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People & Blogs

MGTOW apes ? HODL 2 - Apes are here to stay
MGTOW apes ? HODL 2 - Apes are here to stay KenDelrican 79 Views • 3 years ago

MGTOW APES ? are winning! Buy and HODL.

#AMC #GME #FoxNews #TreyOnFox #CharlesPayne #treysTrades #amcsqueeze #amcarmy #mattkohrs

Mãe Congela os seus filhos ao descobrir as suas brincadeiras macabras
Mãe Congela os seus filhos ao descobrir as suas brincadeiras macabras Nikaido 15 Views • 3 years ago


OnlyFans e a Epidemia de prostituição no mundo
OnlyFans e a Epidemia de prostituição no mundo Nikaido 133 Views • 3 years ago

Paul Joseph Watson

Momento mangina e conveniência
Momento mangina e conveniência MGTOW_Alfa 180 Views • 3 years ago

Estava meio prolixo!

It's Over For Women - MGTOW
It's Over For Women - MGTOW Sandman 408 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "I remembered you wanted to get a kid through ivf surrogacy. I'm guessing that didn't happen, but why?" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation. As for your question about having a kid through ivf surrogacy that is a bit complicated. I've wanted to do that in my mid to late forties after I finished doing all the things I wanted in life. Unfortunately for the last five years I've had really bad health problems that can kill me. I'll share more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways now back to the end of the world for women clown world show. So Anon from 2015 until the end of 2017 I've had chronic throat infections caused by allergies to all grains, night shades, sugar, vegetables and other foods. I finally did an elimination diet in 2017 and cut out the foods that were literally killing me as my throat was constantly bleeding and slowly killing me. Then at the end of 2017 I got a Tinea infection that went wild and created so much pain that I was suicidal for about a year. Just as my throat was fine my skin went nuts in 2018. In 2019 I got long-term antibiotics that kept the pain under control. I got off the antibiotics in the middle of 2020 for a couple of months and the pain became so severe that I had chronic unstoppable Diarrhea from the pain that last those two months from the pain and lost ten pounds in about a month. I went bad on the medication and my pain went away and immediately the diarrhea too. Without the meds I'm a dead man unless I amputate the top third of all my fingers and toes. I have a little bit of wiggle room with my condition now as I've been de-stressing and hopefully if crypto gets to where it needs to go by the end of the year I can stop doing my daily coaching chats and hire someone to edit my videos and get to the ten year mark of daily production on my channel in about two and a half years. Besides my health issues I don't have the time it takes to raise a kid at this point. If I ever become wealthy through crypto I still might have kids when I get much older but not raise them myself. I would use surrogacy and then give the kid or kids up for adoption. I would in essence cuck some blue pill simp out there to raise my kid. There are plenty of infertile cat ladies that would gladly raise and pass on some man's genes. It's a great idea when it comes to gene propagation because I could put kids up for adoption on multiple continents including Australia, North America and Europe. That way if there's a war the chances of survival for those kids are the highest. When I mentioned this to Anon he pointed out that even if the surrogacy agency let me do this, it would look very bad for intended parents. He linked me to a story [ about an Australian couple who hired a Thai surrogate, and one of the kids had down syndrome. The surrogate mother fell in love with the kids and kept the one with down syndrome, lying to the media that the Australian couple abandoned him. Even though it was a complete lie and the Australian couple actually wanted the child, it resulted in many popular countries banning or placing heavy restrictions on surrogacy.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Bebê é resgatado de boca de fumo após ser usado como pagamento
Bebê é resgatado de boca de fumo após ser usado como pagamento Nikaido 73 Views • 3 years ago


TRATAMENTO DE CHOQUE #2 Nikaido 96 Views • 3 years ago


This Is Not A Drill Women Will Hunt You
This Is Not A Drill Women Will Hunt You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 465 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

Fat Women Shouldn't Dress Sexy? - MGTOW
Fat Women Shouldn't Dress Sexy? - MGTOW Sandman 235 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Husband, 55, who accused his wife of having 'fat legs' and told her to dress ‘more like a woman’ during stormy 17-year marriage is cleared of domestic abuse charges

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the third of three recent donations by Randy the Dakota MGTOW. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover an article I put in the description from the Daily Mail called: "Husband, 55, who accused his wife of having 'fat legs' and told her to dress ‘more like a woman’ during stormy 17-year marriage is cleared of domestic abuse charges" unquote. So apparently insulting your wife now gets you charged and arrested. So the next time she asks you does this dress make me look fat you have to say no unless you want to take the risk of having some guys chubby custard launcher up your poop chute in prison. So Paul Marsden the 55 year old man that did this suffers from osteoporosis, arthritis and is wheel chair bound. He couldn't even run away from the cops if he wanted to. The next article I'm sure I'll read is about a quadriplegic that got arrested for hitting his wife. I spoke about this law around four years ago when the UK passed the idea that not giving your wife money and abusing her in verbal ways where words would become violence would be commonplace and now we see the consequences to those laws being passed. Controlling and coercive behavior if proven in a court of law are violence. Remember that word coercive because later on in this video I'm going to tie it into what could happen to the manosphere. I'll discuss the story more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the quadriplegics getting arrested for assault clown world show. So Paul Marsden's wife says that he didn't let her see her two kids from a previous marriage on the weekends and he would monitor her phone to see whom she had been talking to. She said she would cook for him but if he didn't like it he would throw her food in the trash. He forced her to wear dentures because her teeth were corroded and he didn't like the look of them. What kind of monster asks a woman to wear dentures so he can find her attractive enough make out with? This is just appalling behavior. Appalling I tell you. She claims he had complete control over her life and would let her go out and do the things she wanted. What was he going to do? Run after her if she didn't obey him? The judge acquitted Marsden of the charges saying there was evidence of coercive behavior but insignificant evidence proving that Mrs. Marsden was fearing violence from him. Therefore the court cannot be sure that he engaged in controlling or abusive behaviors. That's great because everything she said is hearsay. There is no direct evidence. Just an accusation with no proof. She also wanted a restraining order against him but they hadn't spoken or seen each other in many months so the court decided against it. This story highlights that if you're in the UK and you have a fat wife and you tell her she's fat and then proceed to physically intimidate her then you could be going to prison. The idea in the comments section of this video is that Marsden is a narcissist and that he was using coercive control on his now ex wife. The way you deal with narcissists is to leave them and stop giving them their narcissistic supply if that's really what he wanted. But how exactly do we know that he's a narcissist? How do we know that she didn't just make up the story to make him look like the bad one as she was leaving him anyway and wanted to punish him for something. At least the courts figured that might be the case. But how do we know that next time the judge isn't some feminist that hates men and wants to punish them for no other reason then the fact that they are men. Odds are she's fat and probably doesn't dress sexy at all.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

MGTOW: your not a equil
MGTOW: your not a equil Mrhatevicious 66 Views • 3 years ago

your not a equil ladies you never was

big jhon evita el matrimonio como contrato con el estado sub español mgtow 3.0
big jhon evita el matrimonio como contrato con el estado sub español mgtow 3.0 PionerosMgtow 3.0 Briffault Robert Ley 109 Views • 3 years ago

⁣mas subs de big jhon mgtow is freedom

ingles by big jhon
playlist y mp3 para bajar ingles
A quien pueda subtitular se aprecia.

⁣el matrimonio como contrato esclavo con el estado y tu cituacion de inferioridad
⁣La sociedad te enseña a proteger a las mujeres. MGTOW te enseña a protegerte de ellas.

⁣MGTOW-is-Freedom John's full "MGTOW is Freedom" archive courtesy of Gargoyle & the Cats.

www.mgtow.tvEvita el matrimonio - Big Jhon⁣??????? ?? ??? ????? ???????: ⁣????????: ???????: https://ww...

⁣Big jhon con subs español. excelente y durísimo.



⁣ (mejores articulos del foro),
Canales pioneros mgtow en español . El Blindaje de La Pildora Roja mgtow .
mgtow 3.0
mgtow 3p0


RAYVEN EN BITCHUTE (mejores articulos del foro),
Canales pioneros mgtow en español . El Blindaje de La Pildora Roja mgtow .
mgtow 3.0
mgtow 3p0

diogenesdesinope2019 1 día hace
Argentina desde 1987 con la ley de divorcio, el matrimonio cambió su
naturaleza contractualista (con derechos y obligaciones para ambos
cónyuges) para pasar a tener una naturaleza de simple "promesa" (promesa
de fidelidad que hoy ni siquiera es sancionable la infidelidad como en
la etapa contractualista porque desde el 2015 el divorcio es incausado,
cualquiera de los cónyuges lo puede pedir sin necesidad de invocar
causal alguna), este cambio de naturaleza quedó muchos años
desapercibido pero se activó con la llegada del feminismo a Tribunales,
en donde se empezó a aplicarse dicha promesa en los divorcios y
separaciones de bienes estrictamente en beneficio de las estrogénicas,
asimismo en dichos juicios el Estado a través del Tribunal de Familia
constituye una especie de contrato de "seguro contra abandono
patrimonial y económico" también en beneficio de las estrogénicas
mientras que a los varones solamente le recaen obligaciones de dicha
especie de contrato que surge en dicho divorcio.
Las mujeres de las
generaciones Boomers, X y millennials no van a sufrir mucho las
consecuencias de esta mierda feminista pero desde las generaciones
Centennials en adelante sí lo van a sufrir porque no van a quedar
verdaderos varones a quienes expoliar económica ni patrimonialmente
fruto del despertar que hace el discurso mgtow y también porque como
actualmente existen montones de madres solteras que crian hijos varones
sin la figura paterna, esos hijos están saliendo y saldrán muy
afeminados y por lo tanto tampoco querrán estar emparejados con mujeres.

En suma, el difundir el mensaje hedónico moderno de solamente vivir
el presente sin interesar el futuro, es un mensaje que puede servir
estrictamente a nivel individual pero no a nivel social; a nivel social,
debe existir alguien (sea como dirigente social o como dirigente
político del Estado) que piense en el futuro de la sociedad y no
solamente como hacen también esos dirigentes, vivir del presente.

Cream Pies & Cheese Cakes - MGTOW
Cream Pies & Cheese Cakes - MGTOW Sandman 252 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Chris. He saw me posting some dietary information under one of the Vention MGTOWs videos and he asked me if I could share my health tips and diet. Many you have probably heard about my health issues for years now and don't want to hear anymore about it. But I think it's important for the younger guys to learn that the good health they take for granted right now won't be there in ten or fifteen years. Your body ages slowly and the problems start very slowly and if you don't deal with them as soon as possible you can find yourself overwhelmed with problems. My diet is an extremely low carb keto diet. Seventy percent of my calories come from olive oil twenty percent from seeds and nuts and ten percent comes from chicken and fish. I didn't choose to eat this way. Vention has been dealing with cancer for a couple of years now and from time to time he cheats on his diet. I would cheat from time to time for a few months and my skin would get really hard and painful from bacteria and a fungal infection. So I would go back to my strict diet and my condition would improve and then I would start cheating again and it would get bad again. So in mid January of 2020 I decided that's it I'm done cheating and haven't veered off course since then. But imagine never eating fruit, grains, legumes, nightshades, sugar, coffee, caffeine and seasonings on food. I'm still debating giving myself one cheat day a year. If nothing happens then once every six months and keep cutting the time down so long as I don't have any issues. Plus I can't cheat with all foods. All the foods I just mentioned on my list I'm actually allergic to. Except for blueberries, raspberries and strawberries but I won't eat those for the carbs. My allergies are so bad I have a chronic sore throat that gets infected and has almost killed me a couple of times. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back to the cream pie clown world show. Remember that I'm not a dietitian of physician so please do your own research with your diet and health. Everyone is different. So I haven't been cheating on my diet but I've still given myself a little release valve. Today I cheat with one or two extra almonds per day. That doesn't sound like anything but when you eat a diet with only 2 or 3 net carbs per day your body can taste the sugar in green leaves and in nuts as well. When I first stopped all sugar a few years ago I had terrible withdrawal symptoms that lasted about a month where I had the worst anxiety in my life. My suggestion to anyone that stops sugar is do it gradually or your body is going to punish you for it. I also eat the same things everyday. Three meals. The first is three boiled eggs with pink salt. I boil or bake everything because about three to four months ago my body started getting horrible reflux. Before it was silent reflux and then it became real burning like the fires of hell reflux and heartburn. I also eat 10 grams of almonds, 25 grams of pumpkin seeds and 25 grams of sunflower seeds. I have a boy Choi salad with 3 table spoons of olive oil. The greens are there to help get the olive oil in my mouth. I can't even add vinegar because it would cause a problem. The olive oil left on my plate after the salad is gone I throw the seeds on and use it as a way to help get the remaining olive oil down my throat as well. My other two meals are different but identical.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:




Lockout Part 3 - Mgtow
Lockout Part 3 - Mgtow Zuberi87 82 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Unsung Yet VITAL Jobs. RPM
Unsung Yet VITAL Jobs. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 119 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Music MALO "Old Soul"

Happy Father's Day gents. Even you can't be there in person send an email, text, or just call.

The TFM Show: 6/19/2021
The TFM Show: 6/19/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,690 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Matrix Server Link:


If you registered with, consider creating a new
account. accounts are the most likely to be censored. They also
record you IP address and personal information for 7 years.

Here is a list of different mainstream servers you can
register on: from which you can click the
"client" hyperlink to register there, but below are recommended
servers you should consider as opposed to

Here is a list of based servers that are banned from where you
can click the hyperlink to open an account there and avoid censorship.

Social Media Links:


SubscribeStar Tip (one-time donation):





MGTOW.TV Stream:




Bitchute Referral Link:


Odysee Stream:

Matrix Username:

Matrix Server Link:

Instagram (Celestina):

Main YouTube Channel (TFM):

Doctor Dollhouse (doll-centric Alternate YouTube Channel):

Amazon Books:

Sponsor Links:

Want to be a guest? Email Aeroshogun at [email protected]

Sponsor Links:

Help Me! YouTube Is Destroying My Channel - MGTOW
Help Me! YouTube Is Destroying My Channel - MGTOW Sandman 320 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. I just wanted to let everyone know that things aren't going that great with regards to topic donations and coaching calls. The last six months to a year have been crazy when it comes to doing coaching calls. A lot of guys were calling me during lock down and then around the beginning of June it completely died down as the summer began and most places opened up. I knew that was going to happen and that income would go away. I also promoted the Brave Browser and received crypto from them until March of this year. But now that's stopped. Donations for topics have been relatively slim lately as well. But I'm not going to ask for money unless you really want to give it to me. If you want to help me in a sustainable way the best thing you can do to help me is by going over to and subscribing to me. You get crypto currency for watching content and you can then send it to an exchange and cash it out or give it to your favorite content creators. The great thing about the LBRY blockchain that houses the videos on is that unlike YouTube there are no content moderators, and no safety filters. The amount of money per view is also higher for creators than Google Adsense when you convert your LBRY tokens. I know it's tough to change and use a new platform but it's the best way to help me at this point so I'm going to ask. I asked years ago for you guys to move to Bitchute and there are twenty thousand subscribers there. But Bitchute has it's limitations and I'll discuss those in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Trans: Anyways, now back to the end of the Sandman content creation clown world show. Where I'm sitting at at this point in my Sandman channel's future is that it's my last option to grow my audience. Otherwise I'll probably have to do something else. Or do what I do in some other way. Bitchute is great but the problem is that after Trump was ousted the number of views went down on the platform as a whole which means that there aren't new people coming in and subscribing to my channel. Subscriber growth has slowed to a crawl. On YouTube I'm not gaining Subscribers but I'm not losing them either. But that doesn't matter because over time even your existing subscribers lose interest and your views eventually fall. Plus I'm worried about YouTube censorship via the Canadian government. Justin Skippy Trudeau's government is almost ready to pass bill C-10 which will begin the censorship process of online content in Canada. If that doesn't do me in then they will put out online hate speech legislation out later this year which might make it illegal for me to tell men to not get married. This is the world we are living in now. I might not even make it to my lofty goal of getting to ten years of content production if I'm threatened by potential prison time. I'm hopeful with LBRY and Odysee which is built on block chain technology and ensures that its creators' channels can never be deleted. When a channel video is created, it is recorded permanently in a distributed ledger on the block chain. It can never be censored. Over the last number of months I've been earning $1-2 Canadian per video off of 200-300 views. 2000 views is $10-20, 4000 views is $20-40 and so on. So long as the value of the LBC token is around ten cents. It's fallen a bit but I'm banking a bunch of them and if and when Bitcoin shoots to new highs I'll cash some of the out. Bitchute has been
declining with regards to viewers and what they should have been doing was getting advertisers onto their platform because if they did that it would just grow and grow because of advertising revenue. But I suspect that with time ad supported content will disappear off the internet because people will be mostly using ad blockers.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

HMT 170 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 109 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Even a PSYCHO can only take so much DISRESPECT!

Coffee and Hatred April 4th, 2021
Coffee and Hatred April 4th, 2021 GrizzlyRising 35 Views • 3 years ago

#Racism #Politics #Relationships #Hiking #Thru Hiking #Backpacking #BIPOC

A morning show that isn't syrupy and sweet!

Coffee and Hatred March 14th, 2021
Coffee and Hatred March 14th, 2021 GrizzlyRising 17 Views • 3 years ago

A morning show that isn't syrupy and sweet!

Coffee and Hatred March 28 th, 2021
Coffee and Hatred March 28 th, 2021 GrizzlyRising 24 Views • 3 years ago

#Racism #Politics #Relationships #Hiking #Thru Hiking #Backpacking #BIPOC

A morning show that isn't syrupy and sweet!

Coffee and Hatred April 4th, 2021
Coffee and Hatred April 4th, 2021 GrizzlyRising 12 Views • 3 years ago

#Racism #Politics #Relationships #Hiking #Thru Hiking #Backpacking #BIPOC

A morning show that isn't syrupy and sweet!

Os novos canais MGTOW
Os novos canais MGTOW MGTOW_Alfa 94 Views • 3 years ago


Journey To The Red Pill: With Guest, Dirty Dan! (MGTOW.TV EXCLUSIVE!)
Journey To The Red Pill: With Guest, Dirty Dan! (MGTOW.TV EXCLUSIVE!) Grim Lord's Games & Rants 41 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Astalon Tears Of The Earth

In my first installment of hopefully several more to come, Dirty Dan talks about his experience with the red pill, how he ended up with a pink haired German Shepherd and how he ended up being the bull in a session of cuckholdry, of which he was handsomely paid. Meanwhile, I continue to bang the drum of legal prostitution, which would have helped this guy out.

Don't ever get desperate enough to bang German Shepherds. Make sure you give Phil at The Doll House a call, first!

Men Are Intimidated By Successful OnlyFans Models LOL - MGTOW
Men Are Intimidated By Successful OnlyFans Models LOL - MGTOW Sandman 304 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
Email: [email protected]

Men Are Tired Of Entitled Women

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy the Dakota MGTOW. This is the first of three videos I'm making with his donation. He told me to cover whatever I want. So I decided to cover a video that Think Before You Sleep made called "Men Are Tired Of Entitled Women" that I've put in the description. He covers yet another video where three women are being interviewed about their Instagram model and onlyfans careers as they are all in their early twenties and seem to think that gravy train of men's money will keep flowing into their gash forever. It's like they found a gold mine in their pants but you don't know with the vein will run out. It's like men went prospecting in Nevada and found a golden vajayjay. These women's booties are a boom town right now but their gashes will turn into a ghost town by the time they hit their mid to late twenties. Yet they still act like being an influencer and instragram thot with an onlyfans page is career choice. But we all know that women are bad at long-term planning. For men long-term planning is a strength but also a source of our weakness. Especially when women use the tired argument of you're going to die alone if you don't become a slave to the plantation. I'd rather live my life a free man and die alone then live my life as a slave and most likely die surrounded by Jamaican nurses in a nursing home. Most people die in a nursing home regardless of if they are single or not. Anyways, I'll get to more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to Instagram being a long-term career choice clown world show. The three women in the video shame the men after being threatened by them. They are threatened by the men telling them that the money isn't going to last as they will soon have a deflating ass. But in actuality these women don't really care. They are using their platforms on Onlyfans and instagram to chameleon it up. Right now they are successful by having a nice apartment, car and clothes. But this projection isn't meant to last for the long term. They are projecting the image of success to attract a successful man to them. OnlyFans allows them to project success at a much younger age with a minimal amount of effort. However they are learning that most guys that they want don't want them because of their so called business making money stripping and having sex online. Why do you think that women have been pushing to label sex work as being work too? They want to destigmatize it and Onlyfans has gone a long way towards doing that. Sex work doesn't have the same negative connotations that it did twenty years ago. 20 years ago sex work outside of strip clubs and the traditional porn business was very difficult. Because digital cameras were extremely expensive and smart phones and social media didn't exist. You had to develop nude pictures on film and first you'd have to find a company that would do that for you and usually they would charge a premium. Plus you'd have to scan in the images using a Kodak photo CD. Even in Toronto back then there were only a couple of photo production houses that had the technology to digitize twats. Plus most people didn't have high speed internet so downloading photos in the early 2000s took many seconds and sometimes minutes unlike today when it's instantaneous.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

False Accusations Are STILL In Play RPM
False Accusations Are STILL In Play RPM REDPILLMARRIED 149 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Time for this ADULT conversation to be had.

Jo The Philosopher Destroys AMS
Jo The Philosopher Destroys AMS Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 213 Views • 3 years ago

Sub to Jo's Channel

Truth Hurts - Mgtow
Truth Hurts - Mgtow Zuberi87 109 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Woman Want Control? - MGTOW
Woman Want Control? - MGTOW Sandman 250 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Guilbeault on C-10

2 extra link:

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Matt and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I appreciate the work and Skype call advice you have given me this past year. I had a topic in regards to social media regulation and bans. I know you mentioned this a little before in your previous videos in this past year like your "50% of men will be incels in the next 5 years video". While I do not watch mainstream media, a TV I saw at the gym stated on a Fox News channel that Congress in the United States is floating around the idea of Big Tech social media regulation. I didn't think much of this, but I wanted to run it by you to see what you think. Would they actually regulate this stuff to stop the incel and only fans problem? Or just continue to appease women in having the dating advantage and not piss off shareholders in these companies? The answer may be obvious, but nonetheless I felt it was worth asking. Peace, and thank you." Well Matt thanks for the donation and topic. I don't know if the government in the United States is going to regulate people posting content on social media. I don't think they really have to. The democratic government in America is in bed with Silicon Valley and they are already working together to censor the voices and opinions they don't like from the right as well as on vaccines, flat earth conspiracies and the manosphere. Remember that there is no real incel problem. Incels are men thirsty for vagina and they want to give women what they want. MGTOWs are the real problem because we are walking away from a problem with a pussy. We refuse to worship the holy camel toe. Remember that many incels aren't even demonetized on YouTube. If you think there's a problem wouldn't they at least take away their money? Also what Instagram problem? Women are making money from simps online for stripping in the most socially acceptable way yet. The government doesn't want to piss off the lady vote so why destroy their ability to make a living? Other women would complain and attack the government. Remember that period blood is thicker than family blood. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back with the cooch censorship show. As I was saying the US government doesn't have to regulate social media because they are already doing it for them. But in a place like Canada or other western countries that don't have the direct ear of social media we are the canary in the coal mine. The Canadian government of Justin Skippy Trudeau controls the narrative by bribing the lame-stream media off with tax payer dollars. But they can't control what citizens say on Twitter, YouTube and other platforms because the people in silicon valley don't really care about Canadian politics. Now our government wants to make them care by driving legislation through in the next little while that would force regulations on tech giants to do as they're told by the Canadian government. Australia did this successfully forcing companies to pay for news articles when they publish them on their search engines and platforms.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:





Prepping for Gunfire | Live From The Lair
Prepping for Gunfire | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 1,034 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Responding to more questions from patriotic dudes out there, Popp goes into some good supplies to have in the upcoming boogaloo.
#Prepping #PoppsPreppers #LiveFromTheLair

Brought to you by Dr. B. Real’s series on “Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism”
Volume 1:
Volume 2:

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This Couhtry Is Ripe For The Taking By Real Men
This Couhtry Is Ripe For The Taking By Real Men Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 508 Views • 3 years ago

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Mentalidade Bilionaria: O maior case de sucesso do mgtow brasileiro
Mentalidade Bilionaria: O maior case de sucesso do mgtow brasileiro M2GO Involuntário 113 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Canal Bitchute Atualizado:

Rotten Crotch Is STILL Skyrocketing In The US! RPM
Rotten Crotch Is STILL Skyrocketing In The US! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 196 Views • 3 years ago

⁣These people are more radioactive than Chernobyl.
Article 1:
Article 2:

Advogado de 63 anos gasta R$ 8 milhões em casamento com mulher de 24
Advogado de 63 anos gasta R$ 8 milhões em casamento com mulher de 24 Nikaido 81 Views • 3 years ago

Mulheres no mundo ficando ricas,sem precisar passar pelo o inferno que os homens passaram pra chegar nessa riqueza

Better Person - Mgtow
Better Person - Mgtow Zuberi87 122 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

I Can No Longer Stand The Sound Of Women's Voices - MGTOW
I Can No Longer Stand The Sound Of Women's Voices - MGTOW Sandman 328 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sandman Contact Info & Store:
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Juan. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is cover a reddit post called: "Today I Realized I Can No Longer Stand The Sound Of Women's Voices" by someone named Kid Hussle and here's what he has to say: "It just happened as I'm sitting here in traffic listening to an audio book by Neil deGrasse Tyson where he answers questions from interested fans on his podcast. Thinking it's going to be Neil talking, I instead hear some lady astronomer going on about something and I immediately became uninterested and annoyed. Even after Neil started talking it was already enough for me. Then I thought about it and realized that happens a lot lately, anything I watch or listen to that has a woman speaking just gets me so bothered and makes me lose interest. Even in public, hearing a woman speak at the store just makes me want to leave immediately, I've resorted to using earbuds in stores or public places. I don't know if it's a bad thing, if it's unhealthy for the mind, I'm not sure, all I know is my days seem to be more peaceful with the least amount of noise as possible." unquote. I completely agree with with Kid Hussle. It's gotten to the point where I'm not even listening to a woman's words anymore unless she says something out of the ordinary. All I'm doing is listening to the tone of her voice when she is speaking to get a reading on her emotional state. Afterall women don't generally want a man's help. They just want someone to sit there and listen their problems. Or when they are happy and tell you something that she perceives as wonderful happening to her you're supposed to put on a fake smile and dance around the room like a money with cybals all happy for her. When she's angry at you you're supposed to fight back and provide drama and not be a pushover. It's gotten to the point where within a few seconds I recognize what her mood is and what she wants with her words and I start feeling nausea. It's like the annoyance factor I feel from a song I've heard a million times. The first one that came to my mind was the Macarena or just about any song by the backstreet boys. If that dates me too much then think about Major Lazer and their hit song Lean On. I'll get to why I can no longer stand the voices of women because they are like songs I've heard one too many time in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor me the Sandman: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. There are a handful of women that I listen to online that take some time to tell a somewhat interesting story without a man scripting their words for them first. One woman that I covered recently like that was Teal Swan. Her second husband made her content interesting to listen to and her voice was soothing and feminine. The rest of the women I hear these days just ramble on without thinking about what they are going to say ahead of time. But for me over the last year of covid I'm getting annoyed by the sound of women's and children's voices for that matter entirely. Also much of the electronic music I used to listen to. I don't know if it has to do
with age or something else. For example the styles of hard electronic music I love to listen to stress me out and give me anxiety so instead I prefer classical music instead. It's more subtle and subdued and doesn't drive my emotions as wild as the loud obnoxious stuff. Now I understand why guys like Moses Znaimer, the guy that created Much Music, Canada's version of MTV as well as CityTV which was the closest thing to YouTube with it's speakers corner booth that you could get in the 1980s and 1990s decided to run a classic music radio station. I guess he also had enough of the noise.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

VALID Reasons To Just Get A Doll RPM
VALID Reasons To Just Get A Doll RPM REDPILLMARRIED 277 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Not ONE lie spoken.
Google: Reasons Why Men Love S-x Dolls More Than Real Girls

Mulheres Assediam Sexualmente um homem em Loja
Mulheres Assediam Sexualmente um homem em Loja Nikaido 196 Views • 3 years ago

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Something Scary Is Happening To Women - MGTOW
Something Scary Is Happening To Women - MGTOW Sandman 446 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens?

Something Scary Is Happening To Men

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the Randy the Dakota MGTOW. It's the 2nd of three videos he wanted me to make. So for this video I want to cover an article I've linked to in the description called: "Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens?" That article talks about a recent survey of families whose children developed symptoms of gender dysphoria during or after puberty and Lisa Littman the professor of behavioral science at Brown University found that 80 percent of the youth in the survey were female at birth. Usually kids show signs of gender identity issues before puberty but none of these girls did until they hit that age. It's almost as if there is some sort of social contagion effect where it's popular for girls to identify as guys and the research found that 63.5% of the dudettes that now identified as dudes had one or more people in their peer group that had come out of the closet as being trans. These girls watched YouTube videos and social media that influcenced their decision to do the same thing. Of course they did because they saw the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of views those transition videos get and all the attention they got online and they figure they might as well do the same thing because attention is harder and harder to get in a digital world. Plus the left has convinced many young women that people that are cis-gendered to be evil breeders. I'll discuss more about what's happening in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the women that want to be men with a cooch clown world show. The parents of these trans boys and men are being attacked by their kids that are becoming the pronoun-police. These kids are just paroting what they hear online and they say they sound scripted repeating what others are saying word for word. This isn't so called gender dysphoria among a growing number of girls. four times as many girls are falling for what appears to be mass psychological illness. It's being called a sociogenic plague. This is rapid onset gender dysphoria in girls according to the researchers and I just call it attention seeking behavior. Psychologists say that girls and young teens exhibiting this sort of behavior that caution needs to be taken when giving out hormone replacement therapy like candy. But in places like Canada if a girl picks up the sociological disease of wanting to change her gender because she thinks it's cool or will get her a lot of attention then parents can't do anything. A while back a father went to jail for either not using the right pronouns or giving his daughter gender reassignment resources. This sort of behavior is also coming from the top down. The leftist media is promoting the trans agenda and then a few people take part in it. If you do a Google trends search you'll notice that searches for trans man have gone up two to three times higher from around 2013. After a while the media can step back and let ordinary people on YouTube spread their ideas for them and they don't have to do a thing. At the same time as this is happening to more young women for men there's also something scary going on with regards to dropping testosterone levels. Sperm counts have dropped 59% from 1973 to 2011. If the trend continues half of all men will have a zero sperm count by 2045. The other half will have a very low count. The average 22 year old
male today has the same levels as a 67 year old in the year 2000. So what is happening?

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Humberto Volts - Não ficar sozinho em um ambiente com uma mulher
Humberto Volts - Não ficar sozinho em um ambiente com uma mulher Nikaido 187 Views • 3 years ago

Trecho de um vídeo do Humberto Volts,até quem raramente fala o que a mulher faz de errado,já ta abrindo os olhos.

Mulher Dominatrix leva velho TROUXA para passear               /          Dominatrix and Elderly
Mulher Dominatrix leva velho TROUXA para passear / Dominatrix and Elderly Nikaido 22 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Woman Causes Stir As She Brings a Old White Man As Her “Slave” To a Homecoming

Estado de hipocrisia!
Estado de hipocrisia! MGTOW_Alfa 53 Views • 3 years ago


I Pay My Wife For Sex LOL - MGTOW
I Pay My Wife For Sex LOL - MGTOW Sandman 339 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Reddit Post:

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Host No Bail. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to share a reddit post I found that made me laugh in the description called: "We've reached cuck levels where husbands now have to pay their wives in order to be allowed to have sex with them. Clownworld strikes again." and here's what someone on the dead bedrooms subreddit has to say and I quote: "I solved my dead bedroom situation. Now I pay my wife for sex. We used to have an active, interesting sex life. After a few years, she stopped being interested in sex. So things were dead for a while, until I came up with a plan. I pay my wife for sex. She likes stuff. I like sex. So I see this as a total win-win. I get the sex I want, she gets a few extra bucks spending money every month. Anyhow I don't know if this would work for anyone else, but so far it seems to be working out for us." unquote. I'll discuss this sad story and why this man's wife, let's call him Mr. Simp, decided that she would go through with such an arrangement in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor he Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the I'm married but still pay for sex clown world show. As Tom Cruise said in the film Jack Reacher the most expensive sex is the sex you don't pay for. That line should be told to every man about to get married thinking that sex is going to last forever. So he understands that marriage make a wife the most expensive of all whores. As for Mr. Simp, imagine him looking like a soy boy version of Mr. Clean with Spaghetti arms and perm looks to me like he inadvertently triggered fear in his wife so that she would such his weenie more than twice. When he asked her if she would take money for sex she probably figured that if she said no and he was still sexually frustrated that he would just go out and spend that money on strippers and prostitutes and she wouldn't get any of it. She probably thought at least I keep him trapped in the relationship as pussy plow horse and I can get paid to just lay there and make meowing noises. I think that what I just mentioned went over his head even though her lips are now hovering over his little head. One guy on Reddit says he should just take the money and pay for escorts. But the thing to remember is that this doesn't give a man the same sort of girlfriend or wife experience that he's going to get from someone he loves. That might work for some guys but not all of them. His wife doesn't know if Mr. Simp can detach his emotions from sex. It's a difficult if not impossible thing for many guys to do including myself. So it's a better experience with his wife. Sex isn't simply about looks for many guys because something much deeper, no pun intended. Almost the entire comments section is about men trying to convince themselves that a working girl is a better way to spend your money instead of your wife. They do a cost benefit analysis yet Mr. Simp doesn't seem to have done that because he's in love and Mrs. Simp is probably thinking to herself that it's only a matter of time before he figures out that he can pay for a younger, sexier, professional instead of having to settle for anal and rupture her old lady hemorrhoids. She's just protecting her investment by taking his jizz and the jingle out of this pockets. For her it's a win win situation. But it should signal to him that she doesn't love him and that his emotions are not being reciprocated. He doesn't seem to care about that. Sex is more important than being love back by the person you love. That was the hardest red pill for me to swallow. That my emotions weren't being returned by women.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Grim Rants: My Thoughts On TGTOW - Teens Going Their Own Way
Grim Rants: My Thoughts On TGTOW - Teens Going Their Own Way Grim Lord's Games & Rants 48 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Fearmonium

Yeah, you guessed it. Young men are now walking away from relationships, saying they would rather play video games. RPM and I seem to agree that young men have the capability to do this. But Producer Tim of The Migtown Podcast disagrees. I'll provide a rebuttal to his disagreement as well.

E se a PL741/21 estivesse valendo ?
E se a PL741/21 estivesse valendo ? M2GO Involuntário 83 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Canal Bitchute Atualizado:

The Rise In Female Alcoholism. Oh Well SUFFER! RPM
The Rise In Female Alcoholism. Oh Well SUFFER! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 227 Views • 3 years ago

Article 1:
Article 2:

Never Live With Women - MGTOW
Never Live With Women - MGTOW Sandman 371 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adrian and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, and old MGTOW here. I have been going my own way all my life, and have never married, never cohabited and I don’t have children. I was started on this path in childhood. As a kid I had to spend almost all my time doing things other people wanted me to do. I had to go to school, come home at a certain time, do homework, do chores around the house, eat certain foods, visit the grandparents on the weekend, the list was endless. I had very little time to do things that interested me, to hang out with my friends or just to chill out. When I complained about my life, my parents and teachers tried to shame and manipulate me, saying that if I did not if I did not do what they wanted me to do, then I was lazy, or ungrateful, or selfish, or that I did not love them enough, or that I was just stupid. I knew I was none of those things, and I often got frustrated. When I became a teenager, the mandatory stuff got less and less, and when I finally moved in to my own place, I experienced sweet, sweet freedom. When I started having serious relationships, I found that I had to spend more and more time doing things my girlfriends wanted me to do. I had to come home at a certain time, help her with chores, eat certain foods, visit her parents on the weekend, the list got longer and longer. Again I had less and less time to do things that interested me, to hang out with my friends or just to chill out. If I showed any unwillingness to do what my girlfriends wanted me to do, the manipulation and shaming tactics appeared. I already knew I did not want to live this way, and I ended most of my relationships after a year. Instead of relationships I traveled for work, installing machines all over the world. Now I am in my fifties, and my purpose in life is to look after a 200 year old property I inherited. I have occasional “friends with benefits” when I want them. I am sure lots of guys must have had similar experiences growing up, and in their relationships. It must be obvious to many men that the disadvantages of a relationship will out-weigh the advantages. So why do men stay with women, move in with women and get married to women?" Unquote. Well Adrian thanks for the donation and topic. I'll share why men marry and move in with with women in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right:

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HMT 169 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 60 Views • 3 years ago

⁣She only had ONE job to do.

The TFM Show: 6/12/2021
The TFM Show: 6/12/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,672 Views • 3 years ago

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Como Estupradores são TRATADOS NA CADEIA
Como Estupradores são TRATADOS NA CADEIA Nikaido 49 Views • 3 years ago

Youtube - ⁣

Contra Versão 17 - Quer Ser Nosso Amiguinho?
Contra Versão 17 - Quer Ser Nosso Amiguinho? OncaBlindada 26 Views • 3 years ago

E-mails, o homem lava-saco, Viriato agente da KGB, William enchendo o rabo de linguiça e muito mais. <br> <br>Agora vi que poderia fazer umas mudanças pra melhorar a thumbnail. Ela ficou ruim demais, muito poluída e desordenada. Enfim, aproveitem o episódio.

No Olive Branch - Mgtow
No Olive Branch - Mgtow Zuberi87 154 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

A um boquete de distância!
A um boquete de distância! MGTOW_Alfa 87 Views • 3 years ago

Especial de dia dos namorados s2

Women Can Read Your Mind LOL - MGTOW
Women Can Read Your Mind LOL - MGTOW Sandman 286 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
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Docville Wild West Movie Set - Newcastle Ontario

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This videos is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, please watch the movie Chaos Walking and make a video about what you think about it. Keep me anonymous." Well thanks for the donation and topic. If anyone wants to watch this film remember that all the spoilers are ahead. Also Mr. anonymous thanks for letting me know about this science fiction film that takes place in 2257. I didn't even know it existed. It takes place on a planet where there are no women but where all the men that are colonizing it can hear each others thoughts and they call it the noise. A scout ship crash lands and the only survivor is a woman and the mayor of the colony town tells her that the native species killed all the women it made me think that he was lying. The Mayor seems to be the best at hiding his thoughts or noise. The following scene he tells one of his lieutenants that he wants to capture her groups ship and use it to get off the planet as the crew will be in cryo sleep. Her ship that she crashed in is just a scout ship and there is a bigger ship coming with thousand of colonists. The men can also Project things like wooden walls and giant snakes with their minds at other men as well as women. Men have the power to project illusions but it comes with the weakness that if they aren't careful others can read their thoughts if they don't know how to effectively silence their noise. The crashed female is named Viola and played by Daisy Ridley. Tom Holland Plays Todd Hewitt the boy that finds her. The film is based on the first book of the sci-fi trilogy called Chaos Walking. Obviously a jab at men saying indirectly that men are chaotic with our thoughts. Ironically it's the other way around in reality and only on a sci-fi planet can men be as chaotic as them cooch folk. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the extra-terrestrial clown world show. So the mayor of the man planet wants to figure out where Viola's mother-ship, no pun intended is going to land. But his son accidentally activates her weapon and she ends up escaping. So the mayor and his minions run off to find her. Tom Holland's character Todd goes back home and finds her hiding in his barn. I find this idea that a man is supposed to control his noise is like a man that can't control his sexuality. So Todd's father finds out about how he's hiding her in barn and they debate if they want to give her up to the mayor. His father tells him he has to leave to a place called barb ranch immediately before the mayor of Prentisstown finds them. But it's too late, the mayor shows up opens the barn and Ray Skywalker, I'm sorry Viola escapes on her hot wired motorcycle. There she goes Daisy Ridley doing what she does best as an actress playing a Mary Sue. She hot wires that motorcycle and then rides it through a forest at full speed like she's in another Jedi film. I almost thought she was another Mary Sue character until she crashes the motorcycle. She also cries hiding in the barn and that also shows some weakness and vulnerability. Good to see she has some range beyond just bad-ass Jedi mind tricks. The woods reminded me of the woods in Canada and I was right because this film was made around Montreal. The concept of men that can't hide their thoughts easily from each other gets tiring pretty quickly. It's distracting watching a film and hearing voices all the time coming from the characters when their lips aren't moving. It's also overwhelming when you hear dozens of characters all thinking at the same time. I know the audio editors did the best job they could but it's hard to convey this story on screen. The film tries to show their noise as visible green, blue and purple ghost like echos around their heads.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Como é uma aula de Educação Sexual numa universidade chinesa (+18)
Como é uma aula de Educação Sexual numa universidade chinesa (+18) フクロウ Fukuro 372 Views • 3 years ago

Pesquisem pelos seguintes termos: WMAF & BLEACHED ?

Female Alcoholism Is The Real Global Pandemic
Female Alcoholism Is The Real Global Pandemic Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 448 Views • 3 years ago

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HMT 168 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 88 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Two for the price of one!

O verdadeiro negócio dos “Sugar Daddies”
O verdadeiro negócio dos “Sugar Daddies” Nikaido 29 Views • 3 years ago


PRENUP PRANK On My Fiancé! - MGTOW Sandman 217 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

I want a PRENUP PRANK on Fiancé!

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman. I would like to anonymously request a video topic. Could you react to this video titled “I want a prenup prank on fiancé” The comment section is fortunately full of educated men telling Slaiman he fully needs to get a prenup based on her reaction." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Slaiman has a YouTube channel called Whealth By Slaiman and he's got almost two and a half million subscribers. It's a prank channel with over half a billion views. I thought prank channels were being censored by YouTube or at the very least demoted and it looks to be the case with this one. When he started three years ago he was getting ten to twenty million views a month. Now it's down to three million views. A channel like this relies on new viewers that don't know if the prank content is real or not. You can tell it's fake when near the end of the video, which I've put in the description there's a hand held camera filming his fiance. Plus since he pulls pranks on her all the time why would she get angry before asking him if it's a prank or not? Hasn't
Sliman pranked his Fiance Kate dozens of times? Mr. Anonymous good thing you didn't use your real name because you might have fallen for a fake prank video thinking it's real. Maybe many of the people in the comments section below that video also fell for it. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways, now back to the video. I'm sorry Mr. Anonymous but this video you've shared is like those stupid videos that rack up millions of views where a couple are sitting in a car and the guy asks his girlfriend if were going fifty miles an hour what distance will we travel in one hour? They literally keep arguing for over nothing for ten to fifteen minutes so they can sell four or five YouTube ads. That's what this prank video reminded me of when Kate said you get a prenup after you get married and you're going through a divorce. Like we are supposed to believe a woman is gullible enough not to know what a prenup is. They are practicing ways to get out of one with their girlfriends when they are in the fifth grade. So when you mention that there are so many guys in the comments section telling Slaiman that he needs a prenup I don't think he'll take any of them seriously and I would be surprised if he even read the comments section. Throughout the video she keeps blabbing that a marriage is not a reason to get a prenup. It's for a divorce. She sounds pissed off. The prank is obviously not real but this woman is giving me horrible anxiety just listening to her. If she acts like this when she's fake angry can you imagine what she acts like when she's really angry? She says something stupid that he's going to keep his play station five if they get divorced because it's really expensive. That would be the least of his worries if they broke up. I've dated women that still had their ex husband's video game system that they got in the divorce. I'm predicting that there will eventually be a divorce once the YouTube money runs dry and it will at some point. We live in a world with fake news so why not a world with fake drama? Watching this is like watching professional wrestling and I grew out of that decades ago. Actually it's more like professional nagging. The hand held camera footage at the end gives it all away as fake. At least the hidden camera footage at the start of the video is a little less obvious but a handheld camera when she tears appart the fake prenup is just as bad as just for laughs. I tell people it's fake and they don't believe me. They say it's real and with hidden cameras.

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Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

You Need an Escape Plan and Untraceable Wealth ASAP Warns Robert Kiyosaki
You Need an Escape Plan and Untraceable Wealth ASAP Warns Robert Kiyosaki Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 235 Views • 3 years ago

Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad Series, outlines his plans for financial survival during these turbulent times. "Now more than ever, you need untraceable wealth," he tells our Daniela Cambone. Kiyosaki explains why gold and silver are his favorite investment choices over other assets, including Bitcoin. He also details his escape plan when the incoming chaos hits.

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Better To Be Clearly Rejected Than Friendzoned. RPM
Better To Be Clearly Rejected Than Friendzoned. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 138 Views • 3 years ago

⁣No man with an ounce of SELF RESPECT will stay/settle in a woman's orbit.

O real problema
O real problema MGTOW_Alfa 66 Views • 3 years ago


Women Don't Want Me Anymore! Am I An Incel? - MGTOW
Women Don't Want Me Anymore! Am I An Incel? - MGTOW Sandman 270 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Easter and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, My topic is called "When a man hits the wall and then takes the red pill." I spent the majority of my 40's as a blue pilled player. It wasn't exactly a case of where I was a Chad, but I never seemed to lack for the attention of women. I was still fairly young looking. I was active in the local community as a semi-professional musician. I kept a social media account that featured music, fine art, and I also emceed a couple of major music events in my area. Needless to say I had a fairly high profile and with that profile came the female attention. Things started to change for me prior to the Coof and the lockdowns. It started with a decision in 2019 to start disconnecting from social media. I had just lost my last girlfriend to monkey branching and I wasn't happy with the go-to women I had on the side. Social media was a double edged sword for me in that although I hooked up with a lot of women through electronic means, it also destroyed any chance I had of keeping a relationship as it was an endless source of arguments between myself and any woman I was with. Then the coof happened. By this time I was off social media. So I was already trying to adjust to my 50th birthday. Then I hit the wall. Hard. It started with the loss of a crown early on in the coof. I tried to get to a dentist but none were available. By the time I could see one I was told the tooth would have to be pulled. I told that dentist "no" and wanted to see mine. By the time a couple of months had passed and I saw my dentist, I was told that not only would I lose that tooth, but my lower front teeth would have to be pulled as well. So in September of last year my life changed dramatically as I walked into a dentist's office with sore teeth and walked out with something that stills feels foreign in my mouth and looks like teeth. I still struggle with it. I don't want to offer excuses, but in my 30's I spent time as an overseas contractor in the Middle East and getting to a dentist on a regular basis wasn't feasible, and the stress of the job pushed me to chain smoke. Back to the present: I have to admit that this along with my current age has pushed me to essentially accept the fate of the monk. This isn't my first time in my life where I've had to live like this, but it never felt like something that was going to be a permanent situation in my life. I've looked into alternatives but implants are not feasible where my lower teeth used to be. So for better or worse I'm dealing with false teeth. Oddly enough I've had some encounters since losing them. One night I had an encounter in the bathroom of a local bar. And on 2 other occasions I've had offers for sex. I take it in stride, but between me being post-wall, post-teeth and red pilled, I'm pretty much at an end with dating. I don't hate women at all. I do sort of look at them as trying to shop for the best deal while not knowing when to stop shopping. But for me personally I acknowledge that I have to live my best life. Fortunately for me I've got plenty of hobbies, a rose garden, an old pickup truck and a house that will never run out of things that need to be done with it. Post wall can be challenging. I suppose I can manage the skin of my teeth...or where my teeth used to be." Well Easter thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Know Thyself: Action vs Plan;  Airstrike vs Playing a Lamb
Know Thyself: Action vs Plan; Airstrike vs Playing a Lamb Francis_UD 7 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Know Thyself: Action vs Plan; Airstrike vs Playing a Lamb


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Filmed on 09/06/2021 AEST

Both Sides - Mgtow
Both Sides - Mgtow Zuberi87 118 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Sexy bikini bar
Sexy bikini bar Nikaido 92 Views • 3 years ago


Policial em patrulha flagra a sua esposa TRAINDO ELE
Policial em patrulha flagra a sua esposa TRAINDO ELE Nikaido 72 Views • 3 years ago


Banging My Hot Female Teacher - MGTOW
Banging My Hot Female Teacher - MGTOW Sandman 237 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

My Tutor [Original Theatrical Trailer]

OK, Boomer: Want to Be Young Again?

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rob and here's what he has to say: "What's up Sandman, Hope all is well? I've attached a trailer to a movie I remember watching as a youth. I saw it last night on streaming! Regardless of if you've seen it or not please review it and connect it to Modern MGTOW Philosphy. Could you do a molecular break-down and connect the dots as to how the present and up-coming "Predatory Whamans" Apocalypse could possibly skew the dating market in the future. Do you think this will go on to until Generation "ALPHA" reaches 50 plus yrs.. or dramatically shift when Lover Bot Technology corrects the sexual market?..I recently read Max Hodak (Neuralink co-founder) departed Elon's Musk's brain implant company. Maybe he was introduced to your channel Sandman and will contact you via his secret/ updated version of NEURO-LINK. You could finishing connecting the Dots like that 80's game "CONNECT FOUR". Thank you for all you do Brother. Well Rob thanks for the donation and topic. I'll discuss the film My Tutor and where I see the sexual marketplace going in the future in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the video. The opening scene of My Tutor looks like the video from Call On Me by Eric Prydz made in 2004. That's almost 20 years ago. Damn I'm starting to feel old. The women are doing aerobacise and wearing leg warmers and tight outfits. I'd probably get a strike if I used pictures of girls as racy as the call on me video. I remember watching sexy gymnastics videos on Television when I was 3 years old in the early 80s. I always wondered who watches this stuff. Now I understand there was any army of frustrated perverts fapping to women in leg warmers. As for the film My Tutor it came out in 1983 and Rob it's a good request after you sent me a prior video request for a film called Blame it on Rio where a teenage girl falls for a forty-five year old man. In this film a teenage boy falls for a 29 year old woman. But why have I never seen this film before? Nor the other one? I think it has to do with the constant nudity which seem to happen almost every five minutes in this film. This film has it all. Whore houses, mud wrestling, bjs in sports cars and a cradle robbing woman. Crispin Glover is in this thing too with blonde hair. It starts after final exams are over on their last day of high school and Bobby and his friends go to a whore house and it turns out to be a disaster. Crispin Glover gets spun around on a bondage wheel and gets whipped and he doesn't get laid. Neither does Bobby because he gets drunk beforehand and passes out on the largest pair of boobs that Hollywood has ever filmed. After less than fifteen minutes I understand why I've never seen this film before. Because it's even too racy to have been on after midnight on Television in the eighties. We learn that Bobby comes from a wealthy family and lives in a mansion with a swiming pool and a tennis court. Terri Green becomes his French Tutor and she's going to get a ten thousand dollar bonus if he passes. She's played by Karen Kaye. She's going to be staying at his house for a month tutoring him so he gets a good grade and gets into Yale. He asks her why she's not married or has a boyfriend. She doesn't really tell him. Meanwhile Bobby is getting more sexually frustrated and his friends pay some some waitress to lose his virginity to. But the waitress but he ends up being the girlfriend of a biker gang leader and so he has to get away from the bikers. But I can't help but think that he's a naive young male with feminine features and attitude being taken advantage of by an older woman of authority.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""


⁣O dinheiro utilizado na relação é de quem? Do homem, da mulher ou dos dois? essa pergunta é comum e a resposta é cristalina, no mundo real deveria ser dos dois, mas na matrix é o homem que coloca dinheiro na relação, salvo raras exceções, é isso que acontece, você sabe o que acontece com o relacionamento quando o dinheiro acaba? Acompanhe o vídeo e descubra como isso tudo funciona na cabeça da mulher.

Existe vida depois da red pill
Existe vida depois da red pill MGTOW Laser 113 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sempre lanço primeiro no youtube, la a qualidade de imagem esta em HD, aos irmãos que quiserem se inscrever para receber o conteudo primeiro, segue o link do canal no youtube:

⁣Existe vida depois da red pill? Nesse vídeo irei responder a essa pergunta, mas será que você está preparado para a resposta? Muitas vezes você deve ter imaginado a sua vida ao lado de uma boa esposa e de filhos aos quais você ensinaria tudo e que seriam como uma continuação sua nessa vida, mas o que você não contava, era que o rumo da sociedade daria uma guinada tão grande influenciada pelo feminismo, é amigo, ter relacionamento sério não é mais viável e daí vem a pergunta, como será minha vida agora? O que vou fazer se não posso mais formar uma família? Campeão, o caminho será longo, mas estarei aqui para te auxiliar nessa jornada.

Alertas vermelhos que os gados não conseguem ver nas mulheres
Alertas vermelhos que os gados não conseguem ver nas mulheres MGTOW Laser 105 Views • 3 years ago
⁣Alertas vermelhos que os gados não conseguem ver nas mulheres modernas, o talento de saber identificar red flags tem que estar no sangue de qualquer homem que se preze, só assim ele conseguirá despertar da matrix e ter o seu primeiro contato com o mundo real e toda a sua podridão, ⁣nesse vídeo eu abordo algumas das red flags mais letais que existem, é o básico para não cair no conto das unicórnios e honradinhas, eu coloquei um Bônus no final que pode salvar a vida de muitos homens que estão tentando escapar de retaliações devido a um termino de relacionamento, liberte-se e seja MGTOW, se quiser.

O QUE É MGTOW |  Tudo sobre o estilo de vida
O QUE É MGTOW | Tudo sobre o estilo de vida MGTOW Laser 64 Views • 3 years ago

Sempre lanço primeiro no youtube, la a qualidade de imagem esta em HD, aos irmãos que quiserem se inscrever para receber o conteudo primeiro, segue o link do canal no youtube:
⁣O que é MGTOW? Nesse vídeo você vai saber tudo sobre esses estilo de vida que esta se tornando cada vez mais popular entre os homens, você esta curioso? Quer saber como um MGTOW age e o que pensam?
Assista o vídeo e descubra o mundo dos homens que seguem seu próprio caminho, homens que despertaram para a verdade sobre os relacionamentos modernos e suas armadilhas, entenda como o estilo de vida MGTOW funciona na vida dos homens, MGTOW é feminismo ao contrário? Ser MGTOW é bom? assista o vídeo e descubra por si mesmo, essa é apenas a entrada, se inscreva no canal e ative o Sininho para que eu te mostre até onde vai a toca do coelho, lembre se, estou te oferecendo apenas a verdade, nada mais.
Seja bem vindo ao canal!!

Zecacast #4: Talvez a hipergamia não seja o problema
Zecacast #4: Talvez a hipergamia não seja o problema Zeca Urubu de Cabelo Rapado na Lateral 33 Views • 3 years ago

[Reupado do Youtube: ⁣

1) Aos 03:57, eu disse que o Dr. Frankenstein é o homem mangina, as experiências científicas dele são as ações dos manginas na sociedade e o Frankenstein é a modernete (ou seja, repeti o "Frankenstein"). Na verdade, o monstro é que é a modernete.
2) Aos 07:03, dei um exemplo ruim de hipergamia masculina. O que citei de exemplo poderia até ser um tipo de hipergamia, mas não é adequado, pois assumi que você não teria compromisso/relacionamento prévio nem com a 10/10 nem com a "feia". Logo, você estaria se guiando pela atração, o que não configuraria necessariamente hipergamia. Considere, então, o seguinte exemplo: você está num relacionamento com uma mulher que você considera "mediana" e aparece uma que você considera mais interessante. Se não houvesse um "freio" em você, vocẽ tenderia a trocar a atual pela nova. Nesse caso, a hipergamia se configuraria de forma mais clara.
3) Os "freios" que citei (religião, leis e sociedade) também se aplicam (ou se aplicavam) à hipergamia masculina. A questão é que hoje, principalmente no campo das leis, quem está "freado" é o homem.

Contato: [email protected]

A Picadinha do Mal
A Picadinha do Mal M2GO Involuntário 76 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Canal Bitchute Atualizado:

Turkish Women - MGTOW
Turkish Women - MGTOW Sandman 330 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Farmer Sold Sheep To Pay For Wife's Plastic Surgery

Turkish man sues wife for battering him over cosmetic surgery

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Salvadorian MGTOW and he very briefly said Hi Sandman, Thanks for all you have done to help men. So with no topic I thought I'd discuss a story about a Turkish Sheppard that sold his flock of sheep to pay for his wife's plastic surgery to make her happy because that's what she wanted. They have three children and when his wife asked for plastic surgery he sold his flock at half price to pay for his wife Maryl's plastic surgery. He went onto Turkish television and complained about it broke down crying from what I hear. What's also incredible is that before her surgery she looked like a very traditional woman wearing a Burka and giving birth to three children before the age of 26. But as we all know between twenty and twenty-five are a woman's prime carousel riding years and she missed them. So I suspect she got thirsty for other men's hot beef injections and asked him for the surgery. I guess he didn't pass the shit test. Sorry I mean the sheep test. Now he's out back banging dolly while his ex wife is banging every man wearing a fez on both their big heads and little heads in Istanbul tonight. Unfortunately the Turkish Sheppard sold his whole flock so he can't turn Greek even if he wanted to. She is in Istanbul banging away and she even stopped wearing her Burka and probably wears a bikini instead to show off her new body. The moment the surgeries were finished she told him she was leaving him and moved to Istanbul. Ironically now he's cursing the day he agreed to the request as he was happy with the way that she looked in the first place. I'll discuss more in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways now back to the women wearing bikinis sitting next to women wear burkas Turkish clown world show. Turkey is an interesting country because Istanbul and much of the west is more modern and European when it comes to culture. But other parts of Turkey are still very Islamic and traditional. The president Erdogan is a very Patriarchal and traditional dude and he represents the shifting demographics in that country from secularism to Islamic Fundamentalism. That's what happens when you have a country where the traditional people have tons of kids and the secular people have maybe one or two at the most. At least that's what I thought. But when you hear about how a so called traditional family woman in Turkey gets plastic surgery and runs away from her family you know that stories like this are probably more common than you think. The Sheppard didn't understand that if he boosted his wife's sexual marketplace value that she would no longer be with him because now she could find better men. I wonder if she decided to take the kids to be corrupted in Istanbul too cutting them off from their father? Or if she just left them in the country to ride the old Constantinople cock carousel? No one teaches men that when a woman you're with in a long-term relationship improves her looks that odds are pretty good that she might be trying to monkey branch to someone else. Women on the other hand know this and project female intentions on their long term husbands and partners as if they are women. For example I found another story also in Turkey called: "Turkish man sues wife for battering him over cosmetic surgery" which I've also put a link to in the description. So a man named Hasan is suing his wife Emine for beating him after he had cosmetic surgery. He's a 40 year old man that works as a medical staffer at a hospital in Istanbul and he recently had botox treatment on his face. My thinking what that he probably wants to look good because he works with plastic surgeons?

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

What Is Next?
What Is Next? theredpath 24 Views • 3 years ago

My point of view about what is next, after Red Pill?

Stop Craving Validation Externally
Stop Craving Validation Externally Johnny_Cage 125 Views • 3 years ago


Robots Will Replace Women? - MGTOW
Robots Will Replace Women? - MGTOW Sandman 381 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
YouTube Channel

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman, I believe I might have an relatively interesting topic, we’ve had a life coaching session before and I remember you showing me what the loverbot would look like. Recently on steam I got a game called VRchat, I was memeing around in the game until I encountered one player who mentioned an app called lovense, what it does is that it allows for partners toys to connect to each other, and they can feel the motion of their partner as if they are having sex in person. I think their might be limits to this. What I’m curious about Sandman is that instead of focusing on the loverbot why not just focus on vr for your virtual sex system? There are already haptic suits for vr where you can feel the touch and vibrations of another person. Anyways sandman have a good day and I hope that your condition gets better with your silent reflux. Well Brian thanks for the donation and topic. I'm not 100% sure I've had silent reflux. Most likely it's at least partially a food allergy. Once I removed the foods the post nasal drip was gone. It's been awesome three and a half years and no so called reflux symptoms. But now something is changing and it may be actual reflux because there has been burning in my chest and gas. It seems to be stress related. So I've been trying very hard to reduce my stress so I don't get any new allergies and issues. As for the topic I'll walk you through my logic. I started wanting to use virtual reality and augmented reality and project 3d Rendered women with AI on a green doll and then allow guys to sleep with it and it would look exactly like a real woman. I was sorely disappointed with the technology. It probably won't be ready for another five to ten years at least. So I kept working to reduce my virtual sex systems' complexity one step at a time and also realized that no matter how lifelike and sexy the doll is guys want to interact with a real woman in one form or another. I'll discuss why robots will actually never replace real women in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lord Bogdanoff: Anyways, now back to the Sandman's master plan to rule the world clown world show. Brian your ideas are all really good. I've already traveled down those roads. The first thing I did was head off to a company that photographs people with fifty to one hundred cameras simultaneously and compiles a 3d image of them and then uses a 3d printer to print their heads and bodies and you can purchase tiny statues that are 3d printed that look like you. I was going to use their services and photograph a nude woman and have her image that I could work with to put into an augmented reality system that would allow the user to put on the glasses and have her projected on a doll. Another problem I ran into is that Augmented reality like Hololens and now Hololens 2 have issues when projecting onto a real object. There tends to be a lag. At least there was with hololens 1. It would mean the projected woman on a doll would not pass the uncanny valley test.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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Fuck The Facts - Mgtow
Fuck The Facts - Mgtow Zuberi87 176 Views • 3 years ago

For (DONATIONS). Visit my channel. The Paypal icon/link is on the upper right side of the screen.

Games & Rants (6/7/21) Is This What Ya'll Meant By "Stop Asian Hate?"
Games & Rants (6/7/21) Is This What Ya'll Meant By "Stop Asian Hate?" Grim Lord's Games & Rants 30 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Astalon Tears Of The Earth

HMT 167 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 102 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Click on the link of you own FREE WILL. You've been warned!

CRAZY BUZZFEED FEMINSTS Get TRIGGERED And Claim Women Are OPPRESSED On The Internet! KEEPER 278 Views • 3 years ago


DISCLAIMER: This video is made under the context of satire and comedy. I do not condone the harassment or bullying of any party/parties mentioned in the video!






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Msol, o espantalho MGTOW
Msol, o espantalho MGTOW MGTOW_Alfa 159 Views • 3 years ago

Em hipótese alguma defendo qualquer tipo de relação com mulheres principalmente MSOL, não sei se isso ficou nítido no video!

Pregnant But Still Dating LOL - MGTOW
Pregnant But Still Dating LOL - MGTOW Sandman 266 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

"Pregnant but don't let that put you off"

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Marco. This is the first of two videos I've dedicated with his donation. I found a post on Reddit called: "Pregnant but don't let that put you off" and here's what a woman named Megan says on a dating site and I quote: "Hi, I might have EUPD or emotionally unstable personality disorder, anxiety, depression and paranoia but will still try and be your love. I've been through loads of trouble in my life but am ready to move on and make a fresh start with the right person. I'm currently pregnant but don't let that put you off." unquote. How sweet a 19 year old woman that's enjoyed loads of Jizz at 19 and still has room for yours. I'll discuss this story as well as more dating options for simps looking for women with buns in the oven and why a lot of guys will actually go for someone like her. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back to the I'm pregnant with another man's baby will you marry me clown world show? I'm really surprised that this 19 year old woman Megan is being honest about having a bun in the oven. If her belly doesn't show that she's pregnant I've heard many stories about women in such situations going out and sleeping around with successful men without protection and then tricking them into thinking that they were the ones that got her pregnant in the first place. Maybe she did that before she came clean about having a bun in her oven. Apparently there's even a website out there called Dating Pregnant Women dot com out there and I checked out the posts on there and there was one woman that said she's pregnant but that it didn't show. Meaning either that her pregnancy is early on and her body still has high sexual marketplace value or that she's not pregnant at all so she's tricking some simp into thinking that she is so that he will raw dog her roast beef meat curtains. I even found a crazy article called If you're dating while pregnant these 3 women know exactly how you're feeling. The article makes excuses for a women dating while pregnant like maybe they hired a sperm donor or that she's carrying a baby for her friends that are a gay male couple and intends on passing the baby onto somebody else. Those are the excuses but the truth is that women's biology pushes them to seek out a provider protector for their offspring. Usually the deal is that you are the one that gets to pass on your genes. Nineteen year old megan looks hot from the photo I saw on her profile and I'm sure that there are tons of simps out there with money in their late twenties and thirties that would never be able to get a woman like her if she wasn't pregnant. They might be thinking to themselves that they can convince her to get an abortion and she might just do that if she attracts a man with tons of money. But the most likely situation is that she's still trying to cash in on her slightly used snatch for support. The man she got pregnant with either doesn't want her or the baby but she knows she's going to get some child support from him. But it would be great if she had another man providing financial support too. I've known guys I went to high school with that got their girlfriends pregnant while in school and married them and had kids. This girl is 19 so she probably figured that her high school sweetheart was willing to throw his life away on her too. But he figured out that if you're 19 years old and you don't have more of an education than high school you're kind of screwed. A woman that's pregnant is signalling that she needs help from outside and most men are white knights so many will rush to the aid of a pregnant lady in the hopes of having kids of their own with her one day.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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Brootal Indian Girl Picks Low Tier White Guy Over High Value Currycels
Brootal Indian Girl Picks Low Tier White Guy Over High Value Currycels Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 449 Views • 3 years ago

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HMT 166 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 101 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Legit International HMT!

The TFM Show: 6/5/2021
The TFM Show: 6/5/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,828 Views • 3 years ago

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Não existem vítimas do feminismo!
Não existem vítimas do feminismo! MGTOW_Alfa 78 Views • 3 years ago


Virginity Is A Social Construct LOL - MGTOW
Virginity Is A Social Construct LOL - MGTOW Sandman 310 Views • 3 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
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Titania McGrath

LOL What do you think Gentlemen

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, You can pick whatever subject you wish to talk about. I do however want to thank you for everything you do to help men worldwide against the Feminist, Marxist, Communist agenda. Please keep up the dedicated work you do. PS: When are we going to get another MGTOW gathering of multiple creators town hall meeting?" Well Trump Nuken thanks for the donation and ongoing support. I thought I'd read a random woman's comments about women's sexuality to some random guy. What I found on Reddit I've linked to down below. So here goes and I quote: "The Vagina does not become "loose" if you have alot of sex. Ever wondered why men say a woman who has slept with a 100 men have a "loose: vagina, but a woman who slept with the same man a 100 times doesn't? Me Too! This is simply a slut-shaming tactic, it isn't true. Virginity is a social construct, and how many people you've had sex with is nobody's business, and it doesn't determine your worth. The vagina can push out an entire baby and go back to its normal size, a dick won't change shit. Birth control isn't only for avoiding pregnancy. I had painful periods as a teenager, had all horrible side effects you could think of. My mom suggested that I try birth control. Her suggestion made me uncomfortable, I associated birth control with having sex, and I hadn't had sex before at that age. She explained that you can go on birth control even if you aren't sexually active. She was absolutely right. There's many reasons why a woman would choose to go on birth control, preventing pregnancy is only one of many. Also penetrative sex isn't the only way to have sex. This annoys me a lot. As a bisexual woman, I've been asked numerous times how two women have sex. They never ask how two men have sex, why? Because a dick is involved. This is especially irritating considering that only 20% of women are able to orgasm that way. To clarify, sex isn't just being able to orgasm either. But it annoys me that many men ignore the part that makes women reach climax, and won't consider it sex. Sex is so much more than just penetration, have fun with it explore." unquote. Well I'll get to sassy sallies virginity is just a social contract comments in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyway now back the 100 men creaming up one cooch and the woman that owns it is still a virgin clown world show. Of course virginity isn't just a social construct. There have been scientific studies out there showing that a woman can't bond with a man emotionally, increasing the chances of a long-term relationship working out after three or four men. Plus the more guys a woman sleeps with the higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases. Especially things like genital warts and HPV which are transmitted even with the use of condoms. Not to mention that there is a ton of emotional baggage from all of her prior relationships that woman that has had sex with many different dudes that you have to deal with. This woman is a used cooch salesman and she's trying to talk up the one asset that women have to bargain with. If that's all you had you'd be talking up your book of sexual business while simultaneously pretending like it's no big deal if her hairy derrier gets pounded into roast beef and stretched out in a human parachute for men's private parts. The size of the Vag and how stretched out it is is only part of the equation. As for why men prefer a woman with only one or two previous partners instead of is because it proves she's not a slut and willing to give it away for next to nothing and is a cheap woman. Also because the odds are that the one man she slept with wasn't as big as the other 100 that she was with. It's a statistics game. When you blow through a hundred guys, pun intended, one of them is going to be hiding a ten inch monster in his boxers.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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HMT 165 RPM REDPILLMARRIED 98 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Must've been a pirate in another life.
Article: https://womenvoicesnewspaper.o....rg/man-39-chops-up-w

Suck A D Biden No Mask On Vegas Monorail
Suck A D Biden No Mask On Vegas Monorail Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 131 Views • 3 years ago


Contra Versão 16 - VAI TODO MUNDO MORREEEEEEEEEER OncaBlindada 44 Views • 3 years ago

Mas o que é isso?! O que é isso aqui?! <br>Histerias, bonequismo, dieta comunista do Viriato, Índiopill, Seu Ernane betando um coco e vivendo como mendigo, Inteligência Artificial e engenharia social e muito mais. <br> <br>Dessa vez não caprichei na thumbnail porque era muita informação. Na próxima vai ficar top (assim seja)

Hot Russian Woman - MGTOW
Hot Russian Woman - MGTOW Sandman 262 Views • 3 years ago

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⁣Video of Irina's suicide:
News Article regarding Irina:

News Article regarding Irina:

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I've been watching your videos for around a year now on Bitchute and thought it was time to start donating. I don't know if this qualifies as much of a topic but I wanted to hear your opinion about a video that was posted there about half a year ago. It shows a woman, Irina Slavina who was an editor-in-chief for a Russian independent news site known as "Koza Press". She committed suicide by self-immolation following a police raid in a probe "targeting an opposition group". Apparently the police had confiscated much the gear she used for her job it's assumed that this was what prompted her to commit such a violent act of suicide. Aside from the disturbing video I've attached to this message, I'm even more disturbed that a woman like this was willing to leave behind her family over the whole thing. Surely she knew what she was getting into and part of me is left wondering if this was some kind of publicity stunt she was trying to pull in response to the raid - thinking someone would stop her from going through with it in time and causing a big enough scene to gain attention. Clearly it didn't end that way and another part of me thinks that maybe she did intend to go through with it to such a violent end, hoping to get the same outcome either way. Either way, she ended up leaving behind a husband, a daughter and other family members, and with this disturbing footage of her last moments on this earth. Either way, I can't help but feel that it was rather selfish and overall thoughtless of her to do this regardless of what she stood for. But that's just my opinion on the matter I'd like to hear yours." Well John thanks for the donation and topic. I've included the link to Irina having a hot time in all of my posts except the one on YouTube. They would have a problem with it. For those of you that want to watch it please be aware it's pretty disturbing in an Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru way from Star Wars kind of way. Before I discuss my thoughts about this hot Russian woman that went to flames to protest what the Russian police had done to her let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me the Sandman: Anyways now back to the Russian doll clown world show. Just for shits and giggles someone should create a Bubushka doll of Irina where as you get closer the doll in the middle each one is progressively more on fire and burning up until you eventually get to the tiny one in the middle that's just colored black. I can understand why people in Russia like her are pissed off that their political voices can't be heard. There is no real democracy in Russia because Putin is at the top. He's a former secret police guy and while in the west you get to choose between the puppet on the left and the puppet on the right in much of the world you have defacto dictators. But regardless of what people say I like Putin because he's going his own way and not getting married. Although there are rumor of him having a couple of kids with a gymnist. In much of the west, until Trump was elected people had the illusion of choice with regards to political power and the left and the right are always fighting each other and the people that say they are in the middle are the people that have begun to realise that that the real battle is not between the left and right but between us and the elites. In Russia the strong man Putin and his men rule by force and they don't care if they hurt women are not. Even a woman setting herself on fire won't phase them. I'm thinking that Irina probably thought that her actions might fire up, no pun intended, other activists and journalists to rise up in opposition against Putin. But Russia is not like the west.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Jay Cutler Deserves HALF!!! RPM
Jay Cutler Deserves HALF!!! RPM REDPILLMARRIED 93 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Turnabout IS fair play!

At least You Still Seem to Give A Rat's Ass About me
At least You Still Seem to Give A Rat's Ass About me Francis_UD 10 Views • 3 years ago

Filmed on ⁣04/07/2020 AEST during exile/homelessness in China

Las Vegas Airport No Mask
Las Vegas Airport No Mask Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 203 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Download the new Android app from here

The Black Manosphere Is Bad? - MGTOW
The Black Manosphere Is Bad? - MGTOW Sandman 298 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Stop Censorship--defeat Bill C-10.

NYPD Deploys "Creepy" New Robot Dog In Manhattan

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mike and here's what he has to say "Hey Sandman, I would like you to talk about Oshay Duke Jackson and a little about Donavan Sharp. This isn’t an attack but just a little history lesson. I am the co founder of the negromanopshere. I used to go by the name CanadianAsianDude on YouTube. I suggested MinisterJap to start a website where black men would collectively communicate and work together. Then Oshay Duke Jackson started a website and the negromanosphere was born but the website had a problem. They were getting too much traffic so the server was crashing. Oshay didn’t know what he was doing so I recommended a Canadian one. I gave him a few ideas
and donated a lot of money. The total amount was around $550 Canadian. Then I saw some black men on the website attacking MGTOW. I didn’t say anything at first but they just didn’t stop. I complained to Oshay Duke Jackson and I told him I wanted my money back because I didn’t donate for black men to attack MGTOW. Oshay Duke Jackson offered my money back but the guy never gave my money back. Oshay has no honour and before he was making a lot of money from Patreon and YouTube he was jealous of other people’s success. He should refund my money. He is going to claim I am jealous but I am not, he also worships Kevin Samuels. All I care about is that I get money back. The negopmanosphere’s co founder is an Asian MGTOW. LOL." Well Mike thanks for the donation and topic. Sorry I couldn't use your suggested title which was originally "Oshay Duke Jackson Owes CanadianAsianDude Money and He is the co founder of the negromanosphere." I also thought about calling this video "The Black Manosphere Was Created By An Asian Man?" But I can't corroborate your story on that. But I'll take your word for it. I'll share my thoughts about your situation in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the black manosphere about to attack the Sandman show. First off my experience with the black guys in the manosphere has been good. I was on Coach Greg Adams show and he shared some of his super chat donations with me. I also promoted Sean James' books on my channel and that was a productive relationship too. Marcus A Brown was one of the first guys that donated to my channel back when I started taking video requests in early 2014. I've also had countless talks with highly educated and high IQ black males mostly in the United States. My conclusion is that I don't believe that racism has to do with skin color as much it has to do with culture and intelligence. Don't think I haven't seen how the CIA has been watering down black culture and promoting drug culture. It's been trying separate black culture from white culture Black culture, especially music has been the most influencial over the last 70 years and was the driving force behind rock and roll, disco, electronic music and so much more. Recently I heard criticism about Donavon Sharpe from Undead Chronic and how Terrence Popp shouldn't do business with him. Both TFM and myself thought that the two collaborating was a good thing even if they were charging thousands of dollars for courses.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Games & Rants (6/5/21) Women and Married Men In MGTOW? It's Definitely Happening.
Games & Rants (6/5/21) Women and Married Men In MGTOW? It's Definitely Happening. Grim Lord's Games & Rants 46 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Anima Gate Of Memories

Yes, married men and women have found their way into the mgtow sphere. What does this mean for the future? Should we just open the doors and let everyone in? Find out what I think in this video. Dead Penetration is also here as a co-host, with an additional guest in Invader TAK.

Want to be a part of the conversation? Join Our Discord! We have waifus!

Games & Rants (6/4/21) Asian Women Are STILL Not The Way! But Maybe Robot Waifus Are?
Games & Rants (6/4/21) Asian Women Are STILL Not The Way! But Maybe Robot Waifus Are? Grim Lord's Games & Rants 47 Views • 3 years ago

Game: Fearmonium

Tonight I will be talking about yet another instance in the manosphere where white, tall and intelligent (you may not think so, but I have an average IQ of 120) men like myself are being encouraged to find waifus in southeast Asia. I cannot count how many videos I made about this damn topic and now everyone else is jumping on the boat several months later. I think I'm gonna have to hide the location of my crystal ball.

However, China's DS Doll (EX Robotics) is doing some fun things with Yolanda (rolls eyes) one of their new robo-waifu Disney animatronic things. So maybe that will be a more preferred method. You know, unless you want kids running around and I personally don't.

Some Incels & Possibly Also MGTOWs Might Have Concealed Some Darker Truths About Themselves
Some Incels & Possibly Also MGTOWs Might Have Concealed Some Darker Truths About Themselves Francis_UD 32 Views • 3 years ago

#Incels StatusQuo

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They Will NOT Be Coming Back In Good Faith. RPM
They Will NOT Be Coming Back In Good Faith. RPM REDPILLMARRIED 196 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Be EXTREMELY WARY of an EX reaching out to you now.

Showing 229 out of 230