nua ao fugir da casa do amante e morre
Idosa cai nua ao fugir da casa do amante e morre Nikaido 56 Views • 3 years ago


TRAIÇAO ROLA SOLTA NOS EUA Nikaido 112 Views • 3 years ago



Vídeo salvo do LionMan Speaks.

RPM's Verbal Smackdown Of The Meatsack.
RPM's Verbal Smackdown Of The Meatsack. REDPILLMARRIED 136 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Did I go too far? You decide.

Birth Control Pill Vs Day After Pill  | Pill-Losophy
Birth Control Pill Vs Day After Pill | Pill-Losophy Hold The Truth Hostage 35 Views • 3 years ago

Why The Birth Control Pill is the very destruction of the relationship between men & women #men #blackpill #manosphere

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Here Come The Sexbots - MGTOW
Here Come The Sexbots - MGTOW Sandman 286 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Bella Poarch - Build A B*tch (Music Video)

The Weeknd & Ariana Grande - Save Your Tears

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman, fellow Canadian here! For my topic request please review the music video by Bella Poarch, Build a Bitch. Or should it really be called, Build a combative and entitled THOT? Lol. I believe this song is all about female projection regarding unrealistic dating expectations, but I'd like to hear your perspective. Otherwise discuss whatever topics you would like. Please keep me anonymous, cheers!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the topic and donation. I put the Bella Poarch video link in the description. I also put a link to another video with a similar theme of a sexbot in the description except that song is from the Weeknd. Bella's video premise is based on the whole Build A Bear mall store that makes you the perfect Teddy Bear. Build A Bitch is a store that makes the perfect woman for men but in this woke world were living in that's just not acceptable so in some crazy female fantasy the sexbots somehow become fully aware and rebel against the men that are paying for them. Turning from Waifus to Terminators in a few seconds. Women obviously don't want to be replaced so this is propaganda to scare men and make women feel better about the threat of technological deflation hitting their most important value. Their sexual marketplace value. Women are fine with machines replacing men's physical labor or AI replacing men's mental effort and abilities. But when it comes to technology replacing them in the bedroom they lose it. Their a one trick pony and sexbots or virtual sex would make most if not all of them obsolete. At least men can have been able to adapt to technological deflation because our identity isn't tied up in relying on the opposite sex for our physical survival. A video like this just shows me the anxiety women are under. Anyways, I'll get to more but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200K In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the women thinking they have a chance against sexbots clown world show. First of all that title Build a Bitch, Bella didn't need to censor it. YouTube still would have promoted it because it promotes the right kind of woke ideology. I remember back in college hearing about the industrial revolution and many men that craftsmen were pissed off because factory works with the aid of machiens started to make the obsolete. These guys were called the Luddites and destroyed factories to protect their businesses. This music video is women's fantasy of destroying technology that helps men no longer need them. Ironically they don't even have to lift a finger or chip a nail because the female machines just do it for them. I've spoken to women about this and many seem to have this fantasy that just because a robot looks like a woman means it's going to act like a woman. A few days ago I re watched of my favorite B movies Cherry 2000 and I noticed some things that I didn't see before. In the opening scene Cherry, the sexbot starts running hot and cold. She Acts upset when her owner insults her intelligence and then almost as if she's upset she heads over to the kitchen to get him dessert and takes away his plate that he's barely eaten and looks like he's still working on away.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Playboy da Favela!
Playboy da Favela! GAROU BAIANO 136 Views • 3 years ago

procurem a musica Homem de aço, um rap dos anos 90.
⁣DMN - H. Aço | part. EDI ROCK (Video-Clipe OFICIAL) [HD]

Artista: DMN
Música: H. Aço
Álbum: H. Aço
(Eli-Efi, Edi Rock)
Gravadora: Porte Ilegal
Direção: Maurício Eça

Rita Cad e o ONLYFANS
Rita Cad e o ONLYFANS Nikaido 36 Views • 3 years ago


Teatro e " Arte " -  Sereias Feministas
Teatro e " Arte " - Sereias Feministas Nikaido 74 Views • 3 years ago

O que tem de gente,principalmente homem que não valoriza o próprio dinheiro e paga por isso,e "PACKS" de foto,onlyfans,vídeos das mulheres transando,ou se masturbando e boletos,supermercado entre outros para as "empoderadas"..............é difícil acreditar que somos os seres mais evoluídos desse planeta.

BLACK PILL - Sua Honradinha Chocottone não é tão honrada como você pensava!
BLACK PILL - Sua Honradinha Chocottone não é tão honrada como você pensava! フクロウ Fukuro 283 Views • 3 years ago

Não existe mulherzinha leal & honradinha, todas elas estão mergulhando no Melting Pot de Pikas (microquimerismo & telegonia). Quando o carrosel passar o Blue Pill Ricecel, Vanillacel e Blackincel que pagará os danos físicos e emocionais causado pelos ALEJANDRO'z - CHAD'z - CHENG'z & TYRONE'z. O que mais tem nesses Movimentos Negros/Afros são marmitas de White Daddy. Em público elas dizem que os odeiam mas no privado cavalgam como loucas no WHiTE HORSE!
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My Woke Boyfriend Won't Sleep With Me - MGTOW
My Woke Boyfriend Won't Sleep With Me - MGTOW Sandman 258 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

A man saying NO to sex?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the third and final donation from Michael. For this video I want to cover an article from the daily mail called: "Men saying NO to sex? It's more common than you think! Tracey Cox, the author of this article, reveals the seven reasons her boyfriend hasn't tried to sleep with her. From trying to appear 'woke' to performance anxiety (and how to change his mind) So Tracey says that men might be terrified of misreading the signals and wanting to take things slow. I while back I spoke to one guy that was sitting next to a woman he went out on a date with next to her on the edge of her bed after a couple of dates and he was rejected and then she filed a false allegation. Almost as if women are laying a trap to punish men the moment they make a move. So no wonder guys are increasingly hesitant to initiate intimacy. Tracey says that women just aren't used to men not pushing for sex with them. That men are becoming passive. That the stereotype is that men are supposed to want it all the time. She brings up seven reasons why men's desire for sex is dropping today. Those include men trying to be more woke, men wanting to take things slow, he's waiting for the perfect moment, he's stressed out, he has performance anxiety, he has low sex drive and finally that he's not interested in the woman he's with sexually. I'm surprised that Tracey didn't say men didn't want to have sex because the women in porn were more attractive than her and therefor men were just being selfish misogynists or something. I'm really surprised this article isn't full of man hating right off the bat. Maybe it's getting tougher out there for women than I thought? I thought for sure there would be oddles of male bashing right off the bat. Before I discuss those sex points that men don't want sex with women let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now bad to the men becoming scared to have sex simp world show. So the first reason men are refusing to initiate sex with women is because the man is trying to be more woke. Of course calling most guys woke is an insult so maybe Tracey is hoping that men reading her article don't want to be shamed by being called woke cowards so they will initiate more going forward. She says it's woke of you to worry about false allegations and being metooed. Some 27 year old guy said that he only sleeps with women if they initiate first. Otherwise he doesn't. But for most women taking the initiative when it comes to making out or having sex with a man is not something they are used to. Women have put men into a situation where if the man initiates then the woman has the power to ruin his life and women assume that men can't refuse the opportunity for sex. But I'm guessing that men's subconscious mind has figured out that the pleasure of sex is not worth the pain of being potentially hauled off to jail. Women want to be wanted but they also want to know they can destroy the man that loves them at any time. They get drunk off his attention and off the power to destroy his life. They want both. But they've gone too far and now many aren't getting either. The second reason a guy won't initiate sex is because he wants to take things slow. Tracey uses projection when she says that women wait before having sex to show they are discerning with their lovers and to demonstrate that they don't sleep around. This made me laugh.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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It's No Longer IF But WHEN She Cheats! RPM
It's No Longer IF But WHEN She Cheats! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 172 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Their words not mine. "Women are actually more likely to cheat than their male counterparts and less likely to feel badly about it."

Showing 227 out of 228